Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 71 - Completed - 7/15/2018

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I can't believe the body switch and the van.......things are beginning to seem more possible.
The blood match can't be denied.
Beth needs to follow up on that immediately!
Wouldn't you know.....we just missed the Sheriff.
You love to torture us don't you?
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by Superman86 »

roswell4life wrote:Loving this!!! Please hurry back with another update soon!!! :D
I second that :D
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by begonia9508 »

Wow! A few days away and I am overwelmed with so many parts to read... and ist fantastic... so many upside down and news infos... Anyway I am looking for more!

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 19 - Updated 12/21/2017

Post by begonia9508 »

Wow! Such a fascinating Story!... and so much is Happening... Love it! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Reunion - Chapter 20 - 12/26/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“Dad I can’t believe it,” Grace was staring at her father outside the Crashdown. Standing in front of her stood a red convertible. A car that had a large red bow over the roof, “I can’t believe it.”

“You’re growing up sweetheart,” Max said as he smiled at her jaw drop. “I had a similar car when I was a teenager, and your mother particularly loved it. I thought you would like your own since it’s only the two of us, and I need my car…” he said as he remembered back to that car he had in senior year of high school. A year of many memories, and not many of them were that great but the memory that car was one of them as the good times however brief he had with Liz in the ultimate victory which was their marriage. But it was still memory he did reserve for himself, and wanted to share with his daughter. Dinner would be served within minutes, but he wanted to give her present before the festivities got started. “I trust you will be smart and careful with it and yet know how proud of all you’ve accomplished and no matter what happens in the future; you can enjoy this.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” Grace said as she hugged her father and held him tight savoring how lucky she was to have such a supportive father, and to have at least one of her parents in her life as she turned sixteen. “Now I just need to pass my driver’s test tomorrow, so I can drive this thing.”

“You’ll more than pass sweetheart,” Max said. “I know you can do it in your sleep. But let’s not try driving while you are sleeping okay?”

“I love it Daddy and I promise I will be safe with it,” Grace laughed as they both heard the door open and out came Jake who’d come out of the restaurant to see the fuss. “Look Jake at what my father got me for my birthday?”

“Wow,” Jake said. “That is some car. It took two years before I got one. Good move Uncle Max,” he laughed. “Seriously though, Grace you’ll look great in it.”

“I know,” Grace smiled.

“I’m headed inside,” Max said. “You both shouldn’t stay out here too much longer. Everyone is gathering inside,” he said as he opened the door and left Grace and Jake to talk outside by the car.

“I have to wonder if my Dad got the car before my stunt last week or if he had second thoughts about getting it for me.”

“You’re a remarkable daughter Grace. Any dad would love to have a daughter like you, last weekend notwithstanding,” Jake laughed. “I am sure he would have given it to you regardless,” Jake said. “You’re going to have fun with that car, aren’t you?”

“You know it,” Grace said. “I can’t wait to drive it school on Monday,” she said. “No more bus for me or relying on others to give me a lift.”

“If you would drive Elizabeth and Sue to school I’ll be eternally grateful,” Jake laughed. “Mom and Dad have me as Elizabeth official chauffeur and the sentence is supposed to continue until the last day of classes.”

“Your punishment I take it?” Grace asked.

“Yes. They can’t ground me because I am 18 and so close to graduation. But they can make sure my social life is nonexistent,” Jake frowned but turned it into a smile. “But Elizabeth really is no bother and I know that it could have been worse when I consider my family, so I’ll take it because I did screw up.”

“We both did,” Grace muttered but she shook her mind out of the worries of yesterday, and concentrated on her special night. “But those ruminations can be for another day as we should go in and get this party started.”


“Mom, are you okay?” Alexandra asked as she popped her head into their mother’s office off the dining room. Formally a sun room; Beth had transformed into an office when they moved in as her medical career got going.

“Alexandra, come in.” Beth said as she looked up from the files she had been reading. “Are you done your homework?”

“Sure,” Alexandra said. “Carrie is watching television with Betty and I thought you were pretty quiet at dinner.” the teenager said. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, sweetheart everything is fine.” Beth said. She knew she had been quiet at dinner. She had come to find out that Betty had come with Carrie after dance class and took up the invitation to stay for dinner. So, Beth couldn’t confront the twins about their exploits with the DNA test until the friend went home. So, she had cornered herself off in the office to work on paperwork. But felt compelled to look at the files yet again. “Sit down.”

“Okay,” Alexandra said as she took a seat in front of her mother’s desk. “What’s up?”

“I am feeling sorry for myself,” Beth said as she closed the file of paperwork she was working on. “Just to let you know, I am on nights next week. So, you and Carrie will be heading over to Serena’s after school and your practices. Okay?”

“Sure,” Alexandra said. “That sucks you’ll be working late all week.”

“It’s the life of a doctor,” Beth said as she looked down at the report that had been perplexing her all night. “I was going to wait until Betty goes home. But I need an answer from you.”

“What?” Alexandra asked.

“Do you want to explain how I received this at work today?” Beth said as she passed the report to her daughter. “Well…can you explain it?”

“What?” Alexandra repeated but when she looked down; it all became clear to her. She realized they had been busted, big time. “I am sorry.”

“What did you two think you were doing?” Beth asked.

“We wanted to help you. You know get answers. So, I guess we kind of went a little overboard,” Alexandra confessed.

“A little.” Beth asked as her eyebrows shot up.

“Okay, a lot.” Alexandra said as looked down at her lap. “I am sorry,” she said turning back to face her mother. “I warned Carrie we would get caught. But she was determined to get answers. And I guess I was to.”

“So, you are grades wouldn’t be affected?” Beth asked as she called on Alexandra’s motivation.

“Maybe,” Alexandra said honestly. “I really didn’t want an F. Or even a D. I know you’re in an unfortunate situation and I shouldn’t care. But it sucks.”

“You should care sweetheart,” Beth said. “It’s your history that we don’t know about as much as it is mine. You have a father out there. You might have other family. I wish I could fill those missing blanks for you. But they are just as much as a blank to me as they are you two girls.”

“I know,” Alexandra said as she looked down at the report. “Wait what’s this. Did you read this paragraph Mom?” she asked as she showed her mother the report. “Is this possible?”

“I don’t know sweetheart,” Beth said. “I’m just as mystified as you probably are…”

“There is someone else like us?” Alexandra asked as questions burst inside her brain. “It says we matched with someone named Grace Evans. Who is this Grace? Do we know her?”

“No, you don’t,” Beth said carefully. “And before you ask, I don’t know her either. So, I don’t know how her name came up in your report. But I promise you we will get to the bottom of it, and find the truth.”

“Really?” Alexandra asked.

“I’ll tell your sister and you some more when Betty goes home. But we have an appointment with Serena to discuss this some more.” Beth was saying as the door opened and Carrie popped her head in…


“Hey,” Beth said. “What’s up?”

“Betty’s mother came to pick her up. So, what’s up?” Carrie asked as she came into the room. “What’s going on? Am I missing something?”

“Sit down sweetheart,” Beth said. “We have to talk.”

“What?” Carrie said as she sat down next to her sister while exchanging looks with Alexandra. “What?”

“We’re busted,” Alexandra said as she handed the DNA report to her sister. “Look at the end of the second page.”

Carrie looked down. “Oh this?” she asked. “Are we in trouble?”

“Yes. But read further,” Beth said. “You two are only thirteen so I don’t expect either of you to understand it. Heck I am a lot older than both of you and I don’t understand it” she said as she saw her daughter eyes pop open as she read the report.

“How… is…. this…possible?” Carrie asked as she saw the passage. “I don’t understand. We are a positive match with someone else. Us, Alex and I, how?”

“I don’t know,” Beth said as she looked at her twin daughters. They were so much the picture of each other and as everyone else said; herself. She had to wonder if their father looked at all like them. And then she was reminded of the teenager she had briefly seen in the emergency room the previous weekend. That girl could very much have been their older sister in terms of looks. All three girls were dark hair brunettes with long straight hair.

All, were short in stature although Grace seemed to be slightly taller than the twins.

“Mom?” Alexandra asked as she saw her mother zoning out “Is everything alright?”

“I’m fine,” she said zoning back and facing her children. ‘Carrie, as I was telling your sister. We all have an appointment with Serena tomorrow at 5 p.m. She’ll be able to explain it more.”

Carrie nodded, “Can we go out to dinner afterwards?”

“Maybe,” Beth smiled. “Now let’s talk about your little stunt,” she said as she faced the twins. “What were you two thinking? Conning the lab into running DNA testing on both of you?”

“We wanted answers,” Carrie managed.

“Why not come to me. If you had just come to me; maybe we would have gotten the answers. I could have gotten them. But you went around it the wrong way. How did they do the testing without an adult? You girls are only thirteen. How did you get past that there was no doctor with you or parent?”

“We were creative,” Alexandra smirked as she tried not to elaborate for fear of telling the truth about their true methods in falsifying the request form. “We are sorry Mom, so sorry,” she tried as she looked at her sister who also nodded.

“Creative huh,” Beth said. “Is that the best I am going to get as an explanation; well if it is? You both should know that in the case of a next time. Don’t go around acting like Nancy Drew okay girls. Come to me. I love you. Even if I don’t know the answer, I can work on finding one. Okay.”

“Okay,” Alexandra and Carrie agreed with unanimous agreement. As Alexandra glanced at the report on her mother’s desk; she was struck by a memory. “Hey, why does the name Grace sound so familiar?”

“What?” Beth and Carrie asked.

“Carrie, remember?” Alexandra asked her twin. And Carrie eyes popped open. “Am I right or am I, right?”

“You could be right,” Carrie acknowledged as Alexandra retreated from the room quickly.

“What is going on?” Beth asked her daughter.

“It was something we found the other day in the attic. We were looking at our childhood pictures.”

“You mean the albums?” Beth asked. “Aren’t they in the den?”

“No!” Carrie said. “You didn’t put them back last year when the den was remodeled. They were still in the attic when Alex and I were up there, and we found them. But it isn’t the album that got Alex and I thinking it was something else.

“What?” Beth asked.

“This!” Alexandra said as she came back into the room and settled back in seat. Placing the gold locket, they found in the attic on their mother’s desk. “We found this in the attic, in a box with the photos. Tucked in a corner; it looked like it fell in.”

“A gold locket?” Beth asked as she picked it up and looked it. “Very rusty, and banged up,” she remarked as she noticed the engraving on the locket. “Um,” she though as she saw the words, Grace.

“Mom, look inside,” Alexandra prodded while Beth opened it carefully and she felt like fainted when she saw a younger version of someone who very much looked like her.

“Could the name Grace match the Grace on the report?” Carrie asked.

“I don’t know,” Beth said as she felt a migraine coming on. “I don’t know” she whispered softer to herself.


“Happy Birthday Grace,” Nancy Parker said to her granddaughter once the dinner places were cleared away. “Your grandfather and I heard what your father planned to give you for your birthday and we wanted to add to it.”

“You didn’t get me a second car, did you?” Grace laughed.

“No but even better. Your grandfather and I want to pay for the insurance on your car. We know you are working and putting most of what you earn away for university and your future. But we don’t want your college fund to get a smaller portion than what has been deposited until now. So, your grandfather and I will pay the insurance until you sell the car or until you graduate from college.” Nancy smiled. “At which time, you will hopefully be able to afford the extra cost yourself. But in the meantime, we want you enjoy the car and not be weighed down by the responsibility of paying for it.”

“Oh my,” Grace said as her jaw dropped as she took a card from her grandmother and opened the enveloped and her jaw dropped open. “Thank you, guys. Thank you so much. I am very appreciative of your gesture. What is this?” she referred to the second check.

“It’s something to add to your frivolous spending account. I don’t want everything you earn to go to college. This will allow you to enjoy being a teenager for a shopping spree or two, so you are under orders not to deposit in your college fund okay?”

“Thank you, Grandma,” Grace smiled as she hugged her grandmother. “You really didn’t have to. The insurance was enough.”

“Enjoy it okay,” Nancy smiled as her heart filled with love for her granddaughter, a girl who reminded her of her own little girl and how much she and her husband missed having Grace’s mother in their lives and treasured being able to be in their granddaughter’s life as she grew up into a very special young woman.

“Here comes the cake?” Jake called as the restaurant which had been closed for the special occasion darkened and the birthday cake was brought out. A layered chocolate raspberry was brought out by Maria and everyone started to sing Happy Birthday to Grace.

“Why don’t you make a wish,” Max said as the cake was put in front of his daughter. The birthday cake was iced to say, “Happy Sweet 16 Grace”

“I wish,” Grace said as she silently made her secret wish and blew out all the candles at once.

Everyone clapped as the cake was served.


Sandra Casper was working on the tip. It had gotten her curiosity peaked so while her partner had gone home, and until they got the Roswell Sheriff on board with his co-operation, they couldn’t get all the necessary information on the Roswell connection to the case so instead she was considering similar cases that might have puncture gas tanks as a cause for the crash or was a result on the aftermath. Or more pressing, did any have female casualties in the prior fourteen years.

Trixie Micelli approached Sandra. “Casper you’re working late tonight? I didn’t think you or Trevor had any cases that needed night owl investigating?” she asked.

“Dave and the kids are at his parents. So, I am all alone,” Sandra smiled. “So, I thought I should put in some overtime and get some work, and of course the dreaded paperwork work done. “How about you, you’re late owl tonight?”

“Mountains of work and little time” Trixie cracked. “Anyway, I was going to leave this on Trevor’s desk. It’s that search results on the cold case he asked me about a few days, ago.”

“The Jane Doe one, right?” Sandra asked. “Any hits?”

“It is nothing 100% but maybe a possibility. Since it wasn’t the Jane Doe herself that were asked to be run through the system once again,” Trixie remarked as she took a seat by Sandra’s desk. “It was the kids.”

“Right I remember the case. She was pregnant back then wasn’t she; twins. They would be close to fourteen by now?”

“Yeah,” Trixie said. “Anyway, I ran the results and we got a partial match.”

“A partial? How close of one are we talking about?” Sandra looked up with interest.

Jeff Parker,” Trixie said. “New Mexico. Roswell is where he currently lives. Anyway, he had some small issues with a crash that claimed the life of his girlfriend when he was in his late teenage years. There was a DUI citation. No charges were ever filed against him. But his prints and DNA are still in the files of the cross-country database.”

“And there was a match?” Sandra asked as her curiosity was peaked at the word Roswell. “How?”

“There were enough points within a match and finger prints to indicate that it is very likely that the twins may be related to this person. It’s not a complete match. So, it doesn’t look to be a parent. But enough to indicate some kind relation to the kids.” Trixie indicated as she passed the file to Sandra.

“Hmmm, Roswell New Mexico seems to be getting to be a popular place these days. It is a place that keeps popping up?” Sandra remarked. “And not in relation to conspiracy theories and aliens”

“How so?” Trixie asked as she took a seat at Sandra’s desk.

“Apparently in Roswell, New Mexico there was a motor vehicle crash and a young woman in her twenties died fourteen years, ago. She left a devastated husband and a two-year-old daughter. They ruled it an accident and, yet the case sat cold all these years, but has come up in connection to a case out of our own department that was itself cold until this lead woke it up and questions are being raised about whether the Roswell female actually did die.”

“A runaway wife getting away from her family” Trixie asked.

“No. The information we have is that maybe the woman was actually kidnapped, and another body was placed in the car before the car exploded and therefore the woman may have been out there all this time, alive.”

“Wow. When was this?” Trixie asked.

“Nearly fourteen years ago,” Sandra said. “June 25, 2008.”

“You got to kidding me,” Trixie said as she looked at Sandra and wondered why the detective hadn’t made the connection. “You mean you don’t see the similarities?”

“What do you mean?” Sandra asked as she checked the file closer...

“The crash of our Jane Doe happened on June 30, 2008.” Trixie said. “Same ammo except that the body of Jane Doe was ejected due to the impact of the crash.”

“Oh, my god,” Sandra said. “Why didn’t I make the connection? Although it could be an eerie coincidence couldn’t it. The accidents happening five days apart from each other with one happening in Roswell, New Mexico and one here in New Haven, Connecticut.”

“I don’t have to tell you as you’re a cop, but wouldn’t five days would be enough time to transport someone from another state,” Trixie remarked. “And enough time to come across the country if they have incentive to get away from the site of the original crash, right?”

“You are right, especially in cases of abduction. You would want to take the victim away from the scene of the crime. Connecticut would be as far away from New Mexico as you could probably get in five days. Of course, it wouldn’t be hard to guess the motivation for the second crash if they are indeed related. Maybe they wanted to get rid of her and figured no one would be the wiser in a small town in Connecticut, or they didn’t expect her to live,” she was asking herself as she talked out loud. “She was a Jane Doe because no identification was ever found, right?”

“Right and amnesia robbed her of her memory,” Sandra continued herself as she pulled out the case file on the reactivated Jane Doe case. “Though I would have to figure they did a full country search on the prints right when she woke up, right?” she asked as she looked at the file. “They did. A notation here in the file said they tried a full country search and not just the East Coast, no matches were found.”

“It’s been in the news forever that over the years that that some of the smaller districts who hadn’t put their files and computers were finally starting to computerize their departments. One of the reasons for the delay was limited funds in the small towns, but now state incentives were allowing the departments to put their records into the cross-country databases, and to set up their own electronic records. So, you would think a small place like Roswell, New Mexico would take time. So maybe at the time of the crash, the connection between New Mexico and Connecticut wasn’t made and therefore the Jane Doe didn’t raise any red flags. But now there is more information available. Maybe this Jeff Parker wasn’t in the system then and only added later.”

“True,” Sandra acknowledged as she looked at the case with a fresh eye. “Thank you for this latest information Trixie. I’ll let Trevor know of your findings as I should go in and brief the Captain before I head home for the night. The captain has taken a personal interest in the case because he used to work out of Roswell and was part of the early days of their crash investigation. It’s also getting late so I better head home and get some sleep.”

Trixie nodded as she watched her friend walk to the Captain’s office. “I’m out of here now too. I must lock up the lab. If you need anything more, let me know.”

Sandra nodded as she continued to head for her boss’s office.


“Casper your family is, away right?” Captain Hanson asked as he reviewed the latest on the case a few minutes later as he got off a phone.

“Yeah. It’s Spring break so Dave took the kids to his parents. Because of the status of our latest cases, I couldn’t spare the time. They will be back on Monday. Why?” she asked.

“Because you might think me crazy, but I am considering sending you and MacIntosh to Roswell to brief Sheriff Valenti and try to work up the case and see if the cases are related.” Captain Hanson said as he had to admit that the case had captivated him, and he had to acknowledge that it probably was making him more than slightly obsessed about the coincidences regarding the two cases that were now too startling to ignore.

Memories of that time were hard to forget as he experienced the grief that the town was thrown into, in the aftermath of the wreck. Roswell was overwhelmed with grief for the devastated Evans family and their family and friends at the tragic loss of this young wife and there was an obsessive need to solve it, and when it wasn’t happening, another blow was dealt to the family and the town as one of their own was now gone from them, and they didn’t know why except that it was a senseless car crash. So now that he had this seed of doubt about the case, he had to get it solved and especially if it led back to Roswell. “I need to know if these cases are related, or it’s pure coincidence for the sake of closure for the cases. If the Jane Doe and the Roswell case collide, I want this solved ASAP. It’s come to my attention; Jane Doe now calls herself Beth Evans.”

“Yes,” Sandra replied.

“That is as close to name of the victim in the Roswell as one can get. The Roswell crash victim’s name was Elizabeth Parker Evans. She called herself Liz, but one could get Beth from that and Evans is self-explanatory.”

“The Evans twist is indeed creepy. If she truly were an amnesia patient and the name could have seemed familiar but because of the condition, no one made then connection due to the fact Roswell wasn’t on-line yet.”

Captain Hanson nodded. “That department did like to keep things old fashion when I was there…and I am sure by now they are up to date with the modern age or as much as a small town can be. And of course, I don’t like coincidences. If Beth Evans of Connecticut is really Elizabeth Parker Evans of Roswell, I want to know.”

Parker, you say?” Sandra asked backing up to the maiden name of the young woman in the Roswell case.

“Yes,” Captain said. “It was her maiden name. She married Max Evans right after high school.”

“Hey, wait a second,” Sandra said. “I might have some additional information, it’s at my desk. Give me a minute,” she said as she vanished from the office. Within minutes she was back in the office, and passed the document she held to her captain. “As you see Trixie down in forensics came up with a partial match of Jane Doe’s children to a Jeff Parker out of Roswell New Mexico.”

“Damn it Casper, this changes everything because yes, Jeff Parker was Liz’s father and if Liz is Jane Doe than if the kids matched Jeff Parker by any percentage; he would be their grandfather.

“This is getting more thrilling by the minute,” Sandra said as her interest in the case was now peaking.

“Yes, it is. And I am now even more convinced that if you’re willing that I want to send you and Trevor to Roswell. Could you handle it?” Captain Hanson asked.

“I am more than game. I am on my own, and my husband would understand even if he would be feeling coupe up by having the kids to himself for so long. But to get this case solved, I would be fine with it. Although Trevor was supposed to leave on vacation with his family on Sunday for 10 days, so he might not be game as he’s just getting back from undercover, so his wife might not be so understanding of the need for another trip or having to postpone their family vacation.”

“Where were, they are going?” Captain Hanson asked as he sighed because he knew that MacIntosh and Casper had been doing a lot of undercover work for him lately and he knew Trevor was looking forward to his time off with his family.

“Disneyland, I believe. The California one,” Sandra said. “I was taking vacation time as soon as was to he gets back so that both of us wouldn’t be away at the same time.”

“Okay,” Captain Hanson said. “Let me check with Trevor. But be ready to leave in the morning. I’ll call with your flight reservations if I can clear it with Trevor.”

“Yes sir,” Sandra said. “Until you do, I’ll be leaving for the night.”

“I am sorry for putting this all on you right now, so have a good night Detective Casper,” he said to his departing detective.

Captain Hanson spoke as soon as Sandra left the room. “I need Detective Trevor MacIntosh’s home number please Sally.” he said into his phone and received the information without minutes.

‘Thank you,” he smiled as he dialed the phone on his desk.


“Thank you, Aunt Maria,” Grace smiled as she opened her present. Everyone had left except for the Guerin clan. Max was having a drink with Michael. “It’s a rare first edition of the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, oh my god, WOW!”

“It is your favorite Shakespeare play, isn’t it?” Maria asked, and it was basically the life story of your Mom and Dad, and yet with a slightly modern twist on the ending she thought as she remembered the time Liz had brought Max back from the dead back when they were teenagers.

“Yes, it is,” Grace smiled. “And what is this?” she asked of the second book; a book that had a relatively new binding on it.”

“It’s your mother’s diary,” Maria said.

“Really?” Grace asked.

“When your mother died, your father wasn’t interested in the book. But because I know how much the diary meant and how precious some of the memories were. He wanted me to have it. It’s only the high school years. After your father and mother got married, your mother stopped writing because she had started a new chapter in her life. Anyway, I wanted you to have it.”

“Thank you, Aunt Maria,” Grace said.

“Enjoy the books,” Maria smiled as she hugged her goddaughter and noticed the necklace hanging on Grace’s neck. “That is a beautiful locket.”

“Dad gave it to me,” Grace said as she looked down at it. She had been wearing it all day. She didn’t know if she could take it off. “Apparently, it’s like one that Mom gave me when I was a small kid, before she died.”

“It’s beautiful,” Maria sighed as she smiled at her goddaughter and memories of her lost friend flashed through her. “You are growing up so much. It’s really hard to believe sometimes.”

“I just hope my mother would have been proud of me,” Grace sighed as she touched the locket.

“She would sweetheart. You were her world, and she would have been so proud if she had been lucky to have the privilege of being here on this special day. She wanted the world for you. She was so excited when she found out she was having you. She and your father were over the moon. So, don’t doubt that you were very and truly loved.”

“Thank you, Aunt Maria.” Grace said as she hugged Maria.

“We better go. Since it’s a school night and work night for some of us,” Maria smiled as she called out. “Guerin, it’s time to go.”

“Coming, I’m coming,” Michael said as her collected the rest of his brood of kids. “I assume Jake you’re also heading home?”

“I’ll be a few minutes,” Jake said. “I have my car.”

“Okay,” Michael said. “Everyone else, let’s go.” he called out. Elizabeth, Colin, Liam and Belle gathered their coats. “Happy Birthday Grace” they all said in unison as they left the Cafe.

“Thank you, guys and Uncle Michael, for the best dinner,” Grace smiled as the Guerin clan moved towards the door.

“I’ll see them out,” Max said as he headed behind them; leaving Grace and Jake to talk.

“Thank you for the ticket.” Grace smiled at Jake. “I can’t wait for the concert,” she said of her favorite band to which Jake had gotten her a ticket as a birthday gift.

“You’re welcome. Maybe we can go and enjoy all aspects of the night. Make a whole production of it. Make a night out of it.” Jake said. “We can discuss it later as I better get going. So, enjoy the rest of your birthday. We’ll talk tomorrow okay.”

“Good night Jake,” Grace smiled as she was truly grateful to celebrate this day with her family and friends, and she truly loved this special day. She just wished she could have, her mother!
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 20 - Updated 12/26/2017

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Great part! The cops are putting all the pieces together.
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 20 - Updated 12/26/2017

Post by L-J-L 76 »

All I can say is wow about this chapter. Still hoping Beth and her daughters will go and find Max and others.

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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 20 - Updated 12/26/2017

Post by Roswelllostcause »

The cops really are putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I am almost ready to take back my calling Hanson an idiot. Not yet but if he helps bring Max and Liz back together I just might!
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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: M/L, M/M, I/K - Chapter 20 - Updated 12/26/2017

Post by roswell4life »

So many connections!!! :shock: They need to get down to Roswell ASAP and solve the mystery once and for all!! Anxiously waiting for Max and Liz's reunion!!! :D
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Reunion - Chapter 21 - 12/28/2017

Post by Parker1947 »

“I am very fortunate to have a supportive wife,” Trevor MacIntosh was saying to his partner early the next morning as they showed their tickets to the agent and boarded their flight for Santa Fe having checked their bags for the flight. “Any other wife would have killed me for having to change our long-planned holiday on three days’ notice when it’s not being undercover that killed our plans.”

“You have a saint for a wife,” Sandra agreed with laughter as they took their seat.

After a phone call from the captain, it didn’t take long for Trevor to sign on for the trip to Roswell. Especially once he knew that he had extra vacation tacked on to his time off. Now instead of ten days; he’ll have two weeks. He and his wife now planned for her and their son to join him in Roswell on Sunday and hopefully they could be on the way to California by the middle of the week or if not, to vacation in New Mexico where they never had been as a family.

“How did Dave respond to your sudden trip?” Trevor asked as they settled in their seats and waited for the flight to take off.

“He was actually fine with it, given this this one is minimal risk, but he does want me to hurry home. He and the kids won’t get back from my in-laws until Monday, so I am free for a few days at least.” Sandra said. “So, have you ever been to New Mexico and Roswell before?”

“Nope,” Trevor said. “Meredith says she did briefly as a kid but personally I have never, but I have heard of the stories of aliens and the 1947 crash but never had the opportunity.”

“Who hasn’t,” Sandra said. “Who knows, we might meet one...”

“Funny Casper funny,” Trevor laughed as he got serious. “I do have to wonder if these two cases are related. They are very eerie, the similarities. And it is all due to Jo Jo’s thinking he could get out of a drug charge, which only backfired on him because now it could set him up for kidnapping charge and conspiracy to attempted murder and he still went away for the drug charge since had they got a witness to swear in a written statement that Jo Jo sold the drugs that ultimately led to the death of the Anderson kid.” he said. “He has only compounded his legal trouble.”

“The Captain has taken a personal interest in the case,” Casper observed as she perused a magazine.

“Yeah,” Trevor acknowledged. “In all my time with the department, I have never known the Captain to be so into getting to the bottom of a case before, especially one that is not in our jurisdiction and is of all things, still a cold case.”

“I guess having lived through the original case, he needs to know if it’s solved or not.” Casper asked. “He did comment that the community took it hard, and for it to go unsolved really impacted him and the town.”

“Maybe,” Trevor nodded. “It’s definitely a sad case, and if there is any chance in solving it and letting the truth out into the world then I am good following any unorthodox method.”


“Congratulations honey,” Max was saying to his daughter as they walked out of bureau where Grace had taken her driver’s test. “I knew you could do it.”

“Thank you, Dad,” Grace said. “Now I can drive my new car officially.”

“Yes, you can,” Max said. “You’re a license driver. Official in the state of New Mexico.” he smiled. “Unfortunately, I have to get to the office. So, you’re on your own. Do you think you can drive home on your own?”

“I am fine,” Grace smiled. “I think I can handle it. How will you get to work?”

“I have a stop-over on the next street; then I’ll take a taxi. Call me when you get home okay.” Max said as he saw his daughter with her newly minted driver’s license get behind the wheel of her new car. “Grace, be careful.”

“I will Dad,” Grace smiled as she started up the car. “I love you and I will see you later. In the meantime, I might actually stop by Aunt Isabel’s store.”

“Go ahead,” Max said as he watched Grace cautiously start to drive away. Sighing at how grown up his daughter was suddenly looking now that she was sixteen years old and behind the wheel. Max sighed, turned and walked to his client meeting on the next street.


“Aunt Isabel I love your new display,” Grace said as walked into her aunt’s boutique. “It’s very cool and glamorous.”

“Well it is prom season coming up,” Isabel said as she saw her niece approach the counter. “I don’t see my brother; so, I gather you passed your driver’s test?”

“I passed with flying colors,” Grace smiled as she observed her aunt’s store. “I am officially able to drive on my own.” she said. “Because I off school until Monday; it’s boring at home. So, I thought I would stop in.”

“I am glad you came,” Isabel said. “Did you have a good night last night?” she asked. “I am sorry we had to leave so early but with Kyle having an early practice this morning it was necessary for him to get some sleep.”

“That is okay,” Grace reassured her aunt. “You were able to make it, so it was awesome to have you there at all.”

“So, you’re enjoying your new wheels huh?” Isabel asked as she saw the car outside the window of the boutique.

“I love it. The freedom is wonderful,” Grace said.

“I bet it is,” Isabel said as she hugged her niece. “Your father loved his car when he was in high school. Just be careful.”

“I will,” Grace smiled as was thrilled at how popular her aunt’s boutique was, and the success it was becoming, and she took time to brose the merchandise in the boutique while her aunt continued to ring in sales.


“How many times Deputy do I have to ask you to please print clearly when you take my messages. So, Peterson what is this jabbering message on my desk?” Sheriff Jim Valenti asked as he sat down on his desk and saw the message sitting, waiting for him. “It’s hard to make out.”

“Sorry sir,” Deputy Doug Peterson said as he walked into office and saw the message the Sheriff was referring to. “After you left last night, someone called. A Detective Trevor MacIntosh, a detective with the New Haven Police Department in Connecticut. He had some questions in relation to a cold case near our way. He wanted to talk to you. “You had just left for the evening; so, I told him that you would be in this morning.”

“Any idea what case he was referring to?” Jim asked as one of the true blessings of working in a small town. Crime happened, but it was relatively low. They didn’t have many major cases, but they had a few.

“No clue, he didn’t want to get into over the phone.” Deputy Peterson. “As I you can see, he left his phone number and extension.”

“So, I see,” Jim said. “Thank you, Deputy. Next time you take message; make sure I can actually read it okay.”

“Yes sir,” Deputy Peterson said as he left the office.

Jim picked up the phone and made the phone call. “Yes, this is James Valenti Jr., Sheriff here in Roswell, New Mexico. I was left a message by one of your Detectives. A Detective Trevor MacIntosh, of the criminal unit. I was told it concerns an old case of mine. Maybe even a cold case. I was wondering if I could talk to him. I was out when he called, but I am back in my office now.” he said. “Oh, he’s on assignment. Do you know when he’s expected back at his desk? Not for two weeks. Okay, thank you. I’m sure we’ll talk when he’s back.”

“Hmm, I wonder what that was all about.” Jim asked himself as he sat the phone down. “It’s likely not important.” He told himself as he put the message in the file drawer of messages to get back to in the future.


“Has Jake asked you to the prom yet?” Isabel asked her niece as she had conned Grace to model some new inventory so that Isabel could inspect them to see whether they would do well in terms of sales. “Has he?”

Grace immediately blushed. “No Aunt Isabel and I don’t expect him to. I doubt he’s even going. We’re just friends.”

“Really?” Isabel asked as she was amused by the change in Grace’s face. “Friends have been known to go to prom together. It’s his senior prom right. I would expect him to want to go.”

“Jake Guerin going to the prom, I doubt it.” Grace said.

“I wouldn’t bet against it Grace,” Isabel said as she gave Grace a smile. “That looks fantastic on you. I would bet it would be a good dress to prom if you should go.” she smiled as she saw her niece model the strapless purple dress. Prom is a night of dreams.”

“Did you go to yours?” Grace asked.

“Yes, I did. What turned out to be my senior prom,” Isabel said as immediately her thoughts harkened back to high school. “I went with Alex.”

“I am sorry Aunt Isabel I know you miss Alex,” Grace said of the dearly departed of her father and aunt. Alex Whitman. He was a friend to everyone. Someone who was hopelessly in love with Isabel all through high school, yet they could never make it work. Although there had been a moment on prom night, but unfortunately a few weeks later; Alex was killed in a revenge plot by an evil alien named Tess Harding; someone who was obsessing over Grace’s father and took no prisoners in her quest which ultimately led to Alex’s demise. Everyone had been grief stricken. None more so than Grace’s mother Liz who became over the edge obsessed in terms of solving his death and her Aunt Isabel who almost ran away to college? But ultimately, she stayed and fell in love with Kyle. Solving the truth of his death had led to Tess and the group had almost been destroyed in the process.

“It’s alright,” Isabel smiled a reflective grin. “You would have liked Alex. He was very smart but goofy too.”

“It sounds like it,” Grace said as she tried on another dress for her aunt.


“Ask Grace to prom,” Elizabeth was saying to her brother as they walked to the car at lunch time. Neither had classes that afternoon and Elizabeth it was because she had free period and a History class that had a teacher out sick and no substitute. With Jake; he had no classes on Friday afternoons.

“Give it a rest,” Jake said.

“I won’t,” Elizabeth said. “It’s coming up in six weeks. If you want to go, why don’t you ask Grace? She’s the perfect escort.”

“We’re only friends Elizabeth,” Jake said as they got into the car and tore out of the parking lot a few minutes later.

“A friend who took his friend who is a girl to another state for the weekend,” Elizabeth reminded her brother with a smirk. “Well even if you guys are only friends. You can still ask her. It will be a fun night.”

“You’re just upset you weren’t invited,” Jake smirked.

“How you don’t know me,” Elizabeth smiled. “I was invited. But I declined. The guy was a creep.”

“Please tell me it wasn’t Tommy Ellis,” Jake said as she groaned.

“No. I would be the last person he would want to take to prom,” Elizabeth said confidently as they pulled into the parking lot connected to the Crashdown. “He knows I would deck him or worse if he tried to approach me,” again she said silently to herself.

“Well if not Ellis than who was it that didn’t meet your qualifications for a date to prom?” Jake asked as he opened the door for Elizabeth and she got out.

“Ralph Goodman,” Elizabeth said as they walked into the restaurant “I rather not go than with him or Tommy Ellis.”

“At least you have standards,” Jake said as he looked around to see if by some chance, Grace was around.

“Ask Grace,” Elizabeth repeated. “You know you want to.”

“Elizabeth,” Jake said as they took a seat.

“Fine I’ll stop it for now,” Elizabeth said. “But I say again, ask her Jake or you might regret it. She might be dealing with the aftermath of Ellis, but she’s not going to stay out of the dating game forever. Someone might ask her. You’re not the only single senior,” Elizabeth warned before deciding the drop it at the glare coming from her brother. “Okay I’ll drop it, but all I will say is…Grace said she might stop by. She wasn’t sure. She was headed towards her aunt’s after her test this morning.”


“This town is indeed small,” Sandra said as she took off her sunglasses as their car drove down the main street of Roswell. “I guess I never pictured it so small.”

“Me either,” Trevor said as he looked at the map to figure out how to find the Sherriff’s department. “Let’s find this place.”


Grace was loading some bags into her new car when she spotted what looked some visitors to town stopping. “Hello.”

“We’re looking for the Sherriff’s Department?” Trevor asked the teenager.

“Down the street two block, on the left side. You can’t miss it,” Grace said as she searched for her car keys.

“Thank you,” Trevor said.

“You’re welcome,” Grace smiled. “Welcome to Roswell.”

“Thanks,” Trevor nodded as he drove down the street.


“What did you buy?” Jake asked as he saw Grace come into the restaurant carrying two bags. “I assume you passed your test and you were out celebrating?”

“Yup,” Grace said. “I visited Aunt Isabel at the boutique which is always a dangerous idea and she persuaded me to treat myself. I haven’t bought anything for myself in a while. Everything I earn goes towards college. But I couldn’t help it.”

“So, what did you buy?” Elizabeth asked.

“A dress and shoes,” Grace smiled.

“Is it for tomorrow night?” Elizabeth asked as she alluded to Grace’s Sweet 16 party with all her friends. She couldn’t wait to show off her dress. She knew her dad would have a stroke if he saw it. But she had convinced her mother to allow her to be a grown up for one night and Maria had agreed, with some changes to the dress. So, it wasn’t exactly how Elizabeth had envisioned it.

“Nope, that is all settled.” Grace said. “This was just an impulse buy. I’ll show you later.” she told Elizabeth.

“Congratulations,” Jake said. “It must feel nice to be able to drive without supervision. I bet Uncle Max was nervous for you to go out on your own?”

“So far so good,” Grace said as she ordered her lunch. “How was school?”

“Boring,” Jake said.

“This must be a record,” Grace laughed as she enjoyed being with Jake and Elizabeth again at the Crashdown. “You actually attended school every day this week. I am impressed.”

“It’s been done before, it is no biggie.” Jake joked. “But it will be nice to have you back on Monday,” he said. “It hasn’t been the same without you.”

“I’m ready to go back,” Grace said as they all started to eat their lunches. “You don’t know how much you miss something, until it is gone.” she said in a reflective way as she sighed as she looked out the window of the café.

“I can’t believe you think that of school,” Jake laughed.

“Not only school,” Grace sighed.


Trevor and Sandra found the department after a little searching. Parking their rental; they went inside. “Is there any chance Sheriff James Valenti Jr. is in?” Trevor asked.

“Can I have your names?” Deputy Peterson asked.

“We are Trevor MacIntosh and Sandra Casper. It’s important we talk to the Sheriff,” he said.

“Hey, didn’t you call just yesterday? My name is Deputy Peterson; I took your message.” he asked as she surveyed the detectives. “You are from Connecticut, right? Hmm, it must have been important to make a trip all the way out there. The Sheriff did try to call this morning.”

“It became urgent overnight,” Sandra said as she looked around the station. “This is a small station,” she remarked.

“Yes, it is,” Deputy Peterson said. “Small town and we’re lucky we really don’t need something bigger. Let me check if the Sheriff can see you. Why don’t you take a seat across the room? Sorry we don’t have much of a waiting room.”

“No problem,” Trevor said as he went to take a seat.


Jim was writing up a report; closing a DUI investigation that they had just put to bed earlier that day. The case was referred to the prosecutors and now he was writing it up for the office and his own files when the door opened. “What” he asked.

“Sorry Sheriff,” Deputy Peterson said. “But there are two people here to see you. They say it’s very important they talk to you.”

“Who is it?” Jim asked as he slaved over the report he was writing. “Can’t it wait? I am closing a case, writing up the final report. Tell them to come back in an hour or so.”

“It is MacIntosh & Casper from the police department in New Haven, Connecticut. They want to speak to you. They are out in the waiting area.” Deputy Peterson said. “They are detectives who wish to talk to you about a specific case whose circumstances apparently have changed. I don’t they would be willing to come back.”

“They came all the way out here?” Jim asked putting down his pen and picking up the message earlier to verify it was the same name. “Why would they do that?”

“It beats me. Do you want to see them?” Deputy Peterson asked.

“Give me five minutes to finish with this report than let them in,” Jim said as he picked up his pen as his deputy left the room.


This is very cool,” Elizabeth remarked as she rode with Grace in her new car. Jake had gone off to find his friend Duncan, glad to be off Elizabeth chauffeur duty for at least one afternoon. “You are very lucky.”

“I am, aren’t I?” Grace asked.

“Chances I won’t be this lucky,” Elizabeth remarked. “Since Jake got Mom’s old car for his birthday. So, unless Jake goes to another state for college; I am probably out of luck when I turn sixteen.”

“Do you really think Jake will go out of state?” Grace asked. She did wonder herself if Jake was leaving. She knew he wanted to leave. But then he didn’t have a dream school, so maybe he would stay if he got into Las Cruces.

“You never know,” Elizabeth said as they zoomed along. “I know Mom isn’t looking forward to it. Dad is nonchalant about it all and because Jake was the baby for so long; I am sure they will miss him. But then with Jake, one never knows what is going on in his head.”

“That is what I am afraid of with Dad when it comes my time because I do want to leave New Mexico. But it’s just been Dad and me since I was two years old. He’s such a workaholic. I can’t help but wonder what happens when he takes over Grandpa’s law firm and then I leave.”

“He’s an adult Grace,” Elizabeth said. “It’s his life to lead, and that life will be fine if he knows you’re off happily enjoying your Ivy League education.”

“I know, I know” Grace said as she sighed as she thought of her father’s future, as they pulled into the Evans’ home. Parking in the drive way; Elizabeth helped Grace carry her new purchases into the house and up to Grace’s bedroom. “It’s making that decision that will be hard for me when it comes time to pull the trigger on.”

“So, show me the dress.”

“Here,” Grace said as the put the bag down on her bed. And before long she pulled out the dress. “Aunt Isabel liked a purple dress on me. But I liked this one. What do you think?

“It’s beautiful,” Elizabeth remarked at the red dress that came out of the bag. “You will look great in it. Red is your best color.”

“That is what I am thinking,” Grace said as she put the dress back in the bag.

“So, do you think Jake is going to ask you to prom?” Elizabeth asked.

“Why is prom such a fascination with people these days?” Grace asked as she opened the shoe box and showed Elizabeth her new shoes to go with the dress. “Jake has not asked me, and I don’t expect he will.”

“Don’t be too sure,” Elizabeth smiled.

“Give it up Guerin. Why don’t you leave Jake and me alone?” Grace said. “I am not sure I want to go to prom.”

“Why not?” Elizabeth said.

“I am still trying to come to terms with a lot in my life. And I am not sure I am ready for prom and all that entails. I am only a sophomore; I have plenty of other proms to go to. Maybe I’ll skip this one.”

“You are a sophomore taking a large quantity of junior and even a senior level advance placement class. You may not have plenty of proms left. But I get what you’re worried about, and must be dealing with. Are you still dealing with what happened in New Haven?” Elizabeth asked as the door burst open and Sue came in. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey,” Sue said. “God, I hate French class. I wish I wasn’t forced to take it by my parents,” she said in a huff. “So, what is happening here?”

“Just talking,” Grace said.

“Is this your dress for tomorrow night?” Sue asked as she saw the dress bag. “Love the color.”

“Nope,” Grace said. “The dress for tomorrow night is hanging by the closet.” she said as she referred her friends to look at the closet.

“Wow,” Elizabeth said as she got up to look at it closer. “It’ll look amazing on you. I love what you were going with it,” she said as she looked at her watch. “Aunt Isabel did a fantastic job…Ooh speaking of Aunt Isabel, I have to go.”

“Where are, you are going?” Grace asked.

“I am going to Splurge to interview with Aunt Isabel. Mom and Dad have agreed to let me work part-time to earn money for college this summer. So, I am going to hopefully work at the boutique and help out at the Crashdown when your grandfather needs a helping hand.” Elizabeth said. “And maybe then I can keep the job or one of them in the fall when school is back in session.”

“Cool,” Grace said. “I am sure that Aunt Isabel could use the help. The boutique is becoming more of a success with each passing year.”

“I hope it works out,” Elizabeth said. “See you tomorrow. I’ll come at 3 and we can get ready together; okay?”

“Sure,” Grace said. “Dad says he’s getting lost. I believe he has plans with your parents for dinner. I think it will turn into an adult party.”

“See you tomorrow,” Elizabeth said as she vanished from the room.

“So, what are we going to do?” Sue as Grace as the phone rang. “Answer it, and we can then plan the rest of our afternoon.”

“Hey Dom,” Grace smiled. “I didn’t expect to hear from you.”

“Oooooh,” Sue whispered at the name Dom. Dominic was technically a junior but taking early graduation this year and heading to West Point in the fall. His family was very into the military and he planned to continue the tradition. “I meant to give you my congratulations about West Point,” Grace said. “It’s been a unique week for me,” she smiled. “What is it you wanted to ask me?” she asked.

Sue grinned at her friend whose face frowned.

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that?” Grace acknowledged.

“Prom?” Sue whispered.

“No,” Grace shook her head. “I am kind of busy this weekend. My party and such and I am kind of grounded, so my father is being protective about my social calendar. I am working next weekend. I need to make up some of the money I’ve lost.”

“Go Grace. Show Jake what he’s missing,” Sue whispered in encouragement. Ask about a movie. You father can’t complain about a movie on a week night.”

“I am free on Thursday of next week. But I’ll have to ask my father. Yeah maybe a movie would work?” Grace asked. “Sure, call me on Sunday” she smiled. “Thank you for calling Dominic,” she said softly as she hung up. “Wow.”

“Wow for sure,” Sue said. “I didn’t know Dominic liked you.”

“Me either,” Grace said as she took in the fact she was asked out. “Dad is going to kill me.”

“Dominic Rhodes is a great guy. I am sure your father will approve of him. He’s no Tommy Ellis,” Sue advised. “It’s only a movie. And it might make Jake sit up and take notice.”

“I don’t need Jake to sit up and take notice Sue, we’re only friends.”

“Keep telling yourself that my friend. Anyways are we going for a drive or not?” Sue asked. “I saw your new car. Cool gift,” she says. “I got a savings bond from my grandparents for college and a computer from my parents.”

“A computer isn’t that bad. And money is always needed,” Grace smiled. “I guess we could go for a ride, I want to get out of this place. I’ve spent too much time this week in here.”

“Sure, let us go,” Sue said.


“What is it that you wanted from me?” Jim asked as the two detectives came into his office. “Why don’t you have a seat. My name is James Valenti Jr. Although most people just call me Jim.”

“Thank you for seeing us,” Trevor said. “My name is Trevor MacIntosh and this is my partner Sandra Casper. We are detectives out of the police department in New Haven, Connecticut. We have a case that has come to our attention that might lead out here to your neck of the woods.”

“I hope no one from town has caused you any trouble. We had two runaways in your area last week. But they are both back home and safe and sound,” Jim said.

“I don’t think that is what brings us this way. How long have you been Sheriff of this town?” Trevor asked.

“Although there was a brief time where I was off the job, but I guess it’s been close to 30 years, why?” Jim said as he though back over his tenure on the job. “I guess I don’t think of it in those terms as the job has always been a calling in one form or another.”

“We wonder if you remember a fatal car crash some fourteen years, ago. I believe it was around the June 25th in 2008.”

“Yes, that date is indelible marked into my mind. A great friend of my family was killed in the crash. She was my son’s high school girlfriend before she met and later married her husband. It changed a lot of lives in our town. So many lives were utterly devastated by that accident.”

“Was the name Elizabeth Evans?” Sandra asked.

“Yes. Elizabeth Parker Evans. Although everyone called her Liz,” Jim said. She was the only child of Jeff and Nancy Parker; they own and operate the local eatery here in town called the Crashdown Café. It’s also a local meeting ground for the young folk.”

“And she was married at the time of the crash?” Trevor asked.

“Yes, to a local boy, Maxwell Evans. They married the day after their high school graduation and later became parents to a little girl; Grace. The daughter was 2 years old when her mother died.”

“Sure, is a tragedy. To lose her mother like that,” Sandra said.

“Yes, it is. It was hard on the husband Max to be a single father, but he made it work. He is now an attorney working for a local law firm here in town. He absolutely loved his wife and worshipped the ground she walked on. It was one of those rare marriages where you think they could be married for decades; until the day they both died in each other’s arms.”

“Wow,” Sandra said.

“Yes. They were very happy. Liz was a medical student and intern who worked in the local hospital. She was dealing with work and medical school when the crash happened. She had been working late one night and was driving home in a horrible rain storm and slid out of control. It was a horrific crash. We had to identify the body through dental records. I did the notification of the family; it wasn’t a pleasant sight.”

“I am sure it wasn’t,” Trevor said.

“So, what is this about? Being from New Haven; you can’t be interested in a local fatal car crash. “So why is it that you’re asking these questions?”

“Because we have reason to believe there may have been foul play involved in the car crash Sheriff Valenti,” Trevor said.

“You mean foul play like murder?” Jim asked horrified.

“No. We have reason to believe that maybe the young woman was not killed at all. But she was kidnapped,” Sandra piped in.

“Well, that is impossible,” Jim said. “We had a body and there were dental records to confirm identity and they all matched Liz as much as we wish it hadn’t.”

“Our current theory is that another body was replaced with Mrs. Evans and the dental match were likely faked to make it seem like Mrs. Evans was dead. Would there be any reason why someone would want your victim dead. Did she or family and friends have any enemies?” Sandra asked.

“No….” Jim started to stay but then he stopped short and remembered just how special the whole clan was and how there had been always a level of danger for all members. And that it’s very likely someone would have wanted to hurt Liz and Max. Especially back in the olden days Jim thought. It had been quiet for years now. But back when the kids were in high school and even college; the danger level was quite high.

“Sheriff Valenti?” Trevor asked as something was off with the demeanor as he answered that question. “Did she have any enemies?”

“Yes,” Jim said quietly and honestly.


“We’ve been down this road before,” Serena was assuring Beth, Alexandra and Carrie as Beth and her daughters walked in from the waiting room to Serena’s office. “I know you three are very confused. Alexandra and Carrie, your mother told me what is going on. And maybe I can help.”

“Can you?” Alexandra asked.

“You never know,” Serena said in an assuring tone. “As I told your mother; we will take some blood tests and have them tested. You never know what we can learn. Maybe they will help you.”

“I don’t know how you can help,” Carrie remarked as she and her sister took their seat on the couch as their mother took a seat across the desk. “We may have someone out there who matched us pretty much perfectly. We might have a sister!”

“You never know,” Serena said. “Sit down and let’s begin.”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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