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change change

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:51 pm
by somewhere87
First I would like too see a actual M&M conversation after bickering.
I mean yeah I hated Courtney, but at least it had a actual story line..

and s.3 well change it all. Bringing in way more candy...
And changing the whole Maria story line, I always wanted her
to go and find her dad...and maybe Michael going with her :) and then
we could also have the famous DeLuca/Guerin roadtrip.. :P
And also having a earlier reunion between M&M or at least them sorting everything out....that was needed

More human scenes...

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:03 am
by Izzy&Alex 4eva
Had Alex be the one to get shot in the CD and Isabel healed him :shock:
what that's warped? ok :lol:

1) For Max to have given a lot more of an appology for screwing the 3's
life long pact of never to reveal the secret

I hold nothing against Michael or Isabel for revealing it because turnabout is fair play

2)For Alex to have found out the truth in Blood Brothers, and changed the title of this episode to, it hardly symbolises any comradery between Alex & Max.

3) For Isabel to have defied Max after in Toy House.
Sinse her brother hardly sympathised with her needs.


Sinse there is no Tess then these things would not have occured anyways, but i'll mention things i really didn't like because of her effect lol

5) No destiny dream or message, let the kids decide who they want to take the chance on loving.

6) Kyle listening to Max and not following to get shot.

7) i guess it goes without saying that Alex does not die :lol:

8) For Max to not drag his doormat fellon around in a crazy mood searching for a son that he eventually packed up and tossed away.
What a great & wise Man :roll:

9) Explore friendships more

10) happy endings for M/L M/M A/I and Kyle, but as to a romance, i do not know. And that's if i would even include him in the group.

11) And no older guys hitting on schoolgirls who are not even of legal age, are we trying to promote something illegal here?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:28 am
by Natalie36
i would not have edited the cementing of liz and max. i think as fans we were at the end of our seats for the first kiss in season one that i feel the rug pulled from under my feet without the cementing. I was really waiting for that.