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Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 18 8/5/19

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:53 pm
by RoswellFan68
I'm glad Liz was able to take some classes online. Liz's life is about to change for the better.

PS It's hard to type comments with a sleeping kitten in your arms.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 18 8/5/19

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:42 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Max is trying to get all the nurse to realize Serena has nothing to do with what her father and brother did. So glad that Serena got Max to help. So now Max and Serena wanted to know the truth about what Liz was really doing. Glad Liz is happy Max became a doctor like he wanted to be. Wow so happy Liz is going to be going back to school. Wow some shocking news about Liz being pregnant and about keeping the baby. Love how Liz told Max he needs to call his mom more and about Max's mom being her lawyer. So Liz is going to move into an apartment. Maybe Max and Liz will start talking more. So glad Liz has Max and Serena.

L-J-L 76

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 18 8/5/19

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:48 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Liz is pregnant but will soon be free of James. Yes it is very nice of Max to drive Liz's car.

RoswellFan68 Liz's life really is changing for the better.

L-J-L 76 Yes Max and Serena are going to find out what Liz has been doing.

Part 19

Max carried Liz's bags into Serena's guest room. He left them on the bed and went out to the living room where Liz was drinking a glass of juice while Serena ordered Chinese to be delivered. Max sat down in a chair that was next to the couch that was sitting in.

“Ok the food should be here in about 45 minutes to an hour. Now Liz do you feel up to telling us what you know about my father and brother?” said Serena
“Yeah. Ok, it started a month after my miscarriage. I got up the nerve to try and leave James again. I had a bag packed and went to the house safe to get my grandma Claudia's wedding rings. In the safe I found some documents detailing a transfer of money to some group in the middle east. I had never heard of the group and googled it. It came up as a suspected terrorist organization. So I decided to see what else I could find. I did some digging and these transfers had been going on since shortly after my wedding. I took what I had to the FBI. They then sent me to the Agents working with the joint terrorism task force. I was asked to keep feeding them any information I could find. I reluctantly agreed. The CIA had been able to plant an undercover agent into the terrorist group. Two days ago that undercover agent took out the whole terrorist organization with a bomb. The warrants were issued last night for your father and brother Serena.”
“What about you and me?” asked Serena
“We are safe. I made sure of that. There is nothing I found that connects us to what they were doing. But just in case I got us both immunity if anything was planted to make it look like we were involved.”
“So you put up with being abused this long just so you could stop them?” asked Max
“Yes. Max, if I had done nothing and the money they were giving to these people led to another 9/11 anywhere in the world I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. Edmund Burke once said “That all that evil needs to triumph is for a good man to do nothing.” Well I like to think that I am a good woman. So I had to do something.”
“You are a great woman Liz.” Said Max
“I think you are bias Max. You have always put me up on a pedestal.” Said Liz
“I think so too Liz.” Said Serena hugging her friend.

Liz winced a little. Serena noticed and loosen her hug.

“Uh Max, you wouldn't happen to have a current number for Maria would you?” asked Liz
“Yeah but I am not sure she will talk to you.” Said Max
“I know but I need to try.”
“I'll give it to you before I go.”

The food arrived and the tree of them sat down to eat.


Diane pulled out Liz's file and looked over the divorce papers she had drawn up for Liz. She had heard the report on her lunch that both Liz's husband and father in law had been arrested. She planned to head down to Texas in the morning to file the divorce papers. She just needed to check in with Liz first to make sure that nothing had changed. She picked up her office phone and dialed Liz's cell phone. Liz picked up right away.

“Liz, honey it's Diane Evans.”
“Hi Mrs. Evans.”
“I heard the report.”
“Yeah. Uh there is one change to add to the divorce papers before you file.”
“What is it?”
“I'm two months pregnant. I want sole custody of the baby. I do not want James or either of his parents near this baby.”
“I can easily add that. He will fight you on that won't he?”
“Yes. But you can point out that both he and his father are being charged with funding terrorism.”
“What about Serena?”
“Serena is nothing like her family. In a family of black sheep she is the only white one. Before you say anything I am not as pure as everyone thinks. I was the one that choose to end things with Max. Not because I didn't trust him. But because I didn't trust myself at the time to not hurt him with a long distance relationship.”
“Ok, I will add in about your unborn child, and be down to file in a couple days.”
“Thanks Mrs. Evans.”

Diane hung up the phone and went go work adding in for Liz to get sole custody of the baby.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 19 8/6/19

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 1:25 pm
by keepsmiling7
I'd been wondering how Liz found out about the terrorist we know.
She was brave, and took lots of physical abuse to perhaps prevent another 9/11.
So glad Liz is going to call Maria......
Of course Liz wants sole custody of the baby........and she admitted to Diane she was the reason for the breakup with Max.
Great part!

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 19 8/6/19

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:31 pm
by L-J-L 76
So finally Liz is going to be telling Serena and Max the truth. So glad Liz found the papers while Liz was looking for her grandma Claudia's ring. So very glad Liz and Serena can't go to prison for anything James and his father did. Think Max is falling for Liz all over again. Glad Liz is going to call Maria. Hopefully Liz and Maria will work things out and become friends again. Happy Diane is going to be going to Texas and get Liz away for James really quickly. So very happy Diane and Liz are going to do everything they can to keep James away form the baby. Hopefully whoever the judge is will make sure James and his father will stay away from Liz and the baby. Wonder if Max and Liz will get back together. Wonder if Liz and Maria will work things out. Wonder if Liz and Serena will stay close so Serena will get to know her niece or nephew. Wonder if Liz, Diane will be able to keep James and his father away from Liz's baby.

L-J-L 76

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 19 8/6/19

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 11:32 am
by RoswellFan68
I wonder if James' mother is like the rest of the family. Will she challenge for visitation rights. Max and Liz need to have a long private talk. Hopefully Maria will talk to Liz. I think Michael will encourage Maria to try to start a friendship with Liz.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 19 8/6/19

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 11:48 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Liz is very brave and endured a lot of abuse. It may take Liz some time to work up the nerve but she will call Maria. Liz admitted that she is responsible for the break up with Max. But she may not have been fully honest about the reason.

L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is finally able to talk about what she knows. Oh I think it's a safe bet that Max is falling for Liz again. Serena is Liz's friend and Liz knows that she is not responsible for her family's actions.

RoswellFan68 We will have to wait and see what James's mother does. Liz will explain things to Maria and they will work at rebuilding their friendship.

Part 20

Liz laid in bed in Kyle and Serena's guest room. Her arm was hurting but she really didn't want to take anything and risk hurting the baby. The doctor had told her that Tylenol would be ok as long as she followed the directions. But she really didn't want to take anything if she could avoid it. Spending time with Max felt good. All they did was talk but it reminded of her of how safe she felt with him. But she had to be careful she couldn't go out with him, at least not until after her divorce was final. She couldn't give James anything that would make him believe that she had cheated even though she was almost positive he cheated. Not that she really cared any more. Marrying him had been a big mistake. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift back to high school. To the day that Max asked her out.

Liz placed a plate with a Blue moon burger and orbit rings down in front of Max. She had just been dumped by Sean after refusing to sleep with him a week before. Not that she cared other than him pushing her out of the car and leaving her at Buckley point part anyway. She never told her parents that it had been the Sheriff that drove her back to town. Though she was pretty sure they knew. The Sheriff and her dad were best friends.

“Can I get you anything else Max?”
“Well I was kind of hoping we could see a movie some time.”
“You mean like a date?”
“Uh yeah. But it doesn't have to be a date. I know you don't see me that way. That I am not your type.”
“Who said I have type?”
“You don't have a type?”
“Max Evans, I don't have a type. Other than a nice guy that listens to me. A guy that doesn't force himself on me. Sean DeLuca is an asshole. Maria warned me but I didn't listen. I went out with him because I couldn't believe that the Captain of the football team wanted to go out with a girl like me.”
“A girl like you? Liz, you are smart and beautiful.”
“I'm not beautiful.”
“Elizabeth Parker, I don't know who told you that. But they are blind. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen.”

Liz smiled. But was still cautious. Her experience with Sean was making her that way.

“Well you have to talk to my parents. They won't let me go out with a guy until they meet him. But I would love to go out with you on a date.”
“Great. Set up the meeting with your parents.”
“Ok. I will get you another cherry coke.”

Liz walked off smiling.

Her parents let her go out to the movie and pizza with Max. It had turned out that her mom and his had known each other during college. Her mom had studied business while Diane Steward as she was at the time was pre law. They had met at a music festival their second year.


Isabel laid in bed next to Alex. She was having a hard time believing the story on the news about Liz's husband and father in law. Not that she was surprised that they were creeps. She hadn't liked the guy Liz married. The Armani suit wearing man just rubbed her the wrong way. What Liz had seen in him Isabel never understood. She knew that he was the reason that Liz didn't come home very often. The last time Isabel had talked to Liz she had seemed broken. She hoped that it wouldn't be long before the creep was out of Liz's life for good.


Max tossed and turned in bed. He was having a hard time sleeping after hearing Liz tell about what she had been doing. He hated that she had put herself in so much danger to bring that asshole down. But he understood that he had to be stopped or many people could have died. Liz should never have been in danger of being beaten to death by spying on that jerk. He couldn't believe that Serena was even related to that traitor. As much as he wanted to be there for Liz, he knew right now he couldn't. They had to keep their distance for a while. Even after her divorce was final they couldn't get together right away. Not that he was expecting Liz to want to date for a while. Then there was her baby to think about. A baby she was going to be a single mother raising. Things would not get any easier for the woman he had never stopped loving from the day they said goodbye so he could head off to college in Michigan. He had been shocked when Serena told him that Liz never finished her degree. All he knew was that he would be there for her as a friend she was very in need of.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 20 8/7/19

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:49 pm
by keepsmiling7
I'm still curious about Max and Liz's split.......
But he is wise to not ask her out for some time.
Now everyone is getting to know why Liz stayed with James......
Hope she's safe now.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 20 8/7/19

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:31 pm
by RoswellFan68
I wonder why Max and Liz didn't at least try to maintain a friendship after the breakup. At least until she started dating James. We already know he didn't approve of her be friends with Alex.

Liz is smart not to start see Max until after the divorce is final.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 20 8/7/19

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:27 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Serena and Kyle have Liz with them. Wow that was some memory Liz had about her and Max. Thinking it was very sweet, kind and cute. So glad Max, Serena and Kyle are going to be there for Liz when she needs them. But they are right Liz is going to need to wait till her divorce is final before she can do anything about Max and her life. Can't wait to find out what Liz will have planned for her and the baby. Hopefully Max, Serena and friends will be there to help Liz when she needs them.

L-J-L 76