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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:12 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I ,Marianna Deluca, am a city girl. I love the hustle and bustle of the city. Gucci and Prada are not just designers but a religion to me. So why am I standing outside the airport in Roswell, New Mexico attempting in vain to flag down a nonexistent cab. One word. Friendship. My frister (more than a friend almost a sister) Liz decided that New York just wasn’t doing it for her anymore. Plus her boyfriend Kyle got a football scholarship causing him to move half way across the country with Lizzie nipping at his heels.

Okay, I know you make a lot of sacrifices for love or whatever but if I have to shop at The Gap I am going to be very pissed. Don’t get me wrong I am all for being open to new experiences and seeking out the unknown but I am used to the fast paced ever changing atmosphere of New York City. I’m used to tearing up the hottest clubs that only the who’s who can gain entrance. What am I supposed to do here in Mayberry? Go cow tipping? I sigh and check my watch. With the time difference I’ve gained two hours.

You are probably wondering what I am even doing here if I love my home so much easy. It just wasn’t the same. Without my closest friends there wasn’t anything left for me. If I don’t have my closet friends to share the college experience with it’s just not worth it. With that bit of knowledge I transferred from the ever impressive NYU to RU. Boy, I just hope I don’t regret this. I’ve always heard the biggest regrets we have are the chances we don’t take. I hope whoever said that knew what they were talking about.

Pulling out my call I flip it open and speak into it. “Call Liz.” I command. It blinks an assortment of colors before stating itself, “Calling Liz” Don’t you love technology? I wait anxiously for the brunette to answer. :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:26 am
by littleroswell

I can't find Kyle anywhere and I'm too short to see over some of these giants out here in the quad. I finally decide to sit down and wait for him to find me when my cell phone rings. Pulling it out of my pocket, I look at the display and squeal. It's Maria! I have her programmed for a specific whenever "Rollin' With My Homies" by Coolio plays, I know it's here. What? It's a "Clueless" thing. We love that movie.

Hitting the talk button, I say brightly, "Hey, chica! What's up?"

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:46 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Hey, Chica! What's up?" Her ever cheery voice greets and instantly my frown is turned upside down. With a relieved sigh I answer,

“Oh girl, did you know that you’ve moved out to the middle of no where? If you don’t assure me there’s a Starbuck’s right this instant I am turning my cute ass around and hopping back on a plane home.” I tease with an easy going laugh.

I’ve been standing on the curb for the past twenty minutes trying to catch a cab but there simply aren’t any!” I exclaim as if that’s a crime against God and all his natural elements.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:16 am
by littleroswell

I squeal again at her words. "Oh my god! Maria, you're here! You're really here! Um, well, cabs are a little hard to find out here, and of course there's a Starbucks, you haven't left the planet. Just get to the nearest bus stop and get on the number 12 bus. It'll take you to university campus. I'm supposed to be meeting Kyle here, otherwise, I'd come get you myself."

I look around, still not spotting Kyle anywhere. Where is he?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:22 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Her delightful voice raises upan entire octaive as she squeals happily, "Oh my god! Maria, you're here! You're really here! Um, well, cabs are a little hard to find out here, and of course there's a Starbucks, you haven't left the planet. Just get to the nearest bus stop and get on the number 12 bus. It'll take you to university campus. I'm supposed to be meeting Kyle here, otherwise, I'd come get you myself." I breath out a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry about it. I'm an independent woman. I'm sure I'll have this place mapped out and owning half of it before the days done." I retort feeling much better about my situation. "Plus it seems we don't have a whole lot of town here to work with anyways, I think I can see the end of the city limits right where I am standing." I jets with a whole hearted giggle. "Don't you worry your pretty little head I'll be there in a jiffy."

Oh god I've only been here a half an hour and I'm already picking up small town lingo. "I'll see you just as quick as I can. Ta Ta." With that I snap my ridiculously expensive phone shut and begin walking down the main drag with my suitcase trailing behind me. Sure enough I come upon a bus stop and am only waiting mere minutes before the number 12 pulls up along side me. This must be a rather popular route. "I throw my change into the metal cylinder and take a seat in the back letting myself get a good view of my new residence.

We've only been riding what I can imagine as fifteen minutes or less when we pull into a large drive and the university comes into view. Wow, it doesn't appear to be a hick college. In fact it looks rather impressive. I smile when we stop and several people my age pile off the ricky bus into what appears to be some kind of outside gathering place for students. It's crowded to say the least. How will I ever find Liz among these hordes of people?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:57 pm
by StormWolfstone

After several moments, I finally find myself having to leave Tess because I have set things up to meet Liz. I made my way across the quad as quickly as I could, being stopped every once in a while by another of the jocks that I now ran Quarterback for and having to answer questions.

When I spotted her, I smiled and noticed that she was on the phone with her back to me. Walking as quietly as I could, I stepped up behind her and covered her eyes with my hands before speaking softly, “Guess who.” I leaned down and before she could answer, pressed my lips to her neck. “Would that be Alex or Maria yet?” I questioned about the phone call, just wondering what could be placing the smile on her face I could easily see even before I’d touched her.

Even standing here with her, images of blue eyes haunted me but I forced them away. I loved Liz I wouldn’t hurt her. Yet, those eyes…

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:52 pm
by littleroswell

I almost jump out of my skin as hands cover my eyes and I hear a "Guess who," from behind me. My heart does a little leap at the thought of a certain dorm neighbor from across the hall but I know better and keep the smile on my face from Maria's call when I feel Kyle's lips on my shoulder. “Would that be Alex or Maria yet?” he asks.

I turn around and put my arms around his shoulders. Kyle's presence is reassuring and familiar. I place a quick peck on his lips because I'm kind of shy about public displays of affection. "You startled me...and that would be Maria. She's hopping a bus and heading here as we speak." I grin at the thought of my best girl friend being here with us. Then I bite my bottom lip in a little bit of worry. "I'm sorry that you ditched class to spend time with me and now Maria's going to be with us too. You don't mind too much do you? I think we can all find something fun to do."

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:03 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Bump :D

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:34 pm
by aliensister

"Sorry about my bulk bumping into you, Tess. I can only blame it on being distracted and being a jock." I give my best forgiving smile, not that he cares I mean he's on the phone to his girlfriend. "I'll see you around Tess." I can't help the slump of my shoulders as Kyle walks off. It sucks, I mean you know what they say all the good ones are either gay or unavailable...*sigh*

I flip my cell phone open as I head back to my dorm room and dial in Izzy's number. It diverts to message bank which must mean she's in class so I send her a text message.

Izzy, Nails, Spa and Chocolate?
After class...txt me bak!
Hugs T x x x

Shoving my phone back into my pocket I jog up the stairs to our room, Knowing Isabel can't say no to anything that involves pampering. I think that's just what I need to day a good pamper session and to completely forget about anybody called Kyle. I bet his kissing her right now and not one thought of me is running through his head...


Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:15 pm
by madroswellfan
waiting for a Michael post :)