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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:23 pm
by Lolita
I loved last night's episode. It was great to see a background story for Mr. Bennett. The ending was so sad and so sweet. Although, we now find out that Hiro's dad is involved with the 'Paper Company.' Plus he was the one that ordered Mr. Bennett to adopt Claire. Did Mr. Nakamura know that his son Hiro would come to exhibit superpowers?

We also find out that the fire was set by the organization and they meant to kill Claire's mom. I wonder if they know that Nathan Petrelli is Claire's bio-dad?




Okay, did anyone else notice that Simone was not dead in the next episode? Gah! I didn't see that one coming. So, I'm assuming that she also has superpowers. It can be theorized that her father could have been involved with the organization. Which would explain why a lot of Isaac's paintings showed the balcony and why Invisible English dude was hanging out with the pigeons there and why Peter Petrelli keeps having dreams involving that balcony. Also, last night the organization accused Invisible Man of hiding one of his people. Could it be assumed that he was hiding Simone?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:58 pm
by cardinalgirl
Yeah, it's these last couple episodes that finally have hooked me on this show, and the majority of that has been the unfolding of Mr. Bennet's character. I was crying big-time when he and Claire said their goodbyes to each other. :cry:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:28 am
by demonyte
LittleBit wrote:I was kind of glad to see Simone die.
Me too, though I spoiled myself by watching the preview of 1x18. I won't say anything but boy, was I disppointed.

I love Claude though first I didn't. He's a good mentor for Peter, tries to get him rid off his doormat attitude. He's funny and his selfish streak is kind of endearing. Yeah, I'm strange like that. Maybe it's because I first saw the actor playing doctor Who, he's so different from this character.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:30 am
by Lolita
Yeah, it's too bad that Simone didn't stay dead. :x She's actually pretty annoying and I didn't like her with Peter. She just seemed too old for him. Plus I was shipping Peter/Claire but the whole Nathan being her father totally burst that bubble. :(

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:04 pm
by demonyte
Lolita wrote: :x She's actually pretty annoying and I didn't like her with Peter. She just seemed too old for him. Plus I was shipping Peter/Claire but the whole Nathan being her father totally burst that bubble. :(
My thoughts exactly. Paire was a nice pairing. I've still got a half written fic about them but now... it's kind of hard to finish it.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:33 pm
by cardinalgirl
Considering he's now the dirty uncle? :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:38 am
by demonyte
cardinalgirl wrote:Considering he's now the dirty uncle? :lol:
Well, yeah. Though so far it looked more like Claire got a crush on Peter than the other way around. You know, hero worship and everything.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:26 am
by cardinalgirl
I THOUGHT that was Missy Peregrym!!! :D :D :D

*happy LAWKI squee!*

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:51 am
by ~Ruby~
Any thoughts on yesterday's episode? I'm sure quite a few of you are happy about the Simone twist, lol. I know I was.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:43 am
by Lolita
I'm glad that Simone is really dead. She was very boring.

As for Peter, I don't understand how Sylar can just slice his head open like that. I mean isn't Peter supposed to absorb other people's powers? Isn't that what he did when he fought Sylar in Texas? I don't get it, although I have a feeling that they wouldn't kill Peter off since a lot of the fangirls love him.

As for Mr. Linderman, what is his role in this whole mystery? I don't think he's part of the same organization as Mr. Bennett and the other 'paper workers.'