Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 15 - Updated 12/12/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Tommy is dead meat!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 15 - Updated 12/12/2017

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So Beth is starting to remember. Wonder what her doctor will tell her about it. Oh boy Tommy is a dead man. Hopefully Beth, Max, Maria will see each other before Max, Maria and kids leave for Roswell.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 15 - Updated 12/12/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Max needed to go home and get some good rest........but I'm glad he talked to Jake and found out what happened.
Maria said an interesting thing about Jake's bio father......."blood just keeps us alive" true, Michael has been the great father to Jake.
Beth is beginning to remember.......but I wish she'd go back to the hospital!!
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Reunion - Chapter 16 - 12/15/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“You really think this is your mother?” Dr. Serena Rogers asked Alexandra and Carrie as they sat in her office in front of the desk where Serena sat as she looked at the identical brunette twins at precisely 9:00 the next morning. Both were mirror images of each other and their mother. And now she was facing a printout of an old newspaper clipping that Alexandra had explained to her god mother that came from the internet. “It’s a bad image.”

“We know that of course,” Alexandra said. “But you can’t deny that the face strikes you as familiar. She looks like Mom does.” she asked.

“It’s certainty a theory,” Serena confirmed as she continued to look at the printout of the grainy newspaper clipping. “But you two do know that there is no name attached to this photograph.”

“We know,” Carrie said. “But didn’t Mom say she had some plastic surgery done due to her injuries” she asked. “So, while it might not be an exact match to the woman in the photograph. But there is certainty a lot of similarities.”

“They say everyone has a twin in this world,” Serena replied. “As both of you know from personal experience.”

“We know,” the twins said in unison. “But come on Aunt Serena, this is for our mother.”

“Well she did mention that the two of you were starting to get interested in your heritage and family history.” Serena asked.

“It’s for school but if it can help our mother then why not?” Alexandra asked. “It’s something that Mom hasn’t had since we were born, which is the truth about her past and maybe it can be the first step in regaining her memory.”

“It’s a long shot,” Serena said. “There were a lot of reasons she lost her memory, it’s just not going to come back just because she has a name and maybe has connected the dots to the past.”

“But doesn’t she have to start somewhere and isn’t there something you can do?” Carrie asked.

“Let me check on a few things okay,” Serena said as she conceded to the twins’ wishes and allowed a chance they might find something. Serena wasn’t so sure anything would come from it but added to Beth’s flash the night before. It made her wonder and, so she signed onto the twins’ unusual plan.

“Is there any way test our DNA and then post it on some kind of database to see if there are any hits or something like that?” Carrie asked.

“They did it when you both were born and with Beth. But no hits came from it,” Serena assured the twins. “You both and she are in the system. If something has come out of it; we would know.”

“Would you?” Carrie asked.

“Are you getting to be a conspiracy buff,” Serena laughed. “That is more your sister’s territory, isn’t it?” she asked Carrie.

“Isn’t it worth a new try?” Carrie asked. “If it could help Mom than what if it could help us find her family. Maybe we have a dad out there who would want us if he knew and best of all, would want Mom if he knew.”

“You two are good kids you know that,” Serena smiled. “Since you are minors, I can’t do anything without your mother’s approval. Even take blood tests or DNA.”

“So, we have to go to Mom for approval?” Alexandra asked.

“Yes.” Serena acknowledged.

“Is there any way we can get around this?” Carrie asked.

“Sorry girls but I am going to say no. You two are indeed minors and any medical decisions or testing needs to be approved by your official guardian and that is your mother. If I went behind her back; I could open myself to boat load of trouble.”

“We don’t want you to get in trouble,” Alexandra said.

“I can see you don’t,” Serena said as she looked at her watch and saw she had another patient coming. “Girls as much as I would love to continue our talk, I have another patient in a few minutes, so we have to end our discussion, so I can get ready.”

Alexandra nodded as she and Carrie got up from their chairs and walked to the door. Once out in the waiting room. Carrie turned to Alexandra and smiled.

“What?” Alexandra asked warily at her twin.

“I have an idea. I can’t discuss it here,” Carrie said as they left the doctor’s office, so they could walk to the bus station to head to New Haven.


“Did they leave?” Beth was asking as she was typing some patient notations into her computerized chart database. A patient had just left, and she had ten minutes before she had to start her rounds. So, she was taking the time to do her charts and check in with Serena about her mischievous twins. “What aren’t you telling me?”

She laughed at the response. “Okay. But I suspect that they aren’t finished with their mission. Knowing how independent those kids of mine are getting at only thirteen is telling me they could accomplish a lot without me knowing.” she sighed. “You told them you couldn’t do anything without my permission,” she asked. “Thank you. Even though we both know it’s the truth. They are minors after all. But those two are up to something and I don’t know what to think.” she smiled as she ended the call and went back to her typing.


“Are you crazy?” Alexandra asked her twin. Her crazed and outgoing twin was really outdoing herself this time. Compared with her studious approach to life; Carrie had always been on the wild side and ready to do anything to get something done. She would be a real handful when she got older. But now, all Alexandra could think as she looked at the piece of paper her sister had handed her as they boarded the bus to New Haven. “This is illegal.”

“No way they can catch us,” Carrie assured her sister. “Our little unique gifts are very handy.” she smiled. “And we don’t have to get Serena into trouble.”

“But come on Carrie,” Alexandra asked. “Mom is going to know she didn’t order any genetic testing to be done.”

“True,” Carrie said.

“This order has Mom’s name as the doctor requesting the testing to be conducted.” Alexandra said. “As much as I want these answers for our question, but this is plain crazy.”

“This is our best way,” Carrie said as she plotted their course of action.

“There is no way will they allow us to get it done without an adult with us at the clinic.” Alexandra pondered. “There is no way, no how.”

“It can work,” Carrie insisted. “It’s pretty simple. We just explain that Mom had to work, which is true.”

“If it backfires on us, don’t let me hear you say that no one warned you. Because you have to know this can only go bad for us Carrie.”

“Not if it gives us the results we desire.” Carrie smiled as the bus turned onto the highway and headed for New Haven. “Then it will be worth it. Maybe Mom will even thank us, if this gives her back her history, if not her memory.”


“The doctor is on the way to check you over,” Max said as he walked into his daughter’s hospital room. “One more check-up before she can sign the discharge papers.”

“When can we go home?” Grace asked. She needed out of this hospital and was looking forward to getting onto the plane and heading home to Roswell. She knew her father and booked tickets from the nearest airport to them. There would be no driving to Boston to catch a flight to New Mexico. Instead they would drive about to Hartford and catch a flight to Santa Fe and drive home to Roswell.

“Hopefully soon,” Max said.

“Where are Aunt Maria and Jake?” Grace asked as she got out of bed as she ached to get out of the bed. But she had to look like she had endured major surgery and was paying for it in her recovery. Instead of barely feeling any pain and waiting for her father to do the final healing session. Max had needed to take his time since he couldn’t arise any red flags in the additional testing his daughter had faced as she recovered.

“At the motel packing,” Max smiled. “Our flight is at 5 p.m. assuming you get the final clearance. We can take you back to the hotel to rest before the drive to Hartford.”

“When is Dr. Davis coming?” Grace asked.

“In fifteen minutes so we better hurry,” Max said as he started the final healing session. “We have to leave a few areas tender. But this should help take away the pain.” he said. “At least the physical pain.” he amended as he knew the emotional pain is what would be the hardest for his daughter to deal with in the coming days and months.

The white light started to glow.


Beth had just left Missy Sanders hospital room. She was a small child recovering from surgery to remove a brain tumor. They all were praying testing would discover it to be benign and the child could grow up and live a normal life but for now it broke Beth’s heart to see how small the child looked in the hospital bed as she slowly closed the door to the room behind her and walked down the hall as she continued her rounds. Sighing, she wished good things for all her patients and thanked god once again that her own children had been fortunate to have no major illnesses throughout their years despite their early birth.

She thanked her lucky stars for the past and prayed nothing would happen in the future as she passed a patient’s hospital room which wasn’t on her roster of active patients.

Checking the chart outside the door by chance; she saw the name Grace Evans. Suddenly she remembered the teenager who had come into hospital on Saturday. Alyssa had mentioned the case at dinner. Curious to see what had been done, she took a deep breath at the report of the stillbirth of a baby boy in surgery the day before. She noticed that the discharge papers were waiting to be signed off.

Remembering that she needed to check in on Danny before her next in office consult, she put the chart back, she was ready to walk on by when she saw a white light; almost a glow coming from inside the closed hospital room. Trying to pass it off as the television while waiting for Alyssa to come and discharge the patient. But her curious nature made her peek inside the hospital and room.

Peeking inside, she stood stunned as she saw a white glow being transmitted from hands over the patient. Closing the door as soon as she could and as softly as she could; without being detected. She backed towards the wall with stunned silence.

“What did I see?” she muttered to herself. “I couldn’t have, could I?” she asked.

But she had because she had seen it once before…

When Alexandra and Carrie were eight years old…


“Did I hear something?” Grace asked a few moments later as her father finished, and she sat up in her hospital bed. Looking at the closed door; she swore she had seen an open a tiny bit and a face appear but disappear almost instantaneously. Shaking her head, “I guess not.”

“I didn’t,” Max said as he passed his daughter jeans and a top he had brought from the motel. “I’ll leave for a moment while you change.”

Opening the door, he stepped out into the empty hallway. Walking down to the payphone at the end of the hallway; he made two calls. One to the motel to check on things and then another long-distance call to the office to see how things were being handled “Thanks again Dad for taking up the slack for me. I promise I’ll be in tomorrow. Grace is fine. A tough scare but she will pull through. They are releasing her; we’ll just waiting for the final blood results and testing to be revealed. Then we can head home,” he said as he made a point of not telling his father the true facts of his granddaughter’s hospital stay. As much as he wanted to share it with his parents, he knew Grace would have a challenging time if word got out to her grandparents of what happened to land her in the hospital and the resulting experience. So, it would remain an experience that would stay among close friends. Any grandparents and other authorities would believe it was an appendicitis unless Grace wanted to tell the truth herself.

Hanging up, he went back to the room just as Dr. Davis saw approached. “Dr. Davis, is my daughter ready to head home?”

“All blood tests are fine,” Dr. Davis responded. “There are additional signs of infection. We can go in and talk this over with Grace,” she said as they walked in the hospital room.

Inside, she repeated the blood results to Grace. “You are going to be okay. While we don’t know, what brought about the cardiac event, all signs are that you are fully recovered aside from a slight infection that was cleared up by antibiotics and of course the surgery unfortunately took care of the rest. I’ll want you to take it easy for the rest of the week.”

“School?” Grace asked.

“If you are cleared by your family doctor, I don’t see how you can’t go back next Monday. But take it easy. If you feel any pain; go to the doctor or the emergency room depending on how severe the pain is okay.”

“I will Dr. Davis,” Grace said.

“Good,” Dr. Davis smiled. “I’ll write a small order for a prescription to handle the pain and you can get it filled before you head home,” she said as she wrote on a pad and then ripped off the piece of paper and handed it to Max. “I don’t see why I can’t discharge you,” she smiled as she signed the discharge form. “A nurse will be here with a wheelchair in a minute.”

“I want to thank you for all you have done for me Dr. Davis,” Grace smiled as she got out of bed and hugged the doctor.

“You were a model patient. I wish you well with your future. “Can I talk to you outside Mr. Evans?” Alyssa asked.

Max nodded, and they left Grace to pack up her books she had collected in her hospital room.

Outside, Dr. Davis was talking to Max. “I saw that you changed your minds on cremation and you made other arrangements for the baby.”

“Yes. I talked it over with Grace and we felt that it would be better for the baby to be closer to us back home,” Max said. “Is that okay?”

“It’s up to you. Hospital policy. I just want to advise you to keep an eye on Grace’s mood over the next days and weeks and even months. What she went through can be traumatic for a sixteen-year-old and their moods can be wild in fluctuation. I can tell Grace doesn’t know what to think.”

“No, she doesn’t,” conceded. “It’s new to the both of us.”

“Yes, I am sure it would be,” Dr. Davis smiled. “But I just wanted to advise you since you are a single parent that you should keep an eye on her. And get her help if she needs it.”

“I will,” Max promised as he watched the doctor walk away as he stood and reflected. He had arranged for the baby to come back to Roswell. The baby would be returned to Roswell and buried alongside his grandmother. While it was true neither Max or Grace knew what to feel about the circumstances of the week; the baby had been a part of them. And given its half origins; Max wanted to know the child that wasn’t to be was in Roswell along with the rest of its clan.

Sighing, he went into the room to collect his daughter and start the process of going back to reality.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 16 - Updated 12/15/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

I so want Max and Beth to run into each other!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 16 - Updated 12/15/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

We are getting soooo close to Max and Beth seeing each other. I hope Maria let Grace know that she was a victim of a sexual assault.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 16 - Updated 12/15/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

You are really pushing my patience level here.........
So close, yet so far.
Glad Serena was helping the twins some,
but now I know Beth had some plastic surgery with her injuries.
Wow, Max healing Grace in the hospital........a familiar sight to Beth. Why didn't she go on into that room?????
So the family back home thinks Grace had appendicitis?????
Won't every thing come out since they are taking the baby's body home???
I am getting so anxious for Beth and Max to find out the truth........please!
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Reunion - Chapter 17 - 12/17/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“Michael Guerin, you promise me we won’t return to town tonight to find you being arrested for murder. I want you to be careful around that boy you hear me?” Maria asked sternly into the phone as she watched her son pack his bag in the motel room as they waited for Max to bring Grace back, so they could start the drive to Hartford to catch their flight to New Mexico. “I promised Grace nothing would be done regardless of what was done to her by this young man.”

“I don’t know why she is so protective of him,” Jake muttered as she heard his parents fight on the phone. His mother had called his father to report on what had happened and fingering of Tommy Ellis as the potential father of Grace’s baby had come out in the conversation and as predicted; Michael took the news as any former alien soldier and royal second in command would and swore death on the boy that had hurt his goddaughter.

Maria shook her head as she overheard her son’s mutterings but returned to her call. “Leave it to Grace and Max to deal with. Promise me Michael that you won’t do anything rash. Promise me,” she repeated and sighed. “Thank you.” she said softly. “I’ll call when we land in Santa Fe. No, don’t drive and meet us. It’s a long trip” she protested. “Okay. I guess I can’t stop you. I’ll call from the airport in Hartford and tell you the flight information once we’re checked in. I love you,” she smiled as she hung up and turned to her son. “Your father will be picking us up in Santa Fe.” he said.

“I figured but I do have my car, so I guess I’ll drive it home” Jake said. “And I am sure you gave in, so you don’t have to worry he would be arrested for doing something to Ellis.”

“But it’s a worry,” Maria sighed as Jake knew that when everyone was back in Roswell that the Ellis kid had better be on the lookout as the alien hit squad would be on the case and it wouldn’t be pretty. She just prayed this wouldn’t get out of control because it wouldn’t be something Grace needed as she recovered emotionally as well as physically.

“Tell me about it,” Jake said as the only normal one in his clan besides his mother. The burden was always on him to keep a level head despite his reported wild ways. “Do you think Grace’s recent hospitalization raised any red flags with her blood?”

“I doubt it. I am sure the FBI would have been here by now,” Maria smirked. “But seriously. Grace might be special, but she is very much like her mother. Liz looked human despite her capabilities. Blood wise; no one could tell anything from Liz. So, I am sure the same even more so as it went down one more generation to Grace.”

“Let’s hope,” Jake said. “But I think you might have someone else to worry about with Tommy.”

“What?” Maria asked warily.

“Dad might tend be level headed when all is said and done at the end of the day, especially with our family secret at stake and wouldn’t risk the wrath of dealing with Tommy and his family without reinforcements but there is someone else we both love who is very more of a risk taker in our house and she believes she’s invincible,” Jake remarked.

“Elizabeth?” Maria asked.

“Yes,” Jake said. “And if she knows how everything has come to light. There is no telling the damage she could do.”

“That would be the last thing we all need” Maria muttered as she picked up her cell phone again. “Jake, you are right.”


“Elizabeth, where are you?” Michael called upstairs from the stairs ways of the house. He had just gotten off the phone with Maria. And he worried about his eldest daughter. But his call only elicited his son Colin, “Where is your sister?”

“She went out. Said she had to study with Sue for a test tomorrow. She plans to be home by nine.” Colin said as he came downstairs. “Are we ordering out tonight?” he asked. “Mom won’t be home until late, right?”

“That is the plan,” Michael said as he took of his jacket. “I have to head to the airport to pick her and Jake up in a few hours,” he said. “Is your brother and sister home?” he asked.

“Belle is coming home soon,” Colin said. “Liam is playing next door at Jack’s,” he said.
“He probably is staying for dinner unless you object.”

“I don’t,” Michael said as they walked into the kitchen and opened the drawer fill with take-out menu’s. He usually made dinner. But on occasion they were known to call out for food. “Do you want Chinese or Mexican?”

“I vote Chinese,” Colin said. “But we should ask Belle when she gets home,” he said as the phone rang. Michael reached for the cordless and picked it up. “That was quick. Hi sweetheart, what’s wrong?”


“We have to do something?” Elizabeth was saying as she sat on Sue’s bed as they combed over their assigned homework for English. Almost finished; they were about to quiz each other on the book they were being tested on the following day. But Elizabeth kept going back to what was happening with Grace and her brother.

“I don’t know what we can do. I say leave it to the adults. It’s now out in your little family circle, isn’t it?” Sue asked amazed to this day after years of being friends with Grace and Elizabeth at how close the Guerin and Evan families were. It was one big extended family.

“It is,” Elizabeth conceded. “But Tommy is trouble. We should do something.”

“I say it again, leave it to the adults” Sue warned as she looked at her friend. “Let’s get back to the books. You have to get home soon.”

Grumbling, Elizabeth nodded, and they went back to their homework and studying. But getting back at Tommy didn’t leave her mind. In fact, her mind was spinning with creative ways she could get even in the name of Grace without their secret being found out. She felt she needed to find something. Anything at all. But sighed as she realized she would need to wait for another day to come up with a master plan.


“She’s asleep,” Maria said as she looked across the aisle at Grace and Jake who were sitting on the other side of the plan, together. While their parents sat on the left side keeping a look out… Jake was reading a magazine while not so subtly keeping an eye on his sleeping friend. “She looks so content when she’s sleeping.”

“I know,” Max said as he looked at his daughter. She had been dealing with a lot of emotion but keeping it all in. He wondered if she would ever let it all out. But for now, he was just grateful she was getting some sleep. “This was supposed to be her big week.”

“It will be,” Maria smiled. “But it won’t be what she was expecting it to be for sure.” she said as she looked a part of a manuscript she had been writing. She still has six months before her next deadline. She was trying to figure out where to take the story next. All she had was a title, “Home” and the basic subplot of the main characters out of high school and on the road, fleeing for their lives from the big bad FBI. Sighing as she looked at her own kid and godchild and wished that real life could be as easily as on the written page.

“Should I even have the party?” Max asked.

“Yes,” Maria said adamantly. “Sure, the kids took a risk. But it’s Grace’s day. Let her have it. She’s going through too much to lose out on her occasion,” she said. “Plus, it will be a diversion from all she’s going through. You can still ground her if you want to but allow her to have her happiness on her big day. You only turn sixteen once.”

Max nodded as he stared at some legal papers he had brought along with him on the trip. “I am not going to be having to court tomorrow to defend Michael on murder charges, am I?” he asked.

Maria burst out laughing. “No” she smiled. “Michael’s agreed to lay off Tommy until we get home. I think he wanted to go over there be his inner soldier, but he thought better of it. I think he is going to allow you at him if you want him.”

“I don’t know,” Max said with a sigh. “I want to kill him for putting my little girl into this situation. But what is the right move? That little punk thinks he is getting a free ride because of who his parents are” he remarked. “But how can we take him down without hurting my daughter even more or at the very least exposing our secret to the public at large.” he asked.

“I have no idea,” Maria said. “But as my eldest wisely reminded me we do have to be careful. Not all members of our little coven are as level headed.” she said. “We may have to worry about rogue warriors among the younger set.”

“Whom?” Max asked as he knew Grace wasn’t going to do anything since she had been keeping it such a state secret and Jake wouldn’t do anything if Grace could prevent it. Michael may be rash, but a little more level headed than his earlier days. “Or do I want to know?”

“It is just that we need to be careful as I guess Elizabeth has taken it on as a mission or could be if we’re not keeping an eye on her.”

“Hell,” Max said.

“I know.” Maria said as she wondered what mess her eldest daughter would get into and if the adults could prevent the teenagers from a major incident that seemed to be colliding their way.


“You might want to wake up,” Jake said softly across the plane as he sat next to what it had seemed like for most of the flight, a sleeping Grace. “I know you’re awake.” he remarked as he watched his friend.

“How did you know,” Grace asked as her eyes opened and she looked at him. “Where are we?”

“About ninety minutes from New Mexico,” Jake said. “How did you sleep?”

“Okay I guess,” Grace said as she sat up straighter in her seat. For the last thirty minutes, she had been trying to pressure herself to sleep but she found she couldn’t, so she just sat and kept her eyes shut so that no one would pester her. She had been dealing with a lot of conflicting emotions regarding the events of what happened in Connecticut. She still didn’t know how she was to feel.

“Your dad has been looking over here, same with my mother.” Jake muttered.

“Well they have a reason to wonder what is going on with us. We did kind of go overboard with teen rebellion.” Grace smiled.

“There that is what I want to see,” Jake smiled. “A smile and this weekend was nothing in terms of teen rebellion. I have given my parents worse to worry about. But yeah, this weekend was a little crazy. How are you feeling truly Grace? Don’t lie to me,” he asked.

“Tired,” Grace said. “Other than that, fine, Dad helped with the rest before we left the hospital.”

“I am sorry,” Jake said. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have landed into the hospital. I kind of made a mess out of your special birthday present, didn’t I?” he asked.

“No, you didn’t,” Grace said. “I could have said no. I knew this would blow up. I just didn’t figure out that it would blow up as spectacularly as it did so it’s on my shoulders just as much as it is on yours” she reasoned. “And plus, I likely would have ended up in the hospital whether it was in New Haven or Roswell. So, it’s not your fault I landed in the hospital. It was likely going to be my destination eventually anyway.”

“I am sorry,” Jake tried again.

“I know you are,” Grace nodded as put on her ear phones, making it clear she wanted some peace. Moments later she was asleep for real this time and Jake could only keep an eye on his friend.

Grace had scared Jake all weekend and even going home to New Mexico and Roswell; Jake wasn’t sure what the future held for his friend. They had been best friends for years. So, close, and Jake wanted to be there for her, but he also wanted to go straight from the airport and kill Tommy Ellis for putting his friend into this position. But knew that wasn’t what Grace needed now. But it would feel nice.

Dreams of beating Tommy to a pulp kept Jake occupied for the remainder of the flight to New Mexico.


Meanwhile back in Connecticut; Beth was still at the hospital dealing with an emergency case that had come in that needed her attention. So, Serena had stepped in to stay at the house with the twins until Beth could get away from her patient. It was past time for bed and the twins were talking in Alexandra’s bedroom. “We won’t Alex,” Carrie was insisting.

“We will,” Alexandra predicted. “We’re going to get busted if Mom gets wind of that report.”

“If she does, it will only help her…”

“If it leads to something,” Alexandra warned. “What if it doesn’t?” she asked. “We’ll be back at square one and grounded forever and I don’t want to really see that in my future Carrie.”

“You’re a worry wart sis,” Carrie smiled.

“And you like to take too many risks,” Alexandra grumbled. “But I admit that this could help Mom and who knows it might lead to something.”

“You never know,” Carrie smiled as the door to Alexandra’s room opened and they both looked and saw their babysitter staring at them. “Hi Serena.”

“Girls, its’ past time for bed, isn’t it?” Serena asked as she could see the mischief sign on both girls faces. “You both have school in the morning, right?”

“Yes,” both answered in unison.

“So, you better both get to bed, shouldn’t you?” Serena said. “I just talked your mother and she won’t be home until close to midnight. So, you both should get to bed immediately.”

“Okay,” Carrie said. “I’ll go to bed,” the teenager smiled as she said good-night to her sister and headed next door to her bedroom. While Serena watched it all with amusement as not raising daughters herself; she though back to her own childhood and could sympathized with her friend in the chore of raising two teenage girls at the same time. She was grateful at times to only deal with boys unless she had a patient. “Lights off in ten minutes.” she warned both girls as she closed the door to Alexandra’s room and indeed ten minutes later both lights were off.


It was two minutes after midnight when Beth had finally signed out satisfied that their patient; little Allie Minor would okay. Allie and her mother had been in a terrible car crash in which both almost died. Allie had broken both legs and nearly lost her arm because it had taken so long to get the little girl out of the wreckage of the car. The mother was better off but it had been touch and go so Beth had wanted to stay until the father could get in from New York. Days like this made Beth happy she didn’t go into surgery. She didn’t think she could handle operating on small kids. She was happy when the little girl had opened her eyes after surgery.

Now she was going home to her own kids. She wondered what kind of mischief Alexandra and Carrie had gotten into given they had the day off from school and free reign. She shuttered at the idea’s that floated through her mind as she carefully walked down the garage below the hospital and walked to her car; making sure she was safe and sound. She hated the late nights. Some were better than others even though she never felt her personal safety was at risk. Opening the door to the car; she got in. Pulling out of the garage; she headed home.

On her mind was the memory of what she had seen that morning in the runaway teenager’s room. A white light. Why does that seem so familiar she asked herself as she made way to the highway, because it is she told herself? She had seen it once before; when the twins had been eight years old.

Playing in the backyard of their old home, it had been a weekend; she had been home from work at the hospital while she was making cookies in the kitchen as the girls were playing in the backyard. She heard yells, then screams. By the time, she got to the girls… She saw blood on both Alexandra and Carrie and a glow of lights from Alexandra to Carrie as she approached the girls. But by the time she had examined the girls; only the blood on their t-shirts remained. The cut on Carrie’s hand didn’t exist anymore. The girls couldn’t explain what happened, so she was forced to forget about it. But it never did leave her mind. Even though it didn’t seem to have had a repeat incident and now she saw the same glow light in the patient’s room. I am crazy. I am an amnesia patient; nothing is as it seems with an amnesia patient she tried to tell herself. It was a freak incident she further told herself. When she had gone back to the room an hour later she learned that Grace had been discharged from the hospital and was heading home with her father.

It’s nothing, she told herself as she pulled onto her street and headed towards her home. Parking in the driveway, she got out and headed to her door.

Opening it, she was relieved to be... home.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 17 - Updated 12/17/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 » let Max and Grace leave the hospital before Beth could come back and find them.

Mean while back in Roswell, Tommy better be getting prepared for revenge.
Can't wait to see what Beth's twins are up to next.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 17 - Updated 12/17/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Beth has to get her memory back and reunite with the rest of her family!

Tommy better watch out the alien mafia is coming for him!
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