Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 84 - Completed - 09/01/2022

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 17 - 02/20/2022

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Brady was a lot like Max. Max saved Liz when she was physically injured and Brady saved her when she was emotionally injured and was going to hurt herself with the drinking and multiple guys.

Liz needs to find about her daughter quickly.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 17 - 02/20/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's a weird feeling, just waiting for the explosion.
Will it be sooner, or later??
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 18 - 02/22/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Not long after,

“I am thrilled you were able to come,” Diane Evans murmured as she could not wait any longer to give her son a hug. Not that she ignored her grandson because of course she did not. He got the first hug. But the fact her son even showed up was a miracle in itself, and one she was not going to turn down. Because she knew she would get to see her grandson on this day because the boy was dependable and was always known to show up when he promised. But his father was another story all together. Diane knew that her son was unreliable on a good day, and downright a ghost the rest of the time. And therefore, Diane never was sure if he would show up. Especially after the previous year’s fiasco where River was the only one to show up, and her son stayed home and drank himself through the holidays.

So, the fact she was seeing him in her home this year was tremendous progress she felt. After all she did not know if he would show up because he would have more reason to sink into a funk because she knew Elizabeth Anthony was in town. Formerly Parker, Diane knew how much Liz meant to her son and why her son was a way he was because he missed out on the one who got away.

The one who walked away.

While neither Diane nor Phillip knew the full story. Still, they knew enough to know Liz could not handle their grandson, because of whose son he was. No matter how much she tried. And she knew how Liz did try, but the paternity of the child, or the fact there was even a child to begin did not help matters, and it was quickly apparent that the relationship could not be completely repaired. Although from his point of view, Phillip felt the fact that she could even try was a huge accomplishment and knew his son did not blame her for ending their short engagement and walking away.

Phillip knew how brave it was that Liz had even tried Most woman would not have wanted to try to get over the fact my son had a child with someone else he thought. Diane was more wary on the subject. She did not like how her son was hurting. Not that she blamed Liz per se, but still, she loved her son, and it was hard to see him falling down a rabbit hole and retreating from the family over a choice he said he took full blame for.

Although Isabel had a story of that time and had told her parents how it had come out that Liz had messed with a timeline of actions long story and Diane did not even begin to know what it all meant, neither did Phillip, and some blame could be put on her, not that Max would see it. All Phillip knew was senior year was a hard time in his son’s life, and the fact he was still standing was a miracle, and that they had a chance to have him in his life.

But because his own actions of not trusting his children. He did not way in much he thought. And really no one could have brought back his son into the family. Because Max was his own person. Still, it did them good to see that his son had decided to show up this year for the Christmas festivities.

And his mood was somewhat better than it had been in many years, and Phillip took some hope that life would end up giving them some gifts this year.

“I made a promise,” came Max’s answer as he walked into the family house. A house he loved as a child, when he and his sister was first introduced to it, and even a teenager but eventually to stay here was all too much. And he needed to get out and embrace his solitude and he was conscious enough to know it had not been the best thing for either of them, especially not for his son, but it was something he needed at the time. Because he had not wanted his parents to see what kind of person he was turning into, although with time, his family would still see it. But at least he was behind different walls, and under a different roof.

“A promise does not always mean you will show up,” Diane said softly but was not going to quibble about the past, as she was just happy that her son was here. As River only shook his head and ignored the scene all together, as he needed some space, and so he walked into the living room and saw that his cousin Jessica was already there. With no signs of the rest of her family, which was strange. “Hey Jessica, where is everyone?” he asked. “I am surprised we would be one of the first people here?”

“It’s not normal, is it?” came an amused Jessica as she knew it was not normal. “Mom and Kyle wanted to stop by and extend their sympathy to Kyle's friend, Elizabeth Anthony and because Jaime has made a friend in her son Lex, well, she also wanted to stop by too because she has heard he is home on a short pass from the hospital,” Jessica commented. “I did not want to go along, so I made her my way here on my own,” as she knew Jaime had been making tracks to the hospital to pay visits to Lex before his transfer, so the fact she wanted to visit with Lex did not surprise “They will be here, just a little later,” Jessie said as River came to sit by her as she had heard the commotion in the entry way, and the hope in their grandmother’s voice at the announcement that her uncle had indeed showed up. Like the rest of the family. Jessica knew the many times River had been the only one of his branches of the tree to show up at an event. “So, I take it that your father showed up?”

“Yes, he did” River agreed. Because he was aware of the times where he had not come to one of these events.

“That would indeed be classified as a shocking development,” Jessica said with a small laugh as she knew how things were tense at home. “So, how is it with the two of you at home. You know, ever since the accident, and everything that has come out so far from it?” she asked as it still stunned her to know just how dramatic the love life was for her uncle. She had certainly heard some stories over the years, but now she was older, she was better able to understand the stories and it was not that funny to know how River came to be. As it was so tragic and unfair to River she thought. No kid should have to have questions River does about his father and mother and especially his birth mother because she was dead, and because no one really had a good word about her, which is an understatement she thought. You will never find someone with a good word about Tess Harding she thought. I mean even Grandpa Valenti does not have anything good she thought. And that was something…

“The chill factor is down a few degrees, and so it’s warmer than it was” River conceded. “It’s different because it is obvious that he is trying, but still, the past is the past, and it is hard to get over it in a few days.”

“I know the feeling,” Jessie said even though she knew it was a big change in that her uncle was trying whether that could be more than just a holiday truce Jessica did not know. She hoped it went into the new year and onward. She wanted it for her cousin. Because she and River and even Mac had been the three musketeers in this bizarre little clan of theirs and it meant something to her that River have the life he deserved. On the topic of her other friend, she paused as she remembered the previous night. “So, have you asked Mac what was going on last night?”

“No, have you?” River muttered. “I have not talked to him. I know how his family has plans to be at Mariah’s house for the holidays?”

“All they were doing was talking River,” Jessie said softly as she knew what her cousin did think about the events of the previous night. “You do not have to be jealous although you know how complicated it is…”

“I know how complicated it is without you reminding me,” River muttered. “How would you know they were just talking?” he asked as he did not like the reminders that he should not be looking at Mariah like that because of how epic his father’s love was for her mother. At least Dad is not outright dissuading me he thought. Yeah, it is messy, but… there is something about Mariah that is compelling.

He did not know if he was looking at her like that. Because he knew how difficult it would be but there was something about her that wanted him to know her and get a sense of her. Yet still, he did not like the idea of Mac getting mixed up with her.

Given how he knew Mac treated the girls in his life. Because he was all about no long-term commitment River thought. Which gave relationships a rough time if he attempted them at all. Which was funny for River because he had the mother and father who met in high school and fell in love while I am only an example of a fling with the wrong person.

Which told River to be wary of the ritual of life. Which he was, and so, he ignored dating. Sure, he had been on a date or two, but no one really got his attention. And never really tried to push it too far because he had been concentrating on his studies so I can get out of this town he thought. Romance was not for him. Because it only can cause trouble although Jessica was with Alan and seeming happy.

So, he knew it was possible to be happy with someone.

“I got in stuck somewhere, and Mac helped me out,” Jessica recalled. “And Mac told me how he ran into Mariah at the part. She was brooding about something to her the past with her mother, and your father and she needed an outlet, and needed a friend. Which is all it is between them,” she said of the discussion she had with her fellow friend. “You can ask him yourself.”

“I am sure I will,” River murmured although he could buy that maybe Mariah was overwhelmed about everything she had learned since arriving in this town, and what she did not know. Because he still figured her knew more than she did about their mutual family history. Given all the complexities that were to them “What happened?”

“It does not matter, because it worked out” came Jessica as her grandparents and uncle walked into the room, and she stopped talking.

Which made River curious to what had happened the night before. But he let the joys of the day override the melodrama that was always existing.


Across town,

“Thank you for stopping in,” Liz was saying to both Kyle and Isabel as they walked into the house after stopping in to give their holiday wishes to the sadden family. Mariah was helping Lex login to the laptop that Liz had her daughter connect downstairs for his son while he was home. Jaime saw and walked over to say hello. “Maria, and her family should be here in a little while if you want to stay?”

“No, we are expected at my parent’s place” Isabel said softly as she did not know if her brother had showed at the family house or not. Because precedent was not that positive of recent. But she wanted to believe he would show up this year, at least. “We wanted to stop in.”

“And I thank you for that,” Liz said with a smile and wondered if Max would show up at his parent’s place but let that thought fly away out of her mind, as she saw how Jaime was helping Mariah show how to download something onto his phone. It was nice to see her kids doing something other than mourning Liz thought. I want them to be normal she thought of their abnormal life now. “Thank you for letting Jaime spend time with my son. It has been helpful for him. He’s usually so active and this has set him back.”

“She knows that” Kyle said softly as they witnessed how Jaime got Lex and even Mariah laughing, which was needed on a day like this. “My daughter is a compassionate person, and I am thankful for that, and it’s good to see that they can be friends.”

“Yes, my children both need not to look at this place as where their father passed away,” Liz said softly as she knew she had many different reasons for the conflicting feelings she had for her hometown. But none of them were because of that night because she knew that was the way life worked. If it were not a few weeks before, it would be sometime soon.

Kyle and Isabel nodded, and they got to talking…

And it was a time with friends, that Liz did need because of the knowledge that they were on the cusp of the holiday without Brady.

There was a lot of laughter, and cheers. And it was only a little later when they finally excused themselves and were headed for the car that Isabel could not help but enquire. “Why were you looking at Liz like that?” Isabel asked of the look she had seen on her fiancé, as they were getting into the car once Jaime was already in the back seat and texting her stepsister that they were on the way.

“What do you mean?” Kyle asked as if he did not know what his fiancé was talking about because he knew Liz still did not know there was anything suspicious about Mariah’s blood type. While he knew she had been ignoring the calls from the hospital. He was surprised no one had told her anything yet. Come on people, she needs to know.

Although not everyone knew what their blood type was and how significant it was, he thought. But they knew something was up with the blood type and they were keeping Liz in the dark or Liz was wanting to be in the dark, which was a distinct possibility.

Isabel was not jealous because she knew she had a healthy relationship with Kyle, and they were happy with the life they had with the girls, and she knew Liz and Kyle’s relationship was in high school, and in the past. If Liz was in any danger of heading towards any of the men in her previous life. It would be my brother; she knew so the last thing she was looking at it as something to be jealous of. But still the look Kyle had given his former girlfriend made her interest go up and wonder if there was something she did not know.

“Why do you think that?” Kyle asked but knew his girlfriend was observant and would not be able to stay in the dark for long. But still, it was not like he could spill the news because he should not even know what I know he thought.

“It’s this sense that you know something,” Isabel wondered as Jaime looked up from her phone that she had been looking at when she heard the tone of her almost stepmother discussion with her father.

“I do not know what you mean,” Kyle muttered.

“I now know you know something,” Isabel asked.

“If I did know something than it would be something I should not know so the last thing I can do is tell you,” Kyle muttered.

“That is ridiculous,” Isabel muttered as they drove across town to her parent’s home. “Then why would you know it in the first place?” as she could not even think of what her fiancé might know that he should not know, and if he did, why was he keeping it too himself?

“Because I got lucky one day,” Kyle said. “Look, I should not even know what I know so the last thing I can tell you when the other party does not know it and I promise you that I am not keeping something you or the kids need to know for the sake of our family, okay?” he said as he knew there was a caveat in there that the secret did impact Isabel’s immediate family. But then he only had an assumption of the truth. Sure, the blood report is a dead giveaway and there are only a few people with the same blood type alive, but it did not have to mean what it means, right?

Sure, go ahead think that Kyle he muttered to himself as his girlfriend was looking at him dubiously and he was even sure his own daughter was looking at him like he was crazy. Like he was finding a crazy loophole.

But it did exist. But he promised himself if Liz still did not know once the holidays were over, then he would tell her himself.

Interesting Jaime thought. It made her curious what her father knew and wondered just what kind of drama his information would part as he and Isabel stopped talking and finished the drive to the Evans household where they planned to spend the rest of Christmas Eve.


Just as they were arriving at the Evans. Maria arrived at Liz’s home and found the mail in the slot and picked it up and came into the house. “Happy Holidays,” she said as she smiled at her best friend and was happy to see the house was trying to showcase some jolly fun. “Michael and Mac will be here shortly,” she said as she handed the mail to Liz. “This was waiting for you out on the stoop.”

“Mail,” Liz muttered. “I do not want to deal with it now,” she thought as she flung the mail into the drawer and closed it. I can deal with it later,” she thought. “It’s Christmas. Nothing matters right now,” she thought. “The cake looks delicious.”

“Michael has improved his baking techniques,” Maria muttered as she took the box out of the bag she was carrying very carefully.

“Wow,” Liz said softly as she remembered how rough around the edges the only other example of Michael’s baking had been. Which had been on Isabel’s 18th birthday, and how the cake he made now was much more professionally done, with it looking like a yule log. Very festive she thought and then knew of her friend’s particular quirk “I assume there will be a heavy emphasis on tabasco in the cake?”

“He did try to lessen it,” Maria laughed. “Given how it would only be himself and several of the kids, who would be able to appreciate it,” she said with a smile because it was well known she was not crazy for it, nor was Liz.

They could eat the substance, but not in everything, and especially not in a cake.

Liz could only smile at her friend’s well-known aversion for the substance “You would be surprised. My daughter seems to have taste for tabasco,” Liz said softly. “Which is something I do not understand because I do not, and neither does Brady and Lex.”

“Interesting,” Maria commented because she knew how tabasco was a big part of the life they had in high school. And while Liz had not taken to liking the substance, still it had been a calling card of those days. She, Maria night have married one of them. But she also never had developed a taste for the liquid. “Everyone is different,” she said with a laugh and her friend nodded and they both allowed Liz's comment slip from their minds as they walked into the kitchen where Lex was in his wheelchair and Mariah was helping with the cooking of the turkey dinner, they were having tonight since the Guerin’s had to be at Jim and Amy’s the next day for dinner with Isabel and Kyle and the girls.

Liz, Mariah, and Lex would be heading to the Crashdown to spend the next day with Jeff and Nancy. As they had worked out a way to get Lex up to the apartment. As Liz had hopes that her son’s injuries were only going to be a short-term annoyance and were not going to be a lasting part of his life. “Thank you honey for helping?”

“No problem,” Mariah said as she smiled and hugged her godmother who saw how grown up her best friend’s daughter was becoming. “Do I need to put this in the fridge?” she asked as she took the dessert from her mother.

“Maybe for now, and we can bring it out later to warm it up” Liz said as Mariah nodded as she appreciated that her daughter was trying to be helpful because it was tiring to see her daughter in rebellious mode, and so her switch to being supportive was needed. “Thank you honey,” she said as Mariah took the cake and went into the pantry where there was a second fridge.

“What was that about?” Maria asked her friend because she sensed that there was some tension underneath the mother and daughter glances.

“She took my journal from the Crashdown,” Liz muttered. “You know from that hiding spot in my room?”

“You mean you kept it there?” Maria asked amused. The journal was a symbol of the past she thought. She remembered how its safety became a big part of the early days when Liz was a little too liberal with what she was putting on those pages. She still put a whole bunch of what they went through, but she then became a little more selective or coded what she did put in those pages, and she found a more concrete way of protecting it. And Maria had forgotten about the written record of their early days, and how and Liz got their lives changed on that September day.

Liz’s change was more profound and life threatening. Maria had come along for the ride and found her own alien on the road and fell deep into a life altering two decades near journey, and she was not done yet.

So, Maria knew what Mariah finding that book would tell her, because to read from those pages would give a version of what happened that would be eye opening for a young girl who had not grown up in the life. Because she and Lex had been born and raised in Chicago. A city that was big and normal.

And vastly different from Roswell, and its drama filled days if you were in a very select group. “Does she believe any of it?” Maria continued.

“No, I did not take it with me to Chicago,” Liz murmured and was beginning to wonder if she should have taken it with her because to keep it behind a wall all these years could have opened it to whole number of people and even though her parents had stayed, and business stayed open and there was no worry, but Liz had not come back very often she told herself now. It opened the risk.

“Oh, I thought you did” Maria muttered. Given she stayed and married her alien. She and Liz had not talked about those days, much she thought. Because it was apparent that Liz was trying to get away from Roswell.

Given that she moved to Chicago once they graduated, and everything went south with Max and by the fact that she would move on quickly. It was hard to talk except to talk about what she was experiencing with Michael, and later their son. Especially since Liz had moved on Brady and by then had Mariah, and so they both moved on in their own circles but kept their friendship intact, but it left her to go to Chicago to see Liz because Liz did not want to come back here unless it was important for her too.

And Maria did not try to push her friend because she knew how much her friend was succeeding in staying away, and there was no real reason. And plus, I got a trip out of it she thought because when dealing with the life she was constantly in from the time she was fifteen. Well, you could use the diversion.

“We did not talk about the other stuff, because she got stuck on the fact so much of my adventures were about…” Liz said as she could not say it.

“Max,” Maria asked, answering for her friend because it was the commonsense answer.

“Yes,” Liz said softly. “And the picture in that journal made her think that her father was my second choice, or if you will, a consolation prize.”

“That…” Maria stopping before saying something she maybe should not. “Would be a unique view of the situation,” she said covering for herself and Liz knew that her friend might had wanted to say something different.

“So, it was a tense morning” Liz said softly. “But it’s better now, but it’s definitely something that is going to live on once the holidays are over,” she sighed to herself. “I am getting the distinct feeling that Chicago was the blissful years of having a teenager in my life,” she muttered. “It’s going to be hell from here…”

“Who knows, she might surprise you” Maria asked as she did not relish her friend from having to face the coming days, and years especially when she had herself a problem child on her hands with her son. Not that Mac is really a problem but his need to get on my nerves is terrifying she thought. “But I can understand because I feel the same…”

“Teenagers,” Liz muttered.

“I know, and we were ones too, and we did stuff that would be much scarier than anything our kids probably could come up with” Maria sighed.

“You would think so, would you not?” Liz asked as she noticed her daughter had not come back into the kitchen as she started to put the stuffing into the oven and checked on the turkey and Maria also got into the swing of things as they tried to forget that they were parents of two teenagers who were still only fifteen, and too much life left to lead.


Mariah had chosen not to head back into the kitchen because she could hear that her mother and her aunt were talking about her, and therefore she did not want to add any more angst to the day than there already existed, so she took a break and headed into the living room where Mac was playing a videogame with Lex while Michael was fixing something that had gone wrong in the basement. So, Mac was in a spirited competition with Lex as they sat and played the game on the television, that was hooked up to his computer. “Videogames?” Mariah muttered but smiled because it felt normal.

Something that often existed in the house, or their old house she thought. Chicago because it was always their father playing something with Lex on the computer, or even she did occasionally. But not something they had done much before everything happened because everything was so new, and so much had to be done to get their new life up and running here and Roswell, and then the accident happened, and life had been a whirlwind these past weeks.

“Want to play?” Mac offered the other game stick to her as she walked into the living room.

“No, I have to help out in the kitchen,” Mariah muttered. “Which I have to get back to, but I needed a break,” she said as she did not relish having to hear her mother talk about something she had done. Nor did she want to hear about the journal, because its contents were too mysterious and then she remembered Mac was a product of this life she thought. He knows more than I do about life here Roswell, and what this clan is made of, right? she wondered of herself as she watched as the spirited competition continued between Mac and Lex before they signed off and Lex wheeled his chair to the kitchen.

Which left the older teenagers together. “How was everything last night?” Mac asked as he put down the game console and concentrated on Mariah as she was clearly not interested in going back into the kitchen, while his mother and Maria’s mother had not come into the living room. “I hope it was not too rough?”

“We got through it,” Mariah said softly as she fully knew how Christmas was a tentative peace offering between both herself and her mother and once these days were over, who the heck knew what will end up being confronted she thought. “Barely, but we did.”

“It could not have been too bad, right?” Mac wondered because he was not instilled with the experience of living in angst and memories of the past because his life was more idyllic because his parents love each other, which would be fine if it did not set expectations that he was trying to constantly defy these days. “Your parents loved each other…”

“How would you know?” Mariah wondered “You did not see them together?” she muttered as she remembered that she and Lex did not come here, and she had not known her father to have come here either. Every time her mother had come here, it was alone, and her father had come with her because he wanted to stay with her and her mother. Which Mariah now felt was strange because they had their grandparents here, and if her father had wanted to accompany his wife to her hometown. Then she and/or Lex could have stayed with their Anthony grandparents, who lived in Chicago. And despite the icy relationship between her mother and her in-laws. One weekend is not that bad, right?

So, Mariah now suspected that there was a reason why her mother was staying away from this town and was almost hiding.

“My mother says they were,” Mac said softly.

“So, does my mother, but she says a lot of things” Mariah muttered. And you sometimes wonder if you can believe everything, she has to say she muttered but knew she needed to be the bigger person, for today she muttered to herself. “Anyways, I do not want to get into it now, because I want to have a good time, so I want to thank you for helping me last night. The way you kept me company because I could use a friend,” she said softly. “I appreciate it.”

“No problem, if you need to cut loose or something” Mac said with a smile. “I know how to do that, because life can be dull otherwise.”

“I am sure it’s real dull here in Roswell,” Maria asked. It is a small town after all.

“You do not know Roswell because we know to have fun,” Mac said softly as for once Mariah could smile and not think about the fact life so far in Roswell had been a whirlwind, or downright painful. She wanted to be young, and she wanted to have fun. She did not want to get drawn into the messy angsty feelings because she missed her father, and she did not want that to be every day. Which she knew was going to be her life from now on.

“Thanks,” Mariah said. as she wondered what would happen next as Lex came back out, and she went back into the kitchen.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 18 - 02/22/2022

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I sure hope that Liz reads that letter from the hospital before Mariah finds it by accident.
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 18 - 02/22/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Oh yes, Roswell is a very small town.
Liz needs to read her mail!
Poor River, he won't find anyone here that speaks well of his birth mother.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 19 - 02/24/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

Later that night,
The Evans

Dinner had gone well enough. Earlier in the day. Isabel had been thrilled to arrive and learn that her brother had indeed showed up, and that the family could be together. It spoke that it might be a good omen after so many bad ones over the years, despite nothing bad happened until now. Diane and Phillip were thrilled to have a true family dinner for their Christmas Eve celebration because this year Isabel and Kyle and the girls could not be there on Christmas Day because they alternated years with Jim and Amy. And they could not count on Max and River staying the next day, although they had nothing at home to go home to.

So, each had a reason to make the most of it and Max surprised even himself by enjoying himself. Because most of the time he when he was here, he was wishing that he could be back at home. Ignoring reality and dealing with only himself.

Allowing his parents to enjoy time with their grandson because he only brought misery.

But today, he was enjoying being with his family. With dinner over. River and the girls were on dish duty after dinner was over. Max was in the living room with Isabel and Kyle as Phillip and Diane were dealing with other cleaning up duties.

“I am glad you decided to come,” Isabel was saying to her brother. “I know Mom and Dad appreciate it.”

“There is nothing special about the decision,” Max said softly although he knew there was, because there were too many times he did not show up at dinner. And it being Christmas never was high on his agenda. But he knew that with the way his eyes had been waking up these past few weeks. That he could not come to this year dinner. And plus, he felt in the mood to want to come, and he did not want to sink.

That might be tomorrow’s mood but not todays. And it was pleasantly nice to be with the family. He did not know why his eyes had opened, finally he thought. But he would take it.

Isabel though knew why his eyes had opened. It was because Liz is back in town she figured. And while she knew things were messy, she would welcome it if it meant her brother came back to the land of the living and was a sociable human being, and father to his son.

She wanted her brother back more than anything.

“I would not be too sure of that,” came an amused Isabel. “But I will take it for today, and maybe tomorrow” she said with a smile. “I am sure River appreciates it?”

“I do not know what my son appreciates,” Max muttered as he knew too well that he and son were still as far away as you probably could get and their talk that morning had not solved everything.

“One of these days you might?” Isabel suggested.

“We did have a nice talk or at least something that resembles some kind of talk,” Max confessed of the mornings exercise. “It felt normal, almost.”

“What was it about?” Isabel asked.

“Mariah,” came Max.

“Ah,” Isabel smiled. “The girls have said something about River being interested in Mariah and that he had gone out of his way to talk to her the night everything you know went down,” she sighed as memories of that night was still hard to grasp.

“Yeah, I know,” Max nodded. “My son is confused, and I know that feeling only too well…”

“And he knows too much about your history?” Isabel murmured as Kyle had overheard the discussion as he came back into the room after taking a phone call, and he could not help but think uh oh when he heard the discussion as he was joining his fiancé and her brother. “I am not sure that is a good idea,” he murmured, and it got both his girlfriend and Max’s attention as they noticed him joining their little group.

“What do you mean?” Max asked as Isabel looked at her chosen one with an unusual glance but said nothing.

“I just do not think given the past, it’s wise for River and Mariah to go there, you know, after everything has gone down in our worlds.”

“Why not?” Max wondered. Not that I am looking for this kind of match, but it does not seem like the worst thing in the world.

“It is just a feeling I have,” Kyle said knowing he was walking a dangerous ground and given he knew both Max and his fiancé were in the dark about the true weight of what he knew. “Why deal with all the baggage that the past brings by going there. They are young. And things like young romance brew over quickly during these years and if River is really focused on university as we all know he is, and Mariah is still new to this town and trying to feel out it all…”

Isabel now knew Kyle was onto something big. And she was looking at her boyfriend with a mix of suspicion because she did not like the feeling she was having. Ever since the scene at Liz’s house, and now Kyle was being cagey and deliberately trying to dissuade the notion of River and Mariah.

Not like they are best match given circumstance and given how her brother was still hung up on Mariah’s mother Isabel muttered to herself. Still, she had to wonder what was going on with Kyle, and what did he know?

Any answer was going to have to wait because they were interrupted “Dad,” Jaime said as she came into the room. As she did not realize that she might be interrupting something big in the offering. “Grandma wanted to know if we want to take home some of the cake with us?” she said as she did not know what she had walked into, and she got the sense that something was brewing, and it was not Max’s mood swings. Because Max was much calmer today than she had ever experienced him being, and it was unnerving to the normal teenager, who did not have any alien blood or sensitivity in her, but she lived in a house that was brewing with it.

“Sure, why not” Kyle said using the entrance of her daughter to get out of the uncomfortableness of the scene with Max and Isabel. Yeah, I am getting out of dodge he thought so he got off the couch and walked back into the kitchen with his daughter.

Which left brother and sister in the living room alone.

“What was that all about?” Max asked his sister.

“How should I know?” Isabel muttered.

“You two are getting married,” Max asked. “You know what he’s thinking more than I do,” he muttered which is an understatement he thought as he was more out of the loop than the most people who have lived all their human lives on this planet since he woke up at the age of six out in the caves.

“I know everything about him,” Isabel muttered as she thought of her boyfriend. “But we do not share everything,” she said softly as she knew there was something she did not know. And the scale of importance to their clan, it was going to probably be right up there with a fire alarm.

She did not know if she wanted to know, if she was trying to be honest with herself… But still it made her curious. Not enough to seek out more information, but that would come later.

As the night wore on, and it was ending, and Max and River were preparing head to their individual rooms because they were spending the night while Isabel, Kyle and the girls went to their individual home as they had plans to join Jim and Amy the next day to celebrate the holidays. Opening the presents with their grandparents, and Isabel was taking it as a tiny little bit of progress that her brother was deciding to stick instead of hightailing it back to his home, on the outskirts of town, out by the desert. At least something is coming their way she thought.

“I love you, you know,” Isabel said as hugged her brother, as they were saying their goodbyes. Jaime and Jessica were talking among themselves outside, while they waited for the adults. “Are we going?” came an exaggerated whine from Jessica as she saw the adults were taking too much time.

“Coming,” Kyle said as he glanced. “Max,” he said.

“Kyle,” Max nodded as he like his sister could not but wonder what his brother-in-law was not saying because he was also getting the vibe that it was something but then he tried to keep in his own world so much of the time, that he did not know half of what was going on in the family. If he did not have his sister, he still might be clueless in some respects. So, Max figured it would eventually come out.

And he did not know if he should be worried about whatever Kyle did know.

He should, but a lot of people were in the dark now, so he watched as his sister hugged their parents one more time and express the Christmas greetings and leave the house as River after watching the departures. “I am headed upstairs, I am tired.”

“Goodnight,” was all Max said to it.

Things were thawing, but slowly they both knew. But neither wanted to push it. “Goodnight,” River said before disappearing upstairs.

“Son, do you want to come inside and talk?” Phillip asked as Diane made herself scarce to start to plan for Santa and his elves to come because she finally had her son staying the night. Knowing what an accomplishment it was to have her son and grandson at the same time, and even if they would be gone in the morning, well, she was going to celebrate the chance she had because who knows what the future would bring.

“Sure, why not” Max muttered as he walked into the living room. And saw the Christmas decorations all over the place. Once upon a time he savored this place. Because it had given him a home. After waking up on this earth not knowing a soul and not even knowing its language. Time would give him a family, and he did treasure it even though he knew he had a funny way of showing it because to many. He had picked the woman over the family and let his life dissolve down the rabbit hole.

And had little show it for it even though he had built himself a home. And made money day trading and been successful even if he would have to admit that he had used his abilities to keep them from becoming homeless, and for some reason he had a talent for it. And in 2018. So much of the world was on-line. You did not even have to leave the house he thought.

River did.

Max did not, most of the time.

Until now, he had emerged into the world. And Phillip could not wonder what had done it. Sure, I know what had done it Phillip thought. He read the newspapers and heard the stories from his daughter so that he did not have to deal with the gossip alone. And knew their son’s emergence from his hole was because of one woman.

Liz Parker or Liz Anthony now he thought. “Are you okay?”

“Sure, why would I not be?” Max asked because he knew what his parents thought of him. How he was such an odd one for them. So much promise, and potential and I threw it away he thought. Not that I have a lot of regrets.

Okay, I do he thought. But most of them reside back in high school. And maybe I should have been there more for my son he muttered to himself. Yeah, I know, the way that I am, is because of how much of a disappointment I am…

“You stayed,” Phillip asked. “I would have thought you would be gone?”

“It’s Christmas,” Max murmured.

“That has not stopped you in the past,” Phillip murmured as he was all too aware of how his son did not come often into town, or to this house. And if he did, he was often gone as was witnessed recently when he and his son should have spent the night here at the house. River stayed, Max left.

“Well tonight is different, unless you do not want me to stay” Max asked even though he knew his father did.

“No, of course you should stay” Phillip murmured. “It’s just hard to know why you suddenly decided to change your approach to life?” he asked even though he knew.

“Maybe I am starting to see my approach to life has gotten me to the wrong place in my life,” Max muttered because yes, I am seeing there is a lot of my life I do not like he thought. The question is, was it too late?

“Does this change have anything to do with a certain ex of yours who has now come back town/” Phillip asked, even though he knew the answer and knew what his son’s answer would be. But he had to try anyways, because it was hard to get het his son to talk. And now he had a chance.

“Dad,” Max muttered. “Not everything in my life is about Liz.”

Phillip could have laughed but chose not too because he knew so much of who his son was today was because of the relationship that had defined his high school life. Given his son had not dated while in high school until Liz. And despite whatever dalliance you could describe Tess Harding as being or that it had ended up delivering into the family his grandson. Still, only one woman was someone who mattered to his son, and why his son was who he was today.

That was Liz.

“We want you to be happy Max,” Phillip murmured. “And it’s been clear these last years that you have not been, yes, happy.”

“Whether I am or not, nothing will change even if Liz is back in town. She has a different life. And that life does not include me.”

“Are you sure?” Phillip asked.

“Of course,” Max said softly. “She has moved on from me, and we do not have any links and if we did, those died back in high school. I chose the life I wanted. It can be debated how I treated my life sure, but Liz moved on and had children and was happy, and all I want is for her to be happy now that she is back here in Roswell. And right now, she is not happy, so I am not going to try to complicate it anymore, then it is today because it will not change anything.

“If, you are sure?” Phillip asked.

“Yes, I am” Max said as he and his father broke off their talk as Phillip returned to his wife, and finish the prep for the next morning’s excitement, and Max walked up to bed with memories of past first mount in his mind.


As across town Liz was cleaning up from the festivities held in her home. Maria, Michael, and Mac had gone home. And therefore, it now only left her here in her new home, with her two kids. Lex was getting comfortable in the pull-out couch she had arranged for the living room, and Mariah had helped her set it up, as Lex was not used to it only being the three of them. While at the same time, Mariah and her mother had gotten too used to the new realities of their life and how they would have to rely on the three of them.

Lex was used to seeing his father do things like this. And he hated not being able to help, and it made him even more determined to ace his rehab so he could come home and be there for his mother and big sister. “I wish I could help you two?” he had said as they had made the bed. And all he could was sit in his wheelchair because both of his legs were out of action.

“No, you don’t,” Mariah muttered with a laugh. “You let Dad do this by himself all the time back home,” she said with a smile, and she stopped because she had to remember how their father was no longer here to help with things like this.

Liz felt the emotion in her daughter, and wished Brady were here too because they would be facing a different life, but she was happy for at least one day, the kids were able to have something normal.

They all had had a great time, and now it was a reminder of how it used to, and how it was a changed reality for them all.

“Sorry Mom,” Lex murmured because he knew how much his mother missed their father. “I just miss Dad.”

“We all do,” Liz said softly. “But he would want us to make something out of these days, and to have as much fun as we can. Which is why it is important for us to go over and see your grandparents tomorrow at the Crashdown. Get out of the house and do something your father would want us to do.”

The kids nodded.

“Are you set?” Liz asked once more as they finished setting up the bed. As she made sure the sheets were all settled and turned to face her son in the wheelchair, and her face dipped because this was not how she was used to seeing her little boy. “Do you need help?” she asked but all she got was a nod no because her son seemed to be a completely able to move onto the bed himself, as Mariah moved the wheelchair next the couch, and out of the immediate way but angle it so her brother could reach it if needed. Like her mother, it was a reminder that right now they were in a different way of life.

“Completely,” Lex said softly.

“I love you,” Liz said softly as she looked at both of her children. As this was the life she wanted. While of course she wanted Brady to still be in it, with them. Still, she knew how it could have ended on that day when she was fifteen, and she had been given a miracle to have a chance to carve out her future, and while it has not all been without its own challenges. Still, she could not help but be grateful for the knowledge that once upon a time she might not have had this chance.

And because of Max, she was able to meet Brady, and to have their daughter, and their son. “I love the both of you so much,” she said with a smile as she leaned down and hugged her son, and then looked over at her mother. “You two mean the world to me, and I never would want to have a life without you two in it okay,” she asked as she leaned into hug her daughter. “I know the last few weeks have been incredibly rough, and I am sorry about that.

But we will get through this, together.”

“I know we will,” Mariah murmured because while she missed her father. At least she still had her mother and her brother, and that was something. “I love you too,” she said softly. “I know we can handle whatever the future is.”
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 19 - 02/24/2022

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Poor Kyle, he knows exactly why River shouldn't be pursuing a relationship with Mariah but he can't say anything. Liz needs to read the letter from the hospital.
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Til We Meet Again - Chapter 20 - 02/25/2022

Post by Parker1947 »

December 31st

They got to test that notion as it was now a week later. And everyone had gotten through the holidays in one form or another. And now it is the last day of the year, and Liz was planning on spending it with her best friend as Maria and hope for a much brighter start to the new year, because the last few weeks had been a tying time and she needed time to move on. Although fortunately, she was starting her job the following week. And that was something to look forward to as Lex was progressing in his recovery.

Although how much rehab he could really do with his casts still on Liz did not know but it kept her energetic son with an objective in mind. Although she prayed, he could be home before his birthday, but she knew that at this point that it was one day at a time and at least Lex was not that far away, and that she could visit often.

And she planned to.

But with the holidays coming to end, it meant that life was indeed moving on. And the truce she had with her daughter was probably coming to an end. As Mariah was going to be sixteen before too long, and the holidays had been just a façade covering the angst of growing up. And being a mother to it.

Which made Liz wonder how her own parents made it through, and she knew Mariah had not even given her any of the fear that she had given her own parents once upon a time so she was lucky, but it only meant that sooner rather than later her daughter would be coming into her own, and out of her shell and finding a new freedom that she had not had before.

And Liz was sure she was not going to like it.

After all, she knew that feeling too well. Because for me, Max had unleashed her new freedom, and it was quite the ride.

So, Liz could not help but reflect on her own teen years as she saw her daughter getting ready for her first real New Year’s. As she was going to a party with a G rated club, or as much you could find one today that tried to cater to the youth of today. When she had gone over the kids plans. Maria had promised that no shenanigans were known to come from the place, that was called Glowing Lights. Yeah, I know she could not help but think. This town has a lot riding on the myth of those little green men.

But Liz knew it was not all a myth but very much real, and that they were not little green men in flying saucers.

At least not anymore. They were real, and human, and they had flesh and made you crazy in every human way.

Even if they did have abilities that go beyond a simple person. But then she was human, right and she did have abilities. So, it was a strange town but given she had parents whose survival depended on the tourist trade, she could not not believe…

She would never not believe. Because her life had been changed once upon a time. But now as she saw her daughter in a way too short black dress, and about to go out and celebrate the changing of the years. She could not say no because she could not have her daughter sit in the house and stare at her, and harbor feelings that would only stew, so she was allowing her daughter to go out and get to know her new hometown. She preferred that to having her daughter sit at home and wonder about her mother’s history with this town. And especially on how her father was not her mother one and only she thought.

Which was the truth she thought. No matter how happy I was with Brady, and I was she thought as she knew this was not helping the situation with this constant need to defend her past and now her present. But she would rather concentrate on the implications of this night for her daughter. She wanted her daughter to have fun, assuming she still wanted to go out. “You still want to go out?” she asked of her daughter as Mariah stood and looked too grown up to be her daughter. Only fifteen and wanting freedom Liz cursed. I remember that time. At her daughter’s nod, she gave her normal warning “You know not to get in a car driven by Mac, or anyone other than River?”

After all they both knew that most of the teenage population would be at the party in some form. And she did know that Max’s son River was going to be at the party and was the only one sanctioned to be able to drive.

“I know Mom,” Mariah murmured as she looked great in the flashy black dress. She had used some of the Christmas money she had gotten from her Anthony grandparents. The rest would be going into her bank account for her spending money. Because she and Lex had their own college fund set up from her grandparents, that had been started at their births, and did not even take in account their sizable trusts that would be coming their way when they became of age thanks to their father’s estate that was going through the probate system.

So, she had money to play with, and Liz had not been happy the choice her daughter had made once she came home that shopping trip with her Grandmother Parker and her mother had seen the dress. Liz questioned her mother. Nancy in her defense had not been too thrilled by the choice either, but it was the most respectable one I could get her to choose Nancy had told her daughter.

Liz was forced to accept it, because to force her daughter to return would only inflame the situation as she was forced to accept that her daughter was not as conservative with her clothing as she Liz had been at her age. Of course, the 90’s and the early 00’s were a different time she was remembering. Different wardrobes.

Now she saw her daughter dressed up and showing that Liz was going to have to deal with a lot more worries in the coming months and years than simply moving on from her lost love. Maria had told Liz that Mac was suspended from even test rides or driver’s license lesson until he officially turned sixteen, which was coming up the following summer. As their car was now jacked up with surveillance equipment to make sure Mac did not get in the car unless it was with either of his parents.

And they were still dealing with the insurance company, and so they only had one car. And it was constantly in use.

So, Mac was out of luck.

But tonight, was New Year’s Eve, and the kids were coming of age. Kyle and Isabel even were allowing Jaime to attend the party. Which she knew Kyle was nervous about, but both Jessica and Jaime promised to be on the best behavior.

Girls she thought. They are not easy to raise Liz thought even though until now, she thought she had one of the good ones. Who had been all about studying and spending time at home, but nope, not this year?

“You know to call if you run into trouble?” Liz asked.

“I know,” Mariah said with a smile. “It is a party, and pretty tame, so it probably is nothing you need to be worrying about…” she said with encouraging smile. “I am just looking to have some fun.”

“Which naturally is what concerns me,” Liz muttered. “Because we are no longer in Chicago?”

“So, you are telling me that this town is more dangerous than Chicago?” Mariah asked with a laugh as she made sure to check to see that her cellphone was in her purse, including everything she needed to protect herself. After all, I do come from Chicago she thought as she and her best friend Talia Cooper in Chicago had been signed up for self-defense classes after their thirteenth birthdays. Because both families wanted their only daughters to know how to defend themselves.

Mariah had found she had quite the knack at self-defense and aced the course without even trying most classes. The instructor had been impressed, and so was Talia. So, she found it funny to think the small town that they were living in could be called the crime capital of New Mexico.

She and Talia had done research and found it was sleepy, most of the time, and their only claim to fame was that alien business. Which is a laugh she thought but now in the wake of reading her mother’s farfetched journal. She had to wonder, but she had to laugh at her mother’s concern that she could really get into trouble in this town.

“You can find trouble in any town in America,” Liz muttered. “We can be the smallest of towns and still you will be surprised at the level of danger, and I want you to be careful okay, because I just lost your father, and with Lex in the hospital. I only have you to watch over, and I cannot go through anything involving you, okay?”

“I promise,” Mariah said.

“You should not give me that promise,” Liz muttered as she felt the alarm of her daughter coming of age “It’s going to be hard for you to live up too.”

Then do not make me promise you Mariah thought but stayed silent. “Was it for you and Grandma and Grandpa?” Mariah muttered as she was not used to her mother being so concerned about her dating life. It was usually Dad’s role she thought of their life back in Chicago. Still, I am only fifteen. What could go wrong? she wanted to ask.

Yes, she was fifteen for a few more months.

“Not this again,” Liz muttered as she was tired of this topic. She did want to get into her daughter’s perception of her past, or whether there were any truth or grain of truth to it.

“I am only curious,” Mariah muttered.

“We have covered that enough for now. But about tonight,” Liz asked of her daughter. “All I want to say is please careful, and watch what you find, and yes, who you speak too because even though it’s a fun night. You are still new to this town. And until now, you only know a select group of people. A lot more people will be at this part. So, be careful, okay?”

“Okay,” Mariah muttered as she knew her mother had a point that she did not know this town. Which is why she had wanted to go to the party so that she would get to know it, and to have some fun. She wanted to stop feeling sad. She wanted to celebrate the changing of the year, and not think of all she had already lost in her life “If I need you, you know I will call you.”

“That is all I can ask of you,” Liz said softly as once more as she watched as her daughter continued to get read, and she once again reminded of how grown up her daughter was today. And how she wished that she were still her tiny little baby.

That only seems like yesterday. Where did the time go?

She hated how soon her daughter would be ready for university, and out of the house. I am so not ready for this she thought.

Thankfully, Lex is younger.


Max was watching television when River walked out of his bedroom. Dressed fancy but not anything different than he normally did when he went out with his cousins and Mac. But tonight, was New Year’s Eve, and the last week had been much less angsty between father and son. Not that they had much experience with the peacetime that had developed within their relationship. Max did not know if said peacetime would last. But it is quieter. “Ready to go out?” he asked because he knew River had plans to head into town and go to the New Year’s party being held at Glowing Lights he thought. A teen hang-out.

Not far from the main street, and it was largely a success. Not that he knew what it looked like these days. All he remembered was in his day, the parties went underground and in warehouses, that sometimes got raided by the cops because of shenanigans that sometimes were known to go down. Not that he had a lot of experience, but he could not help but remember one night.

One memorable night.

One that landed Liz in jail for a few hours.

And brought Alex into the mystery.

Little did they know of the lasting ramifications for them all, but that one night, it was something special. Even if nothing really happened. Oh wait, it did he smiled Our first kiss came at the end of it.

“Yes,” River said softly unaware of the memories the past was having on his father. “You do not expect me home tonight, right?”

“Right,” Max said softly. “It’s New Year’s Eve,” he thought as he let the unknown hang out there in the air. Because it was a night of possibilities. But in this case, Max did know his son was planning to sleep over at Mac’s place. Not that he got that kind of information out of his son. That would be too easy. Nope, I was only told because of my best friend.

Max also could not but know that Michael and Maria had their own plans for the night.

They had plans to spend it with Liz.

He was not invited, nor did he expect to be. Max planned instead to stick close to home. Because he did not want to go out, and instead he decided to stay at home and watch television and muse about the past, which how he often spent his time. Why would I want to have some fun when it’s better to be home? He was better off to be alone, but of course he also knew before he could think of how everything went bad, but this time, there was an added dimension of knowing his past that he constantly dreamed of was back in town.

Liz was always on his mind. Always he muttered. As he could not help but wonder what Liz was up too. Even knowing her plans for the night. Still, he had not seen her over the last week. But that was mainly because of holiday expectations that had kept them all in their individual corners.

Not free to mingle.

Even if he had that freedom, still, it was unexpected that he would see her. And living up to that, they had stayed away from each other.

But still, he could not stop thinking about her.

But then that had been his life. Ever since that day in third grade when he first saw her, and now many years later. Older, and not that much wiser, still, she was always in his mind. That was not changing anytime soon as far as I am concerned but still, he needed to focus on his son for a change, so he came back to the night on hand “I am glad you are taking the chance to have some fun. You are only young once…”

“That we are,” River conceded. And hopefully we can grow from our experiences, otherwise, we might let them drown us, he thought. “You are sticking around the house?”

“Yes,” Max nodded. “If you need any help. You can call.”

“Yeah,” River nodded. “I better go…”

“Happy New Years,” Max said in an offering of peace with the hope that the dawning of a new day, and a new year would bring changes all around. Much for the better he hoped.

“Yeah, Happy New Year’s,” River said picking up the keys to the car. But Max had a change of heart, or better yet, a surprise that neither he nor his son had anticipated. “What is it?” River could not help but ask as he saw his father get off the chair, he was sitting in.

“You can take the other car,” Max said going to the drawer, and getting out the other set of keys. “That is if you want too?”

“Are you serious?” River wondered because at no time since he had begun to know how to drive had his father made this offer because most of the time his father kept the other car as a treasure trove to a past time and now, I know why he mused to himself. And it was known to him, early on, that he was not to touch the other car.

And most of the time he forgot it was there, and given he had issues with his father. He did not care to go near it, and now his father was offering for him to use it. “Since when are you going to allow me to drive it?”

“Tonight…” Max said as he knows full well the many issues he had as a father, and he was sorry for it because he now knew, it was wrong to deal with River like this. “Is no ordinary night, so why not use the car. It’s only sitting there not being used.”

Of course, it just sits there in a state of unuse River muttered. “Only because you do not drive it,” River muttered. “You keep it like it’s some memorial to an earlier time?” he asked as he was voicing his words from earlier.

“It does not matter whether I drive it or not,” Max muttered. And I do, sometimes… “Do you want to drive it?”

“Yes, of course.” River said only because it was such a tempting vehicle, and something he had never been able to experience. So, why not take the chance when my father is offering it because one day soon, we will probably be at each other throats and all this peace will have been lost so why should I not get something out of it now.

“Then be careful, okay” Max said as he handed his son the keys to the car. Knowing his son was not going to deny himself the pleasure of driving the car after all, when he and Liz had found the car before their misfortune in Utah. It had been an incredible find, and they had plenty of good times before the end set in.

And therefore, it had been hard to give it up. So, he did not.

“I am sure everything will be fine,” River muttered as he thought of the town they lived right outside of. “After all, it is Roswell…”

“Roswell can have its moments,” Max muttered as he knew as well as anyone the darkness that their town held “I should know,” he sighed and muttered at the same time as he remembered his eventful youth or those who got lost within the fight “We are a small town. But small towns have secrets, and on nights like this, the crazies are known to come out…”

River was not sure he believed his father. What could go wrong? he asked himself. But still he knew the stories. A lot was still kept from him, and was unsaid about those times, before he came to this planet, and even in those first months after he did, coming to this planet changed everything he thought as he walked to the door, and turned, and said with a sincerity that had been lacking these last months and years “Thank you Dad for the offer of the ride.”

“Think nothing of it. But you are welcome,” Max nodded as he watched as his son continued to walk out of the house, and head for the shed where the car was held. “See you next year,” he whispered as he saw the smile on his son’s face as Max walked to the window, and could see his son head into the garage, and open the door, and a short time later, came out in that classic blue car.

As memories flooded within Max as he turned away from the window and prayed that this night would not be a disaster.


There were other parents who also had that wish too. Although for them. The night was already starting. As Jessica arrived with her boyfriend Alan at Glowing Lights as she immediately spotted Mac by the door. All the while her stepsister Jaime was with a friend from school. Their parents had plans to have an intimate night for themselves. She did not care because she only wanted to have fun, as Alan volunteered to get a drink for them so that they could start the evening. Jessica accepted the offer and watched as her boyfriend walk off.

Checking the clock on the wall. She knew it was early. She did not see River yet. Although she knew he was expected so she wanted to check in with her other friend. “Looking for a good time, are you?” Jessica asked as she walked closer to Mac who was of course were observing the females from their school arriving for the party from afar. It was one of those nights. As this was the place to be for those allowed to get out of the house and have fun on this party night. Because otherwise, there was not much to do in such a small town.

So, this party was going to be a happening place and both teens knew it. As this was the first time they were allowed to come to the party. “Why would I not because we are only young once,” came a bemused Mac as he had seen Jessica and Alan come into the club. As he had arrived a short time before that and had been entertaining himself but watching their friends arrive and it not hard to see the young couple walk in hand and hand and everything stopped, and his attention had gone to them.

And his smile had vanished. Seeing how Mac was looking, Jessica could not help but see that something was afoot in her friend, as she often knew when her friend was up to something. “You are not planning to get into trouble, are you?” Jessie asked.

“I cannot say that now, because the night is young, so you are with Alan tonight?” Mac asked even though they both knew the answer.

“Why would I not be?” Jessica asked. “We are dating.”

“I thought you wanted to have fun tonight?” Mac muttered to the immediate frown coming from the blonde as their glazes shifted as they both she spotted Mariah arriving. For Mac, it was a surprise to see the girl. Not that she was not expected at the party because she was, but wow he murmured because Mariah was looking much different than she had been the week before when they had seen each other at Christmas, yeah wow he muttered.

Jessica saw Mac’s glaze move over to Mariah who was arriving at the club. And yes, she did look different Wow she thought. She knows how to dress up she thought. She was surprised her mother would want her to come out in that kind of outfit. It would not be allowed in my house she thought.

Of course, Mariah existed in a life that started in Chicago.

Which is a much bigger city than their town.

Which is why she was wearing something more conservative than even she wore to a dance at school. Neither of her parents were taking any chances. Same with Jaime’s wardrobe. As she spotted her sister talking to a friend.

As she turned her eyes back on Max. She was not liking how he was looking at Mariah, knowing the interplay within their group because of River. “Um, Mac”

“What?” Mac asked as he turned his attention back to his friend. “It’s nothing.”

“I am sure it is something,” Jessica muttered. “You know River is going to be here tonight,” she muttered.

“So, what if he is?” Mac asked. “River needs a night out. We all do. School is back next week, and the winter doldrums will be upon us.”

Jessica could only shake her head in dismay.


“Are we ready?” Maria asked as she checked to make sure they had everything for the night they would have having with Liz that evening. She was looking at her wardrobe. Not as wild as my youth she thought. Those were the days she thought. As she looked over at her husband and smiled. They had come quite the way from those days when they were in a middle of a hormone addled breakup, and they had gone to a party, and Michael had ended up drinking way too much, and it had basically fried his circuits, and it had not been a pleasant start to the night. Although she, Max, Liz, and Michael had played a little game of switcharoo, and boy that was a night she thought. As she and Max had ended up finding Enigma and it was something they needed because only months later they were going to be back in the middle of more drama.

Which they were.

So, she was all for an easy night with her husband and best friend. But of course, she was a mother, and any memories of that frat party or anything else that night made her have worries about her own son. Because after all, her son would be headed towards his own party, and was probably already there, even if she knew these days, life was too tame to truly be concerned. But they were in a different age, and her son was alive in a day that had a lot to grab onto, and that could only bring trouble. Even if Glowing Lights knew how to throw a party, and to this day, no drama was known to have started there, and there had been no incidents.

Still, she could not help but worry because yes, I am a mother.

And they had a track record that was downright murky, yes, that is a good word for our time back in the late 90s and early millennium she muttered. I do not need my son reenacting that time she muttered.

Sighing, she continued to get dressed, and ready for her own night.

While Michael knew his wife and knew she was worried. With Mac as our son, any parent would worry he thought. I know I am one to talk given my own teenage years but still he did worry too because he knew what line his son was walking these days. Despite having everything to want in his life. Why does he want to play games he thought? Of course, he is my son he thought once again.

But it is New Year’s Eve. What could go wrong?

And then he remembered his own New Year’s Eve misfortune, and ugh he thought. Not the kind of imagery he wanted to have when he had a teenage son capable of repeating many of those same mistakes. Even if he is way more human than me, he thought thanks to my lovely wife. “Are we ready?” he murmured as he repeated his wife’s question. “Yes,” he nodded. “Our son will be fine,” he said even know he knew he could not promise that…

And Maria knew it.

“Tell me he will not be up to anything like your infamous New Year’s incident,” Maria muttered.

“I had a reason to meltdown,” Michael murmured as he remembered how at that time, he was coming to terms that Maria wanted something other than me he thought. “Our son does not, so he will be fine.”

“Yeah, right” Maria muttered as they both left their house with hopes that this would be an uneventful night.


Yes, it was New Year’s Eve, and the club was now full. Today’s generation were celebrating the dawning of the new year. And some wanted the night over more than others and some were trying to escape the emotion of grief that had taken ahold of their homelife. But Jessica Ramirez Evans had none of those issues because she was a teenager that he had seen such horrors even though she had lost her biological father before she was born and was being raised by someone who was not her father.

While the striking fifteen-year-old did look like her father, but these days she was resembling her blonde hair modelesque mother. All the guys had been looking at her since at least her thirteenth birthday. And more so in the last year. But she was seeing someone. Someone who was good and someone who was decent. Not that Mackenzie Guerin had that opinion, why does it even matter what he might think? She muttered to herself as she saw her friend eying the newly arrived Mariah Anthony like she was someone new in town.

Which she was.

But they both knew that Mac knew her long before she came to this town because of family connections. But she told herself that Mariah was new to this environment because her mother did not bring Mariah or her brother to her hometown, and now had relocated here bringing a whole new world to the teenager, who would be turning sixteen in just a few months. Jessica did not know much about the teenager, but she knew the newcomer would be the first one to turn sixteen of the group. She personally was coming up to hers, in May. Mac would be the last one, eight weeks later.

But River knew he had them all beat because he was already seventeen. And his cousin, Jessica or as she was formally known as Jessie although that was becoming more passe over time as she was growing up. Jessica’s father, Jesse Ramirez had died before he knew of her, months before she was born. So, she was currently being raised by a mother who was a widow.

Isabel had always talked to her daughter about her birth father. Even though Kyle had been a father to her since she was young. But she had a grandmother to visit in the summer but knew her grandmother missed her father. Although she was known to spoil her only grandchild in ways that her mother and Kyle was unable to afford. Jessica supposed she missed her father, but I never knew him, so how can I miss a man I did not know? she wondered as she viewed Mac observing the new arrival in their circle. Someone they did not know well because she had only been a resident of their fair town for a month at the most. “You are trying for trouble, are you not?” Jessica could not think back to her earlier assumption of her friend.

Someone she had been raised with because her circle was small and unique. And most of the town did not know the complexities she had been born with, or what sign she had been born under. Her family was bizarre, unique and she loved every one of them. Even if somedays, she wished she were normal.

But she had a normal existence for four weeks in the summer, when she visited her grandmother in Arizona. And by the end of it, she wanted her fascinating life back when she came home. Still, she tried to go for normal if possible because she knew how hard it was to be different in the world today, and in this town she thought. So, she loved dating Alan because he did not look at her odd.

Alan likes my quirks, and he thinks I am just like any other kid in this town when she knows behind closed doors, well, she lived a different life. So, she was fine with Alan even though Mac thought she was too good for Alan even though there was nothing wrong with their classmate. After all I did my research on the guy she thought. And knew her mother also did her own form of it. She never asked for what she saw, but given she was still allowed to go out with her boyfriend.

Obviously, Alan passed the test.

So, as she watched as her friend, who did not believe in relationships despite having parents who were the idyllic model for any family. High school sweethearts, and against all odds, well, they were still together. So, personally she did not know why Mac was looking for trouble. Why bother?

It seemed pointless to Jessica when they were supposed to be blending in.

After all, their parents would have their heads if they did anything to put their safety and their secret in peril.

Not that Mac was listening.

As he was looking at Mariah like she was someone who he could play with despite them both knowing that someone else had his eyes on her. Someone who could not go there, not even close she thought. Not that she had any special information or anything. But still she was gifted with intuition, and the sight to get insight on people, as if that were not the same thing because it was, and in her case. She could sense that there was no way River could do anything than be a friend with Mariah.

Not that she wanted Mac to be looking at Mariah as they spotted the brunette in her flashy short black dress. A city girl she thought. Not the kind of dress who you would find on a teenager in their town because we are small, and those kinds of dresses are reserved for prom night.

Which was not coming anytime soon.

Mariah was the kind of girl who would get the town to notice her. Jessica could admire that, because she also like attention on her, but in this case, she knew it was asking for trouble because she knew that lately Mac was all about blurring the lines and was almost ready for anything which of course troubled Jessica.

And given the situation included River. Well, that was bad news. She loved River like a brother, even though they were related through family blood lines. Although lines that strictly came from their alien DNA and a touch of human too because of the unwilling donor used for her mother to be possible on their planet. Yes, we kids have been given the history lesson of how our parents came to be she thought. A thinner guide because there was plenty they did not know.

But we know enough for now she thought.

Or so, she thought.

So, River and Mac had been close buddies all their lives and because of the crazy fraternity they came from. River being the first to come into their clan. With a lot of yes, complexities, and daddy issues. But he was getting close to getting out of their town. Assuming nothing stopped him. Jessica did not know of anything that could, because it was it was not going to Mariah. Not by a long shot she thought.

Not that I know anything she thought once again.

So, Jessica was protective of her family. She did not want one member to be messing with the other, and she could only see angst coming from this because she was seeing how Mac was treating his life these days.

And like River, she saw how Mac treated girls in his life. Although he tended to go for those who did not care for commitment. And at their age, there was a pool to play in, but eventually girls will want to be treated with kindness and did not want to see the guys they dated playing the field and treating them like they did not matter.

So, often the relationships were short-lived.

So, she knew Mariah was not going to be the type of girl that Mac wanted.

And yet he was looking at her like he was willing to take the chance. “Leave her alone,” Jessica pleaded as she looked at her friend as they were observing as Mariah got stopped by Jaime.

Ever the compassionate sister she thought of her younger almost sister. She knew Jaime had a crush on River something else not good in the long run for their bunch. But only because of the age factor, and because we are family.

What is it with my age group she muttered to herself?

And Jessica could see from her watch that River would be here at the club anytime now. “You are asking for trouble, and I promise you that you will find it if you mess with Mariah because you know River will not like it.”

“River does not run my relationships,” Mac muttered. “And neither do you,” he sighed with a grand flourish that did not go over well with his friend.

Geez Jessica he has made his position pretty clear she muttered. “Just make sure your pretty face does not get messed up when the shit hits the fan,” she said as she walked away from her friend who was only looking for trouble, as she spotted a friend from school. And she only walked a few steps when she saw the door to the club open.

…yup River had now arrived.


“What is this?” Liz was asking at the same time as a collision was in the offering at Glowing Lights but for Mariah’s mother. Liz, well, she was getting ready to host her best friend because she was not in the mood to go to Cow Patties because she was not in the mood to drink to excess and be in a lively group of people. She wanted to see the end of the current year in relative peace of her home.

So, instead of the oblivion she could be in at a sanctioned bar. She was going to be playing host to her best friend Maria and her husband as they were coming to celebrate the end of the current year and help ring in the next. As they all wished for a lot less pain and confusion.

None more so than Liz who was missing Brady, and now she was dealing with a teenage daughter who was out and about, and testing her wings, which was unnerving enough for her mother because it was only a reminder of how it was once for her, when she was young and naïve. And did not know how big and expansive the world truly was.

She certainly had gotten that lesson when I met Max she thought. As she was getting the downstairs ready for the party, as her guests should be there at any time, she knew. With Lex safely back at his rehab facility, and so she had a daughter who was a genuine party.

To celebrate the new year that was approaching with alarming speed. Not that she did not want to see the end of this year that had seen the loss of her husband. Oh Brady, how I want you here…

As she remembered the New Year Eve’s they had spent together as the kids were growing up, and they stayed home rather than going to any one of those parties that being in his family required them to show up too. But since their marriage. The had rebelled from that tradition of the fancy class, and instead stayed in the peace of their life together with their children.

And they just liked being together. I do not have any regrets about the life I had with him she thought as she puttered around and made sure she had everything and was ready, so much so, that her mind was not on her daughter out there in the world.

Looking at trouble that was right around the corner.

Not that she did not trust her daughter, because she did despite recent evidence of the contrary.

And that is when she opened the drawer, looking for napkins or something. And realized that there was stack of envelopes in the drawer that she had believed she had put napkins and party supplies as she had done some unpacking since the funeral, and since her loss because it had gotten her mind off thinking of Brady.

Or any frustration she had with Mariah, and there were plenty.

And then a flash came, and she remembered back to Christmas Eve and how Maria had handed her some mail when they had arrived. She had not wanted to deal with it, so she had put it in the drawer.

And obviously she had forgotten about it as she saw some bills. And then she stopped when she saw a letter posted from the hospital.

Knowing it was not about her position that she was supposed to be starting the following week because she just exchanged some emails with her new boss, and everything was set up for a Monday start.

Since it had been postmarked on the day of the funeral. She knew it was not Lex’s test results because they were not supposed to be arriving until after the 1st, and she knew Mariah was in the clear.

Which had been a relief to know she did not have to worry about that. But she knew she still had one child to worry about, but those results should not have come in yet, as she looked at the envelope and debated whether to open it or leave it until the following day, or never she thought. As she looked at the white envelope, and it seemed like a simple letter or something. Nothing, but you do not know Liz thought but knew time was getting away from her, so she thought what the hell she muttered as she opened the envelope. Probably telling me to pay for Mariah’s testing she muttered to herself but then she blanked when she saw down on the printed page, the true meaning of the letter.

Oh no, please no she thought as she grew pale, and ghost like. As it quickly set in, what she was reading.

Fuck, she told herself and…

She fainted.

With the presence of a dear old friend looking down at her, and then there was a knock on the door.

As Liz laid on the floor, with the letter she had just read by her side.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 20 - 02/25/2022

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Liz and Mariah's lives are about to change.
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: Til We Meet Again (CC, Mature) - Chapter 20 - 02/25/2022

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Finally Liz reads the letter........
Of course she fainted...here's that explosion I've been expecting.
Happy New Year Liz!
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