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Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 2:42 pm
by Roswellian117
SidneyAce wrote:
Personally i didn't want Joey to end up with Dawson or Pacey. I wanted her to move on, enough already. And i kept hoping til the end that Pacey would end up with Andie. They were amazing together.
Andie cheated on Pacey with someone else and she was ALWAYS trying to change him. Joey knew exactly who Pacey was and loved him anyways and NEVER tried to change him. Joey did move on she was with someone else for like a couple years I think. Pacey never really moved on and as for Dawson I don't know about him. He always lived in LALA dream land.

I am not in anyway hating on how you feel just mainly stating my opinion.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:25 am
by SidneyAce
Roswellian117 wrote:
SidneyAce wrote:
Personally i didn't want Joey to end up with Dawson or Pacey. I wanted her to move on, enough already. And i kept hoping til the end that Pacey would end up with Andie. They were amazing together.
Andie cheated on Pacey with someone else and she was ALWAYS trying to change him. Joey knew exactly who Pacey was and loved him anyways and NEVER tried to change him. Joey did move on she was with someone else for like a couple years I think. Pacey never really moved on and as for Dawson I don't know about him. He always lived in LALA dream land.

I am not in anyway hating on how you feel just mainly stating my opinion.
In my mind, Andie didn't cheat on Pacey. It was out of character. The writers just wanted her out to leave the place open for Joey. And Andie was the first person to truly believe in Pacey. She made him believe in himself. Andie knew from the start that she wanted Pacey. Joey was always so confused. And in my book, if you love someone then there is no question.

Andie or Joey is an endless debate. You like what you like and i like what i like.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:24 pm
by Sundae
I finally caught back up to he show like last night. I hate night classes, cant watch any of my shows and instead have to watch them online. Ahh well.

Lol I like this thread and the debate over Stephan and Damon.

I like Damon and every time I watch the show, I keep hoping form more Damon/Elena. Stephan is a little boring to me, and in the end want Damon/Elena to be together. He's just so fun to watch, the quirkiness, cockiness, just his general expressions. I have to hand it Ian Somerhalder for how he portrays this character.

Though I do see a little chemistry between Damon and Bonnie.

But...I've notice I tend to like the opposite shippers. Spike/Buffy, Sawyer/Kate, Michael/Maria

And I really don't want Caroline to die, I just started liking her ever since she started dating Matt.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:19 pm
by Roswellian117
Ok so last night just proved how much Daemon gets the short end of the universal stick. For both Elena and Katherine to be like "It's always going to be Stefan" is just really funny! I feel bad for him!

If Stefan and Elena don't end up together and killing Katherine I am really going to be pissed LOL! I am really loving the Bonnie/Daemon stuff. I think it is really interesting and could make for some great TV. As for Caroline being a vamp... WTF!? She is going to be the dumbest vamp ever. They need to bring Anna back! Some how... I don't care they just need to!

I've said my 5cents! Love it or hate it LOL.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:12 pm
by SidneyAce
I loved the new episode! It was worth all that waiting! :) And i love that Katherine was all over the place. She's almost in every scene....or at least it seems that way.

I believed Katherine when she said to Damon that she only wants Stefan but my sister made me think differently. That Katherine wants the two brothers together. She just said what she said because it's all part of a bigger plan. The first step to break Damon down and make him hate Stefan. And that made me thinking. It seems so true. Because if she really wants Stefan alone and only Stefan, then why would she say she's leaving?!! We all know that what Katherine wants, Katherine gets. She doesn't give up. So that means that she doesn't want Stefan alone.

Damon broke my heart. Everything about him is so tragic right now. I can't believe two "sane" women turned him down! Are they CRAZY? It's DAMON for crying out loud.

I loved Damon's scenes with Bonnie. They were so amazing. The Bamon team are really making their dreams come true. Bonnie is so great! I love how she has her own mind. She is not a follower.

And i hate how everybody is looking at John as the bad guy. He is not a bad guy. He's a good guy. We love the Salvator Brothers but most of the Vampires we've seen are actually evil and he's just trying to protect Elena & Jeremy. Speaking of Jeremy, i am pretty sure he will turn anti-vampires in the next episdoe. It's freaky how often he escapes death.

I love Katherine. She makes every scene isteresting. I just don't know why she had to turn Caroline? I don't know what's her message?

Stefan is a bad ass in this episode. I liked his scenes with Katherine but i loved more when she said to him that he still loves her. I always believed that. If he really hated her, he wouldn't have fallen for someone who has the same face. I know that Katherine will bring all his deep emotions to the surface and i can't wait.

All in all, it was very intense and interesting! I hope they slow down a little bit.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:06 pm
by Cocogurl
I thought the season premiere is awesome. All the actors were on their A game in this episode. But I think Nina stole the show. Her portrayal of Katherine was so amazing. She makes me love and hate Katherine at the same time, and makes me want to see her in every episode, 'cause she's so interesting to watch.

And Stefan was a total badass in the season premiere. I hope he keeps that up because it was incredibly sexy! :twisted:

Damon broke my heart and pissed me off. I hate that Katherine is back and is destroying what ever shred of humanity he's starting to build back up. I mean, he did EVERYTHING for her, and she just breaks his heart like that. It made me want to cry. :cry: But he shouldn't be too surprised that Elena didn't pick him. He came into her town wanting only to screw with Stefan and release Katherine. He was using her best friend Caroline and almost killed Bonnie. I'm actually surprised it took Elena this long to really hate him. And then hurting Jeremy because he couldn't have her was just a real low thing to do. Though I get where he's coming from--I'd want to shut off my feelings too if the last two people I loved didn't love me back either. And it must kill him that they'd both rather have Stefan--but I'm still pissed off that he did what he did. That's the interesting thing about Damon, even when I'm mad at him, surprisingly, I understand him as well.
SidneyAce wrote: And i hate how everybody is looking at John as the bad guy. He is not a bad guy. He's a good guy. We love the Salvator Brothers but most of the Vampires we've seen are actually evil and he's just trying to protect Elena & Jeremy. Speaking of Jeremy, i am pretty sure he will turn anti-vampires in the next episdoe. It's freaky how often he escapes death.
Well, the reason I don't like John is because even though, yes, most of the vampires we've seen have been evil, he's never cared whether they were good or evil. He just kills them because of his own prejudice. I mean, the tomb vampires obviously needed to die, but what did Pearl do to deserve that same fate. She didn't want vengeance on the town. She wasn't even killing anybody. She just wanted to get her life back. And so did Anna, and the only reason John wanted her dead was because he didn't want her around Jeremy. Most of the vampires needed to die because they were evil, but we've seen a couple who haven't really hurt anybody. But John doesn't care about that and he never has. That's why I have a bit of a problem with him.

I totally agree with you about Jeremy. I'm amazed that he's been able to escape death the way he has. He must have nine lives or something. :lol: And I can see him being total vampire hater

Now I'm like bouncing in my seat waiting for the second episode. I want to know what Katherine's next step is and why she turned Caroline. I'm hoping they don't have to kill her because Matt doesn't need to lose anybody else he cares about. :(

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:08 am
by Sundae
So I think Caroline is my favorite character right now. She's a wild card at the moment and that makes her so much more interesting. Contrary to what everyone thinks, I don't think she's dumb, I think she's actually smart and has depth to her...but is plagued by insecurities and the need to fit in.

A) She was a very insecure character as a human. She put always put up this front that everything was perfect but every time she was alone, her vulnerability would always bleed out. And I'm seeing some of those same insecurities in her vampire persona...though, she's much stronger here. It''ll be interesting to see how she deals with things.

B)She's starting to remember what Damon did to her...and that makes her a wild card. Caroline is a leader, she does not follow, she's the one that rather take charge and do what she wants to do in the end...and I don't think she'll have a problem switching sides when it's convenient for her. So...I see lots of instances in the future where she will willingly help Katherine out. But Katherine is a manipulated and she could also prey on Caroline's insecurities.

C)Totally feel bad for Matt. Man it's like one tragic thing after another for him. And I honestly see Matt and Caroline as being perfect for each other...but...dammit, Matt's going to get hurt again.

Felt bad for Damon when Bonnie was torturing him/put him on fire. He always seems to get burned even though half the time he brings it on himself.

And man...this show is at times...way too predictable. I pretty much guessed Tyler was a werewolf during the first couple episodes of season one! :?

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:59 pm
by SidneyAce
Cocogurl wrote:I thought the season premiere is awesome. All the actors were on their A game in this episode. But I think Nina stole the show. Her portrayal of Katherine was so amazing. She makes me love and hate Katherine at the same time, and makes me want to see her in every episode, 'cause she's so interesting to watch.
Yes, Nina was just amazing! I love Katherine. She's my fave after Damon. She's so unpredictable and unique. There isn't any character like her on TV.
Cocogurl wrote: That's the interesting thing about Damon, even when I'm mad at him, surprisingly, I understand him as well.
I also agree with you there. I can always understand why Damon is doing what he's doing and i can't really hate him for it. Ian is just perfect as Damon. I don't think the character would be as powerful with a different actor. He's just amazing and really, really good looking. It's crazy!

The new episode wasn't as good as i expected. I hate that Caroline was the center of it. She didn't leave any time for anyone else. But i'm really glad that she seems to be adjusting well. I'm sure she will survive. Bonnie will have a hareder time hating Vampired when her best friend is one and partly because of her. It's annoying that Bonnie is stronger than Damon because it really doesn't make any sense that she's just begining to understand the witch craft and she's already stronger than Damon, a 145 year old Vampire.I mean even Caroline was able to throw him on the ground. That does not make sense to me.

I hated that Bonnie tried to burn him because he didn't do anything wrong. She insists on blaming him for everything when Caroline is really her fault because she was the cause of the car accident that made Caroline get hurt and she's the one who insisted that Damon gives her his blood and didn't even bother watching over her for 24 hours. I mean c'mon!!

I'm feeling really bad for Matt. He's such a good guy and he suffered enough already. He breaks my heart. I wonder if Damon has an extra ring for Caroline. That would be awesome. But Bonnie can probably make one, i think.

I loved the scene where Damon wanted to kill Caroline but Elena stoped him. Then he was going to get killed and Elena saved him. She loves him but she can't admit it yet. But i hated that she left him on the floor and walked away with Bonnie.

I liked the Jeremy/Damon bonding scene at the end. It looks like a possible friendship...or as the Gilbert say "understanding". It was very cool.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:42 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
Has anyone been watching Season 2? OMG last week's episode just broke my heart :( I sort of expected aunt Jenna to die, but it was so hard to watch Elena have to witness that :( I do like that Klaus is truly evil and polite all at the same time. Gives me chills... I think John redeemed himself at the end of the episode for me. Anyway, the season finale this week is gonna be nail biting! can't wait for it!

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:14 pm
by Cocogurl
I expected Jenna to die as well, but was surprised at how much I cried over it. Jeremy and Elena have lost too many people and now it's just them. Makes me sad. I agree about John redeeming himself. I'm glad he was able to do one good thing for his daughter before he died.

And the season finale was absoulutely crazy!!! I can't believe I have to wait three months before season 3! :shock: