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Post by maougha »


"That looked painful. Does it still hurt. Can I help?” Max asks. Uh I can tell this guy has a hero complex going on.

I shake my head, the pain already dulling down to a small throb. By tonight it well be gone. “No, but thanks.”

"They'll figure it out sooner or later," Phillip says to me. "We don't need this crap. Maybe they'll get themselves killed trying."

And he’s right on both accounts, we don’t need them causing trouble for us and when they do try something either our captors well kill them or do something worse. Oddly though I find m self actually worrying about this. True I haven’t known these people as long as the others but if what they say is true then they are just like us and we have to stick together to survive. I wont admit this any time soon mind you, because I still don’t trust them they are hiding something.

I nod. “Phillip is right try anything now so soon after being brought in and they well be ready for it. Don’t you think they are not expecting a break out right now?” I address everyone of the newbie’s then turn back to Max.

“So why do you think they came after you now? Why not when you where younger?” I ask him and this has been bothering me, these people knew we had these powers before we did and got us while we where still young and couldn’t fight back. So why not the same for Max and his friends?
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Post by isabelle »


I'm surprised by Phillip's callousness, but perhaps I shouldn't be. They've only had each other to look after for several years. They're not used to thinking of the greater good. They don't even remember what's out there or what they'd find if they did get out. It's hard to even imagine.

“So why do you think they came after you now? Why not when you where younger?” Xavier asks after refusing my offer to help him.

"They only just found out about us," I say. I wonder how much I should admit. That it's all my fault? That I exposed us when I healed Liz? "We'd managed to remain hidden until recently," I say with a frown, thinking about it. Maybe we should have run, just like Michael said. It would have been admitting guilt, but maybe we'd still be free... Or maybe we'd have been caught even sooner. There's no way to know.

"What I still don't understand how they knew you'd have powers before they even happened. Do you have any idea where your powers come from?"

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


“Hey look Pepe it’s the woman of your dreams.” Xavier retorts with a snicker. Oh great a bunch of comedians. "I haven't seen her there yet, but I'm looking forward to it," Phillip states in all seriousness. Oh brother! I’m never going to make it out of here. Wait, reevaluation. They are never going to make it out of here alive. That’s because inevitably I’m going to kill them. I take comfort in that simple notion. "Why would they keep you all this time? Do you know why they can do these things? Why do the ... scientists ... think you can, too?" Max questions trying desperately to figure out the answers to questions we are not even sure of.

"We have to get out of here." Liz whispers adamantly. "We have to get out of here. Max, can you go get Michael?" The brunette asks inquisitively.. "Maria, I need you to get these off me, try, please." Is that a good idea? She turns and looks at the others. "How many more of you are there. And do they have gifts as well?" Max seems to just fall in line and do what he’s told. Shaking the reluctant sleeper lightly he says softly. "Hey Michael. Wake up, You need to hear this," My brother acknowledges.

"There are ten of us," Phillips states unhappily.. "We have no idea why we can do these things," He frowns at Max. “They don't tell us anything. They don't let Kerian go. Maybe we don't have any families. I don't know." How terrible? The not knowing. I guess I can relate in that aspect. "Of course you have families," Liz seems to scold. You’d better tread lightly, Lil’ Miss Scientist. "A mother and father are requirements- at least in a genetic sense- and you have each other.."

She stops for a moment as if to gather her thoughts. "Ten? Okay there are...eighteen if you include us. What can the rest of you do? Or do you not know? Most of us have talents that fall under the heading of psychic phenomenon. Do you know if many more prisoners are being held in this facility, other then you? And what have you tried that's failed, so we don't repeat ourselves." She rambles off a number of questions and I sit silently in awe of her initiative. I don’t want to do anything to make our situation any worse. She continues to name off several other concerns.

"Do you have any idea what they're trying to achieve with these experiments and tests? I imagine there's only so much you can learn after awhile- especially ten years. They can't be attempting a breeding program- they would have started already and besides I doubt any offspring would be viable. And a military base would be more--- regimented, I'm imagining." Darting my eyes over to the one they call Xaiver I listen as attempts to answer her inquiries to the best of his ability.

“First of all we have no memories of our past but we are not stupid we know we had families.” Ouch. Yep, he‘s pissed. This was so not the way I saw this going ,but oh well. He gestures dramatically to the book in his hand. “Secondly don’t you think we have tried? We have been at this a little longer then you girl.” Then he leans back in his chair and seemingly falls asleep. I narrow my eyebrows in confusion. What is he going to take a nap now?! That’s not entirely helpfully.

Much to my dismay he appears directly behind Liz. Damn. Clearing his throat to get the groups attention he spouts off, “We all happen to be pretty powerful too even Kerian, what he lacks in power he makes up for in brains.” Got to give the guy props. He knows how to entertain the crowd.He then crosses the room with a look of pure determination etched acorss his strained features. “Watch closely now, I’m only doing this once.”

He places his hand on the wall and tries to push it through. A look of pain fills his features. Then without warning he is back in the chair clutching his head. “Like I said they know our powers and they know how to counter them.” Xaiver finishes sadly. "Liz," Max begins worriedly. "You're going to scare them off." Finally, my bro stepped up. "Besides, I'm sure they have every inch of this place covered with cameras and microphones."

Valid point. So what now? The poor guy looks as if he is an unreal amount of pain. Max pipes in and offers his services. "That looked painful. Does it still hurt. Can I help?" Phillip cuts in. "They'll figure it out sooner or later," He then adds a hateful. "We don't need this crap. Maybe they'll get themselves killed trying." That stung a bit. We haven’t been here as long as they have. We are just trying to learn the rules of this place so we can beat the game when the time comes to pass.

“Phillip is right try anything now so soon after being brought in and they well be ready for it. Don’t you think they are not expecting a break out right now?” Xaiver responds with an air of certainty. He seems to know what he’s talking about. We should probably listen. At least until we know more about where we are and what powers have not been deluded. “So why do you think they came after you now? Why not when you where younger?” Xaiver ponders aloud.

How did they know we had powers at all? Yeah, I did use the recreationally occasionally but for the most part I was really careful. My mind goes back to the day where everything changed. Max put us all in danger by saving Liz Parkers life. Is that how they found us? "They only just found out about us," Max starts but seems weary on the details. He‘s thinking the same thing I am. "We'd managed to remain hidden until recently."

Frowning at his obviously intense thoughts I automatically feel the need to reassure him. He couldn’t have known that it would have lead to this. We all had thought we were in the free and clear. "What I still don't understand how they knew you'd have powers before they even happened. Do you have any idea where your powers come from?" Turning my head to see their reaction I can't stop myself before opening my mouth.

"Besides your powers have you had any other odd happenings that wouldn't be considered normal." Seeing the confusion I elaborate. "Such as glowing hickies, flashes of memories from someone you are intimate with, or dreams that seem almost prophetic?" Are these guys aliens like Michael, Max, Tess, and I ,or are they just humans with gifts like Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle?
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"They only just found out about us," Max begins before lowering his eyes. "We'd managed to remain hidden until recently." The shooting! That's what gave us away. Oh. Eyeing my best friend cautiously I shoot her a warm smile. Even if that event is what took us here I still wouldn't change it. Lizzie is my bestest friend and the world just wouldn't be right if she wasn't in it. I silently thank Max Evans everyday. I won't take that back now.

"What I still don't understand how they knew you'd have powers before they even happened. Do you have any idea where your powers come from?" I hope they have a better understanding of their powers than I do. I can work mine pretty well ,but I'm still unclear as to the reason I have them. "Besides your powers have you had any other odd happenings that wouldn't be considered normal." Isabel speaks up suprising everyone. She's been mostly quiet throughout the whole ordeal. Still trying to process I guess. Hell, I still don't have a clue as to how we got here.

"Such as glowing hickies, flashes of memories from someone you are intimate with, or dreams that seem almost prophetic?" She adds in an attempt to make her intent known. Meeting Liz's eyes reluctantly I see the fear and yet the will to overcome. If she can be strong so can I. Leaning forward I place my hands over the binds that confine her and with a little concentration she is released. "There." I state quietly. Now she's free.The question weighing heavy on my mind is what are we going to do about these painful experiements? I don't think I can take much more and we've been here mere hours not years. I'll never survive such circumstances. :wink:
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Post by maougha »


"They only just found out about us," Max says. "We'd managed to remain hidden until recently,"

well that’s all well and good but why? Why didn’t the people here know about them and get them when they where younger? What is so different about them?

"What I still don't understand how they knew you'd have powers before they even happened. Do you have any idea where your powers come from?"

the question really is how come they didn’t know you would have powers now isn’t it? But I don’t ask this. I simply think about his question because it is a good one. And Isabel starts to speak anyway. "Besides your powers have you had any other odd happenings that wouldn't be considered normal. Such as glowing hickies, flashes of memories from someone you are intimate with, or dreams that seem almost prophetic?"

now my question is not what power each one person has but what powers do they posses. “I take it.” I say focusing on Isabel. “That besides dream walking you can do much more?” deciding that I could get to like this newbie I decide to answer her questions the best I can.

“Like Phillip said we are kept in the dark, knowledge is power and the less we know the more hold the people here have over us. Threw the experiments I have found different ways to use my power yes but as far as I can tell it is the only one I have.” while I am talking I see Maria release Liz from her gloves. Now I have answered their questions the best I can I hope she is truthful too.

“You keep asking where our powers come from, is this because you know why you have yours and whish to see if it is the same as ours? Or because you know nothing about it at all?” I ask and immediately I kick myself for asking I mean I wouldn’t even answer this truthfully! Oh well what’s done is done I guess. I set there waiting for an answer.
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Post by isabelle »


I do my best not to startle as Isabel starts asking about glowing hickies and the rest. Didn't I just say that we're probably being watched? I understand that she's trying to get clues about them, if they're aliens bred in captivity or something, but I don't want to give that sort of information to 'them.' But what's done is done, so I wait to listen to their answer. Maria frees Liz, which is good. Those gloves looked very uncomfortable. I can't help but notice that Michael still hasn't bothered to rouse himself. I wonder if he's awake and listening in or if he's reallys till sleeping.

“Like Phillip said we are kept in the dark, knowledge is power and the less we know the more hold the people here have over us. Through the experiments, I have found different ways to use my power yes but as far as I can tell it is the only one I have,” Xavier says. Then he asks, “You keep asking where our powers come from. Is this because you know why you have yours and whish to see if it is the same as ours? Or because you know nothing about it at all?”

I bite my lip, not sure how much I want to say in front of our unseen audience. "We think we know why some of us can do these things," I say carefully, "But not all of us. Not exactly." Liz and Kyle and Alex didn't have powers until after I'd healed them from life-threatening injuries. I don't know if I'd actually changed their DNA without meaning to, or if it just triggered dormant abilities they already had, but I'm sure it had something to do with the extent of their injuries and the amount of power I'd had to use. I've occassionally healed Mom and Dad for minor stuff with them knowing it and they've never gotten powers.

"I'm sorry, I just keep thinking that if you were bred for your powers, you'd have been raised here since birth, not picked up when you were eight or ten. If you'd been exposed to something that gave you powers, how would they know you would all be changed? Mutations aren't usually that predictable. I can't understand how they'd know you'd get powers before it happened." I wonder if they know that, if they're told how rare mutants and powers are. If they have any idea how many people in the world there really are. Maybe he wouldn't be so surprised that we'd been able to hide.

Actually, the fact that the ten here didn't have powers before they arrived pretty much proves that they're not aliens. Michael, Isabel and Tess and I have had powers since we emerged from our pods. -- unless these people were just in pods longer? They hatched when they were eight or ten and that's why they don't remember their families? But no, they still would have had their powers since they were 'born,' not later.

"I've been able to do this all my life," I add, in an effort to be a bit more clear. I leave out mention of Isabel, Michael and Tess for the moment, although I'm sure this isn't news to the scientists listening in.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


“ok but this time sis, you’re going down. I’ll die if you win again. What shall we bet? Your CD Player?” Tegan says, and for a minute, I almost think she means it. But she'll never win against me...I'm amazing at pool.

"That's a great idea sis, if you win you get my CD player, but if I win, I get your pink skirt....don't get your hopes up. I'll crush you." I tell her with a huge grin, setting up the balls in the triangle. "As a pity move, I'll let you go first," I add, leaning against the wall.

While I wait for her to take her move, I scan the room again, pausing to look at the group of people from this place, that just seems to be growing. Phillip and Xavier seem to be having a heated discussion with the newbies, while one of their's is still sleeping, and Kieran hangs at the edge of the conversation. I want to know what they are talking about, but first I want to win so I can keep my CD player.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


“That's a great idea sis, if you win you get my CD player, but if I win, I get your pink skirt....don't get your hopes up. I'll crush you.” She said setting up the balls “As a pity move, I'll let you go first,” she then leans against the wall.

Oh damn. Not my favorite skirt. She knows I love that skirt and that I never let her burrow it. Man why can’t we every play something I’m good at and her not so good at.

I step up to get my stick, I place it better my fingers and made a shot. I got 5 balls in the holes. Oh yes dear sister, I’ve been practicing. I’m going to keep my skirt and get that CD player. Oh yes I determine to do so.

“I believe it’s still my turn…” I move around the pool table and made another shot, this time 2 balls in the holes. I look at her expression on her face, and she looks shock. “Oh what’s wrong? Did you expect me not learn from the best?” I ask grinning.
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