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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:06 pm
by KarenEvans

“Don’t worry, Iz. Our daughter will grow up in a house full of love. That’s all that really matters.”

"I know." I reply softly and shimmer us back in to my apartment on to my bed. It seems like ages since I was last here when in fact it was only a couple of days ago. "I really feel like a good hot bath but I think I need to reat for a bit."

Laying my head on the pillow and turning on to my side I look at Alex, "I thought we could name her Alyssa. Do you like that name? And do you have any you like?"

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:13 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Liz looks to me almost wildly and grabs my hand so savagely that it pinches my palm. What is that digging into my flesh. A silver band! Is that what I think it is? Oh my god!? Why didn't she tell me? Hurt fills my features but I concentrate on her request. "Can you feel him?" What am I a magic eight ball empath. I can't just wiggle my nose and feel whoever I want. Still it's Liz so I try for her sake. "Is he in pain? Is he ok?" She pleads her breath coming out in sharp uneven pants.

She's got to calm down before she gives herself an anxiety attack. "Please he ok?" Her begging breaks my heart so I close my eyes tightly concentrate on all things Max. The most poignant his love for Liz and how it never waivers even in the most dire of circumstances. That all familar tingle rushes through my veins and the warmth accompanies it. "He's alright." I open my eyes and look into those brown depths of worry and concern. "He's been summoned. The Elder's have him."

I don't know if that eased her pain or worsened it. "Don't worry. I don't think they mean him any ill harm. In fact all I can get from him is pride and deep joy. Also power. I believe they ar restoring his powers." That's unbelievable. It must have been because of his jump. Sacraficing himselg in the name of love or something or another. I can't know for certain. I just sense the emotions not the actions. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:27 pm
by madroswellfan
She looks...hurt. Why is she....

Oh shoot. The ring. I wanted to tell everyone together... I wanted it to be a surprise when all this was over... But right now I have other things to think of. Like whether there will actually be a wedding.

I watch her close her eyes... and its like I can hardly breathe. Oh God please... please don't let it be... I need him. I need Max.

"He's alright."
A whoosh of air is let out of my lungs and I watch as she opens her eyes and looks at me. Oh God there's more...

"He's been summoned. The Elder's have him."
I know my eyes are widening. Oh GOD. Why?! Why have they taken him?! He's not... they haven't... Please Goddess no...

"Don't worry. I don't think they mean him any ill harm. In fact all I can get from him is pride and deep joy. Also power. I believe they ar restoring his powers."
I look at her confused. "Wh...what?" I say quietly. He's getting his powers back.
He's alive.

I can't help but launch myself at her, even in my weakened state and pull her into a tight hug. "Thank you" I say quickly as tears continue flowing down my face. Except this time they flow in relief. I stay there holding her for a monent before pulling back slightly and looking at her closely. "Maria... please don't be mad I... it all happened so fast. He proposed just before the whole wedding thing in the past and then we had the apocalypse to deal with..." I swallow hard and murmur, "I was going to tell you all together."

I bite my lip and look at her, wondering if shes thinking about the curse. Because I sure am. Everyday I it going to get him too. "Maria... please say your happy for me..." I say worriedly, looking deep into her eyes.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:48 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Her tone soft and reassuring soothes my tension away. Isabel’s going to make a wonderful mother. "I know." That weightless feeling comes over me and when I open my eyes I find that she has shimmered us to her bed in her apartment. "I really feel like a good hot bath but I think I need to rest for a bit." I nod letting her know that whatever she wants is fine with me.

She attempts to get more comfortable and I aide her in that endeavor by wrapping my arms carefully around her waist. “I thought we could name her Alyssa. Do you like that name? And do you have any you like?” I contemplate that one and then grin broadly. Little Allie. “ I think Alyssa is a beautiful name. Where did you come up with it?” I inquire a tad curious. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:01 pm
by KarenEvans

Feeling content, happy and secure in Alex's embrace I move closer to him,so that my hands are the only things between our chests,I think Alyssa is a beautiful name. Where did you come up with it?” Smiling broadly I tell him, "I just thought that it had a little bit of both our names in it plus it's a pretty name. Alyssa Whitman has a nice ring to it." Keeping quiet for a moment just listening to our steady breathing I realise that I just want a simple life. No more fighting no more danger, just Alex, Alyssa and me and may be one more baby in the future. "Alex...I don't want to be this way any more. I am beginning to hate it. I want to do something about it. We can't live this way, not when we're bringing a child in to the world."

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:05 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Overjoyed she throws herself into my arms. I stumble a bit but manage to balance us both.” Thank you" Tears flow freely and cascade down her lovely cheeks. She’s just thankful that he’s alive and I can’t blame her. Everyday I was away from Michael I feared for his life. Now I’ve been back for several hours and we still haven’t managed to even speak to one another. Where is he? Is he still up on the watch tower? Were his wounds more fatal then I realized?

Fear ebbs through my features ,but I speak not a word. I won’t worry until there’s just cause. My sister mumbles apologetically "Maria... please don't be mad I... it all happened so fast. He proposed just before the whole wedding thing in the past and then we had the apocalypse to deal with..." She swallows harshly and I can tell this is difficult for her. I guess I have to cut her some slack. It’s been a rough time for all of us

.” I was going to tell you all together." She bites her bottom lip and I feel the guilt coming off her in fervent waves. Sometimes being an Empath really sucks. "Maria... please say your happy for me..." She pleads with a hurt in her heart so deep it causes me to shudder. “Of course I am.” I reply with a honest smile. “I’m entirely happy for you. I wish you all the joy in the world.” I hold her tightly hoping she understands the truth behind the gesture. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:31 pm
by madroswellfan
“Of course I am.” she says with a smile. “I’m entirely happy for you. I wish you all the joy in the world.”

I can't help but smile at her back. She always did know the perfect thing to say. I sigh. "Thank you...again..." I pull her into another sisterly hug, but my thoughts are entirely on whether this curse will get him. I mean...what if it does. I won't be able to breathe. And I won't be able live. I would jump after Max if he had fallen... if Maria and Tess weren't here. I couldn't leave them. It would break they're hearts.

Still hugging, I murmur in her ear, "Maria... what if he... what if we can't break it?" I ask, not knowing how else to put it. She's my sister... she will know what I mean.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:05 pm
by Lizzie_Parker17
OOC: Hey everyone! Max is here! Sorry it took so long to post. I was reading the last few threads trying to see where Max was. I think I've got an idea. So here we go...I don't really know what the elders place is supposed to look like or how many of them there are so Im just gonna wing it and leave that a little vague.

Max Evans

I awoke in a panic! Where is Liz? Is she alright? The last thing I remembered was her being flung off the clocktower by the source before jumping right off after her. A small smile forms at my lips.
Thats love for ya!
I hadn't realized - even for a second that jumping off something that high could very well end my "immortal" life.

I sat up expecting to feel excrutiating pain all over my body from the fall, but I felt nothing. Either I didn't come to a big splat on the ground, or this was what the after life looked like. I looked around and took in my surrondings. Finally realization dawned on me.

I was with the elders.

Either I had passed their test and would be rewarded...or I had failed it miserably - and would be put out of my misery.
As I stood up to await my fate my thoughts drifted to Liz...a life without her wouldn't be worth living anyways. I prayed that she was alright. That by some miracle she was saved. I had faith! She was strong.

I steeled myself as I awaited my fate. Unconsciously clenching my fists at my side.

"Max Evans." A booming voice called to me

"Yes" I replied to them. there was a long pause as if they were trying to lengthen my agony

"You have proved your love is true. You will be rewarded. Let your mind go blank."

I was stunned into silence, but I did as they said, and soon I felt a great power inhabit my body leaving me buzzing. Power vibrating through every inch of me. I closed my eyes, and finally I could feel her again.
"Thank you" I nodded to the elders before orbing back home...back to Liz.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:14 pm
by madroswellfan
I swallow hard as suddenly I feel something... a buzzing...
I stand up. "Max?" He's here... I know it. I can feel it. He's here. He's alive. He's alive!!!

"Max..." I say grinning. And then I see the light as he appears before me. I gasp out in happiness before running at him. But I'm still not feeling strong so I trip those last few steps...and fall into his arms.

"Max..." My hand gently touches his cheek and I smile through my tears. I quickly seal my lips to his hungrily, wanting to check this wasnt a dream. I kiss him needingly for a moment before breaking away and looking at him. "You fool!" I say laughing through my tears. "Why did you jump huh?! What if I hadn't of used my powers...what if they hadn't saved you?!" I say worriedly. "God Max... don't ever leave me again!" I say before sealing my lips to his once more.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 1:13 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Wonderful Max post Lizzie_Parker17. Welcome Aboard!!!

My beautiful bride flashes me a warm loving smile before revealing, "I just thought that it had a little bit of both our names in it plus it's a pretty name. Alyssa Whitman has a nice ring to it." It sure does. We ease into a comfortable silence. I just allow myself to revel in how wonderful it feels to hold her safe in my arms. We have had to many close calls here lately. Is this how it’s always going to be? My wife going to fight life and death battles for the good of man kind.

While I wait at home worrying for her return home and then sheltering her in my embrace under some false notion that I am protecting her. I don’t know that I can do it. As if those were her own thoughts she pipes up, "Alex...I don't want to be this way any more. I am beginning to hate it. I want to do something about it. We can't live this way, not when we're bringing a child in to the world." I nod in silent agreement. I just don’t know what to do about it. “We could leave. ” I suggest softly.

“We don’t have to live right next to the center of a powerful magical source of energy. Like it or nor living next to Tess, Liz, and Maria…” I change my wording because it isn’t the girls themselves that have put me in danger. “The Charmed ones have made my life more interesting to say the least ,but also knowing them is risky. I don’t regret having befriended them, I love each and every single one of them deeply ,but I can’t look over the fact that their lives will always be complicated and on the edge of the next apocalypse.

Our doesn’t have to be. I realize there will need to be some allowances made for the fact that our child could have powers of some kind. I understand and accept that ,but I want to give her as normal of a childhood as we can. She deserves that.”
I close my eyes waiting for her thoughtful repsonce. If she wants to stay we'll stay ,but I think this would be best. At least for now. :wink: