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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 17 1/1/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:37 pm
by keepsmiling7
Tess never gives up.......too late now though.
Who won't win again????
Can't wait to meet this guardian on the way.
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 18 1/3/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:02 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Eighteen
<Evans Cabin>

After eating breakfast, the training started for Liz and Max. “Okay, Max I want to see what you can do,” Ava instructed him.

“I can heal, manipulate molecular structures and form a shield.” Max first took a glass of water and made it boil. He then took Liz in his arms and form a shield while kissing her. “How was that Ava?”

“We should go outside so you can show me your blasting ability.”

“That is more of Michael’s thing.”

“Max, I know you can blast all of us can blast. I know you can do it. It is just another form of molecular manipulation.”

Max focus on a small group of rocks and sent a small blast out. He was able to vaporize the rocks.

“I’m going to connect with you to show how to better control and focus your blast.”

Ava connected with Max and showed him how to control the blast. Max then created a hole in the big rock.

“Now it is your turn, Liz, to show us what you can do. You should have the same abilities as me. I can manipulate molecular structures, blast, astral project, get premonitions and read auras. Liz will not be able to practice the premonitions, but she should be able to practice everything else. I’m going to first connect to you and show you the pathways I use for these abilities. It will make it easier for you to learn.”

Ava connected with her double. It was just as easy to connect to Liz as it was to connect to Zan after their bonding. She quickly showed Liz the pathways. She didn’t want to see too much of her sister’s personal life, but she did get one glimpse that shocked her to her core. She would need to tell the pair after the training was complete.

“Liz, I want you to freeze this bottle of water. I know you can do it.”

Liz grabbed the bottle of water and imagined the molecules slowing down. The water quickly froze.

“I did it, Max. I really did it.”

“I know baby, you are doing great.” He rewarded her with a kiss.

“Okay you two, we have a lot of work to do today. I want Liz to blast the rock.”

Liz tried but just could seem to get a blast to form. Max decided to give her some motivation. “Liz, just imagine that the rock is Tess. Do you think you could blast Tess if you needed?” Then the last six months of frustration was released. She destroyed the rock into a million pieces.

“Wow, Liz that was amazing. Do you know how much I love you?”

“Yes, but I never get tired of you telling me.” He picked her up and spun her around before gathering her up in a kiss.

“Okay, that was great Liz. Sorry, you can’t get a kiss for every skill you master, or we never be ready in time. Now Liz needs to practice her astral projection ability. Max you need to go into the cabin and don’t tell us where you are going. Liz, you are going to picture Max in your mind. You are going feel the pull to him. I know it is scaring at first but just go with the feeling of being near Max.”

Liz did as Ava directed. It didn’t take Liz long before she was at Max’s side in their bedroom. “Max of all the places you could have picked you had to pick the bedroom.” “Can you blame me. I wanted to get you alone for a few minutes.” Max went touch her but his hand past through the form in front of him. “I’m just a projection. My body is still back with Ava. I will see you in person back outside.” And with that statement Liz returned to her body.

“Did you reach Max, Liz?”

“Yes, it was easy, but I think it is because of our bond. I need to see if I can see anyone else.”

“This time I want you to try to project without making yourself visible. Think of it as the ultimate spying weapon. You can see what someone is doing without them see you. Without the bond more than likely they will not be able to see you.”

“I think I’m ready.”

“Hold Max’s hand to ground you here. I’m going to take your other hand to help guide you. Now think of the person you want to see. Don’t think of anything else.”

Liz concentrated on Maria. She should be in her U.S. Government class now. She felt like she was floating in air for a few moments. Then she could see the class room. Mr. Reynolds was going on and on about electoral college. Maria looked bored. For a moment, it looked like Maria saw her. Liz panicked and quickly returned to her body.

“Did it work Liz? Were you able to see anyone?” Max asked.

“Yes, I reached Maria in her U.S. Government class. I think she may have saw me.”

“It’s okay. That was great for your first long distance projection.”

“I really think this ability could come in handy, honey. We will just need to keep practicing.”

“Good work from both of you. I think it is time to break for lunch. I think we all could use a break.”

<West Roswell High>

Maria was listening Mr. Reynolds go on and on about the electoral college. Maria was preoccupied with the events from last night and early this morning. First there was the Liz doppelganger in town. Then she swore she saw Michael and Isabel going at it hot and heavy in the library this morning.
Something got her attention. It was something shimmery in the corner. It looked Liz, Liz’s doppelganger and Max standing in the corner looking directly at her. Liz looked like she had purple and silver in her own hair now and a glowing tattoo on her neck.

She grabbed her oil out of her purse to calm her nerves. By the time she inhaled deeply the image was gone. Something was going on. Michael and the others had to believe her.

<Roswell Bus Station>

She finally made it. She had to wait and leave California when her guardian was on location for his new movie. Sometimes it greatly benefited her to be raised by a workaholic guardian. Taking the bus had not been ideal but she knew the cars she had access to would not blend in with small town Roswell. She had to fulfill her mission to protect one Liz Parker. After getting settled at the hotel she went to the used car lot. Basic transportation would be needed. This weekend she would get a small apartment. Now it was time to make her way to the Crashdown. That is where she was told she would most likely find Liz Parker.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 18 1/3/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:25 pm
by keepsmiling7
Liz has powers beyond belief......thanks to the bonding.
Protection is on the way for Liz.
Good part, thanks!

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 18 1/3/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:45 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Yes Liz if you want to blast something just think of that trampy blond homewrecker! I still want to know who this girl that just arrived in Roswell is. Unfortunately she will not find Liz just yet.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 18 1/3/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:32 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Liz is great at controlling her powers. Can't with to find out what Max and Liz can do together. Love Liz's power wish I could do that. So Maria may have seen Liz. Wow. Wonder if Maria will be able to find Michael and Isabel not the double. So Serena is suppose to protect Liz. That seems intersting. Wonder if Serena will be able to find Liz. Wonder when Max and Liz will go home and kill Rath and Lonine. Wonder what Liz will tell ava.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 19 1/5/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:25 am
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Nineteen
The song referenced is "Take it on the Run" by REO Speedwagon written by Gary Richrath. I wore that album out in junior high school. I did have a ninth grade science teacher that spoke in a monotone the entire class. When Ferris Bueller came out at the end of senior year in high school, we all swore that the Econ teacher was based on him.

<West Roswell High>
Like the old REO Speedwagon song went, talk is cheap when the story is good, and the tales grow taller on down the line. Pam Troy had managed to tell most of the student body of West Roswell High about Liz and Kyle. She had never liked Liz. Liz’s high score in seventh grade history kept her off the cheerleading team. She had always blamed Liz instead of her decision to gossip on the phone instead of studying for the last test on the Civil War. She was more than happy to share the information that Tess provided her.

“Hey, Whitman you hang out with Parker all the time. Have you got lucky as well or was it only Kyle and Evans,” Tommy Flannigan asked Alex after gym class.

“Liz is not that kind of girl. Tommy you have known her since kindergarten. Who told you such a lie” he replied trying to get some answers.

“Stacey Hammonds heard it from Pam. Pam heard that Evans even caught Valenti in bed with Parker.”

“Where did Pam hear this bit of news? I doubt Max would have ever said anything about Liz like that.”

“She heard it from the little blonde that is always hanging all over Evans. She claims Evans told her. Valenti and Parker are both absence today. Rumor is Valenti took her to take a care of the little problem. I guess the valedictorian candidate wasn’t smart enough to make Valenti use something.”

“I’m Liz’s best friend. I can assure you that she is not pregnant now and wasn’t last week. Some people have nothing better to do than to spread rumors. I’m out of here I need to get to lunch.”

Alex met up with Maria for lunch in the quad.

“So, any word from Max or Liz this fine school day,” Alex asked Maria.

“Nothing, I haven’t heard since last night’s call. Something was weird though I swear I saw someone that could have been Liz’s twin last night. Then this morning Michael and Isabel both had some weird clothes, a punk rock look, and Michael had his tongue down her throat. Then in U.S. Government class I swear I saw a shimmery image of Liz, Max and the other Liz. Liz looked a little different. She had a little of silver and purple streaks in her hair and a glowing tattoo.”

“I don’t think it was Michael and Isabel. Isabel left yesterday for the Santa Fe student government trip. She was getting to spend a night in a dorm room as a part of the experience. I think you didn’t get enough sleep. Are you sure you weren’t dreaming in Mr. Reynolds’ class? He has been known to put the entire class to sleep with his monotone delivery. I swear the Econ teacher in Ferris Bueller was based on him.”

“Alex, I know what I saw it. It was Liz, her double and Max. Why isn’t anyone believing me?”

“Maria, you do have a flair for the dramatic. I’m sorry if you don’t think I’m taking you seriously. I know you are correct about Isabel and Michael. There is one weird thing going on with Liz though. Have you heard the rumor that Pam Troy is spreading? I heard from Tommy that Liz and Kyle slept together, and Max supposedly caught them in bed together. Word is Pam heard it from Tess. Now the rumor is that Liz and Kyle are gone to take care of the accidental pregnancy.”

“Alex, I hope you set him straight. We all know that Liz and Max are still very much in love. He assured me last night that he would protect Liz with his life and I believe him. Maybe Max finally realizes that Tess can’t be trusted. We also know that Tess will stop at nothing to get want she wants. I think Liz and Kyle in bed together is a figment of Tess’ s imagination. Just think back to the dreams she sent Isabel and Michael last year.”

“Maybe Tess is making you see more than one Liz, Michael and Isabel. We should be careful around Michael and Isabel until we know the truth. We should ask them a question only the real one would know.”

“That sounds like a good plan. I get talk to Michael after school.”

<Tumbleweed Inn>

Rath and Lonnie kept the school under surveillance most of the day looking for Max. They enjoyed Chinese Takeout for lunch. They had to decide their next move.

“Lonnie, babe, I think you need to go the Murry Lane house and see if you can get any information on where Max may be hiding out. I can go to the Crashdown as see if I can find any information on Liz. Just transform yourself to look like the ice bitch.”

“How do I look. Do I look like I’m ready to pledge the sorority?”

“I don’t know about that, but I wouldn’t mind doing you right now. Besides, it wouldn’t look good for the honor student to be home before school let out.”

“Take me Rath, make me scream.”

<Outside of Roswell>

She arrived at the designated meeting place. He was her most trusted advisor. Together they would figure out their next move. Everything had to be perfect. She was not going to lose out again. Everything was within her grasp. Soon she would have the man of her dreams and be in control of two planets. Her children would rule after she and her mate were gone.

“Do you have any information on where they could be,” she asked advisor.

“You know them better than I do. I have not been able to track them down,” the advisor informed her.

“Keep trying, I have a few things I can do to if I can locate them. Have you had any luck locating the key,” she asked him.

“Kyvra my dear, don’t worry we will find them and the key.”

“I’m not worried, Toano, I will be victorious in the end.”

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 19 1/5/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:36 am
by Roswelllostcause
I really hate Tess! Oh and my high school US Government teacher did put me to sleep once. He lectured in a monatone and we had 90 minute classes!

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 19 1/5/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:53 am
by L-J-L 76
Someone needs to kill Tess already. Tess is nothing but a pain in the ass. She needs to just be dead already.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 19 1/5/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:14 pm
by keepsmiling7
Rumors around school have been going on forever.
Hope the people that count don't believe anything.
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 20 1/8/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:52 am
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Twenty
<Evans Cabin>

Since Ava prepared breakfast, Liz decided she would fix their lunch. Max couldn’t stay away from her so of course he volunteered to help. After a quick lunch of soup and sandwiches, it was time for more practice.

“Okay, Liz needs to spend so time working on her manipulation ability. In a battle you could take ordinary objects and make them a weapon. While Liz is doing that Max, I want you to work on your shield. You should be able to make your shield different shapes. You should be able to form it around your body where it is practically invisible to your attacker.”

“Ava, have you been any battles yet,” Liz wondered.

“Not here but I have many memories of Antar. Our enemies are ruthless. They will stop at nothing to win. When we have the opportunity to strike, we must be ready.”

“If they would kill a woman just because of her baby, they would do anything.”

Liz started taking rocks and creating knives. She then mentally picked them up and sent them toward the outcropping of rock. She would then reform them back into rock. She repeated the process several times.

Max worked on his shield. He worked on creating a small hole, so he could send out blasts while still protecting himself or others. Ava was sending small blast at his shield checking his strength.

“Okay, I want see how strong we can make your shield if Liz lends you some strength. Liz come over and wait until Max has his shield form and then place your hand on Max’s”

Liz joined Max. Soon Max had his shield up and Liz place her hand on his to give him more power. The shield more than doubled in size and strength. They held the shield like this for fifteen minutes before Liz collapsed.

<Crashdown after school>
Michael and Maria getting ready for work in the back

“First, question what is your favorite band?”

“Metallica. Why are you acting so crazy lately, Maria?”

“This morning in the library you had on leather pants and Mohawk and you were kissing Isabel. How was she Michael? Did you finally decide to give your destiny a try or is Tess making me see things? “

“Maria, what is wrong with you. What are you talking about?”

“You had some leather pants and a Mohawk on and had your tongue down Isabel’s throat is what I’m talking about.”

“Maria, I’m beginning to think you are seeing things. First there is girl you swear looks like Liz running around Roswell. Now you are saying I was in leather pants and a Mohawk. I don’t own a pair of leather pants. I wouldn’t be caught dead in them. There is no way I’m interested in Isabel. I think of her as a sister. I idea of kissing her like that is just gross. It would be like you kissing Alex like that.”

“Well I know what I saw. And it was you and Isabel in all tongue kiss.”

“What did Isabel look like?”

“She had dark hair, very short, she was also wearing leather pants. She had piercing on her face and had tattoos.”

“There are eight pods.”


“Carver, he told me there were eight pods. Maybe the others looked like us. You have already seen a double of Isabel, Liz and me.”

“But, Liz isn’t one of you how do you explain a second Liz?”

“Max and Isabel immediately knew who I was when I started school with them in fifth grade. Max said he was drawn to Liz from the moment he first saw her in third grade. Maybe deep down he knew.”

“What about the fact our moms were pregnant with us at the same time. I have the photos to prove it. What about Tess, you all claim to remember her in the pod?”

“I can’t explain how Liz could be one of us, but she has trusted Max from the beginning. She never doubted him, and he never doubt her. I know because I read her journal, she loved Max from the beginning. As for Tess, I don’t trust her after she sent Isabel and I those disturbing dreams last spring. There is just something about the girl. And then there are the rumors floating around campus today about Liz and Kyle. I don’t care if Max and Liz are separated right now. I don’t believe that Liz could ever sleep with Valenti after what her and Max have shared. I just can’t see Liz going back to Kyle.”

“First, you had no right to read Liz’s journal. Second, I believe you that Max and Liz are meant for each other. I agree that Tess can’t be trusted. I don’t say it often but you’re right. I must feed the mass, we should meet with everyone after work except for Tess. I will tell

Kyle and Valenti when I get their order. I will call Alex on my break and pick him up. You can let Isabel know about the meeting. She should be back from Santa Fe by the time we get off work. She will probably need a ride since Max is gone.”

“Sounds good. Your public awaits their food.” He quickly pulled the food below and did a quick reheat with his hand. Neither of them needed complaining customers to deal with.

Maria first stopped at Kyle and Jim’s table. “How is your dad doing, Sheriff? Everything go well with surgery?

“He came through fine, Maria. Thanks for asking.”

“What can I get you guys today?”
“We will take the daily special with a cherry cola and iced tea,”

“By the way, we are meeting at Michael’s apartment about 9:45 tonight. Liz and Max left town for no apparent reason and there are weird things happening in town. It’s more than I can go into here. But Tess is not invited. So, make an excuse that you needed to return to the hospital if she is out of the house.”

<Santa Fe – Outside Claudia Parker’s attorney office>

“How could your mother lie to us all these years, Jeff?

“Nance, I think my mother was trying to protect you. You remember how hard you took the first miscarriage. She probably thought the loss of another child would destroy you and our marriage. I don’t like how my mother interfered with our lives, but I think she had good intensions.”

“I trusted her with my child. What will Liz think when she finds out? I still can’t believe she’s not our baby. How are we ever going to tell Liz the truth? Maybe, we shouldn’t tell her. She is our child in every way that counts. We have cared for her. We have taught her right from wrong. We have encouraged her to do her best in school. We have supported her in all the ways that count. I don’t want to tell her.”

“Nance, I think Liz will resent us if she were to ever find out we didn’t tell her the truth.”

“How would she find out? Liz was never officially adopted. Your mother just replaced our dead daughter with this abandoned newborn. We don’t have to give her Claudia’s letter. She doesn’t need to know. In two years, she will be off to college. If you get your wish, she will be on the other side of the country. Please let me have my daughter for the next two years.”

“I hate not telling Liz, but I will agree as long as Liz doesn’t bring it up. She is a bright girl. She could figure out that we are not her biological parents. We will only tell her and give the letter Claudia prepared for her if she brings it up.”