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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 19 10/22/2015

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:08 am
by mary mary
Roswelllostcause: Helen, I think things are starting to get sorted...a little. :)
Carolyn" LOL, I wouldn't have been able to write those scenes without having experienced them myself. As for peeing against the tree, how about an ice cream parlor with outdoor seating and a 3 year old doesn't even discuss the potty, just took it upon himself to use the tire of a very nice SUV parked in the parking lot. My son was yelling "DON'T" and he might just as well have whistled in the wind. My husband and I sat and laughed like fools while my daughter-in-law sat there hiding her head and saying "How embarrassing." Didn't do any good. I think those Tonka Trucks you mentioned are boxed up out in the garage. Hope you still have yours...I was told they're worth a fortune. Maybe to someone but to me they are priceless. JP is at work again in this one.... :wink:
Eve: We had a couple of showers earlier this week but not nearly as much as we need and it did snow back East. As for the golf ball episode...Please, don't ever tell anyone to try it. The story is very true and they do explode. My brother-in-law heated his golf balls before leaving the house because it was cold. My sister-in-law got hysterical telling us about her husband dancing all over the kitchen while the golf balls exploded through my brother-in-law's pants pocket and literally blew rubber bands all over the kitchen. Honest, I didn't make it up, I just inserted it for fun but it's true. :roll: :wink: :D

Chapter: 19

Max and Michael met up with Jeff and Philip right at 8:00 a.m. and all four men were ready to go…but Philip had to know why Max needed more golf balls. Michael had to leave while Max told his story, he couldn’t stand to hear about it after living through it. Philip and Jeff both looked at each other in disbelief and then Michael just had to get into the good parts after letting them know that Liz had told Max it wasn’t a good idea. By the time Michael had finished, in great detail and with grand flourish, all four of the men were doubled over in laughter. Philip looked at his son and had to ask…

“Max, don’t you ever do anything easy?” And they laughed even harder.

Max looked at his dad and grinned…

“Doesn’t seem like it does it?” And with that they all headed toward the golf cart and got ready for a morning’s game of golf. Max did tell his dad and Jeff that they were going ice skating after they got home so don’t get too tired. Philip looked at his son and grinned…

“Suck up?” Max grinned back at his dad…

“Yes and no…it’s only fair.”
And they all smiled in agreement; it was only fair… I guess.


Back at the house Maria and Liz had all the kids bathed and dressed and ready for some morning fun of a different kind when the phone in the office rang.

Liz took off and left Maria in the family room with the rest of the bunch and when she finally got to the phone it had started to go to the answering machine just as she picked it up.


“Hi Liz, it’s Jesse. I tried to get hold of Philip but he wasn’t home so I thought maybe I would find him at your place. Would he be there by any chance?”

“Hi Jesse, no he isn’t. He and Max are golfing with Michael and Jeff this morning, I’m sure they all have their phones off... Is it urgent? I can call the golf club and get a message to him if you need me to.”

“Oh no Liz, it’s nothing like that…I just thought I would bring him up to date on the Don Adams situation before I went home. I’ll just fax the information over to him. How’s everything with you?”

Jesse was concerned about the listening device and wanted to get this taken care of as soon as possible and he didn’t want Liz to know that another man was watching their home besides Ed Bradley so he figured that he would just have to wait and tell Philip…then he had a brainstorm…

“Liz, that gardener that I sent over, is he still there?”

“Yes Jesse. We put him up in the pool house…As a matter of fact there are two of them. One takes care of the pool, which there isn’t much to take care of at this time of the year, while the other one seems to spend a lot of time weeding the flower beds. Max is going to have the “pool” guy check out some other stuff around the house and see if he’d like to earn some extra cash. How much longer do you think we’re going to need this type of service Jesse. It’s not like they’re any bother but it really is nerve wracking as hell knowing why they’re here.”

Jesse kept the sigh he was holding to himself and took a deep breath…

“I can just imagine Liz. We’re doing the best we can, honest. We just can’t figure out why in the hell the guy put the device in your home to begin with and we don’t want to tip our hand until we know his reasoning. We have to prove that his intentions are not in your best interest if he’s the one that did it before we can file a formal complaint.”

“I know Jesse, but I’m almost willing to let it go just to get back to normal.”

“Liz, we’ll do whatever you want us to do but I would strongly advise that you go along with the program as it is right now. It could become dangerous.”

“I know Jesse, and thank you. Do you want me to have one of your guys call you?”

“No, I’ll just call them and check up and see if there have been any new developments. Thanks Liz and relax. We’ll get you back to normal soon, I promise.”

“Okay Jesse, take care and bye for now.”

“Bye Liz, and enjoy your company.”

And the two old friends rang off.


Jesse called the cell phone out in the pool house to check on his men and got an answer on the second ring…

“Hi Jones, Jesse here…anything interesting to report?”

“Yeah, as a matter of fact there is. This is, without a doubt, the strangest case you’ve ever put me on. There are more people watching this place than there are secret service in the white house, I swear!

That Ed Bradley is parked out in his car almost 12 hours everyday…then there’s another unmarked car watching Bradley. I know this car is from the PD because the guy is just too obvious. Then there’s our guy who is watching Bradley but is aware of the PD also.

Now here’s the kicker, I’ve managed to get a picture of the fourth player and I’ve e-mailed that off to you at your home due to the secrecy surrounding this case. God knows who this guy is but he’s not real bright. So far he seems to be casing the place, like he might want to break in, but he hasn’t made any moves in that direction yet. Of course there is the dog…the family pet! I truly believe the animal would tear the leg off anybody that would attempt anything with one of those kids or Liz. He seems as gentle as a lamb but the animal doesn’t miss a trick and knows exactly where this fourth guy is at all times.

The guy does leave for a few hours but is generally back for most of the day. He’s really strange looking. Wears cammies and a ball cap check your e-mail at home and let me know what you think?”

Jesse frowned at the news Jonesy had just related to him and said…

“Jonesy, thanks. I’ll get right on that photo and see what the hell else is going on. Keep up the good work and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a good week-end in spite of the circumstances. I think I’ll have Valenti check out the photo for us, I don’t know why but I have a strange feeling that is where we should start.”

“Hey Jesse, you know I’m not complaining…private quarters, home cooked meals and Smitty for company…who could ask for anything more?”

And all three men laughed…Smitty being the pool man who was sitting at the bar on a stool working a cross-word puzzle…Smith and Jones, what a combination!


So, that was the extent of the news of the day from Jesse’s end but the crap was about to hit the fan down at police headquarters. The Chief was really getting bent out of shape with the Ed Bradley development and he had Carl, Ed’s partner, in his office again wanting to know “What in the hell is going on?” Carl wasn’t sure but had a sneaking suspicion that Bradley was stalking the Evans woman and didn’t want to say it aloud until he was certain, but from what he could tell it sure as hell looked like it. Then there was Judge Abbott who had his bailiff, Dave White, checking up on the activity in the police department and nobody knew what anybody else was doing.

Finally Carl closed the Chiefs door and took a seat.

“Chief, I think Bradley is stalking the Evans woman. I found a receiver on the front seat of our car the other day when I went for burgers and Bradley’s only been coming into the office every morning long enough to make an appearance and then he’s gone again.

“I checked out an unmarked car the other day and followed him and he drove straight over to the Evans’ place and sat in the car for almost 6 hours. Then he drove to the hospital to check on the guy that Mrs. Evans knocked unconscious with the skillet. I waited until he left and then went and talked to the guard stationed at the prisoner’s room and he said Bradley comes in everyday to see if that Don Adams has regained consciousness.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on Chief, but it’s weird that Bradley isn’t reporting any of his actions to anyone here. If it had anything to do with the case he should at least write up a report and clue someone in on what’s going on. You know his wife threw his ass out for messing around with that waitress over at the Liberty Bar. I guess she’s not the first one he’s ever had an affair with according to Shelly. Shelly’s his wife, remember we met her at the picnic last year. Sweet little thing…I guess Bradley beat her up pretty bad before she got the restraining order on him.

“He’s allowed to visit the boy one day a week for 4 hours and he has to have an escort with him when he goes to the house. I guess he’s okay with the kid.”

“Good God man, why in the hell didn’t you say something before this?”

“Well Chief, I wasn’t sure…I’m still not sure what’s going on. I’ve only told you what I do know and what I think…that’s all I’ve got to go on right now.”

“Well, I’m glad you brought this to my attention because Judge Abbott’s office has Officer White checking on the department to see why there’s a listening device planted at the Evans’ home. Mrs. Evans kept running into Bradley all over town and got suspicious and started checking around her kitchen and found the device on top of her refrigerator…it looks like your suspicions might have some merit. You say you followed Bradley?”

“Yeah but I couldn’t stay on him all the time. We do have other investigations going on that need to be attended to and like I said, I was just following a hunch. Now that I know the whole story I think we should do something about this. Are you going to tell Judge Abbott about this? You know that Mrs. Evans father-in-law is an attorney and that is probably why Judge Abbott is working on this. Mr. Evans probably doesn’t trust anyone over here …what a mess. What in the hell is wrong with that man anyway?”

“Damned if I know but we have to take care of this ASAP. Pretty soon the street the Evans’ live on is going to look like a frreakin’ parkin’ lot…but we need to investigate this thing and get to the bottom of it. Do you think you can take care of it without anyone else becoming suspicious out there?” The captain nodded toward the squad room. “Bradley’s been with us a long time and he may have some friends that would tip him off.”

“I don’t know who would betray the force for a bad seed Cap…and after the assault on his wife there aren’t very many who are going to give us up for him.”

“Even so…let’s keep this as quiet as we possibly can and if you need help let me know…we’ll get some one from another precinct to work with us if we need to but we need to clean it up.”

“Fair enough cap. I’ll check him out again today and see if he’s over there. It’s supposed to be his day off, so if he’s sitting over there it’s pretty much stalking in my book.”

“Thanks Carl, let me know what you find…okay? Call me at home; we’re not doing anything today except some yard work.”

Carl looked at his captain and raised an eyebrow…he knew the captain hated yard work and the Captain just looked at Carl and grinned…

“Don’t ask?” And Carl grinned back and left the office…Cap must have done something to piss the wife off again, always has been her way of getting even.

And with that the Captain picked up his phone and dialed the court house, he needed to fill Dave in on what was going on and he would leave the information he passed on for Dave to decide whether or not he should share it with the Judge.


Meanwhile Liz and Maria were having a great time entertaining the kids and catching up on Roswell gossip when Max and Michael walked in and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and started wrestling with the kids who were having a great time visiting with each other. The girls were just as rough-house as the boys and Max had his hands full. Michael was right in there with all six of them.

Maria and Liz left the room and found some peace and quiet in the living room, which was hardly ever used, and Liz felt at peace for the first time in almost two weeks. It was so nice to have her old friend with her and to be able to relax for awhile but it wasn’t to last because they soon heard the tiny voice of Ellie yelling through the baby monitor…


Maria and Liz both looked at each other and grinned…it was the best sound on earth and Maria took off with pony tail flying to get to her baby girl before the tears took over. Ellie was usually very good about waiting for her mommy but she was in a strange place and Maria wasn’t quite sure how she would take it if she didn’t see her soon.

Michael heard the yell from the family room and came walking quite fast into the living room to see if Maria wanted him to get the baby but Liz told him that Maria was already on her way upstairs and to relax…he smiled and said thanks and headed back to rescue Max from the invasion of the brat pack.

Soon the parents had all of the kids loaded into the two SUV’s and were on their way to the estate for an ice skating party and then some pizza afterwards. When they arrived the grandparents were already fitted out and getting loosened up and adjusted to the ice and the young parents took to getting the kids laced up and on the ice. Max and Liz’s kids all had their own skates which they brought from home but Junior and Ellie both needed skates.

Liz had found some double runner skates on line a few years back and had several pair in various sizes shipped to the facility so Ellie was equipped with a pair of those and was doing quite admirably on them. Maria and Michael were both as impressed along with everyone else. Michael was a natural on the ice and he and the kids had the hockey equipment out and set up in no time at all. Everyone was right in there helping and they soon were having a great time.

Liz stood back and smiled…how wonderful life was she thought to herself…even if it did have a lunatic show his ugly face every once in awhile and then Parker pissed JP off and it was time to break them up…No matter how many times she told JP that every action had a reaction and if he would just ignore Parker then Parker would quit bothering him. It didn’t do any good. Maybe he was just too little to understand or that temper of his was too much for him to handle at his young age but he had to learn and learn soon. He couldn’t start school with that short fuse.

And so the day ended and everyone was worn out to say the least.


On Sunday morning the alarm went off at its usual 6:00 a.m. and Liz didn’t even budge. Max reached over her head and slapped the annoyance off, wrapped his arms around his little wife and smiled as he went right back to sleep. It was about a half hour later that there was loud knocking on their bedroom door and Max opened one eye and yelled “It’s open!”

Michael stuck his head in and saw the two Evans’ taking up not much more space than a baby crib would allow in this huge king sized bed and shook his head. Liz was in her usual position of sleeping as though she was an extension of her husband’s body. Max didn’t seem to mind at all and Michael smiled.

“Hey you two…do you want to go to Mass today and if so, how about I cook us up some ‘Crashdown’ hash and eggs?”

Max eyed his friend, looked down at his wife’s head, and then back at his friend.

“You know Michael; you can be annoying as hell even when you’re being nice!”

Michael grinned and waited with his arms crossed over his chest…

“Liz? I know you’re not asleep. Do you want some hash and eggs?”

Liz managed to move her lips, eyes still closed,

“Michael, come back when it’s ready…okay?”

“Okay…but you better eat some or there will be consequences.”

“Fine, is Maria up?”

“Are you kidding…she’d kill me if I woke her up for breakfast.”

Then Liz lifted her head from Max’s chest and yelled…


And on that note Michael left Max and Liz’s room and headed down the back stairs with a great big grin on his face.

Liz was wishing that they had made time for Mass yesterday but things just got away from them…too much to do, too little time.

Max kissed Liz on the top of her head and worked his way loose of her body, which he had down to a science, and got himself up to go help Michael in the kitchen. Soon 6 of the 7 kids were all sitting around the table goofing off and having fun while their fathers prepared a breakfast fit for a lumberjack. Liz and Maria came staggering in with Ellie hanging onto her mother’s neck, her head on Maria’s shoulder, half asleep; neither knowing whether to kiss or kick Michael for being up so early. I guess, all in all, it wasn’t such a bad idea since they were having the bar-b-que later…they really should go to early Mass.

So the two men had everyone fed and was well on their way to having the kitchen cleaned up while Liz and Maria went back upstairs to take care of the slew of kids that needed bathed, dressed and hair done in proper order. By that time Michael and Max were back upstairs and ready for their showers.

Liz told Max to lock their door because she was going to take a little “rest” before showering…”it’s only 8:30 and Mass starts at 11:00 annnnd, if we keep Michael locked out we can both have a little rest. No?” And she looked at her husband and grinned. God, who could turn an offer like that down and with that Max was right on top of her and had her in a lip lock that wouldn’t quit when there was a knock on the door again. Max yelled…

“Michael! It’s locked…go get ready for Mass.” And a little voice said,

“Daddy, can we take Jack out in the yard for awhile?” Max looked down at Liz as she smiled. She shook her head no…so Max had to be the bad guy…

“Not now…after Mass you can go out and play with Jack. Just watch cartoons til’ mommy and I are ready for church, okay?”

“Okay…” came a groaned reply and Max rolled back over and grabbed his wife who was now leaning up on one elbow looking at him. He returned the look; half smile, half frown and said…

“Mood gone?” Liz smiled and shrugged one shoulder…

“Sorta’... Let’s shower.”


“Yeah…” and they both headed to the bathroom, very quickly.


By 10:15 everyone was assembled on the front porch waiting for Max, Michael and Ellie…Michael had taken the little girl with him to get her all buckled up before all of the other kids started to climb on board and soon they were off to the Cathedral. When they started to disembark Monsignor Gaughan was going into the Cathedral and spotted the Evans’ van and headed on over to say hello when he noticed the extra passengers.

“Why hello Michael, Maria, Junior and Ellie…it’s so nice to see you and hello to the Evans’s…how are all of you?”

“Fine Father and it’s so good to see you too.”

Then it was JP, leader of the pack…He gave the Monsignor a high five and then asked the elderly gentleman if he wanted to come to their house for bar-b-que today…Max and Liz grinned at the monsignor and nodded yes and so the old man looked down on the little one and smiled…

“JP, I would love to come to dinner. What time do you think would be a good time?”

JP looked at Liz with a questioning gaze and Liz smiled at her youngest and held up 3 fingers.

“Three will be great!” JP grinned and the monsignor smiled at the tyke and said…

“Great JP, I’ll see you at three for a bar-b-que.” And he left the group smiling from ear to ear…everyone that knew that little boy just fell in love with him. What a man he’s going to be some day and there was a fresh spring in the old man’s step.

All four of the adults grinned at each other and got the crew to fall in line for church.

And as they all walked across the parking lot there was a caravan of cars following their every move. Unbelievable, just unbelievable was the only thought going through Steve’s mind as he watched Carl watch Ed…but he was unaware of the fourth set of eyes watching as well.


Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 19 10/22/2015

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:20 am
by Roswelllostcause
Gee with all the people watching the Evans house/people watching the house it's like a bad spy movies!

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 19 10/22/2015

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:23 am
by begonia9508
Hey Ginger,

Winter is coming early, this year... maybe its good but I don't like to drive in snow... :? :? :? :roll:

I was wondering what have done the Evans, who make all these guys following and spying on them? money, kidnapping or the stupid Liz's ex?

Anyway, there are enough people to search from the truth and I hope they will find it...

Thanks - have a nice time, Ginger! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 19 10/22/2015

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:30 am
by keepsmiling7
Love the and games but then an extra set of eyes are watching!
That would be terrible to live under these suspicions forever.

Laughed at your grandson stories......what would we do if we didn't have these embarrassing memories to laugh over? Between all of our children and grandchildren, our lives have been opened to so many interesting experiences.
Thanks for providing this entertainment today,

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 20 10/29/2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:05 am
by mary mary
Helen: LOL, you are so right... :lol:
EVe: The only organization not sitting outside the house right now seems to be the FBI, but I'll work on it. Maybe I'll be able to figure a way to get them involved too. Wouldn't that just put the icing on the cake? As for the snow, I'm not too keen about driving in it either. There was one winter here that the snow was so heavy it knocked down some power lines and we were without electricity for almost a day. As I was waiting for a pot of water to boil in the fireplace I suddenly had a moment of great respect for my grandmother. God, can you imagine having to live like that all the time. :roll: When the electricity goes out here there's no way to heat the house with and electric thermostat. I'm sure there is a way to work around the thing but I haven't a clue how to do it so the fireplace is my answer. At least I was smart enough to do that. Now when it starts to snow I just pack a bag and leave. :wink:
Carolyn: Thank you and JP is still at it... :P

Chapter: 20

So everyone was all settled in and getting ready for the big bar-b-que when they got back from Mass and Liz had Max and Michael busy wiping off patio furniture along with “Smitty” and “Jonesy” who were invited as well. All of the kids were changed and playing all sorts of games while JP and Junior were busy in the dirt pile moving ‘earth’. JP convinced Junior that this was necessary to the ‘eco system’; he had seen it on the nature channel and Junior was convinced they were doing their part to save the earth. Jack stood guard over both little boys as they played and the other two boys had a game of catch going on while Deana and Briana played with Ellie on the patio. Everything was coming along quite nicely and between Maria and Liz the food was prepared and stored in no time at all.

Liz had decided to bake a couple of hams and have hot dogs and hamburgers along with the usual salads and breads that went along with a bar-b-que. It was so much easier than trying to get steaks the way everyone wanted them when there were so many…she figured at least 20 or more would be there. If Joanne and the girls came there would be almost 30…then she wondered if 2 hams were enough.

“Maria, do you think 2 hams are enough. There is going to be 20 of us for sure and if Joanne, Charly and the rest come that will be almost 30 or more. What do you think?”

“God Liz, I think it’s plenty but you’re more used to this groups appetite than I am…maybe we should stick another one in just to be safe. We can always freeze the leftovers.”

“Great idea!” And with that Liz went to the large walk in freezer off the pantry and came back with another whole ham and a large disposable baking pan. Those pans were just as necessary in her house the same as napkins, it saved a mountain of time. Maria just looked at her friend and smiled.

“What?” Liz asked…

“Oh nothing…it’s just that I don’t think the ‘Crash’ is this well supplied is all.”

“Oh. Well…we sort of got in the habit when Max was playing and everyone used to go to the estate; I just never got out of the habit I guess.” Liz shrugged as she rubbed the ham down and poked cloves all over it. Maria just smiled and thought to herself ‘what a change in her since Max Evans became a permanent fixture, she is so happy’… and Maria picked up another potato and kept on peeling, 30 people for dinner…ugh!


Right around 2:45 people started showing up and the driveway looked like the parking lot of the downtown mall. Monsignor Gaughan was shaking hands with Jeff and Philip and giving Nancy and Diane hugs as Charly and Margaret pulled in…then Olivia and her husband was there about the same time and lo and behold Joanne, young Charly and two of the other girls and their husbands were there also. It was like a reunion in the driveway when JP heard the noise…that’s all it took. The little boy went running around the side of the house with Junior hot on his heels.

“Hey everyone! Come on back here…dad and Michael are cleaning. Mom made them wash the furniture. Do you all know Junior…he’s Michael and Maria’s boy.”

JP’s grandparents were in awe of this kid everyday…he knew no strangers and his lust for life was contagious. Soon they were all following the four year olds to the back of the house to where the large patio was situated and Max and Michael were both shaking hands and hugging as JP and Junior watched on. Then Smitty and Jonesy came out of the pool house and more introductions were made as Max set about getting everyone some refreshments. Maria and Liz soon noticed the added noise coming from the patio and when they looked out the French doors from the side of the kitchen there everyone was, out back, and both women looked at each other and wondered when all of this had taken place??? And then the lights came on. Liz thought, “JP” and she smiled. Mr. Joe Social took care of everything and then she started to giggle.

“What’s got you so tickled?” Maria asked.

“It’s just JP…I’ll lay you odds he’s the one that took everyone through the side yard, passed the large trash cans and to the back. That boy just amazes me that’s all.”

“He is unique Liz…so much more different than the other four and I don’t understand it.”

“I don’t either Maria. He’s been like this since he was a baby. I’m almost afraid to have his IQ tested, I think it’s going to be scary as hell.”

“Oh Liz, whatever it is he’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, you’re right…if he doesn’t kill Parker before it’s done and gets put away.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, JP has a temper on him that would put Satan to shame and Parker loves to razz him and get him all riled up. No amount of talking to either of them helps and sometimes JP gets the best of Parker but I’m still afraid someday Parker will just push too hard.”

“Well, you live with them everyday and see all of this but let me tell you what I see. I see nothing but love among the whole group of them…they may fight with each other but pity the person outside of the family who would fight with one of them…I believe that person would have the whole group to fight with. And, one of these days JP is going to be as big as Parker and then the playing field will even out.”

“Do you really think so Maria?”

“Oh Liz, I don’t think it I know it.” And both women smiled…and Liz thought, maybe she’s right.

Soon Max came in to get the hot dogs and burgers and Liz wanted to know how long he thought it would be. He said probably 15 to 20 minutes. Liz stood on her tip toes and kissed her husband lightly on the cheek and said they’d be ready. About that time Diane and Nancy came in and wanted to know what they could do. Liz pointed to the walk-in refrigerator and said that everything was plated and covered and just needed to be taken out to the counter in the enclosed patio. Both women nodded and headed over to the sink to wash their hands and no sooner than not the food was all sitting in a nice display with three large hams heading up the program. Olivia just looked at Liz and shook her head…always be prepared, and she was.

Soon everyone was sitting around the tables eating and JP got up from his chair, headed over to the nearest tree and guess what he did…yep, right there in front of God and everyone young Jeffrey Philip Evans whipped it out and proceeded to pee against the tree in the flower bed lining the patio. Liz got this horrified look on her face; Max followed her line of vision as did Maria. The rest of the group tried very hard to stifle their laughter and when Maria really saw what was going on she yelled at the top of her lungs…


And Max Evans almost choked laughing…not so much at JP but the look on his wife’s face was priceless and then Liz yelled…

Jeffery Philip Evans!!! What are you doing?”

JP turned around and looked at his mother and said, very calmly…

“Uncle Mike told Junior to do it.”

Liz looked at Michael and he raised his arms in surrender…

“Junior, we do that camping and you know it…we don’t do it at home.” And Junior looked at his dad and said very simply…

“Why not?”

“Yeah Michael, why not?” That was Maria

“We’ll talk about this later Junior.” Michael couldn’t talk now if he tried, he was trying very hard to stifle his laughter while Max and the rest of the group weren’t even trying at all…the monsignor, Philip and Jeff were all but rolling off their chairs…Smitty and Jonesy were beet red from laughing…Charly and all the rest were really trying to keep a straight face because they knew it was Liz who was going to have to explain to JP that this was not funny but that was going to be impossible because it was.

This kid should have his own TV show Diane thought, he’s a natural. And Liz, well Liz wanted to kill Michael for the second time today and her husband was not helping at all…as a matter of fact none of them were and then she started, the hysterical laughter came and everyone knew that the tears would be coming shortly. Her usual M.O….laugh hysterically when things became too much. Of course Smitty and Jonesy hadn’t a clue what was coming, but it was, and with that Max calmly put his napkin on the table, pushed his chair out and walked over to his wife’s chair, turned her toward him, picked her up and carried her into the house laughing like she had just heard the funniest joke on earth and when they got as far as the kitchen she started and the tears started to come as fast as any rainstorm that had ever occurred.

Max took her up to their room and sat in the rocking chair next to their fireplace. He put her in his lap and rocked her until it was all over.

“It’s going to be alright Liz. Honey…honest. We’ll get through this just like we have everything else and when it’s all over we will take a nice long vacation somewhere alone. Mom and Dad can come over here for a couple of weeks and we’ll get away from all of this once we know everyone is safe from whatever it is that is going on.”

Max continued to speak very softly while nuzzling Liz’s head that was pressed into his chest.

Liz laid there in her husband’s arms listening to him and she knew he meant every word he said but he also knew that she could never leave her kids for two weeks…maybe overnight, if she had to, but she just couldn’t leave them and she looked up at him and smiled…

“Max, I love you so much it hurts sometime.”

“I feel the same way sweetheart. Are you better now?”

“Yes…now…about this peeing in public…”

Max just grinned at his wife…

“He won’t do it again Liz. I know he won’t. Now I can’t promise anything about Junior but I’m sure his mother will have a talk with his father and it will roll down, maybe. We are talking about Michael here and they do live an entirely different lifestyle than we do. I would suggest taking the kids camping but I don’t think we should do it in the near future for JP’s sake. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong and after the display our guests made I’m sure he knows he hasn’t done anything wrong so let’s just forget it for awhile okay?”

“Okay…if you say so.”

“I say so, now let’s go back and have some of that great food you and Maria prepared.”

And with that Max carried his wife to the bathroom, sat her on the counter and proceeded to wipe the tears from her face and when the repairs had been made Liz gave him a great big smile and they headed back to the patio to have some dinner and fun. Who knows, maybe JP will do something else entertaining for them. Never can tell.

After everyone had eaten and caught up on all the news of the day minus what was going on at Max and Liz’s, no one mentioned the stress that they were under, everyone chipped in as usual and helped put things away and JP and Junior were still busy moving earth minus using the trees to relieve themselves. Neither had been told not to but they were both smart enough to know that Michael was in trouble with their mothers…they could just tell.

Parker and Gerard were busy talking to their grandfathers and Briana and Deana were busy playing with Ellie again. It was like having a live doll to play with and all three of the girls were having a great time. Deana and Briana were teaching the toddler to sign and she was picking up on it like a duck to water. Maria was fascinated watching them and told Liz that she needed to learn this also. Liz told her that she thinks it saved her and JP’s lives when Don broke in…Don never suspected what was going on between her and JP and if she hadn’t been able to get JP to run she didn’t think she would have been able to take control the way she had. Maria was still in awe of her friend…she didn’t think she would be able to do that …

“Liz, you will never know how much I admire you. Everyday you seem to pull something new out of your hat and you amaze me constantly. I could never be that strong.” And Maria was serious and Liz knew it…she needed to make her friend realize that she was just as strong as anyone now all she needed to do was convince her.

“Maria, when your children are in need of your strength believe me you will find it…and as for the sign language, look at her. She knows. She is a very smart little girl and you can both learn together. I will give you the book before we go to bed tonight and you and Michael both can look it over. All four of you can learn. It isn’t that hard. I shouldn’t use this as an example but it’s true. It’s like teaching a dog commands, they are smart Maria and they learn fast so I think you and Michael should sit down with the two of them every night for about 15 minutes, or until they get bored, and learn it together.

American sign is a little more complicated but not so much once you catch on to this. I think the kids use it to communicate with each other at school when they want to keep secrets but that little bit of information hasn’t been made public yet. I’ve seen them when I go to pick them up at school, they have their little secrets from the other kids and no one’s the wiser. It’s okay for them to do this…I wouldn’t encourage them to be mean and cruel but if they have something private to say to each other they sign it. It’s a good thing Maria.”

“Thank you Liz and I will learn it with the kids…and Michael too. I know he’d do anything for those two and I’m sure he’ll be pleased and look at Ellie, she can teach us.”

And both women laughed. Nancy and the other women were catching bits and pieces of the conversation as they carried food in from the patio to put it away and then Nancy went out and watched Deana and Briana with little Ellie and she was amazed.

She had seen the kids using their hands on numerous occasions and smiling at each other but she had never put two and two together. Her heart just swelled with pride at her daughter and she knew she had no one but the Evanses to thank for all of this because she certainly had nothing to do with it and suddenly she was saddened by the thought of how she had raised her daughter. Thank God for Diane and Philip for taking her under their wings the way they did because she certainly turned out to be a wonderful wife and mother…even a daughter for that matter. Nancy also knew why the children had never spent the night with her and Jeffery and her heart ached but she didn’t place any blame on her daughter, it wasn’t Liz’s fault. Nancy was only happy that she and Jeff could be a part of the family on any level and she smiled remembering her youngest grandson this afternoon…He is such a little sweetheart and his Uncle Michael is going to have to answer to the wrath of Maria…Boy would she love to be a fly on the wall for that scene and then Nancy actually laughed out loud and three little girls looked up at her and smiled.

“Grandma, do you want to learn?” Briana asked and Nancy nodded yes and sat down in the circle of girls and started working her fingers as well and life was good.


After everyone but the grandparents had gone and the kids were all in bed Liz, Max, Michael and Maria joined Philip, Diane, Nancy and Jeff in the parlor off of Max’s study for a family conference along with Smith and Jones.

Liz hadn’t had a chance to speak with Philip since talking to Jesse the day before and she wanted to know if Philip had a chance to talk to Jesse and he said he had. Liz wanted to know if he had any insight into all of the activity going on outside the walls of the estate and Philip took this chance to give the floor to Smitty.

“Mrs. Evans, it seems that the detective in charge of investigating Don Adams has had your home under surveillance and the police department is aware of it so they have one of their men watching this detective, Ed Bradley. Now we also have a man out there on the street watching the coming and going of this Ed Bradley as well but there is also a new player out there. He was released with Don from the Connecticut penitentiary and we believe that he and Don were in cahoots when Don broke into your home. So far the man has done nothing but stand out there and watch and here’s something maybe you have noticed or then again maybe not. Have you noticed that Jack never leaves JP’s side when he’s playing with his earth movers and dump trucks? I think the dog knows something isn’t quite right and he is standing guard.”

“Oh God! Max!” And Max was at his wife’s side in an instant.

“Sweetheart, I told you we would take care of this. Whatever the reason this Ed Bradley has for watching us is a mystery but right now we do know that there are two cops out there and one PI on our side and two PI’s inside. Sweetheart, we are going to be fine.”

Then Smitty took over again.

“Mrs. Evans, Steve has followed Ed to the hospital everyday where he goes in to see if Don has regained consciousness and the fourth player out there who we now know to be one Joseph Sabotini, Joey for short, also goes to the hospital. He sat in the lobby for a few days just watching…now he has stolen some scrubs and is dressing like a doctor and going up to the prison ward. We believe he is also checking to see if Don has regained consciousness. We could have the police pick him up right now but we don’t want to play our hand too soon. As long as we are aware of what’s going on out there I think we’re okay.”

“Fine, maybe we’re okay as long as we’re in here but what about the kids at school. Do you think we need to alert the school or put some men on them just to be on the safe side? Maybe I should home school them until all of this is over with…I can’t feel comfortable about any of this right now. Shit, they aren’t even safe in our own back yard if that nut is out there spying on them.”

Liz was shaking like a leaf and Max knew there wasn’t going to be any settling her down until this was taken care of.

“Look sweetheart, if you want to pull them out of school for the time being then that is what we’ll do. Not because I think they aren’t safe but because I know you don’t feel safe and you are as important to me as they are and if you will feel better then we will do what is necessary to make that happen.”

“Thank you Max…they stay home and I want another man on the premises…in the house. Maybe I want some more skillets too.” And everyone laughed but Liz.

“So Liz, I’ll call Jesse tomorrow and see to it that we get another man on the job and Max, you can take care of the school situation. We will have to bring the kids in on some of this so they won’t balk but we need to make it lighter than what it is. If they’re upset they won’t be able to concentrate on their studies nor will they be able to play and relax so we need to make up a story and everyone has to agree to it.” Philip had the floor now.

Then Liz spoke up with a determination they were all familiar with…

“No…we’ll tell them the truth. If we make light of it they won’t be able to recognize trouble if it rears its ugly head so we will tell them what is going on. We will tell them who Smith and Jones really are and we’ll tell them about Steve parked down the street. They need to feel safe in their own home and they need to know that everything will be back to normal soon.”

No one disagreed with her because they knew it was futile and she was usually right anyway. Besides, no one knew those kids the way she did and she knew if they knew the truth they would deal with it and do everything that was expected of them.

So it was agreed that the kids would be home schooled and that Liz would keep in contact with their teachers via fax and she would conduct their studies at home.

Philip was concerned that it would alert the players in this drama that the family was aware of a problem and Liz told Philip she didn’t give a shit…these were her children they were talking about and she would not put them at risk. Philip agreed and told her that a man would be arriving in the morning…Liz said fine and everyone got up and bid their good byes for the evening.

“What do you want me to do for you sweet?” Max asked his wife as she gathered up the coffee cups and glasses from the parlor.

“Just go over to the school tomorrow and get their books and assignments. Give their teachers the fax number to your office and I’ll fax their homework and tests back to them until we know they’re safe. That’s all I’ll need. And thank you Max, for supporting me on this. I know it’s a tough decision but I can’t rest when I think something might happen to them.”

“I know that sweetheart, and I’ll take care of it tomorrow for you. Aren’t you concerned about the listening device?”

“Max, right now I just want to take that thing down to that nut’s car and shove it up his ass but I won’t…I don’t think he’s smart enough to know that the kids won’t be going to school. How in the hell did they ever promote some one like him to detective in the first place? Hell, he’s an idiot!”

And with that Max bent over and kissed Liz on the nose, one of his favorite things to do, and smiled. If the man did a stupid thing by putting the listening device on their refrigerator it was a God send in the long run because now they knew about this Joey guy so things do happen for a reason.

Maria came back into the parlor about that time and told Liz she was headed to bed and was there anything she wanted her to do before leaving and Liz smiled at her old friend.

“No Maria…I’m just so glad you and Michael are here. It has made this whole ordeal so much easier to deal with. Thank you.”

And Liz gave Maria a big hug before letting her leave. Max smiled at Maria and as he hugged her good night he whispered in her ear to go lightly on Michael about the peeing…it wasn’t that bad. Maria giggled and said okay and headed on up to her room, she knew Liz wasn’t too happy about it but it was cute…then she thought seriously, Ellie would probably be up bright and early tomorrow and she needed to be at her best.

And so the Evans household was quiet again as Max and Liz headed to their bedroom for the night. When they got to their room they noticed the dog’s bed was missing and Liz looked up at Max who headed over to Parker’s room and sure enough there was Jack laying right on top of the boys bed with his head on his pillow sound asleep. When he got back to their room Liz was already in bed and Max noticed her pj’s lying on the chair next to their bed… Max turned around and locked the door behind him…oh it was going to be nice making her feel safe …and Max smiled as he started peeling clothes on his way to his bed.

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 20 10/29/2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:02 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Boy things are never clam at the Evans house!

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 20 10/29/2015

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:26 am
by keepsmiling7
I just love your stories Ginger because you always evoke old memories..........such as poking cloves into the ham. I don't see many people doing that now.
JP and Parker are just typical brothers.....
Love how the peeing incident turned out to me Michael's fault....but if that's the worse thing that can happen I'll take that.
Also love the loyalty of the family dog keeping close to JP. Of course the dog realizes not everything is right.
Wonderful family happenings.

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 21 1/15/2016

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:55 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn: So glad to be back among old friends and hoping your holidays were the best and that all the family are doing well. I hope I can do this without screwing's been a while. Happy New year my friend. :D
Helen: Hello and Happy New Year to you as well. Let's all say a little prayer that the powers that be can get this fixed to everyone's satisfaction. It seems to be working so far. there's nothing more frustrating that computer failure. God bless us all, everyone, according to Tiny Tim. Good words. :wink:

Chapter: 21

The next morning Michael was up bright and early as usual. He was too used to getting up and getting the Crashdown ready for the day that he it was impossible to change for just a couple of days. He got himself dressed and headed on over to Max and Liz’s room, just to piss Liz off again, and when he tried the door he found it locked. He thought about knocking but changed his mind when he saw Jack coming out of Parker’s room. Michael had a feeling that Max and Liz didn’t call it a night when everyone else had and took the dog downstairs with him and left him out in the back yard.

He noticed that Smith and Jones were already making their rounds with rakes and shovels and Michael gave the two armed guards a nod and closed the back door. He found Jack’s dishes and proceeded to load the dog up with fresh water and dog food before heading off to the front gate to retrieve the morning paper. Then he was off to the kitchen to make some fresh coffee and check on what some newsman decided was important enough to print this morning.

Max had heard the door handle when Michael went past and he grinned. He decided to let Michael have his morning coffee before heading on downstairs and then Liz started to stir. Max smiled as she snuggled in closer, if that was possible, and when she got herself comfortable Max just kissed the top of her head, wrapped his arms around her a little tighter and went back to sleep. How she managed to wind up on top of him every night was beyond him. She started out hugging his side but managed to scoot herself on top and around him like she been melded to him. He smiled and closed his eyes. Life was good. He would go to school and get the situation with the kids straightened out later.

Downstairs, in the kitchen, Michael had put the coffee pot on and went to the back door to check on Jack. Sure enough the dog was sitting there waiting patiently for someone to open the door for him. When Michael left him in he didn’t step out of the dog’s path soon enough and almost got knocked over and then he noticed that Jack went straight for his water bowl before going anywhere else. He ignored his food completely. Then Michael remembered that Max had told him that they have to put the food bowl in the kitchen where everyone else eats before he’ll touch it. Otherwise he stands there and waits for him to eat it so Michael picked up the bowl and took it back to the kitchen with him and when he sat down at the table to continue with the morning paper Jack ate his breakfast. Michael just looked at the dog and shook his head…Max said the dog was a sociable dog and Michael was beginning to believe every word of it.

Before too long Maria and Ellie showed up and Michael got up and gave both of his girls a good morning kiss as he headed over to the cupboard to get Maria a cup for her coffee and a sippy cup of apple juice and a piece of toast for Ellie. Maria smiled at her husband and thanked him with a kiss as soon as she had Ellie situated in the high chair.

“You know Michael, as cute as JP was yesterday I’m not so sure that teaching the boys to pee outside is very couth.” And she smiled at Michael’s grin…she knew he still thought it was funny.

“I know Maria, but did you see the look on the monsignor’s face? I thought the man would have a heart attack laughing, honest to God. I’ll have a talk with Junior and explain that we only do that when we’re out in the woods and there are no bathrooms. I really didn’t know that he was doing that or I would have spoken to him before this. Maybe I should have a talk with both of them…JP has never been camping and maybe we should explain to him what camping is. It wouldn’t hurt. I’ll talk it over with Max and see what he says about it. Maybe he’d like to sit in on the conversation.”

“I think it’ll be okay if you talk to both boys…besides, Max told me to go easy on you regarding the subject so I think he’s in tune with you. Is there anything interesting in the paper this morning?”

“Nah, just the usual B.S. Someone else’s interpretation of the events of the day or what they want us to believe as fact. Max was right about Jack not eating alone… he has to have his dish in here with someone to eat with or he doesn’t eat.”

“Oh, I know…Liz brings it in every morning or she stands out there in the laundry room while he eats. She says she does that when she just wants to go back to bed…Jack looks at her to make sure she’s going to hang around and she just tells him to hurry up or she’ll leave him alone and he gobbles his food right up. I swear the dog knows everything that is said…just watch him, his eyes never miss a trick.”

“I’ve noticed, and he certainly is good with those kids…I’d hate to be on his bad side.”

“God, me either.”

And someone sitting out in his car shuddered.

About that time JP and Junior came strolling into the kitchen with their baseball caps on their little heads, football shoulder and knee pads on over their pajamas and were ready for some breakfast. They were also carrying La Cross sticks. Michael didn’t know if they were ready for baseball, football or something else but whatever it was they had the gear and were ready to go.

Maria motioned to Michael to sit still as she got up from her chair and Michael picked up on what she wanted him to do. Maria headed to the cupboard to get a couple of bowls and glasses and took the bread out of the bread box while Michael said hi to the youngsters and got ready for a little talk.

“Good morning guys, did you sleep well?”

Both young men looked at Michael and smiled…JP said “Good morning Uncle Mike” and Junior said “Hi Dad.” And they both said “Yes” together.

“Hey Junior, you remember when I told you it was okay to pee outside and that we were camping and there wasn’t any place to pee besides outside?” Michael formed it in the way of a question….

“Yes…” Junior wasn’t sure of what was going on now but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to like it.

“Well, it is okay to pee outside when you’re in the woods and there’s no bathroom available…But, we can’t be doing that in public when there are a lot of people around and there’s a bathroom available to us. That just isn’t a good idea at all. Only when we go camping or when I tell you it’s okay. Sometime we have no choice but we can’t be doing that any other time. Do you understand?”

“Yes Dad…I understand but we didn’t mean to make people mad.”

Maria kept to her breakfast duties while Michael talked to the boys and Ellie just kept sipping her juice and jabbering away.

“Good…JP, do you understand what I just told Junior?”

And JP being JP said

“Yup…don’t pee in the back yard and make people laugh at me because it makes Mom laugh and when Mom laughs then she cries and Dad gets upset.”

Max and Liz had just come down the back stairs and they both turned around and went right back up where they came from.

“It looks like Michael is getting a JP education…he doesn’t think the way other kids think but it works out okay.” Liz said.

“Yep, it works for JP so the rest of us will have to deal with it.” And Max squeezed Liz’s behind as she walked in front of him back to their room. “I guess we can get ready for the day while Michael deals with yesterdays little problem.” And both Max and Liz giggled as they headed to the shower.


Soon everyone was in the kitchen and Maria was feeding all of the kids cereal, juice and toast and that was fine with Liz. She looked at Max and he had the coco puffs sitting on the island along with an array of other cereals and he seemed just as happy as the kids. A far cry from the breakfasts he used to eat when he was playing ball…pancakes, sausages, eggs, coffee, juice and sometimes bacon and toast as well. Thank God those days are gone…not so much the baseball but those huge breakfasts certainly couldn’t be healthy for him no matter how much exercise he got.

Liz stuck her head out the back door and wanted to know if Smitty and Jonesy wanted to come in for some cereal and they told her “No thanks.” They had already had breakfast before starting on the yard and she smiled and said to have a good day. They waved at her and got busy trimming some bushes pretty close to where they knew Joey stood his surveillance. This would make it a little harder for him to remain unseen and they kept on trimming.

When Liz went back into the kitchen Briana and Deana wanted to know what they were going to take in their lunches and Liz looked at Max and thought really quick…

“Oh, I called the school and got you excused today. We’re going sight seeing with Michael and Maria.”

“Oh…where’re we going?” Deana asked.

“Well, we haven’t decided yet. Just relax and we’ll figure it out later.”

“Okay…Is Dad going with us?” And Liz looked over at Max..

“I’m not sure. I have an errand to run this morning but if I’m back in time I’ll be going along.” Max said.

Then Parker and Gerard chimed in together…

“We’ll wait for you.” These two were scary sometime the way they both mirrored each other’s remarks.

“Yeah Dad, we’ll wait for you.” The other three said and Max smiled at Liz and said great…he would try and be back before they were all showered and ready to go. So it was decided that they would go sight seeing today and no school. Max headed over to the school to get everything in order and Maria and Liz headed upstairs to get kids ready for a day off while Michael cleaned up the kitchen and put the dishes in the dish washer.

In the meantime Ed Bradley was none the wiser.


When Max got back from the school everyone was ready to go and Liz took the box of books and papers from him and carried them back to the study and put them on the large library table that was used for meetings just as the one in the estate had been used. They didn’t have as many meetings at home like they used to have but they still had enough to warrant a special room for them. This would come in great Liz thought to herself…they could pick up a dry erase board at the office supply on their way home and she would be ready for class tomorrow. When she returned to the family room everyone was waiting for her and she just smiled and grabbed her jacket and purse and said … “Let’s go.”

Max had stopped at the limo service and hired a large limo for the sight seeing trip much to everyone’s surprise and it was waiting outside when they opened the front door. Liz just looked up at her husband and grinned…she never would have thought of that and he just smiled back at her and told her that he thought it would be nice if no one had to drive.

“I totally agree Max and that way we can talk to the kids…”

Max shook his head no and said quietly…

“We’ll talk to them in our room …let’s not spoil their fun.” Liz nodded her head in agreement and off they went.

They let the limo driver take over and drive them wherever he wanted to and they turned on the speaker to the cab of the limo so the driver could tell the kids everything he could think of about the area’s they were going through.

They stopped at the liberty bell and took that tour and the driver went right along with them. Then they went and bought Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches and were driven to a nice park for lunch after that they took a tour of Independence Hall and a few more tours. They walked awhile and visited the Betsy Ross House and then they went to a little town outside of Philly and had dinner at a little hamburger joint that the driver had assured them they would love…he was right. Max and Michael each ate four of those things, each of the little ones had one and Maria and Liz each had two…even little Ellie ate almost a whole one. All in all the day turned out wonderful and Liz decided that the spur of the moment ideas were sometime the best ideas of all.

When they returned home everyone was dog tired and Jack was one lonesome puppy. Smitty and Jonesy had played with him throughout the day but he missed his family and it was evident when they opened the back door. He practically took them all out like a bowling ball rolling down the lanes at high speed. Max grabbed the dog by the face and kissed him right on the lips and everyone just ewed at him. He looked up at the bunch of them and laughed. “He’s lonesome! He needs love too!” And Liz just shook her head and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee while Michael filled one dog dish with food and another with water. He’d seen his friend do some weird shit in his life but this took the cake.

Soon everyone was settled down and was ready to head upstairs while Michael and Max sat at the kitchen table to visit. Michael and Maria were headed back to Roswell in the morning and Liz was really going to be sad to see her old friend leave.

After they had all of the kids down for the night… Maria and Liz headed to Max and Liz’s room and sat in the little study off their bedroom. Liz lit a fire in the fireplace and she and Maria snuggled up on the couch with a glass of wine and got some alone time in as well.

“You know Liz, I don’t know how in the hell you deal with all of the bullshit that’s going on around here. I’d be out of my mind.” Maria said…

“Hey…Maria…it’s no picnic believe me but I have to be strong for these kids. Poor Tess was damned near in hysterics when she called to tell me what was going on. Kyle even had a plain clothes man watching over their boys until Don was located.

“I swear to God Maria…I had no idea the man was nuts, and he is nuts, there’s just no other explanation for it. If there was I’d have him on meds. Look at Tess for God’s sake…she’s functioning just beautifully on her meds and she can’t thank me enough. Although she didn’t know Don was planning my demise at the time she was sleeping with him.

“She still can’t believe she did the things she did. She said she might have a physical problem causing her strange behavior but she also blames her parents for their blasé treatment of her as a child as well. She said she was ignored and permitted to do whatever the hell she wanted without any guidance whatsoever and she got everything she ever wanted. Bless her heart, she had a tough row to hoe there for awhile but with the help of Kyle and the right medication she’s doing great.”

“Liz, you deserve a medal. I don’t know of anyone else on earth that would have done what you did for her. Hell, I would have hired a hit man for her if she would have done that to me.”

“Oh Maria, you don’t mean that. She can’t be held totally responsible for her actions. Yeah, she should have had some conscience but she really didn’t want me dead, she just wanted me out of the way and she found an idiot to go along with her plan.”

“Well, idiot or not, I still don’t know how you deal with this shit.”

“Ahhhh, I have Max and he makes everything worth it.”

And with that Max and Michael both poked their noses around the corner and grinned at their wives. Max’s heart was doing flip flops when he heard his wife’s remark and Michael knew exactly how he felt. It had to be one special lady to be able to put up with the crap that was going on right outside her garden gate.

“Hey Maria, we have an early call tomorrow, you ready for bed?”

“Sure am Michael.” And Maria gave her husband a great big grin.

“Good night you two and thank you for everything. It was great… even though we do have uninvited guests outside.”

Liz gave her old friend a great big hug and then one for Michael as well.

“You come anytime you want to and as soon as Ellie is old enough we can rent a big motor home and do some real sight seeing.”

Max and Michael both looked at Liz like she had lost her mind and then Michael popped up before Max could even catch a second breath…

“Liz! If you think for one damned minute that I’m going sight seeing in a motor home with two women, a dog and 7 kids you’re nuts…never gonna happen!”

And the other three adults started laughing although Liz didn’t think it was such an impossible situation…she loved going places with the kids, but Uncle Mike was another story.


The next morning the limo was at the house right at 6:00 a.m. to pick up the Guerins and Max and Liz were there to bid their friends good bye. Maria and Michael wanted Max and Liz to come to Roswell for their next visit and Liz gave it some thought. The apartment above the Crash was empty but still furnished and although it wouldn’t give them a lot of room it was a thought and Maria could see the wheels turning.

“Liz, we have enough room at the house, honest. And just think, we could go camping and teach JP where it’s okay to pee.”

Liz gave her friend a look that said ‘maybe’ and Max had to stifle his laughter but it would be fun to take the kids on a camping trip where there wasn’t cabins and running water. It was worth a thought anyway. Max nodded toward Michael and Michael understood without saying anything…his friends mind was churning and that was a good sign.

So with that thought the Guerins’ were gone and Max and Liz headed back into the house with Jack right on their heels as a set of creepy eyes kept his vigil…and Smitty and Jonesy were right there checking it all out.

Max and Liz headed back up to their room when they heard some chatter coming from Briana’s room and they headed on over there to see what was going on. There, scattered in various positions on the young girls queen sized bed were four other children trying to figure out why their mother had not awakened them for school and Max and Liz knew it was time.

“Hey guys, come on over to our room, it’s time for a family pow-wow.” The kids knew what that was, they hadn’t had one in a long time but when Mom or Dad called a family meeting it was known as a ‘pow-wow.’

So everyone went over to Liz and Max’s room and climbed up on the big king sized bed and found a comfortable spot and waited.

Max started…

“Well guys, you know when that man broke into our house and Mom hit him with the skillet?”

They all nodded in assent…

“Well, after the police left and that cop came back the next day your mom found a mini microphone on top of the refrigerator and someone has been listening to all of our conversations. We don’t know for sure who is listening but we think we do.

“Also, someone has been watching us from the other side of the fence. We don’t want you to be afraid of any of this because we know about all of it and we have people protecting us. Smitty and Jonesy are body guards, there is one parked down the street and grandpa is sending another one to move into the house with us this morning.

‘I went to school yesterday and got all of your assignments from your teachers and brought your books home. Your Mom will be teaching you here at the house…that is why we bought the dry eraser board yesterday.

“Your teachers are all aware of what is going on but none of your friends know and we don’t want them to know. We don’t want you to say anything about this in the kitchen…you have to act like it isn’t there but we felt it would be best if you knew why you were going to be home schooled for awhile. You haven’t done anything wrong and your Mom feels better if you’re with her. Are there any questions?”

All five of the children sat there looking at their Mom and Dad and then JP popped up with…

“Is it the guy I’ve been waving to when we leave the house?”

Max and Liz got this horrified look on their faces and Max calmly asked his youngest son…

“JP, who have you been waving to?”

He didn’t want to upset his son but HE sure as hell was upset…

“There’s a guy that’s been standing out there next to the bushes everyday since Mom whacked that Don guy and he waves to me.” JP didn’t seem the least bit upset about this.

Holy Shit!!!! Was the only thing Max could think of but he managed to keep his words to himself…

“Well JP, if it is one of the guys watching us and you’ve been waving to him just keep it up…we don’t want him to know we’re watching him as well. Okay?”

Max was doing his damnedest to stay calm, especially for the kids, and God knows Liz needed him to be calm...she was almost on the verge of laughter again…Max could see it in her eyes. his main goal was to keep all of them calm, including himself. It was at this point that he decided to see if the other four knew anything…

“How about the rest of you? Have any of you noticed any strangers around lately?”

He asked while keeping an eye on his wife for any signs of a meltdown.

Deana looked at Briana and nodded…

“The only one we’ve noticed is that cop that showed up here so early that morning and then at the movies. He’s always parked down the street.”

Parker and Gerard both agreed with their sisters and Max and Liz just looked at each other. These kids were more aware of their surroundings than they gave them credit for.

“Welllllll alrightee then! Now that we all know what everyone else knows we need to pretend like none of this is going on…okay?” He said as he brought his hands together in front of himself and tried very hard not to grab his head…

By all appearances he was calm on the outside but his stomach was in knots and he wanted to hit something.

“Okay Dad. Can we go to school in our pj’s and then get dressed?” Parker wanted to know.

“No, I think we need to keep to our regular routine, although you can put your play clothes on instead of your school clothes. Liv will be here and maybe the new body guard can help her with some of the housework since I’ll be teaching school.”

Liz knew her husband well enough to know that it was time to bring the ‘pow-wow’ to a close. Max was on the verge of a melt-down in light of this new information and she needed to steer the conversation to another direction before they both lost it entirely.

“Oh damn…Liz I didn’t even think of that. Why don’t we let her hire some help until this is taken care of?” Max didn’t want to add any more work on Liv and with the added personnel in the house and Liz tied up teaching the kids it was going to be a lot more work for everyone.

“Well, if you think we should then I guess we should. I guess a body guard really isn’t a housekeeper is he?”

And Max shook his head no and it was decided that Olivia should hire some help and the meeting came to a close. All five of the kids headed to their rooms to take their showers and get ready for school.

“Oh, hey guys…since we won’t be starting class until 8:00 and it’s only 7:00 you have time to make your beds and put your laundry down the chute for Olivia. Then you can take your showers. Daddy and I will help you.” And Liz looked at Max and nodded her head to him. “It won’t hurt them to help with chores if they’re home.”

Then JP decided that he should attend classes as well and Liz informed him that he had to sit still and keep quiet because it wasn’t his grades that were going to count and he agreed. Was Liz in for a surprise…maybe they would have to have him tested sooner than she was prepared for.

And things continued move along.

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 21 1/15/2016

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:01 pm
by keepsmiling7
So happy that RF is back and so are my friends.
I couldn't wait to find out what J.P. was up to next.
It's a tense time at the Evans house.......sorry they have to live under that cloud.

Oh yes, I am in Houston helping out while my son-in-law does radiation at M.D. Anderson.

Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 21 1/15/2016

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:35 pm
by Roswelllostcause
So glad that this is back! I have missed it so much! Ginger JP really is something else! I can just see himgetting into all kinds of trouble when he gets older.
