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Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:49 pm
by Aoedele
All of season2 starting after TEOTW, specifically Isabel and Kyle as a couple, plus all of season3 left me in a permanent state of wtf? :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:35 pm
by Sologirl102
That line Liz says, the "God I saved myself for you!" line. I was like, GEEZ Liz, COULDN'T YOU HAVE SAID THAT BEFORE TESS AND MAX GOT HORIZONTAL!??? Plus the Maria/Michael thing third season, and Liz/Max third season. After all that crap happened, I was like, MAX, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING BACK IN THE CRASHDOWN ON THAT FAITHFUL DAY??? GOD, BEING SHOT PROBABLY IS PREFERABLE! Sorry, Halloween has spazzed me out, this being the first year I pass out candy. (So many wasted hours/minutes)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:53 am
by SweetnSpicy
For me it was whenever Max and Liz saw each other it would turn to slow motion and they would get this goofy smiles on their face and just stare at each other!It happened in every episode practiclly!Even when they weren't together!It took to much time and pissed me off!!Any one else feel the same???

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:23 pm
by Djinn
About 30 mins ago, when after a YEAR of not watching Roswell (how that happened, I still don't know)....ANYWAY, after a year of not watching any of my Roswell DVDS, I had a HUGE craving to watch one, so I stick it in and.......


...wrong region....
..................try to change it...ok....nope, stupid retarded DVD player doesn't want to change regions UG!!!!

So now I gotta go and get me one of those shiny multi-region patches, but its 1:20 in the morning, so I have to wait till tomorrow.

I swear, if I don't go to bed right now and fall sleep instantly some happless fool is going to die........

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:28 am
by Izzy&Alex 4eva
^^ :roll:

Sean: yeah bring in a criminal to corrupt a teenage girl.

Anything after CYN which implied anything Kyle/Isabel..or Jesse/Isabel, way to go, lets just throw her to the only guy available or the very next guy who comes along :roll:

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:25 am
by Natalie36
two lines from season three
1. Not like I love you (wtf) is that.
2. His explanation/i guess you call it an apology/and know i'm stuck here all i got is you (this would be at the warf on thier first get together after tess). Thats how I took it the whole conversation that day.

Maybe I just dumb or old I just do not get these comments can someone explain.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:02 pm
by ashleyt
So many things...

1. Maria breaking up with Michael so late in the show and then them taking forever to get back together :x
2. Michael and Courtney...bactually it's more or less Michael doing anything stupid (especially that "I love you too much" garbage)
3. Tess being evil, it just seemed too easy
4. Liz and Max were nauseating, especially that whole Romeo and Juliet reference :roll:
6. Isabelle moving on to Jesse so quickly
7. Most of the third season
8. Kyle being in the background like an ornament, he was such a fun character
9. Did I mention Liz and Max?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:20 pm
by begonia9508
Natalie36 wrote:

two lines from season three
1. Not like I love you (wtf) is that.
2. His explanation/i guess you call it an apology/and know i'm stuck here all i got is you (this would be at the warf on thier first get together after tess). Thats how I took it the whole conversation that day.

Maybe I just dumb or old I just do not get these comments can someone explain.

No no you're not dumb or old bc I jumped on my feet several times after hearing such ineptitudes too....
Guess that was written by an insensible moron bc a normal person would never write it!

EVE :lol: :wink: :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:13 pm
by dreamer19
Natalie36 wrote:two lines from season three
1. Not like I love you (wtf) is that.
2. His explanation/i guess you call it an apology/and know i'm stuck here all i got is you (this would be at the warf on thier first get together after tess). Thats how I took it the whole conversation that day.

Maybe I just dumb or old I just do not get these comments can someone explain.
Totally agree!

Others for me:
1. EOTW (although I love the episode, I hated the whole concept, it was so retarded. I know I'm contradicting myself. But its ridiculous that the only want to get Max and Tess together was to have a future version of Max come back and tell Liz to push him away.)
2. Alex dying.
3. Everyone saying Tess and Max had to be together, but no one ever cared about Isabel and Michael being together. It's the same damn thing!
4. Max treating Liz like a doormat in season 3.
5. Tess always referring to "their son."
6. Obviously Tess and Max sleeping together. (Although I do like how Tess was present in the first two episodes she was on, she was actually likeable.)
7. The crappy plot from the second half of season 2 and some of season 3.
8. Never seeing Max and Liz getting it on! Even though they were the heart of the show and the only reason I watched it to begin with. We are totally screwed on that point.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:19 am
by carter13
maxandliz4ever1357 wrote:
The entire third season?
Ha ha ha. Back it up to when Max slept with Tess and I'm with you!
back both of them up with the fact the we never found out about serena and what future max was on about, kivar and that tess kill alax im with u 2. lol
