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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:11 pm
by Stargazer's Delight
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
Not really decided, but lately have found myself drifting towards AU fics.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Generally CC prefered, but i have exceptions for Kyle/Ava pairing.

Favourite couple, Alex & Isabel It's the only way for me :D i get rather upset with out my stargazer happiness.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Never really go out of my way to read slash, i usually dislike reading it,but then again one of my all time fav fics to read is certainly slash :D

Crossovers, I love crossovers.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
Oh NC-17 all the way BABY!!! :oops: and lets leave it at that, you certainly don't want to know the perverted thought that go through my mind :P

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Well the first Roswell fic i ever started reading was Still Yours by Kzinti_Killer but this is still an ongoing fic, the first completed fic i ever read was Letting Go Only To Find You Again unfortunately i have lost track of this story and i can't remember the name of the author who wrote it. The couple it was about was Alex/Isabel and it will allways be one of my favourites.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
As of yet no, but this is something i wish to do. I am currently trying to write my first attempt at fiction. It will be a short 1 part Isabel centric fic.And another short story 2 or 3 parts at most and is what i hope will be a followup to my first story.

I have no idea when i will start posting any of these 2 fics as for everyday i am constantly changing things i have written hoping to improve what i am trying to write.
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
From which form of roswell?

from the Roswell book series Isabel was my fav character.
From the T.V show Alex was my fav character.
And from fan fiction Michael tends to be my most liked character.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Don't have one that stands out at the moment.
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Vertigo by Kerri240879 as weird as it seems i can't explain why this would be my fav fic to read.But it has certainly drawn me in and i have become addicted to this so much that i am suffering withdrawal symptoms while waiting for an update :lol:
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
Have not been reading here for long 2 or 3 months at most, but i visit here every chance i can, what can i say it's a very addictive site :D

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:16 pm
by Elizabeth Kivana
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
Both. Sometimes in the mood for one and the other for the other.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Dreamer and Polar. Yep, it's true. I can't seem to make up my mind there.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I've read a slash or too but I prefer crossovers much more.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Where Once Stood Kings by DMartinez, AU forum, I think. It was CC and it was great. So nothing like Roswell but great, al the same.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I've done three on the board so far. Two in the process and one finished. In AU is The Real Ava, in Alien Abyss is The Weight of the World and in completed Abyss is Just One. The Weight . . . is like a sequal to Just One.
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Liz, which is like d'oh! You can do so much with her and yet she already has so much.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
"I did it for sake of Earth, he did it 'cos he wanted to get laid". I'm saying it wrong but it's something like that I can't seem to find it now.
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Born of the Stars by Kath7. I have you read it? You should. It's amazing.
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I've been reading since the day I joined and I come a couple a times a day.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:07 am
by midnightstar29
Hi i wanted to give my answers!!!

1.Right now both
2.CC all the way . Love M/L Go Dreamer :D
3. I don't really like crossover cuz most of them I see are UC. And i like slash sometimes. (Anything written by Tasyfa)
4.R - NC-17
5.A Twist of Fate by Anne Baker. I loved it because I wasn't happy how the show was going and that fic showed me a different viewpoint.
6.I just read for now but I think I might write one day
7.Max. Besides him being hot he reminds me of a normal everyday person. Trying to make it in the world and everything possible get's thrown at him at once.
8.To many to say lol :D
9.Losing My Inhibitions by harroc83. I love fics where they don't betray max as some weak little kid. And i liked the whole Serena/Liz concept.
10.It's been 5 months and i come here everyday.

Midnight Star

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:56 am
by kerri240879
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
Either really, as long as it is well written.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

UC for sure, because it has such possibility. At the moment, I am definitely loving polar and in crowder fics, due to my own writing and being a beta for Jen.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I don't mind the odd extremer fic, but I tend to steer clear of slash. I have nothing against it, but it just isn't my thing.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
Again, not fussed, as long as it is well written, but I do enjoy mature.
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
The first fic I ever read was Finding Ulysses by Peachykin (Stacie.) I found it at PA, and the couple was Michael and Liz, and the rating was adult. I loved this fic, and it is still one of my all time faves. Stacie has also remained one of my fave authors, and I hang for updates on her newest fic. She's utterly brilliant.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
Yes I am a writer. I have two fics on the go right now. Vertigo which is polar and Redemption which is dreamer.
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Toss up between Michael and Zan. Michael, because he is such a challenge to write, and Zan because you can write him how ever you please.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Don't really have one.
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Again, it's Finding Ulysses by Peachy. If you haven't read it, I won't give anything away, but all I can say is this: Where the hell have you been?!! It's amazing. Stacie is amazing. I am in constant awe of this woman.
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
"Bout two years, and to read? Only occasionally. Mummy after all!

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:22 am
by dreamer19
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics? AU definitely
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple. CC, Max and Liz
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics? No
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it? don't have one
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it? I think I read Roswellthefinalchapter first.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned? Well I don't think mine are any good, so what's the point of saying them?
7. Who's your favorite character and why? Liz, I just identify alot with her.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic? I can't think any off of the top of my head.
9. What's your favorite fic and why? Behind The Glamour by Nicola, I love the secret relationship b/w Max and Liz.
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come? 2 1/2 years, everyday

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:29 pm
by manda8706
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics? AU.....definetly.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple. favorite coupleS are

A. Kyle and Michael
B. Michael and Isabel
C. Max and Maria
D. Michael and Liz
E. Tess and Kyle

The only CC's I really do are
A. Lonnie and Rath :D
B. Michael and Maria :P

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics? I like slash, but I've never read a crossover

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it? I usually read Mature or Adult...but I want to read more :P

5. What was the first fic you read, Memory of Her
the author, Peachykin (stacie)
where it was located, Polar Attraction!
the rating Adult
the couple, Michael and Liz
and what did you think of it? LOVED IT...thought it was so great....A friend recommended it to me...and I have been reading fanfics ever since.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? I finally am writing...I want to be a writer, but I never tried to write a fan fic. The one I am working on right now is [url = ... 589#616589]Fighting for Us[/url] Its kinda crazy but I think its kinda good :P

7. Who's your favorite character and why? Lonnie!!!! I thought she was so awesome...I loved her character, and I love fan fics with her.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
“Yo, ya thinks dat Lonnie had ta speed up da getting sober part without lettin’ us keep da hangover?” - Its from Christmas on the D.L. by KiaraAlexisKlay (Kristin)

9. What's your favorite fic and why? Addiction by gnrkrystle....hands down...its not finished but its definetly my fav!

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often
do you come? I have been reading for about 3 months now...and I come on everyday

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:06 pm
by ashleyt
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics? I love AU fics, usually AU w/out Aliens

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple. CC for sure. I'm a Candy and a hardcore one at that but GroundZero is my guilty pleasure but only if it's from Midwest Max or really really good.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics? Not really into either. Never have been. I do read some SER and of course there's Mel's 'The Broken Road" which are really good but those are the exceptions.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it? I read and write Mature, more freedom.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it? Easy, Routines by Chicky at Arimi's old site before KravingCandy. It was Candy of course! Mature/CC/AU w/out aliens. I love it. I will sing the praises of Chicky and that fic for the rest of my life and recommend it on every board I join.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned? I write at FF.Net and it's really a lot of me trying new things out and writing the weird thoughts and feeling I have swirling around my head. They're mostly Candy but have elements of UC and I have one GZ fic. I don't really update as often as I'd like too but you should check out Jealous (which I have to say I really enjoyed writing) and One Last Dance simply because it was my first try at writing from some one else beside Maria's POV in that way.

7. Who's your favorite character and why? Maria because of her energy, tenacity and loyalty. Also because I had a BIG problem (which I still have) with the way she's treated in this fandom.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic? "I’ve become Jeff Parker’s bitch" from Lost and Found by Midwest Max.

9. What's your favorite fic and why? Routines by Chicky closely followed by Lost and Found by Midwest Max.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come? I've been reading fics here for 2-3 years now. I think. I've been a lurker since the show was on the air so I've probably been here before buy but I was pretty much based soley at strictly Candy sites. I come on every week day but it's mostly cuz I beta and have to check for the next chapter. But a lot of good fics are here 2!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:22 pm
by NotYourChick
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
CC - Max&Liz

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
CO are good if I like the couple.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
Depends if the fic is good.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
I don't really remember. I was 12.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I do both. I have a Liz&Lucas fic out.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Max&Liz I like how he was in s1.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Anything Kyle said. He is funny.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I have so many.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
For a few months. I come here almost every day.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:36 am
by Flamehair
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
I like to read both - my favourite CC-Couple is Alex/Izzy - favourite UC-Couple Michael/Liz

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Sometimes I don't mind a bit fo slash :oops: :lol:

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Located here on this board, the rest I don't remember

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I mostly read, although I'm writing a story

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Alex and Michael - can't explain why

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Don't know

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
There are too many good fics - can't decide on one favourite

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
Since I joined RF in 2005 - coming almost daily

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:33 pm
by April
Cool thread! I've been so lazy not to post on it until now. :roll: Obviously it's way too late for your paper, but what the hell.

1. AU or Regular?
AU, although regular fics are great, too. I'll read anything that's well written and intriguing!

2. CC or UC?
CC, although I can go for a few UC pairings, mostly Isabel/Kyle and Max/Tess. But CANDY all the way!

3. Crossovers and/or slash?
Uh-uh. I've read a few, but they're not for me.

4. Rating Preference?
Oh, that's a no-brainer. Adult for sure. Although, back when I was, like, fourteen and reading Roswell fanfics . . . no, it was still adult back then, too. :oops: (Oh my god, I just now realized I technically broke the law by reading NC-17 fics back then! Shame on me! Shh, don't tell. :wink: )

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
"In Darkness, See Forever" by Mnemosyne, located on Crashdown, rated R (and I was, like, 13, God!), Michael and Maria, and it is still one of my favorite fics even to this day. It's beautifully tragic and had (and to some extent still has) me crying like a baby.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it?
I probably write a lot more than I read, actually. As the years have progressed, my fics have gotten longer and longer, too. There's a couple now that are definitely novel-length. "Beautiful", "Stimulation", and "Crusaders' Night" were probably my most popular fics, but I wrote them when I was a lot younger, and I think my writing has gotten way better now, so I'm most proud of "My Romance." I've got an author's thread in my sig. Check it out if you like sweet and spicy Candy love!

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Michael because . . . well, he's hot. No, plus, I really like writing for him in fics. The opportunities for sexual innuendo are just endless. :lol:

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
There's a lot, but one that's coming to mind is from Doc Paul's "In the Background" series, from her Secrets and Lies tag. Michael takes Maria camping and is starting a fire (I think with his powers). Maria says, "Make it hot," and he says, "I always do." Or something along those lines. See? The sexual innuendo!

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Probably anything by DocPaul, especially "The Day We Never Kissed" series and "In the Background" series. But I also love Shelbecat's "When I Have Fears." And Mnemosyne's "In Darkness, See Forever." And Becky's "Story of Lines," though I can't seem to find it online anywhere anymore. And there's so many great/hot smut stories, too. I can't choose!

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I don't even know how long I've been on the site. Probably about 3 or 4 years, although you couldn't tell by how little posting I've done. I was a lurker for a long time before that. My friend Ash would come post my fics on here for me because I was too nervous to do it myself. :? I don't come that often because Candy Is Dandy is THE place for candy chicas, but I think this is great site, too.

Ah, that was fun.
