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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:53 pm
by isabelle

When I left the Crashdown, I was thinking that I didn't care if Kyle wanted to come or not, but now that he's here, I'm not so sure. He saw the hole in my shirt. What if he suspects something?

Hell, I don't even know what happened, but I know it's not something I want Kyle to be getting interested in. I promised Liz I wouldn't tell anyone. Not in those words, but it was kind of an unspoken agreement. I could see it in her eyes.

I climb into the jeep and Kyle gets in, too. "You're coming with me?" I ask.

"Sure, why not?" he says.

I shrug. There isn't any reason not to. "I just gotta get a clean shirt." I concider taking it off in the jeep, but I decide not to. Hopefully nobody will notice while I'm driving. I park in front of the house, glad that Isabel and Serena were going to be going over to Tess' place today. Unless their plans have changed, there should be nobody here but Mom.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 11:44 am
by FallenMagic
~*~* Maria ~*~*

Once everything settled down a bit for me to get away from the questions of the Sheriff and the customers, I sit down for a moment, letting all that had happened sink in. Liz saved Max Evan’s life. Liz healed Max in front of a crowd! That thought made me shiver with horror. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to stop the sudden trembling.

Oh God! How many people saw her? How many people suspect? I wondered. I glanced over the room and took in all the people. Did they look like they knew something? Did they look like they were going to run screaming to the FBI?

We wouldn’t know until it was too late. I wouldn’t know until they came to take Michael and Liz away. And I might not be able to do anything but watch. I knew only Liz had used her powers but wouldn’t they connect Michael with her too? With him being her brother and all? I look at Michael, watching quietly as he works quickly.

He’s so busy right now that he’s not paying any attention to me and for once I’m glad. This was I can get myself under control before I go to talk to him. I don’t want him to see me like this. So terrified. They both need me, they need me to tell them it’ll all be fine. Also I have to make sure Michael goes easy on Liz and doesn’t blow up at her for doing what she did. She’s already panicking, I can tell. I would go over and calm her but not now…not when I’m in no condition to be calm myself.

God, please let things be all right. I pray silently.

~*~* End Maria ~*~*

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 12:37 am
by Luvya

I sigh trying to calm the custmores down. I really want to go up to my bedroom and just think. WHY did I save Max Evans? What about the flash I had just before the gun went off with Kyle Valenti? What does he have to do with it all? Is he like us? Is Max Evan's best friend tied in with all this aswell? I can't think. I really can't. I need a time out.

"Michael I'm taking a break" I finally yell to my older brother I just need to get out of here. I feel like I'm about to explode. He nods and I go up to the saftey of my room where I start to pace. How could I of been that Stupid? Risking everything for someone I bearly know? WHY????????


I sigh and follow Max into his "happy" home life. Some people have all the luck I know His sister Serena was adopted sometimes I can't help but wish I was adopted by the Evan's aswell. I know Liz and Michael Parker are also adopted into a 'happy' family. Oh well... time to find out what happened

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 2:15 pm
by isabelle
I was kinda hoping to hear where Serena and Tom were. At the Evan's house? Tom's house? Maybe with Tess and Isabel? *shrugs* If they're at the Evans' I will assume they're studying in the kitchen with Diane. If not, she's alone there.
When Liz got all those flashes about Max, I'm guessing she now knows how much he loves her, right?



Liz disappears upstairs before I can respond. Not that I blame her. She's got to be at least as freaked out as I am. When I healed Maria, there was nobody nearby except Liz and the driver of the car, and he was still in the car. Everyone-else was still several yards away, and approaching quickly.

With Liz, shit. Some of the customers were less than six feet away before Maria and I started pushing them back.

Still, nobody mentioned anything to the sheriff, so far. Well, they mentioned that someone had fallen, but nobody said he was shot. At least, I don't think so. I tried very hard to listen in on all the sheriff's interviews, but it wasn't easy. I know Maria and Liz were doing the same thing. I just hope the sheriff doesn't feel the need to track down Max and Kyle. And that they'll know what to say, if he does. Surely he has enough witnesses already. Doesn't he?

Now that the shock has worn off, everyone's buying food again. We got people in off the street, asking what happened, and buying a burger while they chat. I'm up to my ears in new orders, here.

Shit, I feel so exposed. Like our whole lives could come to an end any moment, without warning. Can we stay here? Can we just wait, like sitting ducks, while the Air Force and the FBI start closing in? Maybe we need to get out while we still can. I don't know what to do. I can't believe I'm sitting here cooking burgers. I need to talk to Liz. We need to be coming up with a plan.

I look over at Maria. She glances at me and smiles. A little re-assuring smile, like somehow this is going to be okay. I sure hope she's right, 'cause right now, I'm really scared.



I don't want Mom to see me looking like this. She's probably in the kitchen, so I go to the front door and slip in. She's not in the livingroom. Good. I hear some activity in the kitchen and I turn away.

"I'll be right back," I tell Kyle and then head upstairs.

I go in my room and close the door behind me. For a moment, I lean against it and stare at the ceiling. I can't believe this is happening. I was actually shot! I felt it. I was maybe even dying. Then she was there. Looking at me. Touching me. And I could breath again. Then she was dumping ketchup on me.

I pull off the dirty shirt, wad it up and throw it in the hamper. I look down, to touch myself where I felt the hit and I nearly fall over.

There's no wound. Not even a bruise. But there's a handprint. A petite silver handprint where she touched me. What in the world did she do to me?

I walk over to the mirror and stand there, staring at it. Tentatively, I touch it. It doesn't feel any different from the rest of my skin, and it doesn't rub off. I trace the mark with my fingers and find the spot where I imagine the bullet was, there in the middle of the palmprint. The handprint is eclipsed entirely as I put my hand over it. Such a small hand.

What did she do? Is this permanent? How am I going to explain a silver handprint on my chest?

Suddenly, I hear footsteps running up the stairs and my head jerks up. "Hey, Evans! What's taking you so long?" Kyle calls.

I grab a shirt from my drawer and turn away from the door as he bursts in. "Uh, nothing." I say, lamely, keeping my back towards Kyle as I quickly put the shirt on. I turn around then, explaining again, "Just getting a shirt."


Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:54 am
by destinysucks

It feels like I'm walking on cloud nineI cant beleive Serena aggred too tutor me in math,oh god how lame am I it's not like she has aggred too go out with me or anything,it's just math something I'm bad at and she is realy good at.

Oh god oh god oh god I'm gonna make such a prat out of myself all she will ever see me as is a weirdo with no Math skills Oh god oh god oh god.

In my haste and dazed confusion I walk into my brother who is currently coming out of the bathroom.

'Sorry Kyle'.

He mumbles some kind of reply huh I wonder whats eating him he normaly would of beaten the crap out of me for that hmm I wonder.

End Tom

Once again if you want anything changed dont hesitate too ask.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 11:23 am
by isabelle
Oh, I'm really hoping for the next Kyle post. Can't wait to see what he says or does next. :)


I finally get the rush of new orders under control and Maria is busy getting them all delivered to the various customers. Liz still hasn't come downstairs yet. I can't send Maria after her, because she's the only one on the floor, and I don't want to ask Dad because I don't want him to start wondering more about what happened.

Fortunately Annette and David are coming on soon so Maria, Liz and I will be off a little after that. Hopefully we'll be able to find out this big secret that Liz has been keeping to herself.

I look over at Maria, wondering how this is gonna turn out. It seems possible that things just might blow over. I don't know if it's probable, but at least it's possible. I'm just starting to allow myself to hope when suddenly, another thought crosses my mind and I nearly drop my spatula.

"Maria!" I call.

She looks up and smiles at me. (She's so cute!) I gesture for her to come back to the kitchen and she puts up two fingers. Two minutes. Got it. She turns back to her customers and finishes taking their order. A young couple with two grade-school children. At least she isn't doing the whole leaning over thing with them.

Two minutes later, she's back, putting up the new orders for me. "What's up?" She asks.

"Maria," I say, pulling her through the door and into the kitchen.

"Michael!" She says, sounding annoyed. "What's wrong with you?"

"The handprint!" I whisper at her, urgently.

She looks blankly for a moment, and then her eyes widen in concern. "Oh my God. Max will be freaking about now."

I nod. We all freaked when the handprint appeared on Maria after I'd saved her. None of us knew what it was since it had never happened before. We were all relieved when it went away after about a day-and-a-half. We soon decided that it was probably because it was a life-threatening injury, not a simple healing. Max's bullet wound is bound to be in the same category.

I can feel my fear increasing again. This is SO bad. "What if someone sees it? What if he shows it to someone? Starts asking questions?"

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:28 pm
by Luvya

"Sorry Kyle" Tom says to me, what in the world? When does he come over to the Evans? So many questions so many unanswered.
"Yeah what ever" I walk over to Max's room.
"Yo Max you ready?" I call


I splash my face with some water and then slowly go back down stairs. I grab my order pad and go back to helping Maria. Thank god my shift is nearly over.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:11 pm
by Liz_Parker

"Um...we can study in the den", I tell Tom and grab a couple bottles of water from the fridge.

He nods and we walk to it. Tom's a nice guy and all, but he's just so...diffrent maybe? I don't know, but he just seems so out there, he hardly talks to anyone.

"So Tom, what troubles you?", I ask and sit down across from him.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 7:35 am
by FallenMagic
~*~* Maria ~*~*

Out of the corner of my eye I see Michael glance at me again. This is the third time he’s done that – look towards me for assurance. Liz disappeared upstairs an hour ago and it was just Michael and me along with Mr. Parker manning the Crashdown. I glance at the clock and sigh in relief. Shift’s almost over.

I catch Michael yelling my name and gesturing to me. I smile instantly at him and then catch his panic. He seems so frantic that instantly I feel a bubble of worry spurt in me. I gesture two minutes back and turn to my customers.

What's got him riled up again? I wonder with a panic. Why does he seem so worried?

Once done I hurry to him and ask him about it. When he says something about handprints I don't get it...and then it hits me. My eyes go wide as I think about how freaked Max will be.

"What if someone sees it? What if he shows it to someone? Starts asking questions?" Michael bursts forth.

"Michael!" I nearly yell trying to catch his attention. When his amber eyes lock onto mine I falter for a moment, getting lost in their depth. I shake my head quickly and pull myself out of my stupor before Michael notices. But I find myself wanting to kiss him, to hold...anything to help stop the worry from errupting in me too. I can feel my hold on things slipping and I adamantly refuse to let that happen.

"Michael," I say again, "Let's think camly okay? Max knows something wierd happened...he knows Liz is different. Maybe he will keep quiet about it."

"Maria what if someone sees it!" Michael asks.

I pause then look out when I hear Liz coming downstairs. "Let Liz talk to him. I don't think he's going to say anything." When Michael opens his mouth to argue I place my finger on it, hushing him. "Trust me, if I'm right about the way Max feels about her, he'll want to talk to her first."

I drop my hand away now, highly aware of his lips against my fingers. I blush slightly at the thoughts that cross my head and clear my throat. "First let's talk to Liz, okay? Then we'll see if she's ready to talk to Max." I look quietly at Liz as she starts towards the doors. "You know, she might just have to tell him."

~*~* End Maria ~*~*

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 11:46 am
by destinysucks

'Whats bugging me is the fact that as I came out of the bathroom in my house Kyle didint pound on me'.

she gives me that incredibly hot scrunched up thinking face look and says 'surely thats a good thing'.

'No it isint,it usualy means he is worried about something and Idont like too see my brother worried'.

'Thats realy sweet Tom not many brothers think like that, me and my brother fight like cat and dog but that could be beacuse he is alot younger than me so realy he is just an annoying twirp'.

I luagh at her comment of all the words I excpected her too use twirp was not one of them I think the ice is now obvisouly broken between us although this dosint mean that I have the confidence too ask her out or anything just yet because hey even if the ice is bhroken I'm still a wimp.

End Tom