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Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:37 pm
by NikkiA

10? My heart freezes in my chest. A child, they stole a child, they are stealing children.

And then they steal their memories, so they don't know to run away.

They'll have no problem hurting us, teenagers, nearly adults.

"We have to get out of here." I all but whisper. And then louder, "We have to get out of here."

Think Liz. Maria, if they haven't stifled her somehow, will be able to get these gloves off, if she can't Micheal can, or Kyle. Think.

They said they have a telekinetic. Philip wasn't it?

"Max, can you go get Micheal?" I have an idea. "Maria I need you to get these off me, try, please." I turn and look at the other three boys. "How many more of you are there. And do they have gifts as well?"

If Max won't get us out of here, I will.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:32 pm
by isabelle

I look up as Liz suddenly starts asking for Maria to help her. I had assumed that they'd already tried that. I certainly hope it works. But I'm not sure what to make of this sudden change of attitude. If we're going to get out, we need information first. No need to go dashing head-first into the alarms and security that are all around.

Michael is doing pretty good as he is. He's not getting into everyone's face or starting some macho stunt -- but he does need to know what's going on. Chagrined, I move off the couple of feet to where he is slumped over and sleeping. At least, I hope it's just sleep. Of course, if he's drugged or something, my powers should be able to clear him out.

"Hey Michael. Wake up," I tell him, laying my hand on his shoulder. I reach out, making a light connection to be sure he's actually okay while still listening closely to any response the other group has to my question and Liz's. Fortunately, Michael is only sleeping. He was pretty much completely drained by the experiments last night. Tentatively, I try to boost him with a little of my own energy. Not that I have a lot to share, but we have to keep each other strong in any way we can. I shake him a bit. "You need to hear this," I say.


I expect Xavier to answer Max's question, but before he can, Liz asks Maria to help her and then starts asking how many we are.

"There are ten of us," I say to Liz. We have powers but we can't get out. Does she think we haven't tried? And when we fail, things just get worse around here. If they do something, it'll damn well better work, or we'll ALL pay the price.

"We have no idea why we can do these things," I say, frowning at Max. "They don't tell us anything. They don't let Kerian go. Maybe we don't have any families. I don't know."

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:43 pm
by NikkiA
"We have no idea why we can do these things," I say, frowning at Max. "They don't tell us anything. They don't let Kerian go. Maybe we don't have any families. I don't know."

"Of course you have families," I half scold, "A mother and father are requirements- atleast in a genetic sense- and you have each other.." I pause, reassessing. "Ten? Okay there are...eighteen if you include us. What can the rest of you do? Or do you not know? Most of us have talents that fall under the heading of psychic phenomenon. Do you know if many more prisoners are being held in this facility, other then you? And what have you tried that's failed, so we don't repeat ourselves." I shoot off my questions rapid fired and suddenly wonder for the first time if we should be doing this somewhere else.

Another thought occurs to me, "Do you have any idea what they're trying to achieve with these experiments and tests? I imagine there's only so much you can learn after awhile- especially ten years. They can't be attempting a breeding program- they would have started already and besides I doubt any offspring would be viable. And a military base would be more--- regimented, I'm imagining."

What am I missing? Think Liz!

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:37 pm
by maougha

"I haven't seen her there yet, but I'm looking forward to it,"

"Why would they keep you all this time? Do you know why they can do these things? Why do the ... scientists ... think you can, too?" Max asks ignoring Phillip, that’s ok I do the same thing some times.

"Max, can you go get Michael? Maria I need you to get these off me, try, please. How many more of you are there. And do they have gifts as well?" Liz starts blathering on. What is she up to?

Phillip answers her. "There are ten of us," but I can see he knows what she is thinking too, and I bet he is remembering our own failed attempts at freedom. That was nut fun. Then he continues talking to Max. "We have no idea why we can do these things, hey don't tell us anything. They don't let Kerian go. Maybe we don't have any families. I don't know."

"Of course you have families," she has the audacity to scoff at Phillip. "A mother and father are requirements- at least in a genetic sense- and you have each other.... Ten? Okay there are...eighteen if you include us. What can the rest of you do? Or do you not know? Most of us have talents that fall under the heading of psychic phenomenon. Do you know if many more prisoners are being held in this facility, other then you? And what have you tried that's failed, so we don't repeat ourselves."

What is this, the Spanish inquisition? And then to top it all off. "Do you have any idea what they're trying to achieve with these experiments and tests? I imagine there's only so much you can learn after awhile- especially ten years. They can't be attempting a breeding program- they would have started already and besides I doubt any offspring would be viable. And a military base would be more--- regimented, I'm imagining."

More regimented! We’re caged like animals and experimented on daily how more regimented can you get? I think it’s time to burst little miss know it all’s bubble.

“First of all we have no memories of our past but we are not stupid we know we had families.” I point at the book I’m reading for emphasis. “secondly don’t you think we have tried? We have been at this a little longer then you girl.”

Time for a demonstration, I lean back in my chair and to the observer it would look like I have just fallen asleep, except for the fact that I am now standing behind Liz which she hasn’t realized yet. I clear my throat. “We all happen to be pretty powerful too even Kerian, what he lacks in power he makes up for in brains.”

I then walk through the newbie’s, myself and the chair I was setting on, crossing the room over to a wall. I look back at everyone. “Watch closely now, I’m only doing this once.” I place my hand on the wall and try to push it through, there’s a sharp pain my vision blanks out and again I’m in my chair looking at everyone clutching my head. “Like I said they know our powers and they know how to counter them.”

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:43 pm
by isabelle

"Of course you have families," Liz scoffs, "A mother and father are requirements- at least in a genetic sense- and you have each other.."

Of course? I wonder at Liz's certainty. I don't have a mother and a father. I hatched from a pod. 'in the genetic sense' I may have one parent, two, or twenty-two. If any of them are like us, there's no guarentee that there was a mother and a father. Of course, if they were taken between the ages of eight and twelve, they must have had an adoptive family of some sort. Or foster parents, anyway. Even if they are aliens.

Then Liz starts shooting off the questions.

"Ten? Okay there are...eighteen if you include us. What can the rest of you do? Or do you not know? Most of us have talents that fall under the heading of psychic phenomenon. Do you know if many more prisoners are being held in this facility, other then you? And what have you tried that's failed, so we don't repeat ourselves. Do you have any idea what they're trying to achieve with these experiments and tests? I imagine there's only so much you can learn after awhile- especially ten years. They can't be attempting a breeding program- they would have started already and besides I doubt any offspring would be viable.

And why not? If we're assuming they're humans, then why wouldn't they be able to have kids? And if they're all aliens, they'd still be able to. Is she assuming that I can't have kids either? Or that she can't because she has powers now?

"... And a military base would be more--- regimented, I'm imagining," she says.

Xavier seems to take offense at Liz's questions -- something I was hoping to avoid. But his demonstration is very informative.

"Liz," I say gently. "You're going to scare them off." They're all good questions. It's exactly what I was already trying to find out. We do need to know what everyone can do but we need to establish a little trust, too. We have to be more careful in collecting the information. And more subtle, too. Any plan we come up with won't go anywhere if the 'scientists' already know what we're doing. "Besides, I'm sure they have every inch of this place covered with cameras and microphones."

It may not be military, but I'm sure they're taking precautions. And they're probably reporting directly to the FBI, too.

Turning from Michael, I address Xavier. "That looked painful. Does it still hurt. Can I help?" I'm guessing that since it was his 'astral-self' that was zapped, he wouldn't have a physical injury, but he might have a headache or something.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:54 pm
by isabelle

"They'll figure it out sooner or later," I say to Xavier. As much as he bugs me, we are our own family here and that makes Xavier like a brother to me. "We don't need this crap. Maybe they'll get themselves killed trying."

Right now, I wouldn't much care. -- Well, except for Isabel. It would be a shame if a gorgeous girl like her got snuffed. But I don't know them. They're strangers.


Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:08 am
by madroswellfan
"You're such a clown," I grin at her. A clown huh? Hopefully not one of those scary ones...

"How about the pool? I know how to get in there when it's closed."
The pool? I raise an eyebrow as I think about it. That could be kinda fun. Especially if its closed...
"You wanna?"

I grin. "Yeah, that sounds cool" I say before adding "Not that anywhere you could ever pick would not be cool" I add part jokingly, part utterly serious. Eliza was perfect like that. "So will you come by when your ready or shall I come to you?" I ask.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:21 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Keith gets quiet for a second, apparently thinking about it, and I wait for his response, glad when I get it that he agrees. "Yeah, that sounds cool. Not that anywhere you could ever pick would not be cool." Aw, he's so sweet. That's one reason why I hang out with him. Because even when he's joking he makes me feel special.

"So will you come by when your ready or shall I come to you?" He adds, and I look up at him, grinning.

"I'll come by and get you; it'll add to the surprise," I tell him coyly, winking. "You can fall asleep if you'd like, and I'll wake you up, but you better be ready when I get there." Standing up, I start to feel my way around the greenhouse, leaning on the warm glass of the walls.

"It'll be fun, I promise."

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:29 pm
by madroswellfan
"I'll come by and get you; it'll add to the surprise," and with that she winks. Part of me is slightly glad at that moment she can't see my means she can't see the slight tinge on my cheeks.

"You can fall asleep if you'd like, and I'll wake you up, but you better be ready when I get there."
I watch her as she starts feeling her way around the greenhouse. "It'll be fun, I promise."

I smile as I say "How could it not be with you there" I tell her, again, half seriously and yet half joking. I stand up and go beside her and gently take her arm. "Ok, I'll probably be asleep when you come in...don't stare at the uglyness that is me for too long" I joke.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:02 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"How could it not be with you there" Keith says, just confirming the fact that everything he says makes me feel special. I think I'm with him so much because he's like a home to me, since I can't remember mine. But not in a brotherly way, in a just sort of....comforting way.

He comes up beside me - I can hear his footsteps - and takes my arm gently. "Ok, I'll probably be asleep when you come in...don't stare at the uglyness that is me for too long"

"Oh, Keith, be quiet, you aren't ugly," I say with a smile, batting at his arm. It's true. He's not...I love to sit there and watch him while he sleeps; there are always these faces he gets, usually happy ones, while he's sleeping.