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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt59,p10 1/25/08

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:50 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Please let me know what you think of this new one!

Part 60: War of the Witches II

“So Max is with Isabel and they will come from this way.” Reid said pointing to a location on the map layout of Roswell. They had been at it for hours, the sisters and Gorman had begun working on potions, Caleb went into town for ingredients and Leo and Cole went to find the more elusive ones and gather jars for potions. Paige was coming up with something to put the potions in so each person could carry several and they would not break when knocked together.

Liz and Pogue were searching the house for Athames for each person to carry, preferably ones that had spells on them so they had less work ahead of them.

“It’s not strategically sound to place them there.” Michael said.

“I know but we are running out of options they can’t protect this side.” Reid said.

“What about here at the UFO center?” Kyle asked.

“It is an old bomb shelter.” Isabel said.

“Won’t matter they can blink and shimmer.” Caleb said.

“Damn I forgot about that.” Kyle said looking sheepish.

“I saw we do a pentagram it will work in our favor.” Tyler said the others looked relieved when he mentioned that.

“Of course we should of thought of that earlier.” Chris muttered.

“Liz should be here.” Chris said pointing to a location on another map.

“No!” Nancy and Tyler yelled their eyes furious.

“She is invincible and we need her.” Chris said he did not want his niece hurt but he was realistic.

“I don’t want anything to happen to my baby!” Tyler yelled.

“Nothing will happen to the baby remember she is impervious to harm.” Seth said rubbing his face tiredly.

“I can do this.” Liz said from the doorway with Pogue the two of them holding a bunch of crazy looking knives.

“Tyler you should know that she is good to go on this.” Pogue said looking his best friend in the eye until Tyler finally relented and nodded that it was the right thing to do.

“What about Maria and Alex?” Michael asked looking at the only two humans in the room, Gorman did not really count.

Chris as the eldest son of the elder line looked at the two humans knowing that if he gave the go ahead then the others would fall in line. He looked to his niece, son and sister and conferred with them with simple looks, but it was his sons eyes he got the most from, it was their connection. “They can fight with us if they want to.” Chris Parry said in his husky voice. The members of the Covenant nodded their heads relenting to the elder but Michael, Max, Isabel and Tess were less willing to go along with this.

“No!” Michael and Max barked.

Chris turned his gaze on the two boys, eyes so like his niece’s. Max shrank back when he saw the fire hidden under the surface. “I am the one who is calling the shots here, not you.” Chris said.

“Wait I thought Caleb was running this.” Isabel said.

“He is in charge of the younger line Chris is in charge of the elder line.” Jason said Isabel stared hard at the Covenant and took a step back after really looking at them for the first time. Caleb stood alone, next to him was Pogue next to his father it was strange to see what Pogue was going to look like down the road, and next to Chris was Jason the next in the line and next to him Tyler the youngest in the line, next to Tyler was Liz and Nancy. Nancy was similar in looks to her brother but there were vast differences but it was Liz that really brought them together since she looked almost exactly like her uncle and cousin except for a few differences that were due to her father. Inside Liz rested the youngest and oldest member of the new line which was scary to think about. Next to Liz stood Seth and then his son Reid, it was magical to look at the lines.

“Max as much as it kills me to say this we need to listen to him.” Isabel said.

“I want to fight.” Maria said and Alex nodded in agreement.

“But we don’t want to be an added risk to all of you. There has to be a way we can fight without taxing the rest of you.” Alex said suddenly Liz’s face lit up.

“Oh I think I have an idea…wait now I think I am forming a plan oh I like it…definitely a good plan.” Liz said with a devious smile.

“Oh it is never good when she gets that look someone always ends up hurt and it is usually me.” Caleb muttered.

“Not always one time Pogue had to get stitches and you just had a cast.” Tyler said.

“So not fair that she never gets you hurt.” Pogue muttered making Tyler grin.

“So Liz what is this plan of yours?” Kyle asked he always liked her plans.

“Why I am so very glad that you asked Kyle because you are key in part of this.” Liz said the others huddled together getting to work.

A day later they were still working on battle preparations most missing school and work to put everything together knowing that their lives were much more important. Caleb and Chris Parry went out to find the other members of the Covenant to let them know of the coming war hoping to recruit them. Leo was contacting other whitelighters and their charges to join the fight while the sisters and Jason were getting in touch with allied covens to help. Their numbers were swelling and they knew that it was only a matter of hours now until the battle would begin.

“Hey you should be in bed resting.” Tyler said from behind her. She turned around from her position over the table and saw Tyler leaning in the doorjamb looking incredible as usual, his brown locks dusting his forehead looking as if he had run his hands through his hair nervously several times.

“I am too restless.”

“Liz you need your rest tomorrow is going to be taxing on you.” Tyler said encircling her from behind.

“I know but I am just humming with energy at the moment.” Liz sighed.

“Well I know of a way to get you to calm down.” Tyler said Liz looked at him with wide eyes.

“Tyler you want to have sex now?” She asked making him laugh.

“No Liz I was thinking more along the lines of a bath I know how much you love them and I know that your legs are probably hurting.” Tyler said melting her heart.

“That would be great but you are getting in there with me.” She whispered pecking his lips.

“Of course.” He said giving her one of his wide grins.

Max sat in the kitchen with Michael, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Tess, and Alex all of whom were relaxing enjoying the last few hours together. He had heard Liz and Tyler leave earlier and he knew that they were off fooling around somewhere but oddly enough the pain in his chest had lessened.

“Well guys I am going to go and find Reid, have a good night.” Maria said leaving the rest of them alone.

“The two of them are good together.” Max said sipping his soda.

Michael smirked and nodded his head. “As much as it kills me to see them together I know that it is right for them to be together there is just something about them that clicks that the two of us never had. The two of us had to work too hard for our relationship to work and for them it just comes natural, they were meant to be together.” Michael said with a small sigh.

“She is happy.” Tess added and the others nodded.

“Guys is it wrong to be scared?” Alex asked looking up from his orange soda. His brown eyes bored deeply into those of the others.

“No it would be wrong to not be afraid.” Max said.

“Alex we are going into battle here man everyone is afraid and you should be more so then the rest of us since you did not grow up fighting and protecting yourself. Even Max, Michael, Tess, and Isabel should be terrified they do not know what is going to happen. Alex we are going to get through this though man you need to believe that and play your part in all of this so that we all end up alive and not a pile of ash or a scorch mark on the wall.” Kyle said making the others in the room gulp.

“Scorch mark?” Isabel asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Remember the powers of the upper level demons?” Kyle asked and the others nodded, “They leave scorch marks.” Kyle explained and the others nodded in understanding.

“So we are really going to do this huh?” Tess asked.

“We are going to do this, I was destined for this.” Kyle said.

“Really?” Isabel asked looking shocked.

“Yeah Pogue, Reid and I actually were destined for this battle.” Kyle said giving them a small smile.

“Why do I get this cold feeling when you say that?” Isabel choked out.

“Because we were not meant to survive this battle.” Pogue said from the doorway with Reid next to him.

“Wait what?” Michael asked he knew that Reid was supposed to be with Maria but he was suddenly down there.

“It was foretold long ago that Liz would carry the child of influence, Caleb would unite ancient lines, Tyler would claim glory, and the three of us would go down.” Kyle said.

“But I thought you were not a direct member of the Covenant.” Isabel said.

“I’m not but I was written about and I think you were as well.” Kyle said and Pogue nodded.

“The twice born soldiers.” Pogue whispered and the other two nodded.

“We were all meant to play a part in this battle even Alex and Maria and tomorrow we will all fulfill our destinies whether we want to or not.” Reid said.

Soon it was dawn and Paige, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Max, Tess, Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Cole watched as the Covenant and Gorman headed to the basement. Gorman carrying the same ancient box they knew to be carrying ashes. It was their before battle ritual. They all followed and sat on the stairs to watch as Gorman gave them the Covenant version of Last Rites.

Finally when Gorman was done the old man was shaking looking each of them in the face his tears evident on his older worn skin. “I have protected this family and watched over you for generations. Tonight you all go into battle against a great enemy. I have delivered all of you and tonight I know that I will be burying some of you.” The old man stopped to take in a shaky breath. “If you shall fall the wings of your fathers will carry you into the heavens.” Gorman whispered before he closed the wooden box and walked away.

Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt60,p10 1/27/08

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:33 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part. I know all of you are freaked about what is going to happen but all I can say is hang in there! Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 61: War of the Witches III

Caleb stared ahead of him down the old dirt road canopied by leafless trees for miles. The road was abandoned as usual after all very few knew of the existence of the ancient home and as far back as the ruins of Putnam barn was private property. It was cold in Massachusetts at this time of year but his blood was pumping so hard and the adrenaline had long ago kicked in and he felt nothing.

“We ready?” Caleb asked looking back at his three best friends paying close attention to Reid and Pogue. His gut clenched painfully knowing that these might be his last few moments with his best friends.

“You know we are, we fight hard and make sure the others survive.” Pogue said in his gruff voice. “Ah Tyler man I want to make sure that…”

“I will take care of her man, she is my life.” Tyler said slapping his friend on the back.

“Take care of Maria as well, she does not know…she does not know that I am supposed to die.” Reid said.

“You know I will Reid and so will Liz.” Tyler said.

“Does she know?” Caleb asked looking his blonde friend dead in the eyes. Reid held his gaze and shook his head no. Caleb let out a sigh feeling sick.

“Are you not afraid she is going to get hurt?” Pogue asked.

“She is not going to be doing the same things as the rest of us, she will be fine. I feel it deep in my heart I know that the two of them are going to be alright.” Reid said.

“How far along is Maria?” Tyler asked.

“Not far at all only a little over a month, but she has no clue.” Reid said looking ashamed.

“You did not mean to man.” Caleb said.

“Just make sure she knows that… make sure that Maria knows that I love her.” Reid whispered.

“Reid she knows that you do and we will make sure that your heir knows that as well.” Caleb said the air shifted slightly and the boys turned to see Liz coming towards them, her belly now showing.

“It’s time.” Tyler said as Liz joined them.

Suddenly a portal opened up in front of the five teens, their eyes turned black as they watched the person emerge from the portal. Chase the Putnam heir stood before the Sons of Ipswich his black eyes staring hard at the five before him.

“Well, well look what we have here the infamous Sons of Ipswich. Look at little Lizzie Parker so ripe and round with Simms bastard child. Soon the Simms heir is going to know what it is like to grow up a bastard just like my line did. He is going to have to figure out how to survive all on his own just like all of us did.” Chase said.

“How are you here Chase? We know that you are dead Liz has your power.” Caleb asked his black eyes revealing his loathing for the teen in front of him. Chase snarled the air around him crackling with his unused energy.

“See now that is an interesting story, it seems that once you sell your soul to the devil you can’t die until he says so. I was hoping that by willing away my powers I would finally be released from my contract but it did not. You want to know what will release me?” Chase asked.

“What?” Caleb asked knowing that he was not going to like that answer.
“Killing all of you.” Chase said lifting his hand up to release an energy blast, the battle was on. Liz raised her hand to fire only to be hit square in the chest by one of his blasts, she was surprised when the blast stung.

Tyler looked at Liz and saw her stunned face and he knew that something was wrong. Firing on Chase he ground his teeth when he saw the witch deflect it. Liz and Caleb fired at the same time only to both be thrown back hard. Reid and Pogue threw all they had at the Putnam heir and Tyler joined in he had lost track of how many blasts he sent at Chase but none of them seemed to affect the teen.

“It’s time to make you my witch Caleb, and I am going to take her as well. She is so pretty.” Chase growled flying into the air. The others snapped into action, they all flew into the air, Reid was blasted by an energy wave first and fell flat on his back in obvious pain. The smell of charred flesh hung in the air.

Chase suddenly pulled a small bottle out of his pocket and threw it at Liz. The liquid splashed her skin forming blisters, she screamed in horror, which should not have hurt her. Tyler concentrated and threw a large ball of energy at Chase stunning the teen while he grabbed Liz and hurled her at Reid.

“Get her inside!” Someone yelled and Reid jumped up grabbing Liz running towards the house.

“No I have to fight, I can’t leave him there!” She yelled hysterical.

“Liz he hit you with something and it is hurting you.” Reid said dragging her away from the fight. Liz sent a small blast at Reid escaping from his grasp running back to the fight, she was not going to let her family fight without her. Seeing that Chase had not seen her arrive she focused her hands together concentrating all of her energy on that single energy ball. A moment later she aimed and released the powerful blast at Chase, it was three lines worth of magic focused on one person. The blast hit Chase dead in the chest, he looked at Liz his black eyes shocked. Suddenly Chase burst into flames he flailed around looking panicked.

“No it’s not possible!” He shouted but it was too late the Source deemed him of little use and let him die.

“Looks like his contract was revoked.” Pogue said he whipped around when he heard Liz whimper.

“Liz!” Tyler grabbed her and looked at her arm which was blistered badly.

“How the hell did this happen?” Caleb asked quickly ushering the group inside.

“I don’t know he threw something at me and it hurt badly.” Liz said as Tyler and Reid pushed her into a kitchen chair.

“Reid, man your hit bad.” Pogue said motioning towards the blonde’s chest. Reid looked to Liz and rolled his eyes.

“Actually this was courtesy of Liz, she did not want to leave the three of you out there to fight on your own. She killed Chase.” Reid said.

“Where is she?” Gorman asked racing into the room awfully quickly for a man at his age. He grabbed Liz’s arm gently and smelled the skin. “She was hit by Haratcol blood, the Source must have given it to Chase.” Gorman muttered.

“Haratcol blood, what is that going to do to her?” Tyler asked stroking her hair.

“Normally the blood would kill a person in an instant but since Liz is invincible it merely burned her which is alarming in of itself. I have a balm that will take care of this.” Gorman said leading Liz upstairs to the attic. Tyler and the others followed in a hurry they needed to move quickly because they had little time before the others were expecting them to move into position.

“How come we did not know that this could happen?” Pogue asked.

“Well to be honest I did not think that the Source would give anyone something that could easily be used to kill him instead he is rather funny that way.” Gorman said giving the boys a ‘duh’ look.

“So now we know that something can hurt Liz.” Reid said.

“Hurt yes but apparently not kill.” Gorman said slathering on a thick green balm that looked a lot like toothpaste to Liz. She sighed when she felt the sting fade away. She noticed how Tyler would not stop fidgeting and she pulled him down next to her clasping his hand in her smaller one.

“What about the baby?” Tyler blurted out.

“The baby remains unharmed Master Simms this I am sure of. Liz is good to fight but be cautious Liz for the Source might have something like this up his sleeve still.” Gorman cautioned his charge patting her arm. The group sat there for a moment collecting their breath before Caleb stood up from the chair his father used to inhabit and he called the attention of the room.

“I know that you don’t want to guys but we need to get back out there and fight.” Caleb said looking his best friends, his family in the eye.

“We are ready Caleb.” Liz said softly getting up the others following her.

“Oh and Liz next time don’t blast Reid we still need him to fight.” Caleb said laughing slightly at the blonde’s disgruntled look.

“She sure packs a punch man.”

San Francisco

Caleb and Pogue shimmered into the attic where they knew the sisters would be. The three women screamed at the sudden appearance of the two guys. When Paige saw Caleb her shoulders slumped in relief before she flung herself at him.

“Thank god you are alright.” She whispered.

“Actually it is more like thank Liz.” He chuckled.

“So Chase is…”

“Dead for good this time, it seems he had worked out a little agreement with the Source but when we killed him yet again the Source deemed him an unnecessary risk and got rid of him and allowed Liz to kill him for good.” Pogue said.

“Everyone else is in position.” Cole said.

“Alright then.” Caleb said the group just stood there rocking back and forth on their feet waiting for something to happen. After a half hour of waiting Caleb noticed it was beginning to get dark.

“They sure are taking their grand time.” Pogue muttered.

“They know that we are waiting for them so they are trying to lull us into a false sense of security.” Cole explained.

“Well it is not working.” Phoebe said.

“Guys something is not right here I mean demons are not exactly known for waiting to do something.” Piper said.

“She is right, we are missing something.” Leo said.


He moved swiftly and silently through the cavernous pits of the underworld unseen by all. He knew where he had to go and was thankful that all the demons were gone so that he could make his way to his destination uninterrupted. He had gone to Cole for help asking the half demon to ‘drop’ him off in the underworld. It was as if Cole knew what was going to happen because the upper level demon patted him on the back and then shimmered away leaving him in the one place he never wanted to return.

“I was wondering when you were going to show up.” She sang form the opening of her cave. The woman was tall and stunning with long brown chestnut locks and dazzling almond eyes and golden skin.

“Hello Seer.” Jeff said.

“Come to get your powers back? Ready to become a demon again Jeff Parker?” The Seer asked.

“I need to. You have my powers I know you do you promised me you would keep them safe.” Jeff said the girl moved to the side allowing him to enter her chambers.

“All those years ago you came to me groveling begging me to take your powers, you fell in love with a witch and wanted to be with her going against your nature. You turned your back on two of your daughters and your family, you turned your back on me.” The Seer said with a small pout.

“I never meant to Calisto.” He said using her real name. She turned and looked hard at the man standing before her, his time as a human had aged him from the twenty something she was used to.

“You came to me and handed me this stupid box and then you were gone.” The Seer said hoping onto her stone table, a black box with white light shining through.

“Calisto I never wanted to abandon you but I needed to in order to be with the woman I love. I have Nancy and Lizzie, my little Lizzie.” Jeff said his chest tightening painfully at the mentioning of his baby girl that he forced away from him.

“I see darkness ahead of you, taking back your powers will lead you into a fight that was not meant for you.” The Seer said.

“This fight is the fight for me because it involves my baby girl. I need to be there in the fight for her she is my life Calisto and I cannot let her and my wife stand there by themselves.” Jeff said. Calisto smiled softly before she opened the box and white light spilled into the room.

“That was the right answer big brother.” She whispered with a small smile.

Jeff fell to the floor gasping as the power rushed into him, over a hundred years of built up energy and evil coursed into him. His brown eyes glowed red until the last of his powers settled inside him, the wrinkles faded slightly and his muscle tone came back. Jeff stood slowly flexing his muscles. “Thanks little sis, now be a good girl and don’t tell anyone that you have seen me.” Jeff said before he shimmered away.

“Don’t worry Jeffry I won’t tell a soul.” The Seer whispered.


Maria looked around the back room of the café waiting for the others to show up. “Don’t worry Maria they will be here soon.” Alex said patting the blonde girl on the back.

“I am just worried.” Maria whispered.

“You have a reason to be.” A voice sang from behind her. Maria whipped around and saw Alex knocked out on the floor and Congresswoman Whitaker standing next to him her hand raised.

“Alien?” Maria asked and Whitaker nodded.

“Great I was actually hoping for a demon.” Maria whimpered startling Whitaker.

“Now why would they be more preferable to a human like you?” She asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.

“Because I know how to kill them.” Maria whimpered before she was hit in the chest with an orange blast of light that emitted from the Congresswoman’s hand.

“Well then I guess it is a good thing that you don’t know how to kill a skin.” Whitaker laughed grabbing Maria’s arm dragging her out of the building and into a waiting car leaving behind Alex Whitman.

Only minutes had passed but soon Max and Isabel burst through the back doors of the Crashdown when neither Alex nor Maria were answering their cell phones. Isabel screamed when she saw Alex knocked out on the floor. Max quickly went to work on waking the teen up so that he could heal any damage done.

“Ah I feel like I was hit by a truck.” Alex groaned opening his eyes only to see those amber eyes of Max Evans.

“What happened Alex?” Isabel asked.

“Whitaker, she snuck in here and then blasted me.” Alex grunted.

“Where is Maria?” Max asked looking around but he did not see her anywhere. Isabel opened the back door again and saw what the two siblings had missed the first time they entered the backroom, a blood trail leading out into the ally.

“Oh no.” Isabel hissed.

“What is it?” Alex asked after Max finished healing him.

“She took Maria it looks like.” Isabel said leaning against the dumpster. Suddenly Isabel let out a sharp breath when her eyes were assaulted by strange images. She looked up at the two men in front of her looking terrified.

“Whitaker is an evil alien and she took Maria to the old napkin factory.” Isabel gasped out.

“We need to get there fast before the fighting starts.” Max said.

“I will go the two of you need to stay here.” Isabel said but Max shook his head no.

“Not going to happen Isabel, I am not going to let you fight an unknown enemy all on your own.” Max said.

“She won’t be alone I will go with her.” Tess said as her and Michael appeared at the end of the ally running towards the three.

“No Tess I need to go by myself I have to do this I can’t explain it but I feel like it is me that this woman is really after.” Isabel said.

“That is probably true Isabel but I remember from my time with Nasedo that these skins are bad news and since my powers are more developed than yours I should be there with you. You have no idea how many skins are really there Isabel I need to come with you.” Tess said and Isabel grudgingly relented.

“Fine but we have to go now.” Isabel said and the two girls took off running towards Tess’s car.

“So who is going to tell Reid that his girlfriend is missing?” Alex asked.

“Not it!” Michael, Max and Alex yelled at the same time but Michael was a little bit slower than the other two.

“Damn.” Michael muttered.

“Well think of it like this Michael, there is no way he is going to be able to blame this on you so there is a good chance he will not kill you. After all we do need you in the fight.” Max said.

“Man this bites.” Michael groaned. The alien second in command went down the street sticking to the shadows until he came to the Valenti house where Reid and Tyler were lounging on the couch.

“Michael what the hell are you doing here?” Kyle asked.

“Maria was taken by Whitaker. Isabel and Tess went on a rescue mission.” Michael blurted out. Reid just stared at him dumbfounded but the others in the room, besides Michael, knew that Reid was going to blow any second.

“WHAT!” Reid shouted standing up his icy blue eyes turning into raging black instantly.

“Well Maria and Alex were in the backroom of the café and then apparently Alex was knocked out and then Maria was taken and now Isabel and Tess are going after her.” Michael said afraid of the witch in front of him.

“Oh this is not good.” Liz mumbled looking at Reid.

“Yeah I know which is why I am here telling you this.” Michael said.

“No Michael what Liz means is that this is really not good. Michael, Maria is pregnant and if she is hurt there is not telling what will happen to her.” Kyle said his cousin had filled him in on that little tidbit earlier.

The color drained from Michael’s face when what Kyle said registered. Maria was pregnant, she was pregnant and Reid was the father. Reid and Maria were going to have a baby. A pregnant Maria was out there right now in danger in the hands of the enemy, his enemy. His knowing Maria had put her in danger once again but this time there was another person involved, an innocent baby.

“We have to go after them.” Michael muttered.

“No I have to go after them.” Reid said blinking away. Tyler looked at Liz and she nodded at him and he too blinked away.

“Well it looks like the Covenant super sperm worked one more time.” Kyle laughed.

“Yeah we now have two pregnant teenage mothers.” Liz sighed.

“Well thankfully Pogue is not seeing anyone.” Kyle laughed.

“That we know of.” Liz sighed.

“Michael you alright?” Kyle asked seeing that the alien had yet to move a muscle.

“What? Oh yeah I am fine but I need to get going.” Michael said quickly leaving the two.

“Well that went well.” Liz said gently lowering herself onto the couch resting her hands on her tummy. Kyle turned and gave Liz a ‘are you joking’ look.

“Well at least Michael did not start crying.” Liz muttered.

Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt61,p11 1/29/08

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:15 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Here is the first major battle please let me know what you think!

Added Note: I do not own the spells that are said in this part they are from the show Charmed and I am just using them in this part.

Part 62: War of the Witches IV

Maria looked around trying to come to grips with where she was and what was happening to her. She was knocked out by the congresswoman once in the car and then she found herself when she woke up attached to what looked like water pipes. Maria looked at her wrist and saw she was cuffed making her groan. “Perfect.” She mumbled yanking on the cuff a few times but she knew that it was useless.

“Maria.” Someone hissed, it sounded a lot like Isabel. Maria looked around wildly but had to stop due to the sudden pain she felt. She looked down and saw that her body was covered in bruises, it looked as if Whitaker was less then gentle with her.

“Maria.” This time it sounded like Tess.

“Hello?” Maria asked whimpering slightly when the metal bit into her wrist harder.

“Maria…” Isabel breathed as her and Tess suddenly entered the room, the two were covered in dirt.

“Thank god.” Maria groaned as Tess waved her hand over the handcuffs and they released. Suddenly Reid was standing before her making the three girls squeal. His jet black eyes took in the three of them before settling on Maria, Isabel pushed the small girl away and towards Reid who eagerly pulled her close.

“Come on guys let’s get out of here.” Reid whispered.

“Can’t you just blink us away?” Maria asked.

“Not all of you so let’s go.” Reid said leading the way out of the room down a narrow hall way.

“Going somewhere?” A voice rang out the four of them looked around but saw no one it was as if the voice was everywhere.

“Run!” Tess hissed the group ran until they hit a ladder and Isabel went up first to check it out followed by Maria, Tess and then Reid. The four found themselves in the main part of the factory and next to a pile of what appeared to be skin.

“Oh that is just wrong.” Reid muttered pulling the girls away from the offending thing.

“Well that is what happens when you are an evil alien.” Maria muttered as they group ran out front of the factory.

“Again I ask, going somewhere?” Whitaker asked from behind them. The four turned sharply and saw the congresswoman approaching them looking ready to eat them alive.

“Yup we have a war to fight.” Maria said.

“Oh really now tell me more about this war” Whitaker said it was apparent to the four teens that she did not buy that there was a war but then again they could not blame her after all it did sound crazy.

“No can do.” Reid said getting ready to blast her but he was not quick enough and she sent him flying. Maria screamed but she remained where she was even though it killed her when she saw that Reid was not moving.

“You bitch!” Isabel screamed raising her hand, a small blast came out but it was deflected as if it were air by the other alien. Tess fired at the woman but missed and was hit in the chest, Maria trembled when she saw Tess crumple to the ground. She did not know what possessed her but suddenly Maria launched herself at the evil woman knocking her to the ground with a grunt. Whitaker was fast though and retaliated against the two girls.

Maria stood up again but she was not quick enough and Whitaker struck her hard before blasting her. Isabel stood alone against the evil alien before her.

“Vilandra at last it is just the two of us. I have been looking for you for so long, my king will be so pleased to have you once more.” Whitaker said.

“Your king?”

“Khivar.” Whitaker said making Isabel shudder she wanted nothing to do with that man and his people.

“Vilandra betrayed her brother for us she was so in love with Khivar. She sympathized with our people and fought for us when her brother tried to crush us. She was the one who let us into the palace so that her family could be slaughtered.” Whitaker said.

“No I would never do that to my brother and family.” Isabel said.

“You did in the last lifetime and you will do it in this one. What do you have here Vilandra? Humans who are beneath you? Your precious little brother and husband?” Whitaker asked coming closer.

“No I will never betray my family and friends I am not Vilandra my name is Isabel.” Isabel said.

“You said the same thing in your other life and yet you ended up in the bed of your brother’s enemy betraying him and your husband.” Whitaker said she turned to look at the three on the ground with a pitying smile. “They are brave to fight for you but then again you always could inspire a crowd.” Whitaker said.

“They were not fighting for me they were fighting for Maria. Why did you take her?” Isabel asked.

“Because we knew that you would come for her.” Whitaker said.

“But why her?”

“Because she was more entertaining.” Whitaker laughed, “But now she has served her purpose, they all have even little Tess here and now it is time to dispose of them.” Whitaker said raising her palm to blast Maria into the afterlife. Isabel rushed in front of her friend raising her palm to stop Whitaker from hurting Maria. It was amazing, a red transparent shield appeared from her palm deflecting Whitaker’s blast back on her startling the woman. Her shrieks of pain echoed around the desert until only a pile of ash remained. Isabel lowered her hand shakily.

“What have I done?” She whispered.

San Francisco

Something was not right they could feel it in their bones they knew that they were missing something big. Caleb looked to Pogue and saw that his second knew that as well. Cole nodded at them saying that he felt it too and suddenly it became clear to the eldest heir.

“Oh god…” Caleb gasped out.

“What is it Caleb?” Paige asked.

“We made a huge mistake.” Caleb choked out.

“What?” Phoebe asked.

“Where are they Caleb?” Cole asked.

“They are in Ipswich at the ancestral home.” Caleb said.

“How does he know that?” Piper asked.

“Because he can sense who is on his land.” Leo said.

“Pogue go warn the others I am heading there.” Caleb said.

“I am coming with you.” Paige and Cole said at the same time.

“So am I.” Phoebe and Piper added.

“I am with you too.” Chris said.

“I will go too.” Leo said and in a snap the group was gone and stood at the front gate of the ancestral home in Ipswich where legions of demons stood glaring at them.

“Oh this is going to be fun.” Piper squeaked.

“Ah!” Caleb yelled before he unleashed his powers, eyes jet black and swimming with determination to defeat those in front of him. As he raised his hands currents of energy flooded out of his fingertips towards the mass of demons, the others took cues from him and jumped into the fight. Caleb heard noises behind him and based on the energy balls and electrical currents streaming behind him he knew that it was the other members of the Covenant.

“Through the book cast this spell
Bring the death of evil and Hell
May she suffer until she cries
Her tears will run and then she dies” The sisters chanted in the background. The witches watched as several females in the demon army burst into flames shrieking.

“Next group!” Paige yelled as the Covenant continued to hurl their magic at the advancing crowd.

“Branch of Hemlock do your deed
Blood of life you will impede
Beloved bark will keep the breath
And in the end it will bring death.” The sisters chanted throwing potions made to kill the Hemlock demons.

Liz raised her fist and gasped when it lit up with fire. “Oh wow that is different.” She said but she went with it and threw it at the oncoming demons and watched in fascination as it took out a nice clump. “Cool.” She breathed before doing it again and again.

Soon the demons were on top of the group and many of the witches were forced to move from normal magic to hand to hand combat as well. Pogue slammed his elbow into the face of a warlock and blasted a Horn demon and then blasted the warlock before moving on to the next clump of demons. Tyler ducked as a Harpy moved his way and threw a warlock in front of his path taking the Harpy’s wrath and vanquishing at the same time

Liz felt trapped by the demons surrounding her, Cole had been next to her but an upper level demon grabbed him and now she was tapped. She knew that the others had tried to stay next to her so that she would not be in the situation she was in but well that plan did not work out so well. Getting frightened Liz let her body respond automatically. Raising her right foot Liz slammed it into the group and was amazed when a large wave of energy plowed into the demons surrounding her, the ones closest to her were taken out and the others knocked down. She liked that new power and did it again and again but the demons were learning quickly so she had to change her fighting style once again.

“Wicked Liz!” Chris yelled suddenly appearing next to her along with older Chris. The two men hurled energy balls and potions at the oncoming demons and allowed Liz to rest for a moment before she joined in again kicking and throwing energy blasts.

Kyle glared at the demons in front of him, it seemed like no matter what he threw at them they just deflected it. He knew it was risky and that he was going to be drained of energy quickly but Kyle knew that he need to do something quick. He spread his arms wide and then smacked his hands together unleashing a powerful shockwave at the demons taking out a few but several still remained. “Oh come on people why won’t you die!”He yelled he was beyond frustrated and decided it was time to put his athletic training to use and tackled the demon closest to him and then shoved an energy ball into his face and a potion; the combination did the trick and the demon erupted in flames.

“Beast of legend, Myth and Lore,
Give my words the power to soar,
and kill this evil evermore.” The sisters chanted feeling drained from all of their spells and constant use of their powers. The vanquishing spell worked and several more demons were killed but it was as if they just kept coming and coming.

Tyler blasted a demon into oblivion and quickly scanned the area for Liz, he saw her and Pogue fighting together and sighed in relief. A massive demon with scales came up behind him and lifted him off his feet. Tyler using a burst of energy elbowed the demon sending him flying and then threw repeated energy blasts at the demon weakening it with each hit never giving it time to retaliate. Leo orbed in next to him and threw a potion behind him sending a demon into a fit of flames.

“Thanks for that.” Tyler grunted sending one last energy ball at the demon and it burst into flames as well.

“Not a problem.” Leo said before orbing again next to Paige who stuck a demon in the forehead with her cursed knife.

“Nice one!” Phoebe congratulated her sister following her example with the demon she was pummeling.

“Thanks.” Paige said kicking the demon next to her wincing when she jilted her broken ribs but she pushed through the pain and kept fighting.

“Phoebe on your right.” Paige warned her sister just in time for the smaller witch to knee said demon in the face and then the one next to her in the stomach before Piper blew them up.

“How are you doing?” Phoebe asked her older sister.

“Not the time Phoebe.” Piper grunted blowing up another demon, she turned to blow another demon up only to discover he was impervious to her blasts.

“Potion.” Paige yelled extending her hand and a red liquid flew into her hand in a wave of blue lights. She then thrust her hand and sent it flying at the demon coming at Piper who was ducking his fireballs. The demon was hit square in the chest and started sizzling. Phoebe threw another red potion at him and that one did the trick and he burst into flames.

Cole shimmered in next to the sisters and Leo and started hurling fireballs and energy balls in every direction, to the others it looked as if he was aiming blind but if one looked closer they would notice that he hit a demon every time and vanquished them. Cole pushed Piper out of the way of a fireball and threw one back at the demon who threw one at her killing it.

It felt like an eternity but soon the battle ended, there were no more demons in front of the ancestral home. The Covenant and Charmed Ones were gasping from exertion many falling to the ground in fatigue. Caleb looked around him and saw many of the trees on fire or gone completely, there were blast marks on the ground, and blood everywhere some demon and some human. Caleb shook when he took in the state of his family.

“No.” He groaned drawing the attention of the others. Liz looked to where Caleb was looking and screamed. Kyle Valenti was on the ground covered in blood his body twisted in an unnatural position. Leo ran towards the fallen boy and his hand began to glow.

“Oh god.” Pogue groaned.


Isabel snapped out of her stupor when she saw her three friends still on the group. She ran over to Maria shaking her but she would not wakeup. Isabel panicked and moved to wake up Reid who stirred with a groan.

“Ah that hurt a lot. Please tell me she is dead.” Reid groaned.

“I killed her.” Isabel said in a shaky voice.

“Great job.” Reid muttered getting to his feet as Isabel woke Tess up. Reid saw Maria and freaked. “No!” He yelled pulling the small blonde into his arms.

“Reid we can take her to Max for him to heal.” Tess grunted shaking slightly.

“He has to save them.” Reid muttered looking half crazed.

“Them?” Isabel asked.

“Maria is pregnant.” Tess gasped Reid looked up at her with watery eyes and shook his head yes. Isabel gasped feeling sick knowing that she might have just cost her friend to lose her baby.

“Reid blink to the backroom of the café where Max and Michael are so that Max can heal her. Tell them that Tess and I are driving back.” Isabel said Reid quickly blinked away hoping that nothing happened to Maria and his heir.

Max and Michael jumped when they saw Reid with a passed out Maria in his arms in the backroom both looking battered. “She needs help.” Reid said and Max quickly tried to wake her up.

“Maria come on open your eyes and look at me.” Max said shaking her slightly.

“Get some water.” Reid told Michael who quickly went to retrieve a glass and returned with it handing it to Reid who splashed some on her face and neck. Maria roused slightly long enough for Max to get in. The alien got to work fixing the internal and external damage, it appeared that the baby was fine and protected itself. Maria’s green eyes brightened until Max was finished looking considerably tired.

“What happened to her?” Max asked.

“Well an evil alien blasted me.” Maria muttered.

“Isabel took care of Whitaker.” Reid filled in as the two female aliens burst into the room.

“Oh thank god she is alright.” Isabel said seeing Maria sitting in Reid’s arms cuddled close.

“I’m pregnant?” She asked Reid looking terrified he nodded yes feeling terrible. “You knew?” She asked Reid her green eyes wide.

“Yes, I started to sense the connection.” Reid said.

“Why are you not freaked about this?” Maria asked starting to become hysterical. Reid looked into her eyes Maria could see the pain in his icy blue depths. “Oh god Reid why are you not mad?” Maria asked her lower lip trembling.

“Maria I am not going to survive this fight.” Reid whispered what the other four already knew. Tears leaked out the corners of her bright emerald eyes as she shook her head.

“No…” She moaned.

“It was foretold long ago that I would go down in this battle Maria it is my destiny no matter how much I despise it. I want nothing more than to live and be with you and my kid.” Reid said bushing a lock of her curly blonde hair behind her ear, the others had left to give the two some privacy.

“Reid what am I going to do I can’t lose you.” Maria sobbed into his shoulder breaking his heart. “How am I going to raise this baby on my own?”

“The others are going to help you Maria they promised to make sure you and our baby were well cared for. Liz will not let anything happen to you.” Reid said cupping her face using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away her tears.


“I know Maria.” He said hugging her to him as her small frame shook with her sobs. “Maria…I need you to promise me something.” Reid choked out.

“What?” She asked using the heels of her hands to wipe her eyes.

“When the fighting gets bad Maria, go with Alex and leave. I need to make sure that you and our baby are alright, you don’t have the invincibility that Liz does.” Reid said in a shaky voice.

“I will.” She whispered.

“Where is Alex because I need to tell him the same thing?” Reid asked as Isabel came into the backroom.

“He is upstairs sleeping as is Max.” Isabel said.

“I am going to go and talk to him.” Reid said Isabel nodded and left the two alone again. Maria sighed and Reid hugged her close she was terrified that these might be her last moments with him, with the father of her…child. Reid dipped his head and kissed her full lips desperately trying to savor her, remember her. She held his head to her not wanting to break the kiss but they had to eventually.

“Maria…” Reid sighed leaning his forehead against hers.

“Reid, I love you.” She whispered looking into his piercing blue eyes. Reid smiled and stroked the side of her face kissing her again.

“Maria Deluca I love you.” He said kissing her temple. Reid moved away from her and went up to the Parker apartment to talk to Alex leaving Maria in the backroom. She looked around with watery eyes before falling onto the couch crying, she did not want to lose him.

Re: War of the Witches (Multi,XO,UC,Adult)Pt62,p7 1/31/08

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:49 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Please let me know what you think of this new one!

Added Note: The spells used in this part are not owned by me they are from the TV show Charmed.

Part 63: War of the Witches V

Nancy was standing in a darkened street, Main Street of Roswell. The air was heavy and pressed down on her chest constricting her breathing. Her eyes darted around the street searching for someone. Jeff suddenly appeared around the corner running towards her.

“They are coming!” He shouted.

“Good we have been itching to fight.” Jason said suddenly appearing next to her with her brother and Reid’s father. Cole shimmered in next to them out of breath with burn marks on him.

“They are coming.” Cole said.

“We know.” Nancy muttered as the air around them crackled.

“Oh that is a hell of a lot of demons.” Seth Garwin muttered.

“We know.” Jason said.

“Jeff you should go there is no way you are going to be able to fight here.” Chris Parry said. Jeff slowly turned to the group and extended his hand as a fireball materialized in his palm.

“I can fight.” Jeff whispered Nancy raised a shaky hand to her mouth not wanting to believe what she was seeing. “I had to Nancy, this is the only way I know of to protect Liz.” Jeff said. Jason slapped Jeff on the back in understanding.

“We are going to do this, we are going to win this.” Chris said. The six adults turned towards the end of the street knowing that there were hundreds of demons already standing there having shimmered and blinked in.

“This will be the last war of the witches.” Jason whispered.

“But it will be the end.” Nancy whispered as they all raised their hands preparing for battle.

“So it begins.” Cole muttered.

The demons roared toward them energy balls, darklighter arrows, weapons of every sort, and spells hissed at the witches and were almost at them when suddenly before the adults a green barrier erupted deflecting all of the hits. Max, Michael and Isabel stood with their hands raised in front of the adults; Tess was behind them having warped the mass of demons into not seeing the Royal Four. The demons stood transfixed as slowly Tess revealed a new clump of witches. The heirs of the Covenant were first, followed by Maria, Alex and Kyle, then the Charmed Ones with Leo and young Chris, and then in one big swoop Tess revealed the final blow to the demons, it was hundreds of witches from over twenty covens around the world.

“Now!” Caleb growled and the three aliens lowered their shield. The light threw spells, potions, blasts and everything they had in them at the demons knocking out the first wave instantly.

“Nicoli Gypsies stand strong beside me
Marina, Theresa, Lydia
Nicoli Gypsies stand beside us
Vanquish this evil from time and space” Rang out from somewhere in the mass a group of gypsies chanted, the spell was strong enough to knock out several demons close to them.

The Charmed Ones used their arsenal of spells as well managing to get rid of some of the lower level demons. An upper level demon who looked a lot like Cole charged at Phoebe, she levitated in the air and pulled out her dagger catching him by surprise as she stabbed his forehead killing him.

Maria and Alex stuck together with their bags of potions throwing them at the bad guys. Maria grinned when she hit a warlock in the face and he burst into flames. Alex was putting his dodge ball skills to work as he ducked and tucked to get away from all the amiss spells and blasts from the other side. Kyle stuck close to them having been healed by Leo earlier he knew that he had to protect his two friends. A Tork demon charged at the trio and Kyle raised his fist sending a surge of energy and the demon obliterating it, Maria and Alex nodded their thanks.

Liz and Pogue stood side by side with their mother and father the four of them extending their hands at once putting the power of the Parry line to use. “Power of the Parry’s guard us.” They chanted as a black jet of light shot out from their collective hands towards the oncoming demons killing all in their path. Max blinked seeing the black jet, it was then he realized Gorman had been telling him the truth, the Covenant was rooted in darkness he should have known they had pretty much come out and told him just that themselves. At the same time though Max knew that Gorman had wanted to scare him and also tell him the truth it was almost as if the old man knew that one day Max would be fighting beside them and would need to know who and what he was fighting for; it appeared that there really was a fine line between good and evil and not too long ago he was dancing with the other side.

“Max look out!” Michael barked as the amber eyed alien ducked a black arrow that lodged itself into the demon Caleb was fighting and killed said demon. Max opened the palm of his hand and released a silver blast at what the others called a darklighter.

Tyler and Reid were fighting together as usual slamming their fists into any demon they came around shooting magical currents into their bodies. Reid nudged Tyler and the other boy nodded and the two stood back to back their hands clasped at their side while their other hand was raised and pointing at the demons around them. The two released their pent up energy and watched as what looked like currents of electricity streamed out of their fingers into the demons around them killing all in their path. “Wow this is cool!” Reid laughed moving his hand slightly to hit each new target. Soon they had to stop and give their magic a break from the powerful current. Tyler pulled out his cursed dagger and went to work killing demons the mortal way.

“Dagger!” Paige shouted extending her hand and said item appeared in her hand in a swirl of blue orbs. The demon who had been holding the dagger growled and charged towards her only for her to send it flying back at him with her powers. “Damn that felt good.” Paige said moving on to her next victim happily healed of her broken ribs.

The demons continued to pour at the witches on all sides. Covens used their ancient magic’s to obliterate all evil within their path. “The line of Dalia sends you back to hell!” Rang out as six witches chanted at a group of what looked like demons covered in green and brown slime. Kyle threw an energy ball at a bounty hunter and was stuck in the arm by a knife making him cringe at the pain but he pushed on. Kyle was shocked when a man suddenly appeared next to him and his hand began to glow healing the wound and Kyle fired at a demon. “Thanks.” Kyle said to the whitelighter who nodded and went off to heal another witch.

Maria and Alex saw that they had run out of potions in their bag so they motioned to Tess who nodded and she mind warped the demons into not seeing them as the duo made their way into the UFO center where they had stashed more bags of potions. Soon the two were back on the street throwing left and right. “Why don’t they all die when they are hit?” Maria asked as she threw a sixth potion at a demon it only seemed to stun him yet again.

Reid appeared out of nowhere with Caleb and the two hurled fire balls at the demon. “That was an upper level demon!” Reid shouted.

“Can’t really kill those with potions!” Caleb shouted and the two were off again heading towards Pogue and Liz who were shooting jets of what appeared to be acid at demons.

“Now that is interesting.” Maria said seeing her two friends who were killing demons in what appeared to be the most painful way possible.

“That is a Parry trick.” Jason Simms yelled from next to them lifting his hand to shoot a red ball of light at a demon that upon impact made the demon explode. “And that was a Simms trick.” Jason said then he disappeared into a throng of demons. Red lights swirled with blue appeared in the center and demons burst into flames or clouds of black.

“This is getting kind of bad here Maria.” Alex said noticing the increased number of bad guys.

“I know but we have to fight a little longer Alex.” Maria said pulling out her dagger and stabbing a demon in the forehead where they were instructed to. It might be hard but it was the only sure way they knew of. Alex grabbed two potions and formed a sort of assembly line and chucked potions at everything he saw killing most. Tyler saw that a few were not dead yet and sent power blasts at them. Then Kyle appeared and nodded at Tyler that he would take over. Alex and Maria threw their potions saving Kyle some work and he took out the ones who were more trouble. In the center of the mass stood a demon glowering at those around him, he was tall and almost solid black except for white markings on his body that looked somewhat like a demonic tattoo.

“Whoa that guy looks scary.” Maria squeaked when all of the sudden the demon turned to look at her, he grinned and then sent a fireball flying her way. Maria started to duck when she saw the fireball impact next to her it was then that she realized the fireball was not meant for her it was meant for the demon next to her. “Mr. Parker.” She breathed as the black and white demon obliterated all in his path. It was easy to see that he was a powerful demon more so then most in the throng, suddenly next to him Maria saw a black and red demon appear; his face was mostly red. The two demons nodded at each other and grinned showing their pointy razors for teeth.

“That’s Cole.” Kyle explained. Alex and Maria watched in fascination as demons around Jeff and Cole cowered in fear many blinking and shimmering away others remained out of loyalty to the Source. The two demons stood stock still and then out of nowhere a roar of furry sounded from the two and wave upon wave of fire flew at the demons around them, to Maria and Alex it looked to be a wall of fire that was carefully controlled and moved at the will of its masters.

“Holy shit!” Kyle shouted stopping for a second, Maria and Alex looked to where his eyes were trained. On the other side of the street stood Caleb, Liz, Pogue, Reid and Tyler clasping hands. Liz and Tyler were on the right of Caleb their right arms raised ready to fire, their left hands linking shoulders. On Caleb’s right were Pogue and Reid extending their left hands while their right was linking shoulders. Caleb had both hands out in front of him for a moment sound was suspended, Maria and Alex thought that they had gone deaf when all of the sudden in a raging roar silver, black, red, green, and blue swirls of light shot of out their hands. Cole and Jeff shimmered away as the light covered the throng of demons. Shrieks and wails of pain sounded around them and then instantly the light was gone.

The light looked around and saw that there was not a demon in sight. “Holy fricken crap we did it!” Isabel said wincing slightly, she had a deep gash in her side.

“Eve do you sense any demons nearby?” Leo asked a woman with long red hair.

“Only the two connected to our fight.” She said as Cole and Jeff materialized looking human once more.

“Collect our wounded!” Jeff roared and everyone got to work pulling the wounded over to a group of people standing to the side.

“Who are they?” Maria asked Kyle as the two pulled a small teen over to the clump.

“Whitelighters, angels, healers.” Kyle grunted standing in line to get healed as well.

“NO!” A wailing scream tore through the alliance of witches. Everyone parted to see what was wrong. The air left Maria at the sight before her.

Caleb, Liz, Pogue, Reid, and Tyler were on the ground their eyes open looking hauntingly on. Whitelighters raced towards the four hands glowing. Leo removed a shaky hand from over Caleb looking up at his sister in law Paige who was shaking in Phoebe’s arms, Leo shook his head.

“No!” Paige wailed falling to her knees her sisters pulled her close feeling the pain coming off of her. The witches watched as another whitelighter removed his hand from Pogue shaking his head no. Chris Parry held onto his sister his face was blank but his eyes were a turbulent storm of pain.

Maria watched as the whitleighter hovering over Reid removed her hand shaking her head as well. Maria sucked in a sharp breath clutching her stomach. “No he can’t be.” She whispered as Alex crushed her to him.

“Lizzie baby please wake up.” Nancy choked out as Leo tried to heal her. “Lizzie wake up you can’t die you are invincible!” Jeff roared looking at his daughter, his black and white form flashing momentarily. Leo removed his hand from over Liz his blue eyes wide with horror.

“She is gone, they are both gone.” He gasped out. It was slowly confirmed that Tyler was dead as well. The Covenant was all but gone all that remained was Maria’s baby.

“No!” Nancy sobbed as her and her brother held each other not wanting to believe that their children were really gone.

Kyle looked around at his friends and noticed someone was missing. “Michael?” Kyle called out catching the attention of the others. Isabel and Max looked around frantically for their brother but it was young Chris who stopped them.

“He is gone, I saw him get hit by several fire balls.” Chris whispered hating to devastate the two.

Out of nowhere an ethereal blue light appeared in front of the allies. A lone man in an ancient black suite came into view, Phoebe and Piper recognized him instantly. “The Angel of Death.” Piper snapped and he nodded.

“I believe that you all have been misinformed. Your friends are not dead…yet.” The Angel said in his slow ethereal voice.

“But we could not heal them.” Leo said.

“Because there is nothing to heal. The five of them and the baby are in another plane of existence at this very moment fighting with the enemy for your enemy did not just come in physical form.” The Angel of Death said.

“How else would they come?” Paige asked.

“Spirits, non corporeal.” Phoebe said. “They are fighting the Source’s last line of defense.” Phoebe summed up.

“So they are alive?” Maria asked looking hopeful.

“Again, for now.” The Angel said.

“Who is on your list?” Piper asked knowing there had to be another reason he was there other than to comfort them because that was not his job. The Angel knew that she had figured it out he never showed himself unless he felt that he had to.

“Many I am afraid both good and evil, I have collected most but there are still a few that need to come. One of them wanted to say goodbye first.” He explained.

“Who?” Phoebe asked and then she saw him next to the Angel of Death it was Michael looking at Max, Isabel and Tess.

“I did not want to leave without telling you guys that I love you and that you all are my family. You have been there for me and cared for me since I hatched and if it was not for the three of you I would have either been dead a long time ago or a heartless monster. Thanks for making me human.” Michael said giving his friends a hug including Kyle, Alex and Maria.

“You were a good man Michael Guerin.” Maria whispered tears leaking out the corners of her green eyes.

“Thanks but now that I am dead I guess you can say I am finally going home.” Michael said as the Angel of Death grabbed his arm and the two disappeared. Everyone was silent staring at the space Michael and the Angel of Death had previously inhabited. Isabel and Tess were silently crying wishing their brother would come back but they knew deep in their hearts that he was gone.

“AH!” They heard Caleb roar his back arching off the ground his eyes going completely white soon the other four followed with deafening groans. The whitelighters ran towards them checking to make sure they were alright. The Covenant the other defenders of the light looked on in awe. Tyler pulled Liz into his lap all of them looking terrified.

“Are you alright?” Nancy asked as she mothered all five.

“Yes.” Caleb whispered but the others could see the haunted look in all of their eyes.

“That was bad.” Liz whispered.

“Reid!” Maria yelled throwing herself at the blonde who held her tight peppering his face with kisses.

“What happened there Liz?” Alex asked looking at his friends he knew that it was something terrible.

“We had to fight the shadows.” Liz whispered her small frame shaking slightly, Tyler held her closer kissing her forehead hoping to keep the bad memories away.

“Elizabeth Claudia Parry Parker how dare you worry me like that, you too Caleb Danvers don’t think you are getting off easy Mister.” Nancy yelled crying pulling said two into a bone crushing embrace.

“Tyler, Reid, and Pogue if you don’t get over here soon so help me not even your fathers will be able to save you.” Nancy threatened and the three boys hurried over hugging Nancy. “Oh my babies you should not have had to fight this war.” Nancy cried kissing each of them especially Liz, Pogue and Caleb.

“The war is not over mom, we still have three people gunning for us. They were too cowardly to show up.” Liz growled.

“Who?” Nancy asked.

“Lisara, Bianca and the Source.” Liz said meeting her father’s eyes. Jeff let out a deep breath and nodded at his daughter telling her that he got the message loud and clear.

“Oh I would not be so sure of that little sister.” A voice rang out from behind them. The light moved back when they saw three menacing beings at the end of the road. There was Bianca, the Source and a woman who looked a hell of a lot like Jeff.

“Lisara.” Jeff muttered not happy to see his other two daughters and his former master.

“That’s right daddy, I hope you are all ready to play.”

Re: War of the Witches (Multi,XO,UC,Adult)Pt63,p7 2/2/08

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:17 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part, I am glad you all liked the fight but I was also sad to get rid of Michael he was fun to right. Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 64: End Game

Jeff stared at his two daughters from before he gave up his powers and sighed, he knew that he was wrong to abandon them but he wanted nothing to do with his old life and that included his demonic daughters. Looking to his right he saw Liz, his little angel his baby girl with Nancy and knew that he had to do everything within his power to make sure she was alright. Liz had a pure heart and cared about others where Lisara was demon through and through, not an ounce of humanity in her or at least she never showed it.

“You should have taken this up with me Lisara and not bothered the others, this is our fight.” Jeff growled at the girl making her snarl, yup that was all her mother.

“What trying to protect your precious Liz?” She snapped her red eyes flashing at her half sister. Bianca also glared at Liz but for some reason she found herself studying the girl as well, that was when she noticed the person standing next to Liz…Chris. Her Chris would rather stand with her enemy then be with her and that hurt her more than she was willing to admit.

“Give it up Bianca this is a fight you are not going to win.” Chris’s voice whispered across her mind, she never figured out how he was able to do that.

“No I believe it is your side that is going to lose, the Source always wins.” Bianca said but she knew that was not true after all in her timeline the Source had been killed a grand total of three times.

“You and I both know that is a lie.” Chris said loud enough for the Source to hear. The demon growled not liking how bold the young man was.

“I say we get this over with.” Caleb sighed shaking himself slightly to prepare for the coming battle, he just knew that he was going to get his ass kicked.

“Ah well if it isn’t Caleb Danvers. Tell me how is dear old dad?” Lisara asked Caleb growled in anger but apparently he was not the only one infuriated by the comment because out of nowhere a red blast hit Lisara square in the chest making her scream in pain, but it did not vanquish her. Everyone looked and saw Liz with her hand raised looking furious with her black swirling eyes.

“Get up bitch and let’s finish this.” Liz hissed.

“That’s my boy!” Tyler laughed and Jason slapped his son on the back both looking gleeful at Liz’s use of their sons potential powers.

“You are so going to pay for that little girl.” Lisara hissed.

“Oh I am so scared.” Liz mocked making Caleb and her father laugh. Lisara threw a fireball their way but Jeff caught it and hurled it back. The fight was on.

Everyone pretty much stayed out of the way and let Liz, Jeff, Caleb, Chris H., Tyler, Reid, and Pogue handle the fight. Bianca snarled and tried jumping Liz only for a blast to hit her side, looking she saw Pogue wiggling his fingers. Chris nodded at the others and they agreed to let him handle Bianca, the two of them had some unfinished business.

“You should have learned your lesson Bianca, I am not someone to take lightly.” Chris said.

“All words Chris.” She snapped.

“So be it then.” Chris sighed a dark look coming over his face, Bianca shrank back slightly not loving how similar Chris looked to his older brother in that moment. His dark locks fell across his forehead and his eyes turned cold the way his brother’s had been since their mother died. Chris raised his hand and what looked like black orbs shot out of his hand sticking the half demon in the chest sending her to the ground in a fit of screams, Bianca had never seen this power before.

“You are probably wondering what is happening to you? Soon you will find out.” Chris smirked when the brunette demon started sobbing as the black orbs hit her with strong force.

“Every ounce of pain you caused another, every scream, every prick another has felt is pouring into you.” Chris said taking pride in the terror her dark eyes showed.

“I know what Zan and my brother made you do and what you willingly did for them and now you are going to reap your benefits Bianca.” He hissed and suddenly the black orbs stopped and she was on the pavement sobbing feeling the lives of those she had killed extinguish inside her.

“Ah make it stop!” She sobbed ripping at her chest trying to make the pain stop.

“I can’t Bianca because all I did was open up the heart you neglected.” Chris whispered. “Your mother did not want this for you Bianca she wanted you to be happy and get away from this life of hate that your father led but you just went hoping on over to it leaving me behind. You willingly went to my brother and into his bed and for that Bianca I will always hate you because I know my brother is cruel but you had no excuse.” Chris whispered before he left leaving the half demon from the future sobbing on the street in Roswell, New Mexico.

“You hurt him.” A voice rang out from above her, she saw Paige Mathews standing over her with a cold look one she was all too familiar with in the future. “He means a lot to me Bianca and is too nice to do what is needed.” Paige said slowly pulling out a cursed dagger that Pogue and Liz had cursed for her. Bianca had no time to react before the dagger was slammed into her, she looked at Paige in shock. “I knew that Chris was never going to do it so I did it for him.” Paige whispered. Bianca let out a shriek of pain but she did not burst into flames instead she distorted slightly until she blinked out of existence.

“She is gone, I can feel it.” Chris said from behind his aunt startling her. Paige stood up and looked at her nephew feeling guilty for what she had done.

“The future has been changed, my timeline is almost completely destroyed.” Chris said showing her his hand that was fazing in and out slightly. “It is almost over.” Chris said with a bitter smile.

“I am sorry for…” Chris held up a hand stopping her.

“She stopped being Bianca a long time ago Paige. You just did what I could not bring myself to do.” Chris said before he turned his attention to the fight in front of them.

Liz ducked again as the Source hurled a powerful energy blast at her and her friends, her hopes that he would be an out of shape over weight old demon had proven to be very wrong; it turned out there was a reason he was the Source, he was a kick ass demon who knew how to fight. Liz saw Reid take a hit to his arms and she panicked. She threw her hands up in front of her and green streams of electricity shot out of her palms hitting the Source, it only made him stumble slightly.

“You forget witch I am immortal.” He barked at her with an evil laugh. He raised his hand and shot a massive fireball at Liz hitting her dead in the chest, she did not even stumble upon the brutal impact. Liz looked up from the burn mark on her shirt to the amazed Source.

“And you forget that so am I.” Liz ground out before she threw all she had at the Source with the other members of the Covenant joining in hoping to weaken the demon master but it was not helping.

Jeff looked at his daughter and sighed. “You really are your mothers daughter.” He said to Lisara before morphing into the demon he was at his core. The black and white demon that towered over all around him including the Source, suddenly a red and black demon appeared next to him. “I have to do this myself Balthazar.” Jeff said.

“I know but I will make sure that she does not try anything.” Cole growled back and Jeff nodded knowing that if he fell Cole would make sure the job was done. Lisara looked at the two demons who gave up their old ways for the love of witches and growled hating how weak they were.

“Traitors.” She snapped before morphing into the blue and white demon form she was known for. Jeff hurled a fireball at his daughter and snarled as she dodged it before firing one of her own. Jeff caught his daughters fire and extinguished it with a growl, she was stupid if she thought she was more powerful than him.

“The only thing that makes us a traitor is following our hearts.” Cole said in his gruff voice flashing his pointed teeth at the young demon in front of him, she still had a lot to learn about being the top dog even if she was on the rise in the underworld.

“We have no hearts.” Lisara snapped.

“No we have hearts and they beat, we feel love as we feel hate because you cannot have one without the other daughter of mine.” Jeff growled.

“Our kind does not know love there is only hate.” She snarled again.

“Do you not love your mother and sister?” Cole asked as Jeff threw yet another fireball which was again dodged.

“No they are merely a means to an end.”

“Then I guess it will not grieve you to know that your sister Bianca has just been extinguished.” Cole said catching the attention of the blue and white demon. Lisara stopped and turned to where her sister used to stand looking around for her but she did not see her. Chris stepped forward and glared at the woman who ruined everything in every timeline.

“No…” Lisara shrieked her eyes blazing as she hurled fireballs at Chris who dodged them with the help of Jeff and Chris.

“See now your feelings for her are love you care for her.” Cole pointed out making Jeff chuckle, he really knew how to push her buttons.

“You will all die for what you have done.” She screamed at them.

“No we won’t because we are far more powerful than you are little Lisara.” Jeff said.

“No I am the more powerful one, I have the support of the Source.” She spat.

“Yes but for how long? He was only ever allied to you because of Bianca who is now gone, you are of no further use to the Source.” Jeff pointed out enraging his demonic daughter.

“I am loyal to him unlike some people.” She spat.

“He does not expect utmost loyalty young one otherwise he would not be in the position he is in today. The Source knows how to play the game he has played it for centuries. We are demons and are loyal to no one but ourselves.” Cole said startling the young demon enough that Jeff was able to get a solid hit in knocking her to the ground. Jeff hurried to stand over her a fireball forming in the palm of his black hand as he looked down on her.

“Why do you hate us so much?” Lisara asked Jeff making him sigh.

“I don’t hate you but I can’t let you hurt Liz. You are your mother’s daughter she made that very clear to me. I was able to raise Liz and be a part of her life from the beginning with a woman I love. That made all the difference.” Jeff said staring down at her smaller form.

“So you did not hate me?” She asked.

“No.” Jeff said releasing the fireball hitting her again, she burst into shrieking flames before disappearing in a ball of fire. Jeff stared at the spot where his daughter once was feeling terrible.

“It needed to be done as much as it kills you to do so.” Cole said turning back into his human form.

“She was so much like her mother, I was hoping that she would at least have some of me in her but I guess my abandoning her was a good way to flush that right out of her system.” Jeff said returning to his human form as well. Cole suddenly jumped on Jeff knocking him down just as an enormous energy blast passed over where Jeff had been standing.

“Thanks.” Jeff grunted standing up, the two turned to the fight in front of them wincing at the amount of magic flying through the air. Pogue and Liz raised their hands simultaneously and acid jets shot out of their palms but the Source deflected the jets with a wave of his hand. It seemed that everything that the group threw at the Source he deflected or brushed off.

Liz, Caleb, Tyler, Pogue, and Reid threw all they had in them at the ancient demon at the same time. Jeff and Cole saw that the kids needed help so they joined in the fight throwing fireballs and energy balls. None of them noticed the light shrinking away from the fight behind them at the sight they saw but soon Reid noticed what had caught all of their attention.

“Oh shit.” He whined startling everyone out of their fighting. The Source suddenly let out a maniacal laugh that shook them to their bones.

“You did not really believe that I was going to bring just two measly little girls to fight with me did you?” The Source laughed causing a roar of laughter behind him as hundreds of upper level demons joined him. Gone were the mere foot soldiers and front line of the fight, now they were fighting the Source’s big guns.

“Uh oh.” Kyle squeaked looking pale. “Maria, Alex the two of you need to get out of here.” Nancy Parker said seeing what was to come.

“Why we can fight?” Alex asked.

“Not against these things.” Phoebe said looking scared. “That is a hell of a lot of upper level demons and potions alone don’t kill them and you would be very lucky to get a hit in.” Phoebe said.

“Come on Maria.” Alex said pulling her away and down the road unnoticed by the oncoming armies.

“Everyone prepare for a new battle.” Nancy muttered.

“Let’s hope our lines hold.” Paige grumbled.

Liz glanced out the corner of her eye and saw her family and friends ready to fight the next round; she knew what had to be done so she made the first move. Raising her hand before any of the oncoming demons or Source could blink, she shot green currents of electricity at the upper level demons stunning all of them when several demons burst into flames and disappeared in screaming agony.

“Now!” Caleb yelled and the light rushed forward in frenzy hurling spells and blasts at the enemy.

The Source let out a roar of rage when he saw that the small girl had so easily wiped out a number of his loyal followers. “You will pay for all of the lives you have taken.” He growled at Liz but she did not flinch at his harsh tone she knew it was coming.

“And so will you.” She shot back at him.

“Really because in the last several centuries many witches have tried to take me out as well as demons and none have been successful.” The Source said. Liz looked at the older demon who was snarling at her and sighed pulling out the box her father had given her before the fight without the Source noticing. The box was small and black with white light poking through various holes, it seemed to hum with life and energy. Suddenly the fighting stopped and both sides turned to Liz looking at her in horror.

“Are you crazy!” Cole roared the demons around him shrank back in fear. The Source looked at the box and then at the small girl holding it not knowing if she was bluffing or not.

“No I just know what I want and how to get it. I want the Source dead and it seems that he has taken to many powers and lives that no amount of good magic is going to be able to stop him not even someone who is invincible like he is.” Liz said suddenly she opened the small box and the sound of buzzing filled the air.

“Oh god.” Nancy gasped as a black mass left the box and headed towards the oncoming demons but it suddenly shifted and shot at a large black and white demon, Jeff Parker.

“See my dad realized that no amount of power was going to do it so he had my aunt do a little leg work for him and she found The Hollow.” Liz said as her father screamed at the onslaught of new energy. The Source shook his head in disbelief. Jeff suddenly stilled and everyone took a giant step back even the Source.

The Hollow was an ancient magical entity that was swallowed up the powers around it destroying all in its path for eons. Eons ago good and evil joined together in the fight against the Hollow but found that even combined they could not defeat such a power; their last hope was to contain in and guard the Hollow forever together. Jeff raised his head looking at those around him and grinned when all shrank back in hear. His black eyes pulsed with power and he directed his withering gaze onto the Source. Extending his hand Jeff grinned at his former master. “She always has been a daddy’s girl.” Jeff said before releasing a blinding beam of light at the Source’s chest. It contacted instantly sending the ancient leader of the Underworld in a screaming fit of pain. The demons around the Source took one look at their leader and then shimmered away knowing that their leader was soon to be known as the former Source of all evil. White light shot out of the Source’s mouth, eyes, ears and nose before he burst apart in a black swirl with white light chasing after it. Everyone watched as the light slowly died and the Source of all evil was no more.

“Liz now!” A female voice shouted as Liz opened the black box again and started chanting in an ancient language with the woman. Slowly black mist seeped out of Jeff Parker and started following the path of the voices speaking to it until it was once again forcefully put into its prison. Jeff slumped to the pavement looking sick.

“I hate that thing.” He wheezed out as Nancy ran over to him to check on him.

“Well Liz I guess that whole I’m so special I am the only one who can kill the Source thing was shot to hell.” Reid said giving her a cheeky grin.

“Yeah but my daddy did it!” Liz giggled as Tyler hugged her to him. Liz handed the woman the black box.

“Don’t worry your pretty little heads I am going to go and give it back to its keepers.” The woman said.

“Hey wait you’re a demon.” Kyle said making the woman roll her eyes.

“Duh.” She said.

“She is also my sister.” Jeff said standing up with Cole’s help.

“No way Calisto is your sister?” Cole asked and Jeff nodded.

“Well that explains a lot.” Cole muttered.

“So why exactly could Liz not kill the Source?” Pogue asked.

“Oh of course!” Leo yelled, he had the look on his face like he was hit with a smart stick.

“What?” Piper asked.

“The prophecy said that Liz and the Source were going to be evenly matched, it never said anything about her killing the Source.” Leo said.

“Yes and it also mentioned in there something about the unobtainable power, the Hollow. I knew that the prophecy was meaning for Liz to consume the Hollow but I could not let my kid be exposed to that.” Jeff said.

“How come none of us knew this?” Pogue pouted.

“Because none of us looked at the book that closely.” Liz pointed out.

“Liz carries the Child of Influence, I think that someday another fight is going to come and the Simms heir is going to have a whole new fight on his hands.” Cole said.

“Liz was made invincible so that the child would come into existence so that not even the Source could harm the child because the fates knew that like us the Source was going to read into things wrong and go after Liz.” Leo said with his stupid little grin.

“Great so my son is going to have to fight another war?” Tyler asked pulling Liz even closer so that her head rested under his chin as he gently stroked her ever expanding belly.

“Yes I can see it.” Calisto said her eye whitening for a moment. “Long ago I foresaw what was to come today but through your acts you all changed your destinies.” Calisto said turning her now milky eyes on Pogue, Reid and Kyle who were giddy with relief that they were not going to die. “The future is unpredictable at times and there are always forces working to change the outcomes.” She said looking at young Chris.

“My timeline has been erased.” He whispered gaining the attention of the crowd Piper let out a strangled sob when she saw her future son was beginning to haze in and out.

“No.” Paige whispered but Chris gave her a small smile.

“I came back to change so many events and you all helped me, you have made sure that the future I come from does not exist. I can’t tell you how glad I am about that. Maybe in this lifetime I will be happy.” Chris said looking once more at his parents and aunts before he disappeared entirely. Everyone stood still not believing what they had just seen.

“Well now that is not something one sees every day.” A voice rang out from the end of the street. The group turned fearfully towards the source of the voice and saw four men standing there.

“Hello there Zan.” One of the men said looking directly at Max.

“Oh no.” Kyle muttered rubbing his eyes looking ready to cry.

“Khivar.” Tess ground out and it was then that the light realized they had one more fight to finish.

Re: War of the Witches (Multi,XO,UC,Adult)Pt64,p8 2/4/08

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:35 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for all of the replies to the last part! I was having trouble getting this part to where I wanted it so it took me a long time to write, sorry. I loved reading what all of you had to say so thanks
forever dreamer

A/N: Hey guys this is the last part next this the Epi. in a few days.

Part 65: End Game II

Max, Tess and Isabel shuddered at the sight of the four men in front of them. It was as if something deep inside them, a primal force, was telling them to run. Each of them knew instinctively who these men were, the enemy.

“Khivar.” Tess ground out her blue eyes narrowing at the two men beside him, Nasedo and Kal. She had hoped that the two of them were dead but it looked as if their former master was keeping them close.

“Hello little Ava I am so glad to see you are alright.” Khivar said making the other men beside him laugh.

“The name is Tess.” The little blonde snapped back feeling her fury rise, she hated these men they were responsible for messing with her head and taking years of her life away from her while they controlled her like a little puppet.

“No Tess is merely the name you were given to get by in this world, your name has been and always will be Tess.” A man next to Khivar said the others assumed he was one of the protectors.

“No I am pretty sure she is Tess I mean Ava was the messed up chick you guys created with all of those mind blocks.” Liz sneered her eyes flashing black at the aliens letting them know that they were about to step into a whole new world.

“And who might this little one be?” Khivar asked looking to Nasedo.

“Her name is Liz Parker, a human.” Nasedo said but he was staring fearfully at the men surrounding her. Chris, Jason, and Seth growled slightly at the sight of the man before them alerting their sons to the anger in front of them.

“Nasedo I believe you know my uncle Chris.” Liz said and said man stepped up putting an arm around Liz.

“Chris Parry.” Nasedo whispered.

“This is my cousin Pogue Parry, my best friends Caleb Danvers, and Reid Garwin and my boyfriend Tyler Simms.” Liz said and as she introduced each witch their eyes flashed black.

“Well look what we have here boys, its Nasedo and his little people. Here I thought we had made it perfectly clear that if he ever came around our family again we would make what our parents did seem like a walk in the damn park.” Jason snarled.

“Nasedo you know these men?” Khivar asked.

“They were the ones I was telling you about.” Nasedo mumbled the aliens looked at their enemy and were shocked to see fear momentarily flash over his eyes.

“We are here for the royal four that is all.” Nasedo said.

“Like I said before Nasedo come around our family and we will make you pay.” Chris shouted.

“They are not your family.” A little boy sneered.

“Yes they are. They have been our best friends they have fought and died for us.” Liz said looking murderous.

“Oh and one more thing Nasedo.” Jason said motioning for his son to come forward and Tyler nodded the two men moving so that Liz was in plain sight. Tyler pulled Liz flush against him and held her around her stomach so that her ever expanding belly was on display for the aliens. “The heir is among us.” Jason hissed and Tyler grinned evilly at the alien in front of him.

“No it is not possible.” Nasedo whispered looking alarmed.

“We stand strong beside our friends.” Caleb said motioning to Max, Tess and Isabel who looked sick with relief that their friends were not going to leave them to their fight they were willing to stick around.

“And our friends stand strong beside us.” A small bald man said with a sneer. Tess growled when the man spoke.

“Kal.” She hissed as if she were spitting venom. From behind the four aliens a crowd was coming of men women and children. It was apparent to the light that the new enemy had also brought an army.

“What no spaceships?” Kyle asked with a sneer.

“Not practical.” Tess said.

“I wanted to see the light leave their eyes in this lifetime as it had in the last.” Khivar said.

“Max come!” Nasedo suddenly yelled it was apparent to everyone that the protector was expecting the teen to come scrambling to his side but Max stayed put next to his friends looking at the other man in confusion.

“Ah no.” Max said looking confused.

“I said come!” Nasedo yelled.

“Oh I forgot to mention we took away the mind blocks you put on him and Tess and we sort of deprogrammed them!” Liz shouted. The others could tell that the news was a blow to the other side they were hoping that the shock of one of their own betraying them would paralyze them but it seemed that they were the ones who were shocked.

“So Tess, how do we kill these creeps?” Reid asked his black eyes making many of the new people squirm.

“A few good blasts should do the trick and if I remember correctly there is a button on their lower back that if you hit it hard enough will make them go poof.” Tess said and the others nodded. The Covenant and their allies looked giddy ready to end the fighting.

“Let’s give it our all.” Caleb said nodding at Liz. The two suddenly lifted their hands joined by the others and electrical currents shot out of their hands hitting the enemy dead on shocking the new leaders. Khivar watched in wonder as a group of kids exterminated a good chunk of his people in one blast.

“Now!” Nancy yelled and the light charged on taking the enemy by surprise. Phoebe levitated into the air shocking the other side for they had never seen a power such as that. She practically flew at them and suddenly blue light shot out of her hands at the enemy below startling her.

“Holy crap what was that?” She screamed falling from the sky too scared to care that she fell so far in the middle of a dangerous fight.

“Looks like somebody’s powers just grew.” Paige said kicking a skin in the back with all her might wincing in pain as she stubbed her toes but effectively killed the skins.

The new enemy had powers that many of the witches had never seen before and were caught off guard when one moment they were fighting an enemy and the next it was a shadow. Tess then yelled that it was a type of mind warp and that they had to try and fight against it. Liz aimed at her enemy and fired off energy blasts left and right not knowing where all of the skins were coming from. Unlike the demons these aliens were more free thinkers and were harder to gauge their reactions. A skin sent a powerful blast at Liz looking gleeful when it struck her in the chest. Liz looked down at where she had been hit and then at the skin raising an eyebrow, the skin slowly started to frown when he realized his most powerful blast did nothing to her not even blemish her golden skin.

“I am invincible.” Liz said shrugging her shoulders before blasting the alien back effectively destroying him as she went to work on the others. Tyler and his father worked together to clear a path for pod squad as they made their way towards the four who were running the show. Tess glared at the four burning to make them pay for what they had done to her. The small group saw Khivar whisper something to a kid and said kid nodded before disappearing into the crowd. Nasedo gulped when he saw the fury in their eyes.

“Hey dad.” Tess said before raising her hand and releasing a green blast at the protector who betrayed them. Isabel went to work on Kal while Max stared down Khivar.

“Well Zan I have to say I am surprised by this I mean in your past life you were never this aggressive you preferred to hid behind your sister and friends.” Khivar laughed.

“Yeah well newsflash Khivar I am not Zan he is dead I am the pod you created.” Max spat before blast the man. Khivar shook off the blast and growled before the two locked into battle pushing the two Simms out of the way much to their annoyance. Suddenly a blood curdling scream ripped through the crowd, skins and witches alike looked around for the Source. Jason looked around but stopped when he saw his son clutch his head whimpering.

“Liz.” Tyler chocked out sending the Covenant into alert. Skins stood there stunned and everyone turned to see in front of the Crashdown café Liz on her knees with a twelve year old boy standing over her with his hand on her head laughing.

“Does it hurt?” He mocked making her scream more.

“Poor little girl so defenseless.” The kid spat.

“No!” Tyler roared growling at the kid who dared to touch his girlfriend.

“Oh look it’s the little boyfriend come to save the day.” The kid sneered.

“Ah Nicholas I don’t think that is such a good idea.” A battered Nasedo said as Tess kept watch of him. The man was proving to be rather hard to kill. The skins were looking to their leader and then to the kid not knowing if they should continue fighting the witches that were distracted by Liz’s screams.

“Her mind is so very interesting.” The kid smirked looking at Tyler who moved closer. “Come any closer freak and I will liquefy her brain.” The kid named Nicholas said.

“Ah Nicholas…”

“Shut up Nasedo.” The kid roared but it was his momentary lapse in concentration that left him open. Liz gathered herself enough to whip around and slam her fist into the kids back. Nicholas looked at her stunned but he did not turn to dust.

“That hurt.” He growled and Liz suddenly flung backwards her small body caving slightly from the impact but the terrifying thing was that Nicholas never even moved his hand, he did it with his mind.

“Liz!” Tyler yelled running up to his fallen girlfriend but was stopped by an invisible force. Nicholas approached the teen knowing that not only was his master watching but his troops and the enemy as well.

“I told you not to move and now she will pay for that.” Nicholas said with a sickening smile. Tyler growled at the kid in front of him trying in vain to get to Liz who was unmoving on the ground.

“If you do anything to her and my son I will murder everyone you hold dear to you.” Tyler ground out in a chilling voice; his friends shuddered at the harsh tone.

The skins did not know what to do, it was apparent that some wanted to keep fighting while others wanted to watch what Nicholas was going to do. One blonde woman who looked to be in her forties grew restless and blasted a witch next to her and the fighting started once again no one had time to see what had become of Liz, they were too busy fighting for their lives.

Paige ducked a blue energy blast from one of the skins only to be hit in the side by another one. She fell to the ground from the force trying to get up but she found her left side was numb, the blasts apparently were stunners of some sort. Caleb saw that Paige was down and sent blasts at the two skins forgetting the ones next to him but Reid saw them and struck them in the back before they could harm his friend as Caleb wiped out the other two skins. Soon the two boys were double teaming the skins making sure that Paige had enough time to get the feeling back so that she could rejoin the fight.

Liz slowly stirred and saw Nicholas standing over her. Her hands flew to her stomach to make sure that her baby was alright, she felt the presence in the back of her mind letting her know that her son was indeed alright. Nicholas smirked at her action. “It seems the kid has its own protection. I have been trying to blast you for the past five minutes but it seems that it is not doing anything to you. Apparently the only way to really harm you is mentally.” Nicholas said with a little cackle.

Liz got to her feet glaring at the boy in front of her for daring to try and harm her baby. Liz lifted her hand quickly and released a red blast that slammed into his chest and seconds later exploded. Liz growled when she saw that the little brat was still standing looking annoyed.

“Not good enough.” He snapped at her mentally chocking her. Liz did not know how to fight these mental attacks and grasped at the phantom hands surrounding her neck her eyes starting to water. Tess came up behind him and sent a mental nudge his way startling the kid. Nicholas turned around quickly and saw the little blonde standing behind him. Liz gasped for breath watching as Tess and Nicholas battled mentally, Tess straining visibly against the boy’s onslaught. Liz moved away and threw up her hands at the skins letting the energy flow out of her killing those closest to her. Liz did not see the skin coming up behind her but suddenly a man was behind her lifting her up, Liz kicked her legs and wiggled her body to try and get away from him not able to move her arms. Liz closed her eyes and concentrated on her energy trying to build up as much as possible and suddenly she flung her arms out breaking the skin’s grasp and getting free. Liz turned around and blasted the skin turning him to dust.

“That is so disgusting.” Liz mumbled before heading back into the fight.

The light was holding their own adjusting to the alien powers even surprising the other worldly enemy with a few of their tricks. The skins found the power behind the witches amazing, many had never seen such power displays. Piper opened and closed her hands releasing her blasting power on the unsuspecting skins. Her power worked differently than theirs did and they were not expecting that to happen when they saw her snap her hands. They were even more surprised when they saw that she could freeze many of them at one time for the others to destroy. Cole and Jeff scared the aliens even more because they did not look human and that scared them. Skins on their home world were humanoid but Jeff and Cole looked sinister and dangerous. Cole flashed his razor teeth at a skin as he slammed his fist into another’s back never taking his gaze off the one in front of him. The skin tried running away but found himself blasted in the chest by a massive fireball before the skin had turned to dust he saw a huge black and white demon standing next to the one he was watching earlier.

“The brotherhood taught us well.” Jeff growled as the skin turned to dust.

“Work together.” Cole said.

“Win together.” Jeff finished.

Max stared down the man standing in front of him, Isabel at his side. “Stop this fighting it is us that you are after.” Isabel cried hating the torture her friends were being subjected to.

“No they chose to stand with you and for that I am going to destroy them all.” Khivar said never taking his eyes off of Max. “I am curious however about how Max here has part of me inside him and yet he chooses to fight his nature.” Khivar said digging where he knew it would hurt.

“I grew up in a loving family, something I am sure you know nothing about.” Max spat back.

“Oh no my parents loved me very much, but they loved my older brother Kal more.” Khivar said.

“And you expect us to feel sorry for you?” Isabel asked.

“No.” he laughed his eyes taking in the duo in front of him. The two knew that they were not biologically related but they were raised together and were willing to die for each other. It was something that he never had growing up and seeing them made him want to destroy them.

“We will not let you harm any more of our family, we already lost our brother today and we are prepared to do everything in our power to make sure no one else dies.” Isabel said the pain her in voice evident.

“Then we shall finish this fight once and for all.” Khivar said not giving the two teens a chance to react before he blasted at them but they ducked. Isabel raised her hand and released a small blast, it was not her strongest power. Max blasted Khivar pouring all of his hate for the things that have happened to him into the blast and he was shocked to see the powerful dictator stumble when the green mass hit him.

Isabel did not give him a chance to recover before she used some of the tricks Tess taught her and was mentally targeting him trying to tear down his mental shields forcing him to fight on two fronts. Max concentrated his energy again and forced another blast at Khivar making the alien cringe. Isabel felt little stabs at her mind and knew that Khivar was trying to distract her but she was not going to give in, she thought of Michael and how she had lost him and her resolve strengthened. She saw her brother his Khivar again with another blast and she saw Khivar stumble again grinding his teeth in agony.

“Fight me all you want but I will kill you and all of your friends and take Vilandra with me.” Khivar ground out. Max glared at his enemy feeling his hatred rise.

“I am not going to let you touch my sister.” Max said raising his hand and blasting the evil alien again making Khivar stumble. Khivar moved fast for an injured man and raised his hand ready to blast Isabel, “If I can’t have her no one can.” He said releasing the blast at the young blonde. Max stared in horror as the blast shot towards his sister and with unnatural speed Max found himself in front of his sister pushing her out of the way taking the blast to the chest.

“No!” Isabel screamed seeing her brother fall. Isabel thrust her hand up her body numb as a red beam shot out of her hand hitting Khivar straight in the chest. The evil dictator looked at her in shock as she hit him again before he burst into dust. Khivar the enemy of two lifetimes was dead. Turning back to Max, Isabel threw herself onto the ground next to her brother.


“Isabel…” He hissed out his watery eyes looking imploringly at his older sister.

“Hang on Max please.” She sobbed not caring that the battle was still raging around them.

“I can’t Iz, I know that I have to go. I love you…big sister.” Max gasped out touching the blonde’s cheek with a shaky finger before he started to crumple into dust before his sister’s eyes.

“No!” Isabel sobbed when he was finally gone. Her small frame shook when the enormity of what happened hit her, she thought it was supposed to be like in the movies where the death of a loved one hit later on. Right now though she felt it all, her twin brother who had been there for her since she emerged from her pod was gone.

“No!” She roared again getting up her eyes blazing as she took in the sight of her friends fighting. Isabel raised her hand and went about destroying all in her path.

Liz saw Tess stagger under the pressure that Nicholas had her under and she knew that she needed to do something. Her mental defenses were up and she was ready to take on the little brat once more. Liz closed her eyes and let the energy of the ancient lines wash over her. She could feel the Parry magic mix with her child’s magic from the Simms line and the Putnam magic mix with the other two lines. It was a warm feeling that started in the pit of her stomach and spread to the tips of her nimble fingers. The air around her crackled with energy. Skins and witches alike suddenly stopped feeling the current of energy in the air uneasy with the powerful combination. Her jet black eyes opened and took in the scene in front on her, smiling evilly when she realized that Nicholas and Tess had no idea that she was about to attack. Raising one of her small hands Liz opened up her palm. The wind picked up and in a deafening silence a large jet black beam shot out of her hand hitting Nicholas in the chest from over Tess’s shoulder.

Tess whipped around and saw Liz pouring all of her energy and magic into the hit. Nicholas withered in agony falling to the ground, never having time to attack her mentally but even if he tried he had a feeling it would be useless. He could feel the husk he was in breaking apart and the atmosphere contacted with his delicate form killing him instantly and soon he was dust. Liz closed her hand when she realized she had accomplished her mission slumping over slightly.

Isabel seeing what Liz had done grinned evilly. “Any other takers?” Isabel growled grinning when some of the skins backed away.

“We fight till the end.” A woman said raising her hand, a few others joined her.

“So be it.” Caleb growled before launching into an attack, seeing what Liz had done gave him new hope that they were really going to win this fight.

“Hell yeah!” Reid yelled before jumping back into the fight with Kyle and Pogue. Tyler shot a grin at Liz before he joined his friends who were partying with the skins.

“Now this is more like it!” Tess said and her and Isabel joined back in with Liz and Jason Simms. Soon the rest of the witches flew at the skins hoping to win this final fight. It seemed like no time at all had passed until all the skins were dust. The witches saw no more enemies and all fell to the ground drained.

“That..was…intense.” Nancy panted leaning on her husband who was shaking from using so much power and suddenly not using them.

“Yeah.” Paige gasped out from next to Phoebe who had a gypsy across her lap.

“I could sleep for a week.” Tyler groaned crawling over to Liz who cuddled up to him.

“Isabel?” Tess asked seeing her friend shaking silently.

“Khivar killed Max.” She whimpered silencing everyone. “He pushed me out of the way of a blast and took it himself. My brother died to save me.” She sobbed and Tess pulled her close rubbing her back as her fellow alien sobbed her grief.

“We have lost so many.” Phoebe whispered looking at the fallen bodies of her friends.

“Too many.” Leo added.

“Three fights in one day this has got to be a record.” Kyle groaned.

“No, in the dark times fights lasted for day, years even.” Cole added.

“Who the hell has the stamina to last for days let alone years?” Kyle asked.

“We almost made it a day.” Reid said before suddenly bolting up. “Where are Maria and Alex?” He asked panicking.

“They are hiding at Whitman’s house. When things got too bad I told them to high tail it out of here.” Kyle said and Reid blinked away quickly to get to Maria.

Tess looked around and saw that there really weren’t any humans around, or more like non magical humans and she wondered why. “It is a little trick of ours.” Jeff said pulling out a gold globe that seemed to hum.

“Sphere of Darkath.” Caleb laughed.

“Well it was the easiest way to clear out the non magical folk.” Jeff said.

“How does it work?” Tess asked.

“Not really sure, my sister gave it to me.” Jeff said looking sheepish.

“Basically if it senses magic in you then you stay in this reality if not then you get shifted.” Liz explained.

The others looked around at the destroyed street and buildings and sighed knowing they had a lot of work to do to get it all cleaned up so that when the humans shifted back they would not be suspicious. “Hey wait how come Maria and Alex did not shift out?” Tess asked.

“Oh I ah gave them each a small fragment of the sphere.” Jeff said looking sheepish.


The Charmed Ones said an incantation that they commonly used to clean up their messes and used the Covenant to amplify it. Soon Roswell was looking as good as new.

“Can we go home now?” Kyle asked and the others stopped looking to Caleb for guidance.

“Go on get out of here.” Caleb said pulling Paige close.

Liz looked at her mother who nodded that it was alright for her to go with Tyler. Jeff stared as his daughter and her boyfriend blinked away probably to go and celebrate their victory at the ancestral home. Deep down he knew that he had no right to come between his daughter and her boyfriend but there was a part of him, a big part that wanted to run after her and lock her in her room with a protective shield so that no one but him and his wife could get to her. Sighing Jeff pulled his wife close and then headed into their café. Later he knew he was going to have to apologize to his daughter and her boyfriend.


Pogue sighed as he made his way to his dorm. It would feel great to finally be able to sleep in his bed and not have to worry about blinking away at a moment’s notice to go and save the world. They won, they could feel it in their bones and tonight the light was celebrating each in their own way. It was a Sunday night and he did not really want to be in right now even though he was tired so he decided to make his way over to a local pub where he could get some good food and then head back to sleep for eternity.

As he got onto the main street he felt his phone vibrate. Looking down at the screen he saw it was his cousin.

“Miss me already?” He asked Liz making her laugh. He was not watching where he was going and suddenly he found himself slamming into something small knocking it on the ground.

“Oh shit!” Pogue yelled when he realized he knocked over a small girl who looked to be around nineteen. “Sorry Lizzie bear not you I knocked someone over. Listen I will call you tomorrow alright.” Pogue said hanging up on his laughing cousin.

“I am so sorry I was talking to my cousin on the phone and was not looking.” Pogue said in his gravelly voice helping the girl up.

“Ah it’s alright I was not looking where I was going either.” She said.

“Listen I feel terrible for knocking over such a beautiful girl, I am on my way over to the pub, at least let me buy you dinner.” Pogue said giving her one of his patent dark looks. The small red head looked up at him with her dazzling green eyes and grinned.

“Alright.” She said turning to walk with him.

“I’m Pogue Parry by the way.” He said feeling like an idiot.

“Serena, Serena Dinoploas.”

Re: War of the Witches (Multi,XO,UC,Adult)Pt65,p9 2/11/08

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:00 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for the replies to the last part I am glad you all liked it. I am sad to see this fic end it was a lot of fun writing it and I loved reading what all you had to say! I will be writing other fics in the near future, you can see on my author page what i have coming. Thanks for responding to the last part...
LizMichael 4 Ever
forever dreamer

Here is the final part guys please let me know what you think!


Three Years Later

“Mommy!” A little boy cried his bright blue eyes pooled with tears as he searched the throng of people for his mom. The little boy spotted the brown haired doe eyed beauty and toddled over to her.

“What is it Michael?” Liz asked picking up the little one and putting him on her hip as he clung to her.

“Wyaa no nice.” He pouted making Liz laugh at his two year old troubles.

“What’s wrong buddy?” Tyler asked seeing his son upset.

“Oh he is just being cranky. I guess him and the other kids are getting tired.” Liz said as Tyler wrapped his arm around his wife. The two had gotten married four months after their son was born much to their parents relief. It had been tough living in two separate states but the two of them had worked it out.

A few months after the final witch war, Liz gave birth to Michael Reese Simms, a little chunk of a baby who looked exactly like his father. It had been rough on Liz being in high school and having a baby but with the help of her parents, friends and Tyler she was able to do it and managed to graduate valedictorian. Now Liz was a freshman at Harvard and loved every minute of it, plus she got to actually live with her husband.

“Sorry Wyatt is being such a crab.” Piper laughed holding her little blonde haired monster who was the apple of his parent’s eye. Piper had been thrilled when she found out she was pregnant and then two years later she gave birth to another one, Chris. Piper and Leo still lived in the manor and loved having the rest of the family live with them, not having a full house just did not seem right and with the help of the Covenant they were magically able to add a few rooms.

“Oh it’s alright I know Mike is in a bad mood today.” Liz laughed before she whipped around with son in arm when they heard a crash.

“Maxwell Michael Garwin!” Maria hollered seeing her son dart around Liz’s back yard. The gang loved to get together as much as possible but when they did Maria and Reid’s little one always caused trouble. He was a mini Reid with Maria’s temper and attitude a deadly combination in a toddler. Max loved to bite, hit, and throw himself on the ground when he did not get his way. Maria and Reid tied the knot two months ago much to everyone’s surprise. The two liked just living together and never appeared in a hurry to get married. Maria had a tough time in high school with being pregnant. She was not a stellar student and with the stress of the baby it was hard for her to get by but her mother Amy was a godsend. Maria did manage to graduate and was now attending Boston U.

“Gotta love Max.” Leo laughed and Tyler nodded.

“He is like Reid from what I remember of that age.” Tyler said.

“Oh he is even more like Maria. She was terrible when we were younger.” Liz said and Alex nodded in agreement.

“She had a knack for biting.” Alex said laughing when little Maxwell sunk his teeth into his mother who was fuming at this point.

“Alex!” A hysterical Isabel yelled searching everywhere for her husband. When Alex saw a very pregnant Isabel practically running towards him.

“Isabel stop!” Alex said catching his wife before she tripped.

“Sorry I was just looking for you.” She mumbled looking embarrassed.

“I got that.” Alex laughed.

“She has been driving me insane!” Tess shrieked coming out of Liz and Tyler’s home followed by Kyle who was laughing.

“Who?” Isabel asked.

“You!” The other blonde shrieked. “I feel sorry for those two.” Tess said patting Isabel’s stomach. Isabel and Alex found out in her forth month that she was having twins. The two were shocked but over the moon.

Alex decided to follow his two best gal pals to Boston and ended up at MIT. Isabel feeling as if her family was leaving her decided to go to Boston U with Maria. Her and Alex were married their senior year of high school shortly after they found out she was pregnant, the two were heart broken when she miscarried but still wanted to get married but to their parents disappointment. Now Alex was hovering around Isabel and the two were just waiting for the other shoe to drop even though she was now seven months along. Thanks to Tess having a baby a year ago, Isabel and Alex learned that alien females had normal looking cells and could deliver in the hospital taking a weight of the two females and their families.

Tess and Kyle were still dating and had no plans to get married anytime soon even though they had a one year old daughter. They knew that it was strange that all of their friends and them had children but they knew that it was right for them. Tess went to MIT with Alex, apparently she was smarter and better with computers than she let on and was doing great. Kyle on the other hand was currently enrolled at Boston U.

“Oh they are so cute.” Liz said shivering when Tyler ran his hand down her spine.

“Sickeningly so.” Tess added laughing at the outraged look on Isabel’s face.

“Tess…” Alex warned knowing that a crying fit from Isabel was in the future.

“That was a compliment Isabel.” Tess said trying to stop the tears from forming in her friend’s eyes.

“Who made Isabel cry?” Phoebe asked rubbing her friend’s back.

Phoebe married Cole and the two lived at the manor with Piper and Leo. The two of them were what Caleb called a ‘baby factory’. The two of them had a daughter Jenna who was three months younger than Wyatt. Then they had twin sons who were eleven months to the day younger that Jenna, named Colin and Connor. They also had another daughter Lilly who was a year old and she was pregnant again with another girl.

Caleb and Paige were living in sin according to his mother but the two would not have it any other way even with a two year old son. The two found out that Paige was expecting a month after the major battle and were stunned, apparently the Covenant curse of all the women having children held out to be true. Paige and Caleb lived in the manor and Caleb blinked to school every day. When Mrs. Danvers found out her son was dating a Charmed One she had been thrilled and taken to Paige instantly and now the two women were inseparable. Baby Brent really mellowed out the older woman.

Then there was Pogue and his fiancé Serena. The two always laughed when someone asked them how they met, after all he did literally sweep her off her feet. The family had to let her in on their magical secret when Pogue learned that she was expecting an heir, he had cursed his genetics for the first time that day thinking it was unfair to her. Surprisingly Serna took the magical news well and was happy that their baby was the result of magic rather than a careless mistake.

“Ah Alex…” Isabel hissed but no one paid attention to her too involved in their conversations.

“Alex.” She said again.

“ALEX!” She finally screamed gaining everyone’s attention.

“Huh?” He asked seeing the panicked look in her eyes.

“My water just broke.” She sobbed. It took a moment for everyone to register and then the mass hysteria set in and the group rushed to make sure that the kids and Isabel were taken care of.

Even though the babies were early 17 hours later two healthy and beautiful babies were born. Alexander Maxwell Whitman and Christopher Michael Whitman were welcomed by a crowd of aunts, uncles and cousins.

Everyone was happy, content and loved their lives and who they were becoming and they all knew that they would not be where they were today if it was not for Liz running away over the summer four years ago and following her destiny. They had two people from the past shape their lives and a witch war that nearly destroyed them all. They were the Covenant and for the first time in years they could honestly say they were happy.