Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE) 10/29/15 COMPLETE

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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 14 4/8/15 p. 8

Post by begonia9508 »

Poor Liz! :(

But I don't understand why she didn't refuse his invitation to dance... She was with Max and it was a ground enough to refuse to do somethging that she already knows is dangerous... because this guy is a snake! :twisted:

And you know what to do with snake, no? Crush them with your boots! :twisted:

Waiting for next part and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
Last edited by begonia9508 on Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 14 4/8/15 p. 8

Post by saori_1902 »

Great part!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 14 4/8/15 p. 8

Post by dreamon »

Thanks for another great part! I can't wait to read more!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 14 4/8/15 p. 8

Post by Roswelllostcause »

I got to say that Max can wrap his arms around me any day! I am glad that Max doesn't like David either.
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Chapter 15

Post by max and liz believer »

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Thank you so much for that lovely feedback :D
Eve (begonia9508) - The reason why Liz had to dance with David was just to try and preserve her working "relationship" with David. Liz knows that it will be hell every hour of every working day otherwise. Better to endure one dance than a whole day… :wink: But I'm very much with you about stepping on the snake called David Perkins. Thank you so much for the feedback!
saori_1902 - Thank you! :D
dreamon - Thank you! :D
Roswelllostcause - Hihi, I'm with you on that one… Thank you for the feedback! :D

Thank you all for reading! Let's get going with the next part…


“Thank you for tonight,” Liz said when the company reached the front door to her apartment.

It hadn’t really avoided anyone’s attention at work that Liz’s general condition had severely diminished over the past two weeks and Isabel couldn’t help but draw parallels between Liz’s sickly appearance and her brother’s. But looking at Liz now, practically glowing, something had definitely turned for the better.

“Even though my dear sister is going rub this in forever,” Max shot a glance at Isabel, “I’m really glad that she convinced me to come tonight.”

Before Isabel could comment on that, Liz said, “Me too.”

They were doing that eye-thingy again, Isabel noticed. Silently staring into each other’s eyes. Even though Isabel was over the moon with happiness about seeing her brother happy for once, there was a limit to all this dreamy stuff. Cutting in between them and embracing Liz in a big hug (God, Liz really felt skinny), Isabel said, “I’ll see you on Monday.”

Liz was all smiles as Isabel pulled away, “Yep.”

Isabel watched Max bend forward and give Liz a (lingering) peck on the cheek. Isabel rolled her eyes at their antics; Liz looked ready to melt. It was like watching puppy love unfold.

“I hope we meet again,” Max said.

“Definitely,” Liz promised.

“Ah well, sleep tight,” Isabel was feeling the effects of it being 3 a.m. and wanted to get home to her nice soft bed.

“You too,” Liz replied and closed the door after a soft “Bye”.

“Max and Liz, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-“ Isabel started singing and erupted in laughter as Max lightly punched her arm.

Isabel playfully continued to tease her younger brother while walking down the hallway blissfully oblivious to the seizure that Max would have exactly nineteen minutes later.

“Isabel? What’s wrong?”

“Max is having a seizure, what do I do?”

“Again? Ehm…”

“Please,” Isabel begged, looking down at Max convulsing at her feet, just inside the threshold of her front door. Foam was gathering around his mouth and his eyes were moving back and forth, showing off the whites of his eyeballs. There was a faint gurgling sound coming out of his mouth, as if he was suffocating.

“What do I do?” Isabel continued.

“Is he lying down?”

“Yes, he fell,” Isabel sobbed.

“Do you have a pillow?” Max’s ambulance colleague had first been groggy with sleep, having been woken up in the middle of the night by Isabel’s panicked phone call, but adrenaline was quickly clearing her brain fog.


“Get one and put under his head, to protect him from injuring his head.”

Isabel raced into the living room, retrieved a pillow, squeezed the cell phone between her shoulder and ear to free up her hands and as gently as she could pushed the pillow underneath Max’s shaking head.



“Try and roll him onto his side, so that his mouth is to the floor.”

“Okay, hang on,” Isabel croaked and put the phone on the floor. Taking a hold of her brother’s lean body she rolled him onto his side, feeling the convulsions resisting her movements, but the adrenaline was making her stronger than usual. The gurgling sound from his mouth stopped. Thank God.

Isabel fumbled to get the phone off the floor. “Now what?”

“You wait.”

That was not what Isabel wanted to hear, she hated not be able to do anything. “How long?”

“I’ll wait with you,” Melissa assured her. “Has the seizure just started?”

“Yeah, shortly before I called you.”

“Okay,” Melissa said, her voice calm. On the other end of the line, Melissa was keeping an eye on her bedroom clock, recording the approximate time to be able to see for how long the seizure lasted. “Isabel?”

“I’m here,” Isabel breathed. Tears were running down her cheeks and she was seated up against the wall, her knees pulled up to her chest. She wanted to hold him, but the intermittent convulsions were so strong that she was afraid he might hurt her. Instead, she was four feet away from him. A distance which felt like several miles.

“Have you called an ambulance?”

“No, I called you first.”

She had been about to call 911, but reason had captured her at the last second telling her that she couldn’t. They would draw blood, they would examine him. What if they figured out that he wasn’t human? They had never been sick, never been to the hospital. She couldn’t call an ambulance.

“Isabel, I need you to hang up on me and call an ambulance and then call me back.”

“Maybe he’ll be fine. Maybe he won’t need an ambul-“

“Isabel,” Melissa said slowly. “You need to call an ambulance.”

“Okay,” Isabel breathed. “Okay. I’ll call you right back.”

Isabel disconnected the call, put the phone next to her body, and allowed herself a minor nervous breakdown. Sobbing desolately into the arms she had folded tightly around her knees, she started to count seconds.

How long would it take to call 911?

Letting 25 seconds pass, Isabel retrieved her phone off the floor and redialed Melissa’s number.

“Isabel?” Melissa answered.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“They’re coming?” Melissa asked.

“Yes,” Isabel lied. “They’ll be here soon.”

Please, be okay. Please, be okay.

As if hearing her pleads, Max’s irregular body movements calmed down.

Isabel’s sobs stilled. “Wait. I think…I think he’s stopped…” She tentatively crawled towards his body, her hand reached out in front of her. “Max? Max?”

“Keep saying his name,” Melissa guided on the other side of the line.

Isabel’s movements were apprehensive as she patted Max’s arm, as if he would suddenly wake up as a monster and attack her.

“He’ll be confused when he comes to,” Melissa’s voice continued in Isabel’s ear. “Check him for injuries, he might have to be treated for a concussion. But the EMTs will know that.”

“Tell me anyway,” Isabel said. There would be no EMT. She was all Max had.

“Um… He has to be fully himself before he eats or drinks and let the EMT know that this is his second seizure. He should be investigated for epilepsy, metabolic imbalances…brain tumor.”

Isabel shook her head in denial. She didn’t want to hear anymore. “Okay, okay. I’ll tell them.”

“Iz?” Max groaned and Isabel’s whole being sighed in relief.

“He’s awake,” Isabel told Melissa. “Thank you, Melissa.”

“Have him call me,” Melissa instructed.

“Sure. Thank you.

“No problem, Isabel. I hope he’s okay.”

Isabel pressed ‘Disconnect’ and focused her full attention on Max who was now slowly, achingly, rolling up into seated position, simultaneously wiping saliva off his chin.

Tears of relief had now replaced the tears of horror rolling down Isabel’s cheeks as she cradled Max’s face in her hands. “Are you okay?”

“I had another vision,” Max mumbled, his eyelids heavy. He looked drained.

“Is your head hurting?” Isabel asked, worrying about a possible concussion like Melissa had mentioned.

“No,” Max shook his head, which was mildly hindered by Isabel holding onto his face with her shaking hands. “Iz…” Max breathed deeply, “I think he killed her.”

“What? Who?”

“The man. And it was Liz. I’m sure now. After meeting her, I’m sure it was Liz.” Max started crying and Isabel was momentarily surprised into inaction before she pulled his head against her shoulder, wrapping her arms around him.

“She’s not dead, Max,” Isabel soothed. “It was a vision.”

“I couldn’t help her,” Max mumbled into her shirt and his voice was breaking Isabel’s heart. “I watched it happen. I watched him force himself on her…” Max’s voice trembled with anguish and he had to take a couple of breaths before being able to continue. “And when she started fighting back, he killed her. Strangled her.”

“Max, no,” Isabel whispered. “It hasn’t happened.”

“I think they are premonitions. I think they will happen.”

“There must be a reason why you’re getting these visions. It must be so that you can stop them.”

Max pulled back, clumsily wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, obviously trying to pull himself together. “I can’t see him. His face remains hidden from me. I can’t see whom I should protect her from.”

“Max,” Isabel took a hold of his shoulders. “Max, listen to me.” When she had his attention, eyes red and glistening, she continued. “She’s. Not. Dead. You can stop this.”

Max shook his head in desperation. “I can’t watch her every second of the day. I barely know her. What reason would I use to explain why I’m suddenly following her everywhere?”

I know her. And it wouldn’t be so strange for a friend to want to hang out a lot, right? So I’ll watch her.”

“It happens at night,” Max sighed. “I think it’s really late because there’s no one else there.”

“Okay, so we have to make sure that she doesn’t move around the city, alone, at night. That shouldn’t be so hard.”

“I don’t understand why this is happening. Why would I have premonitions? I’ve never had any before. Why now?”

Isabel shook her head. “Let’s not think about that now. Let’s just assume that this is real and protect her, okay?”

Max nodded, his fears slightly eased by Isabel’s words.

“You should probably know that I called Melissa,” Isabel added, wary of his reaction. She knew how much he hated people knowing about these odd kinks of his body. “I was afraid. I didn’t know what to do.”

Max gave her a tired smile. “It’s okay, Iz. I’m sorry I scared you.”

“She wants you to call her, once you’re okay. She suspects epilepsy or brain tumor or something.”

Max seemed to understand this, nodding slowly. “I’ll call her. We’ll think of something.”

TBC… On Wednesday :D Have a lovely end to the weekend <3
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 15 4/12/15 p.

Post by begonia9508 »

Great and frightening part! :? :shock:

It is crazy, these crisis Max has... :(
But also crazy that they seem to know nothing about them-selves, only that they remember meeting Liz! At least, Max knows now that he receives some warnings of dangers... that's a start! :shock:

Anyway, wondering what will happen next...

EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 15 4/12/15 p.

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Oh my, what an upsetting situation. Premonitions......regarding Liz no less.
Max's seizure and convulsing was beyond scary for Isabel.
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next.
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 15 4/12/15 p.

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Great part! Max has to keep Liz safe! She is in real danger!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics!

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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 15 4/12/15 p.

Post by saori_1902 »

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Chapter 16

Post by max and liz believer »

Hi everyone!

Just a short chapter today…

Eve (begonia9508) - Thank you, dear, for the feedback :D
Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Thank you so much :D
Roswelllostcause - Thank you so much :D
saori_1902 - Thank you! :D

To bring you back to where we left off - this is the same night as the office party. Since David had to face Max and Liz wasn't treating David the way he wanted her to, David is a tiny bit upset in the wake of that party…

NOTE: This chapter contains a short passage of forceful violence and rape. Reader discretion is advised.


Tess Harding knew that David Perkins was a dangerous man. She knew that the man thrived on fear and helplessness. She had on more than one occasion played the part of his ‘victim’ in his fantasy sex games. But she had never seen him in the state he was in when he had knocked in her door in the middle of the night, the night of his office party.

“David?” Her voice held surprise as she came upon the man on the other side of her door. His black tie was hanging loosely around his neck, the black jacket was hanging loosely from his hand, but there wasn’t nothing loose about his expression.

Tess swallowed and a small voice belonging to some kind of survival instinct deep inside of her ordered her to Close the door!

But she didn’t. “David, what’s wrong?”

He had been leaning against the wall, shadows from the dark hallway becoming a part of his chiseled face. “Hello, Ms. Harding.”

“I didn’t know you were coming over,” Tess said. Her survival instinct had crawled back into its hole. Tess wouldn’t let him know that he was scaring her.

“Oh, was I supposed to make an appointment?” he asked, voice deep and threatening.

Tess swallowed. “I guess not. It’s just… you’re disturbing a lady’s beauty sleep here.”

“Does it look like I care?”

Her hand tightened around the door knob, giving the survival instinct a chance to peek out and quickly shout Close it! Close it now! before it hid anew.

“Are you drunk?”

He came at her then. Too quickly for her to react. Lunging his body at hers, her back slamming into the picture frames jutting out of the wall as his hands closed around her throat. The hall mirror trembled on its nails next to her, shuddered and fell to the floor. Millions of pieces of glass exploded across the floor.

Seven years of bad luck.

“You belong to me,” he sneered, his face so close to hers that she could barely breathe. His hands closing around her throat challenged her possibility of breathing further.

“Yes,” she whispered, her vocal cords protesting.

His left hand let go of her throat while his right hand was large enough to spread across the front of her throat, holding her up so that she was balancing on the tip of her toes, confining pressure underneath her chin. His left hand began to fumble with the zipper of his pants, his breathing erratic and hot against her face.

“You are not to look at any other man,” he said, emphasizing his words by slamming her twice against the walls. She flinched as the wooden frames of her the generic photos that came with the picture frames cut into her back through her thin nightgown.

“No,” she croaked.

I should kill him, she thought hazily. There were black spots dancing in front of her eyes. I have to kill him.
Just then his hand left her throat and she could breathe, but he had only done so to be able to free his penis. She heard the familiar rip of her lacy panties (Damn, the expensive ones) and then he pushed inside her. Hard. She gasped, unprepared for the pain. He pushed her up against the wall with the heavy, now sweaty, body of his own as he thrust into her again and again, his pace fervent.

She closed her eyes and rode out the storm, trying not to focus on the pain in her back.

“You are mine,” David pushed out between clenched teeth before hitting her with a closed fist across her cheekbone. The pain exploded across her face, making her lose her breath.

Ms. Survival Instinct was back from her hiding and this time Tess was all ears.

Within a second after David had crossed the line, he was slammed into the opposite wall, the impact creating a indention of his body in the yellow plaster. David collapsed on the floor, pants around his ankles, hair standing in all directions as if he was a madman, the black shirt hiding his manhood.

Tess stood panting, blood trickling down the inside of her thigh (he had been too forceful), a subtle thrumming ache in her back and a excruciating throb in her left cheek. Her expensive lacy night gown was torn in several places and her blonde curls were not so perfect anymore. Her right hand, hanging loosely against her side, still flickered with the tapering powers that had been used.

Her eyes were dark and sharp as she looked at the man that was gingerly trying to get to his feet. She could kill him. Easily. But God, all the paperwork. Having to get rid of his body. Sure, if he had been a one-night stand. But people knew she and him had a thing going. People would question her if he would turn up missing. Fuck. She couldn’t kill him.

“How the hell…” David whispered. “What the hell…How did you..?”

Tess smiled faintly. “You’re not the only one that’s strong, honey.”

His eyes caught sight of the visible ebbing electricity coursing through her fingers and his eyes widened. For the first time, David Perkins looked scared. “What the fuck…?”

“I would love to play around some more, David,” Tess said with a sweet voice. “But you see. It’s the middle of the night; you just broke my wall, my mirror and my favorite night gown. I’m bleeding all over the place and I will have to use a ridiculous amount of expensive make-up to cover up the shit you just pulled. So I hope you understand that I’m not in the mood anymore.”

David got to his feet, whispering, “What kind of freak are you?”

Tess snorted in disbelief. “Don’t talk to me about freaks, you sick son-of-a-bitch. Believe me, I would love for you to remember all of this, so that you’d spend the rest of your pathetic life looking over your shoulder…” Tess started a slow walk towards David and enjoyed it when he pressed up against the wall, “…but due to your sadistic fuck-up, I’ll have to do some damage control. I will not let you forget what you did to me. But you will not remember what happened to you.”

He looked like he was about to pee his pants. Serves him right, Tess thought and closed her eyes.

She could hear his frantic and fearful breathing slow down to something of a normal breathing pattern as she entered his brain and did some tweaking. Instead of blasting him half-way through the wall, David would remember Tess fighting him back with her hands and with a very accurate knee to his groin. He would remember her threatening him with a knife, forcing him to actually leave the apartment and leave her alone. He would remember the feeling of fear (which he would have difficulty rationalizing later considering that he had never been afraid of a woman in his whole life) that would stop him from taking his revenge on Tess and prevent him from ‘teaching her a lesson’.

David Perkins would never mess with Tess Harding again.
She traced the metallic sans-serif numbers nailed to the wooden door with a well-manicured index finger.


This was, supposedly, his apartment. It was in the middle of the day and Tess was aware that anyone could walk down that hallway and see a small blonde woman in designer clothes breaking into an apartment that wasn’t hers. But compared to ordinary burglars, Tess had a trick or two up her sleeve. Because a passerby would not see a small blonde woman in designer clothes breaking into an apartment, they would see an empty corridor. That was one of Tess’ magic tricks. The genetic variation that enabled her to do so meant that she could take her time breaking into the apartment. Not that she really needed any time anyway.

With a smug smile on her red-painted lips and a wave of her hand over the lock, she had committed breaking and entering without breaking a nail.

She closed the door behind her and dropped the mind-warp she had camouflaged her actions with. Here, in Maxwell Evans’ hallway, no one could see her anyway. She locked the door behind her and took a deep breath.

“Nice place you’ve got here, Mr. Evans.” She looked at a picture frame positioned on the small chest in the hallway, scrunched her nose in displeasure at seeing Michael Guerin’s annoying face in the photo, next to the owner whose apartment she was trespassing. “Not bad at all.”

Calmly placing her pink Valentino bag on the floor, Tess retrieved a pair of latex gloves from the smaller inside compartment.
“Who says bags can’t be both beautiful and useful?”

She snapped the latex gloves on and proceeded to take out rather advanced surveillance equipment from the larger compartment of her very useful bag. Her mind tricks sure came in handy, both in acquiring designer bags and in acquiring high tech bugs.

“Let’s see,” Tess mumbled, looking around the neat apartment. “Where would you spend most of your time, Mr. Evans?”

Of course, balancing on a plastic chair to get a 10 by 10 mm gadget hidden in the upper corner of a painting could not be avoided by using her mind powers. It was true hard manual work that was put into bugging Mr. Evans’ phone and placing another camera above the resident’s bed. Placing the plastic chair in the exact position she had found it, Tess wiped down (which entailed a simple wave of her hand) the lock she had turned upon entering the apartment, unlocked that same lock, removed the gloves, opened the door with the gloves still in her hand - a barrier between her fingerprints and the door handle - and entered the hallway (mind-warp of empty hallway now fully back in function).

Tess closed the door, magically locked it, let the gloves drop into her bag and smiled.

Mission accomplished.

TBC… On Sunday :D Have a great week, everyone!
Last edited by max and liz believer on Sat May 16, 2015 5:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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