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Re: People who bug you

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:08 pm
by RiceKrispy
killjoy wrote:People who write stuff....fanfiction....and who get all upset over bad feedback.Sorry but not everyone is going to like your stuff and getting all upset over one or two negative feedbacks is not worth it.

The reason I say this is that I read a story on another fandom.This story took a stand on a subject that I'm on the other side of.I read the person's story and with respect left feedback saying that even though I respected her writting skill I don't agree with her stand on this subject and left my reasons why.

Well let's just say in her response she tore into me...."if you don't like THIS story than why are you reading it?!"..... :roll: When you write a story dealing with a conflicted issue you're going to have too accept the fact others may not agree with you and say so!

People are way to thin skinned now a days!
What a biatch.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:36 am
by Cocogurl
People who use the bathroom and don't wash their hands. Or they do other things with their hands and they don't wash. And then they go and touch food or other people. YUCK. That bugs the crap out of me. Washing your hands is not that hard.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:14 pm
by killjoy
Hyper people.....even more if you work with them.You know the ones,the people who move around all the time as if they drank ten cups of coffee and took twenty sugar pills.The ones who just seem to have so much energy they don't stop or even know the word slow.But what I hate most is how they look at you...or me...people who take it easy as if we're lazy or something.One of my bosses was like to do everything at a run and would yell at us who walked or what he thought was 'slow poking around' :roll:

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:55 am
by valentinebaby
Pushy sales people. "I know you think you want this, but you really want this, now take a look at this for a second. Oh well are you sure you don't want this one instead? Why not take a few minutes to think about it?"

I already said I didn't want it. I don't care if you get a bonus off of it, I don't care if it pays for itself, BACK OFF!!! Grrrrrr. Stupid Costco lady.

Oh oh oh. And random people who stop to pet your dog once and then act like they're your very best friend and try to drag you into thirty minute conversations whenever they see you afterward.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:08 am
by Earth2Mama
O.k. I'm going to go on a rant right now ...

It's friggin' raining cats and dogs - almost literally here in NYC - and there was a crowd of people blocking the sidewalk with umbrellas shielding them from the force of the rain. Now, granted - it is raining heavy today, but could you not block traffic and let people pass by who are trying to not only to get to work but who are trying to get out of the rain?!

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:13 am
by NotYourChick
People who tell you " I know you hate hearing this, but you look young." If you know I hate hearing it then why tell me? I get told all the time how young I look. They act like it is the first I'm hearing it.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:17 am
by SidneyAce
NotYourChick wrote:People who tell you " I know you hate hearing this, but you look young." If you know I hate hearing it then why tell me? I get told all the time how young I look. They act like it is the first I'm hearing it.
I feel your pain. Hey, i went to the bank once and the lady asked me to take some "candy". She was waaaaaay too nice because she thought i was a kid.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:55 am
by NotYourChick
SidneyAce wrote:
NotYourChick wrote:People who tell you " I know you hate hearing this, but you look young." If you know I hate hearing it then why tell me? I get told all the time how young I look. They act like it is the first I'm hearing it.
I feel your pain. Hey, i went to the bank once and the lady asked me to take some "candy". She was waaaaaay too nice because she thought i was a kid.
I might as well get used to it.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:01 am
by Earth2Mama
NotYourChick wrote:
SidneyAce wrote:
NotYourChick wrote:People who tell you " I know you hate hearing this, but you look young." If you know I hate hearing it then why tell me? I get told all the time how young I look. They act like it is the first I'm hearing it.
I feel your pain. Hey, i went to the bank once and the lady asked me to take some "candy". She was waaaaaay too nice because she thought i was a kid.
I might as well get used to it.
I actually like it ... although I do hate having to dig around in my purse for my license that shows I'm over 21 when I go to a bar. That's friggin' annoying!

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:09 am
by Heavenli24
April wrote:Professors who think lecturing every single class is an effective teaching style. They bother me.
Don't come study in the UK then :P... every single class I ever had in 3 years was a lecture (except for the weekly lab in the first year). In fact, they're not even called classes in the UK, they're called lectures (some degree subjects have seminars or discussion groups, but not mine - 20 hours of class a week and they were all lectures, with the professor standing at the front talking and the students sitting there taking notes/not paying any attention)!