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Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:12 pm
by killjoy
Earth2Mama wrote: 2. I'm double jointed in that I can wrap my legs around my head.
4. I sleep in the nude - during all four seasons.
Uhhhh you know I'm starting to like you more and more :P :lol:

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:21 pm
by Earth2Mama
killjoy wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote: 2. I'm double jointed in that I can wrap my legs around my head.
4. I sleep in the nude - during all four seasons.
Uhhhh you know I'm starting to like you more and more :P :lol:
Most men don't discover that bit of about me for a LONG time ... it's such a turn on and I'd rather wait to show them rather then tell 'em.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:41 pm
by Earth2Mama
killjoy wrote:1.My mind is a stock room full of useless history and triva facts that I can pull out on a moments notice.I'm the one my friends would call if they were ever on a game show and need to know things like....what year was President Garfield assassinated in....or....what year did the Russians put Sputnik 1 into orbit....or what was the name of the first person to reach the North Pole.I can't help it.... :oops: ....I LOVE anything dealing with history and will read books or watch the History Channel for hours upon hours.
I am much the same way, except substitute movie and/or actor trivia and well, you'll want me playing on your team when you play "Scene It". My brothers affectionately call me "Ms. T.v. Guide" (I secret love it, but cringe in hate when I hear 'em call me it). Seriously, the useless crap of info in my brain tells me I should go on a game show, but I don't have the courage or inclination to do so. I am damn good at playing Jeopardy when I'm at home though. :D

2.Everyone has a dream on what they want to be when they grew up....mine was simple...I wanted to meet someone nice (a woman :lol: ) fall in love,get married and be a dad.For I've always thought that the number one thing a person should be good at in life and give it their best is being a parent and spouse.Anything else after that was just simple stuff to be delt with in life
I always envisioned myself as a parent. I've got two nieces and a nephew as well as younger brothers and a sister whom I've always had a motherly attitude towards. I was always the nurturer (when my parents weren't available) and I can totally see myself with children someday. It's the sharing my life with that significant other I'm still not to sure about. I've seen so much crappy relationships and while I know I shouldn't ever define mine to those, you still can't help but to. God, what is the divorce rate again? The number of single parent families?
3.This one is hard to explain.....I don't like to...well part with things....I'm not a pack rat mind you,but if something has been in my life for a long time and was part of my childhood I don't like to part with it.For example....when my mom decided to redecorate her and my dad's house after MANY years of it being the same she was going to throw out/sell the dining room set that she had there the entire time I grew up.I didn't like that idea so I bought it from her myself and now have it in my house....I have many former knicknacks from my parent's house that they were going to throw away/sell that I took and have put up in my house.
I know what you mean about that! I'm not really a pack rat either, but I do have a small box of mementos (concert tickets, movie's I've seen since I was 16, etc). It's all packed neatly into a shoe box. And when my grandparents decided to move to NC years back, my G-ma was going to throw/give away her china set that she'd had since she first got married back in 1953. I immediately found a box and started packing it up so that I had a reminder of their once happy marriage (they've since divorced after 42 yrs of marriage). And now, I'm especially glad that I did that because I remember when they had little parties, that china was always used and it makes me happy to remember those times (and most importantly, my G-ma - she passed away earlier this year).
4.I like to have candles in the house.One of my favorite things to do after a bad day is to turn off all the lights in the house,light a few candles and sit in the dark and watch the light from the burning candles bounce off the walls.I found that it helps relax me after a bad day at work.
Take those candles and throw a good bottle of wine and a comfy couch and that's where'd you find me. Seriously, nothing relaxes me more then that. Well, except cooking - and my food always manages to taste better if I'm angry beforehand. Weird ...
5.Much like Michael from the show I have NO ability to dance.Which is funny because seeing that for a LONG time now one of the things I've always wished I could do is ball room dancing.
I don't keep up on the latest dancing trends. I took ballet back when I was a kid and that was a LONG ass time ago. I can slow dance. I can dance to some types of Spanish music (however, only at FAMILY gatherings such as weddings) and that's about as much as I can or will do - and it's one dance, and that's it. I'm more the person who is sitting at the table nursing a drink while watching everyone else having a good time on the dance floor or I'm at the bar, nursing several drinks! Great ... now I sound like a lush :roll: :lol:

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:33 pm
by valentinebaby
1. My left ear canal is crooked. It's my little unnoticeable birth defect. The funny thing is I didn't notice I bent the cotton on the Q-tips until my doctor pointed it out to me.

2. To most people I know, it appears I have this awesome relationship with my parents, but in reality there's a ton of unresolved tension.

3. Despite being high school drop out, I love to learn. The times when I actually took college classes we're some of the best I ever had in a classroom, and if I ever won the lottery, I'm pretty sure I'd devote myself to being a career student.

4. I hate socks. I own them, I wear them with shoes, but I spend the better portion of my day sockless unless they're the aloe kind.

5. My mind is constantly running. I can never just blank my mind out, even when I'm laying down to go to sleep I'm normally thinking about something and the majority of the time whatever it is ends up entering my sleep.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:28 pm
by OrangeSky
5 More Little Known Facts About Me:

1. I love inspirational sports movies. Love them. It doesn't even matter if they're any good. I'll still be emotionally swayed by the ending, when the underdog somehow finds a way to succeed, even with everything stacked against him/her/them.

2. Jell-O creeps me out.

3. I get carsick (though not nearly as bad as I did when I was a kid) and I've thrown up in the same place outside of Yosemite 5 times. The most recent time was the morning after I finished climbing El Capitan.

4. In high school I could swear in 24 languages.

5. When I was a kid, I had mad crushes on Han Solo and Indiana Jones. Not Harrison Ford, Han Solo and Indiana Jones. I still kinda do, actually.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:58 pm
by Earth2Mama
In the spirit of Ali's divulging of more truths, here a five (5) more of mine:

1. While I own some chick flicks, I hate watching them! Don't get me wrong, I will watch them once and then that is it. If I watch them a 2nd time or more than that - it's because I'm depressed and need a quick pick me up.

2. I can read and write Spanish, but when it comes to speaking the language ... I'm at a complete loss. I can understand what is being told/asked of me - but I will not respond back to you in Spanish.

3. When I go on vacation, I go alone (no family, no friends). It's just me and my time alone to enjoy.

4. O.k. a bit on the personal side - I've never been love. Not even a little.

5. If my apartment were ever on fire, my movie, book and CD collection are the three (3) things I would save - or die trying to.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:07 am
by Roswellian117
5 Things About Me:

1: My boyfriend and I are HUGE Green Day fans.

2: I'm 5'6 and weigh 145lbs and in high school I weighed 100! I didn't go through the changes until I was like 17/18.

3: I am a movie trivia queen. Everyone always asks me questions about movies!!! No one ever wants to play ANY version of scene it with me.

4: I actually enjoy cooking.

5: I'm mexican, 2nd generation!!! Oldest of 17 grandchildren. I am the only one who can speak, read, and write in spanish out of all my cousins. Almost all of them don't even understand it! LOL. It was my first language because I was always with my grandparents.

5a: I hate my mom's husband!! I love my Daddy who is a srgt. in the army!!

5b: My grandma passed away on 1/14/05 and that was the worst day of my life because she was the one who raised me.

5c: I live in california, should be a raider or 49's fan but I am a Dallas Cowboys fan!!!

5d: I still read youth section novels and I am 24!!! Lol.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:36 am
by valentinebaby
Roswellian117 wrote:
5d: I still read youth section novels and I am 24!!! Lol.
Thank you. You just made me feel a little less nerdy. I do it too.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:42 am
by Earth2Mama
valentinebaby wrote:
Roswellian117 wrote:
5d: I still read youth section novels and I am 24!!! Lol.
Thank you. You just made me feel a little less nerdy. I do it too.
Make that me three ... :oops: And I don't really care either if I'm consider too old to do so.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:25 pm
by OrangeSky
Earth2Mama wrote:
valentinebaby wrote:
Roswellian117 wrote:
5d: I still read youth section novels and I am 24!!! Lol.
Thank you. You just made me feel a little less nerdy. I do it too.
Make that me three ... :oops: And I don't really care either if I'm consider too old to do so.
I read them too. I don't pay much attention to what section a book is shelved in, I'm interested in the quality of the writing. There's no rule that says that just because a book was written with an audience for children in mind, that it will be stupid or inferior or poorly written. Some of the most beloved books, some of the best books, were marketed for children. And sometimes a book published in one country as standard fiction can be published in another country as YA fiction. That happened with one of my favorite books. I found it on a whim, looking at a YA table.