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Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:40 pm
by Buffsteraddict

"Theres no we Liz. This is my battle. This only proves that he will come after everyone around me. Im not taking that chance with you."

Before I have a chance to stop him he get's up and walks out of the house.

This isn't good. I know that there's nothing I can do to stop him now.

I get up from the floor and immediately go up to Mrs. Evans who seems completely frozen at the seen in front of her.

"This isn't happening.." She chokes out, staring at Philip. "He c-can't be dead."

"Mrs. Evans." I say quickly, draping my arm around her shoulder. "Come on. Let' go upstairs, we can call the police from up there, okay?" I lead her towards the stairs. I lead her upstairs into Max's room where I see Zan hugging Isabel tightly.

"Mom!" Isabel exclaims at the sight of her. She quickly get's up and rushes into her mother's arm's.

"Where's dad?" She asks fearfully, turning to me.

"He's..." I say, closing my eye's temporarily to regain my composure. "He didn't make it."

At my words both Mrs. Evans and Isabel start crying. I can see Zan on the floor, looking up at us with wide eye's. I quickly make my way over to him, taking him into my arm's.

"Where's daddy?" He asks me as tear's start forming in his eye's.

"Your daddy's going to be just fine, okay?" I try to reassure him. "He'll be back as soon as he can."



"God, don't these burger's taste amazing?" I say, taking a sip of the strawberry milkshake.

"Yeah, sure." Nicholas mutters, looking busily around the crowded restaurant. "Hey, isn't that Elizabeth's parent's?" He asks, staring behind my shoulder.

I turn my head in the direction of where he's pointing. Sure enough, the Parker's are position behind the counter.

"Yeah, you're right." I say.

"Well, they'll recognize us!" Nicholas snaps angrily at me. "We did try to kill them before, remember!?"

"Oh right, we did." I mutter. "Well they haven't recognized us so far, have they?"

"Yeah, well, it's only a matter of minutes before they do!" Nicholas say's. "Then they'll screaming like a bunch of fools and then those policemen will come again!"

I turn my head once more in the direction of the Parker's, who are now walking towards the swinging door's that lead to the back of the restaurant.

I let out a small sigh. "Get up." I tell Nicholas. "Let's take them out now. Then maybe I can enjoy my burger in peace without you whining all the time!"

I take the lead and head towards the back room, raising my hand, ready to kill them both as Nicholas follows me closely from behind.

"No," I snap, turning on him. "You stay here and you make sure nobody goes through those swinging door's, do you understand?"

He nods and takes his position in front of the swinging door's just as I go through them.

"Well, well." I smirk. "We meet again Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Isn't this excited? I practically have shivers running through my spine!"

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:53 pm
by Buffsteraddict

I continue to hold on to Zan as he cries, I can see Mrs. Evan's and Isabel who are still holding on to each other and crying for the loss of Mr.Evans.

But right now all I'm worried about is Max. I just have this really bad feeling that something's bad is going to happen to him. But what I am supposed to do? I don't even know where he went too!

I slowly move my hand from the floor to Zan's small back, and that's when it hit's me. Another vision. Only this time instead of Khivar killing the Evan's, he's killing my parent's.

"Oh my, God," I gasp out loud. I quickly let go of Zan and pull myself to my feet. Both Mrs. Evans and Isabel look at me.

"I have to go," I blurt out quickly. "Khivar's at the Crashdown, he's going to kill my parent's."

"I'm going with you," Isabel says quickly but I shake my head. "Stay here in case Khivar come's back for Zan or your mom, okay?"

"But you can't go alone!" Isabel say's. "You can't take Khivar, you're power's won't be enough."

"I know," I say. "But they'll be enough. You have to stay here with your mom and Zan. If Max call's, tell him I'm at the Crashdown. And tell him that Khivar is there."

Before Isabel has a chance to protest I dash out of the room and quickly make my way downstair's towards my mom's car.

I have to get to my parent's on time. I can't let anything happent o them, I just can't.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:02 pm
by Bordersinsanity
It's been over 90 days since RPG has been touched. Please PM me or another mod to get it unlocked if any of you would like to continue this thread.
