Loves Awakening Revealed (AU, M/L, ADULT) {COMPLETED}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 33 p.8 May 29

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Again thankyou Mia Nora, for the great banner! :D

Hi everybody and welcome to any and all new readers. Come on in and make yourself at home.

I have to say that I’m so thrilled to have all of you as my readers. I’m enjoying writing this story and you all seem to be enjoying this adventure we’re on together. I decided that our couples needed some music to add to their lives. Yes, that’s right you get to find out what kind of music I like to listen to while I write. I give you the song lyrics later on in the story, as best as I can ascertain what they are since I can’t locate any written words for fans to get their hands on. My renderings should be pretty close. Okay, this song is recorded by Shannon Noll. He is the Australian Idol runner up. He’s amazing, in my opinion he should have won. Okay, so I’m biased, as former aspiring singer I like to spot the great new voices out there. This song I’ve chosen to use in my new part is really special and it made me think of Kyle and Mystic as well as our other couples. It just seemed to scream to me that it was Kyle and Mystic’s song. So I hope you will check out the lyrics. Maybe even get inspired to check out Shannon Noll’s music on the web. I know I recommend him highly. How did I find out about Shannon Noll or Nova 96.9 in Sydney Australia. Long story. I have a dear friend there, who has introduced me to many things proudly and uniquely Australian. If anyone wants the links to Shannon Noll’s website or Nova’s pm me. I’ll be happy to spread the word and give you the links. I hope you all enjoy this new part. Take care and have a wonderful weekend and week ahead. Let me know what you think.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! I’m glad you liked the update. You liked the popcorn scene with Kyle, LOL!! Max and Liz sorted demanded one of those scenes. Who am I to tell Max no to anything? LOL!! It did make things interesting with the gang finding Mystic there at Kyle’s that morning didn’t it.

LoveIsForever- Hi! You always make me smile and grin with your great feedback. Wow, so many quotes. It makes me smile to think I’m quotable in my writing. I’ll take all the quotes as a big compliment. It sounds like from your feed back that you’re having as much fun reading this story as I am writing it. I love all my gang. I’m glad that you seem to as well. Thanks for reading and the great feed back as well.

Smac- Kyle is such a guy with obsessing about sex, and feeling envious of Max’s sexual prowess and endurance. Too funny. Liz and Max are very much each others equal in many ways. Given what Kyle knows about the Max and Liz situation, it’s no wonder the poor guy is in awe and wonders about if he can be altered to be like Max. Gees, Kyle! I know you’re an athlete, but really. Ah Michael knocking on Max and Liz’s door at night. We all know and love Michael he just gets so bewildered and flustered with Maria. Girlfriend keeps him on his toes that’s for sure. Well at least if Michael’s going to ask for relationship advice he’s got a great resource in Max. There’s hope for Michael and Maria with them getting relationship advice from Max and Liz. Don’t get me wrong, I love Michael and Maria. They just need to master the give and take thing and the art of communication better. But they are fun aren’t they. Michael, Michael, Michael, you sweet clueless hybrid male. Max and Liz have other more enjoyable means of entertaining each other all night long that’s way better than even the 24 hour Hockey channel. Yes! Michael it’s true something are better than 24 hour hockey… Just picture it…Hmmmm… Opps! I should’ve gone there, sorry.

Majiklmoon- Hi Majik! Wow Majik! Thank you for such high praise. I’m honored by your comments. I really do love all these characters and dearly want to treat them with love and respect I thought they deserved; But, didn’t always get on the show. I love all my gang and Mystic… I never thought I’d be so addicted to writing. Let alone writing a story like this. This is my first attempt at writing, and I think I’m hooked on writing Max and Liz and the gang. Thanks for your words of praise and encouragement. They do mean so very much to me and encourage me to keep on writing this story. I’m thinking of writing either a sequel or just continue on with this one post high school etc… I do need to get caught up on your story, which I will immediately after posting this. Thanks for reading and your incredible feedback. I hope you enjoy this new part as well.

roswellluver- Hi! You are always welcome. Thanks for reading and the feedback. I appreciate hearing from you. This week’s is interesting I hope you like it.

roswellian504- Hi! You are welcome for the last weeks chapter as always. My group does interact well and the great private teleconferencing conversations can make for fun. Michael is great at pushing Maria’s buttons and likewise. It’s just that half the time the poor guys does not realize that he’s doing it. He’s clueless and it’s understandable considering the way he grew up. I’m glad you’re enjoying this story. Thanks so much for reading and your feedback. Its what keeps me going on. Thank you!

Frenchkiss70- Hi girlfriend! Don’t ya just love a good Michael and Maria fight every now and then. I do. LOL!!! They fight really well. They both are such passionate people and sometimes have blind spot as to how the other persons feelings or perceptions. Michael needs lots of coaching by Max. He’s not a lost cause, he just needs to learn a few pointers is all. Now Maria needs to understand who Michael is and adjust her thinking about what she can realistically expect from Michael. I’m not knocking Michael and Maria. I love them both. I’m glad you are enjoying my story and that I made you laugh at the Michael and Maria part. Thanks for reading and the great feedback.

Out of this world- Hey Carol! Thanks. I always thought that there should’ve been much more Max and Liz interaction as close as they were and how deeply they loved each other. Carol hun, no need to apologize. I hope RL is treating you better now. I’m just grateful to have you leave feed back when you can. I’m thrilled that you’re reading my story. I thank you for the compliments and your feedback. I always look forward to reading your comments. P.s. thanks for the amazing photos of our amber eyed Behr. (Nora sighs dreamily) Oh sorry, I drifted off again didn’t I? Sorry, I went to Max/Jason land…It’s just, well you know what I mean…LOL!!! I hope you like this new part. I’ll keep good thoughts for you on RL giving you a brake, okay. Take care.

AKJ001- Hi! I’m glad you liked that part, and thanks for the compliments. You just know our girls aren’t going to miss the opportunity for a plan to help Kyle and Mystic, but we’ll have to see what happens with that. Yes, thank you for your helpful input on whether to go with a sequel or just continue on with this one… I’m still thinking about what to do. This weeks part is interesting and I hope you’ll like it as well. Thanks for your feedback and great comments. Take care.

Cherie- Hi Cherie!! (Nora waves) It’s great to read that you thought last weeks part was great. Thank you! Kyle and Mystic are getting to know each other. They are taking it slow. Yeah well Max and Liz certainly make bath time take on a whole new meaning, don’t they. I’m sure they could put Mr.Bubbles to shame. LOL!! Good lovin’ with Max and Liz, of course. They know any other kind. LOL!!! Michael really needs to be more imaginative about being alone in a cabin with his bonded wife away from Roswell. Michael is a definite sports nut. Maybe next time Maria should stand in front of him wearing nothing but a hockey Jersey or something. I think that would get his attention. Although I would recommend that he keep the hockey stick and puck out of Maria’s reach. He could get hurt if he ticks her off. I love my hybrid guys, Kyle, Alex and don’t want to see any of them hurt or injured. So play nice Maria and Michael, or it’s the penalty box for you two. LOL!! Yes, Max will set Michael straight. Lucky for Maria, Michael has such a great brother who gets the relationship stuff. Michael does need the cliffnotes for that. Poor baby, he does try his best, he’s just sadly uninformed. Be patient with him Maria.

Aussie_Dreamer- Hi Nicki! (Nora Waves) Michael was an ass. But he did realize what he did wrong and decided to let her cool off and go ask for Max’s help. Thank goodness he didn’t wing it. LOL!! Don’t get me wrong I love Michael. Actually I always felt that I related closest to Max and Michael of all the characters in the show. I could understand their perspective easily. Plus, I just love all our Roswell men. Yes, okay so some I even worship and hunt it’s true. I’m a very devoted fan, what can I say. It’s the next best thing to being abducted by my favorite alien king. LOL!! I’m working on that one BTW. LOL!! Hey, I’m a dreamer big time. Yeah the 17 hours time difference does make it a challenge to keep in touch. Actually I have listened to Nova 100.3 before. I like them too. I have to admit Nova 96.9 has a special place in my heart. I love Merrick and Rosso. Those guys are so damn funny. I’ve even talked to them live on the radio. I wish they’d call me back now that I’m more prepared. Yes the writers, JK and power that be left tons of holes in the story line for us to pick thru and fix the things that bug us the most. I know I’ve been enjoying fixing things. Okay, who told the world about my JB obsession? (Nora says with her hands on her hips looking and scanning for familiar guilty faces.) You have an inflatable alien, really? Hmmm. Does he look like Max/Jason? What? who said that? says Nora looking around innocently. Okay Nicki I can see keeping Max under your bed or in your bedroom closet, but in a box in the garage is just plain wrong girlfriend. I can get myself in sooo much trouble here so I’ll just let you imagine the rest of my thoughts here. LOL!!! Keep in touch Nicki and thanks for reading and your feedback. It’s a treat to read. As for going to Australia, believe me I’ve mentioned it quite a few times in the past few months, but I’m no so sure I’d be all that welcomed. Oh well. It’s probably just my own screwed up perceptions. I think it would be awesome to go to Australia, but I don’t know about the others. Nicki I’m turning into such a Aussie lover that I’ve plugged a few Aussie icons in this new part. Do you think I’ll get to be granted an honorary Aussie? No dice, huh. Not those American blondes and especially not the ones of Scandinavian decent. LOL!!! Take care and keep in touch Nicki.

uw51- Hi and welcome aboard. Here’s some info for you. I’m a first time fan fic writer and very devoted fan of Roswell. I post every Saturday and so far I’ve been very faithful to keeping that self imposed deadline knock on wood. I’m a dreamer couple fan all the way. I’m sure you figured that out from reading my story. I just wanted to fix some of the things that bugged me about the Roswell story lines that I felt went in the wrong direction completely. In this story I really reach out to include all the couples. I loved all the couples in the show and wanted for them to be together. I also created two original characters Mystic and Rasmus besides. So I’m here fixing things for my beloved gang. I’m always thrilled to find a new reader is out there reading my story. Thank you for reading it and your feedback. Feel free to leave me feedback I love reading it and I always answer questions or leave comments on the feedback that is left for me. So rest assured I definitely read all feedback and respond accordingly. Come on back and feel free to let me know what you think of it… Again welcome, and thank you for giving my story a try. Take care, Nora.

Now on with part 33.................

Part 33

Last time we left off with this………………………..

Kyle smiles at Max, “Finally I’ve got a moment that makes you and Liz wonder and blush for second. I never thought I’d see that happen. Although, I have to say you and Liz both look exhausted. You don’t mean you and Liz pulled another all niter?” jokes Kyle.

I’ll just plead the fifth on that one,” says Max with a big dopey grin.

“Damn, really? Of course! This is Max and Liz, how could it be any other way,” teases Kyle lifting his arms in exasperation. “Okay where do I sign up for becoming a hybrid?” jokes Kyle. “Damn! Really? All night? Man!” says Kyle shaking his head. Max, you are the king!


“Max, seriously do you think that the scientists and doctors here can…you know hardwire me to be like a hybrid? You know the alien doctors and scientists have been abducting humans and doing experiments on them for many years. I’m just a willing test subject this time around and these aliens aren’t the bad guys that all those Sci Fi shows make aliens out to be. In fact some of my best friends are aliens and are even like family to me,” continues a teasing and hopeful Kyle.

“Kyle, I don’t know if that sort of request is possible, but if you’re serious I could see what I can find out. Why the sudden need to be altered and become like me?” smiles Max.

“Well, the stamina issue would be a big plus. What guy wouldn’t want that ability?”

“Fair enough, Kyle. So what’s with Mystic staying here? You can’t tell me its okay with her father,” states Max.

“Rasmus, Mystic’s father, kicked her out and disowned her last night. He has some very big prejudices against humans, and prefers not to associate with hybrids. I think he’s got like a Hitler complex. If you’re not pure Antarian, you’re a second class citizen. He’s viewed as an elder in this community so people tend to go along with his ideas. Rasmus has always treated Mystic as an outsider her whole life because she’s a hybrid. The Colonists have pretty much followed suit with the exception of a few that are also hybrids. Mystic confided in me last night that her father blames her for her mother’s death when she was born. Rasmus feels that the blending of species weakens the Antarian bloodlines. So needless to say, Mystic’s enthusiasm of meeting me last night and knowing we are to be bonded mates has really put a burr under Rasmus’s saddle, as my dad would say. It makes no difference to Rasmus that I’m part of the Destined 6.1. When Rasmus disowned Mystic last night, she asked if she could stay with me. Of course I told she could,” states Kyle.

“Wow. It sounds like Rasmus and I need to have a little talk . . . So, how are you handling Mystic being here?” ask Max.

“Well, since you asked, Max, this connection thing that you and Liz share . . . can you feel her thoughts and emotions? Because last night I could swear I could feel Mystic’s thoughts in my head. It was definitely a not of this world sort of thing, that’s why I ask? I also have a more personal question to ask you”. Kyle motions for Max to lean closer for him to whisper his question. “Max how did you manage to keep your self in check around Liz before you guys….bonded? I don’t want private details, just the general stuff is plenty info for me. I’m experiencing very strong urges and sensations since meeting Mystic and I need to know what it means and what to do about it,” rambles a concerned Kyle.

“Kyle, take a breath. All this happened last night? Why didn’t you call me and Liz or come over and tell us about any of this?” asks Max.

“Yeah right, like I’d show up at your cabin and interrupt your marathon sex capades. I don’t need that kind of embarrassment, thanks. I know better than to do that. Just how stupid do you think I am to pull something like that? What idiot would do something like show up unannounced at his newlywed friends place late at night to talk?

“In one word…Michael. He and Maria were having a minor relationship crisis. Liz and I managed to help them work things out. It’s safe to say from looking at them now, that Michael and Maria are back on track,” smiles Max looking at Michael and Maria now as they sit on the couch. Michael has his arm around Maria and she’s snuggled up next to him happily.

“Wow that must have been some talk to do that to Michael and Maria. I’m definitely going to come to you and Liz if Mystic and I need any advice. Seeing Michael and Maria like that, I’m sold on your relationship advice,” says Kyle.

“Are you okay with Mystic staying here with you then… You two haven’t …ah bonded yet, right?” asks Max delicately.

“No, Mystic and I didn’t do anything! Of course not, Max. We just met. Yes, I’m drawn to her, but it’s too soon for anything like that. We need time to get to know each other before choosing to bond or not. I’m a normal red blooded American male yes, but I’m not a jerk. I really care about Mystic and I don’t want to mess things up by hurrying things along before either of us is really ready for it,” confides Kyle.

“I’m proud of you Kyle. It’s important to really know the person before making such an important and definite decision. And yes, Liz and I can sense each others thoughts and emotions. Our connection works both ways. As for keeping things in control …that’s definitely harder. You might want to use Michael’s trick. Think of mud,” says Max smiling at him.

“Oh you mean mud… like mud wrestling, Max that doesn’t help me out at all. Max, you never did say what it was you did to control things you know…what I mean. What’s your trick? ” asks Kyle shyly.

“My trick, who says I need a trick to keep things in control. I just do,” says Max.

“So, that’s not a hybrid thing then, hmmm. Well you’re still the king, your crown is safe with me around that’s for sure,” jokes Kyle. Michael takes note of Max being cornered by Kyle and the two of them talking very quietly. Michael decided to see what the huddle up was all about.

“Don’t listen to him Kyle; he just wears his shirts tucked out. Mr. in control here is full of it. Like we haven’t seen Max and Liz get hot and heavy before. You can’t tell me he didn’t have a natural reaction,” smirks a teasing Michael.

“Damn it Michael, I was having fun with Kyle looking at me in complete awe here, and you had to blow it. I’ll remember this bro,” Max warns Michael playfully. Meanwhile, the girls on the other side of the room do their best to make Mystic feel relaxed and welcomed. They are more than curious to know what’s going on with her and Kyle.

“So, Mystic, you look like you must’ve spent the night here. What happened? I mean…what happened for you to come here to Kyle’s cabin. Did something happen at the Colony or with your father?” asks a concerned Liz.

“Mystic, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to. Everyone in this group thinks of each other as family, and we tend to know pretty much everything going on with the others. We really like you Mystic, and we want you to feel comfortable with us. If you ever want someone to talk to, we’re here for you,” smiles Isabel trying to offer understanding, friendship, and acceptance to Mystic.

“I was so happy returning from dinner and meeting all of you, although Father wasn’t. He forbids me to see Kyle again and forbids me from bonding with him. It’s not his place to make that decision. He knows the law and customs among our people for bonding. No one is permitted to interfere in the choosing process. I couldn’t listen to his rage and bitterness toward me and Kyle. I had enough and packed my things and left. Father took this opportunity to tell me I was making a mistake. He disowned me,” says a tearful Mystic. “My father is a bigot and his prejudice towards anyone less than 100% Antarian. He views bonding with non Antarians as wrong; especially for hybrids and humans to bond. He’s not thrilled that any of you are here. I think he feels threatened, his standing in the community questionable now that you all are here. He’s so full of hate. He blames me for my mother dying in childbirth,” explains an emotional Mystic. “I already feel things for Kyle that I’ve never felt for anyone else ever. I can even sense him. I don’t understand what this means. I can’t ask other colonists. They basically treat me like a social out cast,” says Mystic. Liz, Isabel, and Maria note Mystic’s mood begins to lift at the mention of Kyle’s name. The three girls exchange knowing looks and open their connection to each other and telepath their agreement to come up with a plan to help Mystic and Kyle. They also are in agreement that Rasmus is in need of an attitude adjustment.

“Mystic, everything will be all right. We’ve decided you’re part of our family. We’ll do anything we can to help you and Kyle. In this family, we have a saying that we got your back. We watch out for each other and give help when needed,” says Isabel with a warm brilliant smile.

“That includes having a word or two with Rasmus. Maybe if he gets to know us, he’ll rethink his unfair thoughts on hybrids and humans mingling. Like it or not your father will have to work with us to ready the Colonists for our upcoming fight. We all need to work together to make this happen. This will give us the opportunity for him to get to know us”, says Liz reassuringly.

“Look at the guys huddled up in the corner and whispering to Max. I wonder what that’s about?” asks Isabel. Maria is curious, too. “Alex, go find out what the dream team over there is up too. Alex, please Sweetie, for me,” says Isabel batting her eyelashes.

“Princess, you know I can’t betray the guys. That’s a breech of the male code of ethics. You can’t seriously be asking me to rat out my friends, Iz. Please don’t even ask,” states Alex firmly.

“Alex, Sweetie, you sure you won’t do this for me? I mean I might be moved to show you my gratitude in all your favorite ways,” says Isabel smiling at him in a heated stare. Alex stares into her eyes mesmerized by her beauty, love, and desire for him. He coughs and sputters helpless to resist her female powers of persuasion.

“Umm…Yeah, I …I should go check in with the guys,” says Alex moving away from Isabel. Through their connection, she sends him images that keep him motivated. “Hey, that’s no fair Iz, playing dirty like that,” says Alex over his shoulder as he turns to leave to join the guys across the room.

“Hi Alex,” greets Max, Michael, and Kyle. “Iz sent you over here to do some reconnaissance for her, didn’t she?” asks Max. Alex scratches behind his ear nervously and looks at the ground then at the other guys.

“Ah…no. What makes you think that Isabel would do something like that?” asks Alex innocently hoping they’d drop the subject and not ask him anything more about it since he can’t lie well.

“Because Max and I know our sister, that’s why. Isabel feels it’s her mission in life to know everything that we’re up to. I’m right aren’t I? That’s low Alex, she sent you over here to spy and report back to her. What did she use to get you to do it for her?” asks Michael and Max.

“She ah…made a very tempting offer. Let’s just say it’s an offer I couldn’t refuse, because I’m a very healthy normal male, and let’s leave it at that,” says a now blushing Alex as the redness from his face now reaches his ears.

“Oh God, she lured you with the promise of sex. Now that’s low. Gees, I could’ve gone without guessing that part,” says Max.

“Women! They know that’s always a powerful weapon to hold over us guys. And they’re right. Damn good strategy though, got to admire that,” smirks Kyle. “Just so you know . . . now that you’ve told us, you’re in the dog house as far as she’s concerned. I do have one more guest room if you need it Alex,” offers Kyle.

“Thanks Kyle, I was hoping there was a way around this and not betray you guys and not disappointing Iz either. I may need to take you up on that offer of a spare bedroom later. I’ll have to get back to you on that,” says Alex hoping he wouldn’t need to do just that. Max, Michael and Kyle all watch Alex and feel sorry for him.

“Come on, let’s go enjoy those cinnamon rolls I made,” says Michael.

“Alex you’re slipping, you didn’t attack the cinnamon rolls. Isabel you’d better check on him. He’s not feeling well. He didn’t steal any of the cinnamon rolls when nobody was looking. That’s just sad Alex,” teases Kyle.

“It’s worse than we all thought. You’d better sit down buddy,” said Michael. He whispers to Alex. “If Iz thinks you aren’t feeling well; then maybe you won’t have to explain that you have nothing to report and she’ll cut you some slack so play a along,” says Michael in hopes of helping out his buddy Alex. Max and Kyle see Alex and Michael whispering on the couch. Max and Kyle begin to walk over to join the rest of the group. They look at each other then at Michael and Alex.

“You just know Michael and him are up to something. I mean look at them whispering, that’s just never a good sign,” says Kyle with a smirk.

“Be very afraid of Michael’s scheme’s, they usual wind up biting him in the butt, in some way or another,” jokes Max.

“This should be fun. Just think a family meeting, fresh cinnamon rolls and a floor show courtesy of Alex and Michael,” teases Kyle. “I’d like to support my fellow man here, but I’m not willing to go up against Isabel or Maria. They’d so kick my 160 lbs. of varsity wrestling ass big time.

“Yeah you’d never live that one down Kyle. I know my sister. Plus I’ve seen Maria in action with Michael; not the best females to be on the wrong side of if you ask me,” smiles Max.

“Alex sweetie, are you feeling okay? It’s not like you to pass up cinnamon rolls, especially something that Michael has made,” says Isabel surprised by the sudden change in Alex’s demeanor. She carefully observes Michael and Alex’s quiet attitude and lack of eye contact with each other indicating that something is off here. Isabel sees Max and Kyle’s amused faces looking at Alex and Michael.

“Okay Alex, spill. Oh and Michael, don’t think this means you’re off the hook either. I know you put Alex up to something, so you’d better spill or I’ll take matters into my own hands and believe me you won’t like it either Michael,” warns an upset Isabel.

“Spaceboy, you’d better speak up if you know anything about this; and I think we all know that you do. Tell the truth, it’ll be less painful than what Isabel and I can come up with as torture or revenge. Do I need to remind you of some things you’ll be doing without, such as that 24 hour hockey channel, and other things you love to spend time doing. It would be better if you come clean and spill,” says Maria. Kyle and Max sit back, resisting the urge to laugh, watching the show before them of Alex and Michael getting in trouble from their bonded mates.

“Max, Honey, do you know anything about any of this?” asks Liz casually.

“I only know what I was told by Alex. I don’t know what those two have conspired to do since. Kyle and I just came in to join the rest of you. On that count, I don’t know anything about what’s going on now with Michael or Alex,” said Max truthfully.

“What about you Kyle?” asks Liz.

“Me? Ditto what Max just said,” replies Kyle in all sincerity. Liz stands next to Max and wraps an arm around him snuggling into his warm loving embrace so naturally.

“I could tell you didn’t know about whatever scheme Michael has cooked up with Alex. You know better than that, thank goodness,” smiles Liz.

“Well Kyle, I’m glad to hear that you had nothing to do with it,” comments Mystic offering her thoughts on the matter.

“I’ve learned never to cross a hybrid female; or those with hybrid like powers. I may be a jock, but I’m not a complete idiot,” adds Kyle.

“True, you’re not an idiot Kyle. You do have quite the sense of humor and are a bit of a smart ass. That’s why I like you so much. We understand each other,” smiles Mystic. She just made Kyle’s jaw drop with that admission. Kyle blushes and smiles at that comment. This earns him grins from Max, Liz, Isabel, and thumbs up from Alex. “Besides you are kind of cute when you’ve been put on the spot or out witted,” adds a teasing Mystic. The group enjoys a laugh at Kyle’s expense and distracts Isabel and Maria from badgering their guys further, granting them a momentary reprieve. The Destined 6.1 discuss official business and compare notes on how to organize the colonists to work best into groups to begin training. Max addresses Mystic.

“We could use your help with this Mystic. You know these people better than we do. We do need your help in explaining how things are done here security wise for example, and how best to approach things with the Colonists. I do know that first off we all need to pay Rasmus a visit and set him straight on a few things. We may need a little extra back up if he needs more convincing about hybrid, humans, the Destined 6.1, and the prophecy,” said Max cryptically with a spark of mischief in his eyes as if a plan has just now been hatched in his mind. Liz glances at Max and sees this glint of an idea dancing across his magnetic amber eyes. Liz recognizes that look as one of Max’s ideas coming to light. Liz opens her connection to him.

‘Babe, you look like you have a plan. Care to share, or do I have to work my magic and tease it out of you?’ asks Liz eyeing him with a question in her eyes.

‘What? You mean you’d use your magic powers of seduction on me Liz, just to get me to talk. Hmm. Maybe I should rethink volunteering information to my beautiful wife and make her earn it,’ grins Max. ‘No, of course I’ll tell you everything. You know that, I have no secrets from you and I know you have no secrets from me. Still, don’t you think it would be fun to try those powers of seduction on me sometime,’ teases Max.

‘We will have to try that out later, Max, I promise. Right now duty calls,’ says Liz giving him a brief kiss on the lips ending their telepathic conversation.

“Damn,” says Max aloud to the rest of the group. “Sorry, private conversation, and no I’m not sharing it with any of you, so don’t even ask,” adds Max. “The first order of business, we all need to talk with Rasmus and see what he can tell us. We’ll need to set him straight on some of his ideas. I know this will be awkward for you Mystic, but you’re a part of this group, if you want to be that is…you’re a welcomed addition to the family. Besides your father needs to see that you do belong with us. He needs to accept and deal with it and get down to the business of working with all of us in the joint effort of protecting our people, humans, and both of our planets,” says Max sounding more like the leader that he is. Now that we’re all on the same page lets get ready to go over to the Colony and pay Rasmus that visit.

The phone rings. Max answers the phone and discusses things with the person on the other end. Max then abruptly adds, “Okay, we’ll be right there, thanks Cal. We’ll see you there. Bye. That was Cal. There’s a meeting right now with Rasmus and the other elders. I think it’s high time we attend one of their meetings, everyone ready?” asks Max.

“I need to get ready. Can you guys give me ten quick minutes and then I’ll be ready to go with you,” asks Mystic.

“Sure, no problem we can wait and wrestle Alex for the cinnamon rolls,” smiles Max.

“I need to go and grab a shower. I’ll hurry and be back in time,” says Kyle.

“Okay, I’ll be timing you Kyle,” teases Max. Kyle walks away and looks over his shoulder back at Max with a smirk. Mystic has already excused herself and went to her room to use her powers for her shower and then hurries to dress and then uses her powers again to fix her hair and apply minimal makeup. She beats Kyle back to meet the others in Kyle’s living room. They all laugh when Kyle emerges only to see Mystic sitting and talking with the others on the couch in the living room. Kyle pauses and notices how at home Mystic is with his group of extended family. He smiles at the scene before him.

“I’m ready. Let’s go,” announces Kyle.

“Gees Kyle, you took long enough primping,” teases Michael.

“Bite me, Spaceboy,” says Kyle causing the others to laugh at the antics between Kyle and Michael. The entire group is anxious to take care of the matter with Rasmus and leave Kyle’s cabin. They walk and talk comfortable in each others presence on the way for their surprise meeting with Rasmus and others.

The ‘Destined 6.1’ and company enter the building where the meeting is being held making their way to the chamber of the meeting. Max and Liz lead their group of couples entering the chamber as if by divine right.

“Hello gentlemen. I understand you’re having a little meeting today. We’re willing to over look your oversight of not sending us the memo on the meeting. It’s been brought to my attention that you have issues regarding hybrids and humans mingling. I find that fascinating considering that our people’s prophecy embraces that very notion in the ‘Destined 6.1.’ You might take note gentlemen that there are four of us that are hybrids, now five counting Mystic. We also have three members that are humans; some possess hybrid powers like their mates. Look, we aren’t here to pull rank on you, but we will if necessary. This is bigger than you or us. This is about survival of hybrids, humans, and two planets.

“This is an outrage. How dare you bunch of disgusting hybrids and lowly humans interrupt this meeting. This does not concern any of you. You will leave at once,” orders Rasmus seething in anger.

“You have read the prophecy I assume. We are the ‘Destined Ones’ of the prophecy sent to save everyone’s butt and both planets, as well. I’ll fill you in on a few things, Rasmus. We are very powerful. Our powers exceed that of any Antarian, as do the humans bonded or yet to be bonded mates in our group. We are the prophetic leaders of our people as discussed for centuries, and you dare to question us and dismiss us as inconsequential”, says Max.

“Think again Rasmus, this will not be tolerated. How dare you address my husband and family in this way? What exactly is your problem besides being a prejudice jerk! We are your leaders, here to save everyone, and you’re giving us attitude. This is inexcusable,” says Liz trying to keep calm at this mans unnerving hostile attitude toward them.

“We have no proof that any of you are who you claim to be. Even the prophecy speaks of pretenders claiming to be the ‘Destined Ones’. I don’t recall any mention of hybrids or inbreeding of the two as part of the prophecy,” smirks the cocky and angry Rasmus.

“You want proof of our identity, fine. Then you will grovel before us, at our hybrid and human feet,” states Max firmly. Max and Liz join hands and open their connection to the rest of their group. He motions for Kyle and Mystic to join them in taking hands and making a circle. They all comply. The group all concentrates on communicating with the granolith. Once the communication is made successfully, they ask for the Granoliths help is refuting Rasmus claims of their being pretenders. They request the Granolith to bring Arianna to them immediately, in a 3-D holographic image, so she can appear and talk with them. The Granolith agrees and moments later Arianna appears in the center of the circle.

The Granoliths voice now is heard. “Here is your mother as requested, leaders of the Destined 6.1 and guests. I shall be near should you need me further,” says the Granolith as it’s booming voice stops and fades into the background standing by.

“Thank you for your help, Granolith. We are grateful,” says Liz respectfully to the ancient sentient being and religious relic.

“Arianna!” says Rasmus shocked and nearly speechless. He moves closer but is warned not to break the circle. “I had no idea you were apart of this,” says Rasmus.

“Hello Rasmus. Why was I summoned?” asks Arianna.

“Hello Mother. Rasmus seems determined to undermine our efforts to ready the colonists. He does not believe who we say we are,” states Max. “Rasmus requires proof that we are the ‘Destined 6.1’. We were hoping that you and the Granolith could provide that proof,” says Max.

“It’s nice to see you again my children. I see that you have found Kyle’s yet to be bonded mate and she has joined your group. She and Kyle will be a good match. Welcome my dear Mystic,” smiles Arianna. Arianna’s warm welcomed greeting turns Icy suddenly as she refocuses on Rasmus.

“Rasmus, this group of young people and your daughter are a part of my family and truly are the ones spoken of in the ancient prophecy. Many details of the prophecy were omitted to the people so as to protect the Granolith and the destined ones from detection by Smitak or other enemies and pretenders. Max, Liz please show him your tattooed palms. See Rasmus surely, even you recall the teachings of the prophecy of the ‘Destined leaders’ were to bare a unique seal symbolizing both planets. You will believe them and all that they tell you,” scolds Arianna coldly.

“I…I…I had no idea, my apologies Arianna to you and your son. I meant no disrespect,” offers Rasmus meekly.

“That is not true, and you know it. Do not make me punish you Rasmus for this insubordination to my children and their bonded ones. My family there before you have full access to the same power as I do. Max and Liz are the guardians of the Granolith, and you know what kind of power that alone commands. You can not begin to challenge this group’s power. They are beyond you as the prophecy speaks of,” says Arianna.

“I am truly sorry, Arianna and ‘Destined Ones’. I hope you’ll accept my most humble apologies for my behavior,” says Rasmus.

“There is another matter that needs to be discussed. Your hatred of hybrids and humans must end here and now. Do you not think it was preordained your union with Mystic’s mother, a human. The prophecy in its entirety does speak of the human and hybrid’s importance in the survival of each race and world. Mystic’s role in the Destined 6.1 was also preordained in the prophecy. She is now a part of this prophecy and the ‘Destined Ones.’ You must not interfere in her choice to bond with Kyle. It is not your role or place to do so according to our laws and customs. You know this is the truth…Will you now work with my children and their bonded ones and extended family working along side them to save our people and Earths people from Smitak?” asks Arianna.

“Of course I will offer my complete support and assistance to them. I see now how wrong I was about so many things,” says Rasmus.

“We accept your help, Rasmus. Now that you understand better who we are and why we are here, I trust that any doubts you had are now removed. I understand that for many years you have been looked upon as the leader or elder of the Colonists. We understand that your concern for our people, and painful personal experience, may have clouded your judgment. You have done well for our people. We will now need your help and your leadership skills with the Colonists to work with us now for everyone’s mutual benefit,” says Max exhibiting his natural leadership ability and offering Rasmus an out to save face amongst the elders of the community.

“Excuse me…Arianna. I don’t mean to intrude, but I have a question,” states Kyle. “I’m human and have no hybrid powers. Why is it that I play a role in this? What can I do, since I have no powers?” asks a curious Kyle.

“Hello, Kyle. You and Mystic both play important roles in this group. You already know the answer to that. I’m sure the others can explain this to you. You all have unique abilities and powers. As couples each brings their own strengths as well as powers and when combined with your to be bonded mate the powers are amplified and intensified. Be patient, this will all make more sense to you when the bonding has taken place. Do not allow anyone to alter or interfere with your right of bonding. This is a sacred right amongst our people and it must be observed and respected,” informs Arianna. “Many of your questions and concerns will become clear when the time is right for you to understand and decide. Kyle and Mystic you are both good people with hearts that aspire to do the right thing and take care of those you care about. This is an element of love and friendship that will assist you in this journey. This is what makes you a part of the Destined 6.1 and sets you apart from the Colonists,” says Arianna in a motherly gentle informative tone.

“Are there any other concerns or questions that need addressed while I am here?” asks Arianna.

“Yes. Arianna, will you be in contact with us by our dreams? I’d hate to loose contact with you from our lives except when we talk like this. I’m sure that you’d want to remain connected to us and the rest of the family,” says Liz cryptically to Arianna infront of Rasmus about the pregnancy.

“Yes, my dear. I’m always in touch watching over you. I will be seeing you all in your dreams,” smiles Arianna warmly at her daughter-in-law. “Rasmus, if you in any way undermine them I’ll be haunting you in yours,” warns Arianna. Arianna turns her attention to look at her children again.

“I’m so happy to see that Michael and Isabel have found their way to their own bonded mates and are so happy with them. This is how it should be. Michael you really need to listen and learn from you’re brother more about relationships. There’s just too much to tell with that so look and learn. Isabel, you are so happy now with Alex. You are a good match. Go and be happy. But, remember to work together and never underestimate our enemy. Your power lies in your love and in your combined powers to defeat your enemies. Remember that, it will serve you all well. I must go for now. I will be in touch via your dreams. Good bye and look after each other, my children. Be safe, and be smart,” says Arianna. Her image begins to dim, then flicker and finally fade altogether. All the elder Colonists present at the meeting recognized Arianna in all of her regal beauty. They realize how wrong they all were to misjudge the ‘Destined Ones’ and that one of their own, Mystic, is now one of the ‘Destined Ones’ as well. Those in attendance of the meeting discuss at length the strategy and weapons best suited for the situation. Everyone that questioned the validity of the ‘Destined 6.1’ now believes in them and are highly motivated to assist them in anyway they can.
***********************************To Be Continued in a Sec*********************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 33 p8 May 29

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 33 Continued*******************

***********************************To Be Continued in a Sec*********************
Several hours pass, and the meeting adjourns. The eight friends now walk in a relaxed manner and have an impromptu dinner at Kyle’s cabin. Kyle brags about another cool toy he just discovered in his cabin. It’s a special high tech radio…It’s capable of picking up any radio station from anywhere regardless of where you are because it uses the satellites to pick up the various radio signals around the world.

“Hey guys, you gotta check this out. This is the coolest radio known to man. I found this one radio station that totally rocks. It’s in Sydney Australia. It’s Nova 96.9. You guys will love the blend of music they play there. It’s great stuff. Come on, I’ll show you,” says Kyle anxious to show off his newest luxury toy he found in the cabin. “Let’s turn the radio on and see what Nova’s playing right now,” says Kyle.

The radio station disc jockey’s, Merrick and Rosso, introduce the next song they are about to play. “Here’s our own Shannon Noll, Australia’s Idol runner up. This is a new song from his “Drive” single called “Let me Fall with You.”

(The opening notes of the song begin to play and we hear the sound of the accoustical guitar as Shannon’s voice begins….)

All right.

Take my time, checkin’ my style, wanderin’ no where…
All this time, spinning my head pretending, I don’t care. But it’s driving me crazy.
I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to do. Baby, I’ve been thinking that I should be with you….


‘Oh. If I fall into your arms tonight, would you let me stay forever?
If I could fly, into your hearts desire. If I should fall, let me fall with you.
oh, let me fall with you, Oh yeah…

Mystified, feeling inside, making my soul safe. Ah yeah. Tongue gets tied. Speedin’ my
heart whenever that phone rings, and it’s driving me crazy. I don’t care what they say; I don’t care what they do. When all this is all over, I should be with you. Yeah.

Repeat Chorus.

Puttin’ my life in your hands; with my heart on my sleeve. As long as you’re beside me, love is all we need…Catch me when I fall….We could have it all…As long as we’re together. Won’t you promise me? Catch me when I fall….We could have it all as long as we’re together.

Repeat Chorus.

If I should fall let me fall with you…..
(Song by Shannon Noll from his “Drive” single. “Let Me Fall With You”)


Kyle turns up the music and while the song begins to play he says, “Oh this is a great song to slow dance to,” says Kyle as he takes Mystic’s hand and leads her to their own section of the living room floor now occupied by their friends also pairing off with their other halves to enjoy dancing, as well. As the music plays and Shannon’s voice fills the cabin weaving its own inexplicable magic setting the tone for the night. All the couples are lost in their partners embrace. Kyle holds Mystic close as they dance. He pulls back to look into her beautiful violet bewitching eyes. “You know this song is special. It reminds me of us,” says Kyle shyly as he blushes and reads her face for any objections. He finds none, only her smiling face looking up at him. He moves his face closer into hers and focuses on her lips and they kiss. The other romantic couples are unaware of Kyle and Mystic’s kiss. Our couples seem lost in their own mates loving embrace as they sway to the music. The four couples listen to the words of the song as they look into each others eyes and lean into the warmth and embrace of the other. This love song becomes one that feels as if it was written and sung just for them. The romance in the air combined with music makes for an inspired evening as each pair seeks their own magic in the moment……

********************************To Be Continued*****************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 34 p9 June 5

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Great Banner Thanks Mia Nora! :D

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back. I missed some of you last week. That’s okay with the holiday and all etc... It’s understood. My heart felt thanks to all of you that read my story even if you don’t post your feedback; I’m grateful for your time and attention, Thank you. Those of you that do read me weekly and leave feedback, Thank you for that as well. It does mean the world to me.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I need to start winding this story up in the very near future. I don’t want to, but I probably should. I was thinking of writing a sequel to this one. What do you think? I don’t feel like I’m done with this story yet. There’s still just so much to say and tell. LOL!! I guess that’s what being caught under the spell of Roswell does to you. You never want it to end. At least this gives me the forum to do that with me in control instead of Katims and the network people. So are you guys ready for this journey to end completely? Or would you like to see a sequel …book 2 taking off where I decide to end this one? Let me know. I always love to hear from you guys and get another chance to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Thanks!!! I’m glad that you liked the last part. Yes, Arianna sure put Rasmus in his place didn’t she. Go Arianna! As for if Kyle will get powers when he bonds with Mystic, well that sort of gets answered in the next part. You’ll see what I mean. Mystic’s powers will get discussed as well in this part. The other elders present last time that saw Arianna I’m sure have spread the word about our gang shooting down any of Rasmus doubts about them he shared with the elders or colonists. I look forward to reading your feedback on this weeks post. I have to start thinking about winding this story up…Possibly setting it up for the sequel what do you think? Let me know.

Cherie- Hi girlfriend! Oh yeah I loved Arianna laying into Rasmus. He was over due. Well, I get into about the powers issues regarding Mystic and Kyle somewhat in this weeks post. Oh hey, this is me…feel free to babble on, I love it. I know we could babble on about Jason forever endless amounts of babbling, drooling, and daydreaming material there. Oh yeah!!! Nora sighs, definitely. I’m there just let me know and we can babble on…LOL!!! Hey, I’m holding you to helping me bag the Behr as it were. You know what I mean. Hey guys, get your minds out of the gutters here. I’m not talking about that kind of bag. Okay, now my mind is there…gee thanks.. Now I have to explain this look on my face…great I’m so busted. LOL!! Let me know about what you think on this weeks post okay… Lots of goodies and funny stuff for you to enjoy. Take care.

roswellluver- Hi thanks for reading and posting your feedback. Ah….About Rasmus…umm.. well the jury is still out on that one. You’ll see why I say that in this weeks post. Thanks I’m happy to know that you’re enjoying reading my story as much as I’m enjoying writing it. I can’t wait to see what you think of this weeks post.

Smac- Oh I have a feeling Kyle and Mystic will bond soon, no worries there. I loved your comments about Max’s baggy pants on the show. It does explain a lot. LOL!!! The gerbil didn’t warrant a salute..LOL!! Not even a blip on the Max radar. He only responds to Liz. That’s our Max. Arianna certainly tore Rasmus a new one. I loved that. It was fun to write that part. I have to remind myself that I wrote this…I’m enjoying this along with you guys. It’s always interesting to see where the characters take me each week. They are so much fun and I love hanging with them. I’m conflicted though I’m a Max and Liz fan, but I have to admit. I’d love to get Max away from Liz, does that make me bad? Or just vulnerable to his amber gaze. Lucky Liz. Did I also mention I have this huge case of Liz envy. Oh well, it’s a burden I suffer to hang out with my beloved gang. LOL!! I hope you’ll enjoy this weeks post. I loved reading your feedback. I laughed at the baggy pants comment. I agree by the way. I did notice that detail when the show was in production and airing weekly. I though I must be imagining it. Nice to know you noticed that too. LOL!!! Let me know what you think on this new part.

roswellian504- Hi! Thanks, I’m glad you’re enjoying this story. I hope you’ll like this new part. Let me know what you think, okay.

Ash_maxliz- Hi Ash! I’m glad you like my Kyle. Meeting Nick Wechsler in person and getting to know him a little does help me to write Kyle. Nick is a really funny mischievous guy. Do not dare Nick, he has no shame. He might just do it. LOL!!! I got to bowl with him in February at BAT. He was my teammate and buddy. We hit it off big time. We were so funny how we played off of each other. So when I came home and had to write Kyle more into the story it was a piece of cake. Mystic is very much Kyle’s equal and they are so cute together. Well for Kyle to get powers he’d have to bond with Mystic… So you’ll have to see what happens. This weeks post does touch on that and it’s discussed. I hope you like it, let me know what you think, okay.

LoveIsForever- Hi! I missed your usual fun lengthy feedback. Not complaining here just noticed a difference. I hope all is okay with you in RL. Yeah, Arianna definitely gave him a reality check and So did Max. Gotta love it when Max gets all feisty and steps into the leadership role so well. He and Liz both are great at that. This weeks part has some interesting things happen. I hope to read your feedback on it. Tell me what you think, okay. Take care.

AJK001- Hi! Thank you, and yes you did help. I’m glad you’re enjoying my story. It’s been fun writing it so far and a joy to give to everyone each week. I hope this new part won’t disappoint. Take care and Thanks again!

Majiklmoon- Hi Majik! I’m so thrilled you really read my story. I’m just grinning from ear to ear knowing that. Which I plan to read your updates and get caught up today. So plan on me leaving you my usual feedback. It’s my personal guarantee. I hope you’ll enjoy all the goodies I packed into this part. I appreciate any and all feed back left. So I hope to find out what you thought about it. Take care and thanks for reading and posting your feedback.

On with this week's part :D ..........

Part 34

Last time we left off with….

Our couples seem lost in their own mates loving embrace as they sway to the music. The four couples listen to the words of the song as they look into each others eyes and lean into the warmth and embrace of the other. This love song becomes one that feels as if it was written and sung just for them. The romance in the air combined with music makes for an inspired evening as each pair seeks their own magic in the moment……


Max awakens a few hours later feeling the cold hard floor against his back, touching his bare skin. Liz lies draped across his chest, their legs tangled in the blanket. Max opens his eyes, blinks and looks around realizing they are back in their cabin. He notices the fire he’d built after getting home from Kyle’s has burned out, causing a chill in the cabin. Max notes the goose bumps on Liz’s nude flawlessly silky skin. He gently slips her off of him. He removes the blanket from their legs and uses it to tenderly cover Liz. Max sits up, cradling his sleeping beautiful wife. He lifts her to his chest, and with powerful arms he carries her upstairs to their bedroom. Liz stirs in his embrace. She feels the warmth of his body next to hers. Sensing his touch and presence is still there, Liz settles back into a comfortable slumber. Max uses his powers to open the door to their bedroom and he turns the sheets back for Liz. He carefully deposits all that is most precious to him in the world onto their bed. He climbs into bed beside her and covers her, mesmerized by her beauty thinking how lucky he is that she’s his wife and the mother of his children. Max is awed by her love and absolute naturalness of their being together. It is as if they always have been this way. He strokes her hair feeling the silken strands of her long chocolate brown tresses. Liz stirs and wraps her arms around him, and still sleeping she seeks his touch and loving protective embrace. Max reaches for her and wraps his arms around her facing her in bed. He pulls her onto his chest and holds her close stroking her hair and whispers to her.

“I love you Liz and our children forever. I promise to protect my family and what we have with everything I am,” says Max. He kisses her forehead and closes his eyes and falls into a peaceful content slumber holding her, his one true home. Liz stirs and still asleep makes a comment.

“I know Max. I love you too. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect what we have and our family too,” says Liz half asleep burying her head onto his chest. She sighs happily and returns to sleep.

They awaken to the sound of birds chirping peacefully singing their song, greeting the sunrise. Max and Liz snuggle tighter in each others arms. Moments later they hear the alarm clock herald the new day and time for them to get up and greet the day.

“No way is it time to wake up. I just carried you up here and climbed into bed with you. It can’t possibly be time to wake up. Liz, baby, wake up... Liz! Wake up…Liz if this is payback for the other day; I already told you I’m sorry. Baby! Wake up,” pleads a now concerned Max. He frantically sits up with her in his arms and looks at her face checking her over. He can feel her breath on his hand as he scans her starting from head to toe. He then checks on the twins he touches her stomach and instantly the twins form a connection to Max. The twins show him images of Liz being tired from all their activities yesterday. Max is comforted. “So your Mommy is okay then? Thank goodness. I wouldn’t want any of us to be without your Mommy,” smiles Max. He asks the twins for a favor. “Hey my little ones, can you do Daddy a favor? Send Mommy some images of me and yourselves, to wake her up?” Max asks. The twins send Max images of him and Liz cuddling in bed and sleeping, as their acknowledgement of his request. They comply and send Liz the same images. Liz smiles instantly at seeing an image of first of her self and Max. Then images of the twins appear in her mind broadening her smile.

“Max?” says a sleepy Liz now emerging from the many layers of sleep. She makes her way to the surface of consciousness and tries to open her eyes. “Max? Babe? What time is it? Can’t we go back to bed?” says Liz grinning and thinking wicked thoughts of Max and her.

“Babe, you scared me. I had to ask the twins to help me bring you back into the waking world. I didn’t realize you were so tired yesterday. Maybe we shouldn’t be…quite so active like we usually are. After all, you are pregnant and we will need to make allowances for that,” says Max trying to be helpful and supportive.

“Max Evans! Don’t you even dare suggest that we stop being like… like us,” says Liz now fully awake and slightly pissed off at him. “I had a really weird dream. Max it was like it wasn’t really coming from me. It was like it was being shown to me from the Granilith as a glimpse of something really important. I remember being shown Rasmus and another man. This one I’ve never seen before but I knew who he was just the same. Max….It was Smitak. Smitak had a weird symbol behind him. This dream makes no sense to me at all. The images don’t make any sense. Maybe I should talk with Mystic and see if she knows anything about Rasmus or Smitak somehow knowing each other. I’m sure I’m missing some part of the message or dream, but I don’t know what. This is all very odd, not unlike when I’ve had visions or images before. I wonder if I could touch something that belonged to Rasmus, perhaps I could see something,” suggests Liz.

“Rasmus! What could he have to do with any of this? Maybe you were just thinking about earlier when we had our face off with him, and then had a weird dream somehow merging the two unrelated things. You know how weird dreams can be sometimes, Liz,” suggests Max.

“Babe, I hope it’s nothing to worry about. I’ll ask Mystic and see if she can offer any info, if there’s any info to offer. I could ask Isabel to read Rasmus’ emotions. We could find out if he’s really willing to get along and work together,” says Liz. “If this turns out to be nothing, then fine. Its just I have this really weird feeling about it and it’s strong. I’m not sure why. But it’s there just the same,” explains Liz.

“Liz, maybe this is Arianna and the Granilith trying to tell you something with your dreams. Like before, when you got those dreams trying to tell you that you were pregnant and prepare you before we had our private meeting with Arianna. She was trying to prepare you for that news by giving you the images and dreams first. This might be what is going on. I know to trust your visions and dreams, Babe,” says Max.

“Why don’t we just contact Arianna and the Granilith? This time, only the ‘Destined ones,’ attend with no colonist spectators around. We could ask everybody to just meet us here at our cabin, and not to alarm any colonists,” suggests Liz determined to get more answers.

“Don’t worry, Babe, we’ll get this sorted out ASAP! I don’t like what the images and visions in your dream were showing you. I’m sure the Granilith and Arianna will be able to help us find answers to all the questions floating around in the beautiful scientific inquiring mind of yours,” says Max. “I’ll teleconference the guys and have one of them tell Kyle. You can teleconference the girls and tell Mystic and we’ll have our meeting say in an hour,” says Max. He looks at Liz and smiles, “ah… on second though, better make that in two hours,” says Max feeling very much ready to greet the new day in there usual lovemaking sort of way.

Liz smiles, “You’re sure two hours will be enough time? I mean… After all, I do feel really rested after all that unusual amount of sleep. I know you do too,” says Liz brushing his hair from his eyes then offering a soft sensuous kiss. She looks over her shoulder at him flirtatiously, and remembers. “Oh yeah, ahh… teleconference the others to meet us at our cabin in…...” Liz pauses waiting for him to tell her a number.

“Babe, you’d better tell the girls make that in two and a half hours and not to be here early either,” warns Max.

“Sure Max, anything you want. You tell the guys that we are having a meeting in two and a half hours at our cabin. Tell Michael if he comes over early, I will blast his hybrid butt with my beam. Plus if he’s early, tell him that the Max and Liz relationship counseling service will be closed,” says Liz.

Liz and Max return to bed to spend some much needed and desired couple loving time before having to deal with official duties as the leaders of the ‘Destined Ones’.

Michael knocks at their door nervously. “Maria are you sure you’re watch is right. I mean you heard what Max and Liz both told us in the teleconference. I don’t want to piss off my favorite sister-in-law. Remember what she did to that boulder at the rock quarry. She’s got a wicked cool scary blasting beam that even I can respect. I’d like to keep my rocks where they are thank you very much,” says Michael.

“Gees Michael, I told you for the twentieth time my watch is correct. Plus believe me I have a vested interest in the health and welfare of your rocks, especially after last night Michael. That was incredible,” beams Maria. Max just then opens the door. Michael squares his shoulders, adjusts his belt, and proudly leads the gang into Max and Liz‘s cabin greeting them with hello’s.

“Michael what’s with the big dopey grin on your face?” asks Max.

“Oh never mind,” says Michael smiling. “I’ll tell you later bro,” whispers Michael to Max.

“Never mind Michael. He thinks he’s ‘all that’ after what Maria and him apparently did last night; you know, after they got to there cabin. They’ve been unfortunately sharing details that I for one would like to have remained blissfully ignorant of,” says Alex.

“I second that one Alex. Wow, that must have been some advice Max and Liz gave you two. Gees, their advice is so hot it even helps you two score. Damn, I definitely know who to talk to for advice then. You guys could hang a shingle and Michael and Maria could be the irrefutable proof it works,” says Kyle in his usual witty style.

“Well I can only add that Alex and I have no complaints. There must have been something in the air last night,” grins Isabel at Alex who blushes all the way up to his ears.

“Who says it was only in the air last night,” says Liz peaking from around Max and offers her greetings to everyone.

“Okay, we surrender to the defending champs of all hanky panky and endless shameless nookie,” says Alex.

Liz nervously shifts the tone to a more serious topic at hand. “Mystic now that you’re here, we need to ask you something of you that might be difficult for you. Do you have any information about your father’s past? Has he ever mentioned Smitak or anyone else? Where do you think his loyalties truly lie?” asks Liz not meaning to bombard her with questions. I’m sorry to even ask you these things, but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important,” says Liz.

“I’m not sure what you mean by his past,” says Mystic. “He’s only mentioned Smitak as often as everyone else that lives here at the colony. I know that he hates humans, and is not fond of us hybrids either. I would hope that he would be loyal to the people that he has lived and worked beside all these years here at the colony. I just don’t know if he could ever be truly loyal to those he considers to be outsiders. I don’t know if seeing Arianna has made an impact with him changing his mind. I wish I could be more helpful. It’s just my father is not very forth coming with what kinds of things are going on with the elders and what his objectives are for the next generation. Is there another way to find out if my father can be trusted or not?” asks Mystic.

“Liz and I have an idea. Let’s all take hands forming a connection. We need to ask the Granilith and Arianna if they can help us with this. Liz’s had some very disturbing visions in her dreams. We need to find out if it’s the Granilith or Arianna is trying to show Liz these things or if it means something else. Either way we need to know what this is about,” informs Max. Everyone nods in agreement and takes hands as Max suggested.

“Mystic, we thank you for your help. You’re part of our family and we need you to complete the circle. Please stand next to Kyle and take his hand and the person’s next to you. It’s important for us to maximize our energy in calling upon the Granilith,” says Liz. Mystic completes the circle of the ‘Destined Ones’ as they make their connection to the Granilith.

“Greetings, ‘Destined Ones’ how may I be of assistance to you?” asks the Granilith.

“Granilith, were you or Arianna trying to make contact by sending images or visions to Liz? Liz received disturbing images about Rasmus. We want to know if he had any previous ties or history with Smitak?” asks Max.

“It is possible that Smitak may have had an opportunity to come in contact with Rasmus. Several years after the crash in 1947 Smitak went to Earth in search of your pods. He was seeking to find you and myself. So it is possible that Smitak and Rasmus could have met all those years ago. Arianna and I tried to read him, but were unable to. We also wanted the same answers to your questions.” Granilith continues, “We needed to warn you not to trust Rasmus. There are far too many questions surrounding him. We could not warn you infront of Rasmus. If he is a traitor it would not be wise to reveal our suspicions. Should we kill him now?” asks the Granilith.

“No!” says Max. “If he is a traitor it is to our benefit tactically to find out what he knows and control what information he is privy to. If he’s not a traitor it would make us the evil ones taking the life of an innocent man. We need to find out more before we act prematurely. Peoples lives are at stake here, we need to be sure before we act,” says a careful and methodical Max.

“You have proven yourself to be a wise leader for one so young, resisting the impulsiveness of youth,” compliments Granilith.

“Are you saying that you were unable to read Rasmus or that Rasmus was unreadable?” asks Liz. “Maybe we should have Isabel with Alex’s help try to read Rasmus’ emotions. They might see if Rasmus is sincere in his support of our efforts along with the Colonists. Remember, Alex acts as a power booster for Isabel. That power combined with their love creates a very formidable empath. One that can possibly rival Arianna’s renowned abilities,” speculates Liz, ever the scientist.

“I can not read people empathically as Arianna or Isabel can. I can only judge by what I see and have experienced with behavior of those that have tried to deceive me before. It is clear that the future appears very optimistic with you and Max as leaders. The divine prophecy has chosen well in selecting you, Max, and the rest of the ‘Destined Ones’,” replies the Granilith impressed with how Liz and Max both more than adequately step into their roles as leaders weighing everything very carefully and consulting with the others.

“Do you think that Arianna could shed any more light on any of this; should we talk with her?” asks Liz.

“Arianna has shared with me what she knows of Rasmus. She mentioned that you should take another look at the book from the pod chamber. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. It’s more than just a book. I urge both of you to look at the book and read it again. Soon you will see why,” suggests a cryptic Granilith.

“Great! That’s just great, Granilith! More riddles for us to solve. Why can’t we ever get more answers than questions, just once?” asks a frustrated Michael

“Calm down Spaceboy. We are all in this together. We’ll figure it out. We always do,” reassures Maria.

“So what’s our next move? What do we do with this vision of Liz’s?” asks a curious and confused Maria.

“All good questions Maria,” says Max.

“The next move is obvious guys,” says Kyle smirking and shrugging his shoulders as he pauses dramatically. “Get the book and read it to the rest of us, since you two are the only ones that can read ancient Antarian,” says Kyle rolling his eyes. “I’m surrounded by people that are smarter than me; yet they fail to think of the obvious. You guys really do need me here,” says Kyle shaking his head in exasperation of the obvious. Mystic looks at Kyle and just offers a warm smile that leaves the once cocky Kyle speechless under the power of her gaze or smile upon him.

“Kyle! I know that we need to take another look at the book, I meant besides that,” says Liz.

“Yeah right, of course. Don’t let me have one fleeting moment of glory there. Thanks Liz,” says Kyle faking a self inflicted stab wound hamming it up.

“Okay, enough with captain obvious here and his dramatic display. Are you sure you never went out for the drama club at school?” asks a teasing and sarcastic Alex. This earns Alex a dirty look from everyone in the group.

“What? Oh come on, like you weren’t getting irritated with him too. I could see it on all your faces,” says Alex.

“Ah…Liz, why don’t you get that book and we can all look at it with you and Max. You can tell us what it says,” suggests Mystic.

Liz returns a short while later, mesmerized by the book. “Max, this book . . . It’s so . . . It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The book has changed since we last looked at it back in Roswell. See here. There are pictures of all of us in the book. Look there’s even pictures of Mystic, Kyle, Alex and Maria. Those weren’t there before. This is strange. The book is completely different now than what it looked like before we came here,” says Liz pondering the logical possibilities.
“I don’t understand how this is possible. There is no logical reason for this to be happening with the book,” says a puzzled Liz.

“Liz, ah…hello. You’re an alien hybrid… that’s an alien book. We’re all part of an ancient alien prophecy to save Earth and Antar. At this point, a logical reason is completely out the window. It’s simple. There is no logic,” says Kyle.

“Okay, and so….what does it say? Why are our pictures in there? We aren’t alien?” says a curious and unsure Alex with a nod toward Maria and Kyle.

“The book seems to be some kind of living journal recording the living history with only facts that are about us and events as they happen. Those events are then recorded here in the book,” informs Liz.

“Liz, my God if someone else outside our group were to get a hold of that book, we could be doomed,” says a worried Isabel contemplating familiar fears that she’s replayed in her mind since early childhood out of the pods.

“No! It’s safe. The book is special. It requires Liz or my seal to open it; and I bet if I hand the book to you there will be nothing there for you to look at, is my guess,” say Max handing the book to Isabel. “Check it out for your self Iz,” says Max.

“What! There’s nothing on any of these pages now, but how or why?” asks a relieved and curious Isabel.

“I told you the book will only allow Liz or me to read, or hold it to reveal what is recorded in the living journal. See it even shows what Mystic’s powers are here,” says Max pointing at the page with Mystic’s image depicted there. “It’s interesting to read about. We never really did get into that discussion with you asking what your powers are. We will need to know about your powers so we can train together. It says here that you can…do all the basic things we can, but your special power is to be able to manipulate the four elements of fire, water, wind, and earth,” says Max intrigued by this information.

“Oh great! Another kick ass female to fear with wicked cool powers to worry about and be shown up by,” says Michael. This earns him an elbow jab to the ribs courtesy of Maria. “Gee thanks, Hun, like I didn’t see that one coming,” says Michael with the quick retort rubbing his now sore ribs. “Are you paying attention Kyle? This is your future. Welcome to my world,” says Michael as he moves quickly out of Maria’s near lethal elbow range.

“Michael, I don’t know if it’s entirely a bad thing. I mean, if Mystic can make the earth move, I’m thinking I’m going to be a lucky guy,” replies Kyle with his sarcastic smirk.

“Kyle!” says Mystic. “How about I just make the earth open up and . . . swallow you whole, for that comment,” says Mystic slightly perturbed and extremely embarrassed.

“What? Swallow me whole? Really?” says Kyle with a big smile and wink.

“What? What did I say? Why is everyone looking at me like that?” asks a suddenly worried and very naïve Mystic. Everyone’s faces turn red instantly with amusement. The Destined One’s can’t help but to react by busting out with roll on the floor laughter, laughing their asses off.

“Oh Mystic, you have no idea what you just said, do you?” asks Liz. “I don’t think I can say this out loud, here take my hand and I’ll connect and explain,” says Liz.

“Liz! No visuals!” warns a blushing Max.

“I wasn’t going to give her any visuals, Max. Just an explanation,” says Liz smiling with mischief at Max’s embarrassment realizing he just gave away one of their own private visuals. After Mystic connects with Liz receiving her explanation, Mystic’s eyes go wide with shock as her face flushes with embarrassment. Mystic walks up to Kyle, and looks at him carefully.
“First things first, Kyle, and one step at a time. You wouldn’t want to suffer performance anxiety, now would you?” asks Mystic knowing she just embarrassed and one upped Kyle.

“Kyle, how can you get embarrassed about your sex life? You don’t even have one yet, but thanks for sharing all the same,” says Maria with a cocky smile.

Michael turns and high fives Maria, “Good one, Hun. That’s my girl,” says Michael proudly.
Kyle is desperate to shift the focus from him and onto other things.

“Does the book say anything else about Mystic and me…that we can mention in mixed company?” asks Kyle.

“Not really. But look here’s that symbol that I saw in my vision about Smitak and Rasmus,” says an excited Liz trying to piece together the possibility of the meaning. Everyone gathers around to look at the book Max and Liz hold. They read the book out loud showing the images and the story that goes with them. “It says here that this symbol is like a family crest of Smitak’s,” informs Liz.

“I know that symbol. I’ve seen it before, but where?” says Mystic lost in thought trying to remember where she’s seen the symbol before. Everyone seems to visibly hold their breath waiting for Mystic to tell them where she’s seen the symbol before. She feels all their eyes on her awaiting her response.

“We need more information. Mystic, can you remember?” asks an anxious Liz. Mystic shakes her head no. “Isabel and Alex, we are going to need you guys to read Rasmus and find out if we can trust him,” directs Liz. Isabel looks at Alex. He nods in agreement.

“Alex, take my hand. We need to focus our thoughts on Rasmus. It would help if we had a picture of him. Let’s link with Mystic, too. She could provide the image we need. After all, who else here knows Rasmus better?” They all agree. Mystic joins the duo and together they use their minds to search out Rasmus. Moments later they break off the connection. Isabel tells the group, “We did it. But I don’t know how definitive or helpful it will be. We got conflicting emotions. The most powerful emotion that came through was Rasmus’ extreme hate and anger over Mystic’s mothers death.” Mystic eyes welt up with tears. Kyle steps forward to put a reassuring arm around his future bonded mate. “We also discovered Rasmus has extreme loyalty towards the Colonists, but an equal disdain for the ‘Destined Ones’ as well,” states Isabel.

“So, we can’t trust him?” asks Max.

“I don’t think so,” says Alex with Mystic and Isabel nodding in agreement.

“Max, are you sure we shouldn’t take him out, now. I mean if he is the enemy . . .” says Michael as his thoughts trail off thinking about how insensitive his comment was with Mystic standing there. “Sorry Mystic,” apologizes Michael.

“No! We must find out more. Rasmus may have useful information that we don’t know of yet,” reaffirms Max.
“All this really means is that we need to find out more and be careful what we say infront of Rasmus, until we find out differently. Are we agreed on that?” ask Max in a commanding tone asserting his role as leader.

“Yes,” says the group with a nod and with their words. Mystic seems visibly relieved by this decision.

“Guys, Rasmus is my father, but he has never been my family; no matter how much I may have wanted it in the past. You guys are my family, now. I’ve never felt so welcomed and accepted by anyone before. My first loyalty is to you guys. Just know that for future reference,” says a heartfelt Mystic.

“Well one thing is for sure. The powers that put us with our mates definitely know what the hell they are doing finding our perfect mate that compliments us. I feel a hallmark thank you card moment coming on now,” says Alex.

“On that note, this official meeting is adjourned,” says Liz and Max. Everyone remains at Max and Liz’s now as the conversations take on a much lighter note and mood.

“Kyle, can I talk to you for a moment,” says Max with a shy smile.

“Sure, Max. What did you want to talk about?” asks a curious Kyle.

“Well, uh…how should I phrase this delicately? You realize when you bond with Mystic you’ll be like Alex and Maria, taking on some of your own mates abilities. You’ll both need to train and strengthen those abilities as the others have. We can all help you with the training when the time comes. The only thing is we are sort of approaching that deadline when we’ll need yours and Mystics extra fire power, as it were,” says Max hoping Kyle sees where he’s headed with all of this.

“Yeah, so... What exactly are you getting at Max?” asks Kyle still a little in the dark as to Max’s too delicate spin on this sensitive matter.

“Gees, I was hoping you’d get this without making me come right out and say it. Okay, what I am trying to say is that you and Mystic will need to bond soon. We will need to have time to train you both, so actually the sooner the better,” says Max sheepishly and blushing. “I hate to have to tell you that Kyle but it’s true. You know what’s at stake here just as well as I do. The very survival of all of us, this planet, and Antar lies in the balance,” reminds Max.

“What? You can’t mean what I think you mean”, says Kyle in shock.

“What I’m saying is that you better bond with Mystic soon. Everything will depend on you and Mystic completing this final step. Just so you know what I’m saying Kyle. I’m urging you to take one for the team,” smiles Max almost apologetically translating into Kyle speak. “This is not something that I would normally ask, but as you know there’s nothing normal about any of this situation we are facing,” adds Max.

“I can’t believe this, Max Evans peer pressuring me to have sex with Mystic my intended. This is great, what a day I’m having here,” smiles Kyle shaking his head. “Well if I have to…Duty calls,” smirks Kyle. “Gees, no pressure there, is there. All I can say is that it will be soon, but not immediate. We aren’t like that just yet,” says Kyle shyly.

“I know this is unfair to you both to be under these kinds of circumstances. It’s hardly the ideal situation, but you’ll have to make the best of it. Kyle if you need any advice, without details of course, I’m sure me, Michael, or Alex could explain…well some things. Again no specifics or confessions though. No more sneak peaks into mine and Liz’s sex life thank you very much,” offers a blushing Max.

Meanwhile, the girls are talking with Mystic. Michael and Alex are rummaging in Liz and Max’s refrigerator for something to eat. Those two are always ready to eat food, the proverbial bottomless pits there stomachs double for.

“Mystic I know this was embarrassing earlier when I explained what your comment meant. Has your father or anyone explained about the bonding or told you any specifics about the actual physical act?” asks Liz in a sensitive and concerned tone.

“Other than what you just told me today? No. Nothing. Why?” asks an innocent Mystic. “You mean there’s more to know than that?” asks a wide eyed gulping Mystic.

“Oh boy, girls we have some major talking to do. I think this is a really personal subject for any of us to talk about. Let’s think of a way to get you answers and details, without confusing you or telling you too much about our private lives. I know!” Exclaims and excited Liz. “Come on, Iz, we’ll need to go to your cabin and use Alex’s computer. Is that okay?” asks Liz.

“Sure Liz, we can go to mine and Alex’s cabin and let you use his computer. What are you thinking Liz? Oh dear God, tell me you’re not going to suggest logging on to a porn site or something are you?” asks a now concerned and suspicious Isabel. “Because if you are, I’m telling Max,” teases Isabel.

“Are you kidding? Those two have probably come up with things to make the porn stars blush. They are like energizer bunnies. You give them half a chance to be alone and they are all over each other,” says Maria enjoying the playful banter of teasing her married friend Liz.

“Oh you wish,” says Liz.

“Actually we were thinking you two should write your own manual for hybrids,” teases Maria.

“Okay, sure. Fine. It’s a deal. You write the human and hybrid bonding one and we’ll call it even, how’s that,” says Liz causing Maria to sputter and blush shamelessly.

“NO!! Don’t either of you dare... I do not need to read something like that by my sister-in-laws about my brothers. That’s just way too much sharing of information if you ask me,” pleads Isabel. Maria and Liz both look at each other shaking their heads.
**********************************To Be Continued******************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 34 p9 Jun 5

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 34 Continued******************

“Oh well, it would’ve been interesting,” says Liz reassuring Maria with a smirk. “Yep! Mine would’ve been better than yours,” teases Liz.

“Knowing you and Max, probably,” jokes Maria. “Not that my Spaceboy doesn’t have his exceptional moments,” adds a dreamy faced Maria.

“Okay ladies lets get going. We better tell the guys we have to do something at my cabin, and not to bother us,” says Isabel offering their excuses.

“Let’s do it,” says Maria.

“Max, Honey, I’m going over to Isabel and Alex’s cabin for a little bit. There’s something I need to use there.

“What? Why? You’re not aloud to leave my sight. You know that,” teases Max whispering something that causes Liz to blush and then kisses her breathless. “Hurry back,” says Max eyeing his wife. Max turns to his sister and Maria. “I trust you two will return my wife to me safe and sound, pronto,” says Max knowing he’ll be teased about it.

“Gees, you mean he’s letting you out of the cave without him,” jokes Isabel.

“Hey, don’t knock the ‘Caveman Max’ I happen to be a fan,” says Liz grinning from ear to ear.

“Do you want to ask her about that or should we just leave well enough alone? Please say yes, Maria,” pleads Isabel.

“Yes, we’ll just let that comment slide by unnoticed…for now, but you know I’ll push for details later. Hey, inquiring minds want to know,” teases Maria. The four girls walk animatedly to Isabel’s and Alex’s cabin.

“Should we be worried when the four of them go off somewhere together?” asks a curious Michael.

“No, everything is fine. It’s not like Kyle went off with them like before,” jokes Max.

“Yeah what trouble could the four of them get into anyways at Alex’s cabin?” asks Kyle

Max thinks about it and then looks at Michael and Alex nervously. “We’d better go check in on them in fifteen minutes.” The guys all synchronize their watches and set their alarms to go off as agreed then resume letting Michael introduce Max to the virtues of having the sports channel on his TV in the cabin.

“Where’s the computer at, Iz?” asks Liz.

“Oh I see it. Sweet set up. I’m sure Alex loves all the high tech computer goodies he has here,” says Liz. Liz boots the computer and begins her search for the website she has in mind. She locates the website. Liz keys in the search data desired and waits.
“Liz, why are you looking up something at an on-line bookstore?” asks Isabel. The computer shows the items that matched her search criteria.

“Liz what the heck is the ‘Karma Sutra’” ask Isabel

“And how do you know what it is?” asks Maria.

“It’s well….I heard about it once. I over heard some girls talking about it in the locker room at school. I remembered the name and thought it might be useful to know at a later date. It’s a book on the art of lovemaking,” says Liz blushing furiously.

“You just had to ask her didn’t you Maria,” says a now blushing Isabel and Mystic.

“What are you going to do Liz?” asks Mystic.

“I’m getting you answers and visuals that will be helpful for you to know what to expect. It’s not a bad thing Mystic, don’t worry. I think this book would be helpful for a lot of people to look through before their first encounter,” says Liz. “This way we don’t have to explain revealing things about our private lives, yet you can ask us anything about what’s in the book. This can make it easier for you. You can even bring us the book and point and ask. I’m not sure that we have all that much experience or anything, but I’m sure we could possibly come up with some kind of explanation. I mean we aren’t exactly stupid and we all have bonded with our mates etc… We’re only here to help with this information thing. You’re part of the family now and we are willing to help you with this. Up to a point of course, then you have to take it from there,” teases Liz.

Mystic blushes, “Thanks, I‘ve never had anyone take an interest in helping me with anything. You guys are like my sisters now. So now that being said, how is this going to help me with the book in cyber space and me being here at the Colony?” asks a relieved and smiling Mystic.

“Well, that’s where we use Alex’s computer and the credit card Cal gave us for our expenses etc… should we need it. I’ve never used it before but it’s supposed to be valid. Liz keys in all pertinent information and puts in a quantity of one, clicks order, and then requests fed ex overnight delivery for an additional charge. The girls go into the kitchen to get some drinks. Liz peaks around the corner and quickly sneaks back to the computer and changes the quantity from 1 to 4. She then clicks submit order now to finalize her order. Liz is blushing and grinning to herself as she joins the other three girls in the kitchen.

“Liz? Why do you look like the cat that just ate the canary?” asks Maria. “Oh never mind, she’s probably fantasizing about Max again,” teases Maria dismissing the incident.

“Isabel doesn’t that necklace look sort of like the symbol from the pod chamber?” asks Liz.

“Yeah, it does. But it’s not. It’s from the Indian reservation. I liked it because it reminds me of the symbol from the pod chamber though,” smiles Isabel. Mystic listens to her new friends interact easily as something about their conversation sticks in her mind, not knowing why. She dismisses it for now and enjoys her new friends company.

Alex, Max, Michael and Kyle enter Alex’s cabin just as their watches go off. “Hi Babe, I could sense you were getting closer,” purrs Liz at Max’s embrace.

“So what have the four of you lovely ladies been up to?” asks Alex.

“Oh I just needed to check out something on your computer. I hope you don’t mind. I did shut everything down carefully just as I found it. Your baby is all safe and sound,” teases Liz knowing how Alex gets about his computers and stuff.

“No, it’s no problem. Just let me know if I can help with whatever you needed on the computer,” offers Alex noting the sparkle in Liz’s eyes.

“Well, we better get going and leave Alex and Isabel to do whatever it is they do,” teases Maria and I don’t want to know details for the record.

“Yeah sure, we should go too,” says Liz. She looks at Max and telepaths her thoughts and ideas for them. They hold hands and look into each others eyes.

“Yes, we really need to get going; we’ll talk to you guys later. Liz needs to go rest now and have a snack. We don’t need any more fainting spells with her pregnancy,” says Max in the way of an excuse.

“A likely story,” comments Kyle.

“Come on Mystic we had better go too. Something tells me Alex and Iz don’t need us around right now,” smirks Kyle receiving a nod of thanks from Alex and a smile from Isabel.

“Well I guess that’s our queue, Michael,” says Maria.

“Our queue…for what?...Oh! I get it,” says Michael. “Yeah, we should go, later guys,” says Michael. Alex and Isabel see their family off at the door as each couple disperses to their own cabin.

Later that night Mystic replays the conversations with Maria, Iz, and Liz in her head. She smiles. Then she recalls noticing Isabel’s necklace and the symbol on it… ‘Necklace’ and ‘Symbol’ echoes in her mind. Then understanding dawns on Mystic; understanding now why those words and Liz’s symbol from her dream kept standing out in her mind. All the pieces of this small portion of the puzzle begin to come together. “Oh My God! Oh My God!” exclaims Mystic out loud. “I know where I’ve seen that symbol from Liz’s dream and the book. My father has a necklace he wears that has the symbol on it from Liz’s dream. . . Oh no! What does this mean?” asks Mystic.

********************************To Be Continued***************************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 35 p10 June 12

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thank you Mia Nora for the great banner. :D

Hi all! First of all thanks for reading it means a lot to me and hugs to those that even leave me feedback of which I’m eternally grateful for and read each one as cherished treasure that they are. I just wanted to clear the air here. I do not own or have ever even looked at a copy of “The Karma Sutra”; or any book remotely even like it. I only heard about it ironically reading someone else’s fan fic. It occurred to me that it would be a funny thing to introduce into the story and so as you know I did. I’m so thrilled to see so many of you are back and leaving me more wonderful feedback. It’s what inspires and keeps me writing this story that’s being played in my mind as my own private Roswell viewing room. I just have to get it all down in Word first. Thank you once again one and all for your taking the time to read my story and/or leave feedback for it. Thanks so very, very much.

Ansleyrocks- I’m sorry that part about the symbol and the necklace from the reservation confused you. I’ll try and clarify it for you now and again in this week’s new post. The necklace Isabel was wearing and showing Liz was only similar to the one in Liz’s dream. The necklace Isabel wore was one she had gotten from the reservation and liked the symbol on it reminding her of the pod chamber and some of the things they had found there. It was not an alien symbol at all but an Indian one. Unlike the symbol that appears in Liz’s dream which is most definitely alien. I hope that helps. It does get mentioned again in this part to help clear any confusion on that issue. Thanks for reading and I hope this clears that for you.

Smac- Hi! Yeah it was a part with some funny unexpected things being said wasn’t it. Maria really did stroke Michael’s ego there, didn’t she. That girl can say the most embarrassing things and usually she burst out with them around other people. Although, I think the gang is used to her by now. LOL!! Liz had Max blushing with the thought of her revealing any of their sex life to Mystic in the way of giving her images. Of course our Liz wouldn’t do that. Nah… She did have fun making him freak about it. Poor Max, he had to encourage Kyle to move along with the bonding to Mystic. He wasn’t saying that just being a guy. He was saying that because of the element of time and being ready for an enemy that can show up at any time and attack them. They will be at their best with all of them having powers and knowing how to use them accordingly. Rasmus is still a jerk and he does treat Mystic horribly. She’s now found a real home and family with our group. Ah… the “Karma Sutra”, people seem to really be interested in that book. LOL!!! We shall see what happens with that book and our group LOL!!! Yes on the sequel, Oh big hugs! Thanks you!

roswellluver- Is Rasmus a bad guy? Hmmmm. We’ll have to wait and see if he is…or not. Thanks for writing.

LoveIsForever- Hi! Wow! You’re back all those great quotes. I’m glad you liked that part. It was fun thinking up things for them. I’m pleased you noticed that about Max trusting Liz implicitly about her dreams and believing her straight away, unlike other stories where he doesn’t and winds up regretting it later. My Max and Liz are definitely deeply, madly in love, no shaky ground there. Well except for when they make the earth move together. LOL!! I always had a pet peeve about Michael, and the others feeling it was their divine right to intrude on Max and Liz’s couple time. Well not here in this fic. Max and Liz put up with it to a point, but they do draw a line and let the other know not to cross it. They are protective of their time together. I couldn’t resist having Michael be Michael and be panicked at observing fearfully Liz and Max’s warning for him should he show up early for their meeting. Max and Liz are capable of having fun interacting with their family and friends like any other young couples, but are able to shift gears quickly to step into their roles of leaders with out any hesitation. Max and Liz are both thinking people and want to learn more before they issue any judgments against Rasmus. They are wise to find out what’s going on with him first. Kyle is funny. He and Mystic together make for a great couple, don’t you think? Kyle and Mystic will get their couple time. In the next part I wrote 4 pages of just them. I hope you will like this next part. I love reading your feedback and that you get my sense of humor and the way I write it for the characters. Thanks for your always wonderful feedback it makes me smile reading it.

out of this world- I’m glad that you seem to be offering your dreamer seal of approval of My Max and Liz. In case you didn’t notice I love all these characters. I feel like they are my friends and like to see them happy. It’s great to hear from you. I hope RL is treating you better and leaving you smiling. Thanks for your feedback.. BTW any new info on the Behr one any premiere or anything I should know about? Please keep me informed I have to meet him. I’m a Roswellian on a mission. LOL!!!

AKJ001- Hi! I’m happy you loved the last week’s part. I hope you’ll love this one as well. It’s great to see your feedback. Thanks! I appreciate your taking the time to read and leave feedback it means a lot. Thanks!

Frenchkiss70- Hi! Rasmus is a jerk without a doubt and that’s being kind. Mystic has found her new family in our gang and Kyle. They have accepted her with out hesitation and with open arms. She’s very happy to experience that for once in her life. Mystic values the rightness of what family now means to her considering the gang her family now as they have proclaimed her to be a part of theirs. I know Max peer pressuring Kyle to bond with Mystic. He’s the last person you’d expect that from. But the situation they face with their enemies warrants that, Max doesn’t like having to even suggest that to Kyle. About the sex book, boy did that little mention peak everyone’s interests or what? LOL!! Umm…Liz couldn’t think of a proper way to explain things to Mystic short of sharing more than she was comfortable about her and Max. So the book idea seemed reasonable to Liz. That’s our always logical Liz. I’m glad you love it. I hope you’ll love this weeks post as well. Thanks for reading and posting feed back. You’re a gem!

roswellian504- I imagine you’ll like to see what happens when those books arrive and the looks on their faces, huh? Your wish is granted. Yep! Just like that. But you’ll have to wait to read it in part 35. I hope you’ll love it. I’m afraid to disappoint you. I don’t own a copy of the “Karma Sutra.” I didn’t even know what it was until I read someone’s fan fic. I still have no clue as to all that it contains. I’m blissfully uninformed. That way I won’t die of embarrassment and confusion LOL!! But hey, if you have your own copy and find it informative then good for you. I think that’s great. Well like I’ve said previously in the story. “Michael, you don’t make it easy on yourself with Maria, do you?” says Max. No truer words have been spoken. LOL!! Aww but they are a cute couple in their own unique style. They are fun to have around. It’s never dull with them. LOL!! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this weeks post in Part 35.

Aussie_Dreamer – Hey Nicki! Thanks for materializing. You’re always welcomed here. You’re not feeling the love for Rasmus either… Hmmm. Me neither. Shush!! Mystic does have her new found family by choice in our gang and Kyle and she takes great comfort in that. Gees, can you blame Liz wanting uninterrupted Max alone time. Heck I can’t. Why do you think I have the worst case of Liz envy.LOL!! It’s a double edged sword for me. I love my dreamer couple and love writing them, but damn do I love Max. (Nora sighs!) What was a saying… sorry I went to Max land/Jason land. I have to admit it I’ve quickly become a lover and fancier of many wonderful Australian things. The people I’m finding out are the absolute best. Does any Aussie’s want to adopt me…give me a home. Thanks for the compliment of me being an Aussie that was somehow born in the US. Hugs! For that one. I love Shannon Noll’s voice he’s incredible, such a great voice. I’d dearly love to sing a few songs with him from his CD. I love that CD I had to put it on Max’s hard drive. I listen to it so much. Is that bad? I love most all the Aussie music I hear on Nova. I have to remind myself I can’t get those artists here and shop and drool. Which I do, of course. Thanks for the compliments and enjoying what I’ve written so far. This American born Aussie, vegemite eating, blonde of Scandinavian decent thanks you. I hope you’ll like the next part. Take care and cyber hugs!

kittens- Hello. Well thank you. It’s decided then, I’ll write a sequel. Read part 35 the new post and let me know what you think of it.

cherie- Thanks, I’m so glad you liked it. Mystic does have some cool powers. They might come in handy later against their enemy. You think my Max and Liz are sweet. I do too, I love them. Cherie, you had me laughing at loud about your comments about the book, too funny. I have never seen nor read a copy of that book and have zero idea about all that’s contained in there. I only know about it vaguely from reading another authors fic. That was the first I heard of it. I didn’t even know it was a real book until I wrote that part and looked it up at I hoped that didn’t disappoint you...But Max and Liz seem pretty willing to be creative LOL!!!

Biged- Hi! Welcome back! I’m glad you’re back too. You liked the parts you got caught up on reading. Gee thanks, I’m happy you’re enjoying the reading. I hope this new part won’t disappoint either. Thanks for reading and your feedback. Welcome back!

Part 35

Last time we left off with Mystic realizing something important…

Later that night Mystic replays the conversations with Maria, Iz, and Liz in her head. She smiles. Then she recalls noticing Isabel’s necklace and the symbol on it… ‘Necklace’ and ‘Symbol’ echoes in her mind. Then understanding dawns on Mystic; understanding now why those words and Liz’s symbol from her dream kept standing out in her mind. All the pieces of this small portion of the puzzle begin to come together. “Oh My God! Oh My God!” exclaims Mystic out loud. “I know where I’ve seen that symbol from Liz’s dream and the book. My father has a necklace he wears that has the symbol on it from Liz’s dream. . . Oh no! What does this mean?” asks Mystic.


“Mystic! What’s wrong? Are you okay?” asks a panicked Kyle looking at her and worried as to what could be wrong.

“Kyle, Oh My God, I can’t believe this,” says Mystic with tears streaming down her panicked stricken face. Kyle takes her in his arms and comforts and soothes her now sobbing cries.

“Mystic, you have to tell me what’s wrong? What just happened to make you shout out like that? Please tell me. I want to be here for you. Please, if something is bothering you I want to know,” says Kyle tenderly as he cups her cheek upon her lovely face. He looks into her violet troubled tearful eyes.

“Oh Kyle,” sobs Mystic. “I just remembered where I’ve seen that symbol from Liz’s dream. . . My father has a necklace with the same symbol on it. I didn’t recognize the symbol right away because my father wears the necklace tucked inside his shirts etc… But that’s definitely the same symbol,” cries Mystic. Kyle’s arms wrap around her. He pulls her close to him letting his presence and strength comfort her. Kyle gently strokes her hair and eases her sobs and cries.

“Mystic, I know this is very upsetting. You heard Max earlier, we need to find out more information before we start doing anything as drastic as killing someone. Max and Liz are not the type of people to react to only half a story. They like to make certain before they act on something. We’ll have to tell them. Let’s just tell them in the morning. There’s really nothing we can do with this information right this minute anyways, okay,” smiles Kyle wiping the tears from her beautiful face. He stares into her violet eyes as she gazes into his.

“Kyle,” says Mystic staring into his eyes finding more than she ever imagined she’d find in someone who is to be her bonded mate.

“Yeah,” says Kyle still with his arms around her and his eyes never leaving hers for a second, as if magnetically drawn to hers. He gulps.

“Kyle, I’m really glad you’re here with me. I need you Kyle, please don’t leave. I just feel so upset at realizing where I know that symbol from. Kyle, will you please stay with me and just hold me tonight?” asks a pleading Mystic.

“Sure Mystic. I told you I’m here for you. I want to be here for you. You can tell me anything and it won’t change these feelings that I already have for you. These feeling keep getting stronger with each passing day,” admits Kyle blushing slightly at his own words and admissions. “I’ll just get the blankets and pillows for us,” says Kyle excusing himself from Mystic, leaving her in her bedroom.

“Kyle, why are you going out to the couch in the living room?” asks an innocent Mystic. “I meant that you could sleep in here with me and just hold me,” explains Mystic not understanding the look on Kyle’s face.

“Uh…you meant for me to sleep in here, with you,” says Kyle running his hand nervously through his hair. “I was just going to get extra blankets and pillows for us to sleep on the couch in the living room,” gestures Kyle toward the living room.

“No, I meant in here. I don’t understand what’s wrong with you sleeping in here with me?” asks Mystic. Mystic is seemingly unaware of the implications of her innocent request. She is confused by Kyle’s reaction to her words. “Did I say something wrong?” asks Mystic.

“No…no, not at all. I just didn’t expect for you to say that,” squeaks Kyle.

“Mystic you seem really tense. Why don’t you take a bath and relax? I’ll just see what I can fix for us to eat in the kitchen,” says Kyle awkwardly gesturing behind him toward the kitchen. “Uh… Kitchen’s not that way, it’s this way” motions Kyle in the correct direction. He blushes clumsily and excuses himself. “I’ll see what’s on the sports channel for us as well,” says Kyle, desperate to make a graceful exit from her presence. To calm himself down he walks into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator door allowing the cool air to pour over him. “Man, I finally get a girl to tell me to stay the night with her and I can’t do it. I won’t take advantage of her being vulnerable and upset,” says Kyle. He looks down and talks to his obvious problem. “You hear me? We aren’t doing anything tonight. Just holding her, nothing else. So forget about anything else. Mystic is special and we’re not going to jump her bones like some common cheerleader. Okay? You understand me, Buddy? Good that you got that, Buddy. I’m glad we have a meeting of the minds. Okay, I think we can face her now,” says Kyle walking away from the refrigerator and offering a parting comment to behave. “Let’s just see what’s on the sports channel. That ought to help get our minds onto other subjects. Hey, look NBA championship games that ought to do it. Nothing remotely sexy about a bunch of guys playing basketball, thank God. Phew! We’re safe now,” says Kyle confidently. Kyle gets engrossed in the game, cheering on his team. “What? No way! That ref is blind! He fouled him! O come on!” shouts an animated Kyle. Just then Mystic joins him after her bath.

“Bad call?” asks Mystic. He looks at her and freezes, and gazes at her standing before him in only a night shirt and underwear.

“No! not a bad call. I mean yes, the ref is blind,” Kyle quickly corrects.

“Are you okay Kyle,” asks a concerned Mystic.

“Mud,” blurts out Kyle recalling something Max told him that Michael thinks about to control arising issues.

“What? Excuse me,” says Mystic.

“Mud…I mean he muddled that call,” says Kyle hoping she didn’t notice.

“Are you going to watch the game with me?” smiles Kyle as he reaches for a pillow behind him and puts it nonchalantly across his lap.

“Why the pillow Kyle?” asks Mystic completely unaware.

“Oh that….Uh…just trying to get comfortable,” Kyle blushes and smiles.

“Oh, yeah it’s good to be comfortable watching the game,” says Mystic.

Kyle mumbles under his breath “This is going to kill us, behave.”

“Did you say something Kyle?” asks Mystic taking her eyes off the game only for a commercial.

“Me? No, nothing,” says a nervous Kyle finding the commercial suddenly fascinating. Kyle looks and notices Mystic rubbing her arms as if to get warm. “It’s a little chilly in here. Take this blanket to keep warm until I get a fire built,” suggests Kyle.

“Thanks Kyle,” says a grateful Mystic accepting the blanket from him. She stands and wraps the blanket around her, curling up on the couch with a contented look on her face. Kyle finds himself suddenly feeling jealous of the blanket that’s now hugging her body keeping her warm. She now has a contented look on her beautiful face.

“I think I’ll just go outside to the shed and get started on making us that fire,” informs Kyle.
He goes out to the shed and begins talking to himself and his problem. “I think we need to think about truckloads of mud, yeah tons of it. You don’t control me, Buddy. I’m in control. Damn, you don’t make it an easy fight though. I’m still in control. You hear me? Me….not you, remember that,” says Kyle. He quickly gathers what he needs of firewood and kindling. Kyle walks back to the cabin allowing the chill in the air to calm him and ease his frustration. Kyle enters the cabin and see’s that Mystic isn’t on the couch where he left her.

“Mystic? Where are you?” asks a concerned Kyle now hearing only the sounds of her sobs over the sound of the TV. He puts down his armful of firewood on the hearth in front of the fireplace. Kyle finds her in the kitchen making them sandwiches and heating up a can of chili on the stove. He watches her crying as she assembles the deli style turkey sandwiches.

“Hey, the sandwich can’t be that bad,” jokes Kyle softly trying to get her attention.

“Oh Kyle,” she stops what she’s doing and walks to Kyle wrapping her arms around him.
“Hold me please, Kyle,” requests Mystic.

“Sure,” says Kyle wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. His concern for her overrides his previous reaction. “Hey, what’s this about? If it’s the sandwiches, look I’ll show them whose boss and cut them in half,” teases Kyle trying to bring the smile back to her face. She smiles, offers a small laugh, and wipes away her tears with the heel of her hand.

“Thanks Kyle, you always seem to know just what to say to cheer me up,” says Mystic lifting her head from his shoulder and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry. I thought we could eat sandwiches and chili, if that’s alright with you?” asks Mystic.

“Sounds like a great dinner to me. It’s better than what I’d fix. Your dinner looks definitely more edible than what I’d make to eat. Thank goodness you’re here to save me from my own sad excuse for cooking,” smiles Kyle. They eat and laugh comfortably while relaxing together enjoying the sports channel and the warm fire Kyle built. After hours of talking and watching the sports channel sharing their love of sports, they both fall asleep on the couch. Kyle wakes up a short time later. He tries to wake her so she can go to bed. He has no luck. Kyle carefully scoops Mystic into his arms and carries her to the bedroom. With one hand he pulls back the covers and places her there, covering her to keep warm. Kyle quietly starts to creep out of her room.

“Kyle? I thought you were going to hold me tonight.” says Mystic now sitting up from the bed and trying to focus on Kyle. Did I ask you to do something that I shouldn’t have or you didn’t want to do? It’s okay Kyle if you don’t want to… I just really needed you to make me feel safe, like there was at least one thing I had that was true to hold on to. I should know better than to ask that of you or let myself think you’d even want to do that for me. I’m sorry Kyle; just forget I asked that of you. It was wrong of me. I’ll be fine, alone like always,” says a melancholy Mystic as her tears threaten to spill over and flow down her pretty face. Kyle is quick to be at her side.

“Mystic, no. I just thought you were asleep and I didn’t want to bother you. I’ve never been asked to sleep…just sleep with a girl before. I’m kind of feeling awkward about that. I want you to be able to count on me for anything. I’m here for you. If you need me to hold you and sleep beside you, I will. You’re special and I just didn’t want you to think that I’d take advantage of you like this. I would never do that,” says a heartfelt Kyle. “Now for the really big questions of the night…which side do I get to sleep on, and are you a blanket hog,” teases Kyle. “Hey, a guy needs to know these things before he agrees to sleep with a girl… I mean really just sleep,” assures Kyle with a smirk and trademark smile.

“Kyle! Of course I meant just sleep…for now,” says Mystic enjoying the shocked look on his face. “I imagine at some point in the near future we will be bonded, but not tonight,” assures Mystic.

The next morning . . .
Max’s cell phone rings. He is annoyed by the particular timing of this most unwelcomed interruption from their usual morning routine. Max doesn’t even to bother to look at the cell phone’s display. He answers it out of breathe and a little more than irritated.

“Kyle this had better be good, or your days are numbered my friend,” pants a breathless Max.

“Oh God, are you two at it again….Uh sorry…I didn’t know. I should’ve guessed, but I didn’t know. Mystic and I are up so I just figured you were up…I mean awake,” corrects a blushing Kyle with a smirk.

“Kyle, get to the point here and I suggest you find it fast if you know what I mean,” says Max sternly.

“Does Liz know you get this cranky in the morning?” asks a teasing Kyle.

“Kyle!” growls Max.

“Okay, okay….Don’t bite my head off. Okay, Umm…What was I going to say…Oh yeah we, Mystic and I need to have a meeting with everyone this morning or today sometime. It’s important, but it can keep a few more hours,” jokes Kyle.

“A few more hours ought to do it,” says Max with a gleam in his eye looking back at Liz lying on their bed smiling up at him.

“Max you definitely got to hook me up with one of those Doctors from the Colony. I mean that’s not even fair. Do you realize how many guys would happily be abducted to be altered in that way... Sign me up, that’s what I say,” says a half-teasing Kyle.

“You’re funny Kyle, Ha ha. Oh by the way, Michael and Maria teleconferenced the rest of us a short while ago and mentioned they wanted everyone to come over there for breakfast, Michael’s cooking. Don’t worry Kyle. I was cranky with them, too,” adds Max. “Kyle, did you mention that you and Mystic were both up? How could that be? Are you two sleeping together… oh, fell asleep on the couch again,” smiles Max.

“Well it started that way. We ended up in her bed,” smiles Kyle waiting for Max’s reaction.

“Okay, Kyle. Now you’ve got me sounding like Maria, details… well not the too personal ones; but if you have questions, you can ask. I may not answer them but you can ask me anyways,” smiles a devilish Max. “We’ll see you guys at Michael’s and Maria’s cabin later for breakfast, Bye Kyle,” says Max.

Liz joins in the conversation, “Bye Kyle, thanks for not knocking on our door. Max might have blasted you,” laughs Liz.

“Now where were we,” says Max eyeing Liz about ready to devour her with his desire.

“Well, if you can’t remember, then maybe we should have those Colony doctors check you out,” smile a sexy Liz licking her lips.

“Max, MAX! You forgot to hang up the phone!” shouts Liz. Max picks the phone back up.

“Kyle…You still there?” asks Max. Max hears someone is breathing on the other end. He then hears Kyle and Mystic break out in laughter.

“Damn…You figured it out, huh? Yeah we’re still here. . .” says a sheepish Kyle.

“You pervs . . . Like we’re going to let you listen and learn. This isn’t an audio learning tape…later,” jokes Max who makes darn sure to press his phones end button this time.
He turns to Liz. “Kyle and Mystic slept together last night.”

“What? You’ve got to be kidding…” exclaims Liz.

“Yes, it’s true. I am kidding, sort of. They slept together, but only slept,” states Max.

“Oh that should be an interesting conversation. I know between me and Maria we’ll get details. If need be, we can get Isabel in on the act,” teases Liz.

You know Liz, all of us guys should be afraid to see you girls join forces against any of us guys. It’s totally unfair. We’re so out gunned and out maneuvered,” laughs Max.

“And don’t you ever forget it Mister,” says Liz grinning fervently at him while playing with the hair around his neck running her hands through his hair. You know Max; if we keep talking like this we’ll run out of time to do…other things before we have to leave to go to Michael and Maria’s for breakfast. But if you’d rather discuss various topics of conversation fine,” says Liz putting on her red silk robe.

“Oh no you don’t, Babe,” says Max stopping her from tying her robe closed. “I haven’t begun to be done with you yet,” says Max taking her into his arms and kissing her so fervently she feels it all the way to her toes.


“Gees, you did tell Max and Liz to come here for breakfast, right Michael?” asks Maria checking her watch. “Well, they must just be running a little late this morning,” adds Maria. “Maybe you should teleconference them again and mention that breakfast is ready,” suggests Maria.

“Oh hell no! No way am I going to interrupt them again. It’s not the visual I need in my mind, thank you very much, with my brother and sister-in-law obviously other wise engaged. No thanks; I’m not going there again today. They’ll be here Blondie, trust me. Usually no one likes to be late when I’m cooking, with Alex and Kyle around. They are famous for their disappearing act with food,” says a good spirited Michael. “Hey, I’m not like Kyle here calling them on the phone and well… we all heard about how well that went. I’m surprised Kyle’s alive to tell the tale,” says Michael getting his dig into Kyle.
“Hey! I heard that Michael. Well, at least I didn’t show up there like you did without warning for Max to give you relationship advice. I don’t know if you’re incredibly brave, desperate, or just plain stupid doing that Michael,” says Kyle shaking his head and smirking.

“That’s it jock boy. No eggs or bacon for you. You’re officially cut off, dude. Oh and by the way, I made dessert for later. It’s one you’d like. Too bad you won’t be partaking in any of it,” says a mischievous Michael.

“Michael! I’m hurt, deeply hurt,” says Kyle nearly moved to tears.

“Can I have his breakfast and desert too! After all, I’m your favorite brother in-law right Michael,” grins Alex defiantly at Kyle. “See Kyle, I’m family. He likes me better than you,” taunts Alex.

“Alex, bite me. Don’t make me kick your nerdy butt. You know I can,” says Kyle.

“Hey Jock boy, bring it on. I got powers now. That’s right, fear the nerd. Yep! It’ll be revenge of the Butt-kicking Nerd,” says Alex cockily.

“Okay, that’s enough of that. Don’t make me have you both go stand in opposite corners of the room,” says Isabel breaking up the guys exchange.

“Too bad. I would’ve liked to see that showdown,” jokes Michael.

“Michael, behave. Don’t make me threaten to blast your butt because you’re picking on Alex again. You know I can blast things pretty damn well myself; especially when you piss me off, Spaceboy,” says Maria with a death glare aimed at Michael underlining her point.

“Kyle, you did start all of this. You really need to know when to give up,” says Mystic. “Men! The testosterone in this place is off the charts, and to think they aren’t even watching the Sports channel. Michael, let me put this in hockey terms I think all three of you guys can understand. It’s the penalty box for you, ‘Five for Fighting’. Kyle and Alex opposite ends of the room, now please,” orders Mystic with Isabel backing her up.

“Mystic, I love it when you talk sports to me,” says Kyle with a gleam in his eye.

“Michael you stay and cook. No talking to each other or we women might be forced to become creative with our punishments,” says Maria with Isabel nodding in agreement.

“Yikes! Women getting creative with their punishment and torture of their men; this is so not looking good for us guys,” says Kyle. Suddenly a knock on the door interrupts the chaos. Michael answers the door.

“Hi Max and Liz,” says Michael giving his sister-in-law a half hug. So how’s my favorite sister-in-law today? Feeling okay? How are the twins doing today?” asks Michael allowing his concern and softer side to emerge.

“Here Liz, sit here,” says Alex offering his chair for her to sit and to put up her feet.

“I’m fine. Would you two very sweet well meaning mother hens cool it? I’m pregnant, not dying of a terminal disease. Thanks guys for your concern, though it’s very sweet. The twins are fine and said hi earlier,” smiles Liz.

“Really? Who do they like better? Their Uncle Michael, Uncle Alex or Uncle Kyle?” asks Michael.

“Oh I think they like you all just the same,” says Liz smiling at the guys. Liz is all a glow wrapped in Max’s embrace unable to keep their hands or minds off of each other.

“Like we don’t know what you two have been up to,” says Kyle.

“Kyle you and Mystic both surprised us listening in like that. Shame on you,” says Liz wagging her finger at Kyle in a lighthearted manner.

“Oh come on, you can’t blame us for trying to learn from our shameless resident experts,” jokes Kyle trying to get the better of Liz and Max by embarrassing them.

“Kyle, my friend you couldn’t even handle the cliff notes,” taunts Max with a cocky wide smile upon his handsome face. Liz looks up at him adoringly.

“What? I have to agree with him on that one guys,” says Liz with a contented smile.

“I thought I envied Max before, but this doesn’t help,” says Kyle shaking his head in defeat at this friendly testosterone inspired one up man’s ship.

“If you guys are quite through now, I have two words for you… let’s eat,” says Isabel. “Oh and Liz and Max don’t go there,” warns a playful Isabel.

“Did we say anything?” smirks Max and Liz. Later, after enjoying a nice family breakfast at Michael and Maria’s the conversation takes on a more serious note.

“Well, Mystic and I had some news to share about remembering where she’s seen the symbol from Liz’s dream,” says Kyle. He sits next to Mystic putting his arm across her shoulders showing his support and encouragement for her to tell the others.

“Uhhh…Yeah I did remember where I’ve seen it before. We still need to find out more about what this really means before anything is decided upon,” strongly urges Mystic. “I’ve seen that symbol before with the exact images on it as in Liz’s dream. My father has a necklace that he wears but keeps it tucked inside his shirt. It’s the same exact symbol. I know it,” informs Mystic.

“Are you sure you’re not confusing the necklace your father has with the one Isabel was showing us yesterday? Mystic, that symbol on Isabel’s necklace is not the same as the symbol in my dream. They do appear similar but they are not exact. Are you sure the symbol on your fathers’ necklace is the same as Smitak’s?” asks Liz trying to clarify. “Mystic, is it okay with you if we connect? I’ll be able to see the image you have of your father’s necklace in your mind, and we’ll go from there. Not to worry Mystic. Max and I are extremely cautious to the point of driving Michael, Maria, Isabel and the others insane,” teases Liz. Mystic nods and allows Liz to connect with her and share the image of her father’s necklace and the symbol on it. Liz is surprised by this realization.

“Yes, it’s the same symbol,” confirms Liz. She is curious contemplating the possible reasons for this. “We’ll just have to find out what is going on with that symbol and why Rasmus happens to have the same symbol,” says Liz.

“This means we’ll have to see what we can get him to tell us about it. Like they say, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. Right now we don’t know for sure which side of this Rasmus comes out on. Rasmus needs to be treated with care and caution until we find out differently. In the meantime, we need to research and see what can be told about this symbol and what it means,” commands Max. “Thank you for telling us, Mystic. We still don’t know for certain what it means. Rasmus must have some idea of what it means. We don’t have a lot of time to tip toe around Rasmus. I think we’ll just have to ask him straight out what it means and listen carefully to his answer and what his emotions read,” says Max calming Mystic’s concern about her father. An unexpected knock at the door interrupts and lightens the mood instantly.

Michael answers the door. “Hey Cal! What brings you here and why are you carrying a big box with ‘federal express over night’ marked all over it?” asks Michael.

“Oh, one of the Colonists told me there was a mail delivery addressed to Liz Evans and wondered if I could take it to you. I wanted to check in with you guys anyways, so it was no problem,” says Cal cheerfully.

“Liz did you order something from” asks Max looking at the box and the return address on it. Instantly Liz blushes as does Maria, Isabel, and Mystic. Why is this box so heavy for a parcel, Liz?” asks a curious Max.

“Ah ha! So that’s why you needed to use my computer last night,” says Alex. “So give it up Liz, what’s the deal with the parcel. Now bear in mind if you don’t tell us I can go and check the cookies on my computer and find out,” grins Alex about ready to run home to his cabin and find out.

“Oh it’s nothing really, just a book I ordered for light reading,” says Liz. Maria takes a sip of coffee just then and unable to hold in her laughter spews her coffee all over Michael.

“Why is it that I suspect a conspiracy here judging from the looks on the faces of the girls? And who’s going to clean my shirt?” asks Michael eyeing the likely conspirators waiting for one of the girls to come forward and spill the info, as it were.

Liz tries to create a diversion by talking to Cal. “Mystic has seen the symbol before. Rasmus has a necklace that he wears that has the exact same symbol on it. We have decided to approach him and see what he can tell us and what Isabel and Alex can find out by reading his emotions while he tells us about it. We don’t have time to go about this too slowly. We need to know who our enemies are and the sooner the better,” informs Liz.

“That sounds like a reasonable way to handle this. I need to get back and check on something,” says Cal making his excuse to leave and promises to check back with them later.

“Liz, Honey, you never did say other than a book what’s in the box,” says Max.

“Well now that I have everyone’s attention. This was something that started out with the intention to help Mystic and Kyle. The idea was to …inform them without giving away too many details about our private lives. Well, not more than any of us usually do, anyways. So I ordered this book I heard about from some girls at school in the locker room,” says Liz pausing to read the look on everyone’s faces so far.

“Oh this is getting good now,” says Kyle anxiously rubbing his hands together and leaning forward as if he’s on pins and needles itching to find out more.

“Yes, I did order a book from Well actually…4 copies of a certain book to be exact. My original thought was for this to be just for Kyle and Mystic. Then I thought it may present a problem. I had a feeling that everyone would want to beg, borrow, and steal this book. I opted to keep the peace in our little family and get a copy for each couple. This is a gift from me and Max to you guys, plus we get a copy too,” says Liz turning new and interesting shades of red.

“Liz if you don’t open that box now, I might just have to steal it from you,” says a half teasing and very curious Kyle.

“Yeah ditto what Jock boy said,” says Alex nodding with agreement with Kyle.

“I’m right there with you guys,” says Michael, with Max looking on in silent curiosity.

“Okay enough with the damn teasing, on with the main attraction,” says Michael growing impatient as the girls are laughing and blushing with embarrassment and amusement at the guys reaction. The guys haven’t even seen the book yet and they are already chomping at the bit.

“I’ll open it, but all of you guys need to sit down and behave, or no book,” warns Liz. The guys abruptly, as if by practiced queue, sit and watch in excited anticipation as to what is so special about this book Liz has ordered for all of them. Liz manages to compose herself long enough to open the parcel and remove the books from the box. She walks around to each couple handing them one book per couple. Last and certainly not least she hands one to Max. She looks around the room at her family’s bright red faces seeing their shock, then smiles.

“Liz!” says Michael. “Oh My God this is one of those manual type things isn’t it,” states Michael. Michael gets up and walks over to Liz and looks her in the eye and says, “Thank you. You are bar none my favorite sister-in-law, thanks Liz. Finally a book that’s educational,” says Michael giving her a half hug.
*****************************To Be Continued in a Sec****************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jun 19, 2004 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 35 p10 June 12

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 35 Continued*************

“Michael!” exclaims Maria. “I can’t believe my Spaceboy just said that. Quit hogging the book Michael,” says Maria trying to wrestle it from him. “Hey, save some of that energy for later, Spaceboy,” teases Maria. Michael quickly surrenders the book. Everyone laughs at their antics.

“Hey now! Blondie. I had the book first, Liz even handed it to me,” says Michael.

“Sorry Spaceboy. I didn’t think you’d be so interested. I mean can you handle some reading?” asks Maria with a bit of a dare in her breathy soft voice.

“I’ll show you if I can handle it or not.” Michael takes two steps, stares at Maria with hunger in his eyes, and throws her over his shoulder. He stalks away from their guests heading in the direction of their bedroom. Michael says in parting, without turning around, “It’s early after noon, don’t bother us until dark. Oh, and show yourselves out….Now please!” says Michael.

An excited Maria shrieks, “Oh my God, you’re going Caveman on me. Later guys, shut the door on your way out now,” smiles Maria still clutching the book.

Kyle, Mystic, Isabel and Alex all turn to look at each other and comment on the funny and bizarre display of Michael and Maria. They notice the front door shutting firmly, and now suddenly there is no sign of Max or Liz.

“Gees it looks like our honor students were anxious to study and make the honor role yet again,” says Alex.

“Isabel, I feel a study session coming on now. Get the book and let’s go,” demands Alex wrapping his arm around Isabel hurrying her along.

“Well, I guess that leaves us. I don’t think we should stay here and listen to Michael and Maria. I’m deeply traumatized by Liz and Max as it is,” jokes Kyle. “We should leave now,” says a relaxed and casual Kyle. “This book doesn’t mean that you have to…or we have to…you know,” says a shy Kyle.

“I know you’d never push me. I understand that. But I do have to admit I’m curious given what little I do know. I think this was really sweet of Liz to help me…us out like this. I’m in the mood to read some of this,” says Mystic genuinely curious.

“Yeah got to admit the Karma Sutra definitely has me curious. Does it have pictures?” asks Kyle. “Let’s go back to the cabin and look through this book where we can die of embarrassment together, in private,” adds Kyle.


“Max, Honey, you can put me down now. We’re at the cabin,” says Liz delighted by Max’s reaction.

“No, Bed Now,” growls Max looking at her possessively and his eyes turn dark as coal.

“It looks like Maria’s not the only one who gets to see her man go Caveman on her tonight, or should I say Cave alien. I love your Caveman Babe,” says Liz still being carried over his shoulder. Liz notes his cute butt and grabs a handful. She too growls now… “Mine! Take me to your cave,” says Liz.

Our couples spend the rest of the day reading, educating and uh…gathering a working knowledge of the Karma Sutra. Some are bigger on doing, like Max and Liz; than reading, like Kyle and Mystic; but all couples are comfortable discussing things with their mates or their intended.

*****************************To Be Continued*************************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 36 p12 June 19

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thanks for the great banner, Mia Nora, I love it.

Hi Everyone! Welcome faithful readers both lurkers and feed backers a like. It really does make me smile to know that so many are reading my story. I would dearly love it if even once those that have never left feedback did. Its okay, no pressure though. I’m just grateful that you’re out there somewhere reading my story. I hope you are liking what I’ve written and even making you laugh or smile along this journey we’ve been on together. I’m beginning to feel this story wrapping up on this leg of it anyways. I did decide I wanted to write a sequel that’s really a continuation with so much left to say and to show you of our gang and their lives. I do need to ask you guys for some help though. I’m kind of stuck thinking of a title for the sequel and I would appreciate your ideas or thought on titles that would work with a sequel to this story.
Could you guys please let me know if you can think of any good titles? I appreciate your help on finding a title for the sequel. Have a great weekend and upcoming week. Cyber hugs to all who read my story…Thanks for visiting and feel free to leave your thoughts on my story, okay. You guys all rock, in my book. Take care all.

Aussie_Dreamer- Hey KB!! How’s it going? Hey you never did tell me the name of your story or the link or which board it was on. I’d love to read it. So pm me or email me at insane, okay. I’m sorry you thought the part was short. I’ve had people complain I write to long of a part, so I’ve been scaling back some. Plus I have to leave something for next week to write. This story is winding down and I have to resolve this one before I write the sequel. BTW, I need some ideas for the title of my sequel.. Any ideas? I was hoping to let people know it was a sequel by the title working that in subtly. I hope you’ll enjoy this new part. It is about the same length but lots happen so it’s very full in its feel. It’s funny all the comments I got about a book I’ve never read or seen before, but what a reaction huh! LOL!!!

Sylvia37- Yeah Kyle’s a lot of fun to write. Having had the benefit of meeting and spending time with Nick Wechsler in person really helps me to write Kyle. He’s a great guy and very funny, great wit. My Kyle is funny especially when it comes to writing him with Mystic. They are sooo cute together. Thanks for reading Sylvia, it really makes me smile to see your feedback. I love the stuff you have on the board currently. Best wishes on your move. I hope you’ll get moved, unpacked, and have internet access for your computer in no time with minimal hassles.
Thanks for reading and the feedback.

Smac- You thought that part was funny with Kyle talking to ‘Buddy’… I tried to make it so there was something for any male readers out there to relate to and let them know that I do take in account to write they guys accurately. I love men, so I’m not bashing guys here at all. I just thought it would be a fun thing to show in the story. From what I’m told that part was realistic as far as guys doing something like that at least once. I think everyone is pretty happy with Liz’s giving them the book. Kyle and Mystic have been taking it slowly but still making progress. Kyle really cares for her and doesn’t want to be a jerk. I thought it was time for Michael to go caveman so, he did. Max and Liz wasted no time to take Michael’s queue and take off with ideas of their own before the others even noticed they were gone. LOL!!! Great minds think alike, in this instance I think. Thanks for reading, and I loved your feedback, as usual.

roswellian504- Yep! You were right. That book did incite a bit of a riot, didn’t it. He he he he.
Kyle definitely was amusing to see talking to ‘Buddy’ then up to his usual antics with the rest of the gang. As for that one part you quoted being for you… Yes and sort of. I did think of your comments when I wrote that and I love to see Michael and Maria...well be Michael and Maria. They are fun to write. I’m glad you enjoyed last weeks post. I hope you’ll like this weeks part too! Thanks for reading and the great feedback it’s very much appreciated.

out of this world- Hi Carol. Thanks for keeping me informed of Behr sightings, it’s very much appreciated. I hope RL cuts you some slack. I’m glad to know that you like to read my story and it’s on your list of stories you follow. I’m happy to have you as a reader. Cyber hugs! And Thanks for reading and posting your feedback. I think you’ll like this week’s post too. Take care!

ladylou- Welcome! Or should I say G’day mate! I just love Australia and Aussie’s some of my best friends are Aussie. I even have tried Vegemite and like it I’m on my second jar. See I have taste…(smile) You enjoyed the banter of our group. They are fun aren’t they. I just love writing them, I hope it shows. In case you didn’t know I post once a week on Saturday’s or Sunday’s by Aussie time. Wow! Only 45 minutes from Nicki, you guys have to get together for Coffee. There’s more Aussie’s on the boards here, really? Oh do bring them on over, okay… Thanks for reading my story and once again Welcome! It’s great to have you and Nicki representing for Australia, I say the more Aussie’s the merrier… I do hope you’ll continue to enjoy reading my story and please do leave your feedback. I love to read feedback. Cheers!

LoveIsForever- I’m always very grateful and thankful to read your feedback. You make me smiles and help me to keep going on with this adventure we are all on together. Love reading what parts you deemed quotable that you found the most interesting or funny. I love writing the interactions to the situations the characters find themselves in and to each other. I love writing this group they are so much fun. They keep showing me scenes etc… to write for them and we all seem to be having fun together. Max and Liz get bossy demanding their love scenes though. Can’t say I blame them, my being a dreamer fan and all. LOL!! Michael and Maria just crack me up with there quirky chemistry that is uniquely them. I enjoy Alex and Isabel as well. I really like my Isabel, can’t say that about the show so much. My Isabel is way cooler and she’s not afraid to be with Alex and be a couple. Max and Liz well, they are just incredible together, the perfect couple in everyway so completely in sync with each other truly bonded as two souls that are really one in each other. Kyle and Mystic I love them too. Seeing them just begin their relationship and learning and discovering about each other. They are a great group and I love all the antics they get into with each other. Okay, I admit it. I’m having a blast writing this each week. I’m tickled that you read it and leave me such great feedback. It’s a privileged to read, thank you for leaving the awesome feedback. You rock!!! I hope you will enjoy the new part this week.

Kitkat405- Hi Cassie Welcome back! No worries, you’re always welcome here. I did miss reading your feedback though. I’m thrilled your back, welcome. As for Mystic’s dad, Rasmus, well you just have to read this weeks part to see if that answers your questions about him. Kyle and Mystic are moving toward making that big step to becoming bonded and there are issues that their bonding would be helpful to the group. But if and when they do bond it won’t be because they feel they have to for the survival of the group. It will be for their own reasons, feelings, cares and concerns. They are definitely moving in that direction though.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! I glad I answered your questions last week. Kyle and Mystic listening in on Max and Liz was quite the prank. Good thing Liz realized it or that could definitely be embarrassing to have their friends hear. Yeah, it was fun to see Michael go Caveman on Maria. That was a first for them by the way… the Caveman part I mean. LOL!!! I hope you’ll enjoy this weeks post also. Thanks for reading and the wonderful feedback. It’s very much appreciated.

Frenchkiss70- Hey I’m soo happy to hear that you loved that last part and that it was funny. I’m glad you get my sense of humor. You want to know my secret for writing Kyle so funny, promise you won’t tell… Okay, here it is. I met Nick Wechsler in person and bowled with him and we hit it off big time like two old friends. He was a riot. You should’ve seen the two of us goofing off being our silly selves and bowling for charity. He is a great guy and funny, and shameless. Never dare Nick. LOL!! He doesn’t embarrass easy either, but I innocently managed to do that. I had a blonde moment and didn’t realize I did it at first. Then, we both just laughed about it. He was so easy to write after meeting him. I did like Kyle in the show, just not at first. Then I came to really like Kyle as the show went on. Meeting Nick gave me a handle on how to write Kyle. I told him I was writing a Roswell fan fiction story and he asked if Kyle was in it. I told him yes, but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go with Kyle character. But after meeting him, I knew. He’s a great guy, yep he made me into Kyle/Nick fan. I love writing Kyle. I’m glad you are enjoying reading him as much as I love to write him. I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s part.

Biged- Hi… Welcome back. Thanks for the compliments on the chapter. I’m really having a blast writing the couples and interactions. Happy dances all around you get my sense of humor, really? I’m thrilled to hear that. I’m not ready to end their story completely, that’s why I think I’ll write a sequel. We are beginning to wind this one up though. Oh and as for Rasmus you’ll have to read about him further in this weeks post. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story and leave me feedback. I love reading feedback, thank you for your kind and fun feedback. I look forward to reading your thoughts on this new part.

AJK001- Hey, you’re welcome for the part last week. It was my pleasure to write it. Oh boy ‘The Book’ did that ever get a reaction from the characters and all of you guys that read my story. I just thought it would be a fun thing to add into the mix. I mean poor Mystic and Kyle could use some info. With out details about their families private lives, right? I think they’re all having fun with their own inquiries and explorations, as far as the book goes. LOL!!

Aussie_Dreamer- Hey girlfriend! Oh bummer about not having computer access until Monday or Tuesday. That would kill me, see I’m addicted to my Max and his notebook version I named Zan. Am I addicted Roswellian and full fledged Jason worshiper, YES!!!! And proud of it! Not that I don’t love and adore Aussie’s, I do. Hang in there, my story update will be there waiting for you to read when you can gain access to a computer, okay… Hey, you never gave me any info to track down your story. Okay, here I okay sounding like Maria, “details Chica, I want the details.” Okay. Have a great weekend, Nicki. Cheers!!!

Part 36

Last time we left off with this…………………..

Our couples spend the rest of the day reading, educating and uh…gathering a working knowledge of the Karma Sutra. Some are bigger on doing, like Max and Liz; than reading, like Kyle and Mystic; but all couples are comfortable discussing things with their mates or their intended.


Later that same night….

“Hi guys! You two made it over for dinner? I’m shocked. Quick get a camera. Max and Liz came up for air, or should I say over for dinner,” says Maria. “I would’ve thought for sure we wouldn’t see you for the rest of the night. We had to make an educated guess on the food. It seems Michael’s too tired to cook tonight for some reason,” beams Maria with a big grin from ear to ear. “In light of that, we opted to order pizza; actually, six pizzas because with Kyle, Alex and Michael it’s like having Shaggy and Scooby around. Our guys are always hungry. They can be simply scary when it comes to food,” continues Maria.

While waiting for their pizzas to arrive, the guys all congregate for a game of touch football outside the cabin. The girls are sitting on the front porch of Maria and Michael’s cabin. Each girl produces a book bag and retrieves the book of interest to talk amongst themselves as their men play football. “Liz, what’s with all the post it notes?” asks Mystic.

“Oh that’s just for future reference,” grins Liz like a contented well pampered cat. “What?” asks Liz noticing all the girl’s eyes on her. Maria quickly refers to her own book.

“Okay, Chica. What pages do you have post it notes on?” asks Maria looking over Liz’s shoulder trying to sneak a peak.

“Maria!” exclaims Liz.

“Hey, don’t make fun of my post it notes. It’s a good way to mark special points of interest for later reference, you know what I mean,” blushes Liz.

“Okay Mrs. A student, time to share the post it notes with the class,” says Maria.

“Ah, Liz. Can we please remember here that Max is my brother and I so do not want to hear anything but general stuff. No, and I repeat no details,” states Isabel.

“Hey scoot over! I can’t see Liz’s book with you two blocking my view. I, more than either of you, need to see this. There’s just so much to learn,” states Mystic blushing at her blatant outburst. The other three all sigh and add their chorus of yeahs to her own.

“So how far did you get…in reading the book?” asks a now blushing and curious Isabel. “Can’t I ask a few questions too? Gees Maria. It’s not like you’re the only one that has questions,” states Isabel in a regal manner.

“Look you guys! I didn’t write this book. Don’t look at me like I’m some expert or something, just because Max and I take care of each others needs,” says Liz as delicately as she can.

“Liz, I don’t mean to speak out of turn. It seems like out of this group you seem to be…more practiced than the rest of us,” says a blushing and shy Mystic. She looks down at her feet and dusts off imaginary dirt from them with a brush of her hand.

“Gees, how needy can two people possibly be. My god, you two make like bunnies 95% of the time. That’s only counting what we see. I don’t even want to get into what we don’t. We’ll just limit the topic of this discussion to the book,” okay smiles Maria to her family.

“Agreed” say the girls unanimously. Hearing this loud statement immediately draws the guys’ attention.

“Oh boy! Is it me or does that make you concerned, as well?” asks Kyle.

“Hey, look. They’re all sitting over there and looking at some book. Ah…they each have a book. Ah…Guys, I think it might just be ‘the book’. You know the one Liz handed out earlier,” says a worried and nervous Alex.

“What!?” asks Max just releasing a touch down pass thrown with a perfect spiral on the football. Michael’s attention is suddenly drawn to the girls. He gets hit smack in the chest completely forgetting about the thrown pass he was to catch.

“Hybrids!” says Kyle shaking his head exasperated by Michael’s missed catch. “Come on Michael. Max threw it to you right in the numbers; all you had to do is catch it. As a football jock, I’m embarrassed by that sad display. It’s obvious you weren’t using your powers on that,” jabs Kyle enjoying giving Michael a good natured ribbing about it. Kyle notices Michael’s distracted yet riveted gaze towards the girls. “Oh, that’s why. Forget what I said Michael. I can understand, the girls distracted you,” states Kyle who was not paying particular attention to what the girls are looking at. Max, Michael, Alex and now Kyle all join in the riveted gaze at the girls.

“You don’t think they’d be looking at ‘the book’ and comparing notes, and asking questions, do you?” asks Michael. The four men look at each other as an urgency to avoid complete embarrassment registers on all their handsome faces, and then they panic. They drop the football and take off at a dead run towards their scheming females hoping to salvage some privacy and their man hood.

“Hey, what are you girls reading?” asks a now out of breath Kyle trying to act nonchalant. Max, Michael and Alex trail a second or so behind him. Max pulls up on his running efforts so as to appear calmer than, and not as panicked as, the others and more in control. Liz looks up at Kyle and the rest of the guys and sees Max approaching close behind. She smiles.

“Nothing, just reading and sharing is all,” says Liz knowing this would warrant a reaction from Kyle.

“Sh….sharing,” stutters Kyle. He then thinks to himself, oh god why don’t you just shoot me now. Kyle wipes his face with one hand hoping to wipe away the worry and embarrassment desperate to recover his cool jock composure. The girls smile knowing that Kyle’s making a valiant effort to cover.

“Kyle you look so cute like that…you know, trying to save face, and whatever else you think of yours that may need saving,” says Mystic.

“I can see you have been working your magic and corrupting Mystic here to fit in with the rest of you wonderful wicked women,” says Alex. “That’s my girls,” says Alex proudly beaming at them.

“Don’t encourage them. They already rule our lives; let’s not concede everything to them anymore than we have to. We have to maintain some illusion here. We are men after all,” says Michael.

“Hey, speak for yourself. So Maria keeps you on a short leash? That’s not true for all of us,” says Alex. Michael glare’s a death glare at Alex just now.

“You’ve crossed the line there Nerd Boy. Besides, you’re with my sister and I think we know who wears the pants in that relationship. Just for the record, it isn’t you, buddy,” says Michael with an evil grin.

“Alright guys, enough of the testosterone macho death match, okay. You’re all studs. Happy now?” asks Liz trying to make peace. Liz looks over to Max, “Some more than others,” grins Liz looking adoringly at Max. Max struts over to Liz and greets her with a kiss.

“Thanks Babe,” says Max grinning.

“Oh no, you’d better brake them up now; or we won’t see them until tomorrow,” says Maria.

The rest of the guys look at each other and nod, “yeah we’re all studs. I think we can agree on that, right guys,” says Alex.

“Absolutely, see that’s why Liz is my favorite sister-in-law,” says Michael.

“Hey she’s my best friend. I knew her before you did. I call dibs,” says Alex.

“Michael! Alex! Would you two stop your sparring? Besides, the pizza delivery guy just pulled up. The feud is all now forgotten in the midst of the arrival of food. Once their appetites are satisfied they are civil to be around each other without the male posturing.

“Pizza’s here!” shouts Alex looking longingly at the pizza guy’s delivery. Michael follows in hot pursuit of the pizzas with Kyle running quickly along side them making sure to stake his claim to at least one of the pizzas. Max doesn’t run with the rest of the guys to claim a pizza because they know better than to hog the pizza from Max or the girls. It could get ugly with the use of angry alien powers blasting who knows what of who knows where’s parts. Besides they have to pay for the pizzas first. Instead, Max grabs the Tabasco sauce, napkins, and paper plates. He hands them to the girls to pass around.

“Thank you Max for thinking of us first, instead of the other Neanderthals we call our bonded mates,” says Isabel with Mystic and Maria nodding in agreement.

“Your welcome ladies,” says Max earning him smiles from the group. The guys return and join the group on the front porch. The girls all turn and look at them giving them a scowl as the three guys’ finish their first slice of pizzas before reaching the girls and Max.

“Liz, you did good. You got the only civilized man in the bunch,” says Maria. “I bet he even opens the door for you as well,” adds Maria glaring at Michael.

“What?” says Michael after taking the last bite of his first slice of pizza.

“You take another bite of pizza, Spaceboy and it will be your last. Unless you make with the sharing,” warns Maria.

“Oh sorry, Blondie, old habits die hard,” says Michael apologetically.

“Kyle, are you going to share that pizza or do I have to wrestle you for it?” asks Mystic.

“Wrestle me for it? Now that’s the best offer I’ve had all day,” grins Kyle mischievously.

“Really? I‘ll keep that in mind for later then,” says a flirtatious Mystic. “I have to warn you Kyle, I’m pretty athletic and strong for my size. I think I could take you down, Kyle,” grins Mystic batting her eyelashes at him innocently. Kyle had just taken a bite of his second slice of pizza. He begins choking, sputtering and blushing at her unexpected response and obvious flirtation.

“What’s wrong Kyle? I can’t believe that our resident smart ass has no comeback to that statement,” teases Isabel. This earns everyone’s laughter at Kyle being rendered speechless by Mystic’s one-up-man ship comments.

“Mystic, I’m proud of you. You’re a fast learner. Stick with us and we’ll teach you all about how to handle a guy,” says Maria with a wink and a round of high fives with the girls.

“Oh god, they’re teaming up against me. Help guys!” pleads a worried Kyle.

“Hey, don’t look at us you’re on your own there Kyle,” says Max and Michael smirking along with Alex rolling on the ground in laughter at the horrified look on Kyle’s face.

“You’re so screwed my friend,” says Alex pointing and laughing at Kyle.

“Yep, says Michael. Prepare to meet your doom, buddy. You’ve been had,” jokes Michael.

“Its okay, Kyle. Consider it a rite of passage. You’ll survive…I hope,” smiles Max.

“Gee thanks for the support there guys… This isn’t fair. Our women decide to band together against me and you guys aren’t going to back me up. That’s just wrong,” says Kyle. Kyle sits down hard on the step and says, “You’re right. I’m totally screwed, aren’t I?”

“Yep! Brake out that white flag now and save yourself any further humiliation. Be a man!” says Michael.

“Oh yeah, like you are with Maria?” asks Kyle rhetorically. “Great example there Mr. Master Blaster,” deflects Kyle shifting the conversation to somebody else.

“Kyle, how fast can you run?” asks Michael with a slight look of mischief and anger on his face.

Michael sets down the pizza and makes a sudden move toward Kyle as if to make good on his veiled threat. Kyle see’s this and stands up and starts to run from Michael. Michael raises his hand out in front of him as if he’s preparing to blast at Kyle playfully.

“Enough!” shouts Mystic as she calls upon her powers instantaneously raising her arm in the air and looks heavenward. She summons the clouds and wind. Mystic produces a bolt of lightening in seconds and releases the bolt of lightening at a safe distance, separating the two playfully feuding men.

“Holy Shit! Did you see what Mystic just did?” asks a worried yet impressed Michael looking at the lightning bolts damage.

“Yeah, it looks like you’re not the only one who has reason to be afraid when your woman gets pissed at you. Damn Mystic, we were only messing with each other. Michael wasn’t going to hurt me, right Michael,” Kyle ribs Michael prompting him for an answer.

“Yeah Mystic. Kyle’s right, we are always doing this fighting thing that we do. It doesn’t mean anything bad. I wasn’t going to use my powers on him. I just wanted to make him show a little respect is all,” admits Michael.

Liz stands and addresses them, “Okay, is this settled with you two guys or do the rest of us need to get involved in this and settle it here and now,” demands Liz in a commanding tone.

“No…no we’re good now, right Michael?” squeaks Kyle.

“Yeah we’re good now, let’s go wrestle that pizza from Alex before it’s too late,” smirks Michael.
The gang finishes most of their pizza, enjoying a much lighter mood of conversation. Mystic looks over her shoulder and see’s her copy of the book.

“I dogged eared a few pages that confused me and I didn’t understand. Maybe you guys could explain a little,” suggests Mystic. Everyone quickly huddles around Mystic to look over her shoulder and look at the dog eared pages she has questions about. Kyle stands embarrassed but can’t help being curious what pages she dogged eared. He eagerly nudges Michael out of his way so he can see what they are all looking at. Michael looks at the person nudging him. He sees Kyle and smirks at him. Michael allows a little room to him under the circumstances. After all, Mystic’s questions affect Kyle on this subject matter, and the rest of them just find it entertaining.

“You have quite a few pages dog eared, Mystic. So which page would you like to start asking us about?” asks a sincere and helpful Liz trying to put Mystic at ease.

“Well…I guess this one confused me the most… Umm…this page here,” points Mystic. The girls all synchronize the tilting of their heads sideways trying to grasp the exact position and concept of this picture. They four girls, still with their heads all tilted sideways, study the picture carefully; then turn the book to the right. Liz smiles because she recognizes this picture. It’s one that Liz marked with a post it note. Liz looks up at Max and they exchange an unashamed smile.

Kyle blurts out, “That one can not be done,” points Kyle. “It’s impossible. Who do they think they are kidding?”

Maria adds, “Kyle, does it look like they’re kidding or faking anything? I don’t think so.”

Max and Liz admit, “No, it’s possible. It does require some flexibility and balance, though,” beams Max and Liz with cheesy grins on their faces.

“God! What are you two…circus performers, contortionists, or something?” asks Kyle amazed, not wanting to really hear their answer. “That’s it! I’m talking to those doctors tomorrow,” says Kyle only half way kidding.

“Okay, was it me or did Max and Liz just give us yet another reason to blush at them and their antics,” says Maria. “By the way, I’m impressed. I’m proud to know you two. Maybe you could talk to Michael for me Max,” says Maria with a wink.

“Is it me or did the Max envy club just increase its number yet again,” says Alex.

“Alex!” says Isabel. “Fine, if you want to study other pages, you’d better eat more so you don’t pass out later,” smiles Isabel flirtatiously at him. Alex quickly rummages for more pizza.

“Okay, I so did not just hear that,” says Max with his hands covering his ears. Michael copies Max’s move, showing his agreement. Neither of them wants to think of their sister and Alex doing anything remotely like that even though they know better. They just prefer to remain blissfully ignorant.

“Liz, why does our book have all these post it notes stuck out of it?” asks Max.

“Just some interesting reading to note for later, that’s all Honey,” says Liz.

“Oh? Home work huh?” Max smiles and laughs lightly.

“Can you two please tone it down for the rest of us please… This is killing me,” says Kyle in utter frustration.

“Okay what about these other pages?” asks Mystic. Kyle groans audibly now.

“No not more please. I can’t take much more of this conversation. I’m officially waving the white flag,” admits Kyle pulling a white napkin from the pile and waves it back and forth in the air.

“Kyle, I’m not trying to embarrass anyone. I just don’t have anyone else to ask but you guys. The girls said it was okay to ask stuff, so I am,” explains Mystic. Much to Kyle’s embarrassment,
the girls are undaunted in their conversation and pursuit of imparting understanding to Mystic. The guys decide that it would be best if they went into the cabin and give the girls a little privacy.
Once inside the cabin, Max’s cell phone rings.

“Hello Cal,” says Max noting the name on the display. “Oh you’re coming over now, with Rasmus? Okay, yes we do need to speak to him privately and this is a good place to bring him. Yes, we are all here at Michael and Maria’s cabin. He doesn’t know why we have summoned him does he? Good, don’t tell him anything. I’ll fill him in. Right, we’ll see you and Rasmus in a couple of minutes,” says Max effectively ending their phone conversation. “You guys heard that right! We need to hurry and tell the girls about Cal and Rasmus arriving any minute,” says Max suddenly serious and in full leader mode.

“Yeah, we heard. Come on let’s get the girls and tell them,” says Michael leading them back out onto the front porch.

“Sorry to interrupt girls, but I’m sure you heard the phone ring didn’t you?” asks Max.

“No, we weren’t listening, but its okay; I sensed it through our connection and shared it with the girls. So Rasmus is coming here shortly?” asks Liz.

“Are you going to be okay with this entire thing, Mystic?” asks Max and Liz showing there concern for this newest member to their extended family.

“Yes, I’m fine with it. You guys are my family now. I’m here to support you guys,” says Mystic squaring her shoulders and holding her head high readying her self to face her father this time. She is a determined self assured young woman in the presence of her family…her true family. Moments later, Cal pulls up in his car accompanied by Rasmus. Max shares a look with Alex and Isabel. They understand what is expected, remembering the earlier plan. Max steps back for a moment. He rejoins Liz and takes his place at Liz’s side. Each member of the group joins hands allowing Alex and Isabel access to any extra power to draw on to read Rasmus. They are determined to get answers tonight as they read his emotions seeking the truth of his motivations and convictions behind the necklace, its symbol, and what it all means according to him.

“Rasmus, it’s nice of you to join us here this evening. I’m glad Cal was so persuasive with extending my invitation to bring you here tonight,” says Max asserting and assuming every bit of authority he seems to have at the Colony. “You pledged your loyalty to us and our people. As you recall, my mother mentioned we have the same power available to us that she has. I suggest that you tell us everything you know about this necklace and the symbol that is on it, Now!” commands Max. Rasmus nervously tries to calculate a response to this abrupt demand by the leader of the ‘Destined Ones’. Isabel and Alex now focus their abilities to begin to read Rasmus.

“What necklace?” denies Rasmus.

“Father, you know the one you always wear tucked into your shirts. It’s important for all of us to know what it means and now. The survival of our people may rely on what you can tell us about it. Answer Max’s question, Father. I wouldn’t challenge the power of our group if I were you,” warns Mystic.

“The meaning of the necklace and the symbol on it has personal meaning to me and I do not see how this is any business of ‘The Destined One’s’. Michael approaches and growls at Rasmus staring him down and showing Rasmus he is nothing. Michael intimidates him with a stare. Rasmus would not be a problem for Michael to deal with if Max or Liz wishes it so.

“You know Rasmus, I haven’t blasted anything all day. Don’t tempt me. Answer our questions now or wish you did,” demands Michael standing only inches from the man looking down into his eyes, never blinking. Rasmus takes a step back from Michael’s invasion of his personal space. Rasmus feels very out matched by this group of teens he sorely under estimated before. He again sees his grave mistake in doing so.

“I’ll tell you about my necklace and the tale behind it. It is deeply personal and I haven’t discussed this with anyone before, not even Mystic. It began many years ago when Mystic’s mother was pregnant with her. What appeared to be a scout ship came here looking for ‘The Destined Ones’. There was this one man with them who acted as their leader. I do not know his name. I had never seen him before. He and his men searched our Colony and killed some people trying to get us to tell him of your location. This was many years ago, after the 1947 Crash in Roswell. We didn’t know of your survival or your location. He of course did not believe us and killed people in hopes of intimidating us into revealing something we didn’t know. His ship created a commotion and humans were quickly scrambling to pin point its location. We were able to hide our location from all but a few humans who made it onto the grounds before we cloaked the Colony. Years ago we had the technology to hide our colony for brief periods of time. These humans meant us harm and fought us and the other intruders. The humans assumed all of us were their enemy. Many ran in the direction of the Colony’s housing areas. There was great confusion then.” He pauses as tears begin to fill his eyes. “I ran to check on my wife. I found her lying on the floor dying, brutalized by someone. I assumed it was one of the humans. When I reached her it was too late to save her. She was already dying. All we could do was save Mystic and that’s what the doctor’s worked to do. I found my wife clutching this necklace,” says Rasmus plucking the necklace from around his neck and showing the symbol to the group. “My wife never regained consciousness. Why does my painful personal story have anything to do with saving our people? I don’t understand,” says Rasmus.

“Wait a minute!” says Kyle. “I can’t let this slide. This is what is behind you’re hatred of humans, isn’t it? You blame all humans for what you believe happened to your wife. Look, I can understand you being plenty pissed off and holding a grudge against the person responsible for killing your wife. But I’m here to tell you it wasn’t me. Now that I’ve heard this story, I want the guy that did that to Mystic’s mother found and brought to justice,” says a moved and honest Kyle. “Oh, sorry for the side note there, but it was important,” admits Kyle squeezing Mystic’s hand. “And another thing, Rasmus, Mystic believes that you blame her for her mother’s death.”

“I didn’t know that. Mystic, I don’t blame you for her death. I’m ashamed to admit what happened back then, but I still blame humans. I can’t help but feel like I have to blame someone for what happened,” says Rasmus.

“You said you found this necklace clutched in your wives hand. Did you see anyone running from your house?” asks Max trying to piece together this puzzle.

“Yes. Tell me why this is important to you,” says Rasmus.

“We have reason to believe that our enemy bares this same symbol, a family crest of some sort. We have our suspicions as to the owner’s identity,” says Max cryptically.

“I think the person we are both looking for is one in the same… It’s Smitak,” says Liz commanding Rasmus attention.

“What? No! You’re wrong! I’ve always thought it was a human. It is humans I blame for our people being unable to get home to be with our kind. It’s where we belong rather than on this inferior planet. I killed the person I saw running away from the direction of my house. He was a human,” says Rasmus with his hatred seething in anger.

“That human may have been innocent of killing your wife,” says Liz with steal to her voice. “You took a life without bothering to find the truth. I’m disgusted by this Rasmus,” admonishes Liz. “Humans are not the reason for you not going home. Your anger has confused your memories. Yes we crashed here, but you and the colonists were sent here with a purpose. If all of Antar were to be destroyed, there would be at least some Antarians left. Earth was the safest place. Besides, Antarians can mate with humans as you know,” says Liz needing to correct Rasmus.

“Rasmus, the necklace you found carries Smitak’s family crest. Hand the necklace to Liz. We’ll see if she gets a flash from it telling her what happened that night,” says Max needing to find out more about that evening so long ago. Ramus complies tearfully. Rasmus realizes now that for all these years he may have misplaced his hatred. Liz gets a flash almost immediately of the events that night, so many years ago. Liz confirms it belonged to Smitak.

“Yes, it was Smitak who killed Rasmus wife, not a human,” says Liz. “I’m sorry for your loss Rasmus. Smitak is evil and this underscores one main reason he must be stopped for everyone’s survival; human, hybrid, and Antarian alike,” says Liz and Max offering a softer tone now in their statements to him.

Rasmus is puzzled and visibly shaken by this revelation. “I only know of Smitak by reputation. Is there anyway you could show me his image so I could know what he looks like?” asks Rasmus.

Liz reaches for her bag and produces her living journal, the one from the pod chamber with the symbols. Liz knew this meeting with Rasmus would happen. She added the living journal to her book bag knowing she would need it.

“This is a picture of Smitak, our enemy,” says Liz holding the book open for Rasmus to see.

“Oh my God, that’s him! That’s Smitak? That’s the man from the intruder scout ship, the one who was their leader. It was him, like you said Liz. What have I done?” says a now shattered Rasmus realizing the truth of that night, for the first time.

Isabel and Alex open their connection to Max and Liz. “Guys, Rasmus is telling you the truth. He truly did not put the whole picture together until just now. His emotions are as they appear. He’s truly lost and upset about all this,” explains Isabel through their connection. The focus changes to Max and Liz.

“Rasmus, this has been very difficult for you to hear and we don’t mean to burden you any further, but we do have to ask you this. Can we count on you to be on our side and that of the Colonists? We need to know now; we can’t afford any hesitation on this. If we are to be engaged in battle in the near future, we need to know who’s watching our backs and who isn’t,” says Max gently yet forcefully demanding an answer.

“My loyalties are as they have always been to protect the Colonists, our people and preserve them. Yes, I’m with you. I lend my full support to ‘the Destined Ones’ and I will tell the Colonists that as well,” states a solemn and sincere Rasmus. Isabel confirms this with a simple look and nod that he spoke the truth.


Everyone find’s themselves back at Kyle and Mystic’s cabin. Kyle is particularly proud of his satellite radio and is showing it to his future father-in-law. “Rasmus, check this out. I can pick up a radio station on this baby all the way from Sydney Australia. Listen, that’s Nova 96.9,” says an excited Kyle. Kyle is now having difficulty tuning in the station because of all this static. “I don’t understand. There’s not supposed to be any static on this, it’s a satellite radio,” puzzles Kyle. I’ll just turn it off, then,” offers Kyle.

Rasmus grabs his arm. “No Kyle, don’t. Listen, just listen to it!” says Rasmus.

“Oh you like that station too, huh?” smiles Alex.

“It’s not the station that I’m listening to, it’s the static. Do you hear that?” asks Rasmus.

“It’s static so what?” shrugs Kyle.
**********************************To Be Continued***************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jun 26, 2004 9:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 36 p12 June 19

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

******Part 36 Continued

“It’s not the static, it’s the spaces between the static. It’s a code. Sort of like Morris code, but the alien version. I’ve heard that only one other time. I will never forget that sound 17 years ago when we tried to communicate with Antar before our communication systems were destroyed. Our people had nearly perfected a way to communicate with Antar before Smitak arrived and destroyed that option for us,” says Rasmus with a look of being lost deep in thought.

“So what does this message say?” asks Max.

“I don’t know, but I do know who will,” says Rasmus. “We need to talk to the scientists who were here the last time this happened.”

“Scientists! You’re going to go and talk to the Scientists now? I’ll go with you. I need to talk to them about something myself, on a private matter,” says an enthusiastic and smiling Kyle.

“Kyle! You aren’t really going to talk to them about that are you?” asks Max.

Kyle looks over his shoulder as he leaves with Rasmus, and answers them with a devilish smile and wink. “In a word, Yep!” says Kyle practically skipping along side Rasmus.

“Oh Kyle, I’ll wait up for you so we can….talk later,” says Mystic.

“That reminds me, this meeting is over. It’s getting late. We all need to get…our rest,” says Max.

“Uh..huh… Sure fearless leader, like we believe that. I do like your thinking though,” jokes Alex glancing at Isabel.

“Hey, ditto what Alex said,” says Michael.

“Men are so simple. It all comes down to basics with them; action, adventure, sports, food and last but not least on their daily itinerary, sex. Don’t you just love simple,” teases Isabel receiving nods, laughs, and high fives from the other girls.

Max, Alex, and Michael all turn and look at Isabel and the girls. “What? Are you girls complaining?” challenges Alex in a mischievous way. This earns laughter from everyone present, including Cal. He can’t help but laugh at the antics of this group.

******************************To Be Continued**************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 37 p13 June 26

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Great banner by Mia Nora, Thanks so much it's really gorgeous.

Hi All! I hope you'll like this weeks part. I just wanted to remind you I need to figure out a new title for a sequel to this one story. I'd appreciate to hear your ideas on titles. I'm grateful to all of you that read my story even if you don't leave me any feed back. It's nice to know that you're out there reading it. I'd still love to read the feedback though so you know. Thanks for reading either way and extra hugs to those that leave me feed back. Thank You!

Biged- Hi I’m glad to see your feed back. Thank you for taking the time to do that, it means a lot to me. Yep! I didn’t want to drag that aspect out to long. I’m glad you’re enjoying this journey along with. Thanks for reading and again for you feed back.

LoveIsForever- Hi! It sounds like you had fun at the birthday. I’m really glad the missing child was found safe and sound, Phew! That’s so scary when that happens. I’m glad you enjoy the buddy fights the guys always manage to get into. I guess there’s just too much quality men and testosterone in one spot to not have that happen. Besides they are so funny when they fight. Yeah, it was sad the reason for Rasmus harsh attitude. I do enjoy reading your feed back and guessing which lines you’ll be quoting in your feed back, this is kind of a fun game we got goin’ on. I hope you’ll like the next part too. Thanks so much for leaving your great feed back.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Rasmus did sort of do an about face and changed his opinions on things. Hmmm. The message well that’s interesting isn’t it. You’ll have to see what happens with what they tell us later about it. Thanks for your feed back.

Frenchkiss70- Yes, I did meet NW. He’s very funny, cute, and sweet guy. Oh and he’s all muscle. He gives great hugs. We had a great time bowling and talking. It was so cool to actually meet some Roswell people. I met deputy Hanson, and Majandra too. I think the guys were worried over what they thought the girls were agreeing to. The guys just assumed they were sharing private experiences and info about their guys. That was sooo not the case. But the guys definitely became suddenly very attentive trying to make sure they didn’t do just what they feared. Max is the one that realizes how effective they girls are at there scheming against the guys. He understands, just how out matched the men are when their women all join forces against the guys. Yep, a star trek phrase comes to mind. “Resistance is Futile” LOL!!! Max and Liz are always devoted students whether it be for school or fun extra curricular activities LOL!! Yes, Mystic does have some cool powers and hers are very different from the others, she is an asset to the group. Ah, now I can’t tell you that, you’ll have to see if it’s mentioned in this part or the next one… Thanks for reading and the great feed back.

AJK001- Hi Thanks! And you’re very welcome. I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying the story. I hope you’ll enjoy the fun stuff in this part too. Thanks for reading as always and your feedback.

Smac- Me? Naughty? Who told you, they must be shot. LOL!!! You loved the post-it notes. I’m very grateful you get my sense of humor. I’m not always sure how well that translates to others. Rasmus has definitely had milestone in his opinion on our group, and he’s finally changing his mind from his previous opinion’s of them and humans. Yeah well I think our gang has enjoyed the book. Leave to Liz and Max to find yet another way to use post-it notes. Hey, now that would be a heck of a commercial wouldn’t it. LOL!!! I would know where they got that idea from, don’t you? LOL!! As for Rasmus being a better father to Mystic, mmm we’ll have to see what happens with that won’t we. You realize more people have asked me about what the “position” was. I never imagined anyone would care, since I never mentioned it specifically or even the page in the book. Evil aren’t I? Seriously… I don’t own a copy of this book and in truth have never even looked at a copy. I’m making this up people. The power of suggestion is pretty powerful and can be a turn on trying to fill in those blanks huh? LOL!!! I’m glad you’re enjoying this and having fun right along with me on this story. Thanks for reading and posting your glorious feedback. I love reading it thanks so much. See what you think of this weeks okay.

Aussie_Dreamer- Hey girlfriend, how ‘s life treating you this week? Good I hope. Everyone seemed to enjoy the scenes with the book and the gang commenting. I’m glad that was funny and everyone got it. Let me know when you post and pm me the link, title, etc… I can’t wait to read your story. When I get all the info I promise to read it when it’s posted and leave you my famous feedback. Ooops! You don’t know about my feed back do you… You’re in for a treat then. LOL!!! Take care and keep in touch. I hope you’ll like this weeks post too.

roswellluver- well they do work on the code in this part. You will have to read and see. Next part next week will have more info on the code. I Ran out of time this week sorry. You’re always welcome.

roswellian504- Hi! Hmmm… You’ll have to read this new part to find out the answer about that. Oh boy! Everybody keeps asking me about what position it was that Max and Liz mastered and the others thought was impossible. How the heck should I know? I’ve never seen the book, I swear. I don’t even own a copy of it either. I’d die of embarrassment first. I’m way too shy and prudish to even look at any of the stuff in there. Surprised ya, didn’t I. It’s true. I’m not a ‘wonton sex goddess,’ that’s a quote from Bridget Jones’s Diary. However, I am a very devoted Jason worshiper thinking things I probably shouldn’t. LOL!!! Oh well, I’m among friends aren’t I? LOL!!! I hope you will like this new part.

Part 37

Last time we ended with Kyle anxiously skipping along with Rasmus to speak with the scientists. Each man with important questions seeking answers to their questions. Rasmus and Kyle arrive at the Medical/Science lab facilities the Colony has on its grounds.

“Kyle, would you explain why you are skipping and acting so anxious to see the doctors and scientists? You never did say what it was that you wanted to discuss with them. Maybe I can help,” offers Rasmus trying to make an effort to be helpful. He see’s that this young man clearly finds his daughter so taken with him. Rasmus thinks in retrospect now that Kyle is a perfect match for his Mystic in everyway, and he smiles sheepishly at this acknowledgment.

“Ahh…you wanted to know why I as acting so hyper and skipping along side you…Hmmm. I don’t know exactly how I should say this; or even if I should, to my future father-in-law,” Kyle stumbles awkwardly looking for the right words. He takes a deep breath. “Well, I noticed that my friend Max, who, like Mystic is a hybrid, has certain unique abilities. It seems that there are some things that could be considered to be perks that we humans aren’t capable of that could be very useful. Okay, what I mean is…I …I just wanted to find out if all those times aliens came to earth and experimented if they had found a way to alter human males physiology to be more like a hybrid males?” Kyle rushes blurting out the rest so as to get it all out and is now relieved.

“I’m having trouble following what you are getting at Kyle. Please explain further and I will do my best to see that you speak with the correct scientists or doctors that can help you,” says a sincere Rasmus not feeling a hundred percent sure of what Kyle is hinting at.

“Oh boy, you’re really going to make me spell this out. I was hoping you’d spare me that and just get what I said to you already,” says Kyle nervously running his hand through his hair. He closes his eyes tightly,” and sighs in frustration.

“You mentioned that you wondered if certain hybrid physiological traits could possibly be duplicated in humans. You mentioned Max in particularly. I’m guessing that this has to do with
Max and how he is with his wife, Liz. Am I on the right track so far?” asks Rasmus. “Kyle, what makes you think you need to be altered in any way in the first place? Doesn’t Mystic accept you for being you and likewise, you with her? Isn’t that what is important; not what others may have or be by comparison,” suggests Rasmus hoping he has given Kyle the answers he seeks. Perhaps they weren’t the answers Kyle wanted to hear, but they were the truth. Rasmus sees this young man Kyle has a stubborn streak and great loyalty, integrity, and a genuine caring of others. Rasmus finds he can’t help but like Kyle. “I only offer this realizing that you are to be my son-in-law. I know that won’t change just because I have had a prejudice with humans bonding with our kind. I’m not saying that you’re an unsuitable mate for my daughter, not at all. In fact I can see that you are very much like her and you compliment each others temperament,” says Rasmus with the briefest of smiles playing across his face.

“I appreciate what you’re telling me Rasmus, but since I’m here I’d still like to talk with the Colonists scientists and doctors. I don’t think I’ll have the nerve to ask them again later,” adds Kyle lightly drumming his fingers on the side of the counter, a childhood habit he picked up after his mother left him and his dad. Kyle is escorted to the proper scientists and doctors to direct his question that bring him here. The doctors confer with the scientists and call Rasmus over to get his suggestions. Kyle is escorted to an exam room finding the usual hospital style ugly gown to change into, and he waits. Kyle’s mind races with possibilities as different scenarios plague his thoughts. Kyle thinks to himself, “what if I need to go under the knife for this to happen.” Kyle gulps! And he begins talking to ‘buddy’. “Maybe we should just get dressed and make a run for it. Aliens doing surgery on humans might not be the best idea for you or me.” Kyle pauses as if waiting for a possible reply and uses the time to think. Kyle looks at the door and then at his clothes and starts to reach for them. The doctors and scientists enter intrigued by this member of ‘The Destined Ones’ making such an unusual request.

“So where’s the cool high tech futuristic diagnostic bed and other things? I mean haven’t you seen any of those Sci Fi movies or even the TV shows with aliens. Why is it you’re all looking at me as if I’m the X file case here? You’re the aliens. I’m just one of ‘The Destined Ones’ that has some medical questions and needed them answered, but if you’re too busy I can…ah just go,” says Kyle. He motions to the door feeling nervous and torn about asking his questions now.

“No. Please don’t go. We are honored to have you here. You’re request is unique, and we are very intrigued. It is possible for there to be some adjustments made. Nothing too drastic, but yes it is possible to alter you, if that’s what you were wondering or wanting to know. Why don’t we start with the exam and we can go from there,” suggests one doctor very casually.

“Okay, so we’re just doing the exam for now, right?” asks a tense Kyle.

“Just relax Kyle. You’ll be fine. You’re a V.I.P. around here as a member of ‘The Destined Ones’,” adds the doctor responding to Kyle.

“Yeah I suppose now would be a good time to mention that Max and the others are my family and if anything goes wrong it would be very bad for you, if you know what I mean,” says Kyle hoping this will inspire the doctors to do their very best at whatever it is they will suggest doing. My intended mate is very powerful. She can manifest bolts of lightening; not exactly the unhappy female type you’d want to hunt you down, if you know what I mean,” says Kyle with a smirk.

“Kyle you should lie down and we’ll give you something to rest and everything will be fine,” says one of the doctors offering him a smile. Rasmus quickly speaks to the doctors one last time and they nod in agreement to whatever Rasmus just proposed. Rasmus then excuses himself to find the elder scientists that can help with providing the answers about the unique static code with hopes to decipher what it means.

Kyle awakens several minutes later. He feels fully refreshed and energized. ‘Whatever the scientists did must have worked,’ thinks Kyle conferring with buddy. This first doctor speaks to Kyle, “I think you will find that the procedure was a complete success and all that it implies.”

“So everything went well then? I’m cleared for take off, so to speak,” grins Kyle sheepishly reaching for his clothes and looking at his watch calculating how fast he can get to the cabin.

Kyle doesn’t wait for the doctor’s replies as he quickly changes into his clothes. Before the doctors can stop him he is up, dressed, and running out the door with one destination firmly in mind. Kyle is half-way to the cabin when one of the doctors addresses the other, “So…I hope Rasmus’ idea works. I don’t think it’s ever been tried on humans before. Kyle well find out soon enough.” All the doctors share a laugh.

Kyle is in sight of his cabin and slows his run to a leisure walk so he can catch his breath. He knows he should appear in control and not over anxious as difficult as that well be. Mystic has been day dreaming about Kyle and her feelings for him. She feels ready to discuss bonding with Kyle. She senses Kyle’s presence and detects his scent. Mystic’s mind fills with thoughts of her and Kyle. Every fiber in her being screams at her that this is right. She can sense Kyle standing just outside the cabin door. Mystic does her best to act casual so as not to embarrass herself with him. Mystic fears that somehow Kyle will detect her nervous anxious ramblings running through her mind. She wonders if they share the same feelings. Mystic hurriedly hides her frustration and stops her pacing and wearing a path in the floor. She sits nonchalantly on the couch and tries to look comfortable with her copy of ‘the book’. Kyle takes another deep breath as he opens the cabin door. “Be cool, we can do this buddy,” says Kyle. Kyle notices the candles casting a warm welcoming glow through out the cabin. Kyle cautiously moves towards the living room and sees Mystic sitting on the couch.

“Kyle, you’re home so soon. I was just wondering when you’d be back from your visit with the doctors and scientists. I could sense you getting nearer. I’ve been reading and I thought it might be nice to try out these . . . great vanilla scented candles. I hope you don’t mind I took the liberty of lighting the candles. If you don’t like it, I can just blow out the candles,” says Mystic feeling uncertain if this gesture is welcomed or not, judging by the look of shock registering on Kyle’s handsome face. Kyle is surprised by this unexpected greeting that awaited him at the cabin. Kyle is lost for words as Mystic stands wearing her usual night time attire. Kyle notices she has a book in hand complete with post it notes.

“Mystic, is that ‘the book’? Don’t tell me you have developed Liz’s fondness for post-it notes with this book,” says Kyle trying not to blush. “Did you have any questions or anything? Not that I could necessarily answer them,” shrugs Kyle.

“Yes, I did want to ask you about things I saw and read. Wait, you mean you’re as clueless as I am about this?” asks a now seemingly relieved Mystic who begins to laugh hysterically.

“Hey, that could seriously shatter a guy’s ego! I’d appreciate it if you didn’t laugh. Please don’t share with anyone that I’m also clueless about this” pleads a sincere Kyle.

“Kyle, your secrets will always be safe with me,” says Mystic as she stands and moves close to him looking into his warm loving eyes. Kyle can’t resist the look in her eye.

“I want to kiss you…I mean can…can I?” asks a nervous Kyle. She nods her acceptance. Kyle moves to take her into his embrace and tilts his head as he stares magically into her eyes. He’s completely mesmerized by her beauty. Finally, his lips make contact with hers as they both quietly moan as if an answer to a prayer. Kyle gently nudges her back onto the couch, and brakes off the kiss. This leaves them both gasping for air. “Mystic I think we need to talk first about the whole bonding thing. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for. It may kill us… I mean me, but I’ll respect your wishes either way,” states Kyle wanting her to understand above all, that her feelings matter most to him.

“Kyle, I was waiting for you to come home. I really wanted to talk with you about the bonding. There’s so much about you that connects with me. We are so much alike in so many ways, and I know that you truly get me. I also sense that you do have deep feelings for me, and I feel those same feelings for you as well. I just wanted you to know that I’ve given a lot of thought about this and about our possible bonding. I think it’s important for me to let you know where I stand on that. I’m ready Kyle. I’m ready to commit myself fully to you in everyway; mind, body, and soul for all eternity as our tradition and custom of my people,” says Mystic looking at Kyle with such love in her eyes. Mystic sees Kyle staring in shock, not expecting her to say those words to him. She turns away and takes her cup from the coffee table into the kitchen, feeling too chicken to look at him again to find only rejection in his eyes.

“Mystic? We need to talk, come here please,” requests Kyle.

“Kyle, I just wanted you to know how I feel. You don’t have to apologize if you don’t feel the same way. I understand it’s a lot to take in. I’m feeling kind of tired. I’ll just go to bed now, good night,” says Mystic walking past Kyle and going straight to her room. Kyle stands dumbfounded by her exchange just now with him. Kyle thinks about what she just said to him and realizes what she is thinking. He is unwilling to let her continue thinking his stunned silence was in any way rejection. Kyle goes to her bedroom to speak to her. He knocks on the door.

“Mystic, can I come in please? I think you need to give me a chance to take a breath and respond first, before you turn and walk away like that,” says Kyle. Kyle hears no refusal at his request to enter. He lets himself into her bedroom and sees her in bed wiping her tears away. “I don’t ever want to see those beautiful eyes crying over me ever again. Do you hear me?” Kyle lightly admonishes her. “Women! They won’t even let you have a word for just a second to tell them what’s in your heart before they up and run off to cry. Mystic, I do care for you. I’m in love with you. You’re right, so many things about us really just fit together so well, it’s really an uncanny feeling. I feel like somehow you were made for me. I think you’re perfect and I love you. I don’t want you to feel pressured about anything though, okay. We need to be completely honest with each other about everything, agreed?” prompts Kyle.

“Agreed. So, where exactly does that leave us?” asks Mystic.

“Come on, please. Come with me,” says Kyle offering his hand to her.

“What? Where are we going?” asks a surprised Mystic.

“Just take my hand and find out,” says Kyle with a flirtatious smile. He leads her into the living room and builds a fire. Kyle then tells her to get comfortable. He hands her several pillows and lays out a blanket infront of the fire. He disappears into the kitchen and prepares some quick finger food snacks for them to enjoy.

“Kyle? What’s all of this for? I mean not that I’m not grateful.” says a puzzled Mystic.

“I just thought we should get comfortable infront of the fire and talk for awhile about whatever you want. Of course, if you repeat anything to the gang I will deny the entire thing happened,” says Kyle with a cocky smile.

“Oh you said we can talk about anything I want, huh,” says Mystic suggestively batting her eyelashes at him trying to flirt.

“Mystic, don’t do that. Where do you think you’re going?” asks Kyle watching her stand and go over to the coffee table to get something and returns to his side. “Oh no, not that book again. You’re torturing me here. You do realize this, right?” asks Kyle in a playful manner. “What is it you want to ask or know about?” asks Kyle. “Mystic, remember what I said before this stuff is all news to me too. I’m not sure I can really answer or explain very much to you,” confesses Kyle looking away from her. “But if it’s really important to you, I’ll try and answer. As best I can,” offers Kyle.

Mystic takes in his demeanor and his handsome strong features that play across his face in the firelight’s glow. She stops and stares at him thinking how incredible he is and that he loves her. She’s overwhelmed by the flood of emotions Kyle ignites in her. Mystic finds love, joy, happiness, and most of all a feeling of home. Yes, that’s it; she’s found her home in his heart. Mystic looks into his eyes and see’s the firelight reflected in them and she leans in and kisses Kyle. The kiss grows and becomes hungry. Suddenly, Kyle pulls away from her.

“Mystic, don’t start this if this isn’t what you want. I won’t pressure you, but you do have to tell me what you’re thinking because I’m having a tough time holding myself back right now,” says Kyle giving her the out incase this is a misunderstanding and not what she wants.

“Kyle, I have never been more certain of what I want in my life than I do right now. I want you Kyle. I want you to make me yours forever, and to be bonded to you,” says Mystic looking him squarely in the eyes making sure he sees her sincerity. “Unless, this isn’t what you want, then I’ll understand and ask you to please forget about what I just said,” blushes Mystic looking down at a pillow on the floor beside her feet.

“Mystic, I do want you. I want you to be my bonded mate. I just really need to make sure this is what you want. Max and Liz explained to me before I came here what the bonding is and what it means to your people. I do understand the significance of it. I stand by what I just said, you’re the one. I want you to be my bonded mate,” says Kyle as he gently cups one cheek and strokes her silky soft face with his thumb.

“Kyle, what am I going to do with you? Don’t answer that. I have a few ideas already,” smiles Mystic.

“Why whatever do you mean Mystic,” says Kyle batting his eyes lashes at her playfully.

“Kyle! Are you going to talk all night or are you going to shut up and kiss me? Jocks, all talk and no action!” says Mystic in mid sentence about to continue her thoughts. Kyle’s lips crash down over hers magnetically driven to hers by his love and desire for her. He embraces her and kisses her passionately. Kyle breaks off their kiss desperate for air. He looks at her blissfully happy face looking up at him.

“What?” says Mystic. “Did I do something wrong?” asks a now concerned Mystic.

“No, you didn’t say or do anything wrong. I’m just wondering where you would be most comfortable for the rest of the night. Here in front of the fire on the floor; or in my bed,” says Kyle bravely measuring her response. Mystic beams at him a dazzling smile.

“Kyle, well this floor is a little hard. I’m sure anywhere we are together will be amazing,” says Mystic. Kyle, not needing any further clarification or encouragement scoops her up in his arms and starts to carry her off to his bedroom.

“Kyle wait!” She waves her hand to extinguish the candles and secure the fire place screen. “Okay, lead on Kyle. I trust you remember the way to your bedroom,” says Mystic seductively.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this to happen between us, but not without you feeling the same way I do,” states Kyle.

“Oh you might be surprised. I’ve pretty much been waiting for this to happen for sometime now. It’s time to see if the fantasy can live up to the reality,” says Mystic making his desire grow by the minute.

“God, woman! You’re killing me here. Looks like I have some convincing to do, even if it takes me all night, which will be no problem,” says a confident and obviously very turned on Kyle, oblivious to his apparent tenting in his jeans. Kyle has the utmost confidence in the doctors and whatever they did to him.

“Oh Kyle, that’s quite a statement. As a jock I’m sure you could appreciate a good game book, right? Let’s bring the book. I’m not saying we’ll need it tonight, but there’s always the next day right.” smiles a fervent Mystic running her hand across his chest feeling his muscles through his shirt appreciatively.


Meanwhile, Rasmus frantically works with the elder scientists to decipher the encrypted code that is coming across the scientists own satellite radio. They work in tandem trying to decipher the significance of this vital clue that could give them the upper hand on their impending enemy’s arrival. Rasmus gets a call from Cal, and he decides to lend a hand in anyway he can to help. The senior scientist of the team, Keane, notices there is a pattern almost a rhythm to this static. They record this current static and find a recording of the one that was from long ago. They identify that it’s the same source, meaning it is emanating from the same ship. They continue to work hours into the night drawing comparisons and eventually cracking the code. “That’s it! We got them now!” exclaims a victorious Keane. “We need to get the member of ‘The Destined Ones’ that is good with computers…Isabel’s bonded mate, what is his name?” asks Keane, the lead scientist.

“Oh, you mean Alex. Yes, he’s the one that’s the computer expert. For a human he’s quite exceptional in his computer skills. We need his expertise here to glean further useful information,” adds Cal.

“Go and ask for his help with this. Go get him now,” demands Rasmus of Cal.

“I can’t do that. I’ll have to call him first. I do not wish to anger him or Isabel. She seems like the type of woman to make you quake in your boots should you cross her,” explains Cal.

“Well she is Arianna’s daughter, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t cross any of ‘The Destined Ones’. They are very protective of each other, especially the females,” smirks Rasmus out of sheer giddiness at their discovery. Cal calls Alex and Isabel and informs them of his news and how they need Alex’s help. Isabel decides to go with Alex, who stops to bring his laptop and all of it goodies they’ll need. Cal escorts both of them to the scientists. They get further details and quickly begin putting their skills to use.


It’s morning time now. Alex and Isabel finish working with the scientists. They teleconference the others to meet at Michael and Maria’s for a breakfast meeting. A very tired but excited Alex and Isabel are the first to arrive, begging for a morning cup of coffee after a long night of work at the lab.

“Hi Michael. Tell me that’s a fresh pot of coffee, it smells heavenly,” hints Isabel after giving her brother Michael a hug.

“Long night, Iz? Help yourself. Oh and Alex that applies to you too, but it’s limited to the coffee. Got it?” smirks Michael.

“Good Morning to you too, Michael. It’s nice to see you’re your usual bubbly self,” says Alex with a devilish glint in his eye. Michael gives Alex a quick glare and kids him about using his powers on him by raising his out stretched palm as if he’s about to release a blast.

“Maria! Isabel, he’s threatening to blast me. Wait, I got powers to… Lower your weapon Michael. It’s too early for a blasting contest, okay? Rain check on that one,” offers Alex.

“Okay, later definitely,” smirks Michael. They hear another knock on the door. Michael greets the next of their family to arrive.

“What? Max and Liz are here? I didn’t expect you two to be here this early. There is something wrong with this picture when you two aren’t the last of our group to arrive. Is everything all right with you two? You didn’t fight or anything did you?” asks a now very befuddled and curious Michael. He feels as if this defies the laws of nature somehow.

“Michael, calm down. Go sniff some of Maria’s cedar oil or something. Liz and I are fine. Look at us. Don’t we look the same as we usually do?” asks Max.

“Yes you both look the same. It’s the same dopey hopelessly in love look on your faces that screams of what you two have been up to,” teases Michael moving quickly to get away from Maria that just now has joined the group.

“Spaceboy! Since when do you make those kinds of comments to Max and Liz? Back off, that’s my territory. So any new noteworthy post-it notes to speak of? ” ask Maria going for shock value.

“Maria! Gees, what did Michael do to you? You’re worse than usual this morning. Maria! You get back here, miss I gotta have details,” says Liz chasing a giggling Maria into the other room. Max just laughs at Maria and Liz’s comments.

“Where are Mystic and Kyle? Have you guys called them yet?” asks Max.

“No, not yet,” says Michael.

“So I take it you two had a good night,” says Max taking this opportunity to shame Michael for a change.

“Um …Yeah, I heard the two of you did a disappearing act, about the same time uh…me and Maria, well you know, said good bye and left to our room,” says Michael stumbling over his words.

“Hey great minds think alike, right Michael. I mean after all we are brothers,” says Max with a light laugh in his voice and a smile on his face.

Liz enters the kitchen and can’t resist teasing Max and Michael, “Okay, why do you to look so happy and guilty?” says Liz spying Max and Michael talking in the kitchen.

“Hey you, come here my wicked wife. You look rather pleased with yourself. What did you do to Maria?” asks Max with amusement as he wraps his arms around her and gives a soft kiss to her temple.

“I embarrassed Maria. Yes, I did. I feel like I’ve won the gold medal from the reigning world record holder or something,” states a proud Liz. “I, little ol’Liz Evans, got Maria to blush and spill with details. Oh and Michael, big thumbs up on that,” teases Liz leaving a sputtering Michael and a stunned blushing Maria in the kitchen.

“Oh God, they got one over on us now, Michael. You do realize we’ll never live this one down now,” says Maria still blushing. Michael responds with a shrug finding it hopeless to even try to embarrass them now that they have ammunition to use on them.

“Don’t worry Blondie. They’re Max and Liz, they always give us lots to tease them about, not to worry,” reassures Michael putting his arm around her and giving her a hug and a brief kiss on the lips. Suddenly, they hear a knock at the door. Michael opens the door.

“Oh Hi guys,” says Michael uneventfully.

“Good morning Kyle and Mystic….Oh my God! Look at that shamefully blissful glow. I know that look. Max and Liz always look like that. You two bonded last night! Didn’t you!?” grins Maria at her own very Maria like powers of observation.

“What? No way. I gotta hear this,” says Isabel running from the other room along with Max and Liz.

“Oh my God, it’s true,” says Isabel reading the emotions of both Kyle and Mystic. She notes how Kyle can’t keep his hands off of her. He’s constantly holding Mystic’s hand or keeping her in close physical contact with him and looking at her in a dreamy sort of way. “Yep! Well, should I say welcome to the ‘I’m bonded to an alien club’,” teases Isabel.

“Hey, we humans should get t-shirts made up that say, ‘Hybrid Alien Lover.’ What! Hey I thought it was a good idea,” says Alex. “You guys do realize that we are probably the only people that could ever have this conversation with any credibility at all, right? Okay, just checking…I’ll shut up now,” says Alex with a smile.

“Okay… so much for not alerting the media,” says Kyle blushing furiously. “I suppose we should’ve expected this kind of reaction given who our family is. There’s little sacred or private with this group. Yes, you can all say it. Payback is a bitch. Bring it on, I know we’re going to hear it now,” says Kyle looking at Mystic for support.

“So how much sleep did you two get last night?” asks Alex hoping to avoid getting into anything embarrassing. “I have to ask out of morbid curiosity, since Isabel and I didn’t get any sleep we worked through the night,” adds Alex.

“Same here,” says Kyle grabbing Mystic and kissing her infront of the group.

“Kyle!” says Mystic giving him a soft smack on the arm with her hand. “Ignore him; he thinks he has bragging rites or something. Men!” exclaims Mystic rolling her eyes. “I hope you don’t mind my asking why you and Isabel were up and working through the night. Unless of course it’s personal, I’ll respect your privacy,” says a concerned Mystic.

“Oh we’ll get into what we were working on after breakfast, if that’s okay. I need food first before Iz and I can get into any of that,” smiles Alex.

“With Alex it’s all about food, sex, or computers,” says an uncharacteristic Isabel with an unusual silliness and sparkling twinkle in her eyes is a combination of lack of sleep, rummy ness, and just playfulness toward Alex. Then she looks at Alex and sees she’s maybe hurt his feelings and adds. “Not necessarily in that order,” adds Isabel quickly restoring Alex’s smile to his face.

“I was just going to say something to that but thanks Princess,” smiles Alex as he moves to give Isabel a brief tender kiss.

“Oh God, not them too! It’s like one big Alien love fest around here,” says Michael rolling his eyes.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re complaining. I heard a lot of things from you last night Spaceboy, and complaining definitely wasn’t one of them,” says an unashamed Maria giving him a kiss on the cheek and a pinch on his butt as she walks behind him.

“Blondie!” says a shocked Michael.

“Oh come on, Michael. You like it, and you know it. Cut it out Spaceboy, you’re not fooling anyone here,” says Maria not the least bit embarrassed by his reaction.

“Damn,” says Michael. Maria walks back over to him, stands on her tip toes and whispers something in his ear that has him blushing and grinning like an idiot. “Okay Maria,” grins Michael grabbing her as she turns to walk away from him. He spins her around and kisses her on the lips. “You thought I’d let you get away from me without a kiss, never,” says Michael.

A stunned Maria looks at Michael and is puzzled. “Okay, who are you? And what have you done with my alien?” asks Maria. Maria adds, “Not that I’m complaining mind you.” Everyone laughs at Maria and Michael’s usual sexually charged banter.

“Maria I think that you, I, Mystic, and Isabel need to go in the other room for a short girls talk ASAP!” states Liz.

“Gees Max, she’s bossy this morning. Everything still happy in marriage land,” teases Maria.

“Maria, of course things are always happy for Liz and me. No complaints at all,” says Max with a feral grin watching Liz walking into the other room. He’s in a trance watching her walk away enjoying the view.

“God Max, down boy. I thought you two would calm down a bit since being married. I see I was wrong. Like your shield, nothing can penetrate the Max and Liz mutual staring lust fest that you two do,” says Michael trying his best to get the better of Max.

“Hey, she’s my wife and bonded mate. I have every right to lust after her all I want. I don’t care who knows it. We are married and bonded, no apologies. If you can’t handle seeing us the way we are around each other, then my best advice is to look away, or take notes,” jokes Max.

“So Kyle, how are you feeling about things this morning since…well, you know?” asks Max shyly. He doesn’t want to get details and tries to tread lightly on this very private topic not wanting to cause any problems.

“I feel really tired, and even a little sore,” admits Kyle in surprise as he scratches his head.

“You definitely use different muscles than you’d think you would. You’ll be fine, maybe take advantage of the Jacuzzi on the back deck might be helpful with that,” smiles Max.
**************************To Be Continued in a Sec***********************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 37 p13 June 26

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 37 Continued*******

“Wait! You mean all of these cabins have a Jacuzzi on the back deck? Oh man! I hardly made it past the TV. It would’ve been nice to know about the Jacuzzi last night. Well, there’s still later tonight,” grins Kyle.

“See, and you think Liz and I are bad,” teases Max. He points his finger at Kyle and laughs. Alex and Michael join in on the fun good natured ribbing.

“Hey, don’t be laughing at me. I went and talked to the doctors and they hooked me up. They did something to me, I don’t know what. You’re now looking at the new and improved Kyle,” says a cocky grinning Kyle strutting across the room to get a cup of fresh coffee.

“Kyle! The doctors wouldn’t have done anything to you. Come on, that’s just wishful thinking,” says Michael. Kyle looks at Alex for support on this as the other human male in their group.

“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m perfectly happy and have no complaints about either Isabel or myself in that department. I have no reason to go to the doctors about that. You’ve mentioned on several occasions about feeling somehow inadequate and wanting to be altered,” says Alex with a smirk. “No complaints here. I’m one very happy and lucky human and I damn well know it. I love Isabel, end of story,” confesses Alex.

“Alex, you sound like the girls. Don’t make me come over there, hold you down, and braid your hair and paint your nails,” teases Kyle.

“Oh, Nerd Boy struck a nerve. This is getting interesting now,” says Michael.

“Drop it Michael! We do not need the girls getting ticked off at us. I for one love my sleeping arrangements and prefer to keep them that way,” says Max sternly looking at Michael, Kyle, and Alex.

“We know we’ve been put in our place, when he gives us one of those I’m the leader step in line alien death glare looks,” smirks Kyle.

“So Michael, oh Master of breakfast, what are we going to eat for breakfast this fine morning?” Alex asks as sweetly as possible so as to not tick off Michael.

“Finally, somebody that appreciates my cooking efforts around here,” says Michael.

“I appreciate you,” teases Alex batting his eyelashes at him.

“I appreciate you too, Spaceboy,” says Maria entering the kitchen talking as usual.

“Oh come on Michael, can’t you just feel the love in here for you and your cooking. When is breakfast exactly?” asks Kyle.

“Go call the others, Kyle and then set the table for me,” says Michael giving him a questioning glare. Max’s cell phone rings. It’s Cal.

“Hi Cal. Yeah Kyle’s here. Yeah he seems fine, why? What!? They did!? OH, so he thinks they actually did do that,” says Max sharing understanding and a laugh with Cal. “Yeah, I’ll be sure to talk to him. Yeah, Isabel and Alex are here and going to fill us in on what happened, after breakfast. We plan to later go and practice our powers. Also, we’ll talk with the different teams we’re working with to ready ourselves against Smitak. Yeah we’ll catch up with you at the Colony. Okay, bye Cal,” says Max with a glint of amusement in his dazzling amber eyes. Liz sees this and knows something is up. She opens her connection wider to Max to find out what he’s laughing so quietly about.

‘Max, Honey. What’s going on? What did Cal say to you? And why did he mention Kyle?’ asks Liz through there connection.

‘Oh that. Ummm. Cal told me Kyle did talk to the doctors like he threatened to and asked them to alter him in that way. The doctors of course did nothing to him. They gave him a placebo, and some very low dose sleep medication to knock him out for a very short time. He woke up and assumed that they had done some sort of procedure since they had him change into a hospital gown and lay down on a hospital bed. Kyle woke up, changed back into his clothes, and then made a Bee-line for his cabin to see Mystic,’ laughs Max.

‘He thinks the doctors changed him somehow and that’s why Kyle is acting so different today,’ telepaths Liz trying to hold her laughter inside and restrict it to just a smile. ‘He thinks…he thinks…he can…like you….Oh god that’s funny. It’s just a placebo effect,’ smiles Liz biting her inside cheek to keep from bursting with laughter. ‘We should let him have this day to think he’s some alien enhanced stud muffin. We’ll set him straight tomorrow. Kyle, Kyle, Kyle,’ telepaths Liz shaking her head. ‘Hun, he should know better than to compete with you,’ smiles Liz adoringly. Max and Liz are having difficulty holding back and not bursting out with laughter. They compose themselves and turn to face the others.

**************************TO BE CONTINUED**************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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