Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 53 & Epilogue Complete 5/3/17

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 25 4/3/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So glad Max and Liz got to see each other. Proud of Liz for talking to her family and Max. So Courtney is pregnant by Tommy. Just wait till Courtney's parents find Tommy. Tommy is so dead. Lori needs to get away from Tommy or she will be like Courtney and sent away too.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 25 4/3/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So Liz will get to come home in about a month. Maybe she will be getting closer to sharing her true feelings by then.
Courtney is going to suffer the consequences of her indiscretion it appears.
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 25 4/3/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Yes Liz got to see and talk to her family and Max. Yes Courtney is pregnant and Tommy is going to be a dead man when her father finds out who he is.

Carolyn Yes Liz will get to go home in a month. Yes hopefully by then she will be ready to share her feelings with her family and friends. Courtney is in deep trouble with her parents.

Part 26

Max came home from visiting Liz and found Isabel and Maria watching some teen movie.

"So how is she Max? Did she look OK? I mean of course I know she looked OK before she left. But still is she doing better?" Asked Maria
"Maria will you shut up and let him speak. So Max how is Liz?"
"Liz looks good. In fact she actually was smiling when she saw us." Said Max
"Really? I don't remember the last time I really saw her smile." Said Isabel
"Yeah it was great to see her smile." Said Max
"So she is getting better?" Asked Maria
"Well from what I hear she could be home in a month." Said Max
"That would be great." Said Maria
"So they found out why she was hurting herself?" Asked Isabel
"Yeah. She hasn't told me the reason. But she is working on it. In fact when she has felt the urge to hurt herself she talks to someone. Her doctor or even her roommate."
"Why wouldn't Liz trust us?" Asked Maria
"In case you forgot Maria, it took Liz a long time to feel comfortable around you. You can be very pushy. In fact on the first day of first grade you scared the hell out of her." Said Max
"I am not pushy!" Said Maria
"Yes you are! Maria, you know that Liz was hurt a lot as a young kid. She is just starting to trust people." Said Isabel
"I don't mean to be pushy. I just want to be really good friends with Liz."
"If it makes you feel better Liz did ask about you." Said Max
"Well she asked about everyone." Said Max
"That is good. I mean she is showing that she cares about us." Said Isabel
"Yeah. Even Michael." Said Max


Tommy glared at Courtney when she walked into his apartment.

"What do you want bitch?" Asked Tommy
"I'm pregnant." Said Courtney
"So? What do you want me to do about it?
"It's yours. You are the only one I have been with."
"So that ain't my problem."
"You don't understand. My parents are not going to stop until I give you up."
"You tell anyone and I will kill you. Got it bitch?"

Courtney took one look into his cold eyes and knew it was true.

"Now get the fuck out of here."

Courtney left not noticing the man in the shadows. Once she was gone he pulled out a cell phone.

"Hello boss? You were right she led me right to the punk she been whoring herself to. Want me to take care of him? Right don't worry no one will know that you had anything to do with it."

He hung up and forced his way into the apartment. He left ten minutes later and pulled the fire alarm after setting Tommy's apartment on fire. By the time the fire department arrived everyone who lived in the building was out except for Tommy Harris. Once the fire was out he was found dead. It was determined that the fire started in his apartment and the cause was a lit cigarette that fell on a bunch of grease covered take out and pizza boxes. No one ever knew that it was really a man that worked for Victor Banks. The only one that knew better was Courtney. But there was nothing that she could do about it. The next day she would be on her way to Dexter to have her pregnancy terminated. Then to boarding school in upstate New York.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 26 4/4/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Well goodbye Tommy........that situation was taken care of!
Maria gets a little too anxious for Liz to be her friend. Maybe she'll someday realize it takes time.
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 26 4/4/17

Post by SmileeUk »

It is good to see Liz gets better :)

Poor Carolyn! Being left alone without close family. But Brian will take care of her & she can have a better life in Roswell :)

Can't believe the Bank family is so pushy & vicious :twisted: I won't miss Tommy though :wink:
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 26 4/4/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Yes Tommy has been taken care of. Maria just can't understand that her being so over bearing makes Liz uncomfortable.

SmileeUk It is good that Liz is getting better. It is sad that Carolyn's family is moving away. But her cousin Brian will be there to look out for her. Not many people will miss Tommy.

Part 27 one month later

Liz watched as Carolyn finished packing her bag. Liz had just finished packing her own. They were both being released. Carolyn would be going home with her Aunt and Uncle while Liz was waiting on her parents.

"Liz, do you think it's a bad thing that I am scared?" Asked Carolyn
"No. I know I am. Carolyn, I haven't seen some of my friends since before I came here. I know that they have been told I am better. But I know I hurt them. I didn't trust them with what was bothering me. I didn't trust them to understand what happened to me."
"Do they forgive you?"
"Yeah they do. Everyone of the wrote me at least one letter. Even Kyle and Michael who don't like to do things like that."
"My cousin Brian has been great. He is my best friend."
"Brian is a good guy. He has always been nice to me."

Just then there was a knock on the door and Liz saw her parents. She got up and headed over to them and hugged them. Both Nancy and Jeff were surprised at first. But it didn't take long for them to pull her tighter in their arms.

"Mom, dad, I hope you know how much I do love you." Said Liz
"Oh honey! Of course we do." Said Nancy
"You ready to go home?" Asked Jeff
"Yeah. Uh where is Rena?" Asked Liz
"She has something special planned for you." Said Nancy
"What is she planning?"
"Sorry honey we promised we wouldn't say. But it isn't anything bad." Said Jeff
"I know that Serena wouldn't do anything bad." Said Liz

Jeff picked up Liz's bag and the three of them headed out. Liz sat in the back seat of the car and watched as they headed for their house. She was going home. She had a real home. Not just a place to live but a home.

"You really OK honey?" Asked Jeff
"Yes dad. I am OK. I know you are worried. But I am much better."
"Jeff, I find it hard to believe that Dr. Davis would release Liz if she wasn't better." Said Nancy
"You are right." Said Jeff

Jeff pulled in the driveway and Liz took a deep breath. This was the first time that she would be in the house since she was taken to the hospital in an ambulance two months ago.

"It will be OK Liz." Said Nancy
"I know."

Liz opened the car door and walked up to the front door. Jeff and Nancy followed her smiling. They knew what was waiting for Liz when she opened the door. Liz pushed the door open and found Serena and all her friends in the living room.

"Welcome home!" Yelled the group

Liz felt tears fall from her eyes as she saw everyone. She couldn't believe that her friends would do something like this for her.

"Welcome home sis." Said Serena hugging Liz
"Thanks Rena. I missed you." Said Liz
"Missed you too."
"Rena, I want you to know that I love you."

Serena pulled back and looked into Liz's eyes and saw it was true. Her sister really did love her.

"Oh Lizzie! You don't know how much that means to me." Said Serena
"Yeah I do. For most of my life I won't let myself love anyone. I was told by more then one person that I was not worthy of being loved. That no one wanted me. That I was worthless and would never be anything. I know now they were wrong. I was abused both physically and emotionally. I was helpless as I watch one of my foster sisters was sexually abused and raped. I am not saying that I will always have an easy time expressing how I feel. But I will work on it."
"I am just glad to have you home." Said Serena

Liz greeted her friends leaving Max for last.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 27 4/5/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

So glad Liz is better and at home. Love the surprise party thing her friends did for her. Liz knows she is loved and cared for. Wondering when Liz will be meeting Katie. And wonder if Liz, Carolyn and friends will all hang out together.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 27 4/5/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Serena could not have planned a better surprise for Liz.
A welcome home party is just what she needed.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 27 4/5/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Liz is doing a lot better and home. The party put on by her friends showed her how much they really do care about her. Liz will see Katie again soon!

Carolyn Liz got a very nice surprise in the party from Serena. It was just what she needed to see how loved she really is by her friends.

Part 28

Max stood in front of Liz and smiled. Liz reached for him and pulled him into a hug. Max held her tight and ran his hand through her hair.

"Max, thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me." Said Liz so that he was the only one to hear.
"I will always love you Liz." Said Max
"I know. Max, I want you to know that I care about you. I know that I know that I feel something for you. Something more then friendship. I don't know what I am feeling. But I want to find out. Max, it was your letters that really made me want to get better." Said Liz
"I am glad I was able to help. I want to help you explore these feelings you have."
"I would like that."
"OK enough with the mushy stuff!" Said Michael

Maria came up behind him and slapped him upside the head.

"Hey what you do that for Blondie?" Asked Michael
"You are being a jerk." Said Maria
"I say we get something to eat. Then maybe if Liz wants to she can tell us what happened that caused her to act the way she did." Said Kyle
"Valenti do you ever think about anything besides your stomach?" Asked Isabel
"I'm a growing boy!" Said Kyle

Liz smiled. She had missed hearing her friends banter like this. But it didn't change the fact she was scared to return to school. Scared that she couldn't deal with the kids at school. They all grabbed something to eat and drink and sat around to talk.

"Liz, you won't have to worry about Courtney when you start back at school." Said Maria
"Why?" Asked Liz
"Well little miss high and might. Turns out was screwing some guy. Got pregnant and her parents forced her to have an abortion and then shipped her off to an all girls boarding school in upstate New York." Said Isabel
"Wow." Said Liz
"Yeah. But Pam and Lori are still around and causing trouble." Said Serena
"By the way Rena gotten in any fights lately?" Asked Liz
"No. It was one time! Gee I will never live this down! But the fact is I was not going to let those bitches trash talk my sister." Said Serena
"Yeah. I know. Rena, I am grateful that you are my sister. That I can count on you to be there for me." Said Liz
"Liz all of us are here for you. We all care about you." Said Alex
"I know Alex. But this is still new to me. I spent the first five years of my life being abused and being told that I was worthless, that no one would want me. That I was abandoned by my birth parents because I was nothing but a mistake." Said Liz

Max who was sitting next to Liz wrapped his arm around her. He hated that there were people who would do this to such a little kid. He felt Liz lean into him. He was now more determined then ever that ever to make sure that this beautiful young woman knew that she was worthy of being loved. That she was not a mistake.


Carolyn walked into her Aunt's house and found Brian waiting and smiling.

"Glad to to see you out of that place." Said Brian
"Yeah it's nice to be out." Said Carolyn
"Why don't we get you settled in your room Carolyn?" Asked Stacey Larson
"Sure Aunt Stacey." Said Carolyn

Brian grabbed Carolyn's bag and carried it up the stairs to the bedroom that he and his mom prepared for Carolyn. Carolyn looked around and saw that most of the things from her old room in her parents house there.

"This looks nice." Said Carolyn
"Brian unpacked most of your things himself after your parents dropped them off." Said Stacey
"Care are you OK?" Asked Brian
"Yeah. It's been six months since I have been out of the hospital." Said Carolyn
"You scared to start school on Monday?" Asked Brian
"A little."
"Don't worry too much. I will be there so will Liz. So will her group of friends. They are great and will accept you for who you are." Said Brian
"You met her sister right?"
"Serena, really cares about Liz. All her friends do. But you know more about what hell she went through before the Parkers took her in and adopted her."
"She really never told them what she went through?"
"No. That might have led to her hurting herself."
"Hopefully Liz will be more open now."
"Yeah. Care, you promise to tell me of my mom if you have thoughts of hurting anyone."
"I promise."

Brian hugged Carolyn. He wasn't going to let those bitches as school do anything to hurt his cousin.

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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 28 4/6/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So glad Carolyn's cousin will be there to help and protect her in her new school.
Max is the best thing that could have happened to Liz. She'll begin to realize her true feelings before long I bet.
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