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Family Matters - Chapter 29 - 08/04/2023

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:05 pm
by Parker1947
Liz had spent many a day over the last twenty or so years wishing to be told that it was all a lie. That of all people, Tess Harding could not possibly be the mother of Max’s child. A child that would have been his first-born child. A child that he would have created at seventeen with the monster who had taken Alex away from them. Okay, that might be a little harsh to say and she might not be a monster per se. Because there were a lot more people out there in this world who were even more amoral than that blonde. And certainly, back to those early months and years of the changing millennium, yeah, Tess seemed tame for its times. But by the point that she had attempted to sacrifice herself and only really succeeded in taking them down with her, she was pretty far up there on any wanted poster assuming the authorities or even general public were aware of her crimes although they were pretty close Liz would mutter to herself as she thought of the callous and downright cold way that Tess had dismissed all that carnage that she had committed in the name of the greater good.

Or because she had simply wanted to go home again.

Who’s home one might ask because it was all some fantasy because it was not a home because she could not possibly remember even though she said she did, and certainly had fooled Max into believing that he could remember it all too. And sure, he might have remembered some kernels here and there of who he might have been in a different land. But the fact remained, that the boy she had loved at fifteen and even married at eighteen could have a child with such an individual gave her plenty of sleepless nights. But at the end of the day, even with that knowledge, well, she had married him anyways, and become his wife despite it all, all because a year earlier, while they were taking a break. A break mine you that she had insisted on and even pushed on a thoroughly unwilling Max all out of some misguided notions she thought as if that makes it all better. And okay, they were pretty serious at the time, and who knows what I might have prevented by doing what I did she thought. And I do know what I set in motion, she muttered as she thought of the new timeline, she had unleashed on them all and of the child that Max eventually would put up for adoption. A choice he had made on his own. But deep down she had known it was needed for the necessity of their survival. Despite what it what it said about her because then she did not have to play mother to a child that was not hers, and even that could be abridged except for who was the mother of the baby. So, it was a decision Max had made, because it had been a baby, he had with someone who had deceived them so badly.

Even though we should have seen it coming, she muttered. And later on, life would even make her wonder if she ranked up there with Tess given what she had done although my crime was out in the name of love and protection she would say in defense of her actions. Even if I could say all day long that I did it for the right reasons, she thought. But I still hurt Max and I took something so personal and profound from him.

His love and trust, and to make matters worse.

Their child.

A child that almost was able to make her forget that she had given birth to her husband’s first-born child. Because of course, there was another child out there that had the prize of being first born. But she and Max had been able to create their own child and sometimes that will forgive all.



Because no, Liz was never able to forget the fact Max had given Tess a child, despite knowing what she had done to engineer that fact. So, to sit and listen as the music from the 80’s and appropriately or not so, Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean was blaring through the speakers as the working DJ who had taken up for the departing band was on a break meant Liz was wondering if it was all a dream?

It even made her wonder if she had traveled back to a time where she could be told that no, Max did not have a child with Tess. But unfortunately, no, she was in her own time. And listening to of all people, Tess’s duplicate Ava telling her what she had always longed to hear twenty years before. But had not, she muttered to herself. How I wanted to hear it once upon a time she thought. So, the fact she was hearing the words meant she was not prepared for it. Because it was coming when she least expected it. And therefore, it was blowing her mind to find out that once upon a time dream was coming true, and Max did not have a child out there in this world. Okay, he does, but not the one I thought he had she would clarify for herself. As her jaw dropped open and she looked at the last person who should be telling her this life-changing news. “Seriously,” Liz was thinking and saying.

Ava knew that Liz had to be thinking and feeling bamboozled and that of course, I am the last person who should be telling her this, she thought. But of course, proper etiquette be damned because she was the one telling Liz, because no one else will. “I know what you want to say?”

No, you don’t, Liz would think but would not, as she was absolutely stunned. She could only sputter out something worthy of a reply but found that she could not come up with one, so she spoke in a simple answer that had summed up what she had already been thinking, “No, you don’t” she would mutter to herself because it could not be possibly true. Could it? “Because you, cannot be serious, can you?”

I would love to not be rocking her world, and it had simply come out and well Ava muttered to herself but found her now that it was out there in the universe, she had to continue on. “Unfortunately,” she murmured. “But I am completely serious Liz, because I guess you were not around for that discovery because what I am saying is the truth. Tess is not the biological mother of Max’s child. So, the only child he does have is with you. And that makes you, the only one who has that awesome duty.”

Liz could not really take it in that she now was the mother of Max’s only child to date because her mind simply could not compute any of it, because it was not making any sense to her. It still is not. “But I saw the child return?” she would mutter as she remembered that time that she and Max been so tentative in their reunion after that debacle in Vermont. She had truly believed that she and Max could make it, and that things were starting to turn around and head in the right direction, finally she thought. After so many false starts, she would mutter to herself. But that would end in shambles when Tess would return with said baby and it would throw everything in chaos once more. Our life story she muttered. So, for people to try to tell me that there was no other baby who shares Max’s DNA is too ludicrous because I was here, she muttered to herself. I saw Tess return with a baby. “Ava, I know, there was a child.”

“Oh, there was a child. But Max was not the father,” Ava would mutter because she was also in a state of disbelief still after all this time she thought as she thought of her duplicate, and what Tess had done. That she could come up with such a deception and think that it could win out over the long haul she thought. It could never end well she could not help but think. “But I guess she was dead, and she figured that Max would have no reason not to think the child was not his own.”

Until he did know.

Still, it did not make sense to Liz. “How can any of what you say be the true?” Liz asked. “How could any of, you be sure?” she could not help but ask because seriously, how could Ava of all people know such a thing? Clearly Liz was still in the state of denial that her dream could be something that might have happened, with me so unaware she thought. As she glanced at Ava, and was thinking, this has to be some rabbit hole she thought that I fell into she thought. “How can you know?”

“I know,” Ava smiled. “Because sure to you, I would be the last person in this world to know such a thing, but in this case when I came back to town. My twin sister left a big shadow,” she murmured and almost stopped for a minute because Liz knew they had been speaking in code. Of the role that Ava was pretending to be, because they were something so unique than twins they would think, we are the same person, just different copies, and life skills Ava would think. But because of the place they were, and you could not be sure who was listening in, right, so you had to be speaking in code, right?

Because it was too ludicrous to be true.

“There was a baby,” Liz murmured armament that her memory was not faulty. So, she did not care if she was repeating the same thing over and over. Because it had been something she had seen with her own two eyes. She knew it was not some mind warp or dream, and the baby had been real, too real she thought. I touched him for a split second, she thought. Of the time before Max had made the hand over. “So, how can you tell me Max was not his father, when I know Tess had a baby, and when we saw the child?”

“Oh, yes, you are right about that, there was a child” came a new voice into the conversation and it was one of surprise and irritation to be interrupting this conversation. Although it did not matter to Liz because it was still a situation, she was having a hard time grasping because it was too unbelievable come on, Isabel must have Ava pulling a prank on me because I hurt Max so deeply, she would think. Yeah, that is right, Isabel must be pulling something on me she thought. And I deserve it, she thought as she turned to Isabel as a life saver, because she will tell me the truth, right? That Ava is pranking me on her orders. So, she turned and faced the person she knew could pull a prank or two, but she cannot lie she thought of the woman who was totally different from her. We are two different people, she thought. But we love the same man. “Isabel,” she would mutter as she spotted the intruder into their conversation. And she was, indeed, Max’s sister.

Yes, Max’s sister. Liz would mutter. She must know the truth, she thought. But will she listen to me, or even talk to me. Liz did not know that to be honest with you. But it would not stop her from speaking her name, “Isabel,” she would repeat once more for emphasis.

“Liz,” Isabel muttered in such a way that almost brought a smile to Liz, because it did make her want to smile because it is totally Isabel to think she is better than me. And in this case, maybe she is better than me. Because after all, she would not have hurt Max like I did. Liz would think. ally Isabel to think she is better than me.[/i]

Overhearing and letting Liz into her brother’s misery was not the thing Isabel wanted to be overhearing as she came over and spotted Ava talking to Liz. Which was trouble as Isabel would often know. Because of course, it is trouble, how can it not be? When you are mixing Tess’s duplicate and the woman her brother had married and who then preceded to take his heart and stomp all over it.

So, yeah, the very last thing Isabel wanted to hear was Ava filling in her former sister-in-law on Tess’s final betrayal. And to see the disbelief on her former sister-in-law’s face. She wanted to be surprised at Liz’s reaction, and part of her was. But she also felt for the first time in a long time a kin ship with her brother’s former wife? But still, the truth of it was a time that showed how her brother had been conned and how it had fallen upon her brother one more time to absorb life’s cruelty. Because even if he had not been physically raising the child. To find out the child is not even biologically related to you stung she muttered to herself. And then having to let the memory of the child go. And to know at the same time that out there in the world was his only child he would now have, because she had been taken by her mother who had taken her and left him behind was almost too much.

Tess really did con us, Isabel would think. We should have seen it coming. But we did not because Max had not even questioned it at the time as she irritably responded to her former sister-in-law. “Yeah, there was a baby in the beginning…” as it still stung her to know what had happened and she was not really wanting to deal with Liz about it, just yet. So, she turned her attention to the other women in their ranks. “What, you actually told her?” she would accuse Ava, who only nodded.

“At least someone did,” Liz would mutter with shock and dismay. Because still she was inclined to not believe it, but I deserve to know she would think to herself as she saw the look of dismay on Isabel’s face as she was glaring at Ava, who obviously could care less. Still for Liz, to have been here in Roswell at the time and to know there had been a baby. How could it be true but is it? she murmured as she was starting to believe. Still, how could the baby be anyone other than Max’s because she knew Tess’s whole purpose was to live up to a deal that we would only learn about, in the end, when it was too late to do anything different than feel the consequences. So, Max has to be the father of that baby, right


Still Liz felt she needed confirmation, so she turned to Isabel once more. “Is Ava right, was Max not the father of Tess’s baby?”

Isabel was annoyed. Because what could she say. Because what could Isabel legitimately say any of this, but she had to say something and the bitch in her, and the one who had never been that close to Liz in the first place started to come out, so what am I going to say?

Huh, Isabel. What are you going to say to the woman who hurt your brother, yet had a vested interest in the knowing the truth? Still, Isabel did not feel that charitable to giving up any of the information Liz clearly needed to hear so she looked for a diversion, and she glanced over at the dance floor as everyone was having a good time and improbably Maria had lured Michael back onto the dance floor. And it was a fast song. And it seems like her friend was having a good time. Which is what Isabel wanted for her friend. Now about my brother, she would murmur as she saw her brother keenly observing everyone and everything and yet not coming their way.

Isabel sighed. Liz knew Isabel well and she knew the blond was not going to be forthcoming if given the chance. So, she decided to prod. “Isabel?”

“What?” Isabel asked with an irritating mutter as Ava could only smirk and as a result Isabel could only groan.

“And therefore, Liz knew to go in for the kill, metaphorically she “Isabel, tell me what I want to know. Can’t you see that I have a right to know. Yes, I hurt your brother and I know it,” she sighed because she knew she had to speak the truth, if she was going to get somewhere with Isabel. Because she knew her former sister-in-law had a right to hate her for what she had done, because if our positions were reversed? “But know that I wish I could have done so much differently but I am positive that on the other hand, that I did the only thing I could have, and I am sure your brother would back me up?”

Nice one Liz.

“You did not even give him a chance to tell you to go?” Isabel would only mutter. “So, why should I feel the need to enlighten you with the truth?”

“I loved your brother,” Liz said softly, a little too softly but the two women were able to hear her words. But of course, Liz also knew it was not the past tense, in which she talked about her love for Max. Because she knew she still did love him today. Because that love had not diminished at all, no matter how much I wish that it could.

“Sure, you did” Isabel would mutter.

“I did Isabel, and in many ways, I still do” Liz said with a sigh. “I am not trying to hurt your brother today, tomorrow or any day. I want things to be different. And maybe that is why I came back to Roswell so that I can make up for what I did in the past. I wish it could have been easier, but it was. But I am here today, and I want to find some way to make sure everything is the way it should be.”

“You do not regret what you did?” Isabel demanded with an equal sigh. “So, how can you make up for what you did when you do not regret what you did to my brother?”

“I can at least try,” Liz sighed as she looked across Cow Patties and saw Max looking at her, like he had so many times back in the day. Why does he make me feel like this she murmured as she felt the cascading emotions rock through her in a whisper as Ava was observing and Isabel ignoring the situation and of course Isabel now saw the glances between her brother and his former wife, and she could only sigh because she wished her brother could move on from this torture?

Why does he do this to himself, Isabel wanted to know.

Because it was obviously torture that seemed endless at this point. Why can they not quit each other? was the prevailing wisdom. And even Max and Liz would wonder that too at some point given what they had done to each other, on both sides of their relationship. We should be bigger than this, and better…

Why cannot we stop this insanity they would think together.

But love was not logical, and it did not always make sense. So, Isabel saw the searing glances her brother was sending Liz and could only sigh as even Liz could not bear it anymore. Therefore, she needed to end this. She needed a diversion from those glances that were making her like putty. “Please, Isabel, tell me, I need to know. Because it might not make things better at this point because there is so much water under the bridge, and there is so much baggage piled up on the shore. But I was here back then, and I had to deal with it. So, please tell me, was Max the father of Tess’s father?

What could Isabel say to that?

Nothing except to admit the obvious truth. And so, she finally found herself caving to the pressure. “Fine,” she would only mutter. “No, the baby we saw was not Max’s,” she sighed, and Liz felt faint and if she had not already been sitting down than she might have fainted. “I cannot believe it,” she let out in a strangled moan.

Of course, neither could Isabel. And of the three, maybe only Ava could believe it because it was her duplicate who had been the one to deceive everyone. Tess had to know it they would think. Even though she had not known Tess but certainly her duplicate’s reputation lived on after death, and it was hard to live down and so all she heard over the years seem on brand for the mischievous blonde. Because Ava came from a different crowd. While the Roswell gang had been blindsided. Ava could have imagined Lonnie or Rath doing the same thing. Because to them, nothing was off limits.

Anything was possible.

You have to do anything to survive
, Ava muttered. We had a different code. So, why did Tess end up in Roswell and Ava in New York was something no one knew except to say there was probably a rebel in every family. Someone who loved to be the outlier.

And often was the outlier.

At the same time, Isabel knew there were caveats to her admission, and she was not so fast to share them even though she knew she should not have given the impression she had to her former sister-in-law. As a spectator to the conversation, even Ava knew the very caveats and could only shake her head at Isabel cavalier approach to filling Liz in. While at the same time, Liz felt like she was on another planet. Because almost instantly, both her head and stomach stormed, and she was gasping for some fresh air. As her head was spinning. Because so much was now different, wasn’t it? She felt like she was going to throw up. And she was not even drunk because she had been barely drinking of anything with substance or quantity in a good while, but she felt dizzy and therefore, before Isabel was able to finish what she was going to say….

Liz bolted.

So, it was too late. And it only left Ava and Isabel looking at each other and the now red head glared at the blonde. “You did not tell her everything,” came Ava at Isabel.

She bolted before I could she said in her defense, as she could only sigh because she knew she had neglected to tell Liz everything. So, she knew she had left her former sister-in-law with a different impression than what was reality. While at the exact same time. Across the club, Max saw his sister saying something to his former wife. Which seemed to make Liz sick to her stomach, and as a result she had run off. Shaking his head, “Geez thanks Isabel,” he would mutter and instead of dealing with his sister and seeing what she might have said. Max raced after his former wife to give her support, even though it made very little sense to do so because of their tremendous baggage. Why am I doing this? he was asking himself as he ran after his ex-wife. It’s ex for a reason Max, why are you doing this to yourself. Should you not have already learned your lesson after the motel he muttered.

Nope, as he called out, “Liz…”

While in the club, Isabel and even Michael and Maria, who were still on the dance floor and thankfully oblivious to the escalating drama, could only watch it all transpire.

As if Maria knew what her husband might do. She stepped in and stopped her Space boy from making a scene. She took his arm tenderly. “Leave it alone Space boy,” she said with an edge to her warning. “Max can deal with it himself,” she warned. Although Michael doubted it, but she did not do anything about it, instead choosing his wife, and staying where he was.

Thankfully, as Maria only dragged him on the dance floor as a song was staring…


Max was a person who had numerous times over his unique courtship with his wife had found Liz running when the heat got too hot. So, he thought nothing, and it was almost instinct now to rush after the woman who had held his heart, despite that knowledge and the fact that he constantly had to deal himself the ability to withstand the pain that came from the only woman he could love and especially since that last time had almost done him. Which told him that I should be bigger this this he thought. She does this to me all the damn time he would think as he rushed out in the night’s air. Despite not talking to his former wife all night. So, he could have ignored it all, and let her walk away, which is her tradition he would mutter. After all, she’s so good at it he thought. But he knew it was something that his sister had said to her that got her running and therefore, he felt bad and needed to follow.

“Liz,” he called even though he was telling himself to go back inside. Max, you should leave her alone, he wanted to tell himself as he pursued the woman who had always felt it easy to walk away from.

After all, it had started when he was barely sixteen and when it had gotten too much for her, admittedly he would agree that it was probably warranted at the time, even though selfishly he had wanted her to stay and fight for him and show that the commanders of another planet did not make their decisions for them on this planet, and in this world. Really, Max would ask himself. I am supposed to be a different person on this planet, he would ask himself. Even if the mere thought of other planets, and other versions is slightly crazy. Only slighty he would ask himself. It was not only slight, but it’s damn bizarre but he knew it was no sci-fi drama but his real life.

Therefore, it was all too real.

And because of one very human young woman who is human, despite those pesky changes he thought but because of that young woman who had age fifteen had allowed him to achieve a dream and let him love her, and it had given him a chance to be a whole human in so many ways. And because all of his dreams had resolved about one girl who was now in this night’s air, which was getting colder by the minute but looking just as beautiful as she had at fifteen. But now brought a whole different essence too as an adult woman, as she had a gorgeous sense to her, and she looked lost and was looking out in the darkness, with no fixed target in mind, yet seemed so far away despite being so close to him now, finally, he thought after years of not knowing where she was except to know it was not anywhere close to me, he thought. “Liz,” he would now whisper as he stood captivated still after all this time.

Something that had begun in third grade when he had gotten a chance to look at her.

On that playground…

Liz did not want Max to have followed her out into the night sky. Because the last thing she wanted was to deal with as she battled all she now knew, even if she sensed that she did not know the whole store, what else would be new, she thought. She would mutter to herself, but she did not have any way to say it because she felt queasy because of so much that could have been different if only she had known everything, but she also knew it probably would not have changed anything because in the end,I married and I still found a way to walk away from him, and it had nothing to do with the baby. Although so much could have been different if only certain things had been slightly skewed differently. The baby is not why I hurt Max so deeply and took OUR baby girl, she would think. As she faced, the man she walked away from, and had no idea why he still drew her in.

“Max, please go back because I am fine,” she would only say. When she could have said so much more.

“If my sister said anything to you than I am sorry?” Max murmured. Because he knew his sister was wonderful and mother, but she could be a lot to deal with on a good say. Sometimes I don’t even want to deal with her, and that went for anyone in this world. We love her, but she can be insensitive even if when she is trying to be helpful, but he also did not know what his sister may have said.

“Isabel was not the issue,” Liz would mutter. “I know how to deal with your sister,” she sighed. “Isabel was only letting me know something I should have known a long time ago, and even if it might not have made a difference.”

“What are you talking about?” Max asked, because this time, he did not know what his sister might have told his former wife.

“I know, Max” Liz would mutter.

“You know, what?” Max asked. Obviously, still in the dark. What does she think she knows? he would mutter to himself.

“I know about the baby, Max” Liz sighed.

“God,” Max as he wanted to ask, what baby? but he instantly of what baby his former wife was speaking of as he bristled at the flashes that flooded himself as it brought back the deep deep regret because he had been such a fool. Why did I not know, why could I not question it. But still, he did not know what his former wife might know. So, all he came up with was “Oh,” he would think, and Liz could only incredulously look at her one-time husband.

“Oh, is that all you can say?”

“What else can I say,” Max would think. “It is a sentiment that captures so much,” he would find a way to mutter. “I don’t know what my sister might have told you?”

Liz could only shake her head because he did not even know she would mutter and guess. “You do not know…”

“I think we have established how little I do know,” Max sighed. And that is right on target he would think. There has been so much I have not known “That time was hard for me, obviously,” he would think. I don’t like to remember that time. “What do you think you know?”

“Max, Tess’s baby was not yours,” Liz would mutter as she watched as Max flinched by her words, as if he had not been expecting this to be what Isabel had told her and now that she had brought up into the open, she could not help but need answers from the source. “Was your sister telling me the truth, and the baby was not yours?”

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 29 - 08/04/2023

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:28 pm
by totallizfan
Well the plot thickens once again.

These people really need to have that sit down and clear the air. angst...angst...angst

Family Matters - Chapter 30 - 08/06/2023

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:50 am
by Parker1947
“Well,” Max thought as he was forced back in time and thought of the dagger that Tess had successfully plunged into him despite being dead. A final betrayal he thought. But then I did not question it so is it not on me? he thought as he looked at his onetime bride. “That would be a loaded question,” he thought as he thought of what he could say at that time in his life. It was way too loaded and way too complicated.

“Well, what?” Liz would ask. “Is it true?” even though she now suspected it was… “Can it be?” she whispered.

“In a way,” Max would think because his mind was plagued with flashes, and it made him edgy because he hated to know he was constantly a fool. What does it say about me, that I am constantly being played by the woman in my life he thought? Therefore, it was a time that was hard, really hard to talk about because of what I lost even if I did not necessarily want the circumstances around the child he thought. Still, I believed he was my baby. As he tried to ignore the pain that radiated through him because he did not want to talk about it, and especially not with the woman who had taken his daughter from him, my only child he would think now. “I don’t want to talk about that.”

Well, that is too bad, because I want to talk about it, Liz would think. Sorry Max, she murmured to herself. “I want to know.”

“Why?” Max asked. “Why is it so important to know that Tess fooled me in a way that I only thought was possible for you?” he stormed at Liz because thinking of his life and the betrayal by Tess only inflamed that he had been such a fool to believe those who told him they loved him, and it was really only one woman who mattered.

Who was the unkindest knife in me he thought as he looked at the yes, the only woman who mattered?

“That is not fair Max,” Liz murmured softly as she also felt deeply wounded by his words even if she also knew that it was fair, because I have made it fair game, she murmured to herself as she glanced at the only man she had ever truly loved. It has only been Max.

No one else.

But Max was not about to be graceful about it. “Is it not? he would ask because the pain was intense. “You left me and took Claudia from me. You took my heart with you. So, yes, Tess did scam me. But don’t think that it was all a lie because she at one time was really pregnant with my kid. But she lost it in her original travels,” he would murmur. It does not take me off the hook for sleeping with her and getting her pregnant he thought All because you would push me away, he would think, Because, yes, you pushed me away he wanted to say. Why, he did not say it, he did not know as the wounds were reopened from that time with both Liz and Tess, and how they both hurt me deeply he thought but it was only Liz who really had the capacity to ruin me, but Tess gave it a good try he thought. “How could she not have lost the baby, given…” he muttered of the flashes of that damn space pod he thought. To think she could leave this planet and stay pregnant he thought. “We believed her, hook, line and sinker” he would mutter. “So, yeah, she was pregnant by me,” he would admit. “But she lost it and no, that kid that would show up, was not mine.”

“How,” Liz also softly as she felt slapped because of the venom in Max’s words, he is still hurt she thought. I hurt him deeply, she murmured. Sex was not going to be the magic to heal all that fell apart she thought. As she tried to figure out a way to ask that seemed so unfathomable “I am sorry,” she tried.

“Don’t okay,” Max murmured. “You can say you are sorry all you want but we both know you think you did right, and I still lost all these years with my daughter,” he muttered. “So, any of those feelings are a little too hollow for me to hear, and for you to express.”

You still would have lost this time Liz wanted to say but she did not know how to say it after finding out he had lost both of his children. “I don’t get it,” she would whisper.

“You shouldn’t,” Max muttered. “Because I did not get it either,” he said. “But after the adoption, and after everything went south with you and me, I came back to Roswell.”

Obviously, he left unsaid.

Liz nodded, because she knew they did not need a reminder that she had been the one who pushed that on Max, once again she thought, so she chose to stay quiet and let her former husband talk, and she only nodded.

“Anyways, while after everything between you and me. The baby in question came down with some illness,” Max muttered. “One of those mysterious illnesses” he sighed, and Liz winced because of so much unknown about the other lives of Max, anything could come up and surprise us she thought. Thankfully Claudia had been so healthy, she thought. No issues on that front thankfully she thought. Or, I might have to let Max in on where we were a long time ago, she murmured. That would have been something she thought.

Max could tell Liz had gone silent. He did not really know why he was telling his former wife all this, because after all, she was my former wife he thought. We are in the past he thought despite his unreal pull towards the woman of his dreams, but I have gotten hurt too many times he was telling himself.

“Max,” Liz murmured.

“Yeah,” Max muttered right back.

“I want to know; I am trying to be here for you” Liz sighed.

“Sure, you are” Max muttered a little sarcastically. “Why are you here now wanting to know and be all supportive. Where were you eighteen years ago?” he muttered, and Liz flinched. “Is it not too late?” he would ask.


“I said, don’t” Max muttered as he felt the anger float through him, and the pain of the betrayal but it was really only the disappointment coming from Liz that was getting him. “It’s a part of my past that I don’t like remembering because it tells me that I got had one more time by someone I thought would not lie to be about something that big. I know that is a stretch when we are talking about Tess, because she was all about lying to us, from the very beginning but still, she came back with a baby, so I assume of course he was mine. Who would not. Because after all, she did show up at my house, and put on that show to indicate they needed me and hoisted the baby at me before collapsing.”

“But he was not yours?” Liz sighed. “Whose was he?”

“I don’t know honestly,” Max muttered. “We never took those tests to determine paternity, all I know is his adoptive parents came to me requesting medical testing, and of course I obliged, even though I did not know what I would be opening up by submitting to the testing, and even Isabel offered to submit to the testing also, even though we strictly don’t know where I our human ancestors come from and if we are truly siblings, but it did not matter because after I did the testing, it came back that I could was not related to the child at all” he muttered. “The testing was conclusive…”

“Oh my god,” Liz sighed.

“Yeah,” Max nodded. “But I do know she was pregnant back in the beginning because I connected with the baby, but I would assume because of you know the transfer of Tess to another solar system and planet or whatever you can call it, she lost the baby, and the baby that she brought back was not mine,” he allowed. “She probably thought she could snow us, because we would not ask too many questions when she showed up, given at the same time, she had done what she had done,” he would mutter. And she was right about that, because I did not question any of it.

Liz nodded, as she thought of the unspoken event that had changed everything for them, the military base she thought of and left it unspoken, that explosion. It changed everything she thought of the fact they could not speak of it, out loud she thought.

What a life.

“I am sorry Max,” Liz said softly.

“For what?” Max murmured.

“I know you wanted the baby,” Liz said even though it hurt her to have to say those words. But she knew so much of senior year was defined by a baby he was thinking he was having with Tess, or assumed had been born, and it had changed everything for them all.

“That is foolish,” Max muttered as he was still feeling angry, and deceived and every feeling associated with the past was bubbling up and making it hard for him to concentrate because he had never wanted to be this angry at Liz, and most of the time, I am not he thought. So, why am I now? “Whatever makes you think that” he asked. “Because I didn’t want the baby. I wanted you. But yes, I believed the baby was mine for about a minute but because of who I am, that meant something to me I suppose, and I was not going to walk away from it. So, I acted the role that was expected of me, but at the end of the day, the baby was not with you, so I gave him up to keep you, and you in the end still walked away from me, so I don’t want anything…”

“Wait, Max,” Liz murmured. “God is that not unfair” Liz murmured as she knew a lot of her actions were her fault because of the fact that it all started with her. Everything started that day in the Crashdown, and then when she changed everything by following Future Max. It is on me, but I did not ask him to give the baby up she thought and said as much. “I did not ask you to give up the baby. You made that decision all on your own,” she murmured. “That is all on you,” she murmured of that time.

I stayed out of it, she thought. I was just there because it was expected of me and because I loved Max, but Max is the one who made the decision.

“Would you have wanted me, if I kept him?” Max asked as it was something they never had discussed, not then, or during that short time they were married he thought. Why, because it was over, he thought. “Well…”

Liz did not know, because she always had known that giving up the baby had saved them. Because she did not know how they could have been together if he had kept the baby, but that was then, and this is now. And she had no answer.

“I thought so,” Max said because he knew she was not going to stick around he thought. She would have gone to Northwestern or somewhere else... “And at the end of the day, it does not matter because he’s not mine, and it would have been worse if I had kept him only to find out I was wrong, and he was not mine, and I don’t know what it would have meant if that were to have happened. So, I almost glad it happened the way it did.”

“What did it all mean for the baby?” Liz asked.

“He survived whatever infection he was battling, and he’s living with his adoptive family out East. They moved back after his sickness healed itself, so I guess I am officially his father on paper, although I really don’t remember if I am, as if it matters. Because I am not legally or biologically related to the boy and maybe he will come and look me up one day because of who his biological mother is, but it does seem as if Tess was telling the truth, about one thing. The baby was human,” he murmured with a smirk at the surprise on Liz’s face. “I know, that is a shocker is it not. She was a liar on so much. But she was actually honest about something,” he murmured. “Therefore, he might have questions one day, but he is unlikely to have any of our quirks” he murmured.” he would mutter as he was now feeling cold, and he wanted out of here. “I am tired of this,” he said. “I am going to go inside and say good night to my sister and Michael, and then shut down this night.”

“Max, wait” Liz sighed.

“Wait, what?” Max murmured.

“I am sorry for everything,” Liz said softly. “I wish so much could be different. This is not what I wanted…”

“Well, it is what it is,” Max said as he was tired from all the emotions this night had stirred. “This is your hometown, you have a right to be here, I am not going to say you should go, I would never do that but at least tonight, I have had enough. I can’t handle it. Because this is what we always do to each other. The disappointment that I know will be coming if we mess with things any more than we did in the motel. That was a mistake. And it does matter if I was the father of Tess’s baby or not. That is the past. And this is now, and I am not going to open up my heart knowing it can be broken all over again. Too much is on the line, and I already have enough on my plate because of my father, and I don’t need it with you either…” and he walked away.

From Liz.

And headed inside and Liz did not know what to do with what she was feeling.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 30 - 08/06/2023

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:37 am
by totallizfan
What a mess.
No sit down...maybe a cooling off period would help.

Family Matters - Chapter 31 -08/08/2023

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:52 am
by Parker1947

Max was full of emotion. It was all too much. He could not deal with it anymore. He had put too much on display. All these years, and all he had lost out because Liz had not had the faith to explain to him the choice she had been given. She has to know I would not have stood in the way if it meant she and Claudia would be safe. I might want to think of the rosy ending to our story but still, I would have done the right thing in the end. Still, it remained in his brain how she had explained how she wanted out. He did not want to believe it could be good, and things could be different after so much time. As he walked into the bursting at the seams club. The music was playing, and everyone was having a good time. He spotted Isabel laughing at something Michael was saying, which was good. Maria was talking to a friend. Ava was back behind the bar. Nodding when she noticed him. Everyone was moving on. But he was not, because he was stuck.

Stuck in the past.

And not moving on, and it was all because of one woman. He wanted to change. And he was unable to move on, even when he knew he should be. Because how much hurt can you take before you tell yourself no more.

Liz on the other hand felt a lot of emotion herself as she walked back into the club behind Max and saw him stop and watch his sister along with Michael and Maria.

Maria noticed the look on Liz’s face. “Oh boy,” she muttered quietly. She did not know what had gone on outside, but something must have happened. And she did not know if she wanted the broach that, when she was more at ease with Michael and gotten him off his anger bent for the moment, it helped that Liz was not in Cow Patties for the last little while but still it was something but now Liz was back.

And Max is trying to not notice her…

Something had to happen outside she thought but Maria had no desire to figure out what is going on, as across the club.

Max wanted to go home. He needed to go home. But then home meant his father and he did not want to deal with that after the powder keg that was anything to do with his ex-wife, “Isabel,” he said as he found his sister.

“What is going on?” Isabel asked as she saw how tense her brother was, and she knew that was not good. “

“I think I am heading home,” Max murmured. “You stay and have a good time,” he asked when his sister was going to offer to take go with him. “You are having a good time, and it’s time Michael and Maria feel like they are settling back here in Roswell without having to deal with my issues.”

“You are not a bother Max,” Isabel sighed. “Are you sure you want to go home, and deal with Dad?” she asked because she sensed that her brother was worked up and the last thing he should be doing was going home and dealing with their father.

“He’s there, so I might as well deal with him because I am going to have to…” Max muttered even though he was not that thrilled about it but it’s one of those facts of life and he better get used to dealing with his father, because they did have to get used to the new state of play in the relationship, at least I know now and I am already too wound up about Liz so it will be a relief almost not to deal with her anymore.

“If you are sure that you want to?” Isabel sighed as she glanced over at Michael whose eyes went up but because he was still with his wife, he did not know what was going on.

“I will be fine Isabel,” Max promised. “You can call me when you get home, or text me because I will probably be passed out or something.”

“That doesn’t instill me with a lot of confidence,” Isabel murmured.

“Is, I will be fine” Max sighed as he turned just as he spotted Liz who was watching him, great he thought. I am going to go pass her…

Just as the music turned soft, and a classic from Whitney Houston started to play…

Didn't We Almost Have It All
Song by Whitney Houston

Remember when we held on in the rain
The night we almost lost it
Once again we can take the night into tomorrow
Living on feelings
Touching you I feel it all again

Oh great, Max thought. And so did Liz as she heard the song play through the sound system. She wished she had just gone back to the motel. She did not know what was going on at home with her son who should be finished with his movie by now, and her daughter was still out there. Unhappy about Liz, and Liz knew she had to deal with it, and she did not need this song stirring things up.
Didn't we almost have it all

When love was all we had worth giving?
The ride with you was worth the fall my friend
Loving you makes life worth living
Didn't we almost have it all
The night we held on till the morning
You know you'll never love that way again
Didn't we almost have it all

Shit Max thought. As he stared at Liz. And Liz stared at Max. Isabel did not know what to do. Maria neither as she and Michael spotted and it was everything, she could do to keep Michael from making a scene before the impasse ended, and Liz took the initiative and walked up to Max.

“Max,” Liz asked as the music still played behind them. “Do you want to dance?” she asked when she knew she should not be doing this. In fact, she should have left and gone back to the motel and deal with the children and the responsibilities she had instead of staying here and falling into old patterns.

“I don’t think we should,” Max said. “In fact, that is the last thing we should be doing,” he muttered. I cannot deal with this as he got ready to pass his ex-wife and go home and deal with getting on with the future.

“Max, please” she said as she dragged Max onto the dance floor. Surprising everyone with her initiative.

As the music continued to go… and they found themselves lost in the music.

The way you used to touch me felt so fine
We kept our hearts together down the line
A moment in the soul can last forever
Comfort and keep us
Help me bring the feeling back again
Didn't we almost have it all
When love was all we had worth giving?
The ride with you was worth the fall my friend
Loving you makes life worth living
Didn't we almost have it all
The night we held on till the morning
You know you'll never love that way again
Didn't we almost have it all
Didn't we have the best of times
When love was young and new?
Couldn't we reach inside and find
The world of me and you?
We'll never lose it again
'Cause once you know what love is
You never let it end
Didn't we almost have it all
When love was all we had worth giving?
The ride with you was worth the fall my friend
Loving you makes life worth living
Didn't we almost have it all
The night we held on till the morning
You know you'll never love that way again
Didn't we almost have it all

It was like a calling card for Max and Liz, as they were living in the past… We cannot keep doing this to ourselves he thought, and she thought the same thing but neither wanted to move from each other’s arms. Even though they knew they should, we have too right. Even though for a short time it was so right for us, and we keep wishing it could work out.

“Max,” Liz murmured. “I am sorry.”

“Don’t,” Max muttered. “No words,” was all he could say as he tried to turn off common sense because it was telling him to leave this encounter and go home, even if it meant dealing with his father, that has to be better, right?

“I wish so much could be different,” Liz murmured. So much could have been different, she thought. But I made the decision to leave Max and take Claudia.

Claudia Liz thought. I have to go home and deal with her, she thought, but that seemed like a chore to leave this club and deal with reality.

As the music ended but another song started playing almost automatically…

When a Man Loves a Woman, by Michael Bolton

When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
He'd trade the world
For the good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it
She can do no wrong
And turn his back on his best friend
If he puts her down
When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
And trying to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts
And sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way, it ought to be
When a man loves a woman
I give you everything I've got
Trying to hold on to your precious love
And baby baby please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman
Deep down in his soul
She can bring him such misery
If she is playing him for a fool
He's the last one to know
Loving eyes can never see
Yes when a man loves a woman
I know exactly how he feels

Hearing the song played was like a wake up that Max needed, and he flinched out of the arms of his beloved. The woman who had hurt him. When a Man loves a woman is right, he thought. It is a fricking disaster he thought because she leaves you as he stepped back and finally walked away…

'Cause baby, baby
When a man loves a woman
When a man loves a woman
When a man loves a woman
When a man, when a man
When a man loves a woman

Liz could only watch Max walk away as Isabel ran after her brother and knew he could not be alone. Michael only shook his head but did not voice his disapproval at Liz for once and walked past her and followed his two best friends. While Maria only shook her head as she walked towards her best friend. “What do you think you are doing?”

“I have no idea,” Liz murmured. “I really do not know Maria.”

Now Maria wished it could work out for her friend and Max, but she also knew there was so much baggage there that new scars were quite capable of springing up with every touch. “You are making things worse you know. Can’t you see that he was trying to move on. You left him and told him to move on and now you are back and rubbing in it in his face that you are here, when you left him and changed everything with what you did.”

“I know.” Liz nodded, all that does make sense she thought but it’s Max she muttered to herself, and out loud and Maria sighed. “But I heard the music and I needed to see him. I felt compelled, I don’t know what I was doing but it’s all coming to me that I know I have made things worse,” she muttered. “You did want me to talk to him?”

Talk but not make everything murky Maria sighed because she knew how complicated it was for her friend and her former husband. And therefore, she did put up a fight about what her friend was doing and the mess she was making in her life. “So, what are you going to do about it?

“I have no idea,” Liz sighed as she had no idea what was going to come next.

No one does.


Not even the next generation knew that their parent’s generation could bring the drama in much more of a dramatic fashion than their kids. Claudia was missing it all because she had walked out of the apartment and away from Archie because she did not want to deal with him. Why cannot he want sex and leave it at that, isn’t that why he came to town she muttered to herself. Should he not be some ordinary teenage boy. Making it complicated by wanting to know about my life makes everything worse, she muttered. Much worse because she knew she had not dealt with what it all meant. A text popped up on her screen, and she saw that JJ was finished with his moving and was at Tripp’s father’s house waiting for their mother to show up, but Mom is no show and cannot be reached.

Perfect Claudia thought. But she had no energy to deal with that, as she sent her mother, “Will you please go get my brother will you she said with some resentment in her voice. Why does it have to me who deals with it all. You were supposed to be turning a new leaf to be more on call with JJ and it is not always up to me to go collect him. I am the teenager not the parent she wrote.

Yeah, the parent child roles certainly were a little skewed and Claudia knew it. She had been on the beck and call unlike most of her friends and classmates which is why the last five months had been good to be with her grandparents, even though I was with my grandparents she murmured. I did not have to be the backup parent because Mom was working too much.

Mind you the last year had needed a lot out of her mother, Claudia thought. Mom could not say no when they needed her to work extra time.

Which is why Mom got burnt out and I eventually ended up in Arizona. And that is why Claudia had wanted to come back here because she was confident that her mother was turning her life around to be home more for JJ, and me although I am eighteen and it’s too late for me, she thought. Claudia thought she would get more from her mother, finally.

But she did not expect to get what she was getting so far in her stay. She had thought it would be different.

She did not know how she thought it should be. Because they were in a unique territory. So, she sat on a bench in the park and looked out and thought of the freedom she had, sometimes I wish Mom could have been an ordinary mother and I would have more structure.

But did she? She did not know that either, “Claudia” came a voice.

A voice she only recently had become acquainted with, Have I only been in town a few days she thought Because so much had changed.

Tripp. “Hey,” she muttered. “You are out late?”

“Mom is busy, and Dad is not watching me like a hawk” Tripp said with a laugh as he had been walking and doing nothing special as he saw the girls’ home, to their individual homes. Who am I kidding, he does not care what I am doing except I show up home at night, and there in the morning and he does not have to deal with me because I am with Mom and Doug?

The value of being in a broken home.

Claudia would not know what it was like except to know she was from a broken home. But she had no memories of her parents together, or how her mother and father were together except for a few small glimpses these past few days. I am eighteen, this should not be the first time I have seen my parents together, she murmured.

And it was all muddled and tangled up with so much crap, and it was starting to affect her. I saw them looking at each other like they were the only ones, but they were able to end it so easily. “Are you okay?” Tripp asked.

“Sure, why would I not be?” Claudia murmured. “Seriously, I am fine” she muttered when she saw the frown on Tripp. “I am only taking in the fresh air,” she said even though it was remarkably colder than when she first set out from the apartment, pissed at Archie, and at the world. Why can’t I have a more conventional life.

“Did you get my note?” Tripp asked.

“What note?” Claudia murmured, completely in the dark. As she tried to forget her thoughts and concentrate on the newcomer in her midst.

“The one I left under your door?” Tripp mentioned. “I would have given it to you personally, but I saw that you had company visiting you,” he said of Archie without even knowing his name. “It was nothing important…” or earthshattering he thought. Just a little note.

“Oh,” Claudia murmured. “I was around the apartment most of the day. But I did not see the note,” she sighed. “I did not really look…”

Tripp nodded. Of course, she wouldn’t. What did I expect, she has someone with her? “So, you have a friend visiting?” he asked, forgetting the response he had seen the day before from Claudia herself. Because he was trying to ignore it all together. He made it a rule to not want someone who was taken, and even though his cousin Lucy had warned him that Claudia was taken. Well, I did not believe her, and Claudia is so new after all.

“Yes, I do” Claudia murmured. Why am I not with him she muttered to herself “My boyfriend, Archie?”

“Oh,” Tripp muttered. “You have a boyfriend?”

“Yes, I do” Claudia nodded as she sighed when she thought of Archie. And how good and simple it was in the beginning. Now it is getting complicated. And I don’t do complicated because so much of my life is that, and I want one area in my life that is easy. “For the last two years, but for the last year we have been separated in different states. Because of youknowwhat, and therefore school became very vague for him. Because he’s in university, and he has more bills to pay than I do, and I am only trying to finish high school. And because they had shut down his school, he went to Colorado to find work, wherever they were hiring, which was very few places at the time. So, we have not been able to spend much time together. Until now.”

“Until now,” Tripp nodded, as he was trying to be a friend. Although he did not know what he would consider himself to be with Claudia. We do not know each other, he thought. Our parents know each other, and that is all.

“Yeah,” Claudia nodded. “He kind of surprised me by showing up. I did not expect it.”

“Then why are you not with him?” Tripp muttered, even though he did not necessarily want her to be with him. But still it was odd that they were not together when he had come to spend time with her, and to surprise her. One day he wanted to be able to get out of this town. He still had a year left of high school. Who knows what the future will hold when I finish?

Everything is so murky as of now.

“If I knew, I would tell you” Claudia muttered. “He was getting too personal…”

“Whoa, what?” Tripp asked. Unsure of what she meant.

“Invasive about wanting to know about my life,” Claudia sighed. That is all I really meant. “I really did not want to talk about it. We lived our relationship by a very only need to know she thought. I only told him what I believed he should know she thought. And now Archie was bucking that she thought and wants to know about what makes me tick.

“Claudia?” Tripp asked as he sensed that his friend had zoned out. “Are you okay?”

“Sure, why would I not be,” Claudia murmured. “I am fine. Archie wanted to know more about my life, and I did not want to tell him or open up. I just want us to concentrate on us, and now, and not think about the past or my family” she thought. “I already have had enough of that,” she thought. “It did not help that my long-lost father decided to show up and found Archie at the apartment and attempted to act like a father to me when he never wanted that role these last eighteen years.”

“I thought it was your mother who left?” Tripp asked. “Admittedly I don’t know much, but I thought it was your mother who left with you?”

“Yeah, it was Mom” Claudia acknowledged. “But Dad let me go without a fight. And without fighting for my mother. They apparently are each other’s great love. No one else compares, and yet they find it so easy to end their relationship without a fight. They just up and leave, and I am collateral damage.”

Whoa, someone with significant parental issues Tripp thought. It makes mine seem pretty tame as he thought of how his parents had tried to be decent to each other and had established a pretty strong co-parenting relationship despite how quickly their marriage broke up, and even when his father was going from marriage to marriage. He had issues with how his father viewed marriage, but he knew they were trying, and there for him at the end of whatever day it was, that counts a lot.

I guess not everyone has that luck he thought. Thank you, Mom and Dad, he thought of how lucky he was that Kyle and Sue Ann tried to think about their son than the alternative.

“Sorry,” Claudia murmured. “I went on a little self-pity rant there,” she said as she got up from the bench. “I am fine, really I am.”

“Sure, you are” Tripp murmured. Because he knew they both thought that Tripp was questioning, and Claudia wanted to laugh because I am so not fine, she thought But I am who I am, and it was all becoming a bit much.

“Truthfully, I am not sure how I am” Claudia managed. “But I am trying,” she said as she checked her watch and whistled at the time. “I better head home before Archie calls in my parents, and that is the last thing I want to happen although I am not sure that he wants my mother to know he’s here in town,” she said with a smirk. So, that that will be the last resort kind of thing.

Tripp laughed.

“I better go,” Claudia sighed. “If I find that note you left me, I’ll let you know.”

“It was not anything big,” Tripp murmured.

“But the thought counts, right?” Claudia asked. “Which it does, so thank you, and good night, Tripp” she said softly as she walked away, and headed back home. And Tripp watched her walk away, and wondered if anyone was looking out for her, because it seemed like Claudia had a lot under the smiles, and she might crack one of these days.

Checking his watch, he yelped. “Mom’ s going to have my head,” he thought as he headed home himself. “Because I better get home before she and Doug do,” he thought as he was rushing off because it was…

Pretty ordinary stuff….

Except they were in an extraordinary time, and town.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 31 - 08/08/2023

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:50 pm
by totallizfan
The groups... (adults & children)... don't seem very happy.

Family Matters - Chapter 32 - 08/10/2023

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:40 am
by Parker1947
The Crashdown,

Like Claudia feared. Archie was close to doing the unthinkable and calling in reinforcements to try to find his girlfriend. He was an outsider so he did not know this town and he had doubts that his girlfriend knew it much better because she has only been here a few days he thought and therefore he had no frame to think of where she might have gone, and the longer she stayed out, the more concerned he was becoming and therefore, he was almost thinking of calling in Claudia’s mother, which is not what I want to do because she’s not going to be happy to know I am playing house with her daughter. And if he did, and Liz reacted better still than if Claudia knew, he knew it would not go over well, and that is the last thing I want he thought. But you have to make these calls, right? he thought as if he was not in a strange apartment in a strange town, and his girlfriend was missing.

Maybe not missing, but she had walked out and could be anywhere. And he should be doing something about it, but he did not know what to do. And therefore, as he checked the clock, and saw that it was even later, he was almost at the phone when he noticed a piece of paper on the floor, and he went to pick it up. It was near the door but got pushed near the table, and therefore he picked it up and read it.

Claudia. This is not anything big, but I did not know your phone number. I could find out, but I figure this could count. If you want to talk, I am here. I know a bit about what is going on with your family.

James Valenti III aka Tripp

“What is this?” Archie muttered as he looked down at the note. Nothing big sure but it was enough to concern Archie he thought. “Who is this guy?” he thought as the idea to call in the calvary which was Claudia’s parents was lost, and he concentrated on the piece of paper. And did not hear the door open.

“Archie,” came a voice.

Only one person, okay, now two people knew he was here, and therefore it could only be one person, as he looked up and saw that it was his missing in action girlfriend. “What are you doing?” Claudia asked as she threw down the keys on the key toss and looked at her boyfriend who was staring down at a piece of paper. “What is going on?”

“Should I not be asking you that?” Archie asked as he forgot the piece of paper for a minute and looked at Archie. “I was beginning to wonder where you were, and why are you just coming back now.”

“I needed some fresh air,” was all Claudia managed to say.

“Where were you?” Archie asked.

“Do I have to report my movements to you?” Claudia asked as irritation fueled her, and Archie only shook his head, because he was not in the mood for one of her moods. Maybe I should head back to Aspen he thought.

“I was worried, that is all” Archie sighed.

“I am fine,” Claudia sighed. “I was in the park, and I ended up talking to a friend that is all. So, you do not have to worry about me because I am fine.”

“You have only been in this town a few days; how do you have any friends?” Archie muttered.

“I have friends, Lucy, and I am getting to know this town and apparently I have family I do not know” Claudia sighed. So, I am not so anonymous in this town she thought, even though I have not begun to understand my connections to this place. “This is my home now, so I have to get used to it.”

“Do you want it to be your home?” Archie asked.

That is the question, is it not? Did Claudia want this to be her home or not? She still did not know, but she had to figure that out one of these days. And therefore, she was not going to answer his question and he knew it, “I just needed some fresh air, and there is nothing to worry about…” she sighed. “Look about before…”

“I am not trying to invade your personal space or your private life,” Archie murmured. “I know it’s not average, our relationship. It has always been slightly unique,” he said with a smile, and it even got one from Claudia. “That is why I liked you because you are not like any other woman, and I definitely see them all the time back in Colorado, but you have always captivated me and that I why I wanted to come and visit. After all, I could not really visit you when you were with your grandparents?”

Not on this earth Claudia smirked. That would not have gone off well with Grandpa or for that matter Grandma. Except she knew Jeff Parker had taken a protective streak over his only granddaughter and was almost as protective as she had read in her mother’s journal that he was with her, although I did not almost go to prison, she thought of her mother’s daredevil days with my father she thought. Grandpa did not want the sins of the parents to fall on her.

But now I am eighteen and Grandpa does not have a say over my life, she thought. Still, I came back here when I could have gone to Aspen, she thought. There are plenty of openings there because of the tourist scene still trying to recover from the past year.

“No, you could not,” Claudia conceded. “The Grandparents would not have approved, because you would not have been able to stay with us, and Granddad would not like if I disappeared to a motel, so you were good to stay away.”

“And that is why waited and wanted to visit” Archie said with a smile. “I don’t want to get in the middle of anything. I know it has to be confusing for you because you are having to live with your mother again, and neither of you have the easiest of relationships?”

“No, we don’t” Claudia agreed.

“I was just surprised to find out that your father was here, and he was in the picture when you made it seem like he wasn’t,” Archie murmured.

“As I said, he was not in the picture. He was not actually expecting us to show up, and it is all one landmine after another,” Claudia conceded. “Mom was always evasive about her past here in Roswell, and I mean I was not even born here. I was born on the road in California, near the Mexico border,” she murmured. “Because Mom and Dad had to get out of this place, but they could not stay together.”

“Why did they have to leave here?” Archie asked.

“Long story,” Claudia allowed. “And I am not up on everything, but still, I don’t know what I am getting into by being here, and my dear old Dad is trying, and I give him credit. But then he did let my mother leave with me and did not try to look for us. But then I find out something about my mother, and it’s rattling me so you deciding to come, well, it’s nice and the release is what I need, but it came also at the worse time because it’s messing with my mind, and I love you, but I need space.”

That is being clear he thought. “Do you want me to go?” Archie asked.

“No, don’t” Claudia sighed because she knew the impression she had given. “It just might mean I might need some space, and fresh air every once while, and I might want to talk to some friends because and who knows what might happen when Mom finds out you are here, then you might want to go back yourself because it’s a lot.”

“I want to be here,” Archie said with a smile. “Okay, until I am discovered by your mother” he said with a smirk. Because he knew that Elizabeth Parker was not going to be happy to know he was here in the apartment with her daughter, and what we might be doing here with the parent, away. It was always one parent, and now it might be more he thought of the discovery that Claudia’s father was in the picture.

He is still her father, whether it exists in the biological realm for now. And there is no relationship or not.

Claudia nodded.

“About these friends?” Archie asked.

“Archie, not now” Claudia murmured.

“Can I ask, would someone named Tripp be one of them?” Archie asked.

What do you know? Claudia muttered to herself as she looked at the change on Archie’s face, one of jealousy she thought. Didn’t we just establish that I love him, and I want him here, so why is he getting jealous? of some other guy? “Archie?”

“I am only curious,” Archie asked. “I saw this note swept over by the desk,” he said as she handed the piece of paper to his girlfriend, and I saw it, and picked it up and I could not help but read it, and I am only curious, as I said.”

“It’s nothing, Tripp is nothing,” Claudia murmured as she took the paper from her boyfriend and read it and smiled, and Archie ’s brows went up at the smile. “You do not need to be jealous Archie because Tripp is only someone who has been kind to me since I have been in town, and that is because his father knows my mother.”

“How old is he?” Archie asked.

“I don’t know,” Claudia said honestly. “Seriously, it’s nothing. We bumped into each other at the park, and he mentioned he had dropped something off here, and asked if I had seen it and I had not, and he saw it was not important, and it is the last thing for you to be jealous,” Claudia said softly as she looked down at the note, and all she was looking at it, was a friendly gesture, there is nothing more than that… “We are friends, and that is all there is to it.”

“Really?” Archie asked.

“Honest,” Claudia murmured. “Why would it be anything more?” she asked. “I have you, don’t I?” she smiled. “I know I am a lot, and this is more than you are bargaining for, but I am not looking for any backups, or new choices, okay?” she murmured she said as she approached Archie, who she could tell was a little resistant. “I am not looking at Tripp as anything more than as a potential friend, which I need if I am going to last in this town. And before you ask once more, I don’t know if I am sticking. Because I am here for the moment because JJ needs me, and this is a lot for my mother to bite off, and I don’t know if she really sees all that is coming up, even though we also don’t get along most of time. But I guess, being 18 now, I am no longer a kid and I have to figure this out, and I have to be an adult sometime, right?”

“Right,” Archie smiled.

“And plus, Mom dated Tripp’s father back when they were in high school and so the last place, I am going is to try anything with my mother’s ex-boyfriend’s son.” Sorry Tripp…

“They did?”

“Yes,” Claudia murmured. “I swiped Mom’s journal, and I found a whole bunch about that time,” she muttered. And so much I did not need to know.

“Why did they break up?” Archie asked.

“Essentially it was because of my father,” Claudia murmured. “He showed up on the scene, and it was game over for Mom and Tripp’s father, Kyle” she muttered as she looked at the apartment and knew they were above the place her parents had met or connected for the first time she thought and the last thing she wanted to do was thinking of her parents. “I am tired of all this. You don’t have to worry about anyone else. I am committed to you, and I want us to be together, and I hope you stay as long as you want.”

Archie knew when it was good to move onto a new target, we can always come back to this discussion because even though it had only been Claudia and her mother, he did know her baggage about her childhood and her lack of a father had always gotten her down, and he did not want her to feel overwhelmed. “I only want to be here for you.”

“Thank you,” Claudia murmured.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Archie asked as she watched as Claudia put down her purse and took off her jacket after putting the note on the table.

“I think I have some ideas on that front,” Claudia said with a smile that got Archie ’s blood boiling. “Do you want to join me?” she asked as she led him back into her bedroom.

And took advantage of her bedroom in all the ways her mother was never able to do with her father when she was her age, as the door slammed shut.


Across town,

“You play a mean game,” Kyle was saying to his companion for the night. Which had gone on longer than he had certainly intended. They had gotten back not too long ago after scoring pizza on the way back, a little late but we were both hungry after the double feature, and there was no sign of either Claudia or her mother and therefore they needed something to eat, after two longish movies. As they had come back to his house since he lived alone and with Tripp at his mother’s, because since we live in the same town. Our custody agreement is pretty liberal, he thought. Tripp comes and goes, especially now that he’s a teenager, and almost out of the house.

He still has a year to go.

And Kyle did not know what his life would like once his son was out of the house and in university, Tripp is undecided on what he wants which is why I have him working at the company Kyle thought because he had built his company up from the ground, because I was not going to be a cop or a mechanic and I found myself in a different trade, but the last year had been a tough one he thought.

Tripp being my son was one employee I could afford to keep on regularly when the jobs are very far between, he thought. As he looked down at his companion. JJ Parker, he thought. An addition to his former girlfriend’s life that had been surprising.

But then a lot of Liz’s life has been one of surprises, ever since that day in 1999. And the addition of JJ is no different Kyle thought as he saw the young boy who had tried sleeping on the couch but did not last, and so they found them in a video game contest, and he was finding he was a little rusty with JJ thoroughly whipping it’s been a few years Kyle thought since Tripp wanted to play with me.

He has friends now to play with he thought, except for the past year he thought because he knew how isolating it had been for his son, which is why putting him to work at the company has helped him he thought. “You know your games?” he said as a comment on the boy’s command, I guess kids today are much better at them than I was at their age.

“Played too many times this past year,” JJ muttered. “I could not do much else,” he thought of how rough the past year had been.

“Yeah, I bet it had to be pretty bad for you” Kyle asked. So small and life stopped, he thought. Tripp managed but it definitely has been hard he thought. “You are still pretty young?” he thought. At least Tripp and even Kyla had more command to be able to deal with it, as teenagers he thought.

It was still weird for Kyle to think of Kyla as one of his kids. Unofficially if not legally he thought.

“That I am,” JJ muttered. “Mom was busy you know with work because they needed her at the hospital all the time,” he muttered. Mom always made time for me, except for much of the last year, and now, things are spiraling he thought, “And Claudia had her own problems, but she was there for me, until she was not, when she went to live with Grandma and Grandpa, and she is quite a bit older than me” he muttered of the bizarre fact of like that his sister was a little more than eight years older to him. She is sometimes more of a parent than a sister. “So, yeah, dealing with videogames was a diversion I liked more than doing my schooling on-line.”

Kyle nodded.

“Thanks for the movie,” JJ said. “It was fun.”

“I am glad that it gave you something to do,” Kyle said. “My own son was busy so he might have joined us,” he said unaware that Tripp had been at the movies.

JJ nodded as found themselves into another round of the game they were playing when there was a knock on his door, “Maybe it’s Claudia?”

“Maybe it’s your mother?” Kyle answered. A pure guess on my part since I have not heard from her, he thought.

“Maybe,” JJ acting like he was giving it some thought. “Although she’s pretty distracted these days” JJ murmured. “I thought she could not have been much more with her old job, but I guess I was wrong, because coming to Roswell has been one distraction after another,” he muttered. “This place was supposed to be the solution,” he muttered in his 10-year-old away.

Kyle could only smile and laugh a little because he knew why his former girlfriend was so distracted, and at 10. JJ could not possibly know how right he was, or just how complicated it was for his mother.

As he did go to the door, and thankfully I was right he thought as he opened it and saw that it was Liz.

“Hello Kyle,” Liz said with a smile as she saw her son standing behind her former boyfriend. “I came for my son; I assume he’s still here?” she smiled even though yes; she did see him.

“Oh, he’s here” Kyle said with a smile as he turned and saw JJ was right in their view sight. “Come in,” he suggested. “We got plenty of pizza on the way back from the movie as we were hungry, and you might need something after whatever you were doing.”

“Thank you,” Liz murmured as he entered Kyle’s house. I was supposed to be having fun, but all I had was a lot of confusion. “I do appreciate that you stepped up for me,” she murmured. “I thought the night would have been over before now, but I guess not.”

“At least you are here now.”

“That I am,” Liz agreed as she took her son in for a hug, and it was a reminder that yes, she has a different life than the one she once had Max. What she had encountered at Cow Patties was about the past, JJ is the now, and the future.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 32 - 08/10/2023

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:40 am
by totallizfan
Not sure what to think. So many different stories going on within the story.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 32 - 08/10/2023

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:10 pm
by Superman86
totallizfan wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:40 am Not sure what to think. So many different stories going on within the story.
I second that... and I Hope Max and Liz can work through things, peacefully

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 33 - 08/12/2023

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:25 am
by Parker1947
Max walked away from me, Liz thought as she thought back to the night she had experienced and remembered that it was Max who had walked out on her and left her behind. I am so used to it being the reversed she thought as she also remembered back to the motel and wondered if life was now different.

Of course, it is she would mutter. We are in a different decade, and too old to be acting like teenagers she was telling herself and she knew she had earned the reprimand by her best friend. They have been here she thought. Okay, maybe not. But they have been more present Liz would think. They have earned the right to be upset on Max’s behalf, and to be protective. She also knew Maria was straddling the lines, because she wants to support me, but I did muddle the situation with my actions there at the end she thought.

Going inside, and after the heated but necessary trip down memory line. She felt the urge, especially as the music was playing, and she wanted to be in his arms again. But I was not thinking about him, she thought. Only me.

And what I wanted, and desired.

Which is as usual Liz thought, Although I am certain what I did was the right thing, she was insisting. I was protecting Max and Claudia with what I did, she thought. So, I am fine with taking in the anger from both my ex-husband and my daughter she thought although I wish they would understand a little as she looked at the face of her son there is so much he does not know Liz was thinking as she wanted the boy still as innocent as possible, and not feel how cruel the world was because he was already getting that in spades with how his life has changed in the past twelve months or so, and therefore she that she had to concentrate on the now, and not the past. Although it was hard not too… “I was trying to have a drink with friends, but it became much more than that” she muttered. “So, I appreciate that you stepped up,” she thought as she remembered coming out of the club once more and taking in the cold of the night’s sky and checking her phone finally, after neglecting all night long, only to find a very pointedly written text from the daughter who she had expected to pick too much of the slack.

The last year has been pretty bad, she thought of her work schedule. And she had felt guilty for missing her daughter when she was in Arizona because of the free okay mostly free childcare her daughter had given this past year as both kids had to deal with schooling. But while Claudia managed to deal with the restriction isolation of it, JJ had a harder time.

Which is why I did come back to town,
she asked. And why I picked changing my life so dramatically she thought.

We need the small-town life.

And now she was having second and even third and fourth thoughts about that decision but because of this little boy in her life, I have to take ownership of my decisions she thought.

All of them.

“Liz,” Kyle said as he spotted his former girlfriend zoned out. What else is new he said with a smile. “It really is not a problem,” he said as he saw that he was successful in getting her back to reality. “I didn’t have anything to do tonight, and with JJ doing his own thing and Sue Ann having the responsibility of keeping him in line,” he with a smile.

“Is your son really that much of a player?” Liz asked with a smile because thinking of Kyle’s life got her out of thinking of her problems, yes, it is Tripp she thought as she had been trying to remember the teenager’s name, because she knew that she had not been that close to Kyle over the years and therefore she knew he had moved on many times and had a child, still I didn’t know him.

“Nah,” Kyle said. “Sue Ann and I are lucky on that front. Tripp is not exactly like me,” he said softly. “I was much more of a player back in the day,” he said with a smile. “Not that it got me anywhere,” he said of the major dry spell he encountered at times.

Especially after the alien invasion he thought of all the chaos that had brought to his life once Max had saved his life.

“It got you a little,” Liz said with a smile because while she had moved, still she did think of that time with Kyle fondly because those months were easy, she thought compared to what came next, she reminded herself. Kyle definitely had a chip on his shoulder she thought. It mostly came from a relationship with his father that had hit some rough times.

I can relate now Liz thought of her own relationship with her daughter.

But it was all because of different factors she reminded herself because Jim believed in aliens, even before he found how right he was Liz told herself. And Kyle felt his father pulling away from him.

Only time would bring them both into an escalating drama that had a lot of bizarre roads, Liz thought.

It was all so different than those months that we were together, Liz thought. We found ourselves in a different life.

“I know,” Kyle said with a smile, and it brought Liz back to reality. Because he had also been thinking of how that time was unique, and he wanted Liz and me to be something more than what we were, but we are definitely better friends he thought. “Tripp is a good boy, mostly” he said with a smile. “The last year has been rough on him,” he sighed. “In terms of finding his rightful place in this world?”

That is the same for all of us, Liz thought. “I know that certainly,” she sighed. “Which is why I did come back to this town, to start over,” she thought. “Hopefully it’s a town that lets me start over.”

“We want you here,” Kyle said with a smile.

“I am not sure Michael or Max want me here,” Liz said with a smile. “I definitely know Isabel does not want me here.”

“Well, it’s your home,” Kyle said with a smile. Max definitely wants you here he thought. He just is filled with a lot of emotion right now. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t have a right to be here,” he said. “Because certainly, I am glad you and the kids came back to town,” he said as they walked into the kitchen. “Do you want to try the pizza?” he said. “One of Pizza Pan’s specialties.”

“Thanks, I am a little famished,” Liz murmured.

“All that alcohol?” Kyle said with a smile.

“I actually was better than I thought it would be,” Drinking would have made the night easier to get through she thought. “It was 80’s night, and so the music was a welcome diversion, but I found myself in the middle of a lot I did not think I would find,” she murmured as she took a piece of the pizza and sat down at the table as JJ had stayed out in the living room and went back to his game to give the adults some time to talk. “I suppose you know?”

‘What do I know?” Kyle asked.

Cow Patties new owner,” Liz asked. And so much more…

Oh, that Kyle thought “So, you met the new owner,” Kyle murmured. “Ava….”

“I certainly did not know she was back,” Liz asked.

“Oh, she’s back alright,” Kyle muttered as he thought of the bombshell that owned Cow Patties. “I try to stay away when I know she’s working because of the wrong kind of memories,” he sighed. “You know what I mean?” he said. And it did not help that dad spent much of senior there as a country and western singer he thought. That made the end of high school a rough ride he would mutter to himself.

A country singing Sherriff he thought, Dad is much saner now that he’s back at a job that is his passion. “She’s definitely not trying to be Tess,” Liz asked as she interrupted his thoughts, and he sighed as he came back to reality.

“She’s not Tess, that is the one thing we all know for sure. But it’s hard for her because of the shadow she’s following in Tess, and because you know the circumstances,” Kyle sighed. I cannot believe we are talking about someone’s duplicate, he thought. How can any of this be possible? “Ava and I are okay, and we have had dinner a few times, and she looks totally different,” he murmured. “But I hate remembering that time…” he said, for so many reasons he thought. Tess took all of us for a ride, he thought.

As it still did not sit well with what he had done, when I was not even conscious to it.

“So, do I” Liz muttered, even though she did not know what he had to be thinking. Although she did know he had a lot of moments back then… “Thankfully, she looks so different than when she was last in town?”

“I did not know her back then because I had not fully come into the fraternity, yet” Kyle said with a sigh and Liz nodded. “So, we don’t have the same issues, but it definitely is hard given what Tess ultimately did before she was vanquished.” he thought, we were all fooled by her he thought. Not just Max.

I should have known who I was dealing with he thought. She was capable of so much that the others could only dream of because of her experience of being raised by Nascedo. He taught her so much.

And we paid for it in the end. Kyle muttered knowing full well how lucky he was that he had not seen a cell because of his actions, totally unwillingly he thought I knew something was up on my birthday, with how bad I took losing Alex, and we were not even that close.

Only in those last weeks.

“I know,” Liz sighed. And I know it more than most…

“Sorry,” Kyle muttered. “It was not just me who was affected by Tess” he allowed as he picked up another piece of pizza, even though it was cold, but was not finding himself hungry as he picked the onions off the slice. “We all were, but you and Max…”

“I know,” Liz nodded as she took her own slice. As she did not know what to expect, I came back to Roswell, did I not? she thought. I had to have expected that things would be different. It could not stay like 2002.

And it was not like 2002 was all that peaceful either…

“You saw him did you not?” Kyle asked.

“Yes, I did” Liz sighed. “And it made me go all seesaw again. I thought I had managed to deal with it, all these years you know. Because I walked away. Broke his heart. I know it. I hate it. And I wish that I had not done it, but I could not have lived with myself if I chose our marriage and then the unthinkable happened to him, Michael and Isabel and especially our daughter. Max wants to believe we could have made it work because we made everything else work, but I know the realities of it.”

Kyle nodded and knew the appropriate word for the challenges that Liz and Max had to face and the fact they had gotten through them, was just barely he thought. I was fine with my low-key existence in the group, he thought. Of course, I did not know if I would start crackling or anything like Liz did, but still by no stretch of the imagination was I in the danger zone. Kyle thought.

I would never want to be Liz, he thought. Or Max.

“You are zoning out there,” Liz asked with a smile.

“Which has been your specialty?” Kyle asked softly. “Although I don’t blame you. Because I stayed in this town, once I came home. Because I had no other place to be, and when things went south with Sue Ann. My son was here because Sue Ann had made a life here, and I needed to be there for my son. But you have been gone for so long and your parents are not even here anymore?” he thought. Because it was still strange for him to walk past or even go into the building now that his former girlfriend was back and know Jeff would not be joining them. Jeff and Nancy had been mainstays for so long…

Now over twenty years later, they were gone.

But their daughter was back.

“Are you saying I should have come back when they were still here?” Liz asked. When it would have mattered, she thought.

“No, of course, I know why you stayed away” Kyle murmured. “Although I am sure your parents would have loved to have seen you?”

“No, you don’t,” Liz muttered. “You know the easy stuff,” she said of all those days, weeks, months and years she had to endure because I walked away, she thought. “I could have come back, and maybe I should of once everything died down, about 10 years ago,” she said softly. “But by that time, it’s hard to come back again…” she said, “to take that step knowing what I left back here. Even though I hurt my daughter by keeping her away.”

“Was any of it easy?” Kyle asked as he felt for his former girlfriend. “When Claudia is older, she will understand it more.”

Will she? Liz did not know. “It was a complicated situation and I stayed away,” Liz said. “But now, I find so much is different, and even factors that I knew are no longer the truth,” she said softly.

“What do you mean?” Kyle asked.

“I know about Ava, but do you know about Tess?” Liz asked. “I was given that information also tonight, and it was a gut-wrenching moment, I tell you”, she said. It does not change anything, but just knowing makes so much different, and if only we had known back then, she thought. Who am I kidding, as I have said, the baby was not why I got grabbed by the Special Unit and took the deal to end my marriage?

“So, you know?” Kyle asked.

“Yes,” Liz murmured. “That alien really did a number on us did she not?”

“More than you will ever know,” Kyle muttered.

“She’s played all of us,” Liz muttered. It is unbelievable that we could have been fooled so dramatically.

“So, you know that the baby that showed up senior year was not Max’s son?” Kyle asked.

Liz nodded. As she was still unsure of how she was supposed to be reacting to that news. Once upon a time she would have been celebrating, and parading down main street with glee, okay that might be stretching it a bit but still, I would have been celebrating it.

No matter how much it would have hurt Max to know he had been fooled one time too many. Because she remembered how relieved she had been when he had put the baby up for adoption. Of course, that sense of relief was short-lived.

And ended up being our ruin…. Despite a short blissful hiatus.

“That bombshell shook everything up,” Kyle muttered as he remembered back to that time, it was after my first divorce he thought when things came out about the baby. And how Max DNA did not show up as a father. “All our assumptions of junior and senior year. Even as we probably should have figured something was fishy when she indicated the baby was human.”

“Well, the DNA…” she muttered but she did not care to think of how it could have been a logical answer in that two alien hybrids could have a human child, even if you include their human DNA to the equation she thought. It did not make a lot of sense.

But it did too at the same time, especially for the scientist in her.

But it was a way for Tess to show she was sacrificing herself for her son.

Being a martyr they both thought, only for the group to be taken down they both thought although Kyle had not needed to go. That decision was all me, he thought, because I really did not have anything going for me.

College was not an option once Dad lost his job and took his time getting it back, and I was never that good for a scholarship, he thought. Not that it was really an option.

And I hated my job Kyle thought. That really had no progression, nor did I want there to be progression once my boss rejected the idea of partnership. “I know, I know,” he was saying. “But it hurt Max deeply to know, you know.”

Liz nodded.

“It must be a relief to know that the baby was not Max’s?” Kyle asked.

“It would have done more good back in the day to know, even though we all know, it would probably not make a difference in what I ultimately did,” Liz would mutter. “But Tess’s actions, with coming back with the baby directly took us out of town, and therefore, it ultimately ended Max and me because if the government were coming after us for what Tess did, and if she had not come back, then the might not found us, and you…”

Kyle nodded as they could hear the television switch to a channel, and therefore they knew JJ was watching something on television. It was a reminder that Liz needed to collect her son and head back to the motel.

“Thank you again for this talk, and the pizza” Liz murmured.

“You are welcome,” Kyle said with a smile. “I am just grateful you are back, and we don’t have to communicate in email or the odd phone call,” he said softly. “I wish things had been able to better for you back then…”

“I have had a good life you know,” Liz said. “Claudia might dispute it, and the last year might have been too much, but I managed to make something of myself. I don’t regret anything really, okay, maybe I regret a lot of it,” she clarified. “But I would not change it, because at least I know I was doing something to help things. Because I know that Max needed to be back here, and Isabel and Michael needed to be alive. And as I have said before, although I am not sure if it was to you, but I did not want to have to be with Max, even it allowed Claudia to be with her father, if we lost Michael or Isabel and I could have prevented it.”

I would not have wanted that on my conscious.

“Max would have wanted you and Claudia,” Kyle muttered. “Regardless.”

Liz knew this. “But he needed Michael and Isabel, especially if trouble had come calling and there was always that possibility” Liz sighed. “To the level that we had seen during high school. And plus, it was already a big deal that he could be separated from his sister and Michael with all of us going our own ways, but if trouble did come?” she murmured. “I don’t think Claudia, or I would have been a worthy substitute. Ultimately, things have been so tame because I took the deal,” she said. “Leaving Max was the better result than having them swoop them up, because of the pain and torment that they would have inflicted on them. So, I did what I did, even if I wished I could have done something different, and stayed with Max.”

Kyle sighed, and kind of knew from his own experience that it had to be a no-win situation, and one that he was glad he had not been forced to make it himself.

“I know, I am sounding like a broken record” Liz sighed. I feel like one.

Maybe a bit Kyle thought but did not say it, but something was coming to his mind, and he did not know what to say.

“So, it does not really matter if Max was not the father,” Liz said softly. Because I want it to matter, but it does not matter she thought. “If she was still pregnant with his baby in the beginning. Because Max is confident that the baby was his, and that she lost it.”

“Yeah, maybe” Kyle said softly, and did not know if he meant to say it. And how can we really dispute it? but there was so much more that he knew he knew but the others did not, not even Isabel he thought. He could talk to Isabel about everything, but really it was almost everything because there was so much, he had not spilled.

Only Liz knew a little. But she does not know so much more, and how can I spill it and know I kept it a secret all these years?

“Kyle?” Liz asked as she was just about to leave, and head back to motel and get back to moving on with life, and accept the past was over, and it was the present that she was living in and start to own, and deal with her children, both of them she thought. I have let Claudia have too much leeway.

Although she knew it was hard to clamp down hard on an eighteen-year-old who was sowing her oats, or wanted to and did not want Mom getting in her way. And especially not a mother who had greatly disappointed her and kept her father away from her over the duration of her life. So, Liz had to get home and move on.

And still from the way Kyle was looking. She just knew something was up. Be a friend here Liz, she thought. He has been helping you.

And Kyle had been a giant help, thank god someone wants me here she thought. “Are you okay?” she asked of her one-time former boyfriend. “You have been a godsent to me, and I would love to be able to help you.”

“It’s nothing,” Kyle said. There is so much I have been keeping a secret.

“Is it Isabel?” Liz asked with a smile. Because she knew that Kyle had been smitten by Max’s sister since they were in high school, when Isabel was already spoken for, and nothing happened on the road she thought because Isabel was keeping onto hope for a little while there that she could make up with Jesse once everything blew over, she thought and when they did, Isabel like Michael and Maria, moved on quickly. With her landing in Boston but Liz left her former sister-in-law there with what she knew intimately of the situation.

Although, I knew they would not work out and would divorce and Isabel would come back to Roswell and become a mother and marry again.

Liz did not even know the deal that would be struck by Isabel that would lead to the creation of Mikyla.

She has been out of the loop Kyle thought. The secret is a badly kept one, but certain people did not know.

And Liz was one of them.

“Kyle?” Liz asked, once again, “Let me help you.”

“It’s nothing,” Kyle thought. “I appreciate it. It just does nothing good at this moment for you or anyone to know,” he thought. “I will never know one way or another.”

“What do you mean?”

Tripp and Kyla might not be my only children, Kyle thought.

“Come on, tell me” Liz asked. “You could help me forget my problems,” she said.

“It’s just I am not convinced Max was ever the father of Tess’s baby,” Kyle muttered. Or that she ever even lost that baby he muttered. So, the child might have had someone’s DNA pulsing through them.

“What are you talking about?” Liz murmured. What, she murmured. “That absolutely makes no sense, of course he is. Despite my wish that it was all a mind warp that she created to get him away from me, still I am too smart to know that if Max took ownership of the pregnancy, then he believed he was the father.”

“He could have believed it, and Tess certainly would have made him believe it?” Kyle muttered. We are talking about a woman who made the guy think their baby was sick and needed to leave this earth pronto.

“I don’t get it?” Liz asked, as she did not like how this night had been one time warp after another, and she was being forced to comprehend the unimaginable. “Let us say you are right, then if not Max, then who?”

“Me,” Kyle said simply.