Loves Awakening Revealed (AU, M/L, ADULT) {COMPLETED}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 38 p14 July3

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thanks Mia Nora for the amazing banner, you rock! :D


Happy Fourth of July to all of you in the USA. Belated Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends and if there’s other holidays in other countries I’ve failed to mention, Have a happy there too, okay. Oh it’s getting closer to the Olympics. I can’t wait. To my Aussie friends I say, “Go Thorpie!” I should be careful, I might get kicked out for cheering for the Australian team, oh well I gotta be me. LOL!!!

Everyone I just wanted to say a “big thank you “to all of you that have been reading my story. I’m very moved by the response thank you so much. Cyber hugs to all of you that tune into read each week. Welcome to all new readers, come in and make yourselves at home and hang with the rest of us, we’re a good group. I encourage all of you to leave me feedback. I always read my feed back and respond the following week. Hearing from you in the form of feed back is what fuels me to keep at it. I love to read feed back so please, feel free to leave some. It’s very much appreciated by me… Thanks again… Oh and I’m still trying to come up with a title for the sequel I was thinking of writing to this story. If you can think of any please pm me or email me your suggestions. I look forward to reading any and all of them. Thanks~

LoveIsForever- Hey girl, I just have to say your feed back always makes me smile. Yeah Kyle was pretty funny so excited and determined to talk to the doctors that he’s skipping along side Rasmus. Gees Kyle, excited much? Yes, Rasmus did have nice talk with Kyle about being loved and accepted for who he is. I think that might have been a huge moment for Rasmus showing almost a fatherly concern toward Kyle. Kyle’s going to find himself in quite funny and a challenge as things unfold? Kyle being the smart ass in the group can’t resist getting into trouble. More fun to happen in the next part to be sure. Michael of course has a hard time holding himself back from being, well Michael. He is trying though. Max and Liz showing up on time did throw him though. LOL!!! Kyle and Mystic are very cute too. I have such fun each week waiting to read which parts or words are quoted each new post. Thanks for leaving the feed back; I’m grateful for all of it. Thanks.

Biged- Hi! Yep! They gave Kyle some medication and his mind did the rest. He’s such a funny guy. I’m glad it made you laugh. Kyle seems to have a knack for keeping us all laughing especially he and the other guys. Thanks for reading and as always for the great feed back. I hope you’ll enjoy this part and do lots of LOL too!! Take care and thanks again.

roswellian504- Hi! Uhh, to answer your question about when will Kyle and Mystic be included in the teleconferencing now that the finish off the Destined Ones? Good question BTW. We’ll cover that in this weeks post. So, you’ll have to read it to find out. He he he. Hmmm. More alien pregnancies…I haven’t really thought about it. I’m sure at some point there could be more little ones. I’m not ruling it out. I just wanted the others to get a strong foundation before that happens. Max and Liz are so much apart of each other and so in sync with each other they are a cut above and further down the relationship path than the others. Leave it to Max and Liz to be the trailblazers of their happy group. Thanks for reading and I love your feed back so keep it coming and thanks also for your questions. I think you’ll enjoy this weeks post. I’m really looking forward to reading your feed back on it. Thanks again, and take care.

roswellluver- Hi! I’m glad you enjoyed the scene with Kyle and Mystic. There will be more in this weeks post as well. I hope you’ll like it too. Thanks for reading and leaving feed back. I’m looking forward to see what you thought about it in your feed back for this week. Thanks again, and have a great weekend.

Aussie_Dreamer- G’day mate! Kyle is sooo much fun isn’t he. Yes, he’ll be in for a shock, but that’s all I’m going to say. The questions about the teleconferencing will be addressed in this weeks post. Again, I can’t comment on it until you read it first. Hey girl, when are you going to post your story. I do want to read it but like Maria I need details… Which board will you post it on, Title, etc… I do want to read it and of course I’ll leave you feed back. A warning though, I’m famous in around here for long wonderful feed back. Yep! Sadly it’s my one claim to fame, that and being a devoted Jason worshiper. What can I say I’m very dedicated to what and whom I love. LOL!!! Babies are soo cute at that age. It sounds like you had a nice visit with your Dad and family. Good on you! Okay girlfriend, I want story info…I want to read it, okay? So let me know the details and I’ll take care of the reading and feed back from there. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this weeks post of my story. I do strongly recommend using restroom prior to reading it though. Yep! It’s a funny one. Is that a new one for me? LOL!! Take care and have a wonderful week. Keep in touch, okay. I will look forward to reading your feed back. Cheers Nicki!

Frenchkiss70- Hi! Thanks! Yes, our Kyle and Mystic have now bonded. Kyle and Mystic are very cute together and very open about their sensitivities. It’s good they talk about it and share that with each other though. Look out when Liz is in a teasing mood for payback. I think you’ll love Kyle’s reaction to the placebo effect. I can’t say anymore about that until you’ve read this weeks post. It’s covered in there. Hey, isn’t it always interesting how this group interacts and the situations they find themselves in as individuals, a group, and as couples. I look forward to reading your feed back from this weeks post. I hope you’ll like it. Take care and have a great week! Thanks again, for reading and leaving great feed back as usual.

Cherie- Hi ! Welcome back, I did miss your feed back. No problem sometimes RL causes you to fall behind on your reading. Lord, knows I’m behind on the ones I read. Plus I downloaded Carnival of Souls to my Max’s hard drive to read later. Which I haven’t done yet, I’m still kicking my self for that. I’ll get to it I promise. I understand what you mean. I’m glad you’re all caught up and have been enjoying what I’ve been writing so far. Kyle is a riot. I think everyone loved him talking to his member. You’ll find out his reaction about being informed of the placebo in this part. It’s going to be a riot as well. Yes, it’s cute Kyle and Mystic have bonded. I do think I’ll borrow your idea of colored post it notes for next weeks post if that’s okay…Mystic has no complaints about Kyle or buddies attributes LOL!!! Rasmus is slowly but surely doing a turnabout face on his thoughts and feelings towards humans. I hope you’ll love this new post too, there’s definitely some moments of ROFLMAO and possible pee your pants type moments ahead so just a fair warning there. I look forward to reading more of your great and funny feed back. Oh any more word on “The Grudge” Premiere and our JB’s attendance and location… We gotta put a low jak on him… LOL!! Is that wrong? Am I bad? Hey, you know those were rhetorical questions right. LOL!!!! Take care Cherie, and have a happy fourth of July…

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Thanks about the update; I’m glad you enjoyed it. A playful Michael and Maria always makes for good fun, doesn’t it. LOL!!! I hope you’ll like this new part as well. Lots of funny stuff to take in. Thanks for reading and your great feed back. I always look for your feed back

AJK001- Hi! Aww shucks. Thank you for your kind words. I have to say that writing Kyle has been an unexpected joy. He’s fun to write for he’s such a funny guy. I’m very humbled by your comments. You like the way I’ve written him, Thank you. I’ll try to do my best with Kyle as the others as well. So far this has just been a blast writing all these characters. I don’t really think of them anymore as characters they feel more like really good friends that I hang out with a lot. I love them all. Okay, I admit to loving Max a little more than the others. LOL!!! I am after all, a devoted Jason worshiper so of course I love Max. I can’t help it.

Smac- Hi! Kyle’s such a handful isn’t he? Mystic’s certainly got a heck of a guy on her hands. It won’t ever be boring with Kyle around that’s for sure. Rasmus was funny trying to grasp what Kyle was so concerned about. He did guess quite rightly it had to do with Max and Liz, well being, Max and Liz. Kyle is funny with his ramblings running through his head about being alien enhanced and what that could mean. He’s a guy, he can’t help it. Our Kyle is all guy in that respect. LOL!!! Men, god do I love them. They are so cute and funny. I hope you’ll enjoy this new part. I guarantee that there is more of my quirky humor in there. Word of warning, go to the bathroom first before reading it. Okay? You get my humor, really, that’s awesome. OH God! You’ve read other feed back I’ve left at other author’s story on the board. OH boy, I can just imagine what you’ve read. Would now be a good time for me to run and hide? Nah! Probably too late for that now, huh? Crap! You’ve found me out now. So your sense of humor you think is like mine. Oh boy, God help us if we ever get together in person…LOL!!! I love reading your awesome and funny feed back and I look forward to reading it and seeing what you thought about it. I hope I won’t disappoint this time either. Take care and have a great Fourth of July!

Part 38

Last time we left off with this….

Max gets a phone call from Cal telling him that Kyle did see the doctors and asked for… enhancements; but instead, he received a placebo. Max shares this funny news via a telepathic conversation with Liz. Even though they know of Kyle’s placebo encounter, Max and Liz make good on the promise of letting Kyle believe he was an alien enhanced stud muffin, at least for a while. The gang also spent the better part of the day practicing their powers and working with separate colonist groups to prepare for Smitak’s arrival. The Destined Ones are now at Max and Liz’s cabin ready to unwind and enjoy a catered dinner.

“Wow! This was really great of Rasmus to do all this for us,” says Michael.

“Did he say why he arranged this?” asks Max. The last of their surprise catered meal is brought in via one of the Colonists, who hands Kyle a note.

“He left me a note. I wonder what this is about,” asks a puzzled Kyle. He opens the note and reads it with Mystic’s arm draped happily around him.

“Kyle, what did my father have to say?” asks Mystic.

“He says he wanted us to have a mini bonding celebration with our friends and family. I think this is his way of welcoming me and accepting us as a couple. Wow, this was a huge gesture on his part,” says Kyle touched by Rasmus words and the meaning behind them. Mystic becomes teary eyed.

“Cool, let’s eat,” says Michael.

“I second that,” exclaims Alex enthusiastically. Both Michael and Alex’s sensibilities take a back seat to their every ready appetite. Max shakes his head, he knows better.

“Michael!” shouts Maria in exasperation at his lack of appreciation for the moment or the significance of this note. The note symbolizes Rasmus hard won acceptance of not only Mystic and Kyle, but of the Destined Ones as well.

“Ouch! Blondie what did you do that for?” says Michael with a furrowed brow bewildered by Maria’s punch in the arm he earned.

“Gees Michael, I love you but you can be such an insensitive ass sometimes,” says Maria with her arms folded across her chest and tapping her foot impatiently waiting for Michael to apologize.

“So this is about the note then?” asks an uncertain Michael quickly trying to piece together Maria’s reasoning for giving him the punch in the arm. “Oh I’m sorry Mystic and Kyle. I didn’t mean to sound uncaring. It’s just we really trained hard today and worked with the colonists and all. I was too focused on being hungry to think before I spoke,” says Michael. “I just want to know, if I’m getting yelled at why isn’t Alex? He’s just as bad as I am,” says Michael with mischievous twinkle in his eye. He wants to make sure if he gets yelled at, so does his partner in crime, Alex.

“Uh… Alex, Michael don’t look now but Isabel and Maria are both looking pissed at the two of you; and they do have their own fire power, if you know what I mean,” says Kyle. Alex and Michael exchange a scared run for your lives look and nod in telepathic agreement. They turn and run. Michael opens his connection to Alex, ‘they really look pissed. Oh no, here they come. Better run while we can,’ determines Alex.

‘I agree, Nerd Boy. Let’s go with that plan, RUN!’ says Michael.

‘It’s not much of a plan, but it works for me. What can I say?’ says Alex. Alex cuts to the left of the dinner table and Michael cuts to the right as they both run to the back of the cabin and out onto the deck. Isabel and Maria are in hot pursuit each with a hand raised outward as if to fire a playful warning blast at them. The guys decide to double back to the front of the house hoping to throw off the girls. They enter the cabin and look both ways before making a run for the dinner table in hopes of sneaking some food before getting caught. A puddle of water appears in front of them as they run inside the cabin and into the kitchen. They fail to see the water because both are looking over their shoulders making sure the girls aren’t right behind them. Alex slips first and falls with Michael then falling on top of him. Both slide into the table. Alex reaches for something blindly to help slow their sliding. He grabs the table cloth and down comes the lemon meringue pie on top of Michael, covering his face. Everyone laughs hysterically at this comical display. Both guys stand and Michael is the only one not laughing. Michael reaches for the last pie and buries it into Alex’s faces. Alex extends a finger and samples Michael’s pie adorned face. Michael does the same to Alex.

“Michael, that’s lemon meringue. My favorite,” says a laughing Alex.

“Yours is coconut,” beams Michael. Isabel and Maria both witness Alex’s famous clumsiness and decide that is enough punishment. They got their just deserts.

“Enjoy your deserts…That’s the only pie you’re getting tonight,” laughs a shameless Isabel and Maria. Michael and Alex exchange a look. They both blush and are horrified at the prospect.

“Oh God, I so didn’t need to hear that. Liz, make them stop. I don’t need visuals,” exclaims Max. Kyle is laughing hysterically at this whole scenario.

"Hey, I slipped on a puddle of water. Where did the water come from?” asks Alex.

Everyone looks towards Mystic who holds up her hands and denies making the puddle. Meanwhile, Kyle still can’t stop laughing. In between laughter he admits that “Hey…You said…I should…practice.”

“That was you? Dude, I’m so impressed. We’ll get you back for this, but we are so impressed. You’re a traitor to your own kind,” says Michael with a smirk.

“What do you mean my own kind? I’m not a hybrid like you, Michael. You know that,” says Kyle.

“He meant all male kind,” says Alex glaring at Kyle and his mild betrayal as he wipes away the remainder of pie from his face. “Hey, can somebody get me a fork?” asks Alex. “In situations like these you gotta be willing to adapt… So where’s the forks?” asks Alex with a big cheesy smile.

“It’s a good thing we already put the strawberry glaze pie and the French silk pie in the refrigerator,” says Liz giving Max a longing look.

“Liz, you never said there was a strawberry glaze pie in the refrigerator,” says Max. He has obvious interest and plans brewing behind amber eyes sparkling with anticipation of his now forming plans. Liz shoots Max a feral grin.

“Uh… guys hands off the strawberry pie and the can of whipping cream. That is ours for later. I’m prepared to blast anyone who even thinks of making a move on our pie; got it Kyle, Alex, and Michael,” glares Liz meaning every word.

“Yikes, Max she’s scary when she wants to be,” teases Kyle.

“Hey, never mess with my Liz, especially now that she’s pregnant and wants that desert. I’ll blast you too if you mess with our pie plans,” warns Max with a steely glare.

“Okay our fearless leaders here have issued their blasting warnings for everyone to keep their mitts off of their pie,” says Kyle smarting off at them and not knowing when to shut up.

“Kyle, you are not making fun of a pregnant woman now are you? This is Liz and Max’s cabin they can do whatever they want. They called dibs on the strawberry pie. Leave it alone Kyle. You know there are two other bedrooms in our cabin. Keep it up and you’ll sleeping in one of those guest rooms or the couch,” warns Mystic.

“Oh crap…Yeah, get comfortable Kyle. I think I know why Cal made sure there were 2 guest rooms in each cabin. It wasn’t for guests. It’s for us when we mess up with our women. We should learn and be smart and learn from Max here, but Nooooo… We can’t seem to stop ourselves. We are so screwed, or should I say not,” teases Michael.

“Don’t ya just love seeing them have a light bulb moment,” teases Isabel. This earns her laughter and high fives from Liz, Maria, and Mystic. Max just looks at this and laughs at the guys refusing to make any commentary, but opts just to laugh instead.

“That’s my Max, you can tell he’s the smart one in the group of our men,” laughs Liz.

“Yeah, Yeah rub it in Liz. Sure you get the polite, sensitive, decent, and ever ready man in the group,” says Maria.

“Hey! I don’t recall any complaints coming from you especially since that book,” says Michael.

“Okay, you’re right Spaceboy, your point is taken. Oh boy! Is it ever,” grins Maria staring dreamily at Michael.

“Hello, new and improved Kyle here,” says Kyle wanting to weigh in on this discussion and strut his stuff so to speak and assert some sort of bragging rites. Liz and Max exchange a look, and laugh uncontrollably at Kyle’s comment. “Hey now, that’s no way to treat a member of this so called family,” states Kyle not understanding Max and Liz’s apparent inside joke that seems to be at Kyle’s expense in some way. “What? What’s so funny?” asks a now curious Kyle.

“Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, you poor clueless male,” says a laughing Liz with Max joining in on the laughter.

“Kyle, I need to talk to you privately,” says Max.

“No way, whatever you have to say, you can say it infront of the whole gang. I have nothing to hide,” says Kyle proudly. Liz and Max once again erupt into a fit of laughter. Then they work valiantly to calm themselves to address Kyle and the group.

“Okay, Kyle. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Kyle, you were not enhanced by the doctors. You are the same as you were yesterday and the day before that. Except of course for the private bonding and the acquiring of some alien like powers, you’re still the same old Kyle. Same equipment as before, no alien upgrades installed.

“What?” sputters Kyle in utter disbelief. “But…I was so in the zone. Come on Max, this is just your ego talking here,” deflects Kyle.

“It’s true. Kyle definitely delivered on game day. He even went into overtime.” says Mystic beaming dreamily at Kyle.

“Mystic!” exclaims a shocked and blushing Kyle at her disclosure to the group. The group points and laughs hard at Kyle’s embarrassment and disappointment at not being enhanced. Liz explains further.

“Kyle, what Max is trying to tell you, oh so delicately. You were never altered in any way by the doctors. Sorry Kyle, it was a placebo effect. That sedative was the only thing they gave you. You’re mind just assumed the rest. This is a clear case of what the power of suggestion can do. Sorry, there’s only one out of this world alien stud muffin and he’s all mine and I’m married to him,” says Liz grinning at Max. “But hey, if all is good in that department for you and Mystic then good on you two,” smiles Liz encouragingly at Kyle and Mystic. Max and Liz’s comments are now being fully understood by Kyle.

“Wait a minute! You mean they didn’t do anything to me…the doctors I mean.” Then Kyle thinks to himself, ‘Phew! Buddy, you and I had a moment of absolute fear with those doctors, and all for nothing,’ says Kyle mentally. He still hasn’t realized as yet that he is now hardwired mentally to the group since he bonded with Mystic. He and Mystic now can share in the ‘Destined Ones’ telepathic teleconferencing, just like the others can do.

“Kyle, you named your…favorite appendage,” laughs Maria. “Well that explains a lot about men now doesn’t it. It’s all becoming clear to me. It’s their second brain. That accounts why some men are just, well smarter and more capable than others,” says Maria with glint in her eye as she looks at Michael.

“So, does Buddy talk back to you Kyle?” asks Isabel. “What? Hey I’m a girl I have to ask these things, right? Inquiring female minds in this room want to know,” says Isabel quieting her laughter to speak.

“I refuse to open a telepathic link to Buddy. That is one blocked call if you know what I mean,” exclaims Liz. “Kyle, you can tell Buddy for me, no teleconferencing will be allowed,” adds Liz implicitly. Max, Michael and Alex are all laughing so hard tears flow down their three faces. They roll on the floor in fits of unrestrained laughter.

“You call it buddy? Buddy! Kyle you are way too funny my friend,” says Alex.

“Well, Max did try to give you a chance to discuss this privately, but you said no. Maybe next time you’ll take him up on the private talk,” says Michael. “Maria, as for you Woman you had better explain yourself,” says Michael reflecting on his own words regarding private talks. Michael realizes Maria has absolutely no problem with embarrassing the hell out of him infront of everyone. “Maria I need to talk to you, Now… In the other room,” says Michael.

“Well I guess it’s safe to say Maria and Michael aren’t talking to Buddy either,” says Alex unable to restrain his mouth from his thoughts.

“Kyle do you remember that old commercial for that one toy. It was a doll for boys. It was called ‘My Buddy,’” laughs Max. “I don’t suppose that was the inspiration behind the name was it?” teases Max. Kyle hides his face in his hands still blushing bright red hoping against hope this will all go away and just be a bad dream. Kyle removes his hands from his eyes.

“Oh God, no such luck, it’s not a bad dream. This is all real. Help, somebody rescue me from this please,” says Kyle with puppy dog eyes.

“Okay, you’re right Kyle. Enough is enough at your expense…for tonight anyways. Everybody, just back off; he’s had enough teasing now leave him alone,” says Isabel sympathetic to Kyle.
“Let me show you and Mystic how to block broadcasting telepathic messages that you don’t want the rest of us to hear. You can maintain privacy when you need to, and resume the connection to the rest of us when it is appropriate, okay guys. Once you learn how to do that you’ll be able to avoid something like this discussion from happening,” says Isabel being a thoughtful and merciful friend to Kyle and Mystic. Isabel, Kyle, and Mystic join hands as she links to them and explains the intricacies of teleconferencing and how to block certain thoughts. Michael and Maria return from the other room holding hands and looking very content with each other.

“Uh, guys. Can we finally get something to eat?” states a hungry Alex.

“I agree, let’s eat. That’s if you guys are quite done,” says Isabel wanting everyone to leave Kyle and Mystic alone. Everyone agrees and they all sit down to enjoy a family dinner just as if nothing had happened. During dinner the conversation turns to more serious matters. They review what Alex and Isabel found out about the message and what it means. They also discuss in further detail, Liz’s recent dream walk visit by Arianna.

“Smitak’s communication with our home planet Antar was a surprising development. From what we were able to learn, Smitak’s ship is orbiting Earth and bidding his time to stage his attack. What I don’t understand is why he hasn’t made his move yet. Unless he’s waiting for his reinforcements,” speculates Michael.

“Well, I don’t think his reinforcements will be arriving. You heard the transmission we were able to clean up enough to listen too. There’s much unrest on Antar. Smitak’s forces have their hands full worrying about the coup and our people staging protests and mounting an uprising against Smitak’s control. It seems as though he has underestimated Arianna by dismissing her as only a figurehead in power. When she informed our people of our existence and our participation in the
prophecy, she created an infusion of hope and strength not just on Antar but on all of the planets in our constellation that fell victim to Smitak’s control. It appears the dictator is about to be dethroned from power and that’s why he’s here…he’s got to stop us, or at least try,” smirks Max. “All of the planets are tired of Smitak’s tyranny and have now found their courage to fight back. Our people are now forming an alliance with the other planets and taking back what was once rightfully theirs. Smitak needs Earths resources in order to maintain his tyrannical rule. But we stand in his way. He will be without his reinforcements; the people are staging their uprisings as we speak. It appears Smitak is really having a crimp in his plans, a really bad hair day as it were. Smitak’s greed for domination and absolute power will wind up being the instrument of his own destruction, which works for us. Thanks to Liz’s dream walk from Arianna we know details of what’s happening and how to plan for Smitak. We have a plan that will work. He’s out there still trying to figure out a course of action that is doomed to fail, especially now. He doesn’t know what we know. This all plays into our hands very nicely. Besides, his ego won’t allow him to go home empty handed admitting his defeat. He has no choice but to come after us,” states Max authoritatively to his family.

“And we’ll be ready for him to make his move. We know from what we were able to learn about the static that he is orbiting Earth and will make his move very soon, probably in the next days or weeks ahead,” says Michael looking around the table at his family, of all that are important to him. “We all stand to loose too much if we don’t win this fight, and this is not a fight we’re going to loose,” smiles Michael with the confidence of a commander readying his troops with his leaders approval, anxious to get the upcoming battle behind them. The group ends this discussion and says their good byes for the evening each pair walking off in the direction of their own cabin.


Kyle and Mystic reach their cabin. Kyle now refuses to let Mystic walk in the cabin. He blocks her way by standing infront of the front door. “Kyle! Come on, let me in the cabin,” says Mystic not confused as to what Kyle’s up to.

“Nope! I get to carry you in. I know that since we are bonded, it is sort of your people’s equivalent of being married. That being said, we have a custom that the groom carries the bride over the threshold of their home or wherever they are staying at,” smiles Kyle trying his best to be romantic.

“Well, who am I to go against an Earth custom,” smiles Mystic. Kyle swiftly scoops her up into his arms and carries her in to their cabin. “You know what I’ve been thinking. You shouldn’t be upset about the placebo affect, Kyle. Do you know what this means? It means it was all you, Kyle. No enhancements necessary. You definitely got game,” smiles Mystic using sports terms knowing Kyle loves it when she talks sports.

“Hey! You’re right. I do!” beams a proud Kyle. “Thanks for pointing that out to me,” says Kyle giving her a tender kiss. Kyle refuses to put her down and continues to carry her to his bedroom.

“Kyle, just where to do you think you’re taking me?” asks Mystic putting up a mock protest and giggling and squirming in his arms.

“Duh, I’m abducting you,” says a smiling Kyle.

“Kyle, I’m the one that’s an alien hybrid, not you,” grins Mystic at his funny comments.

“I beat you to it, so sue me. I know your leader so we can skip the take me to your leader part. I want to go right to the experimenting with an alien part,” winks Kyle.


“Finally! Alone at last,” says Max after the last of their family leaves to have their own private evening with their loved one.

“Max! That’s not a very nice thing to say about our family,” says Liz with a smirk. “You know I love them all. After all, they are our family; but sometimes there is just a little bit too much together in the togetherness of our group. Do you know what I mean?” asks Liz.

“Oh I know exactly what you mean. We do need our couple time to just be us. Not the leaders of the Destined Ones, not the hybrids in charge, or the peacemakers for Michael and Maria or with Rasmus. It’s nice to just be plain old Max and his beautiful wife Liz,” says Max.

“Aw Max, you sound so neglected over there, Babe. Looks like I might have to do something about that,” says Liz with a feral hungry look in her eyes. “Come here,” says Liz beckoning him with the crook of her finger and a come hither look in her eyes.

“Careful, you have no idea what kinds of wicked thoughts I’ve been having about you all evening. Don’t tempt me Liz,” says Max answering the longing desire in her eyes with a look of his own.

“Don’t tempt you? Now that just sounds like no fun at all. I mean here I am, married to this incredibly hot looking guy from up North, and he tells me not to tempt him. You can count on me not listening to that request, big time. Besides, I have every right to tempt you as often as possible,” Liz says scanning his body visually. She then licks and bites her lower lip. This simple action alone screams of her obvious desire for him. This simple non verbal, non telepathic communication is successful received and does not go unnoticed by Max.

“God Babe, the things you do to me with just a look,” groans Max grasping his control quickly.

“Oh really Babe, like what sort of things do I do to you? And which look were you talking about?” asks Liz with an innocent and completely serious expression on her face as she looks up with her big brown doe eyes at him. Max just stares at her and gulps, then clears his throat.

“Hmmm. I can’t tell you all my weaknesses where you’re concerned now, can I?” asks Max.

“Fine be that way. I have my ways of making you talk, Max”, says Liz in her best fake German accent.

“God Liz, now an accent to throw into the mix. You don’t play fair,” says Max.

“See, I got you to admit something,” squeals Liz in delight. “So the idea of me having an accent turns you on huh,” teases Liz. “What else do I do that turns you on Max?” asks Liz grinning at the look on his face. Max is rendered speechless by her comment. “You know Maria used to tell me all the time when you came into the Crash Down that you were staring at me. I’d look over and you’d be looking at the menu. I always told her that Max Evans would never be interested in me, not this face,” says Liz. “Maria shamelessly argued your case. Telling me, after all these years you have that menu memorized and she was on to you about your interest in me. Too bad I didn’t see it back then. God, you were so cute doing that. You were always at the Crash Down when I was working. It’s funny I never believed Maria until after you healed me and I saw into that beautiful soul of yours, Babe,” confesses Liz.

“Liz, she had me pegged back then. Maria’s a lot of things, but she can really read people. She was dead on with my being interested in you. She’s a little late on picking up on that because I’ve been interested in you since I first saw you on the playground that first day of school. I’m no fool. I’ve had you staked out ever since,” laughs Max.

“Oh so now you’re admitting that you’re my own personal stalker, huh? I can live with that. Gotta love a man that can stalk you and win you over,” teases Liz.

“Well you do realize I have something in common with Superman. Okay, besides the fact he’s an alien, too. He and I both have our vulnerabilities that we are powerless but to succumb too. Superman has his Kryptonite, and I have you. Except you don’t make me weak, you make me stronger and help me be the man I’m meant to be,” says Max thoughtfully.

“That’s so sweet of you to say. I have another confession to make to you Max. You are my Achilles heal so to speak. You always know just how to render me powerless with one look from your amber eyes, a simple touch of your hand, or one of those amazing kisses of yours. I think it’s safe to say we are completely addicted to each other. Of which I’m happy to report there is no cure for our kind of love,” says Liz.

“Liz, you are so going to get it later,” smiles Max.

“Promises, promises,” teases Liz batting her eye lashes at him.

“Of course since you put it that way, later could be sooner rather than later. Liz was that a challenge you were issuing?” asks a hopeful Max with his fingers crossed behind his back.

“Me, challenge you?” asks Liz innocently as she begins to laugh out loud.

“Hey now, it’s not that funny of an idea, Liz. Gees, bruise my fragile male ego why don’t you,” states Max trying his best to fake a pout.

“God you’re cute when you pout like that. Oh come on, Max. I told everyone that there was only one alien enhanced stud muffin and that I’m married to him. I think everyone knows that you’re a legend among our group. I mean look at Kyle, he’s envious of you enough so he even went to the extreme of asking to be altered in that way. What is it with men anyways? It’s like no matter what they do or who they are, that’s a priority. It’s like the one issue that crosses all male barriers. All men want to be out of this world lovers. It’ so sad, they can only dream about it and I’ve got exclusive access to the real thing,” sighs Liz with a smile. “You know, it’s good to be me,” says Liz over her shoulder as she walks into the kitchen to begin cleaning up after dinner.

“Liz! You really know how to boost a guys’ ego, don’t you?” says Max.

“Sure, anything for my lover; but you’d better get out of here before my husband shows up. He might not be quite as charitable,” jokes Liz. “Somehow I don’t think he’ll understand that I have a thing for a dark haired mysterious stranger from an exotic location. Funny thing is, I found out I’m from there too. Oh and that we are destined to be together. I don’t think he’d take that very well,” teases Liz.

“I’m not leaving so I guess your husband and I will uh…have to come to an agreement or work out a schedule and share you. What do you think?” jokes Max.

“Oooh now there’s an idea with possibilities. I like that, but I don’t think it would be a practical one,” says Liz. “You’re smart and hot, Max. What a combination,” melts Liz. She continues explaining as she moves to wrap up the untouched leftovers from dinner and puts them in the refrigerator while cleaning up the kitchen. Max watches each of her movements in worshipful adoration. With lustful eyes he watches her turn away walking to the refrigerator. His eyes drift down to pay homage to her butt that he stares at appreciatively.

‘God I love her butt,’ says Max to himself. ‘Who am I kidding? I’ve always loved Liz’s body and I’m even worse now that she’s my bonded mate and wife. It’s amazing we’re not in bed making love 24/7 as it is. It’s not for lack of trying though,’ smirks Max at his thoughts.

“Max? Did I just catch you staring at my butt?” asks Liz. Max blushes slightly and looks guilty and nods that he has. “You are so amazing, thanks. I love you,” says Liz as she walk over to him and stands on her tip toes and gives him a brief tender kiss that tingles and lingers on his lips. She shoots him a flirtatious look and then turns again to walk away putting an extra sway in her walk. She retrieves a sponge to wipe down the now cleared dinner table. Liz hears Max let out a slight groan and smiles at her accomplishment.

“I’m sorry, did you say something Max?” asks Liz innocently.

“Hmmm no, I didn’t. So you do know you might be expected to make a choice between me and your husband, right?” says Max.

“You’re asking me to choose. Why can’t I have both of you?” teases Liz. “You should be going. I expect my husband anytime now,” says Liz pretending to look around cautiously. “Well if you won’t leave, then I guess I’ll just have to think of something to do with you until he gets here,” smiles Liz seductively.

“Really?! I mean really, like what?” says a curious but playful Max. “Lead on Liz, I’ll go anywhere, anytime, anyplace with you,” states Max taking her hand. He gives her that patented look of his that she swears has to be a power because it always renders her putty in his hands and leaves her weak in the knees. Liz looks at him feeling the heat and strength of his magic stare, she finds herself grabbing something to catch her balance.

She tells herself; ‘see he did it to me again. Damn,’ thinks Liz to herself, ‘so much for acting cool’. “So do you think you’re wife is going to be upset by this?” teases Liz.

Max sighs dreamily, “My wife, she’s the best. Yeah I think she’d be concerned, but I can handle her,” says Max with a smirk.

“Oh? awfully sure of yourself there mister. Care to put your money where your mouth is, Max? Come over here and show me exactly what you mean by saying you can handle your wife. Don’t spare any details, that’s if you can handle revealing your secrets to me,” grins an amorous Liz.

“Oh Babe, I think you know all my secrets. I’ve pretty much laid them all bare before you,” grins Max. This earns him Liz’s blushing smile. Max pulls her in close. He holds her firmly against his body. He stares at her beautiful face appraising her every feature. His eyes settle on her lips. He takes her lips passionately. He pours as much love and desire he can convey into that one amazing mind blowing kiss. Max reluctantly ends the kiss and separates his lips away from hers as they both gasp for air. He smiles at her.

“I love you Liz for now and always,” says Max taking her hands in his and gives them each a kiss in a gesture that shows how much he treasures and cherishes her.

“I’ve always loved you and I always will Max, forever,” says Liz as she wraps her arms around his neck and gently pulls him to her for another passionate kiss.

“Honey, I just remembered something we forgot to do, and it’s really a horrendous oversight on our part. It’s totally not like us to forget some detail like this,” says Max completely serious.
*****************************To Be Continued*************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 38 p14 July 3

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 38 Continued***********

Liz is concerned and wonders what the heck he’s going on about. Liz thinks things were just starting to get interesting this evening and now this. Liz being Liz shows her concern and worries this could be something important that Max needs to tell her, official business or something.

“What are you talking about Max? What’s wrong? Should I teleconference the others?” asks a slightly concerned and semi panicked Liz.

“No! Babe, I was thinking that we haven’t christened our hot tub here. I know we took care of that in our cabin at home, but this one has yet to be properly christened,” says Max with a dazzling flirty smile.

“Oh I see what you mean, that is just so wrong of us. What were we thinking by forgetting to…Uh christen this hot tub too,” grins Liz. “So what do you propose we do about this problem, huh Max,” asks Liz flirtatiously.

“Well I had a plan of action in mind for this very problem. You see, I was thinking that we should plan to eat desert by the hot tub. I can get things ready for us down here, if you wanted to freshen up or whatever,” smiles Max again mesmerized by the love and desire she has for him reflected in her eyes.

“Like I’ve said before, I love you for your mind too,” smiles Liz. “Not that I have any complaints about any of the rest,” says Liz brazenly as she pinches his butt.

“Hey you never did answer me about who you’d choose?” asks Max playfully.

“Well, I’d have to think about the twins, they need there Daddy and that can only be my husband; as for the out of this world lover, you know you are him and I’m lucky that you are both one in the same. I love all sides of you Max. Face it, you’re the deluxe alien hybrid version, accept no substitutes. Not to worry you’re such a stud muffin. I’m sure you’re anxious to prove it to me too,” laughs Liz.

“Count on that Babe, even if I have to present my case over and over and over again. I’m prepared to argue my point even if it takes all night,” smiles Max with his eyes full of lust and fervent desire desperate to be quenched if even for a short time before the flames of their love and passion ignite once again.

“Oh now that sounds like a dare, I’ll just have to take you up on that one Max. I’ll meet you down at the hot tub in eight minutes approximately,” says Liz absolutely giddy with anticipation of Max’s seduction.

Max laughs. “Why eight minutes approximately, my wife the scientist?” asks Max.

“Well I have to put something sexy on, and pee. I’m pregnant so that happens more; don’t laugh at me, Max. This is your entire fault anyways. You’re too damn hot for me to resist, and now we have our twins on the way. Oh Hun, don’t let the hot tub be too hot, it’s not good for the twins,” warns Liz. “Oh come on, you know I love you and the twins so much I could just about burst. Hey, I’m feeling a little hungry. How about that strawberry pie and whip cream and some sparkling cider at the hot tub,” suggests Liz.

“Great minds think alike. I was thinking of doing something just like that,” smiles Max. Hey you hurry up so we can get started on christening the hot tub,” smiles Max.
****************************TO BE CONTINUED****************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 39 p9 July 10

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thanks for the great banner! I love it. :D

Hi all! I hope those of you that are Americans like me had a great Fourth of July. Everyone else I hope you had a fantastic weekend last weekend. This new part is different sort of than what you’ve seen from me before, nothing bad though. Well, I won’t keep you from reading, so there goes the next part. Enjoy and please everyone one who has been reading this but not leaving feed back I’d really love for you to consider leaving me feedback. I love to read feed back from readers especially new readers. Thanks for reading and leaving feed back. I welcome all feed back I promise not to bite. Hey, who’s laughing? Fine! No desert for you then… I’m kidding. Enjoy and let me know what you all think. Have a great week.

Biged- Hi Thanks! I’m happy you enjoyed the pie scene in last weeks post. I can’t help but have fun with those guys challenging each other one moment and being best buddies the next. I just noticed that you’re a ‘Stargazer’ cool. I think you’ll like this next part. Alex and Isabel have a nice couple’s scene. That’s all I’m saying. You’ll have to read it. They are so cute together I love Isabel with Alex, especially my Isabel. I wish the Isabel on the show was more like mine, and that they never killed off Alex, that was so wrong. I felt that much of season 2 was just that, wrong. I tried to fix things in my story. I hope you like the changes in mine versus the show.
Thanks for reading and your comments.

roswellian504- Hi! I’m glad you had fun with the last part and that you thought it was funny. This group just makes me want to write funny stuff for them all the time. Is that bad? Yes, much to Kyle’s embarrassment. The teleconferencing is an automatic ability that kicks in pretty much instantly after the bonding. I hope you’ll enjoy this weeks post as well. Thanks for reading and leaving your feed back.

LoveIsForever- What can I say? You are the quote and feed back queen, wear your crown proudly, girl! You like Maria yelling at Michael. Well, I hope you’ll still like this week’s part. Maria is taking some of Liz’s advice about Michael from an earlier part where Michael goes and interrupts Max and Liz for advice about Maria because they had a fight. I’m glad you enjoyed so many of the scenes and dialogue. They were a blast to write. This weeks part is different than last weeks I think. I still hope you will enjoy it. There’s still funny stuff in there, it’s just not quite in the way you’ve come to expect it necessarily. I can’t wait to see what you think of this week’s post. I really do love and look forward to reading you’re always awesome feed back and to see which parts you quoted. Thanks for reading and for making it fun for me to write this.

roswellluver- Yeah, Kyle did find out he wasn’t alien enhanced. He was kind of bummed about that. Mystic pointed out to him that was all him, no enhancement necessary. That made he cheer up in hurry. I’m happy this last part made you laugh. I hope you’ll enjoy this part as well. It will be different than what you read last week, but nothing bad to worry about though. Thanks fore reading and as always thanks for the feed back.

AJK001- Thanks I’m happy to hear that you liked the last part. I made you laugh? Really? Great! That makes me happy to learn that. We all need more to laugh about in this world, and I do what I can to help others to do that. I’m glad you get my humor. Thanks so much for reading and leaving your feed back. Feed back is what’s kept me writing this now over 600 page story in Word. The thing is I don’t feel like the story is nearing the end. That’s why I have to write the sequel. The gang isn’t through with me yet on this story. I have other story ideas in my head that I might start writing too, but I’ll only post the main story I’m writing so I can really go over it and make it the best. Speaking of the best I learned from Wayne, so see what he’s done to me. LOL!!! Take care and thanks again. You’re the best.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Yes, Alex and Michael sure know how to get into trouble over food, don’t they? But, hey we love them anyways right? I hope you’ll like this weeks part. It’s different than what you’ve seen lately from me, but it’s nothing bad not to worry there. Let me know what you think, okay? Thanks for reading and your feed back both mean so much to me.
Take care.

Cherie- Hey Girl! How the heck are you doing? Have you heard any new word on our Behr and October if the premiere it’s going to be in LA or New York? Kyle was a sweetie carrying Mystic over the threshold like that. Yeah, my Michael and Alex sure know how to get themselves into trouble. They are shameless around food. I’m glad you enjoyed that last part. I try to write funny stuff, never sure thought if it makes other laugh the way it does me. Girl, you’re going to love this new part. There is definitely some hot tub lovin’ for my Max and Liz. Actually, lots of loving is going on… Must be something in the water at the colony, LOL!!! I hope you like this next part. Thanks for reading and leaving me feed back. I always look forward to reading your feed back. Take care and have a great weekend.

Ash_maxlix- Hi Ash! How’s life treating you? Well I hope. You liked the whole Michael, Alex, and Kyle thing. They are so cute and competitive. It’s funny. They always try to best each other and even make each other angry. At the same time they are best buddies. I’d have to say they all have truly become a family in that respect. Yes, I love my Max and Liz too. Can I say that? Ooops! Maybe I shouldn’t, but I do. I’m a pure dreamer fan as you well know and of course I’m a Max/Jason worshiper. I can never get tired of writing them especially, nor the rest of the gang. I’m enjoying your new story too BTW. In fact I think I have some catch up reading to do. Take care and have a great week. Le me know what you think of this new part okay?

Part 39

Max and Liz have agreed to meet each other at the hot tub in 8 minutes for some much needed couple time. Max hurries to find candles and set the stage on their back deck at the hot tub for a romantic evening for two. “I almost forgot the pie,” Max says out loud to himself and runs to the refrigerator to retrieve it. He carefully balances and gathers the sparkling cider, glasses for two, the Strawberry glaze pie, and a can of whip cream. Max begins to walk away, and backs up and reopens the refrigerator and takes a second hidden can of whip cream. He smiles thinking of things he could do to Liz with that whip cream. “Yep! I think that should work. One can for the pie and one for Liz. My two favorite deserts. Who am I kidding? The pie I like, but could live without. Liz on the other hand, I love with every fiber of my being. I can’t breathe with out her, let alone even think about living without her. God, I love her so much. Max’s head swims deep in his thoughts of Liz and lusts after her. Max quickly gathers his essentials and arranges them beside the hot tub. He rushes around to place the candles strategically around the hot tub. When done, Max simply lights them with the wave of his hand. He then pours two glasses of sparkling cider. “Oh damn, I forgot to grab two towels for later. I’d better go do that now before Liz beats me back here,” says Max abruptly checking the laundry room for freshly washed towels. He finds them already folded and places them next to the hot tub.

Max stands back taking in the romantic scene he is trying to create for Liz. Pleased with himself he smiles. He hears Liz as she calls to him from their bedroom window that over looks the hot tub.

“Max, Honey is there anything you want me to bring you from our room?” asks a sincere Liz.

“Just you and whatever sexy thing you’re wearing or not wearing for long anyways,” says Max with a heated smile of longing aimed up in the direction expecting to see her standing there; but she isn’t. Liz, Babe, where did you go?” asks a slightly concerned Max.

“Max? Are you standing by the hot tub? Is everything ready? More importantly are you ready for me?” asks Liz in a breathy seductive tone. Max groans at that tone in her voice that just turns him on even more than usual.

“Liz, yes I’m here and everything is ready for you, including me. Where are you? Why the hide and seek?” asks a now very curious and turned on Max.

“I’m here. You have to turn around and cover your eyes. I have a surprise for you to unwrap. Now please turnaround, close your eyes, and cover them,” says Liz once again using her best breathy temptress tone. “You’re not going to get your surprise if you don’t,” warns Liz in a giggling teasing tone.

“God, she’s really trying to kill me with anticipation here,” says Max under his breath.

“What was that Babe? Did you say something?” asks Liz hiding just near the laundry room and peaking around the corner out onto the deck to see if Max is complying with her request.

“Ummm…nothing. Come on out here before I decide to go and stage my own alien abduction, Babe,” teases Max.

Liz talks to herself, “Gees I sure hope he likes this, something tells me he will,” grins a satisfied Liz. “Oh you know how I love it when you go all Caveman on me. Don’t make promises you aren’t ready to keep. After all, you brought it up Babe,” giggles Liz.

“Hey, consider that a standing irrevocable promise,” says Max in a husky velvet tone in his voice full of desire.

“My fearless leader and husband are your eyes closed tight? No peaking Max, not until I let you have your surprise,” smiles Liz.

“Okay, satisfied? I can’t see anything. I have my hands over my eyes Liz. Happy now?” asks Max.

Liz comes out from her hiding spot carefully making sure her surprise is presentable and then secures her hair in a clip ready to fall down when released. She knows Max loves her hair down to run his hands through it, and he likes to be the one to take her hair down. Liz smiles momentarily reminiscing that here she is Liz Parker Evans the shy bookworm that has landed the shy quiet gorgeous but elusive Max Evans. She can’t believe sometimes how close and bold they are with each other. They both have gotten past the shyness and the uncertainty that existed between them early on in there relationship, right after she found out his secret when he healed her. Liz feels her face flush, “This is real. He’s really my soul mate and we are married, expecting twins. We are free to be together 24/7. Our parents know who we really are; and our other family is here, a part of this with us. This really seems like a dream. Well, I hope the part about me and Max isn’t a dream. I hope it will always be this way for us.” Liz feels cocooned in their love that strengthens and spurs their hope for all that lies ahead for them. Liz admonishes herself quietly for talking to herself. “Come on Liz, quit talking to yourself, you have a hot husband out there trying valiantly to be patient for his surprise,” smiles Liz thinking, “What am I waiting for?” She steps out from her hiding spot.

“Liz are you still there? Babe please hurry up,” says Max trying hard not to let the threads of his frustration penetrate his voice. Liz approaches. He feels her presence and knows exactly where she is by tuning in his alien senses to his bonded soul mate and wife. He smiles sensing her stalking up behind him, and decides to enjoy whatever she has planned. She stands directly behind him and wraps her arms around him from behind him. Liz refuses to stand in front of him just yet. She makes use of her hands unbuttoning Max’s shirt as she stands behind him. Liz gets a little frustrated at this part of her seduction plan and decides to use her powers since unbuttoning his shirt from behind and not seeing it isn’t practical. Instantly, his shirt is unbuttoned. She gently glides her hand across the bare skin of his muscular chest and abs. She sighs.

“Now that’s better for starters isn’t it, Max?” asks Liz standing on her tip toes behind him and pressing her body against his as she gently nibbles on his ear lobe. “Are you ready for your surprise? I think you might like to unwrap this one right away,” whispers Liz in a breathy sexy tone into his ear. She licks his ear lobe again as a groan slowly emanates from Max. Liz beams knowing that she affects him the same way he does for her. Liz releases her grip on him. “Oh no I forgot something keep your eyes closed I’ll be right back. I’ll hurry, I promise,” says Liz as she runs back into the house and upstairs to their bedroom. She scans the room looking for her forgotten item. “There you are, now I just need those colored post it notes. Ah ha, got them.” Liz victoriously runs to the laundry room then calms herself before she approaches Max. She can feel his frustration and anticipation growing by the second. She smiles, knowing only she can evoke this in him.

“I’m back Babe, sorry about that. I just thought this might be nice and handy, should we decide to try some new things,” giggles Liz.

“You went upstairs to get the book? Any new post it notes I should know about?” asks Max grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh I should say so; in fact, they are color coded, Max. I have a system all figured out on the color coding,” says Liz with a mischievous giggle.

“You realize that I now have a fondness for post it notes as well as our standby of smores,” smirks Max. “Babe, are you going to let me see my surprise because I’ve been really patient up until now, but I can’t take it anymore,” says Max.

“Oh sorry, I got distracted with the book. I’ll just set the book down by the hot tub,” says Liz. She stands directly infront of him and looks at him with his closed eyes, and smiles biting her lower lip. Liz takes another step so she’s standing so close to him he can feel her breath on him. Her plan of action begins to play out. Liz strokes his bare chest again and begins to lavish slow scintillating kisses across his chest then up his neck. “Keep you eyes closed just a minute longer, Max,” says Liz as she now steps away from him. He feels the loss of her touch and breath on him.

“Liz? Where did you go?” asks a now frustrated and bugged Max.

“Babe, you can remove your hands from your eyes and open them now; I think you’ve been more than patient. I hope you like this surprise and unwrap it immediately,” says Liz with a fervent smile on her pretty face. Max strains to focus allowing his eyes to adjust to the lighting. He finally sees his beautiful Liz bathed in moonlight and candle light.

“Liz, Wow! Let me get a good look at you. You have no idea how many times I dreamed of unwrapping you dressed like that,” says Max practically drooling at her. “The fantasies I’ve had of you dressed in that Crash Down uniform. I would fantasize about being at the Crash Down after closing. Your parents were out of town in my fantasy. Maria and Michael were gone for the night. I was there helping you clean up. I followed you into the back room after locking up and I couldn’t stand it any more and I had to kiss you. Then the next thing I know, we’re in your room and we lit some candles. You said that you had to change out of your uniform. I asked if I could please do the honors and remove your uniform. I did and you weren’t wearing anything underneath, much to my surprise. All I could do was stare at you appreciatively,” confesses Max with a slight blush.

“Really? Huh, you don’t think I’d do something that wild as wear only the uniform with nothing else underneath it do you?” asks Liz innocently staring into his amber eyes radiating with his heated desire barely capped.

“Hmm…this inquiring mind wants to know,” says Max. He looks at her. “I really have to thank your dad for choosing these uniforms for the Crash Down. I love the snap front closure, no stupid buttons. Remind me to send your father a thank you note for that,” teases Max.

“Pretty sure of yourself aren’t you Max? Well, if you don’t want to unwrap your present, fine,” says Liz.

“Babe, I didn’t say that. God, don’t even think that, ever!” says Max. Liz looks at him and smiles provocatively. He grabs the front of her uniform and pulls her to him and her uniform unsnaps part of the way. Max’s eyes are huge realizing Liz is making one of his fantasies come true. “You knew about my fantasy,” says Max now gasping for air as if he’s over come by the site of his hot beautiful wife acting out one of his fantasies into a reality.

“Well, I sincerely hope you’re not thinking you’re done unwrapping my present now, do you?” says Liz tapping her foot.

“There’s more?” asks Max stumbling drunk by the reality of his fantasy coming true. Max again grabs her uniform and like an excited child at Christmas vigorously pulls it the rest of the way open. “Liz! Wow! My Liz,” says Max staring and drooling at the sight of her naked skin revealed beneath her former Crash Down uniform. He closes his eyes and sighs trying to calm his reaction to her.

“Gees Max, cat got your tongue? It’s not as if you haven’t seen me like this before,” says Liz surprised by his obviously overloaded senses and stunned reaction. “Max? Honey? I didn’t expect to get quite this reaction from you. Are you okay? Come on lets sit by the hot tub,” says Liz grabbing his arm and guiding him to sit.

"I just never realized before that you knew about that fantasy of mine. Let alone make it a reality,” says Max looking at Liz in awe.

“Well, I know about it for two reasons; one our connection, and two you talk in your sleep. You don’t usually talk in your sleep; but you have the last couple of nights. So I kind of tapped into your dream via dream walk and I saw your fantasy. I hope you’re not mad that I dream walked you. I was concerned that you were talking in your sleep about something that I couldn’t quite make out so I had to find out if you were okay or not. I sure got an eyeful Max. I had no idea you thought that about my old Crash Down uniform. Then I decided whom am I not to fulfill my husbands fantasies,” says Liz with a heated smile hoping he’s not angry with her.

“Liz, I’m absolutely speechless. So, can I finish unwrapping my surprise?” asks Max with a mischievous grin and sexy glint in his eyes. “After all I have been good, patiently waiting for this moment,” says Max as he pulls Liz in closer to him for a kiss. I have to say I love my surprise and I’ve got to be the luckiest guy on any planet to have you as my wife,” says Max with his eyes shimmering with all his love that he feels for her. What would you like to do first? Try out the hot tub, the pie, or me? Not necessarily in that order, of course.” says Max flirtatiously.

“You mean I get to choose what I want first, Max. Hmmm…,” says Liz closing her eyes thinking of pleasurable things. Max lets an audible groan escape his lips as he reads her face. He hopes she’ll choose him first. She opens her eyes again and immediately finds his hungry eyes studying her face anxious in his anticipation of her choice. “Well, I’m sort of in the mood for strawberry pie with lots of whip cream,” says Liz casting her spell of seduction upon her favorite alien to abduct. “Oh and then Max, after I share some strawberry pie with you, I’d really love an alien blast. Any idea of where I could get one of those Max?” asks Liz in a breathy soft sexy tone. She continues her magic on him as she caresses his bare chest and slowly removes his shirt from his arms. “Is that better, Babe? Oh look you have some whip cream on your lips. Let me get that for you,” says Liz as she moves closer to him still. She leans into his lips and licks the whip cream from them. “Mmm, Max you always taste so good to me,” moans Liz.

“Okay, that’s it. Hot tub, Now!” growls Max as he moves to remove Liz’s Crash Down uniform, but not so quick as to dish out his own teasing seduction on her. He gently caresses the bare skin of Liz’s stomach trailing his long gentle warm caress further exploring and savoring every touch and contact of her skin with his. Liz’s eyes are fixed on him watching his every touch and feel through their connection. Their desire builds and intensifies with each simple stroke. Max’s hands find their way to her sides. He teases her by touching everywhere except her breasts. He see’s Liz’s hair clip and removes it to take her hair down and meticulously runs his hands through her long silken strands as if cherishing every strand. “Liz, if someone asked me what I wanted in the perfect woman, simply put in every way Liz, it’s you. It’s always been you for me. You are perfection, and I’m just so blessed that you’re all mine,” says Max looking reverently at her.

“You’re my ideal man, perfect in every way. I love everything about you Max. Well, except the talking in your sleep thing, but I’ll let you get by with only one possible flaw,” smirks Liz.

“Now I know you’re deeply flawed if you think I’m perfect,” jokes Max. Liz offers him an unrestrained heated stare as she begins to grab the waist band of his jeans and unbuttons the top button. She lowers the zipper in a slow torturous manner and allows her hand to brush against his throbbing manhood and strokes him gently at first. Then the stroking becomes more firm and Max can’t help but hiss and moan at this.

“Max, one of us is really over dressed. I think that’s you. Let me undress you Babe, please,” requests Liz in a soft low voice as her love and passion for him speaks loudly in her eyes. Liz finishes lowering his zipper all the way and carefully slides them off his waist and hips with Max’s help. No more helping me, I want to be the one to undress you Max. She slides his pants down to his feet and lifts one foot at a time removing his pants from his legs. A kneeling Liz now slowly stands and puts her arms around him.
“You’re still over dressed Max,” says Liz continuing her sensual assault. She delivers hot little kisses down his neck and ears that she loves to nibble on. Liz looks again anticipating his wonderful amber eyes gazing at her instead, she finds his darkened eyes. She smiles at this. “So can you handle taking off your boxers? Or would you like me to ah…handle that for you,” smirks Liz. At that comment the last of his Herculean control shatters, and he quickly reaches down and removes his boxers. He then grabs Liz gently but firmly and scoops her into his arms as he lowers them both into the hot tub. Apparently the tub wasn’t the only thing that was hot. Max eagerly holds her in his arms after being lowered into the warm welcoming water.

“Babe is this too hot for you?” asks Max concerned for her and the twins comfort.

“I can handle one hot alien, Max. You should know that by now, Babe. Bring it on,” challenges Liz.

“No Babe, not me. I meant the hot tub. Is the water too hot for you and the twins?” says Max amused and flattered by Liz admission.

“Oh, the water temperature you mean. Oh that…that’s fine,” says Liz now blushing. She realizes her mistake that Max meant the water temperature, and she thought he was referring to himself. Liz laughs at herself. “I can’t believe I just said that to you Max,” evades Liz hiding her face in her hands.

“Babe, don’t hide your beautiful face from me, please. You’re incredible. It’s nice to know I can make you blush and get you to say something really blackmail worthy,” teases Max.

“Oh, so now you’re going to blackmail me huh?” asks a teasing Liz. “Well, I suppose that you want to hear me make incentives or offers to keep you from spilling the goods on me, huh? What do you want Max? What can I give you right now to make you stop from telling everyone my Freudian slip,” asks Liz in her seductive voice that only he gets to hear.

“Well, since you’re offering. I want you now, in this hot tub, on my lap straddling me,” growls Max. He takes her hand and guides her to him. Max put his hands on each side of her small hips and guides her to his lap and positions her allowing her to adjust to his presence inside her slowly and comfortably. Max grits his teeth resisting his urges to take her fast. Even through his extremely intense heightened state of arousal he is mindful of not wanting to be too rough on her or the twins. He fights to keep his control on this aspect by not letting his desire runaway with him and become selfish. Liz and her comfort is always a priority to him even in this state of mind. Max’s love for her always guides him to his senses. The initial contact of his aroused manhood entering her slowly as he feels himself in her tight passage causes them both to gasp and moan. “Liz, you always feel amazing,” groans Max closing his eyes at the sheer sensation of feeling her encompassing all around him as he fills her passage fully like a hand to glove.

“Max,” hisses Liz savoring his intimate touch. “You feel amazing too,” says Liz closing her eyes in pleasure. Max reads her face for any signs of discomfort and finds none as he begins to thrust his hips up into her. He begins a slow comfortable pace as he takes this opportunity of Liz straddling and her breasts so close to his face. He begins to caress one then the other and can’t resist kissing and sensual suckling of her breasts now made more sensitive and responsive with pregnancy. Liz is rendered speechless by the force of his hunger for her. She feels his love, need, and barely restrained passion he feels for her through their shared connection. She meets his powerful thrusts, each leaving her breathless yet her desire for him spurs her to push him to quicken the pace.
“Max, I need you …faster Babe,” pants Liz. Max silently and eagerly complies with her verbal demand.

“Anything for you,” whispers Max moving his attentions from her breasts to her hair and neck. He kisses her neck and finds the sensitive spot behind her ear. This really gets to her when he kisses her there. All the while, Liz continues to straddle and ride him meeting each and every one of his thrusts with hers. They move together in perfect symmetry as two well rehearsed lovers who know how to pleasure each other. Max now tunes into his connection with Liz to assess how close she is to her now rapidly approaching release. Their pace becomes urgent and frenzied like sprinters running to the finish line. They each find they are unable to hold back from their over riding uncontrollable mutual completion, crossing the finish line together. Liz collapses onto Max holding him close to her desperate to catch her breath smiling and beaming with blissful exhaustion. Max reflects the same blissful contentment on his face. They both take several minutes to catch their breath and then decide that strawberry pie sounds really good and indulge in second helpings.
“Hey Liz, we still have plenty of Strawberry pie and whip cream,” says Max wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Gees, you’re insatiable, you do know that I don’t mean just about the pie, right?” teases Liz.

“What? You’re complaining? There’s no complaining allowed here. I’ll just have to try harder then,” says Max taking a bite of the strawberry pie and grinning. “But I need some more energy first, Babe.”

“Complaining? Me! Never! I don’t know what you are talking about Max, no complaining here, Max. Oh! Oh! My goodness! Max! Quick, give me your hand. Can you feel that? Apparently the twins like the strawberry pie and agree with me on the no complaining too,” says Liz with her eyes glistening with joyful unshed tears.

“Liz! Wow! I did feel that. Man, can they kick,” says Max also with glistening eyes becoming moist with unshed tears of joy.

“This is amazing, Max. I’m not even showing yet; and I can feel them kick. This alien pregnancy is different than what I’ve read about for humans and when you can expect to start feel the kicking and moving inside me,” says a happy and excited Liz. Max and Liz lace their fingers together resting on her stomach and keep the contact with their children as they open their connection to them.

“Hey little ones, you got our attention. That’s quite a kick you have there. Your uncle Kyle would be proud of that. He’ll probably start shopping for a baby baseball glove and cap for you,” teases Max. “How are our favorite little boy and girl doing?” asks Max sounding every bit the doting father to be. The twins send Max and Liz an image of them happily playing tugging on each others foot. The twins then send images from the earlier antics with everyone at dinner and Alex and Michael with pie on their faces. The twins seemed concerned for their Uncles, Alex and Michael. They did not understanding that no one was hurt. Liz and Max send them images of Michael and Alex laughing and smiling after the pie in the face incident and let them see that the rest of the family was smiling and laughing also. The twins calm down and send Liz and Max the image they just sent them, acknowledging they now understand. Max and Liz send the twins more happy images of their family, and images of the two of them holding each other kissing and thinking about the twins. The twins note the happiness, excitement, and love their parents feel for them. “Now, little ones it’s late and you need to rest after all that kicking inside of your mommy. We both love you so much, and so does the rest of the family; but we love you the most. It is time to go to sleep our little ones, okay. We have Mommy and Daddy big people stuff to do. Sleep well my little ones,” says Max completely head over heals for his children as is Liz. Liz contemplates Max’s earlier comments about Kyle wanting to get the babies sports stuff.

“Hey! Kyle would have to get one pink and one blue baseball cap for our babies. If our daughter wants to be a jock and a brilliant scientist, I could maybe live with that. What about you Max?” smiles Liz.

“Me? A brilliant scientist? I don’t know about that. I’ve never really thought about things that far ahead. I’ve always thought surviving in the here and now was all I could hope for. You’ve shown me that there is no reason why I can’t have everything I’ve ever dreamed of Liz,” says Max looking thoughtfully at her and leans in for a gentle kiss.

“Well, of course you’re brilliant in your own right. I was talking about our twins Max,” smirks Liz kissing his nose playfully.

Max now in a playful mood grabs one of the cans of whip cream and says, “You know I think you’d look great in a whip cream bikini. Please Liz!! You know I love whip cream, please Babe,” urges Max again with a cute smile and wiggling eye brows; and now the big guns, the amber eyes with heated begging stare.

“Hey no fair using those eyes; you know I can’t resist you when you give me those eyes. That’s like your own personal tractor beam aimed on me. Damn hot alien, can’t escape his power over me. That’s okay Max. If I agree to the whip cream bikini you have to agree to something too. I’m thinking of…Hmmm… whip cream boxers, oh and with lots of chocolate sauce. Yummy! Now that what I call a desert with all the toppings,” laughs Liz.

“Liz, you know we will have to get out of the hot tub for all that right?” asks Max standing slowly from his sitting position in the hot tub. Liz watches the water cascade off of his magnificent male body, and sighs.
“Oh yeah, it’s definitely good to be me. I get to enjoy my favorite desert and burn calories too,” laughs Liz.

“Bring on the whip cream swim suit aerobics, then Babe,” says Max. They remain on the deck enjoying each others swimsuits before taking their outside fun and games indoors for the rest of the night to be continued.
Meanwhile, Isabel and Alex have their own couples fun and games going on in their own cabin.

“Alex, come on. I need some of your attention, okay. I’m beginning to think you’d rather look at that computer monitor than me,” says Isabel pouting and growing impatient with Alex spending time researching things. Alex doesn’t see her because she’s standing behind him. He hasn’t turned around yet to notice that Isabel has just showered and wearing only a towel around her body covering her. “Alex, what does that monitor possibly have that can compete with me,” says Isabel spinning his computer chair around to see his face.

“Isabel! You didn’t tell me you were only wearing a towel,” says a blushing and excited Alex.

“You didn’t ask what I was wearing, or shall I say not wearing,” giggles Isabel.

“So how much longer before I can have your undivided attention for the rest of the night,” asks Isabel leaning forward to give Alex a kiss. “Can I help? Maybe I can help get this done faster,” suggests Isabel.

“Make it go faster, how?” asks Alex.

“Alex, I’m surprised at you. You were there when it came out that I was an alien right; and we did bond and now you have some of my powers too, right?” Jokes Isabel. “Ooops! I guess that the cat is out of the bag, now. Yes, I’m an alien; yes I’m your bonded mate. And if you don’t start paying me more attention than that computer monitor soon, I’m likely to use my powers on it or you or both,” says Isabel with a satisfied grin on her face as she brushes herself past Alex on her way to the refrigerator. “Hey! Alex, Why is there a red bow on a can of whip cream in the refrigerator? What’s this, a note?” Isabel begins to read it out loud, “Hi Isabel and Alex, I was doing shopping earlier and picked up some extras of these and thought you guys might enjoy this. Oh and Isabel, there is a post it note in your book for suggestions. Enjoy, you two… Love Liz and Max,” says Isabel just finishing reading it aloud. Isabel smiles and says, “How sweet of Liz and Max.” Alex looks at Isabel standing in infront of him in only a towel and her wet long blonde hair loose around her shoulders, and then the can of whip cream in her hand. He groans.

“Isabel you and Maria divvied up the French silk pie between the two of you right?” Isabel nods, to Alex.

“Break time! You grab the pie and two forks. I’ll grab the Tabasco sauce, says Alex.”

“Where are we going Alex?” asks Isabel amused by his flustered hurried reaction.

“You and Me, couple time in our bedroom, right now. Of course we’ll have our snack first. Rome wasn’t built on an empty stomach, you know,” smiles Alex with his eyes sparkling in excitement.

“Oh so you’re planning on monumental lovemaking then?” asks Isabel giving her sexy siren voice and smile. Isabel smiles at him using that famous smile that melts any man’s resolve with a single look. That smile makes Alex just stare at her drooling and pinching himself that this isn’t one of his dreams again. Well, sounds like you have big plans for us. You’d better eat your snack. I wouldn’t want you fainting on me,” teases Isabel.

“Isabel! Liz and that book have turned you into a real sex kitten. Remind me later to send my best friend a thank you note,” smirks Alex. “Okay, I’ll take a break from the computer, just for a while Iz. I’ll have to get back to researching on the computer for some things for Rasmus, okay Isabel?” asks Alex hoping this is agreeable to her and won’t hurt her feelings. He loves Isabel too much to ever want to hurt her.

“Alex, hand over the pie so we can share it. I really need a chocolate fix right about now,” says Isabel.

“You sure you want to eat that? It’s full of calories and fat. I wouldn’t want to ruin that traffic stopping figure of yours,” smiles Alex.

“Nice try Alex, now hand over the pie. You’d better learn something here and now about women. When we say we need a chocolate or ice cream fix it’s a deadly serious thing. No man stands between us and our chocolate or ice cream fix. Do I need to remind you about what happened at the convenience store with Kyle on our way out here to the Colony? Just don’t go there Alex, you’ll be happier and more importantly so will I,” smiles Isabel.

“Okay, I surrender to my favorite alien,” says Alex with his hands in the air submissively conceding to her point. “So, we snack first then move on to promoting the virtues of taking the giant leap into human and alien relations. The things I do for my country and planet,” teases Alex.

“I know what you mean Alex,” jokes Isabel right back at him.
“Hey, I thought you loved me, Princess,” feigns a hurt Alex.

“I do Alex, you know that. Now be quiet and eat so we can move onto other things,” says Isabel giving another look this one of love and devotion to him. It’s a look he never would’ve guessed months ago that Isabel would ever be giving him, yet here she is doing just that.

“I love you Isabel,” says Alex.

“I love you too, Alex. Now eat, you’re not the only one with plans,” says Isabel with a smile and giggle.


Let’s look at Michael and Maria’s cabin where things are getting interesting with those two. We expect that from them right?

“Michael, I’m tired of competing for your attention with that damn 24 hour sports channels on this TV. I think we need to set some ground rules about the TV,” says Maria tapping her foot at him impatiently. He notes the way the green in her eyes seems to crackle with life when she’s getting pissed at him and he smiles taking all that in.

“Blondie, you can’t mean you’re going to play mommy and set up times it’s acceptable for me to watch my sports. I love you, but that’s not happening and I’m too old for a mommy now. Besides, I definitely do not see you as my mother. You are my bonded mate, not my mother or warden,” states Michael.

“No, Michael that’s not where I was going with this. Michael, if you’d just hear me out. I think that if you want to watch your sports channel that you need to earn watching privileges,” says Maria eyeing Michael scanning his form appreciatively. “But if you don’t want to hear my plan about this then just forget it then,” says Maria.

“Okay, what’s your plan?” asks Michael folding his arms and sighing hoping this isn’t one of her silly ideas or hippie things her mom taught her.
“Well, I was just thinking in an effort to balance out the amount of time you love to watch your sports, with me time. We should consider combining the two, maybe watch sports like two hours in a row, then I get my turn of one hour uninterrupted Michael time. You’ve got to like that ratio of two to one. Is that too much to ask, Michael?” asks Maria looking at him with her eyes speaking of her love for him. He melts, this crumbles his famous stonewall effectively with just that one look.

Michael thinks to himself, ‘damn I’m lucky and she’s all mine. I don’t ever want to be without her,’ says Michael to himself realizing how much he loves her and what she means to him. “Fine Maria. I’ll agree to that but with exceptions. If it’s a playoff game, championship games, Super Bowl, or the Olympic Games. Any those I really have to watch. The regular game schedule I can definitely sacrifice watching some of those. I can live with your idea, with the exceptions I listed of course,” states Michael.

“Okay, for you Michael this was a monumental concession to make. Good, I’m glad you like my plan. Now where was I? ” asks Maria trying to find a way to make her next move on Michael. Maria notices the remnants of pie he failed to wipe away. Her plan rapidly forms prompting her to have a mischievous glint in her eyes. ‘Oh yeah, that wall is tumbling down. Michael has no idea what I have in store for him,’ smiles a pleased Maria contemplating her plan. “Why don’t you sit down and see what’s on TV,” offers Maria with a smirk on her face knowing he wants to do just that. Maria waits for Michael to get comfortable and get ready to watch his 24 hour sports channel. Maria finds a note from Liz and Max on the coffee table. “They say there’s a surprise for us in the refrigerator. Huh? I wonder why Max and Liz did that. You know me; I love to find out answers to questions. I’m going to investigate the refrigerator. Did you want anything while I’m up, Michael?” asks Maria.

“Huh? Oh, no…Thanks Maria,” says Michael giving her a slight smile. Maria rolls her eyes and sighs and decides to take comfort in a nice bowl of ice cream. She opens the refrigerator and finds Max and Liz’s surprise. “Wow! Michael, a Coconut pie for you and Ben and Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk for me. That’s my Chica!” says Maria expressing her appreciation for Liz’s thoughtful gift of her favorite ice cream.

“Hey, what’s all the yammering about Blondie,” says Michael.
“Check out Max and Liz’s surprise for us. They must’ve made special arrangements for each of us to have our favorite comfort food,” grins Maria. “I love those two, always thinking of the rest of us. I’m so glad they are our family now,” says Maria.

*****************************To Be Continued in a Sec.*******************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 39 p9 July 10

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 39 Continued****************

“Yeah, my brother and sister-in-law are something else,” says Michael smiling big at the sight of his favorite Coconut cream pie.

“Come on, grab a fork, some Tabasco sauce, and get me a spoon. Let’s take our goodies in the living room and we can sit and watch a little more of your beloved sports channel,” says a cheerful Maria.

“Okay. Who are you? What have you done with my bonded mate?” asks Michael, now eyeing here suspiciously.

“What? You don’t believe me?” asks Maria. “Fine, if you’re going to accuse and convict me. I might as well be doing something then. I’d hate to disappoint you,” says Maria making him nervous not sure if she’s kidding or not. She sits her ice cream on the coffee table, turns to face Michael, takes the pie out of his hands and then stands. Maria sits herself on his lap with a smirk on her pretty full pouty lips. “I got your pie Michael, you won’t mind if I eat a little of it. Coconut is a favorite of mine too, minus the Tabasco sauce.” says Maria. She takes a bite of the pie and closes her eyes and moans, “Mmm that takes so good. Mmm gotta love a great tasting pie,” says Maria. Michael watches her intently and enjoys seeing her like this. He feels a stir of emotions in himself watching her sitting on his lap and seeing her moan like that at the taste of the pie. He suddenly feels envious of the pie. Michael gently moves her off of his lap, he stands picking up Maria’s ice cream and his pie and puts them in refrigerator and freezer. He returns to Maria and grabs the remote and turns off the TV. Maria looks at him confused.

“Why did you turn off your beloved sports channel?” asks Maria with frown of confusion on her face.

“Because I had to turn off the TV, so I could focus all of my energy to turning you on. Come on Maria,” says Michael taking her hand as he encourages her to stand and come with him. Michael surprises her with taking a romantic bath by candlelight. Michael takes time to consider and care for Maria, just because he wants too. This touches Maria more than words can say to see this wonderful side of Michael that nobody sees except her. She feels privileged he shares this part of himself with her. Michael is many things that challenge and confound her but most of all he’s an original and most importantly he’s her very own alien to love and care for. ‘Why should Liz have all the fun anyways,’ thinks Maria to herself. Michael shares an unprecedented evening with Maria lavishing her with all of his undivided affections and attention. Well, except of course after working up an appetite and then cuddling and enjoying once again their pie and ice cream. After all that Maria tells Michael, “If you really want to watch some of the sports channel, go ahead. It’s okay Michael. As long as I can cuddle with you while we watch TV, I’m happy,” says Maria.

“God I love it when you let me watch sports, thanks Blondie for loving me and putting up with my sorry alien hybrid butt. I love you, you know that right,” says Michael kissing her passionately on her full sexy lips.

“Yeah, I know that Michael. You’re powerless but to cave to the Deluca women’s charm. I have you under my spell. No use fighting it; your mine, Spaceboy and don’t you ever forget it,” says Maria returning his passion filled kiss with one of her own.

“You know what, I can watch sports later. I think I know of an indoor sport we can play that requires we move into the other room for maximum comfort,” says Michael in a heated stare he leads her to their bedroom. They spend the rest of their romantic contented couple’s evening blissfully in each others arms.


“Kyle! Give me that remote damn it! Don’t make me blast you, Kyle. Feeling like you can defy a freak lightening bolt this evening?” asks Mystic.

“Honey, I want to watch baseball. Come on, Hun, its baseball season. Baseball is America’s past time please,” begs Kyle.

“No I’m watching an AFL game. I’ve been waiting all week for this game,” says Mystic.

“What? You found a Football game?” asks a surprised Kyle.

“No it’s not American football. It’s Aussie Rules Football. You know real athletes minus about 40 pounds of extra equipment and they are all buff guys. There are no 250 pounders in the entire team.” Mystic sighs, “I love manly sports and men not necessarily in that order.”

“Mystic there’s no sport more manly than the NFL,” smirks Kyle.

“Tough, no sale Kyle. I’m watching my guys here. You’re welcome to watch it with me. That’s if you can handle me watching Footy instead of Baseball or Football,” offers Mystic.

“You’re even a bigger sports junkie than I am. Okay since milady has the remote and has made it clear she’s watching this, then so be it. I’ll watch this with you. I’ve never seen this game played before. Kyle stares at the TV screen for a moment. “Those guys are playing without shoulder pads and all the usual padding. They are going to get so creamed,” says Kyle stunned at this revelation.

“No, they aren’t Kyle. I told you these guys are athletes, just look. Nobody can fake a great fit body like that,” says Mystic appreciatively. “This is a great sport, it’s honest, it’s tough, and played with passion. What more can a girl ask for in a sport?” teases Mystic.

She catches Kyle comparing his biceps and legs to that of the guys he sees playing on TV. "I think I might need to workout a little harder,” says Kyle now bummed.

“Kyle, I was just giving you a bad time. There’s nothing wrong with the way you look,” says Mystic snuggling up to him, kissing his neck and blowing in his ear. Shall I go on with the compliments or do you need more convincing?” asks Mystic suggestively. Kyle stares into her magnetic beautiful lavender colored eyes.

“What quarter is it? Wait, they do go by quarters right?” asks Kyle.

“Yes, they do and this just started so it’s just a minute or two into the first quarter. Why do you ask Kyle?” asks Mystic.

“Good lots of game left,” states Kyle. He bravely takes the remote and turns off the TV. He puts his finger over her lips to silence her. Kyle takes her hand and goes into the dinning room area. He turns on the radio and tunes in his favorite radio station in Australia and smiles at hearing the opening notes to their song, “Let Me Fall with You” by Shannon Noll. Kyle extends his hand to her and asks her to dance with him. She accepts his now extended hand invitation. They dance slowly holding each other close feeling the abundant emotions they feel for each other that they can now sense, via their bonded connection to each other. “Mystic, I love that you love sports as much if not more than I do. Remember, I have a fragile male ego here. So take mercy on me and explain to me later about that game you called footy,” says Kyle wanting to be a better informed sports fanatic and impress Mystic.

“Sure Kyle, no problem. What did you want to do now?” asks a flirtatious Mystic.

“Well I was thinking of whisking you right off your feet and carry you off into the other room to have my way with you,” says Kyle with a wink and devilish grin that’s so irresistible.

“Let’s go, whisk me away you big hot jock,” says Mystic grinning fervently at him.

“Your wish is my command milady. Besides, like I’d ever argue with that statement. Oh did I mention I’m modest,” teases Kyle.

“Kyle, you’re talking again. For a jock you talk an awful lot,” teases Mystic.

“Damn, see I knew I should’ve taken sign language instead of English,” teases Kyle. “Well let’s go, times a wasting woman,” says Kyle with a smirk. They spend a romantic couple of quarters or so worth keeping up alien human relations and enjoying just being with each other feeling some of the weight of the world diminishing from their shoulders. Later they melt into each other snuggling on the coach covered only by a blanket. Mystic animatedly explains what she knows of the game as Kyle watches on in amazement at her enthusiasm for sports. “I love you Mystic,” says Kyle.

“I love you to Kyle. Great game, let’s go to bed now. It’s late. Come on Stud,” says Mystic causing him to blush.

Kyle puts her in his bed and he gets in and spoons her and holds her while they both fall into a comfortable slumber.


Rasmus knows that soon things will be hectic and very dangerous for everyone. He wanted to give these special people a night to relax and just be themselves, as friends and then privately as couples. Rasmus tries to make up for his earlier behavior by having a special catered meal with Liz’s help and he was happy to oblige her special surprise requested items for her family for later. Now Rasmus thinks of the ‘Destined Ones’ as the hope of the future for their people. “All of us at the colony feel this sense of hope even knowing that Smitak is out there biding his time to make his move and start his attack. Even knowing that there is an outpouring of new hope. The colonists were ecstatic to help with catering the meal for the ‘Destined Ones’. They have quickly earned the respect and loyalty of the colonists. It makes me proud to know them and that my daughter has bonded with one of them. She’s now one of them and part of the ‘Destined Ones,” says Rasmus.


All of our couples have fallen into a contented sleep in the arms of their loving mates. It’s as if the natural order in the universe rises and takes notice of them and boughs to assist them blessing their destiny and their fight for both planets that is yet to come.

“I’ll watch over you, as you watch over me, my ‘Destined Ones’. You have proven your worthiness in taking up this cause. I am grateful as is your mother, Arianna. Sleep and live well, for there will be much to do and much to fight for to protect. I will make ready my power and be ready should you need to tap into my power. In this fight I will not stand back and allow the eight of you plus Max and Liz’s unborn twins to be lacking in power. This time around I will help in this fight assisting the goodness, hope, and love they all represent for life and a future for all of our people,” says the Granolith.

*******************************To Be Continued**************************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 40 p10 July 17

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Great Banner Mia Nora, thanks so much :D

Hey, guys. I just thought I’d give you all the heads up it’s looking like one or two parts at most after today’s post are left to this story. Then I’ll begin writing the sequel. In fact I need to get started on writing outlines for both. Getting my ideas on to paper from what’s going on in my mind. I also have another idea for a completely different story involving the dupes, but one thing at a time. I’m thinking of calling the sequel L.A.R. II: A New Day, or Loves Awakening Revealed Book II, More Loves Awakening Revealed. What do you think? Let me know what you guys think on the title. I really love and appreciate all the support and feedback you’ve all given me on this first attempt at writing. You guys have taken the scariness out of it for me, thank you. I’m not through with this group of characters and frankly, they aren’t through with me either. Hey, me complain about more Max time. Never! LOL!!! Shush! Just don’t tell Liz and we’ll all be good. LOL!!!

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley. Thanks for reading and commenting I love to read all your comments. Yeah, Max and Liz wanted everyone else to have an enjoyable couple time evening. They would do that to keep them out of their hair while they enjoyed theirs. LOL!!! Knowing Max and Liz it’s the latter. Go Max, Go Liz!!! I love those two. Oh well what happens next is it’s well…You have to read it to find out. I’m soo bad. Sorry, I could tell you then, I’d have to kill you. I don’t want to kill you Ansley I like you. I do hope you’ll like it. Things are winding down quickly and this was a short part.

LoveIsForever- Wow! I’m both flattered and humbled that mine is the only Roswell story that you are following currently. Thanks, that’s really quite the compliment. Thank you and hugs!
I love reading your feedback and comments every week. I adore seeing which of any of the story you think is quote worthy. I’m always so flattered by that. You’re right of course Max and Liz don’t really seem to be in need of that book. They do quite well on their own. Insert Liz envy here. LOL!! Liz did manage to embarrass herself with Max thinking he was talking about her, but he meant something else entirely. It’s cute that they can be so carefree and open with each other like that. Max and Liz are both excited about them having twins. Liz was terrified to tell him at first that she suspected she was pregnant, but Max put her fears to rest and smiled and was so happy about it. I had fun showing Isabel and Alex very comfortable with each other. I mean heck Isabel with her hair still wet standing there talking to him wearing only a towel. Alex, Hun, clearly your half of brain is focused on your research because the other half if awake would clearly be reacting to Isabel’s towel only attire. He’d probably do something cute and say change of plans, “Clothing and towel optional attire in here, Isabel, as he’d quickly remove her towel and grin like a blissful idiot. No she absolutely loves Alex and He loves Isabel. She likes getting his usual undivided attention. I think I pmed you about the comment of Alex’s about sparing her from eating that dessert. He was only trying to talk her out of eating it so he could eat her portion too. He has no shame about food. He’s always drooled at Isabel’s figure. He would never make a comment with intent to shame or insult her about her figure that he loves feasting his eyes on. Nope! He knows he’s one lucky guy that’s got it good. He isn’t going to forget that fact either.
Michael and Maria well they are an original. You either love them or you don’t. I love them, well actually I love all my couples. Michael and Maria definitely have their own way of relating to each other. Although, Maria’s learning to take some of Liz’s advice about Michael. Love him for him and remember who he is and what kind of home environment he grew up in before being so quick to criticize him. Liz suggested rather than control him just accept him and learn to compromise. In other words choose your battles more wisely. Never get so caught up being angry with him with out trying to at least see things from his point of view and ask him to see yours as well. Michaels a good guy, just some one with a really rough child hood to over come, but he does. It’s nice to see Michael considering her feelings and wanting to please her and her compromising and just be willing to be with him. She’s opened herself up to being content just to be in his presence curled up next to him watching the game. Michael’s very receptive to this new approach of Maria’s. You go Maria!! Way to go Michael! Kyle and Mystic arguing over the remote was quite the change in tone and pace from the other couples, leave it to those two to fight over the sports channel and who gets to watch which sport or game. They are so much alike.
I’m glad you liked part 39. I hope you’ll like part 40 too! Let me know what you think, okay? Thanks again for reading and for always leaving me fun and wonderful feed back to read.
Its incredible, thank you.

roswellluver- Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I hope you’ll like this new one too.
Thanks for reading and your feed back.

Biged- Hi Edgar! It’s nice to hear from you. It’s always nice to have one of the guys read my story. I’m glad you liked my Alex and Isabel part. It was fun writing them. I really like my Isabel and Alex they are so cute together. Kyle and Mystic are really well suited for each other. She’s feisty. Hey, I made all of the women feisty. Well, that’s one way to keep a guy on his toes, right? LOL!! I’m really glad you liked the Stargazer parts. I really try to embrace all of the couples. I really love them all. As a dreamer fan though Max and Liz are my favorites, but I love the entire group and the other couples as well. Thanks for your feedback, it’s nice to know I have a guy out there reading the story and liking it too. That means a lot. Thanks for reading and for your great comments. I hope you’ll like this new part. Let me know what you think okay, Edgar?

ladylou – G’day mate! Wow, you have lots of great sport going on in Oz this weekend, I’m jealous. Now if I could only get a visual since I can get audio via streaming it online from radio. How’s that for a fan from the US? I love sports like I have mentioned before I think. Yeah, you should see my “I heart Australia list” it keeps getting longer every day. I’m glad you liked my last post. I hope you will like this week’s new post as well. Feel free to let me know what you think. Cheers!

Frenchkiss70- Well it must be something in the water there or about the Colony or just them. LOL!! Like Liz and Max would ever need an excuse. You thought it was hot really? I tried, I’m not that confident at writing those sorts of things even still. I seem to especially notice that after reading some of the other stuff on the board here. I’m kind of shy about writing that stuff and try to write love scenes that are Hot but full of tenderness and all about the love. This idea sort of goes against the norm of what’s typically NC 17. Yes, this is virgin territory for me writing in it let alone writing those kinds of scenes. I will sometimes go back and read stuff I’ve written and think who wrote that. Oh yeah, that was me wasn’t it. I’m still stunned. I hope you will continue to enjoy this new part and the one or two remaining that are left to write. I’m not sure if it will be one big part or two separate parts. Then I’ll start on the sequel. In other words, no rest for the wicked. LOL!!! Thanks for reading and your feed back as always. Take care.

AJK001- Hi Thanks! You are most definitely welcome. Well Max gave me the look, and I got all weak in the knees. I can’t say no to him, so here I go. Getting ready to venture off to write a sequel after one or two final parts left to write after this one is posted. It’s no fair when he gives me that look and asks me to write a sequel. Who am I as a devoted Max/Jason worshiper to say no to him. That’s right I caved big time. Gees, illegal use of the eyes. That man is just plain illegal. Anyways, I appreciate your support in my writing this story. I hope you’ll like this new part. I’m not ready for this adventure to end just yet. Max and the gang keep telling me they aren’t through with me yet. Okay, that makes me nervous when he says that, but what can I do. I’m a worshiper. LOL!!! Take care and thanks again. Let me know what you think about the titles and the new part, okay?

Ash_maxliz- Wow! You liked it really? It was hot? I try to write that stuff and still be respectful of the characters. I’m thrilled you liked it. I hope you’ll like this next part too.

Cherie- Hi Cherie! (Nora waves) Thanks I’m glad you liked that last part. Yeah lots of happy couple time for each of my couples. LOL!! I thought you’d get a kick that I used the colored post it notes, I hope you didn’t mind I thought that would be funny to work in. This is the calm before the storm, ah yes. You could say that. You’ll see in this week’s part. There’s only one more maybe two parts left to this leg of the story before I begin the sequel. Oh definitely get a hold of me about our plans and Mr. you know who, as soon as you got details girl. LOL!!! Listen to me I sound like Maria. LOL!! I’m bad, when it comes to a certain person. LOL!!! Can you tell? LOL!! Take care and have a great week. Thanks for reading and your wonderful feedback I love reading it.

Smac- Oh have a great time at the beach. When you get back this leg of the story maybe complete, but the new one should hopefully begin to get posted. I have a ton of writing to do this week. Yikes, I’ll need to start it tonight. Have fun and safe trip. Let me know what you think when you get back. Thanks so much for reading and feedback that is always fun to read. Take care.

Part 40

Max and Liz awaken the next morning to the sound of Isabel’s voice in their minds. ‘Hey are you two awake yet? Gees, finally I get through when you two have been blocking me all morning,’ scolds Isabel.

“Go away Iz. Liz please make her go away,” says Max covering his pillow over his head. He lies in bed with Liz half awake in his arms neither of them wanting to break the blissful contact. Both remain exhausted from last nights and all morning’s lovemaking marathon. Liz sighs in defeat.

“I suppose we should talk to Isabel. Let her and the others know we are okay,” says Liz.

“You’re sure? Once we answer her she’ll know we are both awake and they’ll all be over here. So much for my plans to spend the day in bed with you,” says Max mournfully as he pounds his pillow in frustration. “Damn, I guess we’ll just have to leave a few fantasies for later.

“Max! Wow, is that clock right? It’s 11am and we’re still in bed. I don’t think we’ve ever stayed in bed this late. Well, not without getting up to shower and eat, then back to bed,” smiles Liz with a radiant glow upon her beautiful face.

“Babe, I guess had better answer Isabel before she rallies the troop’s right over to our door step, in sheer panic,” says Max.

“Now that is a scary thought given the ribbing they’d all give us,” jokes Liz.

“Hey let them rib us about it. We’re married and bonded, and we are the leaders, so there,” says Max sticking out his tongue like a little kid. Liz looks at him and sighs.

“Mmm…What were you saying Babe?” asks Liz returning from a momentary dreamy flashback of earlier with Max.

“Are you still sleepy? I can just tell them to give us another hour or two that you need your rest,” says Max concerned for her, the twins, and his own selfish reasons as well.

“As much as I’d love to stay in bed with you all day, we can’t. You know everyone is up and probably itching to give us a bad time about our staying in bed so late,” admits Liz.

“So, let them,” adds a rebellious Max.

“Since when is Max Evans the shy reclusive guy I fell in love with turns into mister rebellious and outspoken, insatiable lover,” says Liz with her hand lightly stroking his muscular bare chest.

“You noticed that huh,” smiles Max with his amber eyes aglow with mischief and desire.

“Oh yeah, I…have noticed a lot of things about you since we’ve bonded,” says Liz staring at him appreciatively and licking her lips. “But at this rate we’ll never get of out of this bed except to shower or eat; and you know that will never go over with our family. Come on Babe, I’ll race you to the shower,” says Liz with her hands on her hips and wiggling her eye brows.

“Okay, that’s no fair. Wait! I’ll get a hold of Isabel and then I’ll join you, so don’t start without me. Max opens a connection to his sister. ‘Hey Iz what’s going on? Were you trying to get a hold of us earlier? Umm…We were kind of busy,’ says Max blushing. Liz walks over to him and wraps herself around him while he continues to teleconferences with Isabel. Max’s connection to Isabel fades momentarily, then once again his sibling connection with Iz returns when Max’s concentration returns to teleconferencing with his sister.

‘Everyone was getting worried. I figured that you two were well, being our Max and Liz and doing those sorts of things. I’m glad that you’re okay. So everything is okay with Liz and the twins then?’ asks Isabel sensing there’s something that Max hasn’t mentioned to her. Isabel does sense it’s not anything bad. She still wants to get them to tell her about how this involves the twins. Isabel decides she should get Maria to team up with her later to help her get to the bottom of what’s going on with Max ,Liz, and the twins. First things first, they will need Max and Liz to join the rest of them to find out that piece of info. Isabel quickly formulates a plan of action and only needs Maria’s help to execute it. Isabel smiles a satisfied smile knowing her plan will work. ‘So can we expect to see the both of you sometime today or are you two locked away reinventing your honeymoon,’ asks Isabel as delicately as she can without traumatizing herself with unwanted images. Isabel teases Max, ‘Remember to come up for air and let Liz eat and have bathroom breaks at least,’ jokes Isabel.

Liz laughs at Isabel’s musings through her connection to Max. Max tells Isabel, ‘we’ll be suitable for family in about an hour. So, do you want us to meet up with everyone there at your cabin Iz, or over here at ours?’ asks Max. ‘Okay, at ours then. Yeah I’ll tell Liz. Later,’ sighs a disappointed Max fading his connection to Isabel. Liz still comfortably wrapped in Max’s arms nudges him toward the shower.

“Fine, I was thinking an hour is time enough for a long erotic shower, but since you’d rather waste time pouting so much for that idea,” says Liz knowing Max will react instantly. “Race ya Max, last one to the shower gets to be the one with their back to the cold tile wall,” laughs Liz running in all her naked glory past him.

“What no….Liz, I didn’t mean that… Wait for me. Damn, that woman is fast,” says Max grinning and shacking his head at how amazing all this is. If Liz beats him to the shower he gets to at least appreciate the rearview of Liz whizzing past him. This helps him to take his defeat in stride.

After taking a long contented shower, Max and Liz emerge feeling refreshed, with their hungers momentarily quenched as they lovingly towel off each other. They are shaken from their sexual haze by sounds of polite knocking on their front door. Liz and Max look at each other. “Damn, their all here,” says Max. “Babe, what are we going to do; an hour for us is a quickie, simply an appetizer to hold us off until later. Definitely to be continued… Oh yeah, most definitely,” says Max giving her one last searing kiss before releasing her from his embrace. Max and Liz hurry to dress and look presentable and open their door and to the gang. Liz smiles and catches Isabel, Kyle, Maria, Mystic, and Alex in mid knock as she opens the door.

Michael holds up his hands defensively. “Hey it wasn’t me. I didn’t knock. I know better than to interrupt anything or show up early. I’ve seen the light and I’m not going to risk my brother or sister-in-law’s wrath. The rest of them, I told them to knock at their own risk. I did, I swear Liz,” rambles Michael. He sees Liz’s big smile and the look Max and her exchange.

“Gees Michael, scared of our little Liz, my Chica,” says Maria giving Michael a mild punch in the arm. Never mind him, give me some sugar Chica. Maria gives Liz a big hug and hugs Max briefly. Okay, spill what’s going on. You both are acting like you have a secret. You know I just can’t have that happen, at least not without me and Isabel being in on it. Right Izzy? Oh, and Mystic too of course. She’s one of us now,” adds Maria receiving nods of agreement from the other two girls as well.

“Hey, gees Blondie easy on the merchandise,” adds Michael feigning hurt. He rubs his arm where Maria punched a moment ago. “I know what Liz can do with her powers. I saw her release a blasting beam which is wicked in and of itself; she split a boulder in half. I have no desire to see her demonstrate that on my rocks… No way, a happy sister-in-law is a good thing. I love my sweet sister-in-law. I learned about the interrupting thing and do not wish to have my rocks split or blasted,” informs Michael.

“Not to worry Spaceboy, Liz wouldn’t do that. She knows I like your rocks right where they are,” says Maria unashamedly.

“Well, at least Michael’s learning from his mistakes, that’s a good thing. Liz you have made an impact on him when many have tried and failed,” smirks Isabel brushing past Michael and Maria. Isabel makes her way to Liz and gives her a big hug. “So aside from the more than usual loving glow you and Max are always wearing, how are you feeling?” asks Isabel unsure if she needs to be concerned or not.

“Gees, Isabel. I thought you said you slept well. Hmmm. Maybe that’s the problem. Alex, are you spending too much on time on the computer and not enough quality time with my sister? Nerds, go figure,” Michael smirks.

“Michael, if you’d like to be able to sleep the next week or so, I’d recommend you retract that statement,” says Isabel glaring at him.

“Okay, Iz I’m sorry. It’s just you were sort of giving me a bad time and I was just returning the favor. Don’t take it so personally. You know I’m a smart ass. All be it not as big of one as Kyle here, but I’m definitely in the running,” teases Michael.

“Guys, I’m fine,” says Liz beaming with love and joy. Liz wraps an arm around Max and snuggles into his embrace. “We’re all fine,” smiles Liz looking from Max then puts one hand on her stomach with Max’s hand joining hers. Isabel and Maria note the happy tears forming in Max and Liz’s eyes as they seem to share a moment looking into each others eyes.

“Okay, come on let’s sit down and our resident love birds can share their news,” says Isabel.

“Liz are you really okay?” asks a concerned Michael, Kyle, and Alex. “You realize that we’ll do anything to help out. All you have to do is just say the word, and we’ll all do it. It’s not everyday that you get to be an uncle,” says Michael smiling and giving Liz a half a hug.

“I’m sure Michael. We are all fine, not to worry,” assures Liz. Max and Liz exchange greetings with their family and wait for everyone to come in and sit before they begin. All eyes are on Max and Liz waiting anxiously to hear about this latest news about the twins.

Max and Liz stand in front of the group in their living room. Max looks at Liz and smiles, ‘Do you want me to tell them or do you want to?’ asks Max through their connection.

‘Yes, Babe you can tell them,’ smiles back Liz.

“Well, guys it’s just that first of all the twins are doing great. In fact they are amazing,” beams Max proudly talking about his babies. Although, Michael and Alex, the twins were concerned about the fighting you two were doing yesterday. They didn’t understand that you were just being, well just the way you guys usually behave. We had to reassure them that you guys were friends and show them images of you two later laughing and smiling at each other. They were quite concerned about the two of you. We straightened them out, they seem to understand now,” explains Max.

“Max, tell them our news,” smiles Liz tugging at his arm anxious to tell their family the latest exciting development with the twins.

“Our news is that last night for the first time, we felt the twins kick. I was able to put my hand on Liz’s stomach and feel their little feet kick against it. Let me tell you, man can they kick! It’s amazing because Liz isn’t even showing just yet. The babies are growing faster than what the books on human pregnancies talk about. There’s nothing to worry about. Liz and the twins are healthy. I had it checked out for myself with one of the Colonists doctors when we first got here. We talked to the doctors to make sure everything is fine, just so you all know. That’s our news about the twins,” concludes Max. The group scrambles from their seats and rush to Max and Liz to give them happy hugs at the exciting developments of the twins. The group discusses plans for the day.

“Well, I know I have a lot of laundry to get caught up on. I know that’s not very glamorous for the co-leader of an alien race on Earth, but if I don’t take care of it we’ll be running around naked,” says Liz with a giggle.

“You and I running around our cabin naked together, exactly how is that a bad thing?” asks a teasing Max.

“Max! You are so bad. Behave yourself we have family here; as for when we are alone that’s a different story,” says Liz smiling at him with a twinkling of playful desire in her eyes.

“Liz, Max, you know I love you both, but this is way too much information for me. As Max’s sister I so do not need details, okay. All I ask is that you tone it down when I’m in the room at least please,” begs Isabel. Isabel’s pleas receive nods of agreement from the rest of the family.
“Gees, everybody is a critic. You guys, this is our cabin you know; and we are on our honeymoon still, so bare that in mind please,” adds Max.

“Your point is duly noted fearless leader,” smirks Kyle.

“Hey, do you mind if we see what’s on your TV? You do know about the 24 hour sports channel right, Max?” asks Kyle with an excited glint of joy in his eyes.

“I haven’t really checked it out. You guys showed it to me before, but I sort of have other things on my mind. You guys feel free to enjoy it and make yourselves comfortable. Does anyone need anything to drink?” offers Max. He notes the look in Liz’s eyes and the extra little sway in her hips as she looks over her shoulder bringing the laundry basket down from their bedroom making her way to their laundry room. She gives him another look and walks into the laundry room and leaves the door a jar. Max takes note of her every movement and gesture seeing the symbolic unwritten, unspoken meaning sounding loud and clear. Max knows instinctively all this points to some unfinished business between them.

“I’ll be a little bit. I need to help Liz with the laundry and make sure she doesn’t over due it. She’s still pretty tired because of the pregnancy,” says Max making his excuse. He walks innocently towards the laundry room and shuts the door quietly behind him, then seals it with his powers.

Max once inside the now secure laundry room turns around to find Liz staring at him with her darkened eyes filled with hunger and desire. “I believe we have something that started earlier that needs to be continued. I was hoping now was a good time,” says Max focusing on her lips. He reaches for Liz and passionately lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. Max’s lips brush hers hungrily making contact. They both elicit a soft low moan.

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang (Alex, Michael, Kyle, Mystic, Isabel and Maria) will be riveted watching the sports channel. The guys will be happy the girls aren’t protesting their enjoying watching sports. The girls will sit and talk quietly but enthusiastically about the athletes on TV. The guys are too caught up in their own lust of a big screen plasma TV with a 24 hour sports channels to notice the girls drooling at the hot athletes on screen. The girls help themselves to left over pie from the refrigerator.

“Max! We can’t… our family is just inside…in our living room, no less,” says Liz trying to reason with herself and Max at the impossibility of this situation. Unfortunately the inner battle waged within her is quickly loosing all meaning at the heat of Max’s kiss and the undeniable look of desire darkening in his eyes.

“Liz, we’ll be really quiet okay. We can use our powers to try and turn up the volume on the TV outside and turn on the dryer it could help muffle the sounds,” smiles Max.

“You’ve been thinking about this haven’t you, Max?” asks Liz with a flirtatious smile.

“Yes, I’m guilty, I admit it. I can never get enough of you. Especially lately,” adds Max as he sits her on top of the washing machine. He misses the feel of her legs wrapped around his waist in breaking the contact with her. Max unbuttons her shirt never letting his eyes leave hers.
“Max we can’t here in the laundry room… can we? I mean there’s no soft place to lie on,” observes Liz. Max grabs the laundry basket from her and dumps it on the floor using his powers to lay the contents flat and cleans the top sheet from their bed that was in there.

“Problem solved. Now, on to solving this other situation that demands our attention now… I need you Liz and I can tell that you need me too,” says Max in a low growl. He picks her up again and lovingly lowers her onto their make shift bed in the laundry room. He removes his clothes and joins her. They spend what for them is a quickie, at least 45 minutes of making love quietly, sneaking off together in their own cabin. Liz giggles as they hold each other for a few moments before getting dressed.

“You know Arianna said that we would need to spend more time together with the pregnancy. I think I know now what she really meant. I don’t know in our case if it’s all just the pregnancy. I’d like to think it’s us too,” smiles Liz tracing lazy circles across his muscular chest and abs.

“Liz, I just thought of something. Why are we sneaking around our own cabin? I mean we are married, and this is our place, right?” asks Max.

“I know Babe we are married, and this is our cabin. But you have to admit the sneaking part is fun too, sort of like it was right after we bonded. When we had to sneak around from each others house and act like you just came over to pick me up for school, when you were with me the entire night,” smiles Liz.

“Yeah, sneaking can be fun too. I guess it’s the seeing if you can get away with it without getting busted,” says Max with a big smile as he faces her for another tender kiss. We should think about getting dressed and joining the others.

“Hey, where are Max and Liz? Have you seen them since Liz went to do laundry, and Max went to help her?” asks Michael.

“Oh God, you don’t think they snuck off and are in the laundry room…doing…well you know,” says Isabel feeling embarrassed by the ramifications.

“Well, lets see if we can find out… turn down the volume on the TV,” says Michael.

“Michael, you perv. Leave them alone. I mean heck they are married and this is their cabin. If that isn’t a license to enjoy full privileges then in I don’t know what is,” defends Maria. “Now out of my way I want to be able listen better, give me that remote,” says Maria pressing the mute button. They all seem to lean in toward the direction of the laundry room straining to hear some proof of hanky panky goings on. Never mind they are in the living room and its several feet away and out of sight from their view point.

“Hey Blondie, why am I the perv? Huh? You’re the one demanding the remote and muting the TV. Good idea by the way. I like the way you think,” says Michael.

“Shush, would you Michael. God blab, blab, blab can’t you see people are trying to ease drop here,” says Kyle in exasperation.

Max and Liz hear voices and shushing going on from the living room they presume. “Max, oh no! I think they’ve been trying to figure out what we’ve been doing in here. We have been gone for a while now. Oh god Max, I can’t go out there and face them now,” says Liz hiding her beautiful contented face. She immediately hides her face with her hands concealing the rapidly rising blush that is now blooming on her face.

“Liz, it will be okay. Besides if anyone teases us too much I can kick them out of our cabin or just pull rank on them,” says Max trying to alleviate Liz’s embarrassment. “Babe, you know they’ve caught us before, just not when the entire gang is here like this is all. We have nothing to be embarrassed about its not like they were IN the laundry room with us,” jokes Max trying to get her to laugh.

“You know I was right earlier. You are indeed insatiable and incorrigible Mr. Evans,” smiles Liz offering him tiny kisses all over his face. “But, you’re my hero and most importantly my very own alien. No girl should leave home without one. I know I wouldn’t think of it,” teases Liz. “Max, as much as I hate to say this to you, we should get dressed and face our family. They are no doubt out there right now thinking up all kinds of witty things to say to embarrass us as we speak or rather, get dressed,” muses Liz. They dress and brace themselves to enter and join the rest of their family probably staring at the laundry room door waiting for them to emerge.

“Liz, Max welcome back to the cabin with the rest of us. I hope we didn’t cramp your style,” teases Isabel in an attempt to embarrass Max and Liz.

“Not to worry Isabel. You didn’t cramp our style or embarrass us. For the record this is our cabin, we are married and still honeymooners and you all insisted on coming over here when I told Isabel that Liz really needed to rest more. Next time, take the hint Iz,” says Max. “We’ll get together with you when the time is agreeable to us, not just you guys,” says Max in a serious unapologetic tone.

“Max… I…I didn’t realize that was what you meant earlier. I’m sorry….Oh God, I should know better than to try and embarrass the two of you. I’m the one that always gets embarrassed instead,” stammers an apologetic Isabel.

“Isabel when it comes to shaming Max and Liz you are way out of your league girlfriend,” says Maria.

“Michael, Kyle, Alex…any comments to add to Isabel’s?” asks Max ready to shoot their comments down.

“No, I’m not adding to that. I know when to shut up,” says Michael. “How about you guys, Alex, Kyle?” asks Michael looking smugly from Alex to Kyle waiting for their stunned reply.

“Uh….I’m good too. No nothing to add here,” says Alex scratching his head and taking a deep sigh of relief.

“I’m not saying a word. I know nothing,” says Kyle smiling and biting his tongue to keep from saying what he really wants to. Kyle can tell from the look of defiance on Max’s face he’d better not say anything funny.

Mystic offers a change of topic. “I was just thinking it’s such a nice day, maybe we could all go for a walk down to the lake and hang out there. It’s a nice day, we could have a picnic,” suggests Mystic with a sweet smile knowing full well this will get the guys stamp of approval.

“Food, did somebody say they’d bring food? Count me in,” says Alex. This earns him a smack on the arm by Isabel.

“Gees, Princess remember I bruise easily. Don’t bruise your boy toy,” grins Alex pleased with himself for making Isabel blush.

“Alex, let me just say this on the behalf of the rest of us girls, that’s way too much information. I’m happy for you and Isabel, don’t get me wrong. As curious as you all seem about Max and me, I’m not so curious about the rest of your personal private interactions. I’m just happy that you all are here with us and happy together as couples. That’s all I really need to know. Maria, don’t pout. You can share some things with me, but I don’t want live in living color private intimate details okay,” says Liz.

“God Max, what did you do to our sweet Liz in the laundry room just now? She’s in a feisty mood. Trouble in paradise?” jokes Kyle.

“Kyle, I’d shut up if I were you or no sports channel and no anything else later got it,” warns Mystic with a stern look in her eyes that clearly says don’t push it mister.

“Yes, Honey… Uh…Sorry Max and Liz. You know me. My smart ass mouth is like ‘Old Faithful’ it just can’t help but go off like clock work. I’m sorry. I was just being my usual smart ass self, okay. Is it too late to beg that you not blast me to smithereens?” asks Kyle with puppy dog eyes and a funny smile on his handsome face.

“Kyle, Mystic’s right, shut up. I also like her other idea about a group picnic. Let’s all get everything we need and meet back here in a half hour; then we can all go together to the lake. Does that sound like a plan for everyone?” asks Liz.

“Oh and I think in the interest of their actually being any food for the rest of us to eat, I suggest we each pack food for everyone that way there should be plenty,” says Max directly making his comments at Alex, Michael, and Kyle.

“Okay, okay. Gees, just because we like food everybody gets all defensive with the food,” says Kyle. The group teases Kyle about his comments. Alex insists that on the way to the lake, everyone should stop by the Lab to speak with Rasmus to learn if there are any new developments. The gang then disbands long enough to get the essentials for their picnic at the Lake. They arrive at the Lab.

“Hello ‘Destined Ones’. We just learned only moments ago that the static signals are becoming more frequent. Yet the ship remains stationary I’m not sure what to make of that,” says Ramus.
Alex takes a look at the data on the computer in the lab. He gets a map and targets the location in terms of longitude and latitude. “Guys, whatever is happening, it’s going down at the lake. Mystic, it looks like this is going to be one heck of a picnic with our own annoying pests to take care of,” says Alex. Each of the members of the group look at each other and a look of unspoken steal determination registers on their faces.

“You heard Alex, it looks like it’s time to take care of one really big annoying pest, and we get to play exterminator. Its show time, come on guys. Let’s take care of this now so we can get back to living our lives, and so can our people,” says Max looking each member of his family in the eyes and taking Liz’s hand squeezing it firmly. “Rasmus, alert the colonists they need to have weapons ready. We need to implement Alpha defense plan ‘sink or swim’. Get our trained Colonists to their predetermined positions, ready to fight and with the necessary weapons. This was one of the attack scenarios we planned for. Smitak doesn’t realize that we have all of our past life powers and memories and are infact more powerful than he knows,” smiles Max looking around at his extended family. “Smitak has no clue about the untold portion of the prophecy and the role that even our human bonded mates will play in this,” says Max taking command of the situation. “We are going to kick some ass,” says Max with Michael and Kyle grinning itching for a good fight.

“Come on, we are at battle stations people! It’s time to put up or shut up. Let’s get this show on the road. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to put a stop to this guy Smitak and his ruining our peoples’ lives once and for all! Smitak’s reign of terror ends now, and it ends today,” says Michael effectively rallying the Colonists to action. Michael and Max get a map and talk strategy with Colonists that are going to be implemented in the confrontation while other Colonists remain behind equally equipped with fire power to defend the Colony if attacked. The Destined One’s are united in this fight and the role they play in the fate of two worlds. They are resolute in their determination to win this battle for Earth, Antar, and most importantly for themselves and those that they love.

********************************To Be Continued******************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed New Part 41 pg.11 July 24

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thanks Mia Nora for the wonderful banner, I love it. :D

Hi everyone. Yes, I’m back. There’s one more part after this one before I begin the sequel. I hope that you guys will like it. Your feed back and support mean everything to me, Thank you and cyber hugs to everyone.

LoveIsForever- I’m so flattered that you find my story so enjoyable. I know that reading your feed back each week is very enjoyable, thank you. I love reading your feed back and seeing which parts of the story you find the most fun and the most quotable. It makes me smile that you love our gang the way I have portrayed them. I may not have been their original creator, but I have taken them and improved them, or at least tried to do.

roswellluver- Hi you are welcome. Thanks for your kind comments. I’m happy that you enjoyed it.

roswellian504 - yeah, you could say that they are definitely going to kick some butt. Thanks for your feedback, and for reading my story. It’s always fun to read your comments.

AJK001- Hi! I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the last part. The sequel isn’t going to be until after next week’s post happens, just so you know. What? Me write a sequel solely to write Max, Me? Hey no fair, paying that close attention. Here’s your gold star. Shush! Don’t tell the others, okay. LOL!!!

Frenchkiss70- Thanks, I’m glad you liked the last weeks part. Max and Liz definitely are playful and even to the point of not caring who’s in the house. LOL!! Yeah, Max and Liz make a lot of people feel that way, especially my Max and Liz. Could they be anymore perfect? Nope!! Not since I have a say in it. Yeah, the sequel is coming, but not until after next weeks post so I have a lot of writing to do between now and then. Plus other story ideas are popping into my head too. See what happens when you let Max and Liz and the gang occupies part of your mind. They just take over. That’s okay, if Max wants to hang around any part of me I’ll take it. (Nora Smiles really big). Thanks for reading and always for your feedback and support it mean a lot.

ladylou- Hi! Max must have had his bowl of Wheaties, breakfast of champions LOL!!! What can he say its in his blood to command and be assertive in the appropriate moments. It’s always the quiet ones. LOL!!! Max does have his past live knowledge and experience to draw on too that’s part of why leading, commanding, and being assertive come to him so naturally. At the end of this weeks part there’s a note about the sequel and the title I decided to go with…Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading and your support. Cheers!

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Yeah, my Max and Liz sure know how to make doing laundry fun. LOL!! Yep! The Lake is the place to be for the ring side seat in this main attraction. You’ll just have to wait and see what exactly happens next… I’m not talking… Okay, well Jason could get me to talk. Well, I could try to all though I don’t think my higher brain function of speech would be in working order. But, man would I be thinking it about a hundred miles an hour. LOL!!!
Ash_maxliz- Hi Ash! How’s life treating you these days? I’ve been reading your story and it rocks, as per your usual. I’m loving it. Max and Liz sharing an apartment. Oh boy the visuals I’m getting. Liz, girl get with the program. LOL, yes, I’m really bad, forgive me. Yes, I’m writing a sequel. I’ll need to start working on that today and get the last part of this one written for next week’s post. Then I’ll begin writing and posting the sequel stuff after that. The sequel is called “Loves Awakening Revealed II.” Thanks for reading and the feedback it’s all means so much to me. Have a great week, okay. I’m looking forward to checking back to read your updates to your story as well. Great job on that…

Majiklmoon- Hi Majik! No, you are not a terrible person, not at all. Yes!!!! You are working on the sequel for “Love Changes Everything” happy dances all a round. Yes!!! People she’s writing the sequel… Whooo hoooo!!! Okay, can you tell I’m a fan or what? Ahhh, Majik you brought me to tears with your comments. I’m beyond touched by that. That is a huge compliment. Thank you so very much for saying such kind and wonderful things. I, of course am one of your biggest fans and couldn’t be happier to hear that you’re writing a sequel to my favorite, thank you. Thanks for your feed back which I’m saving to hard drive and for your reading my story. Thank you and hugs!

Reminder: It was previously revealed that Smitak was Katims spelled backwards. Just a little FYI as you read this.

Part 41

The ‘Destined Ones’ look around them and see the look of loyalty and determination etched on each of the Colonists faces. They pledge their loyalty to the ‘Destined Ones’ and for the righteous gauntlet of battle that Smitak has thrown down. There is a silent recognition in everyone’s eyes realizing there can be no mercy afforded to Smitak or his men. Max squeezes Liz’s hand and draws strength from her love and faith in him. He and Liz stand in front of the Colonists and address them. “Today, we stand beside you. We all have much to fight for…our friends, our families, and most of all the right to live our lives in peace and not in fear. Smitak’s tyranny must end now, today. In doing so, fighting is the only way we can insure our right to live our lives in peace, and live long lives to see our children born and grow up and begin their own paths. Today, we take determined deliberate steps for our freedom to achieve the right to have our own normal. We are grateful for your steadfast loyalty in joining us in this fight. You honor Antar, Earth, and future generations to come by doing so on this day. On the behalf of Earth, and Antar, and the Destined Ones, we thank you. Now let’s take our positions and do this,” says Max easily stepping into his role as leader. The ‘Destined Ones’ gather and listen to Liz’s suggestion.

“Max, everyone, we need to open a connection to the Granilith and Arianna and let them know the show down with Smitak is happening now. We may need to call upon the Granilith and need its assistance. I’d feel better if the Granilith was on standby. Also, Arianna needs warned so she can prepare for any backlash and be ready for any attacks by Smitak’s men directed at her or those loyal to her,” informs Liz.

“Liz makes an excellent point. Yes, let’s all join hands now and open our connection to the Granilith and tell him of our plans. He can help us get word to Arianna,” states Max with an affirming nod. The group swiftly forms a successful connection with the Granilith and Arianna. They are informed of Smitak making his move now and of the battle plans Max and the others have planned for the Colonists.

“I understand the war is at hand. I am here and I will stand ready to offer my assistance to all of the ‘Destined Ones’. Smitak has brought this battle to your feet and now mine, it is time. And so it begins,” proclaims the Granolith. After the conversation with the Granilith and Arianna they are now ready to fulfill the ancient prophecy and their own destinies. They all look at each other as if to say something. The group of family takes in each others appearance and the emotion that fills their eyes. They connect telepathically keeping their connection open. No words are necessary; they can feel the emotions flowing through each of their group members. Max and Liz’s eyes finally rest on each other and they assume their role as co-leaders. ‘It’s time to take care of business and watch each others backs. Remember, we are at our strongest as an entire group with all of our powers flowing together, second strongest as couples, and least as individuals. So we need to stay together and be able to be within hand holding length of one another. Be alert. Mystic, we will need your power of manipulating the elements; you are just as much a part of this now as any of us are. Same goes for Kyle, Maria, and Alex. We are stronger together. We will need to utilize all of our skills, and abilities. Remember to communicate telepathically as often as possible. Smitak has no idea what we can do. Let’s not give him the upper hand by verbalizing it,’ telepaths Max with Liz echoing her agreement.

“I’d like to add something if I may, Max. You guys are my family and I love you all. Now lets lock and load and kick some enemy alien ass,” says Kyle.

“Ah…Guys when all of this is over later after we kick Smitak’s ass and his buddies. I just wanted to add to Kyle’s comments. I’m volunteering that Kyle buys us pizza, and lots of it. Hey, I’m a growing boy and didn’t even get to enjoy a picnic first. So, we have to fight on an empty stomach and Kyle here is feeling the love and will pick up the tab, right buddy,” says Alex patting Kyle on the shoulder. Michael smiles and agrees patting Kyle on the shoulder as well.

“Gees here we are about to go into battle and you guys are all plotting to get Kyle to buy pizza’s later. Men! Our men in particular it’s all about food, sports or other stuff,” says Isabel blushing at her own thoughts.

“You’re wrong Isabel. That can be a sport too, look at Max and Liz. Heck if they aren’t constantly in training I don’t know who is,” jokes Maria also trying to dissipate some of the tension before they have to fight.

”Maria!” blushes Liz. “Well, I suppose there is some truth to that statement. I was just thinking about the Olympics. Hey, somebody’s got to bring home the gold medal, right. We have to do this world proud,” teases Liz.

“Do we have to talk about sex before we go into battle, its really giving me some disturbing images,” says Michael with a smirk as he looks at Maria and grins. A cell phone rings breaking up the nervous well meaning banter. Everyone looks around checking for their own cell phones. Mystic picks up hers.

“It’s mine, guys. It’s a text message from my father. He says the picnic is a go. The ants will arrive shortly. Exterminators are in position. Be ready,” concludes Rasmus text message.

Max telepaths to the rest of the group his comments. ‘Good then the colonists are in position and ready to move in on our signal. We anticipated Smitak would pick a location like this. He’s so predictable, the funny thing is he has no idea that we exist or that we have complete recall of our past life and our dealings with him. I know his typical battle strategy and have countered that with putting the colonists in positions to flank our position and move in on his cornering the scum. We’ll contain Smitak like the disgusting evil virus that he is and extinguish him once and for all. I’m glad Rasmus got word to us. That’s our queue we need to get going. Let’s walk to the lake. Everyone keep the group connection open, be alert and tune your senses to each other and the lake. Listen and look for anything out of place and stay with the group; at the very least stay with your mate no matter what happens,’ telepaths Max through the group connection. The gang walks to the lake carefully tuning their sense to every sound as they walk along the path. They feel the warm gentle sunlight on them and the gentle breeze that would otherwise make this a relaxing and beautiful day.

“Is it me, or are your spidey senses tingling too?” asks Alex out loud. A brief smile visits each of their faces acknowledging they can sense it too, the undeniable energy that is in the air. The ‘Destined Ones’ arrive at the lake and begin looking and scanning for any anomalies that could only tell of Smitak’s arrival.

“Look over there! Across the lake there seems to be some sort of disturbance. Look at the tree tops swaying back and forth. Something tells me Smitak just arrived,” says Mystic feeling very much on alert and in full battle mode. Mystic grips Kyle’s hand. “Don’t be a hero and you’d better damn well not leave my side or I will most definitely blast your cute ass,” warns Mystic.

“Hey not to worry, I plan to be around if nothing else to fight with you over what game we are going to watch on our killer TV, and to fool around,” smirks Kyle. “What? I’m a guy; you know I had to mention that too. I have to be me,” smiles Kyle taking her hand in his and stroking it with his thumb. “We’ll make it through this, we all will,” says Kyle with a confident smile.

“Thanks for saying that Kyle. I’m still watching my Footy game later; don’t beg it’s so unbecoming. Unless you can think of something else to distract me later from the game, after you and the rest of the gang have our victory pizza feed that is,” suggests a hopeful Mystic.

“I have my plans set for later as do the rest of us, so let’s make it happen,” states Kyle with confidence in his voice. He looks at these people who have become his extended family and thinks I used to believe my only family was my dad and grandfather. Now I know my family is much bigger than that. I’m part of something bigger than I ever imagined, thinks Kyle feeling philosophical.

‘Isabel, can you sense or read any emotions coming from over there?’ asks Max telepathically pointing in the direction of the new disturbance.

‘Yes, it’s definitely Smitak. He’s thinking this is going to be a cake walk, like before. He’ll come in, terrorize the colonists, and kill some people; but not before he finds someone to torture to find out the location of the Granilith. He can’t leave empty handed this time. Smitak stands to loose his own little tyrannical rule as a pirate, raiding and raping our planet and now trying to do the same with Earth, or so he thinks,’ smirks a disgusted Isabel.

‘I wonder why he wasn’t able to send a signal for men to send additional ships; not that I’m complaining here, because these odds are much more doable for us,’ says Alex.

‘I know the answer to that. The Granilith interfered with his ability for his signal to be received by his men back home. It seems the Granilith wishes to get in on the fight. The Granilith is very happy to have found ‘the Destined Ones’ and wishes to keep us alive and well, looking after it as it looks after us in this instance,’ grins Liz.

‘How did you know that, Liz?’ asks Max.

‘I just know. I had brief images sent to me from the Granilith apparently letting me know this. I think it’s his way of letting us know that he is willing to actively support and take a role in our fight today,’ states Liz.

‘Cool, we have the cavalry on our side and willing to come in off the bench. It’s nice to have that kind of support,’ adds Kyle.

‘How many of his men do you think he will have with him?’ asks Michael straining as he looks across the lake carefully scanning with his eyes for movement.

‘Our best guess is that he probably brought 50-75 men. He will need some of them to stay on his ship and stand ready to take off,’ says Max.

‘That’s assuming that we or the Granilith will let him. If I were him I wouldn’t bet on that happening,’ sneers Liz.

‘Well the Big Bad is here to mess with us. I say we welcome him to our world and kick his ass proper. Nobody messes with my family or my planet and gets away with it,’ adds Maria in a dark and angry mood preparing for battle.

‘Don’t ya just love it when our women get all feisty and pissed off; it’s such a turn on. At least this time it’s not directed at any of us,’ teases Michael. All the girls roll their eyes at his comment and shake their heads at him. The guys just look at him and lightly chuckle at his very Michael like comment. The gang sees a large group of men emerge from the trees on the other side of the lake. One man stands in front of the group of men across the lake, he apparently is giving them orders as they scatter with weapons in hand. This one man must be Smitak, who looks around and stares directly at Max and the gang. Each of the Destined Ones holds their mates hand in reassurance and in power standing ready to utilize the power they each possess. Little do their enemies realize that the colonists are now surrounding the lake as some remain hidden in nearby hills and ridges, closing off all escape routes to Smitak and his group. Other colonists are hidden in the surrounding shrubs and trees located all around the lake.

Smitak feels superior and smug looking at this small group of teenagers and can’t believe their arrogance in not fleeing from him. “Who are you?” states Smitak loudly seeing if he can enjoy frightening the teenagers. They stare back at Smitak unaffected by him.

“We are your worst nightmare, that’s who we are,” states Liz.

“Allow me to introduce ourselves, I’d give you our individual names but I think you might know us by reputation. You see, we are the ‘Destined Ones’. Your worst nightmare,” states Max standing proudly infront of the ‘Destined Ones’ as he remains holding Liz’s hand and they both stare at Smitak with such disdain.

“Okay, enough with wasting my time dallying with children. I have people to kill and people to interrogate, then kill. Out of my way,” states Smitak.

“Max, I think our unwelcomed guest here doesn’t quite get it. Perhaps a little demonstration is in order,” states Liz in a very regal tone earning her a look of confusion and disbelief.

“You my dear are sadly mistaken. ‘The Destined Ones’ are merely prophesied, a legend if you will that has never come to pass. At best, folklore of my people,” says Smitak amused by this. “I must say that I’m impressed that anyone from Earth would have knowledge of my people’s prophesy. The ‘Destined Ones’ were to be leaders from my home planet Antar and they were a group of four. You are a group of eight, so your charade disappoints me. You’ve been ill informed. Although you girls are quite beautiful and I might spare your lives for a short time if you can meet my needs,” says Smitak as he scans suggestively at Liz, Maria, Isabel, and Mystic.

“You think too highly of yourself Smitak. We only have interests in real men. We have found our bonded mates. They are men. You are but an evil sadistic coward who’s time has long since past for his own demise,” says Liz.

“Many of you look familiar, to me. Especially this one,” says Smitak pointing at Isabel. She looks very much like a woman from my past. I killed her husband. I heard her children were murdered too at the hands of someone who worked for me to gain my favor. This one, with the long blonde hair indeed resembles that woman from my past back home,” says Smitak.

“Yes, we know you’ve met our mother,” states Max. “We are her children with our bonded mates.” This revelation visibly shakes Smitak that the prophecy is true and that the ‘Destined Ones’ not only exist but stand before him posturing for a fight. He turns his back to them for a moment to compose himself as he quickly tries to formulate a plan or signal his men. He turns back around quickly with his weapon drawn and aimed at Max and Liz, he quickly fires. Max and Liz’s shield instantly materializes as a green transparent like tube that encases them and deflects his blast effectively.

“Oh my god, you are them aren’t you?” asks a stunned Smitak.

“Boy, this guy isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack is he,” quips Maria. This incenses Smitak who can’t believe this is true. He raises his weapon toward Maria. She then blasts his weapon out of his hand. She yawns. You have to do better than that if you hope to go up against us, Jerk!” says Maria. Michael’s eyes sparkle at seeing his mate in action.

‘God you’re hot Maria,’ says Michael telepathically.

‘Save it for later, Spaceboy,’ says Maria answering him back telepathically.

“This can’t be happening. I thought this was all a bunch of lies to keep our people in line. I didn’t realize this was true. It’s been centuries since there has been anyone to fulfill the prophesy, until now. It’s you teenagers, and I can tell some of you are human. This makes no sense, it’s not written in the prophecy. Tell me then if and where the Granilith exists. I might be persuaded to spare your young lives,” says Smitak arrogantly hoping that they can’t see how shocked and scared he is to face these legends of his people.

“Go to hell, Smitak. The Granilith is not yours to possess. It belongs to our people,” says Max.

“My, such bad manners for one so important. You really set a bad example by doing that,” states a smug Smitak. Alex looks down at his watch.

“It’s time Max, the Colony is now secure,” says Alex.
“What is that supposed to mean?” asks Smitak.

“Oh that’s nothing for you to worry about. We just took measures to safeguard the Colony. We tapped into your ships on board computer systems. We reset all security codes. By the way, your ship is mine now,” smiles Max delighting in seeing this cocky evil man become unnerved by him and his family.

“Smitak, where’s all of your men? Or did they just wise up and read the writing on the walls and decide to remain hidden in the trees trying to save their own butts,” says Michael.

“What do you mean? They are here,” reassures a cocky Smitak.

“Uh huh, I can see how they stand beside you now and watch your back,” smirks Michael.

“It seems your men kind of have other priorities right now, saving your butt isn’t one of them. Hmmm. Funny how a person goes into survival mode prioritizing what’s important. I think we know where you come out on that with your men,” ribs Kyle.

“You bastard! You shall die a painful death for this,” states Smitak. Smitak closes his eyes and begins to concentrate on initiating a mind warp on first Michael, then the rest of the gang.

“Max, Honey, isn’t that cute. He’s trying to mind warp us,” laughs Liz as the others join in laughing and mocking Smitak.

“Who the hell are you to be mocking me, woman. I should just kill you now, rather than have some fun with you later,” states Smitak.

“Oh boy! You really messed up now messing with Liz. Dude, you are so dead,” says Alex smiling shacking his head.

“How dare you address my wife and the Co-Leader of the ‘Destined Ones’ that way,” says an angry Max enraged by Smitak’s comments about Liz.

“Yep! Way to go from bad to worse there, Smitak. I think that mouth of yours is doing more to help us than you right now,” says Kyle. “Finally, somebody whose mouth gets them in more trouble than mine,” jokes Kyle.

Suddenly, ten of Smitak’s men emerge from the trees with their weapons drawn on the ‘Destined Ones’. They take aim and fire once missing them completely. They fire again, Liz and Max’s shield materializes. Liz begins to telepath the Granilith for help, but before she can finish her request, Max and Liz’s shield surrounds their group. The shield encases them safely behind it as they remain unaffected by the repeated rounds of weapons fired at them.

‘Liz did you do that just now or was that the Granilith?’ asks a relieved Max.

‘Babe, it wasn’t me. It was the Granilith. I didn’t even get to finish my request and the shield was there, surrounding all of us. Thank you, Granilith,’ says a heartfelt Liz.
Smitak’s men continue to fire at the group encased behind the transparent green tube-like shield. His men approach Smitak in absolute wonder at seeing this.

“They must not have many offensive abilities since they haven’t tried to kill you yet,” suggests the young soldier of Smitak’s.

“What? You imbecile, they can’t kill me. I’m the all powerful Smitak. Do you wish to deny this fact?” glares Smitak at his soldier and the rest of his men in an attempt to regain control of them.
“So, it appears that they can’t kill me; they lack the ability to do so. Fine, I’ll kill them then,” says an unconcerned Smitak.

Just then, also emerging from the trees is a small group of Colonists lead by Rasmus. They approach quietly undetected by Smitak or his men since they are focused on Max and the group behind their shield.

“You know Smitak, assuming your little theory is correct. Then maybe you should be worried about them,” points Max indicating for Smitak and his men to look behind them.

“Oh I’m not falling for that one. That’s the oldest trick in the book,” states Smitak.

“Yeah, but there’s a reason why the classics work, you idiot,” says Max. “I can’t believe you are this Big Bad that’s been terrorizing our people. I mean either you’ve got really great press or you’ve been really lucky, up till now,” says Max. Smitak now sees that all of the ‘Destined Ones’ eyes are now trained behind him.

“Damn, I suppose if I look behind me there really are some of your people there to disarm me and my men right now,” says Smitak.

“Hey, it’s your funeral, do what you want to,” says Michael. Smitak slowly turns around as his curiosity and arrogance get the better of him. Smitak gasps at this sight.

“You know what, I never thought I’d say this, but this is more fun than watching the 24 hour Sports channel,” states Kyle.

“Ditto, on that one Hun,” says Mystic giving him a high five.

“Yeah it’s sort of like the Sports Channel, where Wylie the Coyote meets the American Gladiator,” adds Michael with Kyle nodding in agreement. Smitak’s men slowly turn around to see Rasmus and the small group of colonists all armed and awaiting Max’s next order. Their eyes riveted on the enemy that stands before them.

“Round up his men. Find out what we can, and then secure them. ‘The Destined Ones’ will take it from there,” adds Max. Just then some of Smitak’s soldiers try to make a move to resist and they are swiftly fired upon and killed on the spot. At this point the out break of the battle begins. Colonists emerge from the ridges and flanked positions previously concealed from Smitak’s men. They now begin their surge toward the fighting as more of Smitak’s men emerge in a seemingly futile attempt to thwart the ‘Destined Ones’. The Colonists have suffered greatly from Smitak’s previous visit many years ago. The hunger for payback is almost palpable as the air is filled with righteous vengeance. Smitak turns and fires at Mystic and instantly she taps into Liz’s shielding power and is protected from his blast. Smitak mocks her, “I seem to recall a colonist from my last visit. This woman, as I recall, also had violet eyes. Violet eyes are rare even among our people; you wouldn’t by chance be related to her?” Smitak asks smugly. He continues to boast of how he delighted in killing her and watching the life force and blood seep from her body, noting she was heavy with child. Smitak laughs, “You are about the right age of that child should it have lived,” states Smitak. He is unsure if she is related to if not that very child left for dead within her mother’s womb all those years ago. “No matter, if you are that child or not. Either way you were meant to die at my hand. And die today you shall, fulfilling your destiny edging me towards mine,” states Smitak with all possible contempt and conceit that is his very nature.

“You are the bastard that killed my mother! Exclaims Mystic visibly trembling with anger. Her power is now causing the ground to quake making in essence a location specific earth quake with a great magnitude targeted only under the enemies. Mystic’s power of tapping into the elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, are now manifesting in a single surge of power greater than she’s ever known before. Suddenly, deep crevices appear in the ground now swelling to give birth to a final resting place for Smitak and his men. The ground that the ‘Destined Ones’ stand on is firm secure and unshakeable keeping them safe from Mystic’s earth quake. Smitak and his men cannot move as if they are frozen in place. He and his soldiers see the ground swelling and cracking and sinking as if a line is being traced around them. His eyes grow big in the horror of what is happening.

“You don’t want to do this to me, to my men. We are willing to go and leave this god forsaken planet,” offers a pleading and cowering Smitak.

“You are a pathetic evil manipulative bastard unconcerned for anyone else but your own personal greed and quest for absolute power. This is your judgment day and even the great Granilith smiles upon our fight against you. You have made many enemies and killed legions of my people, all for your own ego and power plays. No more, Smitak. I will give you one concession. As a member of the ‘Destined Ones’ I have the power to give you the same consideration you gave the colonists and my mother years ago. Do you have any last words Smitak?” asks Mystic. “Max, Liz do the rest of you guys have anything to add? Do you mind if I do the honors?” asks Mystic. Max and Liz offer no objections to Mystics request. “Say Goodbye asshole,” states Mystic raising her hand now trembling and surging.

“You cannot kill me, you are but children. It is my destiny to continue my tyrannical rule,” says a defiant and very much in denial Smitak.

Kyle quickly grabs Mystic’s hand boosting her power reserves with the others standing at her side pooling their energy and power adding to the flow of Mystic’s power. Together Kyle, Mystic and the rest of the ‘Destined Ones’ make the Earth open up where the sunken traces remained around Smitak and his men. They fall through and are swallowed deep into the bowels of the Earth. The Earth is restored completely appearing undamaged as if nothing has happened in the last few minutes. All evidence of the confrontation erased as are Smitak and his men, gone forever from the face of the Earth buried for eternity under tons of rock.

“Consider your rule officially cancelled,” says Max with a smirk. This evokes cheers and much celebration. Rasmus goes to Mystic. He holds and looks at her with great pride and reverence, unlike her father has ever shown before.

“Okay, so we won, we kicked ass. We are the good guys and we just saved Earth and Antar from this jerk. This is definitely one of those golden days when everything goes our way. Let’s party!” says Alex.

“I don’t know about any of you, but I’ve definitely worked up an appetite. Hey, that reminds me. Kyle, jock boy, here is buying,” smiles Michael giving Kyle an affectionate punch in the arm.

“Hey, wait a minute. If the evil tyrant Smitak is dead, gone, and buried, then does that make Max king now?” asks Alex.

“Oh please, like my brother needs to have his ego inflated anymore than it already is,” states Isabel rolling her eyes and shaking her head at the thought.

“Max has always been my king. King of my heart,” says Liz smiling at Max and stands on her tip toes to give him a kiss.

“Oh brother, you just had to give them an opening for the romantic mushy stuff didn’t you,” says Michael. Maria slaps him on the arm in warning.

“You should be taking notes here Spaceboy, not criticizing,” says Maria.

“Great you two get all, well… Max and Liz-like on us, and then I’m the one getting slapped. Thanks a lot Bro and Liz,” says Michael.

Max smiles and sticks his tongue out at Michael. “No problem, Bro it was all our pleasure,” teases Max comfortably pulling Liz into the safety of his embrace.

“Max, we should check on the Colonists and see if they need our help or if there are any wounded,” says Liz.

“Yes, let’s ask Rasmus and see if he can help us check on the Colonists,” states Max. Max, Liz and the others check with Rasmus and patiently wait for all of the Colonists engaged in the fight to report in… The gang waits in a solemn mood filled with concern for the Colonists hoping that they are unharmed. The ‘Destined Ones’ stand ready to give their assistance with wounded soldiers, to heal if needed. The scouts report into Ramus. Much to everyone’s relief as the
last report comes in, there were no serious or fatal injuries requiring their particular expertise.

“Okay, now we know that information, we can officially party. But where are we hanging out tonight, which cabin?” asks Kyle. Everyone looks at Max and Liz and smiles.

“What? and leave it to them to sneak off to the laundry room. I mean they did put something in the dryer, but they did leave laundry left to wash. I don’t think we should risk any more of their sneaking off to the laundry room for some afternoon delight,” smirks Maria thinking of a particular old song she recalls hearing on her mom’s favorite oldies from the 70’s radio station. “God, I don’t even want to think about stain removal or pre treating of stains,” jokes Maria.

“Maria! Did you have to go there? Great, now I’m scarred for life,” says Isabel mortified with thoughts of Max and Liz’s sexual antics.

“Okay, enough with the chit chat. I need food and I need it now, before I blast somebody,” frowns Alex trying to look tough.

“Alex, sweetie, you’re so cute when you act all forceful and assertive,” smiles Isabel appreciatively and gives him a brief kiss. They both blush and realize that their friends are all staring at them.

“Gees, give a person a complex, staring at us like that,” adds Isabel.

“You’ll get no sympathy from me, girlfriend. Welcome to my world,” jokes Liz.

“Hey, at least we’re entertaining and educational,” quips Max.

“Babe, you’d better save all your entertaining and educating for later,” winks Liz.

“Okay, I didn’t hear that, I’m deaf,” says Alex as he puts his hands over his ears saying. “La, la, la, I can’t hear you.”

“Alright already, eat first embarrass and shame each other later okay,” says an impatient Kyle. They all elect to go to Michael and Maria’s cabin for the makeshift festivities and celebratory pizza feed courtesy of Alex volunteering Kyle to pick up the tab. The gang sits down and gets comfortable and remembers that they didn’t order the pizza yet. In the midst of writing down everyone’s order and figuring out how many pizzas to order calculating the Alex, Kyle, and Michael factor. They hear a knock at the door, and find a pizza delivery guy carrying a dozen large boxes of pizza. He hands the boxes to Kyle.

“Are any of you Kyle or Michael?” asks the Pizza delivery guy. “Oh wait, I forgot something just a sec.” He returns with several two liter bottles of cherry cola, and orange soda, and cola’s for the gang.

“I’m Kyle,” states Kyle with raised eyebrows as to how this guy would have his name when he hasn’t even ordered the pizzas yet. “Great thanks, Dude. Ah….how much do I owe you.” asks Kyle running a nervous hand through his hair looking at the faces of his hungry family. Kyle hopes he has enough money for all of this food and pop. Kyle silently vows to get Alex back for volunteering him to pay tonight.

“Oh it’s already paid for,” smiles the Pizza delivery guy. “Well, except for the tip,” hints the pizza delivery guy, now handing over the packets of red chili peppers.

“Sure. First tell me who paid for it?” asks a curious Kyle.

“Ah, it says here a guy by the name of Cal ordered it,” says the Pizza delivery guy. Unbeknownst to Michael, Kyle spies Michael’s wallet and liberates a twenty from it and gives it to the pizza delivery guy, offering his thanks.

“Wow, that was a really generous tip,” says Michael.

“Michael, you have no idea just how generous that was of me. It was nothing really. It was the least I could do,” smiles Kyle. Max noticed Kyle lifting his tip money from Michael’s wallet, but is amused and says nothing. Kyle is enjoying his little moment of victory over Michael knowing full well he’ll make it up to him later.

********************************** To Be Continued******************************

**** One more part before the sequel begins ****

The title of the sequel will be Loves Awakening Revealed II
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 Done Pt 42 p12 July 31

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »


I love this Banner thanks and big hugs to Mia Nora! :D

I posted this Saturday July 31, but it was lost in site maintainance. So here it is again. I sadly don't have the wonderful feedback people left for this final part so if you'd like to do it again that would be great if not, I appreciate your warm comments and thoughts thank you.

Hi everyone! I had such a tough time writing this. It just felt completely wrong. Then I had to remind myself that this part of the journey is over there is still the sequel. That helped make it more behrable, hey you know I had to say that, right. LOL!! It’s been an amazing experience writing this story. Not to worry, the gang isn’t through with me yet. They keep whispering all kinds of ideas they have. I’ve learned not to try and ignore them. Max, Liz and the gang are relentless in getting me to write them. So I just shut up and type as they show me their ideas or tell me their thoughts. Hey, I know it sounds weird but that’s the way it works for me at least.
Besides, me complain about Max being in my head controlling my thoughts and giving me images. Are you Crazy!!! LOL!! Yep! Huge Max/Jason worshiper here of have I mentioned that before LOL!!! Okay, guilty.

I know a few of you expressed your disappointment in what happened with the last part with Smitak. Well, it will be discussed in this new part. My story has never really focused on the fight aspect as the integral point fueling this story. It’s always been about the couples, their relationships, friendships, and how they’ve managed to deal with all those conflicts because of their steadfast faith in those relationships. It’s what fuels this story the love, the friendship, and the camaraderie of this group. This group of individuals are wise beyond their years and still teens at the same time. I hope you will see the explanation of this in the story as to why there wasn’t a huge smack down that some of you were anticipating. If I fail to explain that properly and you still don’t like it. I’m sorry to have disappointed you then. Everything being fair and equal I still thank you for reading and welcome your comments. All feedback has been very much appreciated and taken to heart. Thank you for joining me on this adventure it’s been an absolute pleasure. I hope to see you all again when I begin to post the sequel (Loves Awakening Revealed II). I’ll get started on that probably today and aim for a next Saturday post. I’d probably go through withdrawals too not posting something and missing everyone’s feedback. You all are the best. Thank you for reading and those of you that read and post thank you and big hugs.

kittens- Hi! Its nice to hear from you again. I’m sorry you felt that part 41 was lacking and disappointing to you. I hope you will read this part it might help explain some of that reasoning to you as to why it wasn’t a big fireworks display of power that happened. You are entitled to your opinion, and I thank you for reading and posting your comments. Have a great weekend.

Frenchkiss70 - Hi! I guess I disappointed you too about last weeks show down with Smitak in part 41. I’m sorry. I hope the explanation in this weeks post will wrap that up for you and make sense when you read it. Yeah, my Liz is very protective of her family especially now with her being pregnant. She won’t tolerate any harm coming to any of them. Liz can be scary when she wants to be. Max, Liz, and your comments about a private fireworks display. Uh… I plead the fifth. Well sort of. This is Max and Liz do I need to explain any further. Lucky Liz. This week’s post Part 42 is the conclusion to this story. At least this leg of it. The sequel, Loves Awakening Revealed II, I’ll try and get ready to post next Saturday, okay. Thanks for reading and being there the whole way on this journey. I really love reading all your comments, thanks for being here. Big hug!

LoveIsForever- I think I had to write the sequel just to continue reading your feed back and quotes. LOL!!! “Consider your rule officially cancelled,” says Max with a smirk. I’m glad you enjoyed that line. That was one I’ve wanted to use since I started writing this. When the main bad guy is named Smitak aka Katims wanting to cancel him for a change while my characters live on just seemed…well therapeutic. Bitter much about Roswell’s cancellation? Hell yes!!! Not to mention the directions they went with the story. That’s why I wrote this I just had to fix what I felt had gone wrong and keep what was right and built on that. Yes, I really love Roswell that much. I’m insane I know but at least you get to be entertained by my insanity, right. So it’s all good. I really love reading you feed back you always make me smile with your comments or the sections you quote. See I’m hooked on that now, so of course I had to write the sequel. Hey, it keeps me out of trouble…well most of the time. LOL!!! Big hugs, for reading and your fabulous feed back. I hope you’ll enjoy this last part, the conclusion of this leg of the journey. Remember, to look for the sequel next Saturday. Take care and hugs!!! To steal a line from Roswell, “Thanks For visiting!”

Ansleyrocks - Hi Ansley! Yep! No more Smitak to deal with. Smitak was really evil and an idiot quite the combination. Kyle liberating the tip for the Pizza guy from Michael’s wallet, well it was the least he could do. Don’t ya think? Its that whole competition guy way of being friends kind of thing. It’s all done in good fun and Kyle will make good on it giving him back the money or paying for something of equal value to make it up to Michael. Really? You do want to read a sequel to this. Okay, I’ll have to get started on it today so I can post next Saturday. If that’s okay. I hope you will enjoy the conclusion. It’s the conclusion of this leg of the journey. The sequel will take off from that point. Oh, like I’d be tired of Max, not in this life time. Not in my universe. LOL… Jason or Max it’s all good. I’ll look forward to seeing your feed back as this journey continues into a sequel. Take care and thanks for reading and posting your comments. Thanks and big hugs!!!

roswellluver- Hi! I couldn’t agree more good riddance to Smitak. The man was a constant pain in the back side. Now everyone’s been liberated from his rule and caustic influence people are ready for some good to happen. You’re welcome. I enjoyed writing this story so much, I’m not done yet. I had to write the sequel so look for that next Saturday. “Loves Awakening Revealed II”. I hope this conclusion to this end of the story is one you will like as well. I look forward to your comments as always. Thanks for reading and posting your comments. It means a lot. Thank you and see you at the new sequel… Have a great week.

roswellian504- Yes, they definitely shocked Smitak. Mystic’s powers are every bit as kick ass as the rest of the gang, but different too. Oh about the pizza. Cal knows them well enough to know what they like to eat and has witnessed the boys’ huge appetites and abilities to consume it. That’s how he knew. As there protector, a lot of what he does is stand back, watch, and observe before making a move. Cal just made mental note of that information for future use. Cal is just spooky with the things he does know. But it’s a good thing he’s a good guy. Thank you for all your posted feedback and for reading my story. I hope you’ll read the Conclusion and then hang in there for the sequel. Big hugs and thanks for reading. Take care.

AJK001- Hi! Well, Thank you! It was my pleasure. I’m glad you liked last weeks post. This week’s is the conclusion. Next week I should begin to post the sequel. Phew! No rest for the wicked, huh. LOL!! I’m not actually wicked but you know what I mean. Great, I’m happy to hear you like the name of the sequel. I’ll look forward to seeing you there. I hope you’ll enjoy this final part of this leg of the journey.

Ash_maxliz – Hi Ash! Yep! Smitak is gone and now the party can begin. Hey, you’ve been peaking at my Max and Liz and what I wrote for them. LOL!! Nah, now love scene. Just lots of usual banter. Hey, don’t pout Ash, that’s what the sequel’s for right! LOL!!! Thanks for reading and for your feedback. I love reading it. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on this last part. The sequel, I should be able to post part one next weekend. Let’s hope. I have some other stories floating around in my Roswell land mind. They are itching to be written to. Man, nobody told me how addictive this writing thing is. LOL!!! Take care Ash, hugs for your support and reading of my story.

Smac- Rasmus has had to let go of a lot of his wrong thinking and is beginning to see that now. Mystic has always been a mixture of toughness and vulnerability I think it showed in last weeks post. Now this battle or confrontation with Smitak has taken place it’s time for old wounds to heal and to bury the past. You’ll see what I mean in this week’s final post. I think Rasmus now see’s Mystic in a new light completely since all this has happened. The gang was so confident because the hybrids had complete recall of their past lives dealings with Smitak and how he thinks and how to best exploit his weaknesses or rather his ignorance of them and what they do know. He assumed they were ignorant stupid kids he could just annihilate and go about his usual business. He thought wrong. The enemy usually makes that mistake thinking too highly of themselves and too little of their opponents. I’m glad you enjoyed last week’s post I was thrilled to read you comments last night. Thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy this conclusion. Don’t panic I’m writing a sequel. I should be able to post part 1 next weekend of that. It’s called. “Loves Awakening Revealed II” I wanted to make it easy to find and realize it’s a sequel. I hope to see you there. Take care and thanks so much for your reading and for commenting on my story. Hugs!

Part 42

The Conclusion ~ Loves Awakening Revealed

The gang feasts on their pizza and soda pop provided courtesy of Cal for the ‘Destined One’s’ private celebration tonight amongst themselves. The Colonists are anxiously getting ready for a formal celebration dinner in the ‘Destined Ones’ honor tomorrow night, thanking them.

“Gees, I had no idea any one person could eat that much pizza, Alex. That is so unfair. If we girls ate as much as you, Kyle, and Michael ate… we’d be huge,” says Maria in astonishment.

“Hey, I’m just lucky to be born with a fast metabolism. I have to work at maintaining this body you know,” jokes Alex. Liz and Maria look at Alex just then and burst out laughing.

“You do realize that one of us is pregnant and the rest of us women are just jealous of that metabolism of yours.” Maria and Liz nod. “Alex, drop and give me twenty,” says Maria.

“What? Why?” asks a puzzled Alex looking to Isabel for some kind of explanation or sympathy.

“You heard her, Sweetie. Do it, now!” says Isabel with an evil smile.

“Oh no, what did I say?” asks Alex with Kyle, Michael, and Max looking at the situation unfold in front of them.

“Babe, do you want to explain it to him or should I?” asks Liz sweetly smiling at Max.

“You have to be punished for your comment about having a fast metabolism, Alex. Am I right Babe?” asks Max.

“Yes, exactly. We have a winner folks! I love your mind Max. Have I told you that today?” asks Liz seductively giving him a heated look.

Michael and Kyle look at Max and shrug saying, “Whatever.”

Mystic looks at Kyle and frowns, “Whatever! You never mention and I repeat never mention in the presence of a woman, especially a pregnant woman, that you can eat anything you want because you have a fast metabolism, got it! Kyle,” snaps Mystic.

“Yes, but Alex didn’t say anything bad about any of you girls at all,” defends Kyle now that he’s getting yelled at.

“Thanks Kyle, we men need to stick together when our women turn on us like that. Right Michael,” states Alex.

“Hey, I don’t need any problems with Blondie tonight. Leave me out of this battle of the sexes. I’ve got plans,” says Michael.

“A word of wisdom here guys pick your battles carefully with our women. Remember, a battle of the sexes usually means nobody wins, and somebody is angry at the other.” Max, huddles the guys up and clues them in. “Most importantly it means no sex or lovin’ from our women. So what have we learned here?” reviews Max.

“Stay away from all topics related to metabolism and eating whatever you want and not getting fat,” offers Michael. He scratches his head in confusion in light of his statement. “I think I have a headache now trying to figure this stuff out,” says Michael.

“Michael, I’m impressed, gold star for you.” Max then tells the other two. “Now, go and apologize Kyle and Alex. I’d do the twenty pushups first if I were you, Alex. It might not hurt if you did them too Kyle. Sort of a peace offering,” jokes Max.

“Now that’s not fair. How come Max or Michael aren’t in trouble?” asks Kyle.

“Because they didn’t open there mouths and say something stupid. I’m impressed, Spaceboy,” adds Maria.

“Gees, Women!” says Kyle in exasperation.

“What was that, Kyle?” asks Mystic.

“Nothing, I just thought I’d join Alex here, on the floor and do twenty push ups. You know, got to keep the bod in shape,” smiles Kyle. Kyle thinks quickly hoping to bring up a topic that will distract the girls from their suddenly vicious mood change. Kyle lost in thoughts. ‘Oh God, please don’t let them all be pmsing. Well, except for Liz, because she’s pregnant,’ thinks Kyle to himself. Kyle’s not nearly brave enough to share his thoughts out loud for fear of further repercussions.

“I was just thinking. You know that this showdown with Smitak went off really well. I expected more of a fight from him given his reputation,” says Liz.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I think the fact that his General, Nicholas, and all round right hand enforcer being killed by Nasedo and Tess probably put a damper on his ability to strike back. The Smitak’s of the world are always less fearsome if you take away their muscle. Bullies have no fun when the good guys have power to fight back and anticipate your every move correctly,” says Max.

“Right. You can’t be saying that you miss the idea of an all out alien exchange of fire power. That wouldn’t have been good. Something like that would have attracted way too much attention.

“Yeah, like oh I don’t know…the Army, Marines, Air Force crawling all over the place getting us all captured. No doubt starring in our own alien autopsy,” says Michael.

“No thanks. I’m perfectly happy taking him out without the fireworks. Max is right. Why are we complaining that it wasn’t more of a fight? We know that Smitak was unable to communicate home to send more ships, plus according to Arianna things were kind of busy there with the people staging their own coup,” says Isabel sharing her opinion on the matter.

“The Granilith gave us an assist with jamming his communications aboard his ship interfering with his ability to order scout ships with more men,” adds Alex to the running group commentary.

“I have to say that I think the way things happened was for the best. This way we can continue to hide in plain sight and not have to worry about being exposed. This all is behind us now, we should be happy. Come on, can I have a Yeah! Go Team! Gees, I never thought I’d see the day I’d have to play the cheerleader. Hello we won, all is good. Now let’s make with the fun and good times already,” says Kyle trying to infuse some spirit and turn the mood back to a mood of happy celebration.

“Mystic, what do you think about all of this?” asks Kyle.

“I think everything went as well as possible. We managed to dispose of Smitak and his men without drawing attention to us or the Colonists. I made sure to erase all traces of evidence by putting them deep in the earth. The Colonists involved only suffered injuries and no fatalities. So, all went well. I know we discussed before hand that we would need to show no mercy to Smitak or his men. If we showed mercy they’d only continue their reign of terror adding Earth to its list of conquered planets leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. We all did what was necessary, no explanation or apology is necessary. This was about everyone’s survival,” states a serious and reflective Mystic.

“Okay, enough with the boring serious talk. On to the much needed party time. So, alcohol is out of the question. Hmmm. Well, there’s…no… too public here for that,” contemplates Kyle out loud. “What? Hey I’m a teenage guy. We are supposed to think about sex like every 30 seconds anyways. I’m just living up to my contractual obligation,” teases Kyle with an unconcerned shrug of his shoulders.

“So you’re saying then that there’s a possibility you’ll grow out of it,” teases Maria.

“Kyle? Not likely,” grins Mystic. Everyone turns and looks at Max and Liz.

“What? Hey, I’m a hybrid teenage male. It works differently I think for us,” says Max looking to Michael for a nod of agreement.

“Yeah, definitely Max. It’s different for us,” says Michael with a stern and serious expression on his handsome face. Liz takes pity on Max and Michael and puts an end to this discussion.

“Hey, you don’t hear Maria or me complaining here, right? Well…enough said,” says Liz.

“All right so what do we do now. Watch TV, go for a walk, listen to music, use the hot tub, play some games. What do you guys want to do that can be done with minimal embarrassment as a group. Please don’t say laundry,” teases Isabel mumbling something about being scarred for life.

“Thanks for the list of suggestions…You mentioned games, like what exactly?” asks Maria.
“Games like truth or dare? With this group and Max and Liz, things could get ugly fast; let’s not play truth or dare,” warns Maria with Mystic nodding her head in agreement and laughing.

“Max, you don’t think she brought that with her?” asks Michael with a worried expression on his face. Max returns his worried look with one of his own and groans.

“What are you two going on about? Tell me, come on,” prompts Kyle. Isabel enjoys watching her two brothers visibly shutter and wince at the thought of the game she may want to play. They desperately hope against hope she did not bring her instrument of torture.

“Oh never mind them,” says Isabel with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Isabel, you didn’t…Did you?” asks Liz ready to burst with laughter. Isabel’s smile gets bigger, and she winks at Liz.

“What? Would you all stop talking in code? Gees, this isn’t an aliens only thing is it?” asks a more than curious Kyle.

“I can tell you Kyle, but then I’d have to kill you,” teases Isabel.

“Princess, tell us please,” says Alex.

“Oh okay, I brought my Monopoly board game to play,” beams Isabel. Max and Michael as if on queue make the sign of the cross with their fingers and back up finding their girls and hide behind them.

“Make her stop,” says Max begging Liz to try and talk Isabel out of a game of Monopoly under his extreme duress.

“I could be persuaded to help you with that. So Babe, what are you going to do for me in return?” teases a playful Liz with mixed appreciative gaze of innocence and longing. Max is stunned by her comment but undaunted. He whispers something in her ear causing her to blush and giggle.

“Ah…Isabel, could we please pass on the Monopoly for tonight at least?” asks Liz.

“Oh this must be good if whatever Max said to Liz made her blush, giggle, and then ask Isabel to drop the game idea tonight. Girlfriend, you have to spill, on this one. Please,” pleads Maria with her hands held prayerfully at Liz.

“No, never, some things are just private,” Liz grins.

“I have a suggestion… How about poker?” says Kyle.

“Kyle! You perv! No we are so not playing poker of any kind,” says Liz stamping her foot
in adamant refusal.

“Sure you just had to kill my fun, so much for my fantasies,” teases Kyle.
The gang finally decides to play a safe card game like rummy. They begin to talk and reflect on the day’s events and their futures.

“What should we do now? Do we go back to Roswell and go back to being normal high school students and pretend that we don’t have bonded mates. Well, except for Max and Liz, they’re legal,” teases Maria.

“Well we have missed some time from school and we haven’t even been given the homework, so I think we should stay until we get caught up with the homework and talk with the tutors that Cal hired,” adds Liz.

“Hey, why hasn’t Cal talked to any of us about that?” asks Michael.

“Cal was more concerned about the outcome with Smitak first. It makes sense,” says Max.

“Gees, here we are out here at the Colony with our bonded mates no less and we have to worry about homework. Is there no escape? Is nothing sacred?” asks Kyle in a mocking tone. Everyone laughs at his usually funny comments. The group is concerned as to how to maintain the closeness for the couples after living as married couples; only to return to Roswell as boyfriend and girlfriend, maintaining a distance to keep parental problems at bay.

“Mystic will you come back with me to Roswell? I know we never talked about this before, but I do not want to be separated from you,” inquires Kyle.

“We do need to talk about this. I don’t wish to be separated from you either Kyle,” replies Mystic looking him straight in the eyes and letting her love for him show.

“Mystic, I’m hoping you will come back to Roswell with us. You are, after all a part of this family now. Just try to get rid of us. We will need to work on a cover story for you,” smiles Liz. The group all agrees with Liz’s comments.

“Besides, who else can better handle Kyle than you? He gets into so much trouble, girl. You are a saint. All of Roswell, not to mention his father the sheriff, should get down on their knees and thank you,” says Maria. “What? You know I’m right. Oh Kyle, stop with the puppy dog eyes. You know it’s true,” adds Maria.

“Thank you Maria for the great P. R. work you’re doing for me there. Good thing you’re not my agent,” smirks Kyle.

“We should probably call and check in with our perspective parents in Roswell, and just let them know that everything went well here. No details over the phone,” cautions Max.

“I haven’t asked Cal about how Mom’s business is going since she moved to Albuquerque to avoid the long commute from there to Roswell every night. Last time I talked to her she was extremely happy and business was booming. She just loves being a business owner. I should call her and see how she’s doing,” says Maria feeling suddenly homesick for her mom.

“Blondie if you like, maybe we could all plan an excursion and drive up there for the weekend or something since we all agreed that we aren’t going back to Roswell immediately. I bet your mom would be happy to see that you’re still all safe and sound. She did make me promise to take good care of you while she’s there working. This way she can see I haven’t let her down on keeping my promise of taking care of you Blondie,” says a thoughtful Michael.

“Hey, that sounds great. I think we could all use a road trip. We’ve earned it don’t ya think,” says Isabel.

“Mystic, are you okay with what happened at the lake today with Smitak? You do realize that we were all apart of that and we all did what was necessary. The taking of others lives is always a hollow victory. The only pleasure to be taken in any of this is in the preservation of others lives protecting future generations that now have a chance to live in peace,” says Liz as she lovingly rubs her lower abdomen quickly joined by Max’s hand making her point.

“I understand that and I agree. It’s just that it’s hard to realize that I could actually do something like that. I don’t dispute it was necessary. This is just a tough concept to wrap my mind around. I think I’m okay with it given the circumstances. It’s not like we were vigilantes inappropriately exacting our revenge,” states Mystic. She allows all these thoughts and reactions to absorb so they can be discussed and dealt with. She takes comfort in knowing that her family is there with her and they all understand and share in this. “There is something that I really need to do to help me bury the past that has always haunted me my whole life. I’ve been released from its burden now, but I need to do this one last thing to make it complete. I need all of you to help me do this. Will you come with me now, and help me?” asks Mystic with her eyes clouded with distant memories as her eyes pool with unshed tears. “Please guys,” pleads Mystic.

“Of course, we’re here for you. Whatever you need we’ll help you with. Don’t ever doubt that Mystic,” says Liz offering Mystic a hug of support and acceptance. The others allow Mystic to lead the way to some place she wishes to take them. Mystic leads them a short distance from the Colony. They find a cave, Mystic lights a nearby torch and motions for the others to follow.
“My mother’s ashes were scattered here since we cannot bury our people for fear of someone finding their remains. I come hear and talk to her sometimes. I just wanted to bury this symbol,” says Mystic removing the necklace from around her neck. “I wanted my mother to know that the evil that took her life and the lives of the other colonists that day has been stopped and no longer has any power over us. I wanted her to know that I now have the family and friends that I always dreamt of… Heck, I’m even one of ‘The Destined Ones’, Mother,” smiles Mystic weakly. “I release your spirit from this cave as I bury this symbol that once trapped us all. We are now all free. Rest in peace Mother and be happy,” says a tearful Mystic saying her final farewells. Mystic uses her powers to unearth a spot in the cave and makes it deep; much in the same way she did for Smitak’s final resting place, buried on the planet he felt was god forsaken. Earth is the resting place of his defeat and now the resting place of his necklace. The cycle is made complete as Mystic once again erases all traces of any disturbance in the earth smoothing over and making the earth look new and untouched, symbolizing a new beginning for all of them and their people. Everyone offers Mystic a smile of understanding and a hug. They all leave the cave and return to Michael and Maria’s cabin.

“Okay, who’s up for strip poker?” teases Kyle trying to lighten the mood. He is successful in making everyone laugh as he gets bombarded by pillows from the couch, courtesy of the girls.

“Any other brilliant suggestions you care to make Kyle,” states Isabel.

“Yeah, how about skinny dipping,” smirks Kyle ducking the second attack of pillows he’s being pelleted with. “I’m taking that as a no then. Fine, hey I’m a teenage guy. You girls are all beautiful. I just had to say something stupid on the behalf of all hormonally challenged guys who aren’t as lucky as we guys are to be surrounded with such beautiful girls,” says Kyle truthfully.

“Awww…Kyle, that’s sweet, but you still get a pillow in the face,” says Liz.

“Valenti quit flirting with my wife; or we might have to rethink the whole Uncle Kyle thing,” says Max with a glint of playfulness in his eyes.

“Whoa there big guy, I didn’t mean anything by it. You know me just joking around. Okay Max,” says Kyle holding his hands up infront of him in surrender.

“Max, this is Kyle, come on like anything like that would ever happen. I made my choice, a long time ago. It’s you by the way,” states Liz as she stands on her tip toes and gives him a kiss on the lips. This momentarily makes Max lose all sense of awareness.

“Ouch! Liz. That hurt.” Kyle quotes Liz, “This is Kyle, come on like anything like that would ever happen… Gees Liz, great way to assassinate a guy’s ego in one easy step. I know that there has never been anything between us like that, Liz. I was just being me you know goofing off and saying stuff.” Kyle being Kyle just has to make sure Liz knows he was kidding. “Now if you don’t mind I need some Ice cream and a good cry.” Kyle makes fun of the girls. “Got any chick flicks Michael?” asks Kyle completely in a mocking tone.

“Yeah, right Kyle. I have Braveheart, deal with it Valenti,” smirks Michael.

“Alright you two, cool it. Kyle, hands off the ice cream. Don’t make me kick your butts,” says Maria glaring at the two of them. Kyle looks at Michael.

“Do you think she could do it…kick both of our butts… I mean,” says Kyle.

“My Blondie, you mean…Yeah, you could kiss your varsity wrestler status goodbye,” states Michael in defeat. “She’s feisty and is capable of backing it up, and that was before she got any powers,” adds Michael.

“What can I say? I’m sorry dude. I feel your pain,” says Kyle with a sympathetic smile.

“What are you two whispering about?” asks Maria.

“Oh nothing much just a guy bonding moment,” says Kyle.

“Kyle! What did you two say?” asks Mystic now more than a little curious and suspicious.
“I know what you mean, Kyle. I feel your pain too,” smirks a whispering Michael.

Both guys look at each other and then say, “Women, they got us and they know it.”

“Aww… Is that complaining I hear?” asks Mystic. “Maria, I think maybe we’ve been too harsh with our guys. Maybe we should make it up to them,” smiles Mystic giving Maria a wink as she telepaths her plan.

“You’re right. I mean I have been known on rare occasion to fly off the handle with an extreme reaction to some things. Let me think, oh yeah like discovering that aliens do exist. But other than that I’m cool as a cucumber,” says Maria.

Alex begins to cough and sputter taking a sip from his can of orange soda. “Hello, I’m Alex Whitman. I don’t believe we’ve met. You look just like one of my best friends. You could even be her twin; imagine that, small planet,” jokes Alex. He lets the girls know he’s not buying any of this. “Welcome aboard to the exclusive club we have here. We represent the Roswell chapter of the “I know and I’m in love with an alien, club.” If you tell anyone who the members are of our club, you will be cheerfully hunted down, experimented on and probably star in your very own alien autopsy video coming to a theatre near you,” teases Alex. “Oh and did I forget to mention we have this really cool handshake and decoder ring,” adds Alex smiling and full of mischief.

“I knew about the secret handshake. Decoder ring? Hey, nobody told me about a decoder ring. Okay, where’s my decoder ring guys?…this is not funny. Fine! Be that way. One night you’ll find that I have struck and short sheeted your bed. When you do… just know that I was there,” grins Kyle.

“Go ahead Kyle bring it on. Truthfully, we probably wouldn’t even notice. I think you’ll have to do better than that Kyle,” says Liz with a serious expression on her face. Liz turns away and looks at Maria, Mystic, and Isabel trying to keep from laughing and telepaths her laughter only to them.

Kyle begins to take a very cocky and superior drink from his soda and sputters at Liz’s surprising reply. “Wait a minute, you wouldn’t notice. How could a person not notice something like that? That… that’s so not normal…It’s down right alien. Okay, explain. I need to understand, you two don’t….sleep in your bed?” asks Kyle. “I know I’m going to regret asking this but yet I have to ask. Where do you two sleep, then?” asks Kyle determined to learn some cool secret about Max and Liz.

“Sleep? I wasn’t talking about sleep. Gees, Kyle use some imagination. I even gave you a book with pictures. I think that’s enough explanation even for you, Kyle,” says Liz enjoying getting the better of Kyle in this situation.

“Liz scores 1, Kyle 0! When will Kyle ever learn not to go up against Max or Liz and try to shame them, that’s just not happening. Kyle, please learn from the rest of us. We have all tried and all of us have had it backfire on us,” says Isabel sympathetically.
*************************To Be Continued In Sec, hang on ***********************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 Done Pt 42 p12 July 31

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Repost from last Saturday's post on July 31st

Part 42 The Conclusion Continued

“Kyle, you did sort of walk right into that one full speed ahead,” adds Mystic. “Oh come on, your so cute when you blush. It’s kind of a turn on Kyle. Remind me to send Liz a thank you note tomorrow. Besides it sounds like you need to hit the book tonight and do some serious review and take notes this time,” teases Mystic.

“Kyle, who says studying can’t be fun. It’s my motto, Liz and I live by that one,” smiles Max.

“So that’s the secret to being on the honor roll. Hell, and here I thought being a jock was the right tack. Man, did I ever miss that memo,” jokes Kyle.

“Don’t worry Kyle, if another monumental memo comes out like that again, I’ll be sure to pass it on to you, dude,” says Alex. “We guys have to stick together right, Kyle, and Michael. We can’t all be Max now can we,” says Alex bursting with laughter.

“Watch it nerd boy!” says Kyle.

“Hey, I’ve survived dodge ball, you’ll have to do better than that Kyle,” says Alex running and dodging from Kyle and the barrage of pillows being hurled at him.

“Hey, what was with including me in that group Alex?” asks Michael now as the comment registers. “Oh yeah, nerd boy is going down. Kyle quit hogging the damn pillows. I need more ammo,” demands Michael.

“Maria, Isabel, and Mystic you do realize that your children will be just like that. You do realize that right?” says Liz smiling and laughing at the guys antics as Max stands behind her and wraps his arms around her.

“Hey you, speaking of children, how are ours doing tonight so far?” asks Max.

“They are perfect in every way and will be brilliant leaders just like their father,” smiles Liz turning her head to lean into him and give him a brief kiss.

“Okay, that’s it. We can’t take this lying down. You heard them, girls we have a mission should you all join me and choose to accept it.” Maria lowers her voice so only the girls and Max can hear. “I say we give their kids some competition,” says Maria shocking Isabel and Mystic into jaw dropping silence.

“Wow, you don’t get to see a sight like that every day,” smiles Michael. “That’s my Blondie, she’s amazing. She can shame my sister into shutting up, that’s a gift,” says Michael grinning with admiration, curious as to what Maria just said.

“Ah, guys I think we are feeling very tired all of the sudden. Michael help me clean up this mess and say good night to our family,” says Maria again leaving Isabel in stunned silence.

“Maria! What the hell are you saying? You didn’t mean…what I am thinking you mean,” says Mystic looking at Maria studying her face closely for any sign of a smile of a laugh or anything even close. She finds nothing but determination.

“Oh shit!” says Isabel who whispers back. “Are you insane? We are seventeen. Maria, are you feeling well?” asks Isabel in total seriousness. She taps into her powers to read Maria’s true emotions and her eyes get big. “No, way…girl you have gone completely around the bend. I have two words to bring your back to reality; okay ready brace yourself, “Your Mother”, would kill you. Not to mention what she’d do to my poor helpless brother, Michael. I’ve seen your mother angry Maria. You don’t want to put that weapon of mass destruction in motion. Please Maria, think about this. Not that I won’t love being an Aunt again at some point assuming Max and Liz don’t start their own Colony,” teases Isabel trying another tack to reach Maria.

“Oh come on Iz like you haven’t wondered about what yours and Alex’s kids would look like. I see you looking all thoughtful with a far away dreamy look on your face. I know that look. I have that look too Isabel,” says Maria.

“Maria, not everything is a competition, you know. Max and I we didn’t plan on getting pregnant at seventeen it just happened even though we did take precautions. I don’t want you to rush into having children on our account just as some sort of competition okay,” states Liz. “Let’s just all try to get through high school first and preferably with out making our unborn babies any cousins between now and then, okay,” suggests Liz trying to be the voice of reason.

“Max, you haven’t said a word. Why are you grinning like an idiot?” asks Liz.

“I was just thinking about us populating our own Colony. Oh, I suppose if we had to make room for Maria, Michael, Isabel, Alex, Mystic and Kyle we could. Just not anywhere near our cabin is all,” teases Max. “Babe, you know I’m a guy. I do think that way you know. I just haven’t really said anything about it until you came along and unleashed the inner Caveman in me,” says Max.
Liz turns around in his arms to face him and kisses him breathless.

“Ah, Guys…We are calling it a night and going home…Now!” says Liz beaming and smiling.

“Alex, I think we should probably go too, before they kick us out. There seems to be something in the air tonight,” smiles Isabel.

“Whatever milady wants, milady gets,” smiles Alex taking her hand and placing it on his arm escorting her to the door to leave. “Good night, guys… So we still need to talk to Cal about what time dinner is with the Colonists. Hopefully, we can move it to an early dinner. Didn’t you guys want to leave after the dinner and start on our road trip to Albuquerque? I have to make a list, come on Alex I’ll need your help,” states Isabel. Everyone groans, hearing Isabel’s comments.

“You know Liz, maybe you shouldn’t have tried to change Isabel’s mind so fast,” jokes Max.
“She’d be so busy with a child she wouldn’t have time to drive any of us insane with her infernal lists,” says Max.

Isabel shouts her final comments for the evening, “Everyone, we can go over the plans in the morning or afternoon and we can continue this topic of conversation then,” says Isabel absolutely grinning and formulating her lists, or so Alex thinks.

The End
Author’s Note:

The End of this leg of the story, but this is not the end of the journey. To be continued in Loves Awakening Revealed II. I hope to see you all there. Thanks for your support, kind words, and comments. You guys are the best. Thank you and hugs. I’ll see if I can have some thing to post next week of the new story. Take care all of you and once again hugs.
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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