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Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 2:01 pm
by isabelle
Fantastic post, FallenMagic! I’m going to assume that Kyle saw nothing of the handprint, then, since you didn’t mention it, Luvya. Destinysucks,, your post had me laughing. Max is “a lot younger than,” Serena? She might say that, but since she wasn’t hatched until Max and Isabel were six, I’d say she’s a lot younger than him. lol.


Maria is there, trying to keep things calm. Imagine that. The Queen of Wacky is suddenly the voice of reason. Obviously the world has turned upside down. Or maybe it’s just her soft fingers on my face that’s making it seem that way. I want to hold her close, my arms around her. I feel like that would make things better, somehow.

"First let's talk to Liz, okay?” Maria says. “Then we'll see if she's ready to talk to Max. You know, she might just have to tell him."

“There has to be another way.” I tell her. My mind is in a whirl. We can’t tell him. I mean, yeah, we told Maria, but she was already our friend. We knew we could trust her. We don’t know Max that well. But what possible story could we come up with that Max would believe? He’s a scientist. He’s not going to believe in magic, or divine intervention. Mutant powers? Oh hell. If only we could get into his mind and make him forget the whole thing.

Dad comes into the kitchen as Liz walks down the stairs, pulling out her order pad. “Where were you?” He asks.

“Later, dad. Gotta work,” she says, breezing out into the dining room.

“Oh, me too,” Maria says, suddenly as he turns in our direction. Then she’s out there, leaving me alone with my burgers, fried chicken and onion rings. This shift can’t end soon enough to suit me. I drag myself through the rest of the hour, mechanically getting the food out.

I think about that day, only seven months ago when I saved Maria’s life. I remember the things I saw that day, as I connected with her body to start the healing. The quirky fun things. The small glimpses of her secret fears and happier memories. I wonder if Liz saw those things in Max, too. Would it be enough for her to know if he could be trusted?

The third time she comes back with orders, I’m free enough to pull her aside. “Liz, when you touched Max, did you get … flashes?” I ask in a whisper.



“You ready?” Kyle asks, and I feel a great relief. He didn’t see it. Thank goodness. I don’t know what it is, but I’m sure I don’t want anyone to see this weird silver handprint on my chest. At least not yet. Not until I get some sort of explanation from Liz.

“Yeah,” I say. “Sorry I took so long.”

“What’s Tom doing here at your house?” asks Kyle.

“Tom?” I echo his question. “I didn’t know he was here.” I thought both my sisters were at Tess’ house. Did they come here, instead?

“Well, he is.”

“I guess we could ask,” I say, heading downstairs. I’m glad we have something new to wonder about. It might not be as exciting as getting shot – correction – getting a bottle of ketchup spilled on me when someone fired a gun at the Crashdown, but maybe I can get Kyle thinking about that instead.


Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:10 pm
by Luvya

The third time I come back with some orders for Michael- Mr and Mrs Jennins actually he pulls me back and asks me if I had any flashes. God I can't begin to process them suddenly one comes to me, it's Michael and myself's first day of school, only in Max's point of view, I could feel his awe as he looked at me like I was a.... princess or something... Maybe Maria was right--- I DIDN'T just think that.

"Yeah I got flashes" I responded.

"Do you know if he can be... trusted?" Michael askes. I think for a moment and nodded firmly.

"He can." I responded simply.


“Yeah,” Max respones. “Sorry I took so long.” 'yeah right' I mentaly added.

“What’s Tom doing here at your house?” I asked remembering my brother.

“Tom?” Max echos. “I didn’t know he was here.”

“Well, he is.” Yeah invading my freaking time out. I do enjoy having friends who aren't friends with my brother!

“I guess we could ask,” Max responds

"Yeah but then I might find out that he might be here to see Isabel or Serena and I really don't wanna find that out..."

"He better not try anything on them..." Max respons getting into "big brother mode" I smile.

"You gotta accept that there growing up Max"

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:05 am
by FallenMagic
~*~* Maria ~*~*

I tried to get Liz’s attention all the time we were working but she ignored me. But when Michael finally got hold of her, I rushed over to them and waited expectantly for Liz to answer. Did she get flashes? I know I did and I think Michael did too but we never really talked about them.

Unconsciously my gaze settled on Michael as I remembered all the images I had seen. Michael coming out of the pods, Michael and Liz exiting the cave together. I saw him with the Parkers, saw his first day of school…I saw me with them.

Shaking my head, trying to get a hold on reality I turn back to Liz.

“Liz, shouldn’t you talk to him or something.” I ask her. “I mean what if he’s also got the silver handprints?”

~*~* End Maria ~*~*

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:04 pm
by isabelle

Kyle suggests that Tom might be here to see Isabel or Serena. I guess that was pretty obvious, since he's obviously not here to be with me and Kyle, still, it makes me want to step in and make sure that everything's okay.

"You gotta accept that they're growing up Max," Kyle says.

I think about that for a second. I know they're not kids. They should be able to make their own decisions, but that doesn't mean I can't help. Still, they are here in our house, and Mom is home, too.

I shrug it off. "Okay then. Tess might be with them, too, and I really don't want to have to fend her off again, today. But if you don't want to talk to Tom, what do you want to do?" It's not like we're gonna study together or something. Maybe there's a game on TV.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:19 am
by destinysucks

'I got too go now Serena, mom will kill me if I'm not home for tea same time nest week then'.

'Yea cool sure we can do some more equasions if you like'.

'I would try and sound and excited but I'm not sure how too sound excited about them'.

She smiles at me and luaghs and god it's like the whole world has stopped dame you need too stop thinking like this Tom.

End Tom

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:41 pm
by Liz_Parker

I smile at Tom and walk him to the door. He's a nice guy.

"Well, I'll uh, see ya at school", I tell him and tuck my hair back. He nods waving as he walks down the porch steps.

Why Tom Valenti asked me of all people to help him study I have no idea. Maybe something productive can come out of it...

"Bye Tom", I holler and wave one last time before closing the door.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:01 pm
by isabelle

Kyle and I find a game on the TV and watch for a while. I try hard to keep my attention on the game, and not be staring at Kyle, wondering what he's thinking. Not wondering about what just happened back at the Crashdown. Kyle's watching the action, cheering and booing along with me, as appropriate. Still, occassionally, I catch him looking at me, although he turns away before I can be certain.

I'm almost completely sure that he didn't see this mark on my chest when I went in to change my shirt. It's all I can do not to rub it, or to make up some excuse to go to the bathroom and look at it some more. Is it really even there? Could it have been my imagination? Some trick of the light?

No. I know it's real. I saw it. I really did. I was really shot. Then I wasn't. And I got a little silver handprint on my chest. A Liz-sized handprint.

I thought Kyle was looking at me funny at the Crashdown. Like he suspected something. But he hasn't mentioned it since we got here. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I'm getting paranoid. God, I wish I could talk to Liz about this. I wish I knew what the hell happened.

"You want a soda?" I ask Kyle when the game is done. He says yes, so I head to the kitchen to grab something. I pass by the den and I see Tom and Serena in there, although Tom is gathering up his books. When I get back and hand Kyle his soda, he's definately looking at me strangely.

"So, what happened at the Crashdown, anyway?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to sound casual and unconcerned. "You were there. You saw it."

"Yeah," he says slowly. "Pretty freaky. It looked like you had actually been shot."

I laugh, although it sounds pretty weak to my ears. "It was nothing. I got startled by the noise and I fell. That's all. Broke the stupid bottle on myself, like an idiot. Liz will probably never talk to me again." I roll my eyes, and then look at Kyle. "I hope you're not gonna tell anyone about that." The last thing I need is for him to be talking about this in school tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 11:21 pm
by Luvya
OOC- Sorry Peeps...



I laughed which probably sounded almost as fake as Max's did. I know it sounds stupid but Max is hiding something from me and I will find out what's going on.
"Of course I won't tell anyone about you falling over, but if it was just that why did Liz Parker run over to you?" I asked, hoping that he would at least tell me the truth.
"Yo Kyle we've gotta get going home otherwise Mum's going to kill us" Tom yells out to me.
"Yeah Tom what ever" I say offhandedly getting up, "I'll ring you later tonight alright?" I am so going to question him later.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:13 pm
by isabelle
Hey! Welcome back, Luvya! I take it Jim isn't divorced in this RP since Kyle and Tom both mentioned their "Mum." Unless she's just visiting? *shrugs*

"if it was just that why did Liz Parker run over to you?" Kyle had asked. He left before I could answer. Why wouldn't she have come to see if I was alright after falling? Especially when someone had just fired a gun.

Kyle's promised to call later. I hope I can convince him to stop asking.

My hand goes to my chest, and I think of the handprint I saw before Kyle and I broke to watch the end of the game. Suddenly, I want to run to a mirror and check it out.

I turn to Serena, who'd come to the door to see Tom go. I should go and finish my homework, but I'm wondering about him, too.

"So, you and Tom were studying?" I ask.


"Liz, shouldn't you talk to him or something?" Maria asks Liz. "I mean, what if he's also got the silver handprints?"

I nod, staring at my sister. The handprints never show up for minor injuries. Not even broken bones. But it happened when I saved Maria's life. "He's bound to have one, Liz." I tell her. "You saved his life."


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:40 pm
by Liz_Parker

"Yes Max, Tom and I were studying", I smile sweetly at him and tuck my hair back. "What's your sudden interest about it?", I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Can't a guy ask his sister why she was with some guy?", he asks and I roll my eyes. Why do brothers just assume we want them to be constantly watching us. Sure, he's older and all...but still!

"Don't worry to much Max....I'm tutoring Tom,but he he is rather nice, don't ya think?", I smile at him and walk to the living room.