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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 5/21/17

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 7:54 am
by keepsmiling7
I bet Max will be more expressive with his feelings in the future now.
After all, Liz has the upper hand!
Love it,

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 18 5/21/17

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:37 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Max will make sure that Liz has no doubts about how he feels from now on.

Part 19

Max walked into the office of Lord Parker. Jeffrey looked at him and smiled.

"What can I do for you my prince?" Asked Jeffrey
"I am here to issue you a warning. This will be your only warning. If I find out that you have hit any woman like you did to Liz, I will make sure that is the last thing you do." Said Max
"You're highness, I don't know what you are talking about."
"Don't lie! I know that you hit Liz the morning she moved into the palace."
"Elizabeth, has no respect for me! She needs to learn that she can't do whatever she wants! That she needs to listen when a man tells her what to do! I was just trying to install the discipline into her to be a good wife."
"When Liz and I marry she will be my equal. I will treat her with the respect that she deserves. I know that she will do the same for me."
"You're highness, my daughter is far to independent for her own good."
"That is you opinion. But if I hear you have hurt either of your daughters or even your wife again you will pay do I make myself clear?"
"Yes you're Highness."

Max turned and walked out of Lord Parker's office.


Liz walked through the capital city with her guards around her. She hated that this was now part of her life. While up until she left for school she had, had one guard when she would take trips into the city, she was able to deal with it because it was what she was use too. But now she would always have no fewer then four guard with her when she left the palace grounds. She was heading to a dress shop to get a new dress to Ava's wedding. Though her dress for her brothers wedding in a couple of months was being made by her family's personal dressmaker. Then there would be her own wedding dress being made by the Royal dressmakers. There was not enough time to make her dress for Ava's wedding do to Sean wanting a quick wedding. Liz walked into one of the high end dress shops and headed right for the formal dresses. She was looking at a dark blue dress with fancy bead work when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and smiled at her brother's betrothed.

"Hi Carolyn."
"Hi Liz. Is everything OK with you and the prince?"
"Yes. Max was stupid and didn't write me while I was at school. So I wasn't to happy with him. He finally made it up to me last night and I forgave him."
"But you are never going to forget are you?"
"Nope. So you here looking for a dress for Sean and Ava's wedding?"
"Yeah. I don't get why Sean wants such a quick wedding."
"Well I don't know him well seeing he is so much older. But my guess he wants to make sure he has an heir."
"But why does poor sweet Ava have to end up with him? I mean he is such a cold man."
"I don't know. All I know is that Ava was not his first choice. I was. But by the time he went to my father I was already promised to Max."
"When did your father sign the contract?"
"I was five. Max was seven."
"It was around that time I got promised to your brother."
"Are you OK with marrying Chris?"
"I have come to terms with it. There are far worse men I could have ended up with."
"Chris will treat you well. He is nothing like my father. He is warm and loving. Not like my cold hearted bastard of a father."
"When it was announced that was when you learned of your engagement wasn't it?"
"Yes. Though Max did try and drop hints. But I didn't put not together until it was announced."
"My father told me two years ago about mine. Chris told me about yours a week before the ball."
"Carolyn, we did not see each other until the ball, and I would never blame you. It was not your place to tell me. It was my parents. I understand why my mother didn't say anything. My father is very controlling. Max was under orders from his father."
"If you had been told before the ball how would you have reacted?"
"I would have been happy. I love Max. I have for a long time."
"That is a good thing."
"Yes it is."


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 5/22/17

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 6:15 am
by Natalie36
glad jeff got a speaking to

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 5/22/17

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:51 am
by keepsmiling7
Good for Lord Jeffrey will know that Liz will be Max's equal when they are married.
Liz has lots of dresses to have made......

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 19 5/22/17

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Jeffrey now knows that he better never cross Max.

Carolyn Yes Jeffrey now knows that Liz will be treated as Max's equal.

Part 20

Max walked through the garden and smiled when he found Liz sitting under a tree reading. He walked over to her and smiled.

"May I join you my lady?"
"Of course my prince."

Max sat down next to Liz and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"I missed speeding time like this with you Max."
"Me too."
"Max, I know that you went to see my father."
"Liz, I will not put up with any man hurting someone I care about. That means your father. I gave him a warning. He knows if he lays a hand on you, Serena or your mother and I find out about it he will pay the price."
"You do know that he will never change."
"Yes I know. But the fact is my father doesn't put up with men that abuse women either."
"I know. I grew up with you."
"True. So Liz how did your shopping trip go?"
"Very well. I got my dress for Ava's wedding. Oh and I ran into Carolyn Valenti."
"How is Carolyn?"
"She is doing well. In fact she and Maria have started to become closer."
"It's about time."
"I know. She asked me what Chris is like."
"What did you tell her about him?"
"That he is great and will treat her right."
"Yeah he will. Liz, are you really OK that we are going to be married?"
"Yes Max. You are the only one that I want to marry."
"That's good. You are the only one I want to marry."

Max leaned over and kissed Liz. She returned the kiss happy to be with the only man she would ever love.


Serena walked in the temple garden as then sun started to set. She hated being away from her family and that she would miss her friend Ava's wedding. Though she knew that Ava was not happy that she would be stuck marrying Lord Sean DeLuca. Sean was not known for being kind to anyone.

"Child what is on your mind?" Asked her mentor
"I worry about a friend of mine. She is to marry next month."
"Marriage is a grand thing child. You will marry before long."
"I know. But my friend is not happy with the man she will marry."
"Serena, Lady Ava is going to be find. Lord DeLuca will not harm her. For if our prince learns he has harmed her he will pay a high price."
"How do you know?"
"The last step in your training is going to be forming a connection with the granalith. It will then show you the things you need to know to help our future King and Queen what you need to guide them."
"Why have I been chosen for this task Elder Gathron?"
"We each have been chosen for different rolls in life. I knew the day your sister Elizabeth was born that she would one day be chosen to be the next Queen of our people. That she even with her fiery temper will help led us to great things. Prince Maxwell is very calm, unless someone he loves is in danger. Your sister lights a spark into him. A spark that he needs to be a great King. Have you noticed no matter how unpleased Elizabeth is with Maxwell she never does more then drop snow or water on him. She may put on a show with thunder and lighting around him. But she would never hurt him."
"I know. Though our father felt the worse of the storms she has ever made."
"Your father, has done many things wrong in regards to both you and your sister. Do you know the morning you left to return here that he hit your sister?"
"It was no more then a slap to her face. That is why she threw him from her room. The Prince has issued him a warning. Your mother, Elizabeth and yourself are now under his protection."
"How do I help Liz find her inner peace?"
"In time you will know."

Serena nodded and watched the elder leave. She closed her eyes and hoping that she would be shown the way.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 5/23/17

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 6:38 am
by max and liz believer
I love that Max stands up for Liz and for all other women that Jeffrey Parker might come into contact with. He seems to be exactly like Serena's mentor explains; calm, unless someone he loves is in danger. I love that Max and Liz are two opposites in temperament, but still both have really big hearts and will do what's right. They seem like the perfect couple to rule the planet.

Let's see if Jeffrey will keep control over his temper - that's probably the only thing Liz got from him (her temper). At least Liz's temper doesn't lead to evil acts. Only snow dropping and freezing water :roll: :mrgreen:

I bet that Carolyn is going to be happy with Chris once she gets to know him. At least if Chris is as nice as Liz says he is. And Liz seems to have a fairly good judgment of character, so she's probably right.

Poor Ava… Being married off to Sean. He seems like a horrible person.

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 5/23/17

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 9:20 am
by keepsmiling7
Glad the women are all now protected by the prince and his family.
Poor Ava is going to have a tough time with Sean I'm afraid/

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 5/23/17

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 11:16 am
by begonia9508
Finally, I read the unread parts and I loe it... especially Liz's powers are really great - I would like to have the power to change the weather when I want!

Thanks EVE

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 20 5/23/17

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:23 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Max is very protective of those he is close to. Liz is not only the woman he will marry but a very close friend. He also grew up with Serena so he thinks of her as a friend. Liz would never hurt anyone if she can help it. She and Max are like different sides of the same coin. Liz knows in her heart that once Carolyn gets to know Chris better she will be happy. Liz knows Chris really well, he is her older brother after all! Yes poor Ava!

Carolyn Yes all the women of the Parker family are now under the proction of the prince. Ava will not have an easy time being the wife of Sean.

Eve Glad that you are all caught up. Liz does have some very cool powers!

Part 21 One month later

Liz took Max's arm after he helped her out of the Royal transport. They walked into the home of Lord Sean DeLuca where his wedding to Lady Ava Harding would take place. She walked on Max's arm through the house to the ballroom where the wedding would take place. She looked around the house and noticed how dark it had been decorated. She had a feeling that it would not change once Ava moved in.

"Kind of gloomy in here isn't it?" Asked Max
"Yeah. I feel so bad for Ava."
"I know. But there is not much we can do."
"You're Highness, Lady Elizabeth so good you could come." Said Lord Harding coming up to them.
"Lord Harding we wouldn't have missed this." Said Max

Liz just remained silent. She had never like Lord Harding. There was something about him that sent a chill through her body.

"Lady Elizabeth, you look lovely tonight. If you weren't already wearing the prince's ring you might have a hard time keeping the single men away." Said Lord Harding
"Then it is a good thing that I am wearing this ring Lord Harding." Said Liz
"Excuse us Lord Harding. We need to find our seats. I believe the wedding will be starting soon." Said Max

Max led Liz over to their seats. Ten minutes later the wedding started. Liz watched Ava walk down the aisle on her father's arm. Liz could see sadness in her friend's eyes. She wished that there was something that she could do to something for her friend.


Ava looked into Sean's cold eyes and knew that her life was not going to be a happy one. He looked at her coldly as he said his vows. She said her vows knowing full well there was a chance that she would not be the only one he slept with. But he would hurt her if she even thought about being with anyone else. She had to fight not to turn away when Sean leaned down to give her a kiss to seal their marriage.


Liz watched Ava as she took her wedding dance with Sean. She could see the sadness in her friend's eyes. She wished that there was something she could do about it. She looked away and noticed her brother with Carolyn. She could see that Chris had feelings for his bethtothed. But unlike Serena could not pick up on them. Then there was Maria and Michael. They were getting along for once. Normally they fought like cats and dogs.

"You OK Liz?" Asked Max
"Yeah. I am little worried about Ava."
"Liz, I promise you that if I find out he is treating Ava poorly he will pay."
"I know. I heard about your visit to my father."
"He had no right to hit you. I will not put up with a member of the Royal Court being harmed by anyone. Not a husband or father."
"You do know I am able to defend myself."
"Yes. I also know that you will never hurt me on purpose. I may get wet or cold. But you won't hurt me."
"Max, I was hurt that you seemed to throw our friendship away."
"I promise never to do that again. I love you with my whole heart."
"I love you Max."


Chris looked at his sister with Max and smiled.

"Looks like they have worked out their issues." Said Carolyn
"Yeah they did. But just know my sister may have forgiven him, but will never forget!"
"I think I know Liz well enough to know that. So two months and we will marry." Said Carolyn
"Yeah, you OK with that?"
"Yes. I like you Chris. I hope that maybe one day we will love each other like Liz and Max seem too."
"Me too. Care, I promise you that I will always treat you like the smart, beautiful lady you are."
"Even if all I give you are daughters?"
"Care, I will love any children you give me. Weather they are sons or daughters."

Carolyn smiled at Chris knowing that she just might fall in love with him.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 21 5/24/17

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:31 am
by max and liz believer
I feel so sorry for Ava… But I'm comforted by the fact that Max will step in and end their marriage (at least, that's how I understood it) if Sean treats Ava badly. Some hope there.

I'm more and more certain that Chris and Carolyn will fall for each other. I mean, Chris has already taken the plunge, now Carolyn just has to realize what's "good for her" :roll:


- Jo