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Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:03 pm
by Dream Weaver
Hey guys! Thought I'd bump to let you all know I am still here! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:12 pm
by Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver wrote:Hey guys! Thought I'd bump to let you all know I am still here! :D
Just BUMPing! :D

Is anyone out there......? :D

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:56 pm
by StormWolfstone

I laugh as Lana appears confused, “Just come along, I’ll explain everything once you are at full strength.” Before the girl even has the chance to question me, I make certain she’s in the limo and instruct the driver to take me to the club. It doesn’t take long for us to arrive at the club and we pulled up around to the VIP entrance where the driver let us both out. “We’ve got some time to make up for, Lana.”

As I wait for her to join me, I take hold of the driver who is one of the humans I’ve often used when needed. Capturing his mind, I make him feel faint and watch as he leans on the car. “Lana, come here.” I state simply and take hold of his arm, slashing it with one of my nails so that the blood becomes free flowing, “Drink.” I command Lana, watching her and prepared to do whatever I might have to do with the Childe. “You’ll feel much better once you’ve fed.”

I’d have to teach her control, but she would certainly be the best person to use against the Prince. She had the homely type of beauty that seemed to draw the Prince at times. I could well imagine him growing fond of her and then when he least expected it, I could have Lana kill him. Lance would do nothing, the Gangrel weren’t strong enough to take my clan down, and the Toreador wouldn’t do anything unless they wanted their businesses destroyed.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:58 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Hey I'd love to go," I hear Buffy say and turn to look at her as she grins at me. "We need to have a good look around don't you think?"

I look between Buffy and Angel sighing, realizing that now was the time to explain one more thing before we went out into the town. “Guys… I would suggest that you sit down a minute.” I reach for the laptop and plug it into the hotel’s network, though we hadn’t paid for Internet. They in fact hadn’t offered it to us, but that didn’t stop me. I quickly pulled up a couple of recent articles that described victims of a vampire bite that survived. They had simply forgotten what happened, felt weak and passed out but otherwise were fine.

Showing these articles to Buffy and Angel, I begin, “These were in fact vampire bites, but they weren’t attacks completely. There is a large group of vampires spread through the world, they have souls, but also have a code where they feed only for survival, never taking a human life. They live in several sects, clans that work in different areas of society. There can be no slaying here until I learn a way to tell the difference between the vamps we’ve hunted and these ones. I’m here seeking aid from one of these very vampires who is certain he can help me with a few situations.”

I pause a moment before continuing, “When we get to this club, I’ll be going up to meet him and I’ll need you to make certain that everything is kept calm down below.” I didn’t want to explain exactly what I was going to be doing, but that was at least something I felt needed to be given. “They don’t kill humans.” I add, needing to make certain they understood what I was saying.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:16 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I look from Lily to the man's arm, deciding that one thing was for sure. She was strong. And dangerous. Yet somehow I felt more flippant about it than anything. I could feel power in me too.

And then a craving as I watched the red blood slowly seep out of the cut and drip down his skin. It was almost pretty. ANd it was definitely intoxicating. I did as she said. I lowered my lips to his skin and drank.

His blood was warm and bitter as it trickled down my throat, but I was pretty sure I loved the taste of it.

I couldn't help the smile at the new power I felt flowing through my veins after I pulled away.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:42 am
by madroswellfan
ooc: Sorry guys im very lost...can anyone catch me up??

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:35 am
by Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver wrote:
Dream Weaver wrote:Hey guys! Thought I'd bump to let you all know I am still here! :D
Just BUMPing! :D

Is anyone out there......? :D

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:48 am
by OnDragonflyWings

It's almost a relief to hear her say what she has to say. It's been so long that we've played this game. This whole fine line between destiny and reality between being part of the group and being on the outside. If anyone else knew this then maybe things could get better between Tess and everyone else.

But it's sad to hear her say that she's spent so much time on something that couldn't possibly ever make ehr happy, that she's been at least partially unhappy for a while.

"Well, it's not to late t change things," I say to her, trying to offer her some hope and make thsoe tears dissappear.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:29 pm
by Dream Weaver
OCC: Great Post Ali! Glad to see you back! :D


I brace for her reaction, hoping that she will accept my invitation and take my hand. I watch the confliction in her eyes and am relieved when she smiles and shakes her head lightly. She slowly raises her hand and places it into mine. The feel of her soft, velvety skin is almost too much for me. I have missed her touch more that I can imagine and at this moment it’s so hard not to want more.

"I know Max," she says and I follow her gaze to see that she is glancing at our intertwined hands. Does the contact of our hands drive her as crazy as it does me? Does she know how perfect she is and that I have been dying without her? She looks back up and I catch her gaze. I am for a second lost in her sparkling eyes and I believe I see a hint of acceptance in them. I hear her say softly, "I would too."

I feel her tug on my arm slightly as she walks over to the ladder and turns to me. “Are you ready for that ride?” I am speechless and my heart pounds in my chest. My stomach is in knots. I am not sure how to react to her but I feel in my heart that if I don’t show her how I am feeling now I may never get the chance later.

I close the distance between us and reach around and rest my arm on the small of her back. I then reach up to lightly caress her cheek with the palm of my hand. A shiver runs up my spine I smile slightly.

I decide it’s time to put my heart on the line for her once again before I lock my eyes to hers and utter, “Are you?” as I lean in and place my lips tenderly on hers. God, please let her kiss me back!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:26 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

"They'll come around easier than you think," I say to comfort ehr further. And because I believe it's true. A lot of falling outs have occured amongst our little circle. We don't all like each other, we don't get along all the time. Some of us ever. But we're still all a part of our circle. We all belong. Even Tess in her own way. And if she backs off of Max than well, she'll be a part of it even more so.

"And Evans is stupid," I tell ehr with a half smile. "You're gorgeous. And funny....and you really don't need me to tell you all of that..." And then I added because I thought she needed to ehar it,"You're a good person."

I'm not hitting on her. There was a time where I would've been. There was a definite time where I would've said all of that, not really meaning it, or meaning it only for the pay off. I'm past that now. We're friends. She's my sister. I just mean it. She will find an amazing guy one day. And it will not be Max Evans...well, because Max Evans isn't amazing. Max Evans, alien king, isn't good enough for her.