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Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:13 pm
by Earth2Mama
Oh yeah ... that courtroom fight - OFF THE HOOK!

I knew something surprising would cone out - and we got two. Valerie testifying against her husband and the Emma/Baze's Dad connection.

If only they kept it consistent though. They tried to do too much too soon. Oh well. C'est la vie!

And the parents finally finding out about teacher and Lux - oh my! :shock:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:15 am
by Itzstacie
I have to agree the courtroom scene was great... and did I call Emma and dad or what (you know I thought that too that the son could be his but I don't know, time wise doesn't seem possible, he's 16. I guess it really depends on how long she's been working for the company).

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:05 am
by Earth2Mama
If you'll remember ... a few episodes back when the son was first introduced - Emma stated that she shared custody with her ex-husband and that she had him when she was young.

She's also slightly older than Baze - the most I would put it would be 2 or 3 years older - but I guess it could be possible that Sam is Baze's half-brother.

Wouldn't that be a kick in the gut though? And seriously, after everything the show has done, they want to go out on that note?

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:50 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
You're right, plus they probably would not have had Lux kiss what's his name (sorry I can't recall the name of Emma's son) in that other episode if he was gonna end up being her uncle. Way too creepy and incestuous.

If they are planning on finding a way/reason to get Cate & Baze together by the series finale, they needed something to breakup Emma/Baze. Baze is in love with Emma and finding out she had an affair with his dad should likely destroy any strong feelings he has for her. Especially since the affair seemed serious and not some one night fling.

I am likely in the minority, but I like Ryan. I don't like how the writer's made his character so self rightous this season, but the good guy who accepted a troubled teenaged girl and loves her as if she were his own child and looking out for her, he's a stand up guy. It could also be my Kerr Smith crush :twisted: I want Cate & Ryan to work things out especially now that they are going to be parents. I guess the writers/creator did not get enough time to come to a good enough conclusion. Maybe if they would have gotten a full season two, they could have had more episodes to get to a more satisfying conclusion. I just have a bad feeling the series finale will feel rushed to an ending that will satisfy most fans.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:07 pm
by Earth2Mama
I don't believe anyone is going to be satisfied with the ending ... I know I won't be.

I have a feeling its all going to be left unresolved, somehow. Baze and Cate ...sadly won't end up together, especially now that Ryan is back home & she's pregnant. And the fact that Ryan is only back home because she is? Cate's not gonna rock that boat.

Ugh ... I feel like once again, we were pissed on! :?

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:28 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
I just re-read some things at Fanforum's Spoiler thread, and Emma's Character has been described by series creator Liz Tigelaar as "Potential Love Interest No. 2, Emma, is a high-powered exec in her early 40s who works with Baze’s dad, Jack."

• With the introduction of a hot new teacher, played by Shaun Sipos, everyone will wonder: Will he have an inappropriate student-teacher relationship with Lux?

Tigelaar: He's going to be a very pivotal male figure in Lux's life. Lux has a desire to be normal that is pulled by her inability to feel normal or challenged by that. He plays into that. She's struggling in many areas in her life and he's somebody that will support her. He'll be paired up with someone besides Lux.

•Question: What’s in store for Cate and Ryan on Life Unexpected this season? I love them together. —Ken

Ausiello: Their marriage is going to hit a few bumps, but none of them will involve Baze. “Baze has been a thorn in their side, but in the second season, the dynamic is going to shift a little bit,” reveals exec producer Liz Tigelaar. “Whereas before they had a common enemy in Baze—all of their problems can kind of be blamed on him—they come to realize that maybe other things are more of a problem. Removing Baze from the equation highlights some other things they hadn’t quite worked out. This season is very much the story of a young marriage and the trials and tribulations that they go through and the way you’re kind of thrust together, torn apart, and brought back together. It’s like everyone always says—the first year of marriage is the hardest. I think that they’re going to experience that.”

This is why I feel they thought they would get a full S2. Now that they were cut drastically short, I think they had to scramble to get to some kind of conclusion.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:00 am
by SidneyAce
I love Ryan. He's a great guy. I hate that they tried to ruin his character this season but i still like him and i think he's the right choice for Cate. And he's not back with Cate just for the baby. He loves her and wants to be with her, that's why he married her. I hope they work things out and live happily.

Ilike that Cate, Ryan and Baze all got along in this episode. They worked as a team and i loved that.

Lux's past is so troubling. I really think she should be in therapy. She needs it. She lives in fear of everybody leaving her.

I normally hate the student/teacher romance. But i think this one is not too bad. He seems really genuine about wanting to help Lux. Plus, he's too young. He looks like he's her age.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:25 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
Just read this at Spoiler Chat at E! Online:

Danielle: What can you tell us about the final episodes of Life Unexpected?
First, make sure to keep Tuesday, Jan. 18, open because the last two episodes of the season/series (same difference) are airing back-to-back starting at 8 p.m. OK, so you're not going to get the ending of your dreams (neither is show runner Liz Tigelaar, so don't pout too much), but they are satisfying and really focus on the core relationships of the show. And following last week's jaw-dropping episode, "Stand Taken," we'll really see Lux coming into her own and finally feeling like a part of the family, particularly when it comes to her relationship with Cate.

Read more: ... z182qYEU8O

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:40 pm
by Earth2Mama
I'll take that ... at least they start to feel like mother and daughter? I'm thinking that what they meant.

So, no Baze and Cate - figures with the way things are happening/ending at the moment. But ... let's take this time to through our little theories out there people.

If they got a full season (all the way until May), what do you think would have happened?

I'll start by stating this:

1. Cate looses the baby - in an accident or just a spontaneous/no fault miscarriage. :cry:
2. This further strains her relationship with Ryan, because he wanted the baby, but as we all now - Cate really did not. :?
3. After much fighting and accusations, Ryan and Cate separate. :(
4. Meanwhile, after find out about Dad and Emma, Baze reverts back to his old whorish ways :roll:
5. Maybe the same accident that injuried Cate perhaps - hurts Lux also and forces Nate to once again - GROWN UP and ACT LIKE A MAN WITH A TEENAGE KID, not a kid himself. :?:
6. Said accident draws Baze and Cate closer somehow - perhaps the injuries to Lux were more severe? :shock:
7. Ta-da ... love re-awakens for these two, but Cate and Ryan still haven't put the final nail on the coffin that is their marriage. :twisted:

Cliffhanger for next Season - which would have been Season Three :idea:

:lol: Damn, I cracked myself up writing that - as it was just off the top of my head. Should I pack it all up now and head to Hollywood and write scripts? Nah! I'll keep my day job. I like my benefits package :wink:

So ... come on guys! I know you've got theories ... I wanna hear 'em! :mrgreen:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:20 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
Earth2Mama that was brilliant! :wink:

I would like to add that I would have liked for them to have gotten a full Season 2 just to have more time to tie up those loose ends and then cancelled the show. Like, tell the show creator, "we are letting u know right now you won't get a Season 3, just isn't cost effective :x for the demographic we are targeting, but we'll give you a full 22 episodes just to tie a neat little bow on this series" :P

I think Julia would have returned and let Ryan see she is still pregnant and she has decided being pregnant with his baby had made her realize she does still love him and want to be a family with him. She would tell him she made a mistake by not accepting his marriage proposal all those years ago and she want another chance for them to be a real family....Cate would have had one of those pregnancies where it was growing in her fallopian tube and was too dangerous to carry to term, hence she collapsed somewhere and Ryan as her husband had to make the painful decision to allow the MD to abort the baby b/c she is unconscious and cannot respond :( this drives a bigger wedge into their marriage b/c Cate feels Ryan made the choice without waiting to see if she will 'wake up' and the trust is completely gone. Nail in the coffin of their marriage.

Cate & Baze console each other now that they both have broken hearts. After spending more time parenting Lux and being a real family, those old feelings resurface and Cate and Baze give their relationship another try, a real chance this time.

Tasha finds true love with that guy she was growing close to. Lux and Eric remain friends but realize he's too old for her at this stage of her life, and she casually dates Emma's son until graduation. Tasha and Lux attend the same college and become roommates :D