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Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 28 8/22/16

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:05 am
by Lillmonster
Maria will always be Maria. With a motormouth. ;)

Kivar is a first class a-hole!

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 28 8/22/16

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:17 pm
by keepsmiling7
Everyone seems to have lots of questions regarding the Prince's future bride.
I feel sure she will come through with flying colors.......especially after that 18th birthday.

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 28 8/22/16

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 1:33 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Maria ask a lot of questions. So glad Maria and Liz are becoming great friends. So King Philip announce Max found a woman he is willing to marry. Agree with Liz about feeling evil from Kivar. Someone needs to kill kivar already.

L-J-L 76

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 28 8/22/16

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:31 pm
by max and liz believer
Max and Liz... *dreamy sigh* Love them together. And so much fun to read about Liz's first meeting with Maria. She sure is a ball of energy in this one.

- Jo

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 28 8/22/16

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:29 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes there are a lot of questions about who Max has chosen as his bride.

L-J-L 76 That is just like Maria to ask a lot of questions right?

Jo Max and Liz are just so sweet together. Yes Maria is a ball of energy! Lol!

Part 29 One month later

Liz woke to find her bedroom filled with vases of white roses on all the tables and dressers. Laying next to her pillow was a single white rose and a note.

*My Love,
I wish you a very happy birthday. These roses are not nearly as beautiful as you are. While I have to spend the morning in meetings I have made plans for a late lunch and to spend the rest of the day with you. When we see each other later I have a few surprises for you. I know how your mind works. Serena told me of your love of white roses. But they will not be your only gifts. You will have to wait to find out the others. Until later my beautiful street rat.

Love your prince,

Liz got out of bed showered and got dressed. She walked out to the sitting room to find Serena waiting with breakfast.

"Happy birthday big sister!" Said Serena hugging Liz
"Thank you. So how did Max get the roses in my room?"
"Uh that is something you will have to ask him later."
"Rena! I know that you had something to do with it."
"Liz, I am not saying anything."
"Fine. I love you Serena."
"Love you Lizzie."

They ate their breakfast and spent the rest of the morning and rest of the time until it was time for Liz to meet Max.


Max smiled as he watched Serena lead Liz out to the spot in the garden he asked her to. Liz was so beautiful. Her sliky long hair was pulled back in front with the rest flowing freely down her back. She wore a pair of hip hugging jeans and a red tank top that stopped just above her belly button. He watched her smile when she saw him. Serena hugged her and then took off. Liz walked to him shyly.

"Happy birthday Liz." Said Max
"Thank you. The roses are beautiful."
"Not nearly as beautiful as you."
"You are so sweet Max."

Max smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Liz's head.

"Come with me. I want to show you" said Max
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."

Liz took Max's hand and let him lead her out of the garden and through the woods that boarded the palace grounds. It was a short walk through the trees to a clearing with a lake and waterfall. Max smiled when he saw the look on her face.

"Wow! This is beautiful! I never knew it was here."
"This area is off limits to anyone outside of the Royal family. I thought we could go for a swim. I mean if you can swim."
"I can swim. You Aunt taught both Serena and me in the Inn's pool when we were little."
"That's good."
"Only one problem. I don't have a bathing suit."
"My lovely I have taken care of that."

Max reached into a bag near where a blanket was spread out a dark blue one piece bathing suit.

"Serena said it should fit you."
"Thank you. Um where do I change?"
"Right over there."

Liz looked to see a tent set up and that Zane had already moved to stand guard over it.

"I see you thought of everything."
"Of course my lady."

Liz took the bathing suit and headed into the tent to change. Zane held the flap open as she entered.

"Do not fear I will never peak. If Kara found out she would make it very hard for her to have any neices or nephews." Said Zane
"Zane, don't take this the wrong way but that was TMI." Said Liz

Zane just smiled as Liz disappeared inside the tent.

Part 30

Liz walked out of the tent dressed in the bathing suit that Max had given her. She felt her heart start to race when she saw Max from the back by the edge of the water. He had changed into his bathing suit leaving his whole body above his waist exposed. For the first time in her life she was feeling things that she never thought were possible. It also had her wondering what it would be like to run her hands over him as he held her. It also had her wondering if he was that well built above the waist what was hidden below those swimming shorts. Max turned then and smiled.

"Enjoying the view?" Asked Max
"Uh yeah." Mummbled Liz blushing.

Max walked over to her and wrapped her in his arms.

"Liz, there is no need to be embarrassed by what you were doing. It is a natural reaction."
"What do you know about natural reactions?"
"From the moment I met you, I have had too fight what my body does around you. You make me feel things that I have only dreamt about."

Liz watched as Max lean down and gave her a passionate kiss. She couldn't help the groan of pleasure that escaped her lips as he broke it after a minute.

"You enjoyed that." Said Max
"Well yeah! I am a healthy teenage girl. Who has a good looking guy in front of her."
"Well maybe we need to cool things off a little."

Max wrapped his arms around Liz's waist and threw her over his shoulder causing her yell out in suprise. He carried her into the water until he was waist deep and dropped her in. Liz came up to him laughing as she pushed her wet hair out of her face. He then heard a growl from her as she stood up and threw her body into him causing both of them to fall in. When Liz came up she started to swim away but was easily caught by Max. Once he had her in his arms again they kissed. Liz felt him move his hands so that they were gripping her butt. It was then she pulled away.

"Liz, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Said Max
"Max, it is OK. The reason I pulled away wasn't because of where your hands were."
"Then what is it then?"
"If we don't stop now then we risk ruining everything."
"What do you mean?"
"It means things would have gone to far and Harding and Kivar will get their way."
"I don't know if I understand what you are telling me."
"If we don't stop now if challenged I will not pass the purity test."

It was then the light when on for Max. He understood what she was saying.

"Shit! Liz, I totally forgot about that!"
"Yeah. Max, I love you and I want to be with you. But we can't until we marry."
"I know."
"I really never thought I would feel this way for anyone."
"Liz are you happy?"
"Yes Max I am."
"So uh if I told you that my parents plan to announce our engagement at a ball next month you will be OK with that?"
"Well I kinda thought something was up since both Serena and I were having to meet with the dress makers."
"Well you both need formal gowns for the ball. Your wedding dress is also being made."
"Uh Max, let's say Harding asks for the purity test. I pass it do we have to marry that day?"
"No but within a month we do. It is only the loyalty test that requires us to marry right away. My father looked closer at the law. But with you taking the blood oath there is no need for the loyalty test now."
"Liz we can talk about this more later. Why don't we just spend the day enjoying your birthday?"
"That sounds like a wonderful idea."

They spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the water and eating the picnic lunch that Max had, had prepared for them.


Kivar watched the couple from the shadows of the trees. He hoped that those two enjoyed the time they had together now. Because not only was he sure that street rat was a slut like every other human, he was going to kill the stupid prince and take Princess Isabel as his wife and rule Antar with an iron fist putting humans back in their place as the slaves they were meant to be. He would keep the prince's little slut around to use as he wished for a while. Then he would let his men have their way with her for a price before making her the first of a long line of whores he would have for the wealthy to use to fill their needs.


Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 29&30 8/23/16

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:26 am
by keepsmiling7
Of course Kivar would be watching.......thinking of ways to cause trouble.
Hope the wedding will be coming soon for our young lovers.

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 29&30 8/23/16

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:57 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Max did a very sweet romantic thing for Liz's birthday. Good thing Liz stopped Max when she did. So kivar is spying on Max and Liz. Kivar is nothing but a megs asshole. Someone needs to kill kivar already.

L-J-L 76

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 29&30 8/23/16

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 7:45 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Kivar is spying and plotting. The wedding is coming before to long.

L-J-L 76 Yes Max gave Liz a very sweet and romantic birthday. Kivar is going to be around a while longer.

Part 31

Liz walked into her suite to find Serena on the sofa reading.

"Have a good birthday?" Asked Serena
"Yeah. Thank you for helping Max."
"I didn't do much."
"The lunch? Everything I like."
"No big deal."
"Max wouldn't say. But I know that you helped him with the roses this morning."
"Maybe I did."
"Rena, thank you. This has been the best birthday since our parents died."
"I'm glad."

Liz sat down next to her sister and they hugged. That was when Serena saw the neckless Liz was wearing. Serena touched it gently looking at it closely. It was a gold and diamond neckless.

"That neckless is beautiful."
"Max gave it to me."
"Yeah I figured."
"Uh next month will be the engagement ball."
"That's great!"
"Hopefully nothing will go wrong."
"Liz, don't worry everything will be good."
"Don't tell me you can see the future now."
"Then how do you know?"
"Just have a little faith. If you believe that good things will happen they will."
"I wish I could see things the way you do."
"Liz when Max asked me to make your birthday special I couldn't wait to help. You gave up a lot to take care of me after the fire."
"I would do it again in a heartbeat."
"I know you would."


Kivar pulled the chain wrapped around the girl's wrists. He watched as the his contact from Kaldora 7. Kaldora 7 had a large sex slave market. They paid good money for broken in whores. They did take virgins too but only ones they picked themselves.

"What is her age?"
"Good lot of years in her. She starial?"
"Only from drugs. She would've needed to long to heal if done on Antar."
"Right. More then a month. Where we can do it and she be working in three days."
"You the only one that been fucking her?"
"Yes multiple times a day every day for nearly three months."
"Very good. She will need to be use to working long hours."
"So is the price agreeable?"

The exchange was made and Kivar left. The man who had just "bought" the girl wished he could arrest the bastard for what he had done to this poor girl. The girl was looking at her feet that were in a pair of very simple cloth and rubber shoes. Taking a deep breath he placed a hand gently under her chin and raised her head so she was looking him in the eyes.

"I am not going to hurt you. I will remove those chains once we are in my transport. I will then take you to a doctor to make sure you are ok. Well, I know that you aren't. But you will not be abused any more. By the way I am Captain Michael Guerin of the Royal antarian army. I work for the King."

Michael watched as tears fell from the girl's eyes.

"Oh please don't cry! I never know what to do when a girl cries!"

He watched as a sad smile came across her lips.

"Julia. My name is Julia."
"OK Julia. Let's get you to the doctor ok?"

Part 32

Michael watched as Kara came out of the exam room with green lighting streaks all over her skin.

"That bad?" Asked Michael

Kara glared at him and shot a streak of lighting at him. He just barely jumped out of the way.

"Damn it Michael what kind of question is that?!"
"Kara will she recover?"
"I don't know. He really tore her up. There is a lot of damage to the soft tissue. I have seen girls who sold their bodies for years with a lot less damage then she has. But the emotional damage is done. I don't know if she will ever recover that way."
"You will send the report to the King?"
"Yes. I wish that you had arrested that monster."
"Me too. But we need more evidence of his plot to take out the Royal family. Raping and selling a girl to Kaldora 7 is only small time. He would have only gotten ten years in prison for that. Where's if it is proven that he is a traitor he will be put to death."
"I realize that. But he will go out and do this to another poor girl."
"These things take time. But I promise he will pay for all his crimes."
"He better."
"Have I ever lied to you little sister?"
"Ok. I got to get back see you soon."
"Love you. Oh and get your act together and ask Maria to marry you."
"Love you too."

Michael hugged Kara and left.


Liz walked into the library and curled up in one of the big comfortable chairs with a book. It was late morning and she needed to relax and get her mind off how fast her feelings were growing for Max.

"May I talk to you Elizabeth?"

Liz looked up to see King Philip. She pushed a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yes." She said in a small voice.
"I know that you are uncomfortable with me."
"No it's not that You're Highness."
"Just Philip. Elizabeth, you are part of this family. You will marry my son and be the next Queen."
"You are sure of that."
"I know you will."
"You just believe me not knowing me that I say I am a virgin."
"I can tell when someone lies. And you my dear can't lie to save your life. I heard you try."
"The day of the engagement ball I would like you to willingly prove to the doubters that you are as pure as we clam you are."
"I don't know."
"I am not going to force you. But either Harding or Kivar will."
"I need to think about this."
"That is not surprising. Elizabeth, you are a bright, kind and caring woman. You are good for all of us. While there will always be those that will hate you because of the fact that you were born human. There are going to be many more that will look up to you. Will see how you have risen from next to nothing to become what you really born to be."
"Will you call me Liz? I mean in non formal setting?"
"Of course my dear."
"Thank you."
"Let me know what you choose. Liz, I want you to do what you think is best for you."
"I'll let you know soon."
"That's fine."

Liz watched as Philip left wondering why he seemed to care so much.


Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 31&32 8/24/16

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 12:23 pm
by keepsmiling7
Michael was such a good help to Julia.........but the monster Kivar needs to meet an end forever.
Young girls should not have to be subjected to Kivar and his kind.
Phillip really is kind and honest with Liz........she will soon prove her purity I bet.
Liz is lucky to have her sister's help when Max planned her birthday.

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 31&32 8/24/16

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:04 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. So glad Michael saved Julia. Julia doesn't need to be hurt by men like Kivar. Philip is a nice kind caring King. Liz should do the purity test before Kivar and Harding demand it. Liz is very lucky that Serena helped Max plan a very sweet, romantic birthday for Liz.

L-J-L 76