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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 21 5/24/17

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:46 am
by keepsmiling7
Poor, poor Lady Ava. It's so sad to start out a marriage with a defeatist attitude like that.
I hope Liz will never let Max forget he throw away their friendship for a period of time.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 21 5/24/17

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:19 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo It is sad that Ava was forced to marry a man like Sean. Well Max, can't do much as a prince. But that doesn't mean he can't go to his father to get Ava help. Because there is a way out of an abusive marriage. As for Chris and Carolyn only time will tell if they fall in love.

Carolyn Yes poor Ava! Oh Max knows that Liz isn't going to forget the two years he didn't treat her as his best friend!

Part 22 Two months later

Liz sat at a dressing table while a maid did her hair for her brother's wedding. She looked over at Carolyn who she could tell was nervous.

"You OK Care?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. No not really."
"What's wrong?"
"I'm scared. Not of the getting married part. But the uh wedding night thing."
"You are scared of having sex?"
"Liz, I know you don't want to talk about this with me. This is your brother we are talking about. Besides it isn't like you know about this right?"

Liz didn't reply. She didn't want to lie. But admitting what she and Max did before she left for school could be dangerous.

"Liz, you there?"
"Yeah, just thinking about something."
"So Liz do you think Chris will understand my fear?"
"Care, you haven't talked about this with Chris?"
"No I don't know how to bring it up. Have you started to talk to Max about these things?"

Liz closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Care if I tell you something do you promise not to say anything to anyone?"
"I promise Liz. What is it?"
"Max and I have been together intimately already. It happened before I went to school."
"What?! Liz, you do know that was not the smartest thing to do. Right?"
"I know. But the fact is I love him. I have loved him for along time."
"Liz, what if you had been promised to someone else? You would have been considered damaged and it could have voided your marriage."
"I know this. It wasn't like the two of us planned it."
"Should we be talking about this? I mean in front of the help?"
"Lady Carolyn, neither of us will say a word. Kate and I have cared for Lady Elizabeth since she was a small child. It was us that she came to when she started to become a woman not her mother." Said the maid working on Liz's hair
"It's true Care, I trust Kate and Grace more then my mother. I know they will keep my secret." Said Liz


Chris paced in the back of the chapel. He was nervous as hell. It would not be long until he was a married man. He had graduated near the top of his class at the military academy. He was dressed in his dress uniform for the wedding. He looked into the chapel and could see that nearly all the guest had arrived. He knew that it would only be a short time now that the wedding would start.

"Hey man you ready?"

Chris looked up to see Kyle standing next to him.

"As ready as I ever will be. Kyle, I promise that I will take good care of Carolyn." Said Chris
"I know you will be man."

Chris took a deep breath and went to take his place at the front of the chapel to wait for his bride.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 22 5/25/17

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:04 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz shared her most intimate secret with Care.
Can't wait for the wedding.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 22 5/25/17

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 12:51 pm
by max and liz believer
Ugh, I really really sympathize with Carolyn's fears about having sex. I, personally, was sooo scared before my first time. But if the guy is kind and attentive, everything will be fine. They won't even have to go the whole way right away, but take it in steps so that she has time to get comfortable. Good thing that she talked with Liz about it. It's important to have someone to talk to about it.

Let's hope that the maids are as trustworthy as Liz believes, though :shock:

Looking forward to the wedding! :D

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 22 5/25/17

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 4:19 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz did share her most intimate secret with Care. I think that you are waiting for a different wedding.

Jo I think if Carolyn let's Chris know about her fears that he will be very understanding and caring. Liz has known these maids her whole life. They know many of her secrets that no one else does. Some how I think it's Max and Liz's wedding that you are looking forward to.

Part 23

Liz hugged Chris and the Carolyn once they had arrived at her father's home and entered the ballroom for the wedding ball.

"Chris, that uniform looks good on you." Said Liz
"Thanks little sister." Said Chris
"Carolyn, you make a lovely bride. But I must admit I think Liz here will be a even more beautiful bride." Said Max
"Thank you my prince. I know you only have eyes for Lady Elizabeth." Said Carolyn
"Max, don't hurt my sister again. If you do then I might be forced to hurt you." Said Chris
"I promise I will do everything in my power not to hurt her." Said Max
"Chris, you know I can take care of myself." Said Liz
"I know." Said Chris

Liz and Max left the newlyweds so they could greet more of their guests. Max grabbed two glasses of sweet wine from a tray as a waiter walked by. He handed one of the glasses to Liz keeping the other for himself. Liz took a sip and turned when she heard someone say her name. She looked at her father coldly.

"Elizabeth, you are looking well." Said Jeffrey
"Thank you father. I do not want to make a scene and ruin this day for Chris and Care. So I think it best you leave me alone." Said Liz
"Elizabeth, I am still your father. I think you best watch your tone with me."
"Father, back off. You know that Max made you a promise if you harm me."
"Liz, I see Lord and Lady Valenti over there we should go and see them." Said Max

Liz nodded and let him led her away from her father. Jeffrey watched his daughter and the prince walk off.

"You have never been able to control her. You can't control Liz, because you don't know anything about her."

Jeffrey turned to look at his wife.

"If I wanted to hear your opinion I would ask for it. Hopefully that boy will be able raine in that defiant attitude of hers."
"Liz, will always be who she is. That is one of the things our prince likes about her."
"Our daughter's name is Elizabeth. Why do you call her that other name?"
"She likes to be called Liz. Just like there was a time you liked to be called Jeff. You changed after Liz was born. You became much colder."
"Nancy, I am the same that I have always been."

Nancy just looked at the man she was married to. He may not have realized it but he had changed a lot over the years.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 23 5/26/17

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 4:38 am
by max and liz believer
Hmm… Interesting. What made Jeffrey change so much after Liz was born? Color me intrigued :roll:
Some how I think it's Max and Liz's wedding that you are looking forward to.
Hihi, well I am, of course, looking forward to Max and Liz's wedding, but I was talking about Chris and Carolyn's in the previous post :wink:


- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 23 5/26/17

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 11:33 am
by keepsmiling7
Max was kind to Care at her wedding but admitted that he was looking forward to his own beautiful bride later.
It's a shame that Lord Jeffery changed after Liz was born. Did he want a son instead??
We can see he will never change with his opinion of women's place in the world.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 23 5/26/17

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 5:39 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo So it seems that Jeffrey changed after Liz was born. But unfortunately we might never get the the full story on that.

Carolyn Yes Max was very kind to Care. But do you really blame him for looking forward to seeing his own bride in her wedding dress? Lord Jeffrey most likely did want another son.

Part 24

Liz walked out on to the patio for some fresh air. She looked around and saw Ava sitting on a bench crying. She headed over to her friend to see if she could help.

"Ava are you OK?" Asked Liz
"Liz, I am so scared."
"What is going on? Is Sean hurting you?"
"He don't really look at me much. The only time he really pays any attention to me is when he wants to uh you know."
"Have sex?"
"Yeah and that is nearly every night. It hurts when we do it. Do you think that it should be hurting like that?"
"I don't know. Ava, I know that your mom died when you were young. Is there anyone you think you could talk to?"
"Not really. I don't really have a woman like that in my life."
"Ava, it is my belief if it was painful all the time then we would die out."
"So maybe it's just the way Sean is with me?"
"Yeah. Just be careful OK? I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I'll be careful Liz. By the way your brother looks good in that uniform."
"Yeah he does."
"So how are things going with you and the prince?"
"Things with Max and me are going good. In fact at least once a week we have a nice romantic dinner. He still gives me gifts but mostly he makes sure that he tells me that he loves me at least once a day." Said Liz

As if on cue Max walks out dressed in his tuxedo with a glass of sweet wine for Liz. He gave her a kiss.

"Have I told you how much I love you today beautiful?" Asked Max
"Yes. But I will never tire of hearing it." Said Liz
"Ava, you beautiful too. But Liz is much more beautiful." Said Max
"We cool Max."
"Your highness please stay away from my wife." Came a cold voice from behind Max.

Max turned to see Sean glaring at him coldly.

"Lord DeLuca, I came out here to see if Lady Elizabeth would like to dance with me." Said Max
"Fine. Ava, we need to say goodbye to Carolyn and Christopher. We are going home." Said Sean
"Bye Liz, bye Max." Said Ava

Max and Liz said goodbye and watched as Ava walked off with Sean.

"Is she OK?" Asked Max
"I don't really know. Max, she told me that he is really rough with her in bed."
"If I could do something I would. But the fact is just because he likes rough sex it is not a crime."
"I know."
"So that night on the lake beach was I too rough with you?"
"Max, that was a very special night. No you weren't too rough. In fact if I remember right you healed me that night of any pain I may have felt from my first time."
"Yeah I did."

Max and Liz kissed then headed in to dance before it was time to go home.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 24 5/27/17

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:39 am
by keepsmiling7
It appears that Ava is going to have a rough road ahead of her.
Sean is a beast!
Max has really cleaned up his act......and he won't forget Liz again I am sure.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 24 5/27/17

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:48 am
by zaneri1
Really cute and light hearted story, good read :D