Page 7 of 8's neen forever!

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:38 pm
by Elizabeth Evans
(*peeks in*
Wow, this toppie is still going! That is so awesome!
Sorry, just had to say hi to everyone when I stopped by to see if I could find that old rp on here where I played Dawn.
*hugs to all her friends she has missed*)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:04 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: thanks for the invite to join you guys... Rida's a hard act to follow though, so hope this is okay...


Now who's talking about me worrying...? I can't help feeling a little amused as I see the way Max is looking at Kevin who's stood with Aurora. "Honey, you're staring..." I whisper in his ear softly. Not that I don't understand his thinking of though - she's our daughter, and we'll always worry...that's what parents do...

Years ago I complained to my mom and dad about the same thing, and they told me I'd understand one day... They were right, I think I do...

I want her to be happy, of course I do... I want her to have a wonderful life and to do everything she could want... But then there's a feeling that it's all happened too soon...

I watch her with Kevin, and I see Max and I when we were younger... I know that there's something special between them, and I can see how much he cares. It seems like only yesterday that I held her for the first time though, and yet suddenly she's all grown up...she's off to college and leaving home... I guess part of me is scared she doesn't need us anymore...

I reach out, slipping my arms around Max and leaning in towards his chest, smiling softly as I feel his arms close around me similarly, his warm embrace reminding me, not that I needed it, of what a wonderful family I have...

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:22 am
by isabelle
Thanks Kat! Great post. I'll post soon, too.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:33 pm
by isabelle

"Hey Kev! Do you mind helping me out here?" Matthew asks in a loud voice. One of Aurora's cousins. They're all so close it's like they're siblings. They're bound together so closely even when it all seems casual -- even when they're arguing with each other. Matthew is one of the local ones, not one of the cousins from Boston, so I've seen quite a lot of him since I got seriously involved with Aurora. He's probably been suckered into helping his dad with the cooking.

I give him a mock glare, even 'though I was already admitting to myself that I need to be a little less 'glued' to Aurora for at least a little while. I'm sure we'll get some more 'private time' after the party.

"It's a conspiracy, I tell ya,' I murmur to Rory, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "See ya soon."

"What do you need me to do?" I ask Matthew as I walk towards him.


"Honey, you're staring..." Liz whispers into my ear.

Staring? Yeah, I'm sure I was. How can I possibly help it. I want to watch over her while I still can. Soon she'll be out there on her own...

I tear my eyes away and focus instead on my beautiful wife. From the corner of my eyes, I notice that Kevin has actually moved more than three feet away from my Aurora. That makes things a bit easier, too. "Would you mind if I stared at you, instead?" I ask, playfully.


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:39 pm
by KatnotKath

I have a feeling I'm not the only one to have noticed Max staring. Matthews request for Kevin's help is a blatent attempt to separate him from Aurora it seems, and I can't help smiling as I see the look he recieves from Kevin for his attempt. Still, it does work, and a few moments later Kevin leaves Aurora's side, although not without a kiss.

I don't think there's any way to deny what there is between them, it's special, and much as I want to keep her as a child forever, my little girl has obviously grown up into a beautiful young woman...

Max looks down at me, and despite our age, I feel almost like a school girl again as he asks me playfully if I mind if he stares at me instead. It's amazing how he can do that, but when I'm with him, sometimes, it's just like before, all that matters is it's him and he's there, and I love him with all my heart. I laugh softly and bat my eyelashes, playing along with him now. "Oh I think I can put up with that..." I respond softly. "Although maybe a little more than staring would be nice too..." I smile softly, turning so that I'm facing him and rising up onto my tip toes to press my lips against his briefly, smiling again as I pull back. "I never get tired of that you know..."

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:49 pm
by Corina Star

"What do you want me to do?" Kevin asks.

"Flip burgurs and try not to get yourself hurt." I say, refering to uncl Max's death stare.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:22 am
by Liz_Parker
Heeeeeeeeeeey all! I was a part of this, and I'm sorry for not being around, but my comp decided to crash and I had no way of getting it fixed or any access to a comp to do stuff on here again, I'm reeeaaallly sorry! But I have access to a comp now,so if anyone wants me to do anything on here again, just let me know!


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:34 am
by FallenMagic
Hey guys! Looks like this story is still coming along wonderfully! Kat you're doing a great job! And Corina, its great to see more people interested in getting involved in this! :D Post so i can read lol

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:35 pm
by Sugarplum7
I had a thought and went with it.

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Ashley ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

Grace is talking animatedly about something. I’m not particularly sure what it is. I missed it, but the expressions on her face are enough to make up for any confusion I may have. Rory looked to be paying attentive attention to her, but every once in a while I would see her eyes look up to search the crowd. And I would follow her line of sight to see Kevin neglecting whatever it was that Matthew pulled him off to do. He was trying to divert some of Kevin’s attention away from Rory, no doubt, but didn’t look to be all that successful.

I lightly bump into Rory, catching her eye and giving her a look before laughing at her guilty expression. I loop my arm with hers and grin at her. When things first started up between them, everyone had said, “Oh, they’ll grow out of it eventually,” whenever they would see them walk down the halls together. “It won’t last,” I had overheard some girls saying when they saw Kevin place his jacket around her shoulders on a day that became unexpectedly cold. “He’ll get bored,” they continued when she leaned into his protective embrace. I pretended not to notice the way girls would roll their eyes when they heard him calling “Aura” as he rushed across the courtyard so they could walk up to sixth period together. And I tried to stamp down anger when I heard that people were betting on how long their relationship would last.

All those whispers and murmurs from others, and they never seemed to bother her. She had said that they didn’t, that they didn’t mean anything because she knew the people she cared about didn’t think that way. She even asked me to place a bet that they’d last past graduation. I laughed at how casual she was being about it, but the next day, we went over and placed the bet. When Kevin came up to us asking what we were doing, she just smiled up at him and answered, “you know the pool going for when we’re going to break up? We just put some money down that we’d last past graduation.” He had laughed and then they continued to walk down the hall. She leaned her head onto his shoulder as her hand found his, her fingers threading through his easily. And he turned his head to place a soft kiss atop her head. That was the easiest money we ever made.

This cross-country university thing was going to be hard on them. But I knew, if there was anyone that could do it, they could.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:56 am
by Bordersinsanity
I've pruned the thread... you will have to resubscribe to this thread to receive any updates.
