Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) [COMPLETE] 8/25/08

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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 59 p.36 7/10/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever
Touch of the Wind

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 60: Banishment III

“Yeah I did.” Reid sighed. “I did.”

Caleb cringed when Reid confirmed his fears he just knew that something was going to make the day get worse. “Reid.” Caleb whispered looking pained. “That is not only dangerous but illegal, if any of the other covens find out you have it…”

“Relax Caleb I got it off one of the other covens the deal is already broken.” Reid grumbled.

“Reid this is dangerous even for you.”

“I know but this is for Serena and as much as it weirds me out, Chase.” Reid sighed.

“But Reid it is the gem of Hamond. That shit has started wars and not just magical ones!” Caleb hissed.

“I know that but…they are family man we don’t leave family like that.” Reid whispered.

“But what you want to do is not only dangerous, we don’t know what will happen.” Caleb sighed “Even though I desperately want to agree with you on this and say let’s do it…we need to talk to the others about this.”

“I know, but I knew I had to bring it up with you and Liz first.”

“Reid if this works…”

“We could have two very powerful allies back on our side.”

“Two powerful allies that have powers we don’t. Sure Liz and I have the oldest power kick and the powers of the oldest but Chase and Serena had unique individual powers…”

“Like creation.” Reid said referring to the time Chase created a swarm of spiders and almost killed Kate.

“Yeah there is that and the fact that he has his father’s powers on top of his.”

“Serena is a powerful fire starter like Liz and she does that cool earth thing.” Reid said.

“Earth thing?” Caleb quirked an eyebrow at his blonde friend who laughed.

“You remember the time Caleigh threw a vase at Faith and the glass shattered and Faith used her skills to throw the shards of glass at Caleigh and Serena stepped in and turned the glass to dirt?”

Caleb stopped and his eyes widened. “That’s right I forgot about that.” Caleb sighed running his hands through his hair. “When we get back we need to talk to Liz and see what she says, if she gives the go ahead we can bring this up with the others.”

“Sounds good.”

Liz gingerly touched her stomach as she sat in the backseat waiting for the car to stop so she could get inside and pass out. She knew that if she was not a witch and somewhat immune to Caleb’s magic she would be dead, hell if it had been Maria or Tyler they would be dead.

“Lizzie we are here.” Faith called as Pogue moved to help her out of the car, Liz swatted at his hands as he tried to pick her up.

“I can walk.” Liz said as she stumbled out of the car. “Just not well.” She grumbled as Pogue huffed in annoyance and put his arm around her waist to at least steady her movements to not jar her stomach.

“Liz!” Maria screamed when she saw Liz enter the house.

“Danvers tried to kill her.” Faith said making Pogue chuckle as he finally saw the humor in the situation.

“He did not he just got a little carried away with his new power, he did not realize his blasting was intensified by becoming the oldest.” Liz huffed trying to justify her friends actions.

“Did he get my dad?” Tyler asked his blue eyes looking hopeful.

“Narrowly missed him.” Liz sighed.

“Damn.” Tyler grumbled.

“I know but the good news is that Reid and him are still there training so there is a good chance that he might get hurt yet.” Liz said slapping Tyler on the back.

“Music to my ears.” Tyler said heading off in a random direction.

“So what have I missed while I was gone?” Liz asked sitting down at the table in the kitchen.

“Well Isabel is having a small melt down and Max made no progress with his powers, he will not let Pogue help.” Faith said and Maria nodded.

“Wait Isabel melt down?”

“Oh yeah.” Maria giggled slapping a hand over her mouth. “It seems our dear friend Alex has been partaking in some very interesting nightly activities.”

“Like what?” Liz asked.

“Not what baby…who.” Pogue said giving his girlfriend his patent wolfish grin watching as her large brown eyes widened comically.

“Who?” She whispered.

“Tess.” Maria snickered as Liz’s mouth dropped open.

“That is out of left field.” She muttered.

“Tell me about it.” Maria giggled. “Here I thought he was part of the we hate Tess team but no he was batting for her.” Maria snickered.

“Well to be fair we never really hated Tess and we both know that Alex does not hate people…”

“True.” Pogue grunted.

“Okay now that we cleared that up what is up with the Max situation?”

“He will not listen to me Liz, I try and help and he refuses to listen.” Pogue groans leaning his head on her shoulder closing his eyes concentrating on getting rid of the frustration. Liz slapped her hand to her head and groaned.

“I hate pigheaded aliens.” She muttered.

“Amen to that.” Faith said.

“So Parry what are you going to do about this?” Maria asked.

“I think I need to go general Pogue on him.” Pogue sighed.

“Oh yay big scary Pogue.” Liz giggled clapping her hands making the others laugh.

“I hate being the bad guy it always makes me feel bad at the end of the day.” Pogue pouted.

Liz leaned closer to him being mindful of her stomach leaning so that her mouth was just brushing his ear. “Well if you whip him into shape being scary Pogue I promise I will make you feel better at the end of the day.” Her breath tickled his ear making her grin as he stiffened in his seat.

“Alright I will do it.” He breathed turning to grab a kiss.

“Great.” Liz giggled as the front door opened moments later Caleb and Reid rushed into the kitchen looking panicked.

“Oh no what did you two do now?” Maria asked rolling her eyes as Reid shook in place.

“Ah well you see Caleb really needs to learn to control his powers.” Reid gasped out.

“What did you do?” Pogue growled as the others entered the kitchen.

“Well Ty’s pop spooked Caleb and the firecracker over here went bam.” Reid gushed making Maria laugh.

“In English please.” Faith deadpanned.

“Well I sort of blew up half the backyard.” Caleb muttered his cheeks turning red as he looked at the ground shoving his hands in his coat pockets.

“You did what?” Tyler asked laughing slightly.

“I blew up the backyard and sent your dad flying, he almost got decapitated.” Caleb growled making Tyler laugh.

“Man the old man is going to be grouchy tonight, this makes twice now that a kid has almost killed him on accident.” Tyler said.

“Yeah so stick around here.” Caleb said sending a sharp look at his friend who just nodded not really wanting to go home. “Anyway Lizzie how are you?” He asked giving her his puppy dog eyes.

Liz giggled, “Much better, I am almost healed. It is weird but I can feel my insides shifting around.”

“Ew.” Michael grumbled.

“Yeah.” Caleigh whispered.

“Alright that’s the news.” Caleb said shooing the others out of the kitchen. “Back to training.” The others grudgingly left muttering about being over worked.

Pogue looked at Max’s retreating form and sighed. “I guess I better go and crack the damn whip. See you later baby.” Pogue said plopping a kiss on her head before he jogged to catch up to the brunette alien.

Reid glanced at Maria and Faith and then turned to Liz. “Hey Lizbit I need to borrow you and Caleb for a moment.” Reid said and Liz nodded getting up following the two boys who were sharing secret looks, annoying her slightly. They led her into the library and closed the doors blocking out the outside world.

“Alright what is this about?” Liz asked flopping down into a chair looking back and forth between the two boys not liking to be kept out of the loop.

“Reid…” Caleb motioned for him to take over.

“Alright I have recently acquired gem of Hamond and I want us to use it to…”

“To bring Serena back.” Liz breathed.

“Yes but not just Serena, Chase as well. Even Pogue said he was different the magical lust gone.” Reid said.

“But what about their powers what will happen?” Liz asked not wanting to get her hopes up.

“We would still be the oldest and have the powers of the eldest heir. They would take up places according to when we bring them back.” Caleb explained releasing a strong sigh.

“So that would make them next after Pogue and Faith.” Liz said and Reid nodded.

“Yup.” Reid sighed. “So Lizzie what do you think should we do it?”

Liz stood up and started her pacing routine biting her plump bottom lip her nervous energy washing over the room. “This is dangerous…not to mention we would be breaking almost all the rules of nature and our covens.” Liz muttered but the boys knew she did not want a response she was merely talking out her options. “Oh god we are so breaking the rules, we could be killed or shunned hell we could be burned at the stake for this…” Liz muttered becoming more and more hysterical as she went along. “I am too young to die, but wait I will not die I am a witch.” She muttered rolling her big brown eyes making Reid and Caleb snicker. “But if we do this we could be getting our family back I could get my Rena back and Chase would be back, they are two powerful witches.” Liz muttered.

“So…” Caleb asked as Liz turned to face them.

“I say go for it, but we need to ask the others firs.” Liz whispered watching as a large grin spread over Reid’s face.

“You got it Lizzie.” Reid laughed hugging her tightly.

“Ouch!” Liz grumbled

“Sorry.” Reid muttered but he kissed her cheek anyway feeling very happy. They were going to get their family back.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 60 p.37 7/14/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Sorry about how short this part is but I was burnt very bad last night and now my right arm is covered in 2nd degree burns and typing hurts. Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever
Touch of the Wind
C&N 214
pandas2001- your question is a good one about Serena and Chase and the age thing, all I can say is a little light is shed in this part.

Plesae let me know what you think of this new part.

Part 61: Banishment IV

The room looked at the three witches with trepidation Liz and Caleb looked far too somber to sit well with them. “What is going on?” Tyler asked breaking the chilling silence.

“Reid…” Liz whispered motioning with her hand for the blonde to take the lead after all it was his idea.

“Ah thanks…” He muttered preparing himself for the battle ahead. “Well I recently acquired something and…” He stopped not knowing how to continue he turned and looked over his shoulder at the two leaders who just shrugged right there with him unsure of what to say. “Oh hell why don’t I just show you.” He muttered reaching into his jacket pulling out the small red bag. Tyler stared hard at the bag not liking the ugly stains all over it, most of which he knew were blood. The others watched as Reid reached into the bag and pulled something out clasping it tightly in his right hand.

“Reid?” Maria asked when he finally opened his palm to reveal a small gem the size of a lima bean and the color of smoke with a hint of green and blue.

“Holy shit.” Faith breathed backing away from the blonde her eyes wide with terror.

“Ah Reid…” Maria said scooting away from him as well. “I really don’t think you should have that.”

“Man where did you get that?” Pogue asked moving forward much to the others dismay.

“I had to do some convincing but I had someone acquire it for me.” Reid said his hand shaking slightly as he continued to hold the gem in his bare hand.

“What is that?” Max asked fear instinctively taking over as he felt the power radiating off the small stone.

“It is the gem of Hamond it was created by the original ten covens to raise the dead.” Liz whispered.

“When one of our kind died we could bring them back from the holding cell on the other side if they were there.” Caleb explained.

“It is a powerful gem.” Pogue said. “So powerful the other covens hated the ten strongest covens for having it they were jealous that their numbers were dwindling and we stayed the same.”

“So a war started.” Caleb sighed. “Thousands of witches died for the damn gem. After almost all of our kind were gone the covens all got together and agreed that no one would use the gem ever again, it was too powerful and too dangerous and messed with the natural order.”

“Dangerous how besides starting wars?” Tess asked not liking how still Liz and Caleb had become, she knew that when the two balls of energy stopped that something was very wrong.

“When the gem is not used properly to bring people back things happen…” Liz whispered looking down at the red carpet.

“Like what?” Isabel asked not able to keep the fear out of her voice.

“You name it.” Caleb sighed. “The major problem the covens had was people came back wrong.” Caleb’s mouth twisted into a sour expression.

“The last reported case was in the eighteen hundreds. A priest had gotten a hold of the gem of Hamond and tried to raise one of his sons who had been taken, but the priest did not understand how to use it. His son came back but he was wrong, he was no longer the loving and caring son who loved god, he was evil and went on a mass killing spree.” Faith said.

“What happened then?” Max asked.

“The witches intervened and took care of the problem.” Tyler said.

“Meaning they killed him.” Tess said and the others nodded.

“It is painful for the person being brought back. Imagine the pain of knowing that you were brought back only to be killed because you came back wrong.” Caleigh sighed. “Then there are the horror stories of witches being trapped in their bodies with another entity”

“It is called ghosting where one soul attaches to the other and sort of hitchhikes into the body. The two souls fight for control and when one takes over the other is stuck there helplessly.” Maria filled in.

“So many things can go wrong with bringing someone back.” Faith sighed rubbing her eyes.

“But if it goes right the benefits for us are far better.” Reid added.

“If they come back where the hell would they fall in line?” Maria asked the question that had been bugging her since she found out this was possible.

“Only a little over a month has passed since Serena passed.” Liz whispered.

“And Chase was four months older than me.” Caleb added.

“So if the two came back now the day they rise would essentially be the day of their birth.” Liz said hoping Maria would fill in the blanks.

“Aw crap.” Tyler growled. “Even after they die and come back they are going to be older than us.” He grumbled.

“What?” Maria asked still confused.

“They are going to fall right before Reid’s birthday.” Tyler said and Maria pouted.

“Damn.”She muttered. “It really sucks not having ascended.”

“Ria you have a little over a month and then you join the big kids.” Faith said eliciting a growl from the small blonde girl.

“Why did the four of us have to be born so late?” She grumbled.

“And so close together.” Caleigh added. “We are like days apart.”

“That is a little odd.” Max said.

“It is how our lines work.” Liz sighed. “Once one becomes pregnant it is like mating season for the others and wham bam the others come a popping as well.”

“Yeah I never exactly figured out how all that works.” Caleb blushed.

“It’s magic.” Reid grumbled. “Now can we get back to the matter at hand. Four of us have not yet reached our peak, if we bring back Serena and Chase we will have two others with a hell of a punch to them.”

“Do you really think it is a good idea to bring back Chase?” Maria asked in a shaky voice sending waves of unease through the four aliens and Alex.

“Do you really think it is a good idea to bring back Serena?” Caleb snapped.

“That is different Caleb and you know it. Serena did not try and kill us all!” Maria shouted standing up and glaring at the Covenant leader. Caleb was on his feet instantly his anger barely contained.

“Are you questioning me?” He roared taking glee in the fact that she cowered away from him in his anger. “I am your elder and leader you have no right to question me!”

“And I am her leader!” Liz snarled her hand latching onto Caleb’s arm. “And you will not speak to her like that!”

“I am older than you!”

Her eyes flashed dangerously. “But you are not my superior and you will not order her about this way! She was asking a question and you bit her head off. Take it back!” Liz growled. The two leaders glared furiously at each other the air around them laced with magic and power ready to fight. Pogue and Faith were circling the two now hoping they did not have to jump into a fight.

“Whoa why don’t we all calm down.” Alex said standing up he held his arms between the two witches hoping to diffuse any confrontation. “Why don’t you both sit down and we can talk this out.” Alex soothed.

“Pft yeah right Caleb does not understand the concept of talking he is more of a monkey see monkey do kind of guy.” Liz snarled and Alex backed away.

“Or we could try the fighting thing.” He mumbled sitting down next to Tess who just stared in fascination.

“That’s rich coming from you Elizabeth. Have an original thought lately?” Caleb spat. “Oh wait I forgot you don’t do that you just follow along like usual. No wonder you were so damn sad when Serena died you no longer had a leader to follow.” Caleb snapped glaring at Liz but the sudden gasps sent warning bells off in his head.

Liz went stiff in front of him and he could feel the cold furry pouring off of her. Her normally warm brown eyes were a dull murky color all of which sent whistles blowing in his brain. Pogue looked sick as he stared at the two in front of him his heart, body and soul willing Caleb dead for the anger and pain he felt coming off of Liz but his mind which was trained on loyalty was telling him to stick to Caleb. His instincts were at war and he felt as if he was going crazy.

“Maria, Caleigh, Faith grab your things.” Liz said in a steel voice not looking at any of them. Maria and Caleigh hurried away but Faith did not know what to do. “Now Faith.” Liz said and the other girl nodded walking away. Liz turned to the aliens and Alex who shivered at the sight of her gaze. “You five are welcome to join me but it is up to you.” She said before walking away.

Alex took in a shaky breath before he too stood up looking to Tess who nodded and stood as well. Max got up next as did Isabel and Michael none of them looking at the four witches who stood there shell shocked as they hurried to get their things and leave with Liz and the others.

Pogue stood there shaking not knowing what to do, he just knew that his life had changed and he was going crazy with confusion. “Calm down we will figure this out.” Tyler whispered laying a hand on Pogue’s shoulder hoping to calm the elder male down. Pogue looked ready to be sick and Caleb was not moving. None of this boded well for them.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 61 p.38 7/16/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

Touch of the Wind
LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 62: Banishment V

Faith kept glancing at Liz who was driving her new car like a manic as she raced down the roads of Ipswich. She could feel the fear rolling off the other two in the backseat and knew she had to stay sane long enough to get through to Liz. Liz for her part had not spoken a word to them and the others wisely chose not to say anything to her knowing that she was at her breaking point and for someone as powerful as her this was a dangerous situation.

“We are going to be staying at my Grandma Claudia’s home just outside of town.” Liz said her normally calm voice wavered slightly under her stress. “It should have enough room for all of us.” Liz whispered.

“Lizzie are we going to be okay?” Maria asked wanting her leader to comfort her.

“Of course we will Ria.” Liz said as she checked her rearview mirror to make sure that Michael was still following her at her breakneck speed. “Are you alright?” Liz asked taking a deep calming breath when she realized she was scaring her friends.

“Not really but I am more worried about you at the moment.” Maria muttered looking lost.

“I am alright or at least I will be…I wish Pogue was here.” Liz whispered biting her lip. Right now she wished for her magical high back that had been there only hours before. Now she just felt dead inside and everything in her was calling out for Pogue to come and get her.

“I have a feeling he will be showing up at our new location by night’s end.” Faith whispered knowing that the call of the connection between the two would overpower Pogue to the point where he could no longer deny what his mind, body and soul needed and he would come and find Liz.

“I doubt it Faith. It is part of what we are, our loyalties are ingrained in us right out of the womb and it is hard to go against what our minds are telling us.”

“Speaking from experience?” Caleigh asked.


Maria sighed sitting forward in her seat “Let me guess…Maxwell.” Maria said and Liz nodded.

“I wanted out of the relationship but I had some weird warped sense of loyalty.” Liz said as the car pulled up in front of a dark ominous two story building that looked like a black mass in the moonlight. A car door slamming behind the four girls startled them out of their silence.

“Where are we?” Michael asked looking up at the house.

“My grandma’s. This is our new place.” Liz said grabbing her two bags and headed up to the front door unlocking the creaking door. Her grandma Claudia was originally from Ipswich like her maternal grandma and had always kept the home she grew up in on standby, willing it to Liz upon her death.

“Liz how old is this place?” Isabel asked as she batted at a cobweb that hung in her face.

“Well the house itself is from the late 1700’s, but the last family to live here was my grandma when she was a kid. Once she married my grandfather they moved to Roswell.” Liz said cringing when she ran face first into a cobweb. “It has remained desolate since.”

“I can take care of the mess.” Isabel sighed waving her hand over all the surfaces and nooks. Tess sighed and did the same while Max and Michael stood there sheepishly.

“We ah were never as good at that as Isabel.” Max muttered.

“Well that is something we are going to have to work on then.” Liz muttered. “Alright, there are enough rooms for each of us to have our own plus three extra. It is up to you if you wish to go in by yourself or with someone.” Liz said and led the way upstairs in the dark home. “Later on I will flip the switch and get the water and electricity back up.” Liz muttered as she led the way up the old partially rotting stairs to bedrooms that were remarkably preserved with white sheets over all of the furniture.

“Alex and I will bunk together.” Tess said quickly grabbing his hand. She hated the tense atmosphere in the home, the feelings of anger, unease, and fear were choking.

“Caleigh and I are going to bunk together.” Maria whispered leading the other blonde into a room with her as Michael and Max took one and Isabel went in another alone leaving only Faith and Liz to contend with themselves. The two knew that Maria and Caleigh were both hurt by having to leave their boyfriends but they knew that they could go and see them anytime they wished unlike Liz and Faith. With the two lifeless brunettes it was a matter of picking between the loves of their lives and their bloodlines.

“Lizzie I got your back no matter what.” Faith muttered as Liz turned towards her.

“I know Faith and you need to know that I will always have yours…even when your heart is with another.” Liz whispered before she went into her room leaving Faith to do what she wanted. Liz sighed as she pulled out her cell phone and dialed her mother’s number waiting anxiously for the elder witch to pick up. “Mommy?” Liz whimpered. “I need you.”

Pogue paced the length of Liz’s room ripping at his long hair not knowing what to do. Caleb had just stood there blankly not knowing what to do and Pogue had to leave before he ripped his leaders damn intestines out of his belly button. Reid and Tyler slowly walked into the room weary of the pacing second.

“Sit.” He commanded taking up his place as current leader since Caleb was too out of it to make a coherent decision and right now he was not feeling much better.

“What are we going to do Pogue?” Reid asked fingering his left breast pocket which held the gem pouch.

“We need to get Caleb to fix his little temper tantrum and we need to mend some bridges here boys. Liz is pissed and stewing and the longer she sits like this the worse it is going to be for our fearless leader.” Pogue said startled when Tyler let out a humorless laugh.

“What?” Reid asked sneering at his best friend.

“Maria said that they used to call Max their fearless leader, it was an insult.” Tyler laughed as tears started to pool in his eyes. “Not to mention I never thought there would be a time in my life when I would rather be at home with my father instead of here with my friends.” Tyler muttered and the other two nodded in agreement.

“Yeah not feeling so great being here myself.” Pogue sighed. “Man things are really messed up.”

“And it is all my fault.” Reid muttered wising he could just crawl into a hole and die at the moment. He knew that he was the reason the fight began he was the one who planted the damn seed and he felt like dying for it. Pogue was in front of his friend faster than the other two boys had time to process. He roughly grabbed Reid’s shoulders and put him in an iron grip.

“Don’t ever think that.” He hissed. “This is not your fault all you did was bring an idea before us. You are not responsible for the actions of others and I don’t ever want to hear my best friend will himself to die ever again.” Pogue growled his black eyes flaring with a deep burning fire. Reid stared at the second with wide blue eyes.

“How the hell did you do that?” He asked in an awed whisper.

“Do what?”

“Hear my thoughts.”

“I did not…” Pogue ground out but Reid just shook his blonde friend.

“I never voiced my wish to die, that was all in my head.” Reid hissed.

“That is not possible.” Pogue pointed out.

“But its true Pogue, Reid really did not say that out loud.” Tyler said his blue eyes nervously darting around Liz’s room silently praying for the older girl to come back and offer her comfort.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean what the hell is going on?” Pogue asked growing more and more panicked.

“Looks like one of your powers is starting to rear its ugly little head. You only ascended a little while ago you probably have several powers that you know nothing about but will become very familiar with in different forms by year end.” Tyler said.

“The first year after we ascend is all about discovering the different aspects of our powers and this is a new one for you. Granted it is probably not a main one…” Reid said.

“So wait you are saying I can read people’s minds?”

“Maybe not all the time just when a person is broadcasting a lot.” Tyler said.

“Okay trying not to freak out right now.” Pogue huffed running his hands through his hair he really needed Liz right then.

“Go to her.” Reid whispered “Actually I want to go to Maria as well.” Reid muttered.

“Yeah I need to see the girls as well and make sure Caleigh is alright.” Tyler sighed.

“We just have to get around the problem of not knowing where they are and getting away from Caleb.” Reid grumbled.

“I think I can help you with that.” The soft delicate voice of Nancy Parker rang from the doorway of her daughter’s bedroom. The three boys jumped at her sudden presence but relief quickly swept over their dark features when they saw Liz’s mom.

“You know where she is?” Pogue asked and Nancy nodded letting out a tired breath.

“I just got off the phone with her, she told me where she was and gave me the whole I can go where ever I want to speech. Amy and I decided to stay here with Jeff and Evelyn, we know that the girls will be back sooner than later they can never stay mad at you boys for too long.” Nancy said.

“Well it is more like one boy they are all mad at.” Tyler pointed out. “The rest of us are not in the dog house.” Tyler said.

“Yet…” Nancy added with a small smile. “If you three don’t get over to them soon I have a feeling it will not be just Caleb that the girls are mad at.” Nancy said as Pogue quickly stood up.

“Where is she?”

“Follow the old mill road towards the edge of town. When you get to the old Willow Church turn left onto the dirt road, go past the old settle grounds and go towards the Black Woods. Follow that road till you reach River Pike Road and follow that until you get to the great two story house, Liz will be there.” Nancy said.

“Wait that is the old Swann home.” Reid pointed out looking anxious. “Why would Liz be there?”

“Because that is her home. Her grandmother on her father’s side willed it to her.” Nancy said.

“But that place is…” Nancy held up her hand silencing the blonde teen.

“I know Reid but that is where Liz is.” Nancy said as she pushed the three boys out of the room towards the stairs. “Go and try and make things better. All Liz and Caleb need is time to cool off, the two of them love each other a lot.”

She watched the three race towards Tyler’s Hummer and let out a deep breath as the tension left her small frame. She knew what had started the fight and she knew that it was also no accident that Mark was able to find the gem now of all times. Someone had let the gem of Hamond be found knowing that the ancient gem would do what it did best, spread chaos. Now it was up to her and the other parents to find the culprit before the lives of their children were forfeit forever.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 62 p.39 7/20/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part, most of your questions about the house should be answered in this part. Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever
Touch of the Wind

Part 63: Banishment VI

The three stood in front of the dark house waiting to see if there was any life left in it. If it was not for the soft flickering candle light in an upstairs window and two cars in the driveway they would have sworn the old home was still abandoned and left to its demons.

“What the hell Parker.” Tyler muttered his breath puffing in a white mist in front of him. “What made you choose this place?”

“Well it is the one place you all would not look for her.” Faith said standing in the doorway with a small white flickering candle, it was obvious from her shaking form that she was very cold standing in the winter wind.

“Hey Faith.” Reid muttered as she motioned for them to follow her inside.

“Where is she?” Pogue asked softly but he already knew that his girlfriend was up stairs and that his senses would lead him right to her.

“Follow your heart big guy, but in case that is not working, she is the forth door on the right at the top of the landing.” Faith said as she pushed the tall witch towards the wooden stairs. “Maria is right next to her in the third room and Caleigh and Maria are in the room across from Liz.”

Faith watched the head up and when she heard the two doors open and close she sat down in the cold chair staring ahead into the cold dark of the room. She did not understand why Caleb had reacted the way he did, she knew that he was not overly trusting of Chase but to say the things he did made it sound as if he was his new best friend. She could understand why Liz was so upset with him for attacking Maria the way he did after she asked a valid question, but she did not understand his need to fight back. Watching her two friends was like watching a death match between two alphas looking to claim rights over the pack, and she knew that in a sense that was what was happening. Liz and Caleb could get along fine on their own when decisions were based only on their lines but when the lines merged the fight for dominance was on. Matters before were trivial compared to the life and death decisions that were forced upon Liz and Caleb now that they had the gem of Hamond in their possession and now their little alliance might come crumbling down around them.

Alex stared at the small blonde sleeping soundly next to him. He knew that she was scared like the rest of them knowing that divided they were weak but their sense of loyalty to Liz made them choose her. “Stop staring at me.” Tess whispered with a small giggle startling the lanky teen.

“You’re awake?”

“Yeah I tried going to sleep but this place gives me the creeps.” Tess mumbled as she turned to burrow closer to Alex seeking his strength and comfort.

“Yeah this place tends to do that. Maria told me stories about this place when we were younger. See this house has a very dark past, Liz’s father’s family has a dark past.” Alex whispered in the choking night.

“What?” Tess asked staring up at him with big blue curious eyes.

“They were hunters back in the day, they hunted her kind and tried to wipe magic off the face of the earth.” Alex whispered. “It is yet another little magic secret that her family has had to live with. See up until Claudia was born the family hated magic with a passion and everything that was associated with it. Then one day a young Claudia met a man…”

“Oh who?” Tess asked looking like an eager child waiting for the next bit of the bedtime tale.

“Theodore Garwin.” Alex said and Tess’s blue eyes widened comically.

“No.” She breathed.

“Yes she met one of the infamous Sons of Ipswich. See she went to Spencer with them and had heard of the four boys and their rumored association with magic. It was after a history lesson when Theodore cornered Claudia and asked for permission to take her out to the local café for an after school soda or something like that. The two of them became friends and soon Claudia found herself immersed into their lives. She then met Liz’s maternal grandmother and her four friends. I am not sure what happened but somehow Claudia was let in on their secret and became even closer to the witches. Her family found out about it though.” Alex whispered.

“Oh why does that sound so bad?” Tess asked her eyes squinting in nervousness.

“Tess remember her family hates all things magic…”

“Oh god what did they do?”

“Well they of course knew that the rumors about the families and their involvement with magic were true and forbid Claudia from ever seeing them again. They were apparently planning an attack on the witches and did not want their daughter caught in the crossfire. Claudia the old…well then she was young…bird went and told her friends what was happening, betraying her family and everything they stood for in the process.” Alex said.

“Wow.” Tess breathed.

“The Covenant and Scion lines retaliated and this home is the sight of a blood bath.” Alex explained.

“What do you mean Alex?”

“At the time four different families lived here forming one big one. Claudia was the only one to survive Tess, around twenty men, women and even children were killed. Not exactly a bright spot in their past.” Alex sighed.

“What happened to Claudia?”

“She decided she could no longer live here in Ipswich and moved to Roswell New Mexico where she met Joseph her husband and they had a son Jeffry Parker.” Alex said watching as Tess’s face changed to girlish delight, a strange sight on her.

“Well how did Jeff meet Nancy then?” She asked making Alex laugh.

“Claudia brought her little man with her to Ipswich to visit her old friends and catch up. It was there when little Jeff met little Nancy. I am not sure how but eventually the two ended up together and Nancy moved to Roswell with Jeff as the rest of her line moved out of state as well, Amy following her.”

“So Liz is like really imbedded in magical history.” Tess hummed.

“Yeah and so is her father. See there is a reason they were willing to give me powers and not the parents and it is not just because it is so dangerous. Jeff comes from a whole bloodline that hates magic with a passion, they had no idea if Jeff’s bloodline did something so that if magic was ever introduced into him that it would backfire somehow. They had this fear with Liz when she was younger but when Gorman had told them that the magic from Nancy would overpower anything from Jeff they all were relieved. A safe guard though was put in place and Liz had to take all of these funky herbs that Gorman gave her a year before she got her powers and a year after.” Alex said chuckling as he remembered the smelly concoctions he had seen his friend swallow.

“So they did not allow Mr. Parker to join in on the fun, but why not the other parents?” Tess asked.

“Because they did not want to risk anything.” Alex said and Tess left it at that.

“Do you think they are going to make up?” Tess asked as she cuddled closer to his chest loving how he ever so gently stroked her back as if he was rubbing a cat.

“Caleb and Liz…” Alex let out a deep sigh thinking about how he wanted to phrase this. “They are very alike those two more so than you probably realize. When you put two people together who are so similar backlash is bound to happen.” Alex said and Tess nodded. “They will get over it though, the two of them love each other and even if they are fighting they will find a way to get over it, if not for themselves then for the others.”

Pogue sighed when he felt Liz on the other side of the door tossing and turning in a fitful sleep. He knew that she was having trouble sleeping with the weight of the fight pressing on her and without his constant presence at her side it was hurting her in her sleep. The door creaked open as he went in and he found it cute that her senses knew that whoever was there posed no threat and she continued to toss and turn in bed, the cotton sheets. Pogue could feel the distress rolling off of her in their connection and knew he had to help her. He quickly stripped his clothes and climbed into bed with her.

“Liz baby wake up.” He whispered knowing that she would sense him there before she saw him in the dark.

“Pogue?” Her groggy horse voice breathed close to his ear. He leaned down and kissed her as she started to come out of her sleepy fog. “Mmm.” Liz hummed when she felt it was him, the whirlwind of her mind calming in his presence as his embrace ignited her body.

The Swann house was bathed in an uneasy calm, the witches instinctively uneasy in the home of their killers. All of them silently praying for Caleb and Liz to make things better so that they could leave as soon as possible.

Nancy and Amy raced down the roads they grew up on heading towards the Simms home where they told the others to meet them. Amy wanted nothing more than to rip Mark a new one for giving Reid the gem but she first had to find out where he got the gem from. Pulling up in front of the large home the two women raced inside feeling the twitchy energy coming from the others inside.

“What is this about Nan?” Ryan asked as the two appeared in the parlor.

“Where the hell did you get the gem of Hamond?” Amy growled making the older male jump in surprise.

“Mark?” Paul asked looking weary.

“How did you know…”

“The boys and Liz told us after Caleb and Liz had a huge blow out.” Nancy said. “Right now the girls are staying in the Swann home while Caleb his holed up in his manor.” Nancy ground out taking great pleasure when she saw Mark wince at the new knowledge.

“Are you sure their being there is a good idea?” Paul asked.

“They will be fine.” Amy said.

“But what we need to know is where you got the gem. See the way I see it this was something far too easy for you to acquire.” Nancy ticked and Mark nodded reluctantly.

“The thought had crossed my mind as well but I guess I was so excited about being able to help the kids get another person on their side that I did not stop to think about what was happening.”

“Where did you get it?” Pearl asked.

“Well I went off a tip Reid had. See he was using Gorman’s records and was looking for its last known location. From there he tracked it to a monastery in Romania and then I took over from there.” Mark said looking ill.

“Impressive work.” Ryan mumbled proud of his son.

“Didn’t know the boy had it in him, but then again he has proven to have a few tricks up his sleeve.” Paul agreed.

“Anyway from Romania I found that the monastery was actually a cover for the Aratiattis coven.”

“The keepers of the gem.” Amy filled in,

“Right but the thing is the gem was stolen from them and the Hexal coven was the current keeper.” Mark said.

“Wait say that again.” Nancy said her eyes betraying her fear. It felt as if a rubber band was being tied around her heart as she absorbed the new information.

“The Hexal coven is the current keeper.” Mark said not understand why his friend was suddenly starting to tremble.

“Not possible.” Nancy muttered looking sick.

“Nan?” Ryan asked.

“No.” Paul gasped when it suddenly clicked.

“Will someone please fill the rest of us in on why you two are so upset?” Amy asked.

“The Hexal coven was wiped out over two centuries ago.” Nancy whispered “The people who were keeping the gem were not Hexal at all…”

“Wait so if they were keeping it then that means…” Amy’s eyes clouded with despair.

“The Horaci had the gem.” Ryan whispered. “Holy shit this was part of their plan all along.”

“And we walked right into it.” Mark grumbled his head dropping. He might have just killed them all.

“Where were they Mark?” Pearl asked getting up to pace the small room.

“Ah their base of operation was in France, but they moved to Florida two years ago.” Mark said. “And now that I think about it that was a very suspicious move.” He mumbled running his hands through his hair. “I remember reading that the Hexal coven vowed to never leave France. Stupid idiot.” He chastised himself slapping his forehead.

“What is done is done and we need to move on and find a way to fix this.” Paul said.

“Yeah before anymore damage is done.” Amy grumbled.

“They let the gem be found.” Nancy sighed.

“Because they knew that it would break the kids apart.” Ryan muttered letting out a tired groan. “They are going to attack soon, when the kids are weak.”

“We need to work quickly.” Nancy hissed and the adults went to work forming a plan to make the trouble go away.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 63 p.40 7/22/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

Touch of the Wind

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 64: Banishment VII

A strange buzzing nose was the first thing that registered in his mind, second was that he was not alone in bed, a very strange smelling bed. The familiar tingle in the back of his head signaled that it was Liz next to him but for the life of him he could not figure out what the buzzing was from.

“Hello?” Liz asked her voice thick with sleep. Pogue rolled over and draped his arm over Liz as she spoke on her phone, the source of the buzzing. “What?” Liz asked sitting up in bed pulling the covers off of Pogue slightly. “You are joking right?”

Pogue did not like the fear he felt coursing through Liz the longer she spoke on the phone. Her small tan hand started to shake the longer she spoke making him sick to his stomach, he knew that he was not going to like whatever news Liz was going to deliver. “Okay see you then, love you.” Liz said and hung up the phone chucking back onto the old night table before falling heavily back onto her pillows her eyes staring blankly at the badge ceiling.

“What is it?” He asked pulling her to his chest.

“That was my mother. Apparently the Horaci are responsible for Mark finding the gem for Reid. Mark, your father, Faith’s mother, and my mother are all headed to Miami to take care of the problem.” Liz said her voice devoid of emotion.

“It was a plan of theirs I take it.”

“Yes they think so. Sounds like a good plan, splitting us up from the inside so that we would do the work for them.” Liz muttered.

“Good yes, but we are better. We can get through this Liz, we need to.” Pogue murmured hoping his girlfriend would agree with him.

“I know we need to work together but I don’t know if I can work with someone who does not respect me or my decisions and who so readily attacks my sisters. I mean I get why he said it but the fact that he continued to attack after making his point makes me so angry.” Liz growled feeling the fresh anger rising again.

“Shh calm down.” Pogue tried to sooth her without making himself a target. “I think we need to put you and Caleb in a room together and just let you hash it out.” He muttered. Liz turned her head to look him dead in the eye.

“You do that and I can guarantee he will not leave the room alive.”

“Oh come on Liz…”

“No Pogue. You know how Caleb is, it is his way or no way and I am sick of it. I am so tired of stupid male leaders thinking they can boss me around thinking themselves my master. I have had it up to here buddy!” Liz yelled slicing her hand over her head. Pogue knew that the situation was serious but the image of an angry naked Liz threatening Caleb was just too funny and he had to turn away so that Liz would not see him laughing.

“Hey!” She protested when she saw his body silently shaking in laughter “It is not funny.”

“You just look so cute when you are angry.”

“I am serious here!”

“I know that baby. Seriously Liz I think you and Caleb need to fight it out, at this point you two even yelling at each other is progress.”

“Alright fine lock us in a damn room but it is not my fault if I rip out his kidneys for the fun of it.” She growled flipping over so that her back was to him as she pouted.

“Alright that is all I ask. Thank you Lizzie.” He said kissing her shoulder

“Well I guess I better go and tell Faith that her mom is going away with my mom.” Liz said leaning over to grab her boxer shorts and a tank top.

“Yeah and Tyler is down the hall with Caleigh if you need to tell him.” Pogue said.

“Oh he came with you?” Liz asked looking happy.

“Yes and so did Reid. We just missed you girls too much.” Pogue said as he watched her stretch and get out of bed.

“Oh well we missed you too more than you probably realize.” Liz said kissing him before she left the room. Liz always instinctively knew where her sisters were and she could tell that Faith was still downstairs. She softly padded down towards her and saw her best friend curled up shivering in a high backed chair with a thin afghan over her and it was then that Liz knew she had to make up with Caleb, if not for her own peace of mind then for her best friends and family.

“Faith.” Liz hissed as she gently shook her friend awake. Faith’s dark brown eyes slowly fluttered open like butterfly wings revealing the dark orbs.


“Hey my mom just called. My mom, Pogue’s dad, Tyler’s dad, and your mom are all headed to Miami to take care of a Horaci problem.” Liz whispered. “Come on why don’t you come to bed, Pogue would be willing to share with you.” Liz hissed as she guided her still sleepy friend up the old stairs.

“But I don’t want to impose…”

“Faith you are sleeping with us and that is final.” Liz hissed dragging the stumbling girl into her room. “Move over sweetie we have a few more hours of sleep ahead of us and I still need to go tell Tyler. Faith is sleeping with us.” Liz said as she pushed her friend into bed with her boyfriend and bounced out of the room.

“You know if anyone else but Liz did that I would be worried.” Pogue muttered looking at Faith.

“You are naked aren’t you?”

“Yup.” He sighed.

“And she just forgot about that when she pushed me into bed with her boyfriend.” Faith sighed and Pogue nodded. “Well I am going to close my eyes right now and wait for you to put on boxers or something.” Faith muttered making Pogue laugh.

“It’s safe to look now.” He said as Faith felt the bed dip again.

“Sorry about this.” Faith muttered.

“S’okay it’s just Liz being Liz. She is worried about you and wants to watch over you but be with me at the same time. She tends to not think about how awkward the situation could be.” Pogue explained.

“Well you have to give her points for having her heart in the right place.” Faith laughed as Liz came back into the room.

“Okay you two scoot over it is Liz in the middle.” The little brunette giggled before she climbed in.

“Yes dear.” The other two chimed receiving dual pinches from Liz.

“Night my little snuggle bunnies.”

“Night Liz.” They said and soon were out.

Nancy nervously clawed at the armrest of her seat as they made their descent into the Miami airport. Paul just kept rolling his eyes at her as she clamped her eyes shut waiting for the tell tale jolt of the plane that signaled they had landed.

“We are going to be okay Nan.” Paul said and the redhead vigorously nodded her head.

“I know I really do but I just hate the thought of leaving my baby girl back there in Ipswich when the fight could break out at anytime. We are just going by a very misleading Aztec calendar and guess work here I mean I know that they were amazing with dates and all that but it could have gotten mixed up throughout the years.” Nancy babbled her lower lip quivering as they hit the tar mat.

“Nan we just have to hope that our kids are strong enough to hold their own. They are more powerful and put together now than we ever were. They will get through this and we will help them.” Paul said and Nancy nodded giving him a watery smile.

“Let’s just get this over with so that we can make sure our kids don’t get themselves killed.” Nancy said as the flight attendant motioned for them to leave with their carryon bag.

“Alright Mark where the hell do we go from here?” Pearl asked they had already worked out their game plan for what would happen when they got there but getting to the actual location was all up to Mark.

“Let’s take a rental car.” He mumbled.

The ride over was silent as the four adults made mental preparations. They knew that when they got there the Horaci would either all be stationed there or they would find the place empty. It did not take long for Mark to drive them there but when the four arrived at the compound they knew they were in trouble.

“Mark?” Pearl asked.

“No this is wrong they were here only a few days ago.” Mark muttered stumbling out of the car looking at the deserted homes in the neighborhood.

“They moved on obviously.” Paul sighed when a slight movement to his left. “Movement by the blue house left side.” Paul hissed and the others went on alert. Mark motioned for them to get into their formation. Paul and Nancy headed off to the left side of the house while Mark and Pearl took the other intending for the two pairs to meet at the back of the house. Paul cautiously led his onyx eyes taking in all of his surroundings preparing for a fight.

The air suddenly felt charged and Nancy had the sudden urge to duck her instincts were never wrong so she did just that only for a strong electrical blast to whiz over her head slamming into the large tree out front. Paul threw his hand up and sent a charge at the woman in front of him cringing when she easily deflected the blast. Nancy felt the power rushing down her arms as she pointed a manicured finger at the other woman and released what looked like a bolt of purple lightening hitting the woman in the chest as Paul kicked an energy wave at her. The woman hissed in pain before she shot another blast their way forcing the two witches to bail out of the way forcing a sharp pain to shoot through Nancy as the wind was knocked out of her.

Blasts could be heard around them as Mark and Pearl joined the fight hoping to subdue the woman long enough to perform the spell to get rid of her. Nancy raised her fist and let out a large blast hitting the woman in the chest knocking her into the side of the house. She watched in satisfaction as the woman slid down the side of the house looking disgruntled. Paul charged at her but was met by some invisible barrier knocking him backwards. The woman’s hissing laugh caught them off guard.

“You are too late.” She giggled as the four witches tried to get to their feet.

“What do you mean?” Mark asked inching closer to Nancy and Paul.

“You are too late your children are already dead.” The woman laughed before she burst into a black mist.


Caleb groaned as he flipped over in bed for what felt like the hundredth time. He knew that the rest of his friends were all off with Liz, not that he could blame them, and that only Jeff and his mother were left in the house. He wanted to go to wherever Liz was and make up he hated fighting with her and he hated not being around Faith.

A green light flashed throughout his room forcing him wide awake, someone had broken the wards. He heard his mother and Jeff yelling and he raced out of bed. He felt the air ripple and the hair on his arms stand on end. His eyes started to water when the high pitched noise reached his ears at an unbearable tone before the home he grew up in exploded around him.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 64 p.41 7/24/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 65: Banishment VIII

He could feel his skin burning as debris sliced through his skin. His lungs felt as if they were on fire. Noises around him were muffled as he tried to move his burning limbs but they would not cooperate. He could feel the magic in him working to fix his dying body and his strength started to leave him.

“Caleb!” someone shrieked, it was the first clear sound he had heard since the explosion.

“Over here!” He heard a high pitched familiar voice. “Careful he is really hurt.” He knew that voice it was Liz his Liz was there to save him. He could feel the gentle hum of her power washing over him and a familiar tickle across his mind, it was Tyler, Tyler was trying to block his pain. He felt the fire leave his lungs and the searing of his skin dimmed as his friend manipulated his sensory reactions.

“Damn.” He heard Ryan Garwin mumble as he was gently lifted by the older man’s magic from the debris.

“Mom…” Caleb groaned.

“She is being looked over by Amy. Damn good thing she was on the other side of the house at the time, the explosion was centered on your wing where all you kids were supposed to be staying.” Ryan said as Caleb slowly opened his eyes but he could not see a thing and the pain was too great.

“Easy Caleb your retinas are destroyed and you need to re-grow a cornea on each eye.” Liz whispered her voice soothing him. He wanted to cry but his damaged eyes would not allow it. “In a few hours the pain will go away and you will be able to see by tomorrow night.” Liz said in a shaky voice. He could tell something was wrong but he did not have the strength to ask.

“Not now man just rest we will fill you in later.” Pogue’s deep voice penetrated his foggy mind but he had yet to hear Faith’s. “Keep him awake for a little while longer.” Pogue muttered and Ryan grunted like his son did in agreement. Ryan tried to keep the brooding teen awake but soon Caleb fell into darkness again.

He did not know how long he was out but the next time he became aware of his surroundings he could tell he was on a bed, a very soft and comfortable bed. The stinging in his lungs had dissipated to a dull roar and he knew that most of his flesh wounds were healed. Slowly he tried to open his eyes, the soft light from the bedside lamp stung the fresh eyes as he hissed in pain.

“Glad to see you are awake.” Faith chuckled.


“Yeah big guy I am here, Liz and I have been switching on and off all day. Nancy and the others got back several hours ago and she came in to take a look at you. Amy has been applying balms to you all day and sticking some weird green syrup liquid in your mouth for pain and healing. Nancy said your eyes will be fine but it will take longer for them to heal than we thought, apparently they were worse than we thought. She said you are going to be sensitive to light and when you do see it is only going to be shadows and blurs until you are fully healed.” Faith said taking a deep breath after her long speech.

“Faith what is going on? I can tell you are worried about something, and why is that?” Caleb asked.

“Well you can probably feel my emotions slightly because Tyler was hooked up to you mentally for about six hours blocking your pain, he said this might happen but it is only temporary.” Faith said.

“Alright that answers that question but what is wrong?” He could hear Faith let out a shaky sigh and he knew that whatever she was going to say he was going to hate.

“Ah Jeff was in the kitchen at the time of the explosion Caleb.” Faith whispered. “Amy said he died instantly.”

He felt the air rush out of his lungs as images of Liz and her dad raced through his mind. “Liz…”

“Is not doing so well. Between grieving for her father and looking after her mother and worrying about you she is not holding up too well. Pogue had to forcibly drag her out of your room earlier.” Faith whispered.

“Why?” He knew that Liz was still mad at him so it does not make sense for her to want to be anywhere near him.

“She is afraid she is going to lose you Caleb. Losing her dad was a huge blow after losing Serena not too long ago and now you are hurt badly she does not know what to do.” Faith sighed.

“Where is she now?” Caleb asked.

“With her mom, Pogue and Amy in the kitchen.” Faith said.

“And where are we?”

“In a bedroom.”

“No I meant our actual location.”

“Oh.” Faith laughed snorting slightly. “We are at the Garwin’s. Amy called us in for school tomorrow and is going to pick up our work for us so we do not fall behind. Everyone knows about the explosion it is all over town. The report says it was a gas explosion and that only Evelyn and Jeff were home at the time so no one will question why you are perfectly fine.” Faith said.

“Oh no…” He groaned worrying the brunette at his bed time.

“What is it are you in more pain?” She asked leaning over him inspecting his wounds.

“No it’s the potion for the banishment spell, it was in the kitchen.” Caleb groaned but Faith’s chuckle quickly caught his attention.

“Ah no it was not, see Amy could not stand the constant hissing and spitting and whispering coming from the thing so she moved it here yesterday, talk about freaky timing.” Faith mumbled.

“It was whispering?”

“Ah yeah it was weird Liz and I were afraid to go near it. Amy said it is not too long now until it is finished. I can’t wait for this all to be over.”

“Same here.” He grunted wishing he could open his eyes and see her. “But at the same time I don’t want it to because once all of this is over, you four fems are gone.” Caleb sighed. Faith knew he could not see it but she gave him a million watt smile anyway.

“Caleb we are going to finish our year out here no matter what and after that well…I did not want to tell you because I was not sure how you would take it but…”


“I got into Harvard.” She whispered. Caleb grinned whishing more than ever that he could see her and hug her.

“That is great Faith we are going to school together!” He laughed wincing slightly when his lungs protested.

“Easy there but yes we are going to school together and since she told me it was okay to tell you I think I should let you know that Liz and Pogue got in as well and so did Tyler and Reid. Maria and Caleigh are still waiting to hear back but they applied late.” Faith said.

“Wow so we might really all be going to the same college.”

“Yup now all you have to do is get better and all of us have to survive this fight.” Faith whispered sending the room into an uncomfortable silence.

“I need to make up to Liz, I don’t think I am going to be able to sleep if she is still mad at me, and I need to make it up to Maria. I was an ass to her.”

“Yeah you were but I think you getting hurt is working in your favor at the moment. They are going to be much more forgiving now.” Faith sighed.


“Alright I will send Maria in, she will be the easier sell anyway.” Faith sighed.

“Wait…” Caleb said reaching to his right to grab her, his hand connecting with her jean clad knee. “I need to make it up to you as well.” He let out a deep resounding sigh. “I am sorry that I attacked Maria and Liz and forced you to choose. I am sorry that I was so stuck in my own opinion that I did not bother to see that of your family. I am sorry that I was so mean. I have not been perfect Faith, far from it, but I am hoping that you will forgive me and I can work on being a better boyfriend for you.” He whispered when he felt a light brush of her lips on his cheek.

“Thank you.” She whispered the air moving around her in a gust as she stood up. “I am going to go send Maria in and check in with Amy, she might need help with the concoction, she is very spooked out by it.” Faith said as the old solid door of the Garwin red bedroom swung open with a deep groan.

Pogue shifted her weight on his side so that she was half laying on him and half on the couch much to her mother’s discomfort, but in her current state that was the least of her worries. Nancy put of a brave face for her daughter knowing that she could not break now if she wanted her daughter to survive this battle, and she knew that Jeff did not, would not, want her to break right now. Letting out a shaky breath Nancy fixed her eyes on the map in front of her as Amy furiously scribbled down different notes. It was a strange sight to see the four of them around the table but they were plotting the possible locations for the banishment to take place as well as possible locations for the Horaci holdings; Spencer was marked as that seemed to be a spot they particularly liked.

“Alright I think we covered this.” Amy sighed ripping off the last yellow sheet from the legal pad. “What next?”

“How much more do we have to do on the banishment potion?” Liz asked as Pogue tightened his arm around her.

“According to the chart we have three more days of work and then a two day simmer we should be ready to move in five days.” Amy said.

“Pogue can you have Max ready by then?” Liz asked startling her boyfriend.

“I can have him ready. I know what needs to be done.” Pogue sighed resigned to the fact that he had to do.

“Alright next order of business. I know that the gem of Hamond was a set up by the Horaci.” Amy said pausing knowing that this was a sore subject. “But we do have it, the question is do you want to use it?”

Liz let out a deep sigh her breath blowing strands of her dark hair out of her face her dark eyes showing her silent misery. “I still need to talk to Caleb about that, after the two of us work out our issues we will bring the issue up with everyone again.”

“Sounds fair enough.” Pogue agreed.

“Sweetie you should go and get some rest, it has been a long day.” Nancy sighed stroking her daughter’s soft cheek.

“No I am good what else do we need to do?” Liz asked sitting up more.

“Noting tonight Liz it has been a rough day and you need to rest if you are going to be any good in a fight and in the preparation for a fight.” Amy said as Pogue hauled a reluctant Liz up from her seat. Liz gave Amy a hug and squeezed her mother tightly before she left with her boyfriend to their room at the Garwin home, her mother was not going to fight her about sleeping in the same bed with her boyfriend.

The soft groaning of the old door sent shivers down Liz’s spine as she sat in the center of the bed hugging her knees to her chest as Pogue crawled up behind her and pulled her flush against his chest. “How are you holding up?”

“I am okay.” She whispered.

“Liz I have yet to see you shed a tear…that is not normal for you.” Pogue said not really wanting to push his girlfriend emotionally but he knew that he needed to if he wanted her to get through this and not revert back into sad puppy Liz.

“Well things are not exactly normal right now.” She ground out.

“I know that but you are closing yourself off…I can feel it Liz.” He said giving her a small mental tap through their connection, or what he thought was a tap. Liz slapped her hand to her head groaning in pain.

“Too hard.” She hissed.

“Sorry.” He grunted rubbing her head. “But will you let me in?”

“I don’t think it has really sunk in yet.” She finally said after several minutes. “It is like some weird dream that I am having and no matter how many times I pinch myself I just won’t wake up.” He could feel her small body start to shake and he held her closer. “Please Pogue please tell me this is all a dream and that I am going to wake up soon and that Serena is still alive and that my dad is downstairs with my mom in the kitchen sipping his late night coffee and that we are not about to go into a life and death battle.” Liz cried turning to bury her head into his neck as he held her tightly to him.

“I wish I could Lizzie I wish I could.” He whispered as he held her. Somewhere in the back of his mind Pogue knew that the death of Jeff Parker was just the first twig snapping in the breaking of the damn, and the destruction was going to worse than any of them realized.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 65 p.42 7/26/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Yup things are bad for Liz and her mom but they are going to get worse before they get better. Thanks...

Touch of the Wind
LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 66: Banishment IX

She heard the steady beat of his heart under her ear and took deep comfort in it. Her mind was racing with scenarios of him leaving her and his death and each one ended in her going crazy with despair. In his sleep he moved her closer to him and the arm he had around her waist tightened making her grin, even in his sleep he wanted to comfort her.

She heard the door to their room groan open and a blonde head popped into view, Reid. “Parker.” He hissed as her head slowly rose from Pogue’s solid chest. “Parker.” He hissed again doing what Liz thought was a great impression of a snake.

“Need something Reid?” She asked.

“Yeah ah Maria is done talking to Caleb, she wants to know if you want to go and talk to him now.” Reid said scratching the back of his head nervously knowing that waking Liz up was probably a bad idea.

“Yeah, yeah I am coming.” She grumbled trying to get out of Pogue’s death grip on her waist, but the harder she tried to get out the tighter he held her. “Ah I might have a problem here.” Liz said trying not to get angry with Reid as he laughed at her predicament.

“Pogue sweetie I have to get up.” Liz whispered.

“Caleb can wait.” Pogue growled holding her closer.

“You and I both know Caleb hates to wait.” Reid said stepping farther into the room.

“Did I say you could come in?” Pogue asked checking to make sure Liz had clothes on.

“No but like that has ever stopped me before.” Reid chuckled and the other two nodded. “So can Liz please go and talk to our little leader who is holed up in his bed groaning miserably in bed waiting for Liz so that he can kiss her ass and get back on her good side?” Reid asked.

Pogue rolled his eyes at his blonde friend knowing that he got his talent for laying it on thick from his father. “Liz is tired they will talk in the morning.” Pogue said winching when she pinched his side.

“No I will talk to him now.”

“Liz…” Pogue huffed.

“Pogue. I lost my dad tonight and I almost lost Caleb as well, I need to see for myself that he is really alright and that he is doing better like Faith said. We have a few issues to work out as well, I know that you just want to look out for me but I know the witch in you knows that the two of us need to talk.”

Pogue let out a reluctant sigh making Liz smile as she leaned in and hugged him kissing his soft cheek knowing that he had just agreed with her. “Go on and go make up…after all it will make my life easier.” He grumbled.

“Thank you Pogue, oh and in the future I don’t need your permission to talk to a friend.” Liz said shoving him slightly making Reid laugh harder.

“I know.” He grumbled ducking his head finding the bed spread very interesting as Liz and Reid left.

Once in the hall Reid led a boxer clad Liz towards a door at the end of the hall away from the others. Part of her wanted to go rushing in there and make up with her best friend but the other was shouting for her to get the hell away from the door and never talk to the arrogant bastard again. “You planning on going in?” Reid asked as they stood in front of the door.

“Thinking about it.”

Reid bobbed back and forth on his feet shoving his hands in his relaxing pants as he and Liz stood there waiting. “Ready yet?”

“Not yet.”

“What about now?”


“Now?” Reid whined. “Liz he is sorry I promise, I mean if Maria the queen of drama forgave him it has to be better. Please go and talk to him and make nice. Maria told me last night that I would not be getting any action until all is right with you two, why I have no idea but please for my sanity get your ass in there and let him kiss your ass.” Reid begged getting down on his knees as he hugged her legs.

“Wow someone is desperate.” Liz laughed. “Alright I am going in.” Liz said laughing at his relieved look. “I am so going to have to talk to Maria about withholding sex…ruining the fun for the rest of us.” She grumbled as she stepped into the room without knocking. Caleb was sitting up in bed getting comfortable when he saw Liz.

“You are so lucky you entered now, two seconds ago I was naked.” He said and Liz shrugged.

“Nothing I have not seen before.”

“True but I don’t think Pogue would care when he kicks my ass.”

“True.” She said sitting down in the chair that she had sat in when he was unconscious earlier. “So how are you feeling?” She asked shifting uncomfortably on the chair.

“Alright except my eyesight has yet to return fully right now I see in blurs of color, which is a huge step from earlier.”

“That has to be scary.” Liz whispered and Caleb jerked his head yes.

“Yeah but I know I will heal.” Caleb chocked out. “Liz I am sorry about your dad.” He whispered knowing without seeing her clearly that she stiffened. “I am sorry that you had to lose yet another person you love.”

It was just like before when she was talking to Faith about Serena when they first came to Ipswich, like a light switch her emotions flooded out of her at an alarming rate. “Caleb why does this k keep happening to me?” She gasped out trying not to cry but as the tears stung her dark eyes she gave into the burning pain. Caleb sat up and jerkily moved towards Liz pulling her blurry shape onto the bed with him wrapping his strong arm around her small frame. “Did I do something wrong that the gods feel the need to punish me?” She asked looking at him through blurry tear filled eyes.

“Hey hey now none of that Liz.” He whispered wiping at her cheeks not even registering that he had actually seen her tears. “You did nothing to deserve this it’s like the cliché says, bad things happen to good people.”

“I just…I just wish that everyone I care about would stop leaving.” She sighed closing her eyes fighting off another wave of tears. Caleb hugged her to him tightly the two of them stayed up the rest of the night, most of the time spent with the two apologizing to each other for all the pain they caused each other as well as going over what their next move was going to be.

Elsewhere in Ipswich

She loved this time of night, no one was up and about and it was just her and her thoughts. Looking down at her pad of paper Sarah continued to jot down her nightly thoughts reviewing what had happened to her that day. A panicked knock on the solid dorm door startled her out of her musings and woke her roommate Kate up as well. Kate sat up and glared at the door willing the person on the other side to die, but when the knocking persisted Sarah decided she should go and open the door.

“What?” Sarah asked jerking the door open to reveal a hall full of worried students buzzing around. “What is going on?” She asked as Kate joined her at the door now wide awake at the sight of the commotion in the hall.

“Did you hear?” A small girl asked her eyes red from obvious bouts of crying.

“No.” Kate snapped making the girl jump.

“What?” Sarah asked giving her roommate a look.

“There was an explosion at the Danvers home!” The girl cried as others in the hall voiced their versions of what happened. Sarah stood there numb not believing what she was hearing, it was as if someone was holding her heart in a glove of ice and squeezing tightly. The left her as black spots swam in her vision.

“Caleb?” She asked.

“They found a male body.” One of the boys in Sarah’s year said looking grim. “They have not made an identification yet but yeah it looks that way.”

Kate closed her eyes willing herself to not reveal her true nature at the news this was far better than she ever could have imagined. With Caleb Danvers out of the way the other witches would be weak and her master would be able to once again reign over this human world.

Garwin Home

Amy bit her plump lower lip as she stared at the hissing concoction in front of her. She hated that she was one of the only ones with enough tutelage under Gorman to work on this step of the potion. The only problem was that she was terrified to be alone in the room with the thing.

“You alright?” A soft masculine voice asked from the doorway making the older woman jump and whip around so fast it made his head hurt just looking at her.

“Tyler!” She screeched slamming her hand to her chest hoping to calm her racing pulse. “Don’t sneak up on someone when they are in the same room with something very scary.” She scolded growling when he started to laugh at her.

“Amy I announced my presence several minutes ago but you just stood there so I asked if you were alright, your fault not mine.” Tyler pointed out flashing his second mom a toothy grin.

“Well to answer your question no I am not alright I hate this damn thing but I know that I have to work on it and I am terrified.” She moaned making him laugh harder. “Hey this is not funny!” She huffed striking the same huffy pose her daughter did on many occasions.

“Well how about I help you then. The four of us worked with Gorman a lot and picked up some of his tricks. How does that sound?” Tyler asked watching as Amy battled with herself debating on if she wanted him to help or not. On the one hand she wanted to yell hell yes and have the younger boy work with her to not only make the work go quicker but to keep the scary pot at bay but on the other hand her pride wanted to say no that she did not need a little boy in the room with her while she did her job. “It will make your work go faster.” Tyler said and there was her out.

“Alright fine get over here.” She snapped motioning for him to join her at the table where piles of herbs were located. Amy sat down and gently shoved a cutting board full of herbs and lists on it and pushed it in front of Tyler. “The ah needed amounts and styles are on the list next to each pile. Just place them in a little glass vile with a label when done…”

“Like Gorman said.” Tyler pointed out and Amy nodded giving him a small smile.

“Right like Gorman.” She said jumping in her seat when the potion gave a rather nasty spitting hiss.


“Yeah sweetie?”

“I have a bad feeling.” He said putting down his knife looking at her with his sad blue eyes. “Something dark is closing in on us.”

“You are probably just sensing the coming battle with the Horaci.” She said rubbing his arm gently.

“I suppose you are right.” He sighed as Amy studied him closer.

“Tyler when did you start to get this feeling?” She asked.

“It started about two days ago.” He said and Amy mentally checked off what happened two days ago when it struck her.

“The gem of Hamond. That is when you found out about the gem.” Amy pointed out and Tyler nodded in understanding.

“The turmoil in the group started then, do you think that is what I am feeling?” He asked.

“I don’t know Ty. You tend to feel the darker emotions better than my daughter you might be picking up on something else as well.” Amy said.

“I just keep going back to the history surrounding the gem. There is so much blood and destruction…the thing is bathed in blood.” Tyler said.

Amy looked at the young man in front of her appraisingly her mind speeding through numerous possibilities. “Tyler, have you ever gotten emotions off objects?” She asked adding powered klurtz root to the hissing pot.

“No…well yes I guess.” He said his face slightly scrunched as he poured through his memories. “Yesterday when I was upstairs at the Swann home I touched a Bible and I had to put it down.”

“Why?” Amy asked.

“I just had a bad feeling holding it, like a surge of hate or something. I just assumed I was picking up from someone in the house.” Tyler shrugged looking younger than seventeen.

“Tyler I think your powers are growing, I think you are starting to pick up residual emotions people are leaving on objects. From the sound of it I am assuming that in order for you to pick up on it the emotions have to be strong and have to be geared more towards your specialty of unease and negative feelings.” Amy said.

“Oh.” Tyler said not knowing if he should feel good about this or not.

Amy seemed to know what the young man was thinking as she reached over and grabbed his hand. “Tyler this is a good thing, who knows you figuring out that an object has a negative vibe could help in the future.”

“Thanks Amy, sometimes it sucks reading emotions.” He grumbled going back to his tasks.

“So Maria says.”
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 66 p.43 7/28/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever
Touch of the Wind
PeytonLeigh- yeah I know there is a lot of feedback :oops: I have a note in the prune thread to take care of it.

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 67: Banishment X

It was a now familiar scene to the group the adults on one side the teens on the other with Liz and Caleb running the show. Now that the two friends had made up the younger group felt that they could breathe a small sigh of relief knowing that together they were strong and that they stood a chance of winning.

“Alright what is this about?” Paul asked crossing his arms over his chest mirroring the position of his son across from him.

“Last time we had a discussion about the gem of Hamond things got out of hand. We need mediators and a full range of opinions.” Liz said looking from her parents to the aliens and Alex.

“In order to help decide Liz, we need all the facts on Serena and Chase and what the odds are that this will turn out well.” Michael said for once the voice of reason.

“Agreed which is why Caleb and I have come up with very accurate descriptions of the two and the others will add things as needed for you to make an informed decision.” Liz said.

“What no charts chica?” Maria asked smiling when Liz glared at her.

“I happen to like my charts.” Liz growled.

“We know Parker.” Michael laughed.

“Okay to start with we are going to talk about Serena.” Caleb said.

“Okay so Serena was the oldest of the Scion line and now she is the third oldest if she comes back, falling before Maria and Caleigh ascend. Her powers are mainly fire and electrical manipulation.” Liz said.

“She is powerful and knows how to use her powers well.” Caleb added.

“She is great with battle strategies.” Pogue said.

“Any risk factors?” Max asked.

“Besides those of the gem, no.” Liz said.

“What about Chase?” Tess asked.

“Chase is the same as Serena age wise, he falls right before Reid in the male line now. He is incredibly powerful since he, like me, has not only his powers but those of his father. He has impeccable control over his powers.” Caleb said.

“Freakishly so.” Pogue muttered.

“He is strong but there are risks where he is concerned.” Reid added and Tyler grunted in agreement.

“More than a few.” Mark said glaring at Caleb who glared right back.

“Wait what does he mean?” Isabel asked her brown eyes growing wider knowing that if the others said that there was a risk it was usually a big one.

“Chase is kind of…ah” Caleb looked at the other boys for an adjective.

“Dangerous.” Reid supplied.

“Psycho.” Pogue grunted.

“Homicidal in a kill all of your friends and loved ones kind of way.” Tyler said making Reid snicker.

“Okay yeah he is all that, but powerful.” Caleb pointed out.

“And he seems to be better now that Serena is around him I mean whenever I talk to him he is nice.” Liz said watching as Isabel sat forward suddenly.

“That’s it I knew I heard that name before, Liz I saw him with you in your dream.” Isabel said and Liz nodded looking very disgruntled. “You mean that was real?” The tall blonde asked.

“Yeah that was Chase.” Liz sighed.

“What kind of powers does he have?” Max asked.

“The same exact powers as me and I mean exact.” Caleb said his mind flashing to the night in the barn when the two of them were evenly matched.

“Ah but he has a special talent.” Pogue added also remembering his time with Chase.

“What?” Alex asked.

“Creation.” Maria said giving a large shudder.

“Why do I get a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when you say that?” Isabel asked.

“Because creation is not exactly nice. Creation is the ability of a witch to create a live animal, in the case of the Putnam line it is spiders and lots of them.” Caleb said.

“See one or two spiders is not a bad thing but with creation you can create hundreds of spiders of any species.” Liz said.

“One or two bites from the little critters is not bad but thousands of bites is deadly.” Pogue explained. “He almost killed Kate that way.”

“He also has the ability of the Putnam line to touch a person and put them in a trance, he can strengthen the trance and put the person in a coma or even kill them if he wanted.” Liz said.

The aliens just sat there stunned at the news. “This guy does not exactly sound like prince charming.” Michael grunted.

“He’s not.” Tyler agreed. “But I can see how he would be useful.” The teen added.

“Well from what I have heard from Liz and then from Pogue it sounds as if Chase is grounded now, he does not have this constant lust. I believe Serena has curbed that and keeps him centered. Bringing both of them back would be advisable.” Ryan Garwin said and his son Reid nodded.

“Yeah I got that impression as well.” Reid muttered.

“I know it is true.” Liz said “I saw them together guys they are happy and Serena makes Chase not so crazy.”

“Alright, so we put it to a vote?” Caleb asked and Liz nodded.

“All in favor of bringing them back, both of them?” Caleb asked raising his hand as did the others except Max and Michael. Liz looked at Isabel in shock but the tall blonde just shrugged not meeting her gaze.

“Okay then they are both coming back!” Liz shrieked jumping up and down taking Caleb with her. The two continued to bounce around the room in a squealing heap looking like two little children jumping on their bed.

“Where the hell did that energy come from?” Amy asked perplexed at the sight. “I thought he was injured.”

“Ah that is just the Liz infectious happiness. It strikes at the oddest of times.” Pogue laughed.

“Okay you two calm down.” Nancy soothed the two who stopped jumping and looked at Liz’s mother with matching guilty expressions. “We need to work out the spell so that we don’t mess it up. I know that we can do it in a day but it needs to be perfect since we only get one shot at this.” Nancy said as Liz and Caleb took their seats.

“First off who is going to perform the spell, it takes four.” Amy said and the teens looked at each other.

“Like we need to decide.” Reid muttered.

“Caleb, Liz, Pogue, and Faith.” Tyler said and the other four nodded in agreement leaving the older four to sit three sheepishly.

“Why us?” Liz asked.

“Oh come on chica we all know that the four of you are the most controlled with your powers and our parents can’t do our dirty work!” Maria barked laughing at her friend’s rouge face.

“We are doing their dirty work.” Tyler muttered knowing that his father had heard him but no one else. Mark sent his son a dark look but said nothing.

“Fine we will do it.” Pogue said wishing to move on. “We will do it today, the sooner we do this the sooner we get them back and the sooner this is all over with.” Pogue grumbled.

“Agreed. Alright Nancy and I will get all of your supplies ready for you and set you up in the solarium.” Ryan said motioning for his friend to follow him ending the group get together. Pogue looked at Max who was ready to bolt from the room with the others and shot out a strong hand to stop him.

“Hey buddy we need to talk.” Pogue grinned clamping his hand around the alien’s bicep.

“Okay…” Max darted a look at the others but only saw Liz closing the large double doors of the room. Pogue not so gently pushed Max into a large golden chair and continued to pace in front of the now weary alien king.

“See Max I am in a bit of a bind here, I need to get you up to snuff on your powers in a matter of days and with you not willing to listen this is a bit difficult. So I have come up with a few options for you.” Pogue said giving the boy in front of him a dark grin. “See contrary to popular belief I am not the big bad wolf but I can be so you can work with me and get good or I can whip your butt into shape; those are two of your options. The third is my favorite.”

“And ah what would that be?” Max asked swallowing hard making his adams apple bob nervously in his throat feeding Pogue’s manic mood.

“Chase.” Pogue hissed.

“Excuse me?” Max asked sitting forward slightly.

“I will hand you over to Chase. See all I have to do is tell him you are Liz’s ex and that you need to learn some manners and he will make you scream.” Pogue growled slamming his hands down onto the arms of Max’s chair so he was in the other teen’s face glaring darkly at him. “Chase has become rather fond of my girlfriend and he will take sick pleasure in making you squeal. So what is it going to be Max?” Pogue asked in a dark whisper. “Are you going to work with me or are you going to be Chase’s new play thing?”

Max did not know what to think but what he knew was that Pogue Parry was far more dangerous than he originally thought and from the way the others described Chase, Chase was even worse. “I will work with you.” Max whispered not able to meet Pogue’s harsh gaze feeling like anything but the great and fearless leader of an alien race.

“I thought you might see things my way.” Pogue hummed standing up at his impressive height. “We will restart our training tonight after I do the spell. You will meet me in the gym, ask Reid where it is, and you will be ready to learn because so help me Max you are going to fight and you are not going to get yourself killed because Liz can’t stand to lose another person.” Pogue growled as he stormed away leaving a shaking Max in his golden throne.

Liz looked down at her cell phone and saw that she had thirty two voicemails waiting for her. She frowned down at the small device and played the first one from Sarah. Liz listened to the sobbing blonde as she cried for Caleb wanting to know what happened and if it was true that she died like everyone said. Each message became more and more desperate until finally the last one had a defeated Sarah numbly saying that since Liz was not answering her phone she took that as a yes. Liz snapped her phone shut looking both sad and excited at the same time.

“What is it?” Caleb asked coming into the solarium with arms full of supplies.

“That was Sarah’s numerous voicemails. Caleb everyone thinks that you died in the explosion at your house.” Liz whispered as he set down his stuff, the others coming into the room to help set up.

“Are you for real?” Maria asked and Liz nodded.

“This is huge.” Reid whispered looking hopeful. “Caleb this is the swing we need, not only might we have the edge of Chase and Serena but the enemy might think you are dead. Caleb they are thinking we are at our weakest they are not going to see us coming.” Reid laughed.

“They also don’t know about the aliens and Alex.” Pogue pointed out.

“So as long as everyone in town continues to think I am dead then the Horaci might as well.” Caleb said grinning at the thought, things were finally starting to look up for them after all of their hardships.

“Yup.” Liz giggled.

“Alright everyone let’s get to work.” Ryan said handing Liz a thick tome and a piece of white blessed chalk. “Liz draw the door to the shadow world and do it exactly as you see in the book, line for line and all measurements accurate. We need to make sure we have the right door to the right world.” Ryan said and Liz nodded getting down on the stone floor which was perfect for this kind of work.

“Amy and Paul headed out to the ancestral home to grab the needed candles and the daggers and clothes we need.” Nancy said as she pulled out bundles of wrapped herbs that were used for burning in their spells, it was like a homemade version of incense. Caleigh came in carrying a bunch of little bottles of oils setting them down gingerly on the table looking very proud of herself.

“I knew making extra oils was a good idea.” She giggled before she started popping all the corks and getting to work on anointing the not only the people involved in the spell but the different objects they were going to use.

An hour later Amy and Paul came in with cloth bags full of goodies for the group and the teens once again got to work on putting out the items. Faith went into one of the bags and started to pull out the black candles with blue wicks to get into the shadow world as Pogue pulled out silver candles with red wicks, rare candles used to bind something to this plane of existence.

“Okay and now all we need is the gem.” Liz said as she stood up holding a nub of chalk looking strained from all her tedious work. Reid pulled out his little red bag and pulled out the small unassuming gem and handed it to the petite brunette.

“Okay let’s do this.” Caleb sighed.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 67 p.7 A/N p8 7/31/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks so much for the well wishes everything went well in Italy and I feel so much better now that it is all over! Thanks...

Touch of the Wind
LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 68: Banishment XI

Pogue handed Liz one of the silver candles knowing that she was the one with the ability to use the binding candle. “What do I do?” She asked taking it with shaking hands.

“When you feel the pull blow on it and light it up, you know how to do this. It is a simple lighting of the candle.” Pogue said.

“With my breath.” Liz pointed out and he nodded.

“You have done it before.”

“By accident.” She grumbled remembering how she had let out a deep breath the other night and set her linens on fire.

“You know how to do it.” Pogue said wrapping an arm around her, “And when the time comes you will be able to do it again, I know you will.” Pogue said plopping a kiss on her temple before releasing her to take his place by the chalk door.

Liz nodded and Caleb and he lit the candles before nodding at Nancy to kill the lights. “Good luck.” She whispered before she and the others left the room leaving the four oldest teens to complete the spell.

“Not of the dead and not of the living.” Caleb said pulling out a dagger and slicing his left hand across the palm. Blood pooled in the palm of his hand as he held it over the door on the ground. “My blood is your blood, my blood flows through your veins and yours through mine. We are of one power of two lines.” Caleb said watching the blood drip onto the ground. Pogue picked up a photo idea off the floor of Chase from when he attended Spencer and he lit it on fire before tossing it onto the blood drops from Caleb.

Caleb handed Liz the dagger and she sliced her palm as well. “My blood is your blood, my blood flows through your veins and yours through mine. We are of one power of two lines.” Liz said letting enough blood pool into her palm before she let it drip onto the floor inside the chalk door. Faith picked up a photo of Serena and lit it on fire before dropping it onto Liz’s blood. Liz nodded at Pogue who bent down over the now shimmering door and watched as his brown eyes flashed with orange fire before turning solid black. He reached down towards the door and where his hand should have stopped at the rocky bottom it went straight through to the other side. Caleb bent down next to him and reached his hand through as well.

The two were crouched down for what felt like an eternity before they finally brought their hands up apparently clutching something, or someone. Chase’s flickering form appeared in the room standing over the doorway. Liz and Faith moved next to the doorway and Faith plunged her hand in first followed by Liz and moments later the two pulled up revealing Serena looking at them in utter disbelief.

Liz took a step back and grabbed the silver candles blowing on each one watching as the wick smoked before turning into a flame. She set the candles back into their holders and watched as the two witches became slightly clearer. Caleb nodded at Liz and the two of them sat down on the ground facing each other raising a hand towards Serena and Chase and placing another on the ground away from them. Faith took the gem and placed it in the ceramic bowl Amy had brought from the ancestral home that was filled with different herbs and oils and handed it to Pogue who set it on fire. A pungent odor filled the air as the contents of the bowl began to burn.

“Vestri animus mos fio universus iterum. Vita par spiritus quod spiritus mos per vos iterum. Animus opportunus viscus quod viscus mos fio universus. Vos es iam orior oriri ortus quod pugna nobis vestri prosapia quod cruor iterum.” Liz and Caleb said the Latin spilling from their lips as if they had been speaking it all their lives. The contents of the bowl that Faith had been holding started to glow silver blinding flashes of white light surged through the room.

The air became chokingly thick as the oxygen was practically sucked from the room in a vortex like wind. The magical flames still flickered as the scent of decay and burning flesh filled the room and the worst part of the spell began. The part involving the dead bodies of their loved ones. None of the witches looked next to Caleb and Liz knowing that if they did they would see charred flesh and time bitten bodies.

Pogue pulled out a wooden box with a silver clasp and opened it pulling out a pinch of the silver dust inside and sprinkled it over the burning bowl. “Heal their broken bodies and breathe breath into their lungs, hearts beat with rich blood, and brains pulse again.” Pogue grunted as the silver glow turned a dazzling opaque blue and silver. The air rushed back into the room intensifying the repulsive scents and the contents of the bowl pulsed with an unnatural life before they disappeared with the gem.

Faith went over to the silver candles taking one last look at Chase and Serena’s ethereal forms before she blew out the flames. Pogue quickly moved to blow out the other candles and sent the room into a thick and silent darkness.

“Did it work?” Faith asked clutching Pogue’s arm fearfully.

“I don’t know maybe we should ah turn on the lights and find out.” He whispered.

“Good idea.” A strange voice grunted.

“I agree.” Another voice said as Faith hastily threw on the light forcing the room to wince. Liz and Caleb blinked furiously before they looked next to them and saw to very animated bodies next to them.

“It worked.” Faith breathed looking excited.

“I didn’t know they were going to come back naked though.” Liz giggled as Serena and Chase sat there covering themselves looking very uncomfortable.

“Yeah ah I think we need to fix this.” Caleb said as Pogue and Faith quickly left to go and get clothes for the two. Liz sat there staring at the two newly revived witches grinning not knowing what to do or say so she did the only thing she could do. She threw herself at them knocking them backwards as she peppered their faces with kisses.

“You’re here you’re here you are really here!” She screamed clinging to the two as Pogue came in with come of Tyler’s clothes since he was the closest to Chase’s size and Faith came in with Caleigh’s clothes.

The two gratefully took the clothes as Liz let them up to get dressed while the four looked away. “So this is ah different.” Caleb coughed.

“Ya don’t say Danvers.” Serena said tapping Liz’s back letting her know it was okay to look as the others turned around as well. Liz hugged Serena tightly as Faith joined the them the three clinging to each other.

“I am so glad you are back.” Faith sighed. “Oh god I never thought this would happen.” She sobbed clinging to the two girls.

Chase grinned at the sight of the three hugging knowing that Serena had missed them terribly while they were in the shadow world waiting to cross over into the afterlife. “It’s good to have you here.” Caleb said catching Chase’s attention. Pogue and Caleb stood there smiling at their fellow witch noticing that his aura was very different than when they first met him.

“It is great to be here and finally meet you without an ulterior agenda.” Chase said as Pogue and Caleb reached to shake his hand similar to how they had done when they first met. When Liz and Faith finally let Serena go she went and hugged the other two before returning to stand next to Chase who pulled her close.

“So what do you say we let the others smother the two of you in hugs and kisses?” Liz asked grabbing Pogue’s hand.

“I say bring on the smooches!” Serena squealed dragging Chase out of the room towards the other areas of the house remembering the layout from her previous visits. The other four jogged behind as Serena and Chase tore into the living room where the others were assembled. “Hello people!” She yelled skidding to a halt. The room jumped in terror at the appearance of two new people taking a moment to register who they were.

“No way, it worked.” Caleigh gasped staring at the two but she was on her feet in seconds hugging Serena and shaking Chase’s hand before forcing him to hug her Maria right behind her. Reid and Tyler gapped at the two not believing that one of Reid’s ideas actually worked even if it worked because the enemy felt it would ruin them.

“Pinch me dude I think I am dreaming.” Reid said sticking out his arm. Tyler reached over and grabbed the tender flesh of his underarm making Reid squeal. “What the hell dude!”

Tyler just stared at his friend. “You told me to do it.” He pointed out.

“But not so hard and not there!”

“Hey would you two stop bickering like the women you are and get over here and hug me?” Serena asked stopping the two squabbling boys. They turned and stared at her before grinning at her as they went to hug her with their parents not far behind.

“Sorry.” Tyler muttered as he hugged the girl he thought of as a big sister for the first time in over a year; relishing that she was once again in the land of the living and not dead on Caleb’s floor.

“Chase good to see you.” Reid said shaking the guys hand shivering when he felt the burst of power flow through him from the teen.

“Sorry.” Chase said blushing slightly. “I guess I need to get used to being back and dealing with powers.” Chase said and Reid nodded grinning at his fellow witch.

“Oh Chase.” Nancy said staring at the teen before her who had helped guide and protect her baby girl when she was stuck in the other world, tears pooling in her eyes. Before Chase knew what was happening he was enfolded in her arms as she hugged him tightly. “It is so good to see you.” She said making the teen smile.

“Thanks Mrs. Parker. It is good to be seen.”

“Oh please it’s Nancy after all you are family.” Nancy said making the grin on his face grow.

The aliens and Alex stood to the side and watched the reunion feeling uncomfortable like they were invading their personal space. Max stared hard at Chase seeing that the teen was roughly the same height as him if not a little taller with visible muscle and a powerful presence. Max had felt the instant ripple of power from the two when they entered the room, it was the same feeling he got when Liz, Caleb, Pogue, and Faith entered a room. As he stared at Chase he could feel that there was a slightly different feel about him than the others something he could not place.

“Wow Chase is cute.” Isabel breathed staring at him and the beautiful woman on his arm.

“Serena is not bad looking either.” Michael added.

“They are taken.” Alex said startling the two. They turned to look at their friend who usually refrained from talking to them and saw him starting hard at them. “Serena and Chase are together and trying to come between them would not be a good idea.” Alex said.

“Who said we are interested in them?” Isabel asked.

“I never said you were.” Alex said. “But I am just warning you that trying to get between them will not turn out good for either of you.” Alex said grabbing Tess’s hand as he led her over to the group of witches.

“Ah the ever lovely Serena great to see ya.” Alex said watching as her eyes comically widened.

“Alli!” She screamed hugging him tightly “OMG Alex it is so good to see you!” She cried stepping back to look at him. Chase raised an eyebrow at Caleb who was laughing at Alex’s red face when Serena called him Alli.

“Long story.” Caleb said.

“Yeah long story involving a dress and lipstick.” Liz said watching as Alex introduced Serena and Tess.

“Alex, Tess this is Chase Collins my hot boyfriend.” Serena said making Chase laugh.

“Ah yes Alex Whitman I have heard a lot about you. Apparently you are what the Scion lines call a ‘girlfriend’” Chase said and Alex nodded.

“Yup I have been one of the girls for many years now and I have come to realize that being emasculated does have its benefits.” Alex laughed. “After all learning to listen properly landed me the always beautiful Tess Harding.” Alex said making the small blonde laugh.

“Oh flattery will get you everywhere!” She said kissing his cheek. The other three stood to the side wishing that they could join in but the others seemed to forget that they were there until Chase’s eyes landed on them and a cold chill settled over them.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 68 p.9 8/12/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Part 69: Banishment XII

Chase stared hard at the three in the corner of the room but more so at one in particular. This is the Max Evans that Serena had told him about, the one who kept hurting Liz. He did not understand why the alien was still alive, he knew that Caleb and Pogue would rather kill the creature but for some reason he was still breathing.

“So are you two hungry? Tired?” Nancy asked hovering over the two as the others backed off a bit knowing that this was a weird situation for the two to be in.

“Actually I feel a bit sick.” Serena said her cheeks reddening slightly.

“Must be a side effect.” Liz said.

“Ah Rena remember what you had before you were ah killed?” Faith asked smiling slightly.

“No, what?”

“The flu.” Caleigh supplied. “We all had it.” Serena ducked her head feeling silly for forgetting that.

“I guess the two of you came back in the same physical states you were in before you were killed.” Liz said.

Caleb looked at Chase fearfully. “You aren’t in pain are you?” Caleb asked remembering how bad their fight had been and much he was hurting after.

“Surprisingly no.” Chase said, “And I expected to be considering you kicked my ass.”

Caleb winced rubbing the back of his neck, “Yeah sorry about the whole…”

“Killing me thing.” Chase supplied and Caleb nodded.

“Wait you killed him?” Max asked from across the room.

“Yeah.” Caleb muttered. “But we told you that.”

“He kind of had to because at the time I was so far gone if he hadn’t taken me out I was going to kill him.” Chase said. “It is a kill or be killed world or at least that was how I saw it Maxwell.”

Max flinched fearfully when he felt the cold gaze of the witch before him. “How do you know my name?” Max asked moving closer to his second.

Chase grinned at the alien king but the normally comforting gesture was anything but. “I know more than you think Max, much more.” Chase turned to the others and motioned for Nancy to lead the way out of the room. Nancy was glad to have Chase and Serena to look after to keep her mind off of losing her husband since Liz would not let her dote on her.

Pogue hung behind as the others left the room stopping Max before he left. “Ready to get to work?” Pogue asked and Max reluctantly nodded knowing that having Pogue work with him was far better than Chase. “Good.” Pogue said leading the way to the gym, the plans for Reid to show Max to the gym scraped long ago.

“What exactly are we going to work on?” Max asked as they twisted through what felt like a labyrinth of halls to Max but was really just a few twists and turns. The gym was behind a small wooden door bare of any decorations surprising Max, it did not seem to fit with the rest of the décor of the house.

The air was stale and hot inside the gym and bare of any windows, it was hard to believe that it was winter outside. “Where are the machines?” Max asked looking around the almost barren room.

Pogue smirked at Max, “This gym exercises something other than the body.” Pogue grabbed a ring in the center of the room and pulled up with a grunt. “It is for practicing our powers; as such it is made to simulate different attacks.”

“Like what?” Max asked watching Pogue move about apprehensively.

“Like darklings, shadow demons, and other witches. Now since Horaci attacks were rare this room was not built for this kind of training so the closest we are going to get is another witch and while I would love nothing more than to attack you, you are not ready for that and it would be counterproductive.”

Max gaped in awe. “How the hell did you create a room like this?”

“Not really sure actually, Reid’s family had it built. Things like this were common in the old days except they were called different things like war rooms.” Pogue said finally getting the hatch up. “Okay Max here is how it is going to work, I am going to manipulate this and the room is going to simulate an attack.”

“How?” Max asked.

“Quartz. See humans are smart and realized that quartz is great for storing energy and memory. It has been used in computers and watches for years but they had to get the idea from somewhere.” Pogue grunted. “Witches figured it out long ago that in areas of battle where large deposits of quartz, salt, water, and iron are buried. Impressions of the battle are left behind and for years after the battle the ‘ghost’ of the battle will replay itself. I am not sure how Reid’s family did it but they used that to make this.” Pogue said pointing to what looked like a panel of crystals. It looked like one multi colored mess to Max.

“So quartz stores memories of battles?” Max asked not quite understanding.

“Yes and no, it does not save people but it does save their powers or impressions of their powers which is perfect for training. The room is going to attack you and you are going to defend yourself. I need to see what you can do in order to see how I can get you to work properly.” Pogue said. “Now this is going to be pretty easy to defend against.” Pogue said closing the hatch and standing off to the side in the green safe zone. “Go!”

Max gave him a confused look when all of the sudden a ball of blue light came hurtling at him. Max reacted on instinct and threw up his green shield but that crumbled when another blue ball came flying at him. Before Max had time to get his shield up again a blue ball of energy zoomed at him from his right forcing him to jump out of the way. Instinctively he raised his right hand when another ball came towards him and out of his hand erupted a green swirling mass that seemed to swallow the blue energy before it came charging back at Max and went back into his hand.

“What the hell was that?” Max asked staring at his hand not seeing the other blue orb come at him until it struck him in the chest. The lights flashed in the room once and Pogue stepped out of the green zone to inspect Max.

“You let your guard down.”

“No kidding.” Max huffed.

“I take it you didn’t know you could do that.” Pogue said sitting down on the ground next to a shell shocked Max.

“No. I mean I know I can do the shield, heal, and change the molecular structure of things and once I stuck my hand out and moved the objects in the room but I haven’t been able to do it since.” Max admitted feeling stupid.

“Sounds to me like you are afraid of your powers and don’t want to learn.” Pogue grunted but there was an odd understanding in his eyes that startled the alien kind. “Caleb was like that growing up.” Pogue admitted.

“Really?” The disbelief on Max’s part was apparent.

“You know how Chase went crazy over the whole power thing?”

“Yeah.” Max said shuddering to think of what it must be like to be so dependent and feel a need for something so deeply.

“Caleb’s dad was the same way.” Pogue explained. “Except instead of being a teen when it happened it set in during his late twenties early thirties. Caleb was real little when it happened and it scared the crap out of him. When we first got our powers at thirteen Caleb would not use them.”

“That had to be tough on him.” Max sighed.

“It was. See Caleb was dreading getting his powers to the point where he was physically ill on his thirteenth birthday. The first time he used his powers he had to bolt to the bathroom he was so upset.” Pogue said feeling bad that he was talking about his best friend but he knew that Caleb would be alright with it if it was going to get Max to shape up. “I imagine it had to be hard for you growing up with powers and not knowing what could happen, but even worse when you know.” Pogue said.

“How did Caleb get over the fear?”

Pogue let out a deep breath and a small chuckle as he looked at Max. “Have you met my best friend?” Pogue asked. “He never really has, the only reason he uses his powers and has gotten to this comfort level is because he knows that if he does not use them the people he loves and care about will be dead. We depend on him for a lot and his powers are an awesome force and a great help to us and he knows that. Max yours are the same way for your group. They depend on you to survive.” Pogue said getting up off the floor. “Now get up I still have to figure out your trigger so I can kick your ass.”

Chase followed the directions Reid gave him and meandered his way through the halls. He was a little tired but he had too much restless energy to burn and he wanted to see if his powers were rusty. He knew Pogue was going to be there and he was hoping that Pogue would make sure he did not get too carried away. He also knew that Maxwell was going to be there and he was just the alien freak he wanted to practice his powers on.

“Knock, knock.” Chase said knocking on the door and opening it slightly. He saw Pogue off to the side looking frustrated and Max laying on the ground staring at the ceiling in pain.

“Good maybe you can figure him out!” Pogue growled jogging over to Chase and yanking him into the room. “He is all over the place and nothing like the other two I mean I can’t figure out where the hell his trigger is!”

“Show me.” Chase said as Pogue led him to the green section. “Again Max.” Pogue said and the alien got up in a huff glancing wearily at Chase. “Go!” and the quartz released its battle memory. Chase watched through narrowed eyes as Max worked with the blue energy balls.

“I see the problem.” Chase sighed.

“Good what?” Pogue asked as the last of the battle played out.

“He is not trying hard because he knows that the simulation will not really hurt him. Pogue get in there and fight him for real or I can and then his trigger will be more obvious because he will really be fighting and will put all hell into it.” Chase said.

“Good idea. Do you want to hurt him or me? Please let me I have been dying to take a whip to him since I found out he dated Liz.” Pogue said looking frighteningly eager to inflict pain.

“Go right ahead I need to watch him to learn.” Chase said and Pogue quickly went to Max and told him to take another fighting stance.

“Alright Max, defend yourself!” Pogue yelled when he unleashed hell on Max. He did not give Max a chance to even raise his hand before he shot a stinging charge at him knocking the wind out of the alien king.

“Hey!” Max yelled realizing that Pogue was purposely hurting him.

“I told you to defend yourself, you were not quick enough.” Pogue growled throwing out his hand watching as clear wave like tendrils shot out of his fingers before snaking around Max, Pogue squeezed his and chuckled when Max screamed.

Max had enough he knew he needed to do something or Pogue was likely to kill him just to prove a point. Before Pogue could get off another blast Max had raised his shield. Pogue grinned when he saw the green shield appear and he put more power behind his hits watching as Max strained against the force after three hits each one getting stronger until the shield flickered out. Max raised his hand and sent Pogue flying back.

“Stop!” Chase yelled grinning like mad. “I figured it out!”

“Really?” Pogue shaking off the odd feeling Max’s push had given him.

“When he uses his powers enough this spot over his chest glows.” Chase chuckled. “The more oomph he puts into it the more visible it is.”

“So his powers come from his chest, interesting.”

“What are you saying?” Max asked cautiously moving towards them.

“Your powers are connected to your chest. More specifically right here.” Chase said tapping the area next to Max’s heart. “When you are using do you feel a warm sensation or a pull?”

Max scrunched up his face before nodding. “Yeah it heats up and spreads out from there.”

“Do you think you can conjure up that feeling right now, think really hard about that warm sensation and then imagine it there now?” Pogue asked and Max nodded closing his eyes to concentrate. Chase and watched as Max’s hand began to glow brighter the longer he thought on the feeling.

“You did it.” Pogue grinned.

“Really? I felt it but I wasn’t sure.”

“It is there. Now we need to work on you channeling that all the time.” And the three set to work, Chase just waiting for his opportunity to get his revenge for Liz.

“Okay Chase you are up. Max remember what we worked on, remember to summon and maintain that feeling and think about what you want to happen.” Pogue said as he stood back in the green zone sensing the need for the extra protection.

“So do you want me to go easy on you or let it rip? Me I am voting for the second.” Chase said his black eyes making his already sinister sneer look all the more threatening. It was in that moment that Max knew, Chase was out for blood.