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Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:42 pm
by valentinebaby
So while I'm here I'm gonna totally double post cause I have my own complaint I just thought about.

First in order for all people to understand I must make a confession. I AM A DIRTY SMOKER!!! There I said it, I don't like it, I shouldn't do it, yada, yada, yada. So I've been rather unsuccessfully trying to quit and when I say trying to quit what I really should be saying is that when I'm home alone and my best friend isn't over I am a non smoker, not by choice but more by necessity seeing as how nasty little cancer sticks have gone up to like $7 a pack and that's only when you buy 2. My bestest friend in the universe is a happy little smoker who is not trying to quit so whenever we get in to her car old habbits die hard I grab one and I light up, a habit I gained when we used to live together and maybe even before that. When she's here and goes outside once again she hands me one I light up. But then she goes and leaves a pack here...and I'm like okay I'll have one, one turns into two and so on and so on to the point where I now feel like this money I've been gaining by not smoking belongs in her pocket because half the freaking pack is gone! Now it's my own fault I have no freaking will power what so ever and I know this but damn it she knows it too. So now she's going to come over tonight and I'm going to give her shushi as a peace offering and a pout and a promise to put a 20 dollar bill in her pocket on Monday when I can get to the atm and her half a pack of ciggerettes and one of these days I'm expecting her to become a loan shark and shoot me in the head, and I'd probably deserve it because I am a bad little girl who has turned into a bad little mooch and argh!!! Just shoot me now.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:40 am
by killjoy
The fact I busted my lip today and that it's now sore as hell :roll:

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:54 am
by Hunter
killjoy wrote:The fact I busted my lip today and that it's now sore as hell :roll:

Awwww , Do you want Emilie to kiss it better for you? :P :mrgreen:

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:24 pm
by killjoy
Hunter wrote:
killjoy wrote:The fact I busted my lip today and that it's now sore as hell :roll:

Awwww , Do you want Emilie to kiss it better for you? :P :mrgreen:
Ohhhhh!! You meant my lip! Ohhh yeah sure that would be great! :wink:

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:19 pm
by valentinebaby
How is it that Seattle drivers don't know how to drive in the rain? I'm really curious. Are they not used to the weather yet?

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:28 pm
by scorpio6
I found this thread and said "THANK YOU" My complaint is about my f--in lupus. If I offened anyone with my language, I do apologize, but for the past few months it been a real b*tch. :x :x I have been having chest spasms no one (doctors) can seem to explain. I hurt all the time. I have not be able to hold my children because of my chest and joints. It sucks because they have been sick and mommy can't comfort them. Everything has fallen on my husband-bless his heart. My other comfort -other than my hubby and children- has been the stories by the talent writers here but the past few days-well probably more than a week I have not be able to escape here because I have been so ill.

My second complaint is about doctors....Don't get me wrong, there are some good ones out there, but I have seem to find all the ones who don't fit in that category. When they can't find an answer they tell you-you are depressed. Well, of course, I'm depressed because I'm sick and my chest feels like it going to explode and no one can tell me why. I am convinced they use the depression/anxiety card when they don't want to take the time to figure out a problem or if they are not smart enough to do so. AM I WRONG????? :x :x Meanwhile, I am jumping through hoops and doing everything they tell me to do, but still 5 months later my lupus is flaring and chest-well I explain that all ready. I have fired doctors and hired new ones....We will see. I swear if one more tells me I am depressed I will scream to the top of my lungs and call him/her a quack to his/her face. I did not mean for this to be so long but I had to get this off of my chest.

Sorry for all the grammar/spell mistakes. I am typing with a pencil and I just took pain meds. I am going to sleep this off now.....

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:12 pm
by NotYourChick
valentinebaby wrote:How is it that Seattle drivers don't know how to drive in the rain? I'm really curious. Are they not used to the weather yet?
:lol: I'm sorry the last line made me laugh so hard.

Andrea *hug* I hope it goes away soon.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:05 am
by valentinebaby
scorpio6 wrote:I found this thread and said "THANK YOU" My complaint is about my f--in lupus. If I offened anyone with my language, I do apologize, but for the past few months it been a real b*tch. :x :x I have been having chest spasms no one (doctors) can seem to explain. I hurt all the time. I have not be able to hold my children because of my chest and joints. It sucks because they have been sick and mommy can't comfort them. Everything has fallen on my husband-bless his heart. My other comfort -other than my hubby and children- has been the stories by the talent writers here but the past few days-well probably more than a week I have not be able to escape here because I have been so ill.

My second complaint is about doctors....Don't get me wrong, there are some good ones out there, but I have seem to find all the ones who don't fit in that category. When they can't find an answer they tell you-you are depressed. Well, of course, I'm depressed because I'm sick and my chest feels like it going to explode and no one can tell me why. I am convinced they use the depression/anxiety card when they don't want to take the time to figure out a problem or if they are not smart enough to do so. AM I WRONG????? :x :x Meanwhile, I am jumping through hoops and doing everything they tell me to do, but still 5 months later my lupus is flaring and chest-well I explain that all ready. I have fired doctors and hired new ones....We will see. I swear if one more tells me I am depressed I will scream to the top of my lungs and call him/her a quack to his/her face. I did not mean for this to be so long but I had to get this off of my chest.

Sorry for all the grammar/spell mistakes. I am typing with a pencil and I just took pain meds. I am going to sleep this off now.....
You poor thing. I hope you feel better soon. And I would keep going to different doctors til you find one who's willing to spend the time with you that's needed. It's not wrong to want to know what's going on with your bodies. It's wrong of the doctors not to treat you properly.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:37 am
by valentinebaby
I got a call at 5:30am from my sister, telling me my mom's in the hospital about to go into surgery to get her appendix removed. Apparently she's been in the hospital since yesterday morning around the same time and no one thought to call me until 24 hours after the fact. She's completely alone, no one's with her, and I just feel absolutely helpless to do anything.

And to be honest, I'm mad. According to my sister she almost refused to go to the ER and I'm thinking what was she waiting for to pass out from the pain? Then there's the fact I can't be with her because she moved half way across the country for a man that was already married when if she still lived here I'd be able to get there without a problem. I just wish I could do something. I can't even talk to her...

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:51 am
by Hunter
Why do the damn uni assignments all come at once and have deadlines in the same week. :x Urgh.