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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 10/2

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:06 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next between Max and Liz. Jeff is still a major asshole. Zack needs to have his dick electrocuted off or hung on a pole very high in the air for what he did to his step sister and for what he wants to do with Liz. DEATH TO ZACK!!!!!! Love the promise Max and Liz made to each other. Glad Max is watching over Liz and trying to protect her. Now that is a very sweet, kind Max. Glad that Liz and Serena are getting along and talking. That was kind of Serena to offer to listen while Liz talk to about her sister. Wow Kyle and Serena are a couple that is so good. Glad Max has been following Zack to find out what he is up to. Max should have a teacher check the gym locker rooms right now. Maybe that would put an end to Zack once and for all. Please please please please say Max will stay close to Liz? Will Max be able to protect Liz? Will Liz be alone? Will Zack try and get Liz? Will Liz be able to fight Zack off? Will Max be able to save Liz from Zack? Will Zack hurt Liz? Will Max be close to Liz? Will Max and Liz talk more? Will Liz be going to all her classes? Will Max be in all her classes? Will Max and Liz be at the New Year party together? Will Max and Liz dance? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Zack try and get between Max and Liz? Will Zack do something to Max and Liz? What will Zack do to Max and Liz? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Max and Liz keep sleeping together? Will Liz give Max the file she has on him? What will Max do with the file? Will Max and Liz keep sleeping together? Will Max and Liz see each other when they are home? How will they see each other? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids?

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 10/2

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:18 am
by keepsmiling7
Poor Liz spent the Christmas holiday fighting with her dad. Will he ever understand what he is doing wrong?
LOL......Liz trading pills to Alex for info on Max.....
Max seems determined to keep Liz safe from Zach......but I'm afraid Zach has other ideas.
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 10/2

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:27 am
by begonia9508
Two great parts! EVE :mrgreen:

School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 10/22

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:48 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Zack really is an asshole but he is going to be around a little longer.

Carolyn Jeff most likely will never change. You have a very good reason to fear Zack!

Eve Thanks!

Part 16

It was early when Liz walked into the bathroom. She could hear someone in one of the stalls throwing up. She had to wonder if the girl was just sick or if it was one of the one running around having sex and got pregnant. Liz ignored it and took care of her own business. She was brushing her hair when the girl finally came out. She glanced at her and saw that it was Tess Harding.

"You OK?" Asked Liz
"Like you really care Parker." Said Tess
"Look bitch, I really don't care. But you didn't sound good."
"I am not sick if that is what you want to know."
"Your pregnant?"
"You know who the father is?"
"There is only one guy I had unprotected sex with. Zack Waters. He don't believe in protection."
"What are you going to do?"
"Don't know. But my father will not be happy."
"Don't worry about it. Just don't open your mouth about this to anyone."
"Why would I? I know that you stabbed your own twin sister."
"Yeah Ava is a rat and deserved it."

Tess left the bathroom and Liz just knew that girl was truly crazy. Liz finished up and went back to her room. Serena was up and getting ready to head to the bathroom.

"Liz, you going to cover for me tonight?" Asked Serena
"If asked I will denine knowing where you are."
"Thanks. If it ever comes up. I will cover for you if you go off with Max."
"There is nothing between Max and me other than friendship."
"But you want more."
"Serena, right now I need to pull my life together."
"Why not have a good looking guy to help you?"
"I realized something while I was home. That nothing that I do will ever be good enough for my father. If Jess was still alive he wouldn't give a damn about what I did as long as it didn't bring shame on him. I also need to go to therapy. He sent me to a shrink a month after Jess died to have me put on drugs. He refused to let me be alone with the doctor. So I have never delt with my feelings of my sister's death."
"I never seen you take anything."
"That's because I don't take the pills. They don't help me. All I feel is numb on them."
"You need to deal with this."
"I know. I am thinking of going to talk with Ms. Tolopski after the new year."
"Might help. Most of your issues from what little you have told me come from emotional problems."
"Yeah well if my father had given a damn about me when I was younger maybe I wouldn't have the issues I do now."
"No way to know. Come on let's go see what they are calling breakfast today."

Liz and Serena finished getting ready and headed for the cafeteria.


Max walked into the cafeteria and saw Liz sitting with Serena. He smiled she was so beautiful. He knew that if he were to have any kind of relationship with her. That he would have to tell her of the bet he had made months ago. The one that he no longer cared about and paid off a few days ago. He took a deep breath and walked over to the two girls.

"Hey. Liz, can we talk? There is something that I need to tell you." Said Max
"Sure. Uh do you mind Serena?" Asked Liz
"Nope. Going to find Kyle and make sure our plans are still on for tonight."

Serena took off and Max sat down across from Liz.

"So what is going on Max?" Asked Liz
"OK, Liz, this isn't going to be easy for me. But on that first day of school I made a bet with my sister."
"What kind of bet?"
"I bet her a $100 that I would get you to give up your virginity to me by the last day of school."
"I'm sorry. I realized once I got to know you a little that I was wrong. But I promise I never would have raped you. I am an ass I know that. But I hope you will forgive me one day for trying to use you."

Liz glared at him and slapped him.

"You are an ass! But you are also brave to tell me this. But if you truly want to win my heart then you have a lot of work to do. But I will not be the one to tell you how. Got to figure that out on your own."

Liz got up and left Max to figure out what he had to do.


Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 10/2

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:42 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz. Poor Tess she is pregnant with Zack's baby. Wow I can't believe Tess and Liz talked. That is a change. Cool Liz is going to talk to a therapist about her sister. Hopefully that will be help her more. So Liz is going to cover for Serena tonight. So glad that Max told Liz about the bet. And I'm glad Liz told Max he has to figure out away to win her heart. Hopefully Max will think of something very romantic to win Liz's heart. Oh no Liz left alone. Have a feeling Zack is going to try something while she is alone. Max need to start following Liz around to make sure Zack will stay the hell away from her. Please please tell me someone will catch Zack and hang him by his dick on a very high telephone pole so he could get electrocuted. Will Zack try something now that Liz is alone? Will Liz fight back? Will Zack hurt Liz? Will someone be there to help and protect Liz? Who is going to save Liz from Zack? Will Max do something at the New Year party to win Liz's heart? What will Max do to win Liz's heart? Will Max start following Liz to make sure she is safe from Zack? Will Liz know Max is following her? Will Max keep Liz safe? How will Max keep Liz safe? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feeling to each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Liz become pregnant? Will Max and Liz hang out and get to know each other? Will Max and Liz see each other when they go home? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids?

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 10/2

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:31 am
by saori_1902
Great parts!!

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 10/2

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:06 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz was wise to acknowledge her dad's problem, and now she can address the death of her sister again......without pills I hope.
Max's bet with's off. But will he be able to figure out how to gain Liz's trust.
Great part,

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 16 10/2

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:30 pm
by Natalie36
hope zach didn't see or hear about the slap or this will not go well :?

School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 17 10/23

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:58 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Tess is pregnant. Liz knows that she needs to go to therapy so she is going to start going. Liz is alone, Zack is very dangerous and will make his move soon.

saori_1902 Thanks

Carolyn Liz understands that her father's treatment of her is why she chose to act the way she has. She also knows that until she addresses the death of her sister she will never get passed it. While the shrink her father chose put her on drugs to try and control her moods, Liz hasn't always taken the pills. Max knew that he would upset Liz by telling her about the bet. But if he wants to have a relationship with her he had to do it.

Natalie36 Zack has his mind set. So it won't matter what Liz did to someone else to him.

Part 17

Liz sat on the top of the bleachers in the gym. She was watching as the other students danced or tried to pass off dry humping as dancing. She was lost in thought and didn't notice when someone sat next to her.

"So where is my brother? Normally he is all over you." Said Isabel
"Leave me alone Isabel."
"Can't do that."
"You don't have to worry. I am not going to tell what happened to you as a kid."
"I'm not worried about that. He told you about our bet didn't he?"
"Well he wouldn't of called it off unless he really cared about you."
"So what."
"I saw you on the plane. You feel something for him."
"So? It's not like you act like you care about him."
"I love my brother. I bet I love him as much as you still love your sister."
"You know nothing about my sister."
"I have seen what is in your file. I took it from Max's room during break. The two of you were close."
"Yeah. Why do you care?"
"To be honest I don't know."

Liz looked at Isabel and could see that she was being honest.

"My sister was the world to me. My father is an asshole. While Jess was alive he treated me like I was nothing. After she died I had to be everything she was going to be. But I knew that I could never be like Jess. I refused to even try. So he would tell me I was no good. So I started to get in trouble thinking that maybe he would finally see me as my own person."
"Maybe if he can't accept you for who you are, then once you turn eighteen you should just give up on having him in your life."
"That is what I was thinking. You know Isabel, you can be nice when you want to be."
"Yeah well don't go spreading that around. I don't want everyone to know that."
"Trust me no one would believe me."

Liz got up and headed down the bleachers and to the girls bathroom.


Max walked down the hall from the boys bathroom when he heard a scream. He looked around but didn't see anyone. He heard the scream again and realized it was coming from the girls bathroom. He pushed the door open and found Zack on top of Liz with her pinned to the floor. Liz was fighting him but he was stronger. He saw Zack's jeans around his ankles and him trying to pull Liz's jeans down. Tears were falling from her face. Max's eyes turned dark. He jumped n Zack tackling him and punching him. He was pounding Zack. Liz had pulled herself up and put her hand on Max's shoulder.

"Max stop!"

It took a minute but Max stopped. When Max stopped Zack's face was a bloody mess. It was then that Mr. Quinn and Ms. Vincent came in.

"Mr. Evans! Beating up another student! This will not go without punishment!" Said Mr. Quinn
"Mr. Quinn wait!" Said Liz
"Miss Parker, I will deal with you in a moment." Said Mr. Quinn
"Mr. Quinn, let her speak." Said Ms. Vincent

She looked at Liz's clothes and could see her shirt had been torn.

"Fine. Miss Parker what is it?" Asked Mr. Quinn
"Max, was defending me. Zack was trying to rape me. Max heard me scream and stopped him." Said Liz
"Mr. Evans is this true?" Asked Ms. Vincent
"Yes ma'am." Said Max
"Ms. Vincent, take Miss Parker and Mr. Evans to my office. I will see that Mr. Waters here gets some medical care and will call the police." Said Mr. Quinn

Max and Liz followed Ms. Vincent out of the bathroom and grabbed their coats. Then the three of them headed for the administration building. Max watched Liz and could see that she was still upset about what had almost happened to her. But he knew better then to reach for her right now.


She turned to the sound of his voice. It broke his heart to see her looking so upset and like a broken little girl.

"Liz, it will be OK. I will be here for you. You know that don't you?" Said Max

The rest of the walk was quite.


Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 17 10/2

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:16 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Liz and Isabel had a nice talk. That was good for a change. Thank god for Max saving Liz. Glad Max found Liz and saved her. Finally the teachers caught Zack. Glad the teacher let Liz tell them what happened. Hopefully Max and Liz won't get into trouble. That so sweet and kind of Max to promise Liz everything would be OK. What will happen when Mr. Quinn gets to the office? Will Max and Liz get punished? Will Max have to leave the school for fighting? What kind of trouble will Max and Liz get into? Will Mr. Quinn give Max have to stay at school? Will Mr. Quinn be glad Max was there to save Liz? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max and Liz hang out? Will Max and Liz spend time together? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings to each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz make out? Will Max and Liz sleep together? Will Liz become pregnant? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz graduate the school? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Zack stay in jail? Will someone get Zack out of jail? Will Zack try and get back at Max and Liz? Will Max be there to protect Liz ? Will Max be able to protect Liz? Will Max protect Liz?

L-J-L 76