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Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:51 pm
by Loxyanissa14

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:52 pm
by Loxyanissa14

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:55 pm
by ~Ruby~
Oooh, I was working on a post and now, we jumping ahead? I thought that Lexi's vampire thing was just a vision??

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:56 pm
by Loxyanissa14
it was a vision but then it happened.....I hope it's ok that we jumped ahead...I was kinda not I can change it but I thought we were kinda stuck and I wanted the vampires to be in a group...but if ya'll had different plans I can edit with no problem....and I'm sorry Ruby if this interfered with your post.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:21 pm
by Fehr'sBear
I'll get my posts up soon, I promise. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:56 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
Come on People post! I'm waiting for you, I can't post unless you guys do!

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:33 pm
by ~Ruby~
Okay, this is from my point of view. I'm really not trying to be difficult or mean or anything bad. I’m just trying to explain why I am not posting at the moment. Its mainly because of the jump ahead. It seemed so random and I have no idea what is actually happened or how I’m meant to have Tess response to it. Yes, I get it’s the hunt, yes, I get that Lexi is being attacked, but the skipping head really just threw me off.

I mean, the reason I hadn’t posted before was because of some family issues and because of that Storm wasn’t able to post for Max (maybe also Ali for Zan since he is/was with Max and Tess). From my point of view it wasn’t because I was stuck. I was just slow to post and for that I’m very sorry because I held up two other people and their characters.

Really this isn’t about interfering with my post because I’m perfectly capable of writing another. Its just that this jump ahead, to me, seemed kinda random. I mean, some of the story hasn’t had a chance to developed yet (maybe this is me just being an obsessive plot writing freak, lol.) and some of the conversations and stuff weren’t finished. I mean, I’m only speaking for myself so I don’t know how everyone else feels and I don’t want you to edit your post if everyone else feels they can work with it. Its just that if you’re going to keep jumping ahead, could I get a little bit of warning?

On the posting front, I really don't want to leave this role-play because of the lack of my posting because I think that it is going to be so much fun, I'm just probably going to wait til Storm or Ali to post so that I can work off of their posts.

Again, I hope that you don't think this is me trying to be difficult or cause trouble.



Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:46 pm
by Loxyanissa14
That's fine with me...I'll edit it out...Please contintue like it was never there.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:52 am
by ~Ruby~
Thank you, Loxyanissa14. :)

I'll try and post later when I get home from work. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:41 pm
by ~Ruby~

“I agree that Micah is distracted, but I'm certain we'll figure out what it is that is on his mind at another time.”

And that’s the end of that subject for now. I know there’s no point dwelling on it, not when there is money to spend. If Max says that we will figure it out later then that’s what we will do. I’ve had this blind faith in Max ever since the day I met him and even though our relationship has shifted and changed over the years its still there, that blind faith. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if I’m his lover or not. We will always have something that much deeper. He changed me forever.

“For now, I agree I wish to see the town before the hunt. I leave the decision to you, my lady Tess. You can ride in with me to town, or take a car on your own. Should your purchases be too heavy, I offer my assistance."

“Tease.” I say as he holds the keys playfully above my head. I invade his person space, reaching for the keys. For the briefest moment that feels like an eternality, his body is pressed against mine. My skin tingles, remembering how it felt to be held in his arms. I try not to shudder. Its been so long. I miss him so much. His skin against my skin, his lips against mine. God, it been to long since I’ve been touched by someone other than myself.

The need is strong but fleeting and within seconds a playful smile graces my lips as I reach for the keys. “I’ll drive.”

I grin as I twirl the key ring around my finger and grin wickedly at Zan, “Are you coming out to play for awhile or do you need some beauty sleep before the hunt tonight?”

"I'm hungry! Let's eat." Devlin grins

I roll my eyes. When is that boy not hungry? “Micah has given us our orders. We hunt tonight as a coven.”

Oh, I can’t wait for tonight. My hunting as a coven cherry is going to be well and truly popped tonight. How delicious. There’s only one thing that could be more delicious then that and that too involves a certain amount of…popping.

“Max and I are going to play in town for a while. You want a lift? We could drop you off next to some un expecting girls and you could lure them off to the woods if you’re dazzling good looks.” I smile slowly, “And if that fails then you can always help carry my shopping to the car.”