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Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:53 am
by nickimlow
OOC: Nothing much I can think of now, I'm just writing this so that Isabel's character is up to date :)


Zan's vulnerability is really beginning to show. First he was crazed, then he slipped back into his shell, and now he's emerging slowly, quite afraid and almost shy. The very idea that the little baby we'd all held and said goodbye to just a week before would end up having to suffer all his life is inconceivable and it just breaks my heart. And my daughter, the child that I am supposedly going to have with Kyle of all people, is standing there among them, having gone through almost if not just as much.

I grew up wanting nothing more than to be normal. I married Jesse not only because I loved him - which of course I did and still do with all my heart - but also because he could give me that sense of normalcy that I'd always craved for. And I divorced him because I knew that normal was never to be for me. I sacrificed my chance at a normal life, and now they're telling me that it was all for nothing.

Everything we've ever done, all we've ever fought for, has been to try to build a better life for ourselves and in effect for our children as well. If what they're saying is true, we're all going to die very soon, and all our past efforts will have been in vain.

Right now all doubt is fading fast. I know that once my brother touches the boy standing there, he will discover the truth and our lives will be changed forever.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:57 pm
by LyricsToMyLife

I stood in the shadow, watching on. I kept my head down but eyes up, so if anyone looked my way they would know-they would know that I was in charge. A pain was in my heart that I wouldn't rid of. I was always the the one in charge, th eone in the front but now i was the outcast-even Zan is being more up-front right now. I knew that my mother was still alive but she wasn't here, i wasn't one of THEIR childern, I was the dupes kid and even being a traders kid was was more value right now. I smiled a bit, i don't know why. I needed to let them know I was the leader, make them see i wasn't a charity case. I walked up next to Vaga (**ooc: is that spelled right?) and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Zan won't let anyone come near him unless they tie him down, it's one of his perks." I then smiled a bit and walked up to Zan, rocking on my feet, "Hey, buddy listen to me, at this moment your the only one of us that can ensure our safety, so maybe if you just let him touch you, just your arm? if you let him do that then we'd be able torelax a bit, no more locked rooms for a while, you know?"

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:37 pm
by isabelle

I walk with Zan to the front of the group, never letting go of his hand. I do everything I can to make myself present for him, sending strong calm emotions. I look at Max, sending him a warning with my eyes. Unlike Zan, I do remember Uncle Max. I remember him being a great uncle, playing with me and Lana and Vega and even Dominque. He was often busy with grown up things but he loved us. Then I was in that place and found out about Zan -- well it was hard to know what to think of Max. Part of me is dying to talk to my parents, to get to know them again, to let them know how much I've missed them -- but right now all my focus is on Max. I don't really think he's going to do anything to hurt Zan but right now, keeping him calm is my first priority.

Then Dominick steps in like a jerk, getting all bossy. I SAW him give Zan the nod to go ahead and do this a moment ago. Now he's standing in the way? And what's this 'You're the only one of us that can ensure our safety,' stuff. He's putting MORE pressure on him? Does he WANT to set Zan off again? I swear he likes to see Zan get out of control. It makes him feel powerful or something.

"Dominick, stop it. We're under control," I say, fighting to keep my voice calm. I hope it stays that way, under control.


I grit my teeth at Dominick's rediculous display. Why does he always have to do this 'cock-of-the-wall' routine. This is not a good time for this crap. I am a bit surprised to see Lex standing up to him. Lex is usually so laid-back. I guess things are different when it comes to Zan. I'm almost jealous of the two of them.

"Dom, don't interfere," I say, wishing I could throw him through a wall. "Dad isn't going to hurt him."

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:48 pm
by isabelle

I watch Zan come forward, marveling at the thought. Could this really be my son? At the same time, I know I already believe it. This test is more of a confirmation than a challenge. At the same time, I hope I'm wrong. I don't want this terrible future to be the truth.

"I don't like to be touched," Zan says softly, sounding so vulnerable and my heart goes out to him. I understand that completely. Growing up in a place like the white room, I'm sure he'd been touched against his will far too often. Although I notice that Lex is still holding tight to Zan's hand so obviously he's an exception. I'm glad he's got a friend. Funny that Michael's son and my son would be so close. Michael and I have had our moments, sometimes huge ones, but I know he'd be there for me in a situation like this.

I'm about to re-assure him when Dominick steps in and tries to interfere. He speaks words of assurance but his actions are at odds with that. I'm not sure what he's up to. Obviously Lex and Vega feel the same, both of them telling him to back off.

"I'm sorry," I tell Zan softly, keeping my eyes on his while trying to ignore the confrontation going on around us. I feel like I should be apologizing for more than wanting to touch him. For his whole life. I let this happen to him. "It will be quick, I promise. I need to touch your face."

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:00 pm
by LyricsToMyLife

I roll my eyes and step back, putting my hands up over my head, I back away and put my hand in my pockets, watching on.

"my dad.." Vaga's words sting hard. I have seen picturs of MY father and he looks JUST like Max. I wish my dad was here, or my mom. They'd be on my side, I looked to Vaga, sshe glared at me and I looked down, I didn't know why i even tried to help sometimes. I rolled my eyes at Lex, really hated that kid sometimes. Even though he was my right hand man he got on my nerve sonetimes, I was with Zan before ANY of the others. I was his REAL brother, the kind thats not blood but deeper, they wouldn'tunderstand. Only Zan and I do. Everything Zan went through I did. I was there for him when his "sister" was still playing with barbies.

"Yea, " I say, finally finding my voice, "OH, all hail the great Hair to the trone, Vaga. Yea, your dad won't hurt him, sure, what a fucking load of crap. SHe already gave him away, but you won't care would you? As long as YOU and YOUR family And YOUR friends all are safe. You could care less about your "brother". I used air qoutes and I felt everyone in the room glare at me, I didn't care, I had to let it out, let Zan know the truth. He had me. Thats it. I have him. No one else cares, not in the end.

OOC: im sorry but i really don't know how i should make Dom.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:26 pm
by Athenea
OOC: I just had him being a bit of a smart alleck. Sort of sarcastic but not in a mean way. Also you might want to use a spell check on your posts. I understand they can't all be perfect in a grammatical sense but it does help for a easier read. :D

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:47 pm
by Athenea

"I'm sorry," Max says in a way that I automatically believe he is sincere. "It will be quick, I promise. I need to touch your face."

I am able to concentrate on his voice and block out the other's emotions in a way I have never done before. It's almost like being in his very presence helps to stabilize my powers. I can't even imagine how this is possible but in the first time in my life I am feeling only my own emotions and no one else's. I find myself more confident and I squeeze Lex's hand before letting go of his hand and stepping even closer to Max.

"I'm ready." I say and even my tone sounds more confident.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:18 pm
by isabelle

I narrow my eyes watching while Dominick flips out on us. "Oh, all hail the great heir to the throne, Vega. Yeah, your dad won't hurt him, sure, what a fucking load of crap. He already gave him away, but you won't care would you? As long as YOU and YOUR family And YOUR friends all are safe. You could care less about your 'brother'. "

Me? The heir to the throne? He's the one who seems to think he gets to be in charge just because he's the oldest. Like that magically makes him better or something.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" I sneer. I'd say more but right now I'm more interested in whatever is happening with Dad and Zan.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:31 pm
by LyricsToMyLife
You're an idiot, you know that?" I look away as she ignores me once again. I know that shes holding back, I can see it in her eyes, the look she alway gives me. I sigh and walk off, knowing that I was outnumbered I wasn't sure what to do but I kept on my sly smile, not wanting letting anyone in "oh, sure, Zan gets to flip out and it's fine but when its me it's just pure crime." I though bitterly. But as looked to Zan I knew that i WAS the one wrong, he seemed to trust Max; and Zan didn't trust many people. I also saw the way Vaga looked at the two, with love and fear. I was wrong and I knew it. But I also knew i was right. No one in their right mind would give away there child and have a good reason. no one. And nothing will change my mind of that. All i know if that this Max guy hurt Zan once and i wouldn't let him hurt again. And if he did, I would teach him something he would never forget..........

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:40 pm
by isabelle

I hear what Dominick is saying but I ignore it for now, focusing on Zan only. I'm surprised to see him release Lex and come closer. He seems calm when he says he's ready.

"Okay. Just look at me," I say, hoping to help him focus. I reach out and pass my thumb and palm near his forehead, not yet touching, as I extend my powers, reaching for him. I continue to move my hand in a smooth motion, bringing it down to contact his skin as I cup his cheek.

It happens instantly. Even before I touch him I see the sign, the memory that I left for him. A spray of stars that spring from nowhere inches in front of his forehead, expanding upwards for about a foot before disappearing. When I touch him, I'm hit by flashes, so many flashes. He's small and alone and scared. Just a toddler. Then he's about six, with a boy that I think is Dominick. I see him in pain and then being held by Vega when she's no more than nine. I see him as an early teen, in pain because of some emotional break when the others' feelings have overwhelmed him. Now it's Lex who's comforting him. Through it all, I see the men in the lab coats, the locked doors, the gurneys with tie-downs, and I feel his intense fear.

And then it's over. I blink, looking at Zan as I force myself to move my hand from his face. It's him. It's my son. I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I fight to hold them back. I know I saw only the briefest glimpse of their ordeal. I can't even imagine years and years, growing up like that. I want to grab Zan and hug him tight but I don't want to scare him. I promised him I wouldn't touch him. Maybe someday, he'll let me. If he can ever forgive me for giving him up. I hope so.

"Zan," I whisper. There's nothing more to say.