Crossover Challenges

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Post by PixieChica »

Cardinalgirl said
Challenge #55


Picks up from the show anywhere you like post Cry Your Name (well, post Alex).

Couple: Isabel/Sam, anyone else you want to include. (The more the merrier. Wink )

Remember in the Hybrid Chronicles when Isabel get sucked into Laurie's dream? What if she gets sucked into one of Sam's nightmares about someone dying? Or a series of them? And they have to work together and trust each other to stop whatever it is from happening.

The dreams could even be about one or more of the Roswellians themselves? Or someone close to them, like parents?

Could also include a scene where Isabel gets very angry/upset over the fact that they could foresee this death and not Alex's, and Sam having to either comfort her or commiserate with her.

Go as angsty as you like, with at least a marginably happy ending. Eh?

Oh, and if there's already something like this in the works/posted, sorry! Or rather, all the better! Just let me know.

ETA: This COULD be before Alex's death, too, I guess. If you wanted to mix the couples around a bit more. Your call.
I'm interested in this if no one has taken it.

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Post by kittens »

challenge #58

Roswell/Dark Angel
Must be Max/Liz. Sorry Dreamer at heart.

**This idea just came to me, but I have no time to try and write. I also don't know if anyone else has tried to write anything similar. I don't tend to read many crossovers because they tend to be UC. I prefer CC**

backround info:
The aliens only rescued 1 set of pods (the roswell group) from the government, the other group went to manticore. Without the proper care to gestate, that set died, but the DNA was used in creating the X5's. So it ends up with an X5 version of the dupes. I think the X5's should be close to the same age as the Roswell gang, but that would depend on what the story requires.

In Roswell:
Alex broke out of the mindwarp, and was healed by Max. Max then met up with Tess who tried to mindwarp him into thinking he slept with her, but it didn't work. She ran, and took off the planet in a spaceship, like in Departure. It didn't work right, and blew up in the atmosphere. That was the "Pulse" from Dark Angel.

***I always lean towards the granolith not being the spaceship Tess left in. If it was just a one way trip off Earth it would be of no use to Kivar for him to want it so badly.***

It seems I have the backround for a story but not the story. hmmm.
Some how these 2 groups meet up and defend the Earth from the invasion foretold in EOTW.

Some points:
The 2 computer guys would probably exchange info online: Alex and Logan
The healed humans should get powers.
Serena should be around to figure out the granolith.
They should have a decoded destiny book. Should we say thankx to Tess. uugg.
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Post by cardinalgirl »

Yay, PixieChica! No one else has contacted me about it, so go for it! :D
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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »


Smallville XO
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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Dark Angel/Darklight XO
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Location: In my own little head where Roswell is still on and Max and Liz were never apart.

Post by Bubblegal »

#62: Illness Crossover.

AU with/without Aliens is up to you.

House/Roswell Crossover.

Max/Liz is a must! House/Cuddy is a must - they don't have to get together, they can be getting closer together.

Liz Parker collapsed at work and was sent to House's clinic because Roswell's hospital doesn't know what is wrong with her.

Liz Parker has two siblings - A little sister and a little brother - it is up to you how old they are but under the age of ten and over the age 4. Their parents died in a accident - up to you what accident.

Max is with Liz during the hopsital trip and he is looking at the siblings - they don't have to be together straight away or you can have them together.

Liz and Cuddy are related - Cuddy is Liz's aunt, so House is Liz's uncle in her eyes.

Liz has a serious illness and House is pulled off the case because of his emotional attachment to Liz so someone takes over the case - one of the trio or Wilson.

Max isn't happy with that but relents.

For angst - Liz is dying. Tritter is a must (To those who are/have seen season 3) - he must interogate Liz about's House's addiction thus making her worse.

It is up to the author what Liz's illness is and how everyone gets together.

Must Have:

"Are you going to save Liz?" one siblings ask House this question.

"It's alright, Uncle House will be able to save me," Liz to Max and to whoever else is in the room - one of the doctors is a must.

House needs to break down - he's not the hard a$$ we all know. Cuddy must comfort him but she later breaks down and House comforts her.

I was going to do this myself but I've got quite a bit of Crossovers on my plate and i wanted to give someone else the chance.

Let me know if you want to take it up.
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Post by Anniepoo98 »


Kyle/Chloe ... the rest of the pairings are up to you.
Post HOM

~ Kyle never made the <i>I love you like a sister</i> confession about Tess at the prom.

~ Max and Tess do still sneek off... they do still kiss... only this time, Kyle is with Liz when she finds them.

~ Liz runs off, leaving Kyle standing there, totally stunned. He starts to move forward to confront them, they stop kissing, awkward moment of major proportions, then Kyle gives them a disgusted look and leaves.

~ Liz does still run to the bowling alley and Sean. Kyle, on the other hand, is just truly crushed (another girl he really cared about leaves him for Max... ).

~ He goes home and makes a decision. The next day, he asks his father if he can go and live with another relative (you can make this an aunt, uncle, cousin, mother, maternal grandparent... something).
~ After hearing Kyle list his reasons, Jim agrees and Kyle heads on to Smallville

~ Fast forward a couple of weeks. Kyle is starting to get into the swing of things in Smallville (he's taking some steps to become part of the football team for the next school year, making new buddies, ect...).

~ He also keeps in contact with someone from Roswell (other than his dad). I am leaning towards Alex, possibly, but it is up to you.

~ Then he starts noticing some of the strange article in the school paper. He starts to hear rumors about some of the strange goings on. So he starts to investigate...

From here the story is pretty much up to you. The Kyle and Chloe pairing is a must (mostly because they are my XO couple of love). It might be neat to have a new metor freak pop up and it takes the whole gang (SV and Ros) to defeat the baddie.

If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.

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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »

Rating:Adult ANGEL/LIZ

Seasons: Roswell:2

--Max and Tess aren't actually together, they are only pretending to go out to mak Liz and Kyle jealous.
--Angel and Darla didn't sleep together.
--Angel and Buffy weren't together, they were just friends but everybody thought they were more.
--Buffy and Joyce died at the same time in BTVS.
--Buffy and Liz are twins, Joyce got pregnant by Jeff, but once they were born Jeff and Joyce split up 1 year later, both of them re-married. Jeff to Nancy and Joyce to Hank (who then supposedly 'gave birth to' Dawn). Then the twins were split up Liz went with Jeff and Nancy to Roswell and Buffy went with Joyce to L.A
--Liz knows all about slaying, vamps and Angel. Buffy knows all about the aliens, Max and Tess. Only Giles, Angel, Alex (alive), Maria, Kyle and Isabel know about the twins.
--So, Buffy and Joyce die and everybody from L.A and Sunnydale go to Roswell for the funeral (many of them want to know why the funeral is in Roswell.
--When they arrive its only about lunch time and Angel decides to go and get Liz, so he puts on the ring of Omara (he didnt destroy it) goes into the school goes straight up to Liz and kisses her in front of everybody.
--So, everybody goes to the funeral. Then they all find out that Liz is the new slayer.
--Max, Micheal, Tess, the A.I team and the Scoobie gang all find out the truth about Liz & Buffy, that Liz and Angel have been dating for 6mnths, that they meet up in a house every weekend that Angel bought 4mnths ago, that they have slept together but Angel always wear the ring.
--Max gets mad, he and Angel fight (Angel wins of course).

Happy Angel/Liz ending...
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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »


Rating:Adult Liz/Alec

Seasons: Roswell~3
Dark Angel~2

--Takes place at Departure Alex is alive, but Tess is still evil.
--Liz and Alex are X5's who were in the escape.
--Basicly all the same happens as in Departure, except Alex is there.
--After Max lets Tess go, Liz exlains that she and Alex are leaving and that they are not to try and find them.
--Eventually they get on the road after all their fights with Max and the others about leaving. When they arrive in Seattle their brother Zack (didn't go crazy), sister Maxie, fellow X5's Alec and Cece and their friends Original Cindy and Logan.
--With the help of the girls, Liz changes her look (think Darklight) and attitude.
--Alex and Liz get jobs at Jam Pony, they become friends with Sketchy and Herbal, thy meet Joshua and Mole, they get motorcycles.Alex gets a blue one and Liz gets a yellow one.
--Over the weeks Liz and Alec get close and when they sleep together, they take each other as mates.
--After 4 months of being in Seattle, the pod squad and co. show up, going against Liz and Alex's wish to be left alone.
--Max E. turns into an ass saying all of the ' we're soulmates and you belong to me' crap ending up with Liz punching him.
--The Seattle group and the pod squad all say their peace and all of the secrets come out.
--All of them fight against White.
--At the end its Liz that says the speech to the other transgenics instead of Max.
--Happy X-tremer ending.
Last edited by LizNdAlec4eva on Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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