Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 81 - 12/31/09

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Believe it… we did! Otherwise, that would have been one VERY long part! We’re gonna try to avoid WW III and hope that Michael can give Maria the chance to explain.

Now if they could just find a balance for those tempers…

Glad you’re enjoying M/L and K/T! Well, we’d have to go with Kyle on this one, too… but, Tess might just talk him into giving it a shot, lol! Just not too sure about the success rate!

Well, Maria’s gonna give that explanation a shot. Let’s hope Evil Hank wasn’t involved in this one!

mary mary: Maybe… Yeah, we’re pretty sure Kyle wouldn’t be too happy about that.

And we’re glad you did!

Natalie36: Well, there may be some yelling… But, he will realize that it’s not her fault.

80s_UnLove_Child: Nah, she’s not gonna pull that card. Now there’s a scary thought!

Lots of possibilities for everyone! Ya just never know about the baby’s room… actually, we don’t know yet… they haven’t shared the details with us yet.

Maiqu: It was evil, but… we’re gonna fix that!

If Tess gets her way, he’s gonna end up in the snow.

destinyc: Nope, it’s not her fault. We can hope that he’ll take the news well… it could happen.

begonia9508: Ah, it won’t be their last fight, but hopefully the last fight of this magnitude!

kismet: We’re thinking that higher brain function might just be put to good use this time around, lol.

Special gift, huh? Wonder what that could be? LOL!

Yeah, Kyle’s had some issues with his nuts, poor guy!

sarammlover: Well, they’re gonna go into a little more depth in this next part, with the explanation and the apology.

Part 81 – Reasoning and Reconciliation

“You talked to my mother?!” he shouted, jumping to his feet and rounding the counter to face her directly. “Behind my back? Why, Maria? Why the fuck would you talk to that woman after everything I told you?” He could feel the anger building and he moved his hands erratically as he started to pace in front of her.

“I didn’t want to,” Maria defended herself. “I told her to go away, but she wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“You said you talked to her! That implies that you carried on a conversation...” He shook his head as he turned to glare at her, confused by her behavior. “Why didn’t you just walk away from her?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because she was totally desperate and maybe I thought that she had somethin’ important to say.”

“She was desperate?!” He moved to the living room where he had more room to pace; the kitchen was just too confined. “Desperate?” he repeated incredulously. “The woman let my father beat me, Maria! I can’t believe you would go behind my back and give her the time of day!”

“And she told me somethin’ that all of you need to know,” Maria interrupted his rambling. She wasn’t going to scream back at him, because she knew that would only make things worse.

“What? That she’s sorry?” he sneered. “You think I give a fuck how she feels? I spent my whole life in the same house with that woman and did she ever once come to check on me after Hank beat the shit outta me? NO! Did she go to little league games, high school football games, or any other sport I participated in? NO! She never gave a fuck about me, so she has no right to come in here now and pretend that she cares!” he ranted.

He finally came to a stop and he turned to look at her over the counter that separated them. “You know better than anyone else what that neglect did to me... to my brothers and my sister... how could you betray me like this?”

His words hurt, but she tried to stay strong. “She wasn’t here just to say that she’s sorry,” Maria whispered.

Michael could hear the hurt in her voice and he suddenly realized just how much his reaction was affecting her. “Maria...” He sighed raggedly as the anger inside of him eased and the fight began to recede. He didn’t know what else to say and he dropped down to sit on the edge of the couch.

Maria bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from crying or screaming or anything. Why had he fallen silent suddenly? Had he suddenly realized that he couldn’t be with someone like her? Someone who he felt he couldn’t trust?

It had to be important if Maria had stopped to listen to his mother, right? She wouldn’t just ignore his feelings on that subject and go over his head to deal with the woman. He looked up at her, seeing the expression on her face that suggested her mind was working overtime.

He motioned for her to come over to him, needing to be near her, to let her tell him what she needed to tell him, and to have her tell him that whatever it was, it would be okay.

She walked over to him slowly, sitting down on the coffee table facing him. “I wouldn’t have listened to her if I hadn’t felt like it was somethin’ important, Michael.” She looked down at the ground, trying to think of a good way to tell him the truth, but nothing came to mind.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he needed to stay calm. He shifted restlessly before reaching out to let his hands rest over hers where they were rubbing her legs nervously and he felt his own nerves begin to settle.

“Okay, I’m tryin’ to be calm here, Maria, and you know me, so y’know that’s not an easy thing for me to do in situations like this. But, you’re gonna have to open your mouth and do what you do so well.” He grinned and ducked his head to meet her gaze as his tone turned teasing. “Y’know I’m referrin’ to your ability to talk here, right?”

“Yeah,” she answered hoarsely, taking his hands in hers. “Okay, um, she told me that Hank isn’t your biological father… you and Brendan, I mean.” There was no other way to say it.

Michael’s mind went blank and his vocal chords locked up for several seconds. Not his biological father? He swallowed hard and shook his head, certain he had heard wrong. “What?”

“Um, your mother had an affair when Hank left her alone in New York, when Alex was little, and... and that other man is your father, Michael.”

He surged to his feet and went right back to pacing around the room, conscious of her eyes following his every movement. “No, it’s not possible,” he denied. “That would mean that everything I am, everything I’ve built my life on... it’s all a lie.”

“I know, I...” she sighed, “I don’t know if we can really trust her, Michael. But what she told me made sense and I can’t think of any reason why she would make this up.”

“What about Brooke?”

“Uh, we didn’t really talk about her, but I think Hank’s her father.”

It would make sense, Michael realized. He and Brendan didn’t look anything like Hank; they were both tall with muscular builds and light brown hair that leaned towards a dark blond in the summer, while Hank was tall and lean with cold, gray eyes. “Did she know back then? That me an’ Brendan aren’t Hank’s kids?”

“Yeah, she knew it. Hank found out about her affair and then he found a way to get rid of the other man. He left and she never saw or heard from him again. She kept her pregnancy a secret as long as possible, so that Hank couldn’t force her to have an abortion.”

“Well, I suppose I owe her for that much at least,” he muttered grudgingly. God, what if Hank had found out when an abortion had still been a viable option? he wondered, shocked. “So, Hank knows Brendan and I aren't his?”

“Yeah, but he forced her to pretend that you and Brendan were his.”

“Why?” He knew the answer before he even asked the question; Hank would never have allowed that kind of information to get out because of the embarrassment it would have caused. “Did she tell you my real father’s name?”

“Uh, yeah, it’s Adam Smith.”

“Well, there’s probably no shortage of guys with that name runnin’ around.” He chewed on his thumbnail as he paced back and forth. “Did she say where he was from? What he did for a livin’?”

“No, I don’t think we talked about that.”

“I need to find out.”

“Well, your mother gave me a cell number where we could reach her.”

“What’s she even doin’ here?” he asked. “How’d she get away from Hank long enough to talk to you?”

“She left him. She told me that she had no reason to stay with him any longer now that Brooke was no longer with them.”

“She left him? As in intending to file for divorce, left him?”

“It seemed pretty final, yeah.”

“I don’t even know what to think about that,” he admitted.

Maria let her head rest in her hands. “I can’t tell you how wretched I’ve felt the last two days for not tellin’ you right away,” she admitted. Finally it was all out and it felt good that there was no longer such a big secret between them.

Michael stared at her, taking in the dejected slump to her shoulders and the obvious weight she had been carrying around since his mother had laid all that information on her. He crossed the room and crouched down in front of her, reaching up to take her hands in his. He nudged her chin up so he could meet her worried eyes. “It’s not your fault, baby. She came to you because the rest of us refused to talk to her.”

“There aren’t any secrets left between us, right?” Maria asked with a wary smirk. “’Cause if there are, then let’s get them out now because I’m sick of them.”

“Well, there is one thing...” Michael sighed deeply and looked up at her.

Maria held her breath. No, no, no, she couldn’t handle another one.

“Yeah,” he muttered, letting it build up. “When I was little I used to stuff marshmallows up my nose.”

Maria laughed, relieved. “I think I can live with that.”

“Okay, but it’s a secret... you can’t tell anyone about that.”

“I’ll keep it to myself,” she swore.

“Seriously though, Maria...” He leaned in closer as his big hands came up to frame her face in his rough palms. “We’re done with any secrets between us because I don’t think my heart could take anything else after all this. Other than the goofy, ridiculous, and absurd shit that I pulled when I was a kid I can’t think of a single secret I’ve got left.”

He shook his head as he met her gaze and he gave her a slight smile. “I’m gonna have to talk to her; I can’t just let this go, not if my real father’s out there somewhere. I need to find this guy, meet him, and maybe it’ll give me some of the answers I need... and I need you to be with me for this.”

She nodded slightly. “I’ll be there whenever you need me, baby.” She was glad that he was no longer denying that she was a part of his life.

“How d’you think this’s gonna affect my family? Brooke’s still dealin’ with what my father... No, not my father,” he said. “She’s still dealin’ with what Hank did to her.”

“You have to make sure that Brooke never thinks you’re no longer connected just because you have a different father. I know it doesn’t seem like that’s possible, but she might think that anyway.”

“I don’t think this could come at a worse time as far as she’s concerned,” he said, thinking. “Especially now that I know about Alex an’ Isabel havin’ a kid of their own.”

“Yeah. Look, Michael, I’ll understand if you need to take some extra time alone with your sister in the near future.”

“I think it’s just gonna be important for her to understand that while things are changin’ she’s not gonna lose her family.”

“Neither are you, baby,” she said as she caressed his cheek.

“You don’t think findin’ out that Brendan and I have a different father will cause a... I don’t know... will it create distance between us and Alex and Brooke?”

“No,” Maria shook her head, “you’ve lived together as siblings for most of your lives and you still know each other like no one else does.”

He nodded at her positive answer and hoped that she was right. “What do I do now, Maria? Do I go talk to my mother? Do I go talk to my brothers and sister? What do I do?”

Why don’t you start with takin’ me in your arms? Maria thought. “Maybe you should try talkin’ to Brendan first.”

Michael glanced up at her and he dropped his hands to her knees again. “Yeah, maybe,” he said slowly. “Later, though. First, you think maybe I could just wrap my arms around you and hang on for a while?”

She smiled softly, still surprised that he seemed to know her so well. “I was hoping you would say that.”

He shifted to settle on his knees and let his hands slide up over her thighs and hips, pulling her closer as he wrapped his arms around her tightly and let the side of his face rest against her breast. “I’ve missed you,” he admitted quietly.

She reached up to drive her fingers through his hair and over his neck. “I’ve missed you more.”

“Can’t imagine that’s possible,” he muttered.

“It hurts to not be with you. I never would’ve survived really breaking up with you.”

Michael sighed and his grip around her momentarily tightened. “You’re not alone there.”

It felt good to be honest with him; she needed him to know how much she felt. She just couldn’t get those three words out yet. I love you. In her head it was so easy to say.

“You said that out on the field, and fuck, Maria... I swear it felt like I couldn’t breathe. You took my legs out from under me with that... don’t ever do it again.”

“I’m sorry.” She placed a kiss on top of his head.

“I know we pushed each other and that’s how we ended up at that point, and I know we’re both stubborn, passionate people, but can we at least try to talk things out before they reach that point again?”

“Sounds good to me. And, baby, trust me when I tell you, I would never cheat on you; I couldn’t do that.”

“Ah, hell, Maria, I know that... I should’ve stopped to consult my brain before letting my mouth loose.” He shook his head as he looked up at her. “Forgive me for that?”

She let her finger trail over the cut on his lip and nodded. “Think Lance will ever dare to talk about me again?”

“I think he’ll think twice next time.”

“Well, I don’t want you to ruin your beautiful face and I should say that it was wrong to get into a fight with him, but I guess he deserved it.”

“Don’t waste your breath tellin’ me it was wrong, Maria... he was talkin’ shit about you so he deserved every hit he got.”

“You know what I’m still wondering? How the hell did he know about my tattoo? No one knows except for you and the girls.” She shrugged. “Oh, and my Mom.”

“Uh-huh, and one of those girls has the same tat and happens to be dating Kyle... he was talkin’ about tats with some of the guys the other day an’ he thinks Lance probably overheard the conversation.”

“Of course it has somethin’ to do with Tess,” Maria said.

“Indirectly, yeah.” He turned his head so he could nuzzle her neck. “Wanna show me that troublesome little tat?” he growled.

“Why, you can’t remember it?” Maria teased.

“No, I seem to be havin’ a case of temporary amnesia...” He gave her a teasing grin. “I’m thinkin’ I really need to get a look at it, and all the surrounding parts, to kick my memory back into gear.” He leaned up to kiss her fast and hard. “Chances are good that it’ll kick some other things into gear, too.”

“Uh-huh, okay, let’s see...” She leaned back, putting her weight on her arms as she rested her hands behind her on the coffee table. “You think you can find it by yourself?”

“I can give it a shot... think I should just start at the top and work my way down. How’s that for a plan?”

“Sounds good to me,” Maria whispered.

“Yeah?” His heartbeat started to shift into a faster rhythm. “It might take me a while to find it y’know... might require a pretty extensive investigation.” He lifted her top over her head and slung it over his shoulder. “I’m thinkin’ we’re gonna need a lot more room.”

“You’ve got somethin’ in mind?”

“Well, my California king’s a lot bigger than your bed, but your bed has the advantage of bein’ a lot closer... and if one of your roommates were to come in right now I don’t think I could be held responsible for my actions.”

“Good point,” Maria said, getting up from the table.

Michael scrambled to his feet and chased after Maria, scooping her up in his arms and running down the hall to her bedroom and she slung her arms around him, holding onto him tightly. He kicked her door shut behind him and carried her over to the bed, carefully lowering her and following her down. He reached for her phone, turning it off before tossing it back on the nightstand and then doing the same with his. “No interruptions today,” he promised as he took her mouth in a long, slow kiss.

She let her hands trail down his back. “Get rid of your shirt, baby,” she begged, needing to feel his skin on hers.

“Bra,” he panted as he reared up on his knees and ripped his shirt over his head. God, it felt like he hadn’t touched her in forever!

Maria ripped her bra away with one quick move and lay down on the bed again.

Michael tossed his shirt over his shoulder and despite the pressing need to feel her skin against his he rested his palms on his thighs and just looked at her. He couldn’t imagine a more perfect woman; she was everything he had never known he was waiting for... and she was his. Most days he still couldn’t wrap his mind around that. He leaned down and braced his weight on his forearms as he stretched out over her, groaning when his skin brushed against hers.

She reached up to take his face in her hands. How was I able to break up with him? she wondered as she stared into his eyes.

Michael couldn’t describe the feeling that hit him when her eyes met his, seeing so deeply into his soul that it should make him nervous, but for some reason it just made him feel connected to her on a level that he had never expected to want. He had never been this involved, had never wanted to let anyone in the way he had let her in, and now that she had accomplished it he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it.

“What’re you thinkin’ about, baby?” she asked when she noticed his absent-minded gaze.

Michael lowered his head to kiss her slow and deep before answering her. “Just that I can’t see me without you anymore.” He nipped her chin before meeting her gaze again. “And I don’t really want to.”

Her heart pounded with his confession and there it was again. Her mind told him I love you over and over again, but her mouth wouldn’t say the words.

“Wanna tell me what you’re thinkin’ now?” he asked, positive that she had something on her mind.

“Pretty much the same,” she replied quietly. “I can’t think of spending too much time without you.”

Michael shifted back, wiggling around until he was comfortably cradled between her thighs and his hands moved until they were teasing the sides of her breasts. “Did you ever think we’d get to this point?”

She shook her head. “No, I didn’t expect that. Especially not after what we talked about in Alex’s kitchen during the storm, you remember?”

Michael chuckled and shook his head. “Kinda hard to forget a blowjob that just about melted my brain,” he said. “Seriously though, we should’ve known better than to strike a deal like that.” He snorted. “Can you believe we thought we could do what we were doin’ and not get involved?”

She shook her head. “I think I knew that I’d get involved anyway – I already was I guess, but I wasn’t sure about you.”

“Girl, I knew you were gonna be trouble the first time I laid eyes on you.” He grinned to let her know he was teasing. “But you’re the kinda trouble I need, baby, so don’t ever think of leavin’ me again.”

“I won’t. What would I do without you?” She gestured to her bedroom door. “All my friends have gotten involved with your brothers or friends; I’m practically living on my own here, ya know. ‘Cause everybody’s gone most of the time.”

He raised one eyebrow as he scowled at her. “So, you’re stayin’ with me ‘cause your apartment’s empty?” he growled.

She chuckled. “No. I wouldn’t fight so much for someone just because my apartment’s quiet, baby.”

“Just don’t ever stop fightin’ for me, Maria.” He slid his right arm under her and reversed their positions so that she was lying on top of him.

She let her head rest on his chest and trailed circles on his skin. “I would do anything for you,” she mumbled.

“Why don’t you do somethin’ to me since you’ve got Mike Jr. all riled up down there?”

“Uh-huh,” she raised her upper body to look at him, “you want it a special way?”

He wanted her to know that even though things had gotten a little out of control with them that he still trusted her so he nodded and held his arms out to his sides. “Whatever you want’s good with me... I’m easy.” He grinned. “Easy to please, that is.”

She grinned and lowered her head to place soft kisses along his chest and down to his belly while her hands started to undo his jeans. Her hand slid down into his boxers to caress his length after she had opened the zipper on his pants.

Michael’s eyes rolled back in his head when she touched him. Her touch never failed to arouse and it amazed him that his reaction to her was always so strong.

Maria crawled down his body to the edge of the bed to take his jeans and boxers off of him. “Ya know I never expected that football players had such well-toned bodies under their jerseys. Her gaze roamed from his legs up to his eyes.

“Spent much time starin’ at football players?” he asked, lifting himself up on his elbows so he could watch her.

“Only one of them.” She let her hands trail up and down his thighs. “The best of them,” she added grinning.

“Uh-huh,” he said doubtfully.

“There’s no need to look around for anyone else with you in my bed.”

“And when we’re not in bed?”

“Then you’re still with me, right?”

“I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

“Good.” She bent down to place a single kiss on the tip of his cock.

“Think we’re finished with the conversation for now,” he growled.

She pretended to think about it for a while. “Um... yes.”

“Good thing you agreed.”

“You think so?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she trailed her tongue along his length.

Michael completely forgot whatever he had been about to say when she took him into her mouth completely, sliding her lips up and down while her hands lay on either side of his hips to still his movements. His hands fisted in the sheets at his sides as he fought the urge to thrust. She was taking her sweet time and he knew it would be worth it, but the build-up was killing him.

She knew that her slow movements were torture for him, but she loved to tease him like this and shivers ran down her spine each time he groaned softly.

“Just remember this when your turn comes around,” he muttered. “Because payback’s a bitch and you know I can keep you on the edge for a very loooong time.” Apparently that wasn’t enough incentive to make her speed things up, he mused when she ignored him and continued to take her time.

Maria continued her actions for quite a while until she noticed that he was coming close to the edge. And she decided that it was too soon for that. She raised her head up to look at him.

Michael’s hooded gaze locked on her when she lifted her head and his mouth dropped open when she just watched him. “Uh, Maria?” He gestured at his erection. “Forget somethin’?”

She crawled up his body again, well aware that her bare skin brushed against his erection. “No, I just don’t wanna finish it like this.”

He growled low in his throat as his hands settled at her hips. “Whatcha got in mind? And does it include you getting totally naked anytime soon?”

“Hmmm... depends on whether or not you’re gonna help me with that.”

He shifted so he could get his hands between them and he made quick work of the button and zipper on her shorts, shoving them down far enough that he could grab the hem with his toes and pull them the rest of the way off. “I’m very inventive,” he said, waggling his eyebrows playfully. “Now... about what you’ve got in mind?”

“Touch me,” she breathed into his ear.

“Anything specific you’re in the mood for?”

“No, I know you’re good in every way.”

“Guess that means you want it slow?”

“I just want to be as close to you as possible. That’s what I want.”

Michael let his hands trail over every inch of perfect bare skin he could reach as he debated what would give her the most pleasure.

Maria closer her eyes when his hands traveled over her body.

He rolled them over again and pressed small kisses to her breasts before trailing his lips down her stomach and pausing at her belly button. “How ‘bout a preview?” he asked with a wicked grin.


He wasted no time as he went to work between her legs, his tongue setting up a fast rhythm that quickly had her balanced on the edge. He felt her body start to quiver as his teeth gently scraped her clit and he glanced up at her as she went over the edge.

Maria had trouble controlling her breathing. She hadn’t expected that.

He didn’t give her any time to recover as he surged up to take her mouth in a hard kiss, entering her in one smooth thrust at the same moment. She groaned into his mouth and wrapped her arms tightly around him. He slowed his movements down, keeping his thrusting at a maddening pace that he knew was driving her crazy and his hands came up to frame her face and he looked into her eyes. “I never expected this,” he admitted breathlessly.

“I’m glad you decided to give us a chance,” she told him honestly.

“How could I not give us a chance?” He shook his head and blinked against the sweat dripping off of his forehead. “Denying us would be like tellin’ the sun to stop shinin’... it would’ve taken all the light and warmth right out of my world.”

“Remember when you told me I should never expect you to be the perfect boyfriend? Well, you might not be perfect, but you’re perfect for me, baby.”

He kissed her, his tongue dueling lazily with hers as his palms slid across hers on the pillow next to her head, fingers interlocking and holding tight as he began to move faster.

Maria could feel her next orgasm building and she groaned into his mouth when the tension in her body became overwhelming.

Michael angled his hips so that he was giving her the stimulation she needed and he felt his rhythm stutter as she broke the kiss to scream his name at the same moment that his own orgasm broke free.

“You’re incredible, baby,” she mumbled after she had caught her breath again.

Michael grunted and used what energy he had left to roll to the side so he didn’t collapse on top of her and squash her.

“Y’know, I should’ve been in class a few minutes ago,” she admitted when she glanced at the clock.

“You were in class... Out of this World Sex with Professor Guerin,” he joked.

“Best class I ever joined.”

His expression was smug as he shifted onto his side and drew designs on her stomach with his forefinger. “It’s a very special class, y’know... limited enrollment, too.”

“Limited to only one I hope.”

“There’s only one that matters,” he said, sincerity taking the place of his teasing tone.

“Good, ‘cause I’m not willing to share you with anyone.”

“No argument from me.”

“And I’m gonna kick Courtney’s ass if she dares to flirt with you again,” she added,

“I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about there.”

“You think so? Looked to me like she didn’t care that you’re taken.”

“I think I made it pretty clear that I’m not interested in her.”

“Um, can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me anything.”

“I know you said you’d come home to Roswell with me around Christmas, but, uh... I know you want to find your father and you have to tell you family about it, so if you don’t want to come anymore...”

“You gonna be with me when I tell my family?”

“Of course, if you want me to be there.”

“Um-hmm. And you’re gonna be with me when I look for my father?”


“Then why would you think I wouldn’t be with you when you go home to visit your mom at Christmas?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. And technically,” she added, “we’re not staying with my mom over Christmas. I talked to her yesterday and she said it was definite that she has to work during the holidays again.”

He rolled his eyes. “I know what you meant, and stop avoiding the question.”

“I just thought that you might wanna stay here with your own family.”

“My family knows where they are on my list of priorities, Maria, but they understand that my relationship with you is growing and that means you take priority... you understand what I’m sayin’?”

She nodded and shifted closer against him. “Thank you. I don’t wanna spend the holidays alone ‘cause there won’t be a real family dinner or anything with my mom at work.”

“Okay, so that actually brings us around to a question that I wanted to ask you.”

“Which one?”

“Well, if you can’t spend Christmas with your mom... what about spendin’ it with me?”

“Of course I’m gonna spend it with you. No question about it.”

“What would you say if everyone was gonna be there?”

“Who’s everyone?”

“My brothers, my friends, their girlfriends, and Brooke. Think you could handle that group for a few days? Cabin up in the mountains, lots of snow... me to keep ya warm.”

“Are you serious?” Maria asked, excited.

“Pretty excited about me keepin’ ya warm, huh?”

“Yeah... and the snow, too.”

“The snow, huh? And what is it about the snow that gets you excited?”

“The fact that you’ll have to warm me up after bein’ out in it.”

“Oh, you think I’m plannin’ to let you go outside while we’re up there,” he teased.

“You’re not?”

“Nah, I’m thinkin’ we can do everything right from bed.”

“Oh, no, you’re gonna go outside with me, buddy!”

Michael sighed and shook his head. “Just knew you weren’t gonna let me get away with that one... obviously you’ve already forgotten just how good I am in bed.”

She made a face at him. “Hey, Michael, about any Christmas presents… I just want you to know that I’m not expectin’ you to buy me one, okay?”

He frowned at her. “What?”

“I just...” she sighed, “I don’t want you to feel pressured and think that you have to buy me a present or anything.”

He snorted at the ability of the female brain to over-think everything. “I think we’ve been together long enough that you should know by now that I don’t do anything because I’m pressured into it.”

“Well, you know, my last boyfriend gave me an electric toothbrush...”

“Okay, first, your last boyfriend should have his nuts served to him on a silver platter because he’s about as stupid as they come, and second, I’m a helluva lot smarter than that.” He moved so that he was braced on his forearms above her and he leaned down to kiss her gently. “I can think of plenty of things that I could get you and none of them have anything to do with dental hygiene.”

“Uh-huh, okay, I trust you here.”

“Besides, in a lot of ways this’ll kinda be like a first Christmas for me, my brothers, and Brooke; growin’ up it was all about makin’ it appear that we were a happy family and posin’ for the company newsletters... I wouldn’t say we ever really celebrated the holidays growin’ up. We had professionals who came in and put the tree up and did all the decorating... it was never about us as a family.”

“My mom and me got a tree every year and we used to decorate it in the morning on Christmas Eve.” She looked up to meet his eyes. “We’re gonna make our own Christmas traditions from now on, baby.”

Michael’s eyes lit up despite his best intentions to remain unaffected by her words. “Yeah? That mean I’m gonna get a Christmas present?”

“Yeah.” She smiled. “Probably more then one.”

“More than one?” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow. “Holy shit! Christmas is just a few weeks away.”

“My mom is kinda really good at pickin’ out presents, so I think she’s gonna get you something.”

“No, but... wait, you think your mom’s gonna get me somethin’?”

“Yeah, she’s really lookin’ forward to seeing you again. You kinda made a good first impression on her! I know, it’s crazy, but it’s true.”

“Oh, wow... well... okay, you know your mom so you can help me find somethin’ for her, right?”

“We can give her a present together. How about that?”

“Okay, well, that’s one down... and a lot to go.”

“You already know what you’re gonna get me?” Maria asked, excited.

He snorted. “Yeah, I’m not gonna have a problem with you.” He ignored the little voice calling him a liar before it could push him into a panic because he had no idea what to get for her. “No, the problem is my family; like I said we’ve never really done the Christmas thing... well, not when it’s ever meant anything, and this Christmas we’re gonna all be together, so it’s actually gonna mean somethin’.”

“I’m gonna help you find something. Don’t worry.”

“But, it’s gotta be perfect... you don’t understand, Maria.” He shook his head as he met her gaze. “This’s gonna be our first real family holiday thing... I can’t screw this up.”

“Well, y’know, Michael, I don’t think your presents will play the biggest role here. You’re gonna be all together, that’s the only thing that matters.”

“How d’you know that?”

“’Cause it’s all that matters to me, too.”

“I hate shoppin’,” he grumbled. “I mean, I know it’s for a good cause an’ all, an’ I know you said the presents aren’t the most important thing, but I don’t want ‘em to suck either, so I can’t just grab somethin’ quick an’ get out.”

“Just think of somethin’ personal, baby. Chocolate for Brendan, maybe a pair of baby shoes for Alex…”

“Yeah, that’s true... just kinda keep it simple.”

“Yeah, maybe before we worry about that we should concentrate on how we’re gonna tell them the news...” Maria said thoughtfully. “You wanna talk to your mother first? Or your brothers and Brooke?”

Michael sighed when the conversation went back to the newest problematic event in his life and he decided he’d rather panic over Christmas presents than deal with that. One glance at her told him that she wasn’t going to be letting him off the hook that easily though. “I don’t know.” He shifted to the side and propped himself up on his elbow, chin in hand as he watched her. “What d’you think?”

“Maybe we should go talk to your mom first. To get all the information you need, ya know?”

Was he ready for that? Ready to face the woman who had lied to him his whole life? “Go with me?”

“I said we, didn’t I?” she answered, smiling. “I’ll go with you wherever you want me to go.”

“I don’t know what to say to her.”

“Just ask her what you need to know, baby.”

“I need to know why she lied to me.”

“And she is the only one who can give you the answers.” Maria sighed. “I know it’s going to be hard for you and we can leave whenever you want, okay?”

“When should we go see her?”

“I don’t know. We should probably just call her.”

“I’d rather stay here an’ play naked games all day.” He wondered if he could get his way if he pouted.

“Yeah, but we probably should get it over with fast.”

Damn, the pout wasn’t gonna work! Which just didn’t make sense to him because it always worked when she did it. “Okay, then you call her while I go take a shower,” he said, rolling out of bed.

“Yeah, just gonna leave it to me, huh?” she mumbled when he disappeared. Maria grabbed her cell from the nightstand and turned in on again. She dialed the number Maureen had given to her and waited for the other woman to pick up.

Maureen stood at the window overlooking the ocean, her mind tumbling over her uncertain future. She had left her husband, her children wanted nothing to do with her... she was alone and she had no idea what to do next.

She turned away from the picturesque scene when the telephone on the nightstand rang and she stared at it as it rang once more. She ran her hands over her slacks before crossing the room and picking the receiver up. “Hello?”

“It’s Maria.”

She nearly asked the young woman to identify herself again before she remembered that it was the name of Michael’s girlfriend. The only person who had taken the time and been willing to listen to what she had to say. “Maria, hello! What can I do for you?” She wanted to ask about Michael but she was scared to.

“We want to talk to you.” Maria didn’t feel any need to be polite or make small talk. Maureen still wasn’t mother of the year.

“You’ve talked to Michael... how did he take the news?”

“Well, how do you think he’d take it after 20 years of bein’ lied to?” What a stupid question to ask, Maria thought.

Maureen bit back the tears and simply nodded even though Maria couldn’t see it. “Of course,” she whispered. “When would you like to meet?”

“As soon as possible, I guess.”

“I don’t suppose you’d like to meet over dinner?” she offered timidly.

Maria glanced at the clock. It was nearly 11am already so it was doubtful that either of them would make it to any classes today anyway. “What about lunch?”

Maureen’s heart skipped a beat even though she knew the young woman’s suggestion had nothing to do with her. “Lunch would be lovely. I’m not very familiar with the area, but if you’ll suggest someplace I would be happy to meet you both there.”

“There’s a little restaurant near Belmont Pier. It’s called the Pacific Grill. You can’t miss it; it’s the one with the blue roof.”

“Alright. Did you have a time in mind?”

“In an hour,” Maria decided.

“Very well, I’ll see you then. And, Maria? Thank you,” she said softly.

“Uh-huh, don’t thank me too soon,” she replied.

“I’m not expecting miracles, but to be honest, this is already more than I had dared to hope for.”

Maria sighed. “Just promise me you’ll be honest no matter what he asks you. He deserves the truth,” she whispered into the phone to make sure Michael wouldn’t overhear it.

Maureen swallowed with difficulty. “I’ll be as honest as possible,” she promised.

“Okay, talk to ya soon,” she hung up the phone.

Michael came out of the bathroom in time to see Maria place her phone on the nightstand. “You talkin’ to her?” he asked hesitantly.

She nodded. “Yeah. We’ll meet her in an hour at the pier.”

“Why the pier?”

She shrugged. “She doesn’t know any of the places around here, so I didn’t wanna make it too difficult.”

Michael nodded. “Okay. I guess I’ll go find somethin’ to do while you shower ‘cause if I don’t I’m gonna join you an’ then we’ll never make it.”

She stood up from her bed and walked over to him to take his hands. “The sooner we talk to her the better.”

“Yeah, I know... just not lookin’ forward to it.”

She lifted up onto her tiptoes and placed a quick kiss on his lips. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Michael watched her as she walked to the bathroom without a stitch on and he shook his head with a grin and forced himself to go to the kitchen to find something cold to drink.

Happy New Year!!!
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 82 - 1/3/10

Post by Double Trouble »

80s_UnLove_Child: We’re gonna take a wild guess and say it’s not the ones above his neckline, lol. We appreciate the praise – it makes us and the muse very happy! We’ll try to keep Brendan occupied because the Guerin family is getting along very well and we’re trying not to upset that.

A secret Santa thing, huh? Hmm… now that could be funny. Let us discuss… Look out, Kyle!

Earth2Mama: Yeah, Michael wants to be armed with just a little more information before he talks to the others. We think Maureen’s going to cooperate. She knows that honesty is the only way she’s going to get anywhere, so she’ll cooperate to the best of her ability. It’s a very small start, but the possibility is there for something to possibly develop between them in the future. It took a lot of courage for Maureen to walk away from Hank.

It was time for Michael and Maria to both be level-headed for that conversation and they were both tired of the fighting. While they do enjoy a good fight, that one was more than either of them wants to repeat. They’re both growing up!

Oh, she really does want to say those words, but she’s right to wait until she knows she’s ready for it. It’s definitely going to be big when it happens.

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

kismet: He can be romantic.

The meeting will happen in this next part. Brooke… let’s just say her reaction might not be the one most will expect.

We’ll see about those presents.

mary mary: Glad you loved that update! We tried to end the year on a good note, lol! It’s gonna be a little bit before we get to Christmas in the cabin… but it’ll be worth the wait.

destinyc: He did manage to avoid what could’ve easily turned into another fight. LOL, we definitely agree with you!

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

Part 82 – Overload

Max was lying in bed, propped up on his elbow as he watched Liz sleep. She made a face when the sunlight crept across the room to fall across her face and she turned, burrowing into his side and burying her face against his chest.

“Hey, sleepyhead, you gonna get up anytime soon?” He grinned when she made a negative sound. “Ya sure? I’m gonna have to leave pretty soon if I’m gonna make it to that competition in Anaheim early. If we leave in the next hour it’s only gonna take about an hour to get there, but if we leave late, we’re lookin’ at two hours with traffic.”

When that didn’t motivate her he nudged her onto her back and shifted so that he was bracing his weight over her. Even half asleep she parted her legs, giving him room to settle against her. He bit back a groan when his morning erection came to rest snugly against her. She hadn’t quite reached the stage where she was comfortable sleeping nude but he knew she wasn’t wearing anything beneath the skimpy tank top she had pulled on before falling asleep the night before.

“Liz,” he said slowly, dragging her name out into several very long syllables as he used just his fingertips to push the top up, gently dragging his nails over her skin.

The hitch in her breathing told him that she wasn’t as asleep as she was pretending to be and he waited with anticipation to see what she would do.

She mumbled a few words that he didn’t understand as her right hand came up to his side to hold him in place.

Max quirked his right eyebrow at her mumbling. They hadn’t been together long enough for him to decipher her ‘sounds’. “Wanna translate that for me?” he teased, giving her a gentle nudge with his hips.

“You can’t come this close and tell me we have to get up soon. That’s cruel,” she said again, clearer now but still with her eyes closed.

“I just said we needed to leave in the next hour, darlin’.”

She finally opened her eyes and smiled up at him, her gaze roaming over his well toned body above her. “We both have to shower, you have to get your stuff together, and we have to at least eat a little something... that means we have to get up very soon.”

“You’re really puttin’ too much thought into this,” he grumbled good-naturedly. He grinned when she just looked at him. “Okay, we can shave the time down... I got my gear and the bikes ready yesterday, we can grab somethin’ to eat on the road, and if you really wanna save time we can shower together.”

She grinned. “I don’t think showering together would save any time at all.”

“No, it probably wouldn’t,” he growled. “Considerin’ you haven’t given me that privilege yet... and the first time you let me see you completely naked isn’t gonna be somethin’ we rush through.”

She nodded. “You are so right about that.”

He rested his chin in his hand as he studied her. “I don’t know about you, but I can shower very fast if I need to.”

“Well, then you should probably just shut up and kiss me,” she teased.

He smiled at her, enjoying their playful mood and after another couple of seconds he lowered his head and kissed her slowly.

She responded to his kiss and wrapped her arms around him. It probably wasn’t a good idea to start this now because they really had to get up sooner than either of them wanted to. “You really have to go to this competition, huh?”

“Yeah, I really do. I wanna take you out riding one weekend, maybe take a road trip and let you experience the open road on the back of a Harley.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun,” she admitted. “When do ya wanna do that?”

“Whenever we’ve both got a free weekend.”

“That won’t be anytime before the next year I guess, huh?”

“We’ll see. I guess it doesn’t have to be a weekend, but we are pretty busy for the next few weeks, huh?”

“Yeah, if ya still wanna go to Roswell with me.”

Max shook his head at her. “I promise you, darlin’, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around her as he rolled over so that she was on top.

She nodded. “Just don’t expect much from my parents, okay?”

“Don’t expect me to stay quiet if they get outta line,” he said seriously.

She made a face. “Maybe we should just avoid them. They’re still mad at me over the fact that Sean and I aren’t together anymore. I haven’t even talked to them since the day I left Roswell.”

“Remember how we were talkin’ about being short on time this mornin’?”

She smirked. “Yeah, sorry.”

“Do me a favor, too, would ya?” He grimaced. “Let’s never mention your ex when we’re in bed together, okay? A guy could take serious offense to that.”

“Sorry,” she said again, “it’s just...” She waved him off. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s do something more fun.”

“No, wait a sec.” Despite the fact that his erection was insistently reminding him that it wasn’t just going away he heard the hesitation in her voice. “It’s just what?”

She sighed. “I think about it... a lot, ya know? It’s not like I can just shrug everything off.”

“No, of course not. But, you don’t have to go over it constantly either, darlin’. What happened wasn’t your fault and if your parents can’t see beyond their own selfish...” He shook his head. “I’m gonna be goin’ off on a rant pretty soon if I don’t watch it.”

She shook her head. “It’s not your problem, Max; you don’t have to think about it at all.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” He cupped her face in his hands and regarded her solemnly. “If it’s a problem for you, it’s a problem for me. I’m not gonna just sit back and draw a line down the middle of our relationship so that your problems are on one side and mine are on the other. We’re in a relationship, so any problems we have aren’t just yours or just mine, they’re ours; that’s just how I’m wired.”

She smiled softly. “Thanks, Max.”

“You’re welcome.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now... about that time issue...”


“Wanna do somethin’ about it?”

She glanced at the clock on the nightstand, realizing that they had to be on the road in just over half an hour. “Tell ya what, we have to hurry to get ready ‘cause I really wanna wash my hair. So, maybe tonight when we get home, we can convince the others to stay away from the apartment for a while...”

“Seriously?” His hands moved down to grasp her hips, holding her still so he could grind his erection against her. “You’re gonna leave me in this condition so you can wash your hair? Darlin’ we can sit in traffic... I promise, I don’t care if it takes twice as long...” He was begging... how embarrassing!

“You sure?” she asked playfully and steadied herself with her arms on each side of him.

“Yes! I won’t complain... not once.”

“Well then...” She started to lean down slowly, while she locked her eyes with his.

“Evans, are you up?” Kyle’s voice was suddenly audible through the closed door. “It’s already 8:30am; thought we wanted to leave in 30 minutes so get your ass out here and help with breakfast.”

Max dropped his head back against his pillow and stared up at the ceiling. “Ya know, it wasn’t necessary to invite them along,” he muttered.

“Oh, and Tess is makin’ coffee... ya know what kind she prefers, right?” Kyle continued through the closed door and they could hear the grin in his voice.

“You tell her she still hasn’t paid for one single pound of that coffee and if she touches it she’s in major trouble, Valenti!” Max shouted, annoyed.

Liz chuckled. “So much for staying in bed, huh? You gonna try to convince Michael and Kyle about tonight?”

“Tell Evans he can kiss my ass!” Tess shouted loud enough for her voice to carry from the kitchen.

“Convince them about what?” Max mumbled as he scrambled to get out of bed. He was going to kill that devious, meddling little thief!

“To stay out of the apartment – “

“Oh, she’s gonna get her ass kicked out of this apartment alright,” he growled, not following his girlfriend's part of the conversation.

“Max,” Liz tried, “relax.”

“Relax? Relax?! Liz, darlin’, this coffee is prime stuff.” He held his hands up when she started to protest. She had tried his coffee and promptly expressed her disgust by informing him that it tasted like crap. “I know you don’t understand, but I like my coffee.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna shower first.”

“I could wash your back,” he offered with a grin.

“You should save your important coffee.”

“If it’s a choice between you naked in the shower and the coffee...” He rolled his eyes and smiled when she shook her head at him. “Not yet, got it. Alright,” he said and grabbed a pair of jeans, “I’m off to save the coffee.”


Michael slid into the booth after Maria, ignoring the waitress when she asked if they wanted anything to drink. He waved her away, uncaring that the motion was irritable and unaware of Maria placing an order for drinks before the waitress had time to cop an attitude with him for his behavior.

They had arrived early because he had insisted on being there before his mother. He had been too wound up to enjoy Maria teasing him about being the Alpha male and marking his territory. He drummed the fingers of his right hand on the surface of the table as he glanced around with just a hint of nerves. His right leg bounced up and down and he kept shifting in his seat as his gaze strayed to the entrance every couple of minutes.

“She’s late,” he snarled after a while. “This’s stupid. I never should’ve agreed to do this.”

Maria placed her hand on his bouncing leg. “Relax, Michael, she’s not late.”

He glanced at his watch for the umpteenth time. How was it possible for time to pass so slowly? “Well, where is she? You’d think she’d make an effort to be here earlier than the time you set up.”

“She’ll be here, Michael. Trust me.”

“It’s not you I don’t trust.”

Maria looked up at the entrance when she saw someone new coming into the restaurant from the corner of her eye. “She’s here,” she whispered to him when she recognized Maureen.

His head shot up so fast that he immediately regretted it, but he shoved the feeling aside as his irritable gaze settled on his mother. He watched her as she scanned the restaurant for them and after a couple of moments he felt Maria move and he assumed that she was waving to get the woman’s attention

He hardly recognized his mother as she moved past tables and booths and he remained in his seat when she approached them. There was something different about her but he didn’t know what it was.

Maureen felt her heart leap into her throat as she approached her son and his girlfriend. “Hi,” she greeted with a shaky voice when she finally stopped at their table. She could tell from the look in her son’s eyes that he wasn’t glad to see her.

“Whatever,” Michael muttered. “You gonna sit down or you wanna just stand there?”

“Um, yeah,” the older woman mumbled and took a seat on the opposite side of the table. She knew Michael’s strong personality and she feared that he would hurt her with words as much as possible.

Michael shifted uncomfortably until he felt Maria’s hand settle on his thigh; he still didn’t understand the calming influence she had on him, but he had reached a point where the only thing that mattered was that it worked and not how or why.

He reached up to scratch his eyebrow as he tried to think of how to word his next question, but how many ways could it really be asked? “Why’d you let us think that Hank was our father?” he demanded.

Maureen swallowed hard.

“How could you fuckin’ lie to us for 20 years?” He shook his head as he stared hard at her. “I don’t know what you really know about that man, although I find it pretty fuckin’ convenient that you claim to not know any-goddamn-thing, but he’s a mean sonofabitch and you turned him loose on us.”

“Michael,” Maureen tried, “I never wanted you to have the life you had.”

“Oh, well, I never wanted to get my ass kicked by the man I thought was my father... looks like none of us got what we wanted.”

“I knew that Hank never cared enough about you to go out of his way to be a father you could be close to, but I promise you, Michael, I didn’t know he was beating you.” She looked up when the waitress came to bring the drinks Maria had ordered and Maureen ordered a water for herself.

“My best friend knew, Mom! How could you not know?!” He took a drink from his chilled glass and paused a moment before setting it down again. “Did you suspect?”

Maureen nodded slowly. “There were times that I did suspect, and I don’t know if you remember or not, but I saw bruises on your back once and I asked you what happened.” She shook her head. “You just left; you refused to tell me.” She sighed. “I went to Hank to confront him with that.”

Michael nodded. “That’s perfect,” he growled under his breath. “You suspected...” He lifted his head and frowned when her words registered. When had she seen his bruised back? How many years ago had that been because he didn’t remember it. “When?”

“When you where 15; I walked into your room while you were changing shirts and I saw the bruises. You left as soon as I mentioned them and you stayed with Kyle a few days, I think.”

He glanced at Maria helplessly. He honestly didn’t remember that happening but his mother seemed sincere.

Maria squeezed his leg lightly. “What’d Hank say?”

Maureen bit her lip for several seconds before answering. “We got into a big argument and he slapped me across the face. Then he told me that he would leave me and take all my kids away from me if I ever dared to suggest anything like that again.”

“So, why not risk it? You weren’t involved in our lives anyway; what difference would it have made it he had taken us away?”

“I could never have given any of you up, Michael.”

“How can you sit there and say that?” he snapped, his right hand slapping the table in anger. “You weren’t involved! What would it have mattered?”

“I never stopped caring about any of you. Never, Michael, not once!” Maureen said emphatically.

Michael didn’t understand how she could sit there and say things like that. “Hank beat me, he treated Brooke like shit, and he used Brendan... I have no idea about Alex because he’s never said, but I have no doubt that abuse existed in some form for him, too. There’s no way you missed all of that goin’ on around you.”

“I didn’t miss it all, Michael. But, I never had a chance to do anything. There were only two choices: leave him without you or stay with him so I could be with my kids.”

“Okay, we’re getting off topic... none of that even matters anymore. I just wanna know why you lied to us. Why you let us think that Hank was our father.”

“He threatened to abandon us if I ever dared to tell anyone the truth.”

“Abandon us how? That scandal would’ve destroyed his reputation... why would you believe that?”

Maureen shook her head, desperately searching for the words to explain it. “He knew you weren’t his and he wasn’t happy about it. If someone had figured out that you two have a different father, his reputation would have been ruined anyway and he would’ve just turned it around to the press, saying that he hadn’t known about it and then he would have left me and he would have made sure that you two weren’t able to live with me in peace. You would’ve lost your chance at a good education, a future I couldn’t have given you on my own, and your trust funds – ”

“What about Alex and Brooke? He make threats against them, too?”

“Leaving him would have meant he would have retained custody of Alex and Brooke.”

He wouldn’t have been there to protect Brooke if that had happened, he thought. “Where’s my real father?” he asked, changing the subject.

“I don’t know, Michael. I saw him for the last time well before you were even born. He wrote me a letter that it was over between us and told me he had to leave. I never even had the chance to tell him that I was pregnant with you and Brendan.”

Michael zeroed in on that bit of information. “He didn’t know about us?”

Maureen shook her head sadly. “No, Hank found out about him and I’m pretty sure he’s the reason why Adam left without so much as a goodbye. I tried to find him, but Hank’s control was even worse after he found out about the affair and I didn’t know where to start looking.”

“He must’ve told you what he did for a living... where he was from... somethin’,” he insisted.

“I know that his last name is Smith, he’s my age and his birthday was in January. He was born in New York and had family there, but I never met any of them.”

“Did he work there? Was he just visiting family? What kinda work did he do?”

“He was working in New York, visiting his family, and,” Maureen swallowed, “he was an architect.”

Michael latched onto that piece of information. “An architect...” He swallowed hard as he turned to look at Maria. “You hear that?”

She nodded, surprised. “I heard it.”

“I’m sorry that I could never offer you a life with your real father, Michael, you have to believe me about that.” Maureen’s voice was a hoarse whisper.

“Do you know any of his work?”

“I think there was one building in New York… the Sequoia Towers downtown. He designed them with someone else.”

“Well, if he was one of the designers we can track him that way!” Michael said, trying to contain his excitement. “An architect’s work is as good as a signature!”

Maureen nodded. “That might be a possibility.”

“We could ask Alex’s lawyer for some help,” Maria suggested.

“Yeah, he’d be able to pull that kinda information... or at least bring in someone who can.”

Maria nodded and leaned back to think about it. Yeah, that might work.

Michael glanced at Maria, hoping that she had some idea of where to go from there. He basically had the information he needed and he didn’t know what to do next.

She noticed that he was kinda lost in his thoughts and she squeezed his hand. “We can think about how to go on from here later, baby.”

He nodded. “Okay.” He glanced at his mother, confused and unsure of how to proceed with her. “You plannin’ to stick around or... you goin’ back to New York?”

Maureen let her shoulders hang. “I don’t know where I’ll go from here. I’ll go to New York to get my things together, but I don’t think I’m gonna stay there. I don’t know if Hank will just let me go without doing anything.”

Michael started to ask what she meant by that but the reality of the situation was beginning to hit him and he found himself just staring at the glass in his hands. What did this mean for his brothers and sister? They were just starting to come together as a family.

“I would love to stay near all of you, but I guess you don’t need or really want me here,” she admitted quietly.

“I need to...” Michael shook his head as he shoved himself to his feet. “I’ve gotta go.”

Maureen nodded. She knew this was hard for him and he had never been a big talker anyway. “Will I see you again?” She feared his answer more then anything else at that moment.

He stepped back away from the table as if he were afraid she might try to reach out to him. “I don’t know.” The only thing he knew was that he needed to get out of there right away because the walls felt like they were closing in on him and he couldn’t breathe.

Tears welled up in his mother’s eyes, but she just nodded quietly. “I’ll pay for the drinks.”
Michael reached up to rub his chest as the feeling of pressure surrounding him seemed to increase.

Maria stood up as well and stepped up next to him. “C’mon, Michael.” She rested her hand on his upper arm, knowing after a moment that she needed to take control of the situation.

He let her touch guide him as she led him out of the restaurant, only feeling an ease in the pressure when he stepped out into the sunlight. He drew in deep lungfuls of the cool ocean air as he braced his hands on the railing that ran the perimeter of the plank walkway.

Maria leaned back against the railing, waiting for him to get himself under control. She knew he needed a few moments alone.

Michael stared at his hands, absently noting that his knuckles were white from the pressure of his grip on the railing. He lowered his head to let his chin rest on his chest as he focused on breathing in and out. He sighed when he felt himself beginning to calm down and he held his right hand out to Maria, glancing at her wordlessly.

She took his hand, noticing how small her hand was in his.

“I don’t suppose there’s really any point in puttin’ it off,” he said after a few moments. “I’m gonna call Alex, see if we can all meet over at his place in an hour or two… the sooner the better.”

“Yeah, it’s only fair to let them know what’s goin’ on.”

“You’ll go with me?”

“Yeah, of course. I was the one talkin’ to her first anyway, so if anyone is mad at me they can just give it to me, I guess.”

Michael shook his head. “No one’s gonna be mad at you.”

She shrugged. “As long as you’re not mad at me anymore, I don’t care.”

“I’m not mad at you, baby.” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow. “I guess I’d better call Alex.”

“Would you mind kissing me first?” she asked with a soft smile.

“Aw, jeez, Maria,” he complained, trying to keep his amusement in check, “there’re people watchin’.”

“Ya know, there are people out here who would love to kiss me in public,” she teased, letting her hands rest on her hips.

“I’d like to see a single one of them try it.”


Tess glanced up and nodded when Kyle motioned to let her know he was going to grab something to eat. Next to her Liz was watching the action in the arena, impatiently waiting for Max’s next race. “So, Liz, how much longer does this have?”

“An hour, maybe a little bit more. Max only has two more races, but the second one is the last one of the day.”

“You two seem to be getting very comfortable with each other,” she observed with a smile.

“It’s so much easier than I thought it would be.” She smiled as she thought about that morning. “Max is a man who definitely knows what he wants.”

“He’s not puttin’ too much pressure on you is he?”

Liz smiled at her friend’s protective tone. “No. He’s very open about what he wants, but he’s not pushy about it.”

“Good. I didn’t think he was, but it never hurts to make sure.” She nudged the younger girl. “Did Kyle interrupt you guys this mornin’?”

Liz blushed. “Yeah, how’d you know?”

Tess snorted. “Because that man of yours was seriously pissy about his coffee this mornin’.”

“You need to pay for the next order of coffee, Tess.” She shook her head at her. “Don’t roll your eyes at me. You go after his coffee every morning so it’s only right that you pay for your fair share.”

“Fine,” she muttered, “I’ll pay for the next order.”

“You promise?”


Liz nodded, satisfied. If Tess gave her word she wouldn’t go back on it. “Oh, look, the next race is starting.”

“Those motocross guys are very hot,” Tess said with a smirk. “Don’t tell Kyle that I said that.”

“Kyle doesn’t need anyone to tell him you think that,” he said as he joined them again. “Look all you want, babe, just remember who you’re goin’ home with.”

“You mean you’re not the slightest bit jealous?” Tess asked, playfully shocked.

He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Do I need to be?”

She sighed. “No. Gimme a bite of that,” she gestured to the hot dog in his hand.

He glanced at the hot dog and frowned. Damn, he knew he should’ve gotten two of them! “Did you want me to be jealous?” he asked, holding the hot dog out of her reach.

“Well, a little bit of jealousy couldn’t hurt, ya know. There’re a lot of men who probably want me.”

He considered her comment for several seconds. Women were so damn confusing! If you got jealous they got pissed off at you and if you didn’t get jealous they thought you didn’t what... care? He suddenly nodded and stood up, clearing his throat to get the attention of the people around them. “Hey, are any of you guys interested in this sexy little blond right here?” he asked loudly.

“Kyle,” she hissed. “What the hell do you think you’re doin’???”

“Hey, I’ll take on any guy here who thinks – “ He just smirked when she grabbed his arm and jerked him back down to his seat. “What? If some guy here wants you, I’ll kick his ass,” he said loudly and obnoxiously. He hid a smirk when he saw the redness of embarrassment creeping into her cheeks.

“Gimme the damn food,” she growled and snatched it out of his hands.

“There’re jalapenos on that,” he warned, but not in time to stop her from taking a big bite.

She almost choked on it and glared at him angrily when her mouth started to burn. “I should’ve known that.”

Kyle had the audacity to lean back and grin at her. “So,” he motioned to the action in the arena, “you got your eye on any specific one?”

She shrugged. “Maybe.”

He stilled and slowly turned to look at her. “Seriously?”

“Maybe I’ll go see Max during the break, he could introduce me.”

“And if Max knows what’s good for him he won’t be doin’ any such thing,” he growled. It was one thing for her to appreciate other guys from a distance and a completely different thing to go down and meet them personally.

She grinned. “Are ya jealous now?”

“You realize this entire conversation is just dumb, right?” he asked, but before she could answer there was a loud groan from the crowd. From the corner of his eye he saw Liz leap to her feet and he turned to look out into the arena. He winced when he saw the pile-up on the opposite side and he automatically started searching the remaining riders, looking for his roommate.

“It was Max, he crashed!” Liz screamed furiously.

Kyle reached out to grab her arm when she looked like she was going to leave the stands. “Calm down, Liz; give ‘em a couple minutes to pull him outta there.” It looked like a collision involving multiple riders and he had a feeling the girl wasn’t going to listen to him when one of the field medics motioned for an ambulance to be brought out. It had to be bad if the very first guy couldn’t walk or be carried off of the field.

“I’m not gonna calm down, Kyle. He could be hurt badly.” Liz tried to shake off Kyle’s grip so she could go further down to see what had happened to her boyfriend.

Tess reached up to cover his hand and she shook her head at him. “Let her go, Kyle; we’ll go down there with her.”

“Are you coming?” Liz asked. She was already a few steps away from them, too impatient to wait for the couple.

Tess grabbed Kyle’s hand and practically dragged him down from the stands when he turned, hoping to grab his nachos before someone took them.

Liz made her way through the crowd quickly, not really paying any attention to avoid bumping into people. She needed to know if Max was okay. “God, can you please get out of my way,” she growled to some kids who were standing in front of her and blocking her way.

Max was gritting his teeth against the pain in his knee as he was pulled away from the wreckage. He had felt it as soon as one of the other riders had collided with him and he was careful to keep all of his weight on his left foot. He pulled his helmet off and shook his head when one of the guys asked if he could put any weight on his leg.

“We’ve already called for another van to get you to the hospital,” one of the guys said.

Max just nodded even though the thought of spending any time in the hospital made him feel nauseas. He glanced up when he heard Liz’ voice cut through the noise of the crowd and the people surrounding him.

“Max,” Liz screamed over the announcer’s voice, ignoring the announcement that the race was taking a break while everything and everyone was moved out of the way. She suddenly noticed him standing on the side, holding onto another guy’s shoulder. “Max, are you okay?” She ran towards him.

“Don’t worry, darlin’, it’s probably not as bad as it feels.” Damn, he hoped it wasn’t, but it felt like he had torn something. He winced when he shifted and pain shot up through his leg.

She didn’t know if she should touch him or not because he looked like he was in a lot of pain and she didn’t want to hurt him anymore than he already was. “Are they taking you to a doctor?”

“Yeah, they’ve got another van on the way,” he said, smiling when he saw her expression. She wanted to come closer, but wasn’t sure if she should. “Gonna have to have this damn knee x-ray’d or MRI’d.” He held his hand out to her, doing his best not to upset his balance.

She took his hand carefully. “I’m comin’ with you.”

“Not gonna get an argument outta me.” He hooked his arm around her shoulder and glanced at her. “Can I lean on you?”

She nodded. “Sure.”

“Your ride’s here, Evans,” the guy on his other side said.

“I’ve gotta make arrangements to get my bike...” He looked down at the piece of machinery, shaking his head at the damage it had sustained. “I’ve gotta get my...” He trailed off when Liz started shaking her head. “Liz, I can’t just leave it here.”

“Hey, Evans, you okay?” Kyle asked when they finally came through the crowd as well.
Max felt himself breaking out in a sweat because of the pain, but he nodded. “I’m still upright, so it’s all good.”

“We’ll get your stuff here and then meet ya at the hospital, alright?”

Max glanced down when Liz started patting him down. “Um, not that I’m not enjoyin’ this, but what’re you doin’, darlin’?”

“They need your keys, Max.”

He snorted. “Keys are on my dog tags,” he said with a quiet laugh. “Gotta keep ‘em close so I don’t lose ‘em out here.”

She lifted the chain over his head and handed the whole thing over to Kyle. “I’ll call you as soon as we get to the hospital. Oh, and Max is gonna need his bag so he can change into his regular clothes so he’ll be comfortable on the ride home. It’s in the jeep, but if you bring it with you when you get to the hospital we’d appreciate it.”

Tess lifted her eyebrows when Liz took charge of the situation. She grinned when Max started trying to tell Kyle how to load his gear and secure it and Liz interrupted, insisting that Kyle could handle it and that they needed to get to the hospital.

“Darlin’ that equipment needs to be handled – “

“Max, shut up. Kyle will do fine and there are tons of guys who can help him, so get in the van now.”

Max’ mouth snapped closed and he hopped over to the van, protesting when the paramedics wanted him to get on the gurney.

“Max,” Liz sighed, “maybe it’ll be better if ya lay down.”

“Sir, we need to immobilize that knee during transport. It should’ve already been done – “

Before Max could get another word out Liz was assuring the paramedic that they would have his full cooperation. He settled on the gurney, watching the medic as he carefully strapped a brace around the injured knee and wincing at the hot, throbbing sensation that burst to life at the slightest movement.


“And I wanna find him.”

The room had stayed silent with the exception of a few questions here and there, but a shocked silence fell over them when Michael ended his story with the unexpected declaration.

Brendan looked like the floor had just fallen out from under him as he stared at his twin. He hadn’t known what was going on when his brother had called a family meeting, but this was the last thing he had expected to learn.

Alex’s hand tightened around Isabel’s as he digested this new and upsetting information. The knowledge that the twins had a different father didn’t make them any less related to him and Brooke as far as he was concerned. But, what if this news managed to drive a wedge between the four of them? They were just starting to pull their family together and this was not the kind of test he wanted to put their new and fragile relationships up against.

Michael was gnawing on his lower lip as he looked around, trying to judge everyone’s reactions to his news. Brendan was shocked, Alex looked anxious, but Brooke was the one that worried him most. His sister was sitting on the arm of the couch, not far from their oldest brother, her expression angry and it was obvious that she wasn’t ready to hear, much less accept, the information he had just shared.

He looked to Maria for guidance because he didn’t know what to do next, but before she had the time to make a suggestion Brooke suddenly stood up.

“This is all bullshit!” she yelled before running out of the room and heading for her bedroom.

“Maybe I should go talk to her,” Michael said when she slammed her bedroom door shut and seconds later loud, pounding music filled the air.

“Good luck.” Alex ran his left hand over his face and cleared his throat when Michael followed Brooke. “Well, somehow this isn’t what I was expecting when Mom said she had somethin’ to talk to us about.”

Michael knocked on the door to his sister’s room, not surprised when she ignored him. He reached for the doorknob and turned it, irritated when he felt the locking mechanism preventing him from opening the door. He pounded his fist against the door, pissed that she was shutting him out like this. “Brooke, you open this fuckin’ door before I take it off the hinges,” he demanded.

Brooke stared at the closed door from her bed and heard Michael’s voice through it. She took the remote and turned the music up even louder.

Michael shook his head and braced his hands on the doorframe as he debated his next move. He probably should’ve expected the teenager to react this way, but he had overlooked it. The threat to take the door off of the hinges was idle at best since the hinges were on the inside of the damn door. He could probably use his shoulder and go through the door, but he could just imagine his brother’s expression when he got a look at the fragments of the door.

The song ended since it was the last one on the CD and Brooke hold her breath when silence fell over the room. Was he still there?

Michael liked his music loud, but nothing had ever sounded sweeter than the moment when the music ended and he turned his head, pressing his ear to the door as he tried in vain to hear what she was doing.

After several minutes of silence that made him want to climb the walls he pounded on the door again. “Brooke, I swear to God, if you don’t open this door I’m gonna beat your little ass the next time I see you.” His back teeth started to grind when she didn’t immediately respond to his threat. “I didn’t ask for this, Brooke, so quit takin’ your pissy little mood out on me and open this fuckin’ door and talk to me!”

“No, go away!” Brooke shouted back at him and threw the remote at the door. “I don’t wanna talk. You’re not even my real brother!”

Michael stared at the door, shocked at the words she had hurled at him with enough force that it felt like a physical blow. He turned around and leaned back against the door as his knees gave out and he slid down to sit on the floor. “You don’t mean that, Brooke,” he said, his voice low as the hurt kept him from shouting anymore.

Brooke could tell from his tone that her last sentence had hurt him; under normal circumstances she would have just opened the door and hugged him. She didn’t want to lose Michael as her brother, but right now she couldn’t talk to him. She stood up and walked to the stereo, starting the CD again and loud music filled the room once more.

Michael propped his elbows on his raised knees and hooked his hands around his neck as he lowered his head. She didn’t mean it; he knew she was shocked and angry – though he didn’t understand the anger – and she probably just needed some space to figure things out. It didn’t stop her words from hurting though, he thought. He sighed as he forced himself to his feet when the music was turned back on. He walked back to the living room and paused outside the entrance when he heard Maria answering the questions he should have been answering.

Maria was responding to something Brendan had asked when she caught movement from the corner of her eye and she realized that Michael was in the hallway. Obviously things with Brooke hadn’t gone well because the music was still playing loudly and her boyfriend was standing in the hall by himself. “Would you guys excuse me for a minute?”

Michael looked up when Maria walked out into the hall, pausing in the doorway as she watched him. “She wouldn’t talk to me,” he said quietly.

“She probably just needs some time alone first.” Maria walked over and placed one hand on his upper arm.

“I wasn’t countin’ on that kinda reaction.” He shook his head. “Not from her.”

Maria didn’t know what to say to make him feel better. “Don’t think about it too much right now, baby. Let her get used to the information first and then try to talk to her again. She loves you and that won’t change.”

“Yeah... you’re probably right.”

“Wanna go back to talk to the others?”

“How’re they doin’ with it?”

“Um, shocked, surprised… confused, I guess.”

He snorted. “Not ready to disown me yet?” He shook his head when he realized how sharp his tone was. “Sorry,” he muttered. “I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

“Nobody’s gonna disown you, Michael.”

“I hope you’re right,” he said, shooting one more glance back towards his sister’s bedroom. “Yeah, I guess we should get back in there.”

“Okay.” She turned around to walk back into the living room, waiting in the doorway for Michael to follow.

Michael followed after her, letting her take the lead as they joined his family once more.

“Refusin’ to talk, huh?” Alex asked Michael as he gestured upstairs.

He shook his head. “No, she didn’t really have anything to say to me.”

Alex nodded knowingly. That was Brooke. “So, you want to find him? When?”

Michael relaxed when Alex asked the question without the slightest hint of accusation or anything other than curiosity. “Actually, I’m hopin’ your lawyer might be able to give me a hand with it.”

“I don’t know if he’s the right man for the job, but if not, I’m sure he has some good connections with people who do.”

“Okay.” He looked over at his twin. “Bren, you got anything to say?”

Brendan sighed heavily. “To be honest I can’t think straight right now, but I guess I’d wanna get to know him as well.”

Michael nodded. “I didn’t mean to just hit you guys with this, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

Brendan shook his head. “No, it’s okay. There never would’ve been a good time to just say it, so...”

“Well, that’s for damn sure.” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow as he tried to figure out what to do next.

Maria watched Michael from the corner of her eyes. He looked tense, hurt, wired... she had the feeling that the slightest comment or movement could set him off.

Michael started to pace, feeling confined in the house. He looked up when Maria called his name. “What?”

Alex turned to look at Isabel while Maria and Michael were talking. “I’m gonna ask them to stay overnight; you okay with that?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Maybe it’d be a good idea for you guys to stay here tonight.”

“I think I need some air,” Michael said quickly and pushed himself up to walk out on the back deck.

Maria looked after him and tried to figure out what to say. “Um, Alex, can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Yeah, sure.” He stood and followed her into the kitchen.

“Okay.” She breathed in deeply. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to stay here overnight, Alex.”

Alex frowned. “Why not? I hate to disagree with you, Maria, but I think it’d be good for him to be around his family tonight.” He shook his head when her expression remained determined. “But you obviously feel differently,” he said after several moments.

Maria glanced out through the window, to where Michael was standing on the porch, staring out at the ocean. “Look at him, Alex. He looks like he’s gonna burst at any second. I swear, one wrong word or another thoughtless comment from Brooke today and he’s gonna explode.”

He followed her gaze to his brother and he could see the tension in Michael’s tall frame. “Alright,” he conceded, “you’re probably right about that. Maybe you guys can stop by for breakfast in the morning.”

Maria nodded. “We’ll give you a call you in the morning.” She walked past him so she could go and join Michael on the porch.

Alex turned his head to look at Maria when she started to walk out of the room. “Hey.”

She glanced back at the oldest Guerin brother. “Yeah?”

“If you need anything tonight I want you to call me.”

“I will.”

Michael looked up when the door opened and Maria stepped out onto the deck. He could feel the tension that was pulling his body taut and he felt like the slightest little thing could shatter him into a million pieces. He had learned too much for one day and he felt like he was on overload.

She stepped up in front of him, sliding her arms around his waist. “Wanna go home with me?”

Michael nodded wordlessly.

“Okay, let’s go then.” She took one of his hands.

He used his free hand to dig around in his front pocket for his car keys and he held them out to her. She took the keys from him when they entered the living room again. “Alright, we’re gonna go,” Maria said to everyone.

Alex lifted his right hand in a wave. “Don’t forget what I said, Maria.”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 83 - 1/7/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: A completely reactionary response – there was no thought whatsoever involved. And it definitely showed her age well. She still has some growing and maturing to do.

Maria’s influence, no doubt.

Like that, huh? You just never know where that attitude will surface next, lol!

We’re sorry to hear ya couldn’t sleep – hope you’re back on track… and we’re glad we updated a few hours earlier than usual on Sunday!

80s_UnLove_Child: She’s stepped out of her shell, hasn’t she? Nah, what’s a little pain when his bike’s damaged? LOL, that’s a guy for ya.

Michael’s growing and making an effort to control his temper. Brooke’s reaction was harsh, but she didn’t stop to think, just opened her mouth and inserted her foot.

mary mary: Saw that comin’, huh?

Brooke reacted without thought or consideration and when she takes a minute to think about what she said… she’s gonna regret it.

We’re glad you got that outta your system, lol! We hope you’re feeling better now.

Eva: A lot did happen in those two chapters!

You can definitely see the similarities between Michael and Brooke. Don’t worry, once she stops to think she’ll realize what she’s done and regret it.

That search will happen, but it may take a while.

kismet: Somehow, we just thought you’d like that, lol! Max had better hang onto his hat.

It’s true those two are so much alike.

That trip’s still a ways away, but it’ll be worth the wait.

Natalie36: LOL, well, here we are again! Thanks for reading!

begonia9508: Yup, completely a reactionary response.

LOL, don’t believe her, huh?

We may learn more about Alex’s home life later on.

Brendan has a full plate right now with thinking about looking for his biological father and of course, going to find Karen.

We think Max liked that Liz took charge like that!

keepsmiling7: Very good advice, lol!

kay_b: You’re right, it wasn’t excusable, but she didn’t give it a moment’s thought before she let her words fly. No, there was no intent to hurt Michael. It did show that she isn’t fully matured yet.

Max and Liz are moving right along and we’re pretty sure Liz is gonna make sure Max follows doctor’s orders, lol.

We’ll see more about Adam towards Christmas.

sunrise102: He’ll be fine and Liz will make sure of it.

Probably because Brooke has shown a lot of maturity throughout the fic, but when it all comes down to it, she is still a 16-year-old. Brooke does have a lot of insecurities right now and getting hit with this information just let them all out at once and she reacted badly. That might’ve been the smart way to handle it, telling her alone, but all Michael was thinking was that he didn’t want to be sitting on this information for too long.

sarammlover: Brooke did react badly, but as soon as she realizes what she did she’s gonna regret it.

Maiqu: Very few expected that reaction. She’s gonna regret it soon though and realize just how much she hurt her brother.

He’s showing major growth.

LOL, never get between that man and his coffee!

Nah, not too hurt, but Liz will make sure he gets better!

Max definitely won’t hesitate to defend Liz to her parents or anyone else!

Michael and Maria are definitely growing individually and as a couple. Something that showed through during the conversation with Maureen.

destinyc: Jealousy could be playing a role here. That’s true – Brooke and Michael are very much alike and her reaction is just like his would have been not that long ago.

She’s pretty much come out of that shell and tossed it aside, huh?

Part 83 – Looking For Reassurance

“This is not how I had intended to spend my weekend,” Max grumbled to the technician who was setting up the machine so the doctor could examine the damage. He wasn’t happy about being stripped down to his boxers, dressed in a hospital gown, and left to sit in the cold room.

He glanced over his shoulder when the door opened and Liz stepped inside with a sympathetic expression on her face. She had stepped out of the room a while ago when Kyle and Tess had arrived. “Did he get all of my gear? He loaded the wrecked bike too, right? Did he strap everything down the way I told him to?”

“Relax, darlin’, everything’s fine. Kyle got everything, we called Michael to make sure they weren’t worried, and I also talked to your mom.”

His right eyebrow lifted in surprise. “You talked to my mom?”

She lifted her hands. “She saw the accident on TV and she called me in a panic.”

“Oh, right... I forgot it was a televised event. She’s okay?”

“Yeah, I told her that we’ll give her a call her later when we know more.”

Max nodded. “They aren’t sayin’ anything yet,” he said, leaning forward to look at his badly swollen knee.

She ran her hand through his hair. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

“Me too. It’d totally ruin my plans to kick Guerin and Valenti’s asses out on the slopes at Christmas.”

She snorted. “That’s the only thing you’re worried about, huh?”

Her tone brought a smile to his face and he leaned back on his elbows to look up at her. “No, but, I just figured it wouldn’t be appropriate to mention what else I was thinkin’ seein’ as how we have company,” he said with a nod at the technician.

She grinned. “How long will it be before we get any results?”

“Hell, I don’t know.” He snapped his fingers to get the technician’s attention. “Hey, man, how long will it take to get the results back from this thing?”

The tech finished his adjustments and turned to face the patient. “It takes a little while, but most likely it won’t tell the doctor very much today. Chances are they’re gonna send you home in a brace to keep that knee immobile and tell you to come back in a few days when the swelling’s gone down so they can do a more thorough examination. They’re probably not gonna be able to tell you much until that happens.”

“Then why am I here now?” Max asked, irritation creeping into his voice. “Why not just tell me to see my own doctor when the swelling’s gone down?”

The other guy held his hands up helplessly. “Don’t ask me, I’m not the doctor who makes these decisions.”

Max dropped back to lay flat on the uncomfortable table. He hated hospitals, had hated them with a passion since the night his brother had died; hated the waiting and the cold, sterile feeling that permeated the halls and rooms. “So, basically, once they’re finished with the exam I can go home?”

“Well, once the doctor’s taken a look at the scans.”


After several hours of waiting the doctor came into the small room Max had been moved to after his tests, his expression friendly as he moved to stand next to the gurney. “Due to the swelling, I’m not able to conclude how extensive the damage is at this time. I know this is frustrating, but you’ll need to make an appointment to see your primary care physician in about a week, so he or she can do a more thorough examination and determine the true extent of damage. I’ll give you a prescription for a painkiller and you’ll want to keep that brace on.”

Max frowned at the cumbersome piece of equipment he was wearing over his jeans. “All the time?”

“I know it’s difficult to move around with it on, but you’ll want to keep that knee as immobile as possible. It would also be a good idea to keep it elevated and if you do have to be up, use the crutches and keep your weight off of that knee. The damage may not be too severe, but if you insist on putting weight on it, you could damage it while it’s in this weakened condition.” He smiled at them. “Any questions?”

“So, I can go home now?”

Liz winced sympathetically.

The doctor nodded. “But let your girlfriend drive and make sure you make an appointment with you regular doctor at home.”

Max bit his tongue to stop himself from being smart. How did the doctor really think he was gonna drive with his right leg encased in this damn brace? he wondered irritably.

“Let’s go then,” Liz said softly and helped him off of the table he was sitting on.

Max braced one hand on the gurney and the other on her shoulder as he gently lowered himself to the ground. The doctor handed him a pair of crutches and watched as he adjusted his weight, letting the crutches support him. As soon as he was satisfied that the younger man was able to maneuver around on his own he handed the prescription over to the young woman. “You can call ahead to a pharmacy so you can pick that up when you get home. The painkiller we gave him will start to wear off in a couple of hours and that knee’s gonna be painful for a few days. The prescription needs to be taken with a meal otherwise he’ll be dealing with an upset stomach.”

“Okay,” Liz nodded and turned to look at Max. “Are you ready?”

“I was ready hours ago,” he muttered.

“Don’t be mean,” she hissed and nodded to the doctor when he opened the door for them.

“I’m sorry. This just sucks. I had this whole night planned and now...” he shifted on his crutches. “Now I’m gonna be laid up with this damn thing, hurtin’, and doped up on painkillers.”

She stopped and turned to him carefully. “Max,” her hands came up to frame his face, “don’t worry about this. I’m just glad nothing really serious happened, ‘cause to be honest, the accident looked awful and you should count yourself lucky that you’re still able to stand here and talk to me.”

He felt himself calm down at her touch. “I know... bein’ in hospitals just makes me edgy.”

“We’ll be outta here in a minute,” she told him, knowing that the reason for his behavior was related to the loss of his brother.

“Alright,” he said quietly and leaned forward to kiss her. “Thanks.”


Michael wandered around the apartment, doing his best to avoid eye contact and physical contact with Maria. He didn’t know how to describe the way he was feeling, he only knew that it felt like his skin was the only thing holding him together and the slightest touch would cause that barrier to shatter.

He needed to get away before he completely lost it, he thought as he paced around. “I’m gonna go,” he said finally. “You don't need to deal with this, so... I’m just gonna go.”

Maria looked up at him. She had known that he would push her away again. He wasn’t far from the breaking point and he didn’t want anyone to see it. “No, don’t go, Michael.”

He backed away when she got too close, certain that he couldn’t handle being touched, not even by her.

She wasn’t gonna just let him leave. Maybe he thought that it would be better to be alone – but it wasn’t. “You don’t have to push me away, Michael. I know what you’ve been through and it’s okay for you to feel like you do right now.”

“There’s nothin’ okay about this,” he snarled, hating the vulnerability he could feel threatening to expose itself.

She stayed away from him because she could tell he didn’t want any contact. “Why would you think that?”

Michael moved into the kitchen, putting the bar between them in hopes that she wouldn’t try to come near him again. “Because... I feel like I’m bein’ torn apart from the inside out... how would you describe that as okay?”

“I’m not saying that what you feel feels good, Michael. I just want you to know that you don’t have to feel weak or anything because of it; at some point you can’t just push your hurt and emotions away and keep going on.”

“Shows how much you know. Why the fuck won’t you just leave it alone?”

“Because your hurt isn’t goin’ away this time, Michael. Stop trying to push it away.”

He hated it when she was completely rational because it made it difficult to argue with her. “I’m not hurt,” he denied, “I’m pissed. There’s a difference.”

“Don’t tell me you’re not hurt, Michael.” She walked over to the refrigerator to get something to drink.

“Fine, I won’t tell you; I’ll just leave like I had originally planned.” He backed away when she came into the kitchen. “What’re you doin’?” he asked warily.

“What’s it look like? I’m getting myself a drink.” She walked back to her original position to show him she wouldn’t come near him as long as he didn’t want it. “Fine, I’m not gonna say anything else. Let’s just go to bed, okay. I don’t want you to leave.” She knew any more pushing would draw that reaction from him and she didn’t want him to get angry and yell. That wasn’t what she wanted at all.

Michael swallowed hard as he considered his options. He could leave and deal with this thing alone and completely shut her out... which would hurt her, he realized. That was the last thing he wanted, and the truth was that he didn’t want to be alone either.

His throat was parched and every effort he made to swallow the lump in his throat was met with resistance. He reached out and took the bottle of water out of her hand, taking a drink before handing it back to her. “I’ve gotta take a piss,” he growled.

She walked to her bedroom and changed into some hot pants and a tank top for the night. Wonder how long he’ll stay in bed next to me, she thought, worried.

Michael stared at himself in the mirror over the bathroom sink and almost felt like he was looking at a stranger. His jaw clenched as he fought down the panicked feeling that kept trying to surface as he thought about getting into bed with Maria.

“You’re a grown man, Guerin,” he muttered to his reflection. “Suck it up and act like one.” He nodded after a moment and stripped down to his boxers, carrying his clothes into the bedroom and dropping them on the chair in front of the desk. The lights were already out so he pulled the covers back and slid under them, carefully avoiding any contact with her.

“So, no good night kiss, I guess,” Maria whispered when she noticed that he refused to come anywhere near her. She pulled the blanket around herself and turned to lay with her back to him.

Michael stared at the ceiling in the darkness, his body tense and about as far from relaxed as he had ever been. Despite his lack of response he had heard her whispered words, had heard the hurt in them, but he couldn’t touch her, not right now. He had no idea how he would react because he had never felt like this, but he knew instinctively that all it would take would be one touch from her and it would all be over.

He lay there for several hours and he knew the exact moment that Maria finally fell asleep just by the rhythm of her breathing. He listened to that sound, letting it soothe his ragged nerve endings. He could tell that her sleep was restless and he wasn’t surprised when she turned over and rolled towards him. He tried to dodge her when she started to shift around to get closer to him and he nearly fell out of bed when he moved too suddenly.

“Damn it,” he muttered as he just barely caught his balance and got his feet under him. He snatched his jeans up off of the chair and quickly pulled them on, glancing back at Maria before leaving her bedroom to prowl around the apartment.

He needed air and he needed it now. He felt like there was no air in the apartment and he hurried to open the patio doors, leaving them open as he stepped out onto the balcony. He leaned on the railing, bracing his hands on it and letting his head hang low between his shoulders as he drew in several deep breaths.


“Hey, Alex,” Brendan called out to his older brother who was in the kitchen to get them a couple of beers. After the day they’d had they really needed a good drink. Isabel had already gone to bed and Brooke hadn’t come out of her room.

“What’s up, Bren?”

“Can I use your laptop for a sec? I have to check my emails. Our professor wanted to send us some stuff to read for next class.”

“Yeah, go ahead; it’s on the desk in the office.”

“Okay.” Brendan walked into the office and sat down in the big chair behind the desk. He pushed the power button on the laptop and leaned back to wait while it booted up. There were some sketches sitting next to the computer that caught his attention and he reached for them. “What’s this?” he wondered aloud and turned the papers in his hands a few times until he held them right. Hmm, looks like a room... like a baby’s room, what the...? “Um, Alex?” he called out for his brother again.

Alex wandered into the office, the cold bottles held in his right hand and before he could ask Brendan what he wanted he noticed the sketches in his hand. Damn it! He had been so worried about why Michael wanted to call a family meeting that he had forgotten to put the sketches away. He handed his brother one of the beers and asked a quick question in the hopes of distracting him. “What class did you need to check in to?”

“What’s this?” He held the sketches out right in his oldest brother’s face.

Alex reached out and carefully removed the sketches from Brendan’s hand. “Just some sketches... we’re thinkin’ about some renovations.”

“Uh-huh, and they include a nursery? Is there somethin’ you wanna tell me, big brother?”

“Um... well...” There was really no way around it and he didn’t want to lie, so he just shrugged and grinned. “Next year at this time you’ll be an uncle and you’ll have a little niece or nephew that you can spoil rotten.”

“Really?” Brendan asked, excited. He couldn’t believe what he had just learned. “Well, congratulations then,” he got out of the chair to pull Alex into a short hug.

Alex couldn’t control the goofy grin on his face as he finally got to be the one to let someone in on the secret.

“Do the others already know?”

He scratched his head. “Yeah, I think Brooke’s the only one who doesn’t know now.”

“When’re you gonna tell her?”

“We were plannin’ to tell you guys on my birthday, but we may have to make it a little sooner.” He frowned as he thought about it. “With everything else that’s goin’ on, waitin’ might be worse.”

Brendan sighed. “Yeah, you know, sometimes I wonder if that will ever have an end? I mean, when can we just live in peace without somebody dropping a bomb?”

“I’m kinda hopin’ the baby will be good news.”

“Oh, no, no,” Brendan said quickly, “I didn’t mean that, Alex. Really, I just meant the issue with Hank, almost losin’ Brooke, now a new father, Karen... there’s so much going on.”

Alex visibly relaxed at his brother’s reassurance. “That is a lot... maybe you’ll be able to get some answers when you go to meet with Karen.”

“Yeah, I hope so. But now... I don’t know what to do. I don’t think Michael’s gonna wanna wait to search for our real father until after Christmas. I can’t go to see Karen and worry about that at the same time, Alex. And I don’t want him to do it alone.”

“Bren, I think Michael’s in good hands, you’ve said it yourself; he’s let Maria in and she’s not gonna let him do this alone. He understands that you need to find Karen and deal with that, so don’t let it change your plans.”

“I know. She’s good for him, it’s just, y’know.... he’s my twin... Did you see him before they left? He didn’t seem to be doin’ too well to me. Hopefully they don’t end up fighting again.” Brendan powered the laptop down again. He couldn’t think about homework right now anyway.

“I think we all know Michael got the worst of it from Hank, Bren... he’s probably relieved to find out that the two of you aren’t related to him by blood. I don’t think we can ever hope to understand what he’s been through.”

Brendan sighed. “Yeah...” He walked past Alex and back into the living room. “Let’s see what’s on TV, I need a distraction tonight or my brain’s gonna explode.”

“Alright. I’m gonna go check on Iz; why don’t you go see if Brooke’s willin’ to come down and watch a movie or somethin’.”

“Yeah, I’ll try. Maybe she’s calmed down a little.” Brendan walked up the stairs to Brooke’s bedroom and softy knocked on the door. “Brooke?” He tried to open it, but the door was locked. He frowned at that but… Well, he knew it wasn’t easy for her either.

Brooke was sitting on the floor, leaning back against the door and she angrily wiped away the tears spilling over to track down her cheeks. “Go away, Brendan,” she yelled through the door.

“C’mon, Brooke. Let me in.”

“Why don’t you go stay with your real family?” It was harsh and mean... and she didn’t mean it, but she was hurting, too.

“Brooke, you are our family. Nothing will change that.” Now he knew what had hurt Michael. His connection to Brooke was strong and if she had thrown such harsh words against him... then yeah, that would have hurt him badly.

“Nothing will change that, huh?” she muttered under her breath. “We don’t have the same father, you’re goin’ to look for Karen and if things work out you might stay back east, Alex and Iz are gonna have a baby which means there won’t be any room for me, and... oh yeah... I just kicked my brother and my best friend while he was down... yeah, nothing’s gonna change...” She shook her head. “Just leave me alone, Brendan.”

How the hell did she know about the baby? Brendan walked back down to the living room and threw himself down on the couch. He knew Brooke and talking to her in her current mood would be useless. She must have overheard the conversation between Alex and him. How else would she know about the baby?

Alex backed out of his bedroom and pulled the door until it was nearly closed before turning and walking down the hall. He paused when he reached the living room, wondering what Brooke had said to Brendan to cause the dejected look on his face. “No go on the invitation to watch a movie, huh?”

“I think she heard somethin’, Alex.”

“Heard what?” Alex paused as he was reaching for the remote.

“About the baby. She just mentioned it.”

Alex sighed and dropped down to sit in the armchair. “Damn it... now she’s gonna think we were keepin’ it from her.”

“I think she’s more worried that you won’t have a place for her anymore once the baby’s born.”

“Seriously? That’s been one of our biggest concerns, worryin’ that she was gonna have that fear.”

“Yeah, I think it’s just too much for her to take in for one day you know?”

“I think today was too much for everyone.” He slouched down and propped his feet up on the ottoman. “What about you, Bren? You’ve expressed concern for everyone else... how’re you feelin’ about this news?”

“Oh, man, I can’t even really tell you how I feel about it. It’s like all this has happened to me and I’ve heard all of it, but I’m not realizing it.... or maybe it’s just hittin’ me more slowly. I never expected this. I mean, she never gave us a hint or anything.”

“It doesn’t change anything between us... ya know that, right?”

“Yeah, I know that. Thanks.”

“Find somethin’ for us to watch, Bren,” Alex said, trying to lighten the mood. What was he gonna do about Brooke? he wondered. He decided to watch TV with his brother for a while before going to check on his sister and afterwards he would go to bed and talk to Isabel about it. She would wake up when his restless movements didn’t ease, she always did, and she would want to know what was bothering him. Maybe they could figure something out.


Brooke knocked on the window that she knew was Luke’s bedroom. She had waited until everybody as asleep over at her oldest brother’s house and then made her escape. She didn’t want to be alone, but she didn’t want to be with any of her brothers either. There was too much going on and she was desperate to get away from it.

Luke rolled over and pulled his pillow over his head when he heard the tapping sound. His sleepy brain supplied an image of the trees outside his window and he started to slip back into sleep.

Brooke knocked again, louder this time because he wasn’t opening the window.

“Fuckin’ trees,” he muttered. He had to tell his dad to trim them; the branches were too long if they were brushing against his window every time the wind blew.

“Luke,” Brooke hissed.

Silence fell over the room and he sighed softly before settling more fully into his pillow, hoping to ease right back into the rather interesting dream he had been having about – He sat bolt upright when Brooke called his name and he frantically glanced down at his lap. “Shit!” he snarled. There went any hopes of finishing that dream and she’d kill him if she knew!

He grabbed a pair of jeans and hurried to pull them on, snatching up a tee shirt and holding it in front of him as he stumbled over to the window and shoved it up. “Um, Brooke...” He winced. No, his voice had not just cracked like that! “What’re you doin’ here?”

“Um, can I stay here? Overnight?”

Overnight? He glanced down, glad he had thought to grab a shirt and hold it in front of himself. “Overnight?” he repeated. “Is somethin’ wrong?” His brain cells were too low to function properly!

Brooke glanced up at him and nodded. “Yeah, I… I…” She bit her bottom lip to keep herself from crying again. There’s just too much goin’ on at home.” She shook her head, unable to explain it all in one sentence.

Oh, no, she was about to cry! What was he supposed to do now? What if her brothers came to his house looking for her and found her in his bedroom in the middle of the night crying? He would never live to see his seventeenth birthday!

She looked at him and he could see the misery in her expression and suddenly every other thought fled from his mind. The only thing that mattered was helping her through whatever had upset her.

He hurried to help her through his window and he hugged her tightly as he awkwardly stroked her long hair. Maybe the hug had worked, he thought, relieved. “What happened?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

“I... I just found out that the twins, Michael and Brendan, have a different father. And... and…” The broken sobs wouldn’t allow her to continue for a few moments, “and then I overheard that my oldest brother is going to have a baby.”

“Um...” He glanced around in panic. Where was Mom when he needed her? He was gonna say something stupid and make her mad... he sucked at talking to girls when they got emotional like this. “So, the twins have a different father, but they’re still your brothers... I don’t understand.”

“But they’re gonna find their real father and he’s probably gonna be such a better one than mine. Michael and me... we’ve always had this strong connection, ‘cause we both hated Hank and now... our life was all based on lies. He has a great girlfriend now and he doesn’t need me anymore.”

“I don’t think it works like that, Brooke... they’ve been your brothers your whole life. That doesn’t suddenly change just because they’ve got different DNA.” He cleared his throat. “And, yeah, he’s got the great girlfriend, but I thought you liked her?”

“Yeah, I do. She’s great. But you know Michael’s never been close to anyone but me and now he’s got Maria and I think she’s finally managed to be close to him, maybe even closer. I’m happy for him, really, it’s just like everyone suddenly has something or someone else.” She leaned back to look at him. “Michael has Maria, Brendan wants to go back to his ex, Alex and Isabel are gonna be parents.”

“Well, even if Alex is gonna have a kid you’re not gonna be replaced.”

“But he won’t have time for anything else, either.”

“I thought the same thing when my little brother was born... they were gonna be too busy with him and they weren’t gonna have time for me or I wasn’t gonna be as important to them anymore...” He shook his head. “It’s not true, Brooke, I promise you... parents – and I know yours aren’t anything great – but good parents, they know how to balance all that stuff out.”

“I just couldn’t stay there right now, Luke. They kept trying to talk to me, but right now I just don’t wanna talk to any of them.”

“How’re you gonna know how they’re really feelin’ an’ stuff if you don’t talk to them?”

She sighed. “I know I have to talk to them… just not right now.”

“Okay...” He looked at his bed over her shoulder and he swallowed hard. “C’mon, you should probably get some sleep.”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

“Why don’t you get settled and I’ll go get you some... water... cold water.” He hurried to leave the room when she sat on the edge of his bed. He needed to cool down and quick!


Maria woke up when she heard someone opening the patio doors. They always made the strangest creaking sound because they were old. She had known before that he wouldn’t get any sleep with all the emotions buried inside him. A glance at the clock let her knew that it was two in the morning and she wondered what she should do. It hurt her to see him like this but he was refusing every attempt she made to touch him.

He didn’t recognize the feeling pushing against the walls of his chest, but he had his suspicions about the burning feeling in his eyes and the choked feeling in his throat. He reached up to rub his throat in an effort to ease the tight feeling there, but it wasn’t doing any good.

His mind went back over the day against his will; his mother’s lie, the necessity of that lie to prevent Hank from having her unborn children aborted, the years of abuse that could’ve been avoided if she had left Hank to be with his real father... surely the man would have wanted to know him and Brendan, right? How different would his life have been if he had grown up with a male influence that hadn’t knocked him around and treated like he didn’t matter? What if Adam didn’t want him either? He knew he was a fuck-up and he had a tendency to be less than lovable. What if they found him but the man rejected him the way people rejected older animals at the humane shelter? What if his existence didn’t even matter to his biological father? Or worse yet, what if the man told him to get lost? Could he deal with that rejection from the man who had fathered him? Did he want to risk it?

He turned and went back inside, closing the door after him and moving into the kitchen for a drink of water. What if he had lost his sister over this? Alex had been cool about the news, but Brooke had reacted in an unexpected manner. What if she really didn’t want anything to do with him since they were half-brother and half-sister? It didn’t matter to him; she had been his sister since the day she had been born, since the first day he had stood in the nursery and picked her up. He could remember it as clearly as if it had happened the day before.

She had been crying in her crib and no one had come in to get her. He had been nearly five years old at the time and even he had known that the baby needed attention. He had crept into her room and looked at her through the wooden rails for several seconds before he had found a box and dragged it over close enough for him to stand up on and reach inside.

He had been young but even then he had known that he had to be careful. He had looked back over his shoulder, looking to make sure no one could see him before leaning over and reaching for the baby. He had watched Alex pick her up enough times that he was pretty sure he knew what he was doing and he carefully cradled her head as he picked her up. He wasn’t exactly sure why everyone was always talking about holding the baby’s head, but he kept a firm hold on her head just in case it was going to do something weird like fall off.

He had stepped down onto the floor and sat down on the box, staring down into the dark eyes looking back at him and a slight smile had crossed his features when she quieted.

He hadn’t understood the bond that had started to form between them from that day on, but he couldn’t imagine his world without her in it now. It hurt as he remembered the words she had thrown at him earlier.

Everything from the day suddenly hit him and he grabbed the edge of the counter as waves of pain crashed over him and that lump in his throat felt like it had exploded, forcing his eyes to fill. He squeezed them shut in an attempt to stop the tears that he had held in check for most of his life.

Maria sat up in bed and stared out through the window for a few seconds. He wasn’t coming to bed again. The doors to the balcony had been shut for a while now, but he still wasn’t back. She pushed herself to her feet and wandered down the hallway to the kitchen. She found him shaking and desperately holding onto the counter to remain in an upright position. Her heart clenched painfully when she saw him standing there, so alone and broken.

What now? She wasn’t sure what to do because she had no clue how he would react when he saw her. But she couldn’t just go back and leave him alone like this. He was all alone with his pain and she wanted him to know that she would be always there for him.

She took in a deep breath to keep herself from losing it as she walked around the counter slowly. He had his back turned to her and it didn’t seem like he had noticed her. When she was right next to him she reached out to let her hand trail over his upper arm. “Let me hold you in my arms, baby.”

He wasn’t expecting it when Maria appeared next to him and he didn’t even realize she was there until she reached out and touched him. He had never cried when Hank had beat him... he hadn’t even cried the time that the old man had locked him in his closet overnight because he had spilled his glass of juice on the carpet... but Maria's touch shattered every wall he had ever built to protect himself and it was suddenly too much to hold in any longer and he didn’t even have the strength to be embarrassed when the first agonized sob was ripped from his raw throat.

She almost felt sick as she heard the first sob escape his lips. He was so hurt and finally he was able to let it go. She let her hand rest on his arm and waited for him to turn in her direction when he was ready for it. He still was holding onto the edge of the counter tightly.

Michael blindly followed the slight pressure on his arm, turning and stepping into the embrace of the one woman who had ever made him feel like he mattered. He couldn’t stop the horrible sounds escaping from his throat, the choked sobs tearing from the depths of his wounded soul, but in that moment the only thing that mattered was holding onto the person who kept him grounded and his arms went around her, pulling her closer than was probably comfortable for her as he practically crushed her to his chest.

She used one hand to stoke his head and back to comfort him as much as she could. Her own tears were running down her cheeks, but she didn’t care. All what mattered was him right now. “It’s okay, Michael, just let it all go,” she whispered.

Her comforting touch, her words spoken in such an understanding tone, and her easy acceptance were too much and he gave in to the emotions pounding against him in relentless waves. He slumped against her even as he tightened his hold, needing to know that she wasn’t going anywhere.

He couldn’t have spoken right then if his life had depended on it and he felt like every hurt, every humiliation, and every disappointment had found their release at the same moment and he didn’t think he was going to survive it.

She let her hand move to his neck to hold him to her tightly while he cried. “You’re never gonna lose me, baby. I’m right here with you.”

He had no idea how much time had passed before his stormy emotions began to level out and he suddenly realized what had just happened. His arms tensed around her but before he could pull away he realized just how tightly she was holding him and he found himself listening to her words of reassurance as he started to calm down.

He had no idea why girls always said they felt better after having a good cry... what the fuck did that mean anyway? There was nothing that felt good about this.

When she noticed that he had stopped crying and had started to calm down she loosened her grip around him without letting go of him and she leaned back to look up at him.

He averted his gaze when she leaned back and raised her head to look at him.

She took his chin in her hand and directed his face back in her direction slowly. A single tear was running down his cheek and she reached for it with her thumb and brushed it away.

Michael felt humiliation wash through him when she saw the evidence of his weakness.

She shook her head, knowing what was going through his head right at that moment. “No, baby, don’t feel bad about what just happened.” She placed a soft kiss on his neck.

“Men aren’t supposed to do that,” he denied.

She smiled softly. “No, they do, they just hide it. But, some of them are strong enough to share it with their girlfriends.”

Michael burrowed back into her embrace and snorted softly against her neck as he shook his head.

“I’m glad you did,” she whispered.

He sighed. He was probably never gonna understand women, he thought. “Just... don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t, baby.”

He nodded against her shoulder as his thoughts turned back to his sister. He didn’t know what to do about that situation.

She let he hand drive through his hair. “Can I ask you something?”


“What’d Brooke say to you?”

He should’ve known that she would have picked up on that. “She wouldn’t talk to me...” He swallowed with difficulty as he remembered her words. “She said I’m not her real brother...”

Maria winced. She had already suspected that it had to be something like that. “She doesn’t mean it.”

“Maybe not, but it still hurt like hell,” he muttered and then winced when he realized what he had just admitted.

“Yeah, I know it does.” I think she needs a lecture from someone, she added silently. “Hey,” she took a little step away from him, “let’s go back to bed, okay? I’m cold.”

Michael nodded and followed her when she tugged on his hand.

She led him to her bedroom again and they both lay down, in each others arms this time. “Don’t think about your father or your sister right now, baby, okay? There’s still enough time for that later.” She placed a kiss on his cheek. “Just think of me... us,” she added with a smile.

“I’ll give it a shot.” His right hand came up and he brushed her hair back as he stared into her green eyes. “I’m exhausted,” he admitted.

She nodded. “Try to sleep then.”

He shifted around to get comfortable, never breaking contact with her as he settled in to sleep. He still wasn’t at ease with that emotional display in the kitchen, but she wasn’t pushing it or trying to make him talk about it, so maybe it would be okay. He leaned in to kiss her softly before lying down once more. “Thanks, Maria.”

“You’re welcome.” She suddenly felt her own exhaustion. “Don’t worry about tomorrow, baby. We’ll get through all of this together,” she mumbled as sleep settled over her.


Alex walked into the kitchen and he glanced up when the dogs ran through the doggie door he’d had installed a while back. Buffy and Spike ran over to him and sat down at his feet, looking from him to their bowls and back again. He frowned when he didn’t see Brooke and he put his plans for starting breakfast on hold in favor of going to look for his sister.

He checked her room, ignoring the mess scattered around as he tried to identify if anything was missing. How the hell would he know? He ran down the hall to his bedroom and flung the door open. “Hey, Iz, did Brooke say anything to you about goin’ out while I was in the shower?”

Isabel shook her head. “No, why?”

“She’s not in her room and I can’t find her anywhere. I’ve got a bad feelin’ that she’s run off.”

“Oh, my God, you think so?”

“I don’t know where else she would be; she knows better than to just take off without lettin’ one of us know where she’s goin’.”

“Maybe she went to see Michael?”

Alex sighed. “I think she had some words with Michael and if they were anything like what she said to Brendan, I doubt she’s ready to deal with Michael.”

“We should call him, just to make sure.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll go do that now.” He finally found his phone in the living room after Isabel hollered after him to look there and he punched in Michael’s number, surprised when it was answered before it had time to ring one complete time.

“Good mornin’,” Maria greeted Alex while she was making breakfast in the kitchen. Michael was still asleep and she wasn’t going to wake him up.

Alex pulled the phone away from his ear to double check the number he had dialed. “Uh, Maria... I was hopin’ to catch Michael.”

“He’s still asleep, sorry.”

“Oh, I guess that means Brooke isn’t there?” he asked, hoping she would say that the teenager was there.

“Brooke?” Maria asked, surprised. “Why would she be here?”

“Has she called you or Michael?”

Maria looked at the phone in her hands and then at her own on the counter. “No.”

“Damn it. She’s not here... the dogs are here and haven’t been fed this mornin’ and that’s just not normal.”

Maria sighed, certain that the girl had run off. “Alex, I think I know where she is.”


“Remember our picnic on the beach?” she asked, dropping a little hint.

“Luke,” he guessed

“Yeah, he’s kinda the only close friend she has except for you guys, so...” She leaned back against the counter and grasped her cell, scanning the list of numbers until she had found the number that had called her the night Brooke had gotten drunk.

“I don’t think I have his number,” Alex muttered as he scanned over the list of contact numbers he had for his sister.

“I do.” Before Alex could ask for it, she continued. “Let me call him.”

“What? Why?”

“’Cause he called me the night Brooke got drunk. And remember the beach? You guys didn’t treat him very well, so he might lie over the phone so none of you would come to his house.”

Alex bit back his automatic impulse to demand that she give him the information he had asked for. “How’s Michael?”

“I think he’s better now and he’s finally sleeping.”

“Alright, well, I don’t wanna disturb him...” He took a deep breath as he made a decision. “I’ve trusted you with him, Maria, and I’m about to trust you with my sister... I expect you to be honest with me if she’s with Luke and I want you to call me back as soon as you know.”

“Alright, I’ll let you know.”

“Just... I need to know she’s okay.”

“I know, Alex, I’m sure she is.”

“And as soon as you know she’s okay you can tell her she’s grounded until she’s 18 for pullin’ this little stunt.”

“It’ll be my pleasure; right after I tell her a few things about hurting her brothers,” Maria answered honestly. “Tell Mommy hi for me.”

He smiled. “I’ll tell her, and, thanks, Maria.” He hung up, wondering if maybe having Maria talk to Brooke might be the best thing for now.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 84 - 1/10/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Brooke just needed a friend at that moment and she went to the one person she knew would just be there for her, no questions asked. Right now Luke is in the “friend zone”, lol. We’ll see how long that’ll last.

Yeah, she’s got some apologizing to do!

Well, in her defense, she didn’t go downstairs with the intention of eavesdropping, but once the cat was out of the bag there was just no way to go back. Luke is a sweetheart.

Yes, he did. He was hurting so badly and so many of his past emotions caught up with him and they all just hit him at once. Michael and Maria are meant for each other, that’s for sure!

Don’t worry, the injury isn’t serious and you can look forward to Max and Liz having fun on the trip!

We’ll see…

Hope those dreams were sweet!!

80s_UnLove_Child: LOL, so true. Yeah, but she’ll get over it.

It’s a distinct possibility that Max and Kyle will develop more juvenile tendencies with those crutches as that knee begins to heal.

We’re not sure Michael would agree with you, but we know you’ve got a good point.

Luke has some learning to do, lol!

mary mary: LOL, we do our best to keep to our posting schedule! Maria’s definitely the right one to talk to Brooke first.

Max will be fine once that swelling starts to go down – he’s gotta be in good condition for that cabin at Christmas! Luke’s a good guy. Maybe one of these days the Guerin boys will realize it!

Maiqu: We’re glad you like Luke! He’s a good kid.

Michael and Maria have come so far since the beginning, haven’t they?

We’ll see a little more about Brooke in this next update.

Natalie36: Maria will be talking to Brooke very soon.

begonia9508: Chances are that Michael wouldn’t admit it even if he felt that way, lol!

Nah, Liz can handle Max. He was more irritable about being in the hospital because it brings bad memories of losing his brother. He’ll get better though.

keepsmiling7: Of course they would. Max is not happy with this situation, but he’ll deal with it.

sarammlover: Aww, we’re sorry. But, he survived it with Maria’s help. Brooke is having a tough time and pushing her brothers away instead of dealing with it. But, never fear, Maria will help her out.

Cardinal: Brooke and Michael have many things in common, and pushing the people closest to them away when they’re hurt is one of those things. Michael’s finally learning that it’s better to face the problem and deal with it, but Brooke has some catching up to do.

Well, we wouldn’t say over-the-top control freak… she was just trying to handle everything so Max wouldn’t have to worry about it since his focus needed to be on the situation with his knee.

Alex and Isabel were trying to wait and let things settle down first. Unfortunately that backfired on them, but there was no other intent on their parts.

Maria… who knew she would be the calm one? It’s quite a juggling act, but she’s learning how to deal with his many moods.

Alien_Friend: Welcome back! Ungh, readjusting and getting caught up after being away for a while always takes a little time, doesn’t it? It’s good you’ve at least got a backup, that’s very important. Good luck with your laptop… we’d cross our fingers for ya but it’d make it very hard to type, lol!

Part 80 –

We did end it there… see, there is an advantage to catching several parts at once, lol!

We’re pretty fond of those moments, too. He’s come a long way since their first meeting, hasn’t he?

Liz is discovering what life and love are really all about!

Part 81 –

Hopefully these two have realized that talking gets them a lot more answers than running off and letting their imaginations run wild.

Part 82 –

Maria and Alex were able to come to an agreement that was best for Michael. It’s a good thing that the two of them have the ability to talk and listen to each other. It’s taken her some time, but Maria’s gotten very good at reading Michael and knowing what he needs.

No, having different fathers definitely doesn’t mean they aren’t still brother and sister, but Brooke reacted without thinking. Now that the words are out she can’t take it back and there’s no way to stop the hurt she caused, but they will get through this too.

We’re glad you’re enjoying Liz stepping up here. She’s stepping out of her old boundaries and creating new ones that fit who she is becoming. And we’re pretty sure Max is enjoying it.

Part 83 –

Aww, well, we’ve gotta admit, that part was hard to write and we had to wipe our keyboards off once or twice.

Michael’s been holding things inside for so many years that they were bound to come out at some point. And to have someone that he trusts enough to share it with is very big deal for him. We loved that little flashback, too! Brooke should know that she holds a place in their hearts that no one else could ever occupy, but after everything she’s been hit with recently it’s understandable that she would have a moment where her insecurities override everything else. The boys will make sure they’ll always love her.

Nah, we promise, Max’s knee injury isn’t severe and he’ll be in shape for the cabin at Christmas… matter of fact, he’ll be up and around before then. The loss of a loved one can drastically change your perceptions of hospitals and something that at one time was a place to seek help becomes a place that is dreaded. After that, simply stepping inside of one can bring it all back in a moment.

Hey, we all need one of those every once in a while. We’re glad you’re all caught up now (especially since it’s just about time to update again!).

Part 84 – Answers To Questions Unasked

Max was sitting on the couch with his right leg encased in the hated brace and propped up on pillows that had been stacked on the coffee table as he stared at the television. He wasn’t really interested in whatever it was and he wasn’t even paying it enough attention to know what was going on.

“Hey, man, how’s the knee?” Kyle asked as he walked through the room to get to the kitchen.

“A little better than yesterday I think.”

“Gotta wait for the swellin’ to go down before they’ll know anything, huh?” He was familiar with the routine and he didn’t like it either.

“Yeah.” He leaned his head back against the couch and sighed. “It’s quiet. What’d you do with Tess?”

Kyle just laughed and shook his head. “Nothin’, she’s sleepin’ late. Where’s Liz?”

“She went to get donuts and grab me a paper.” He hooked his thumb over his shoulder when he heard a key turning in the lock. “She’s already back.” He frowned when she stepped inside and he realized she was talking to someone on the phone, making plans to meet up in a little while.

Liz smiled at Max when she saw that he was still sitting on the couch, following the doctor’s orders. She crossed to the kitchen to set the box of donuts on the counter, whispering a good morning to Kyle before going back to hand Max his paper. “No,” she said into the phone, “it’ll be fine, Sean,” she assured her ex, not missing it when Max’ head shot up and his expression said it was anything but fine. “Sure, I’ll see you in about an hour.”

Max threw the paper on the couch next to him when she disconnected from the call. “You’re meetin’ Sean?” he asked, trying not to sound jealous and doing a poor job of it.

“Yeah,” she walked back to the kitchen to drop her cell back into her bag and get some donuts.

Max struggled to lean forward and wrap his hands around his braced knee, carefully lifting it and easing it down so his heel was resting on the floor. He grabbed his crutches and awkwardly pulled himself to his feet, shifting them under his arms and tightening his hands around the grips as he hobbled over to where she was standing. “Why?”

“Max, why are ya getting up? I’m gonna bring the donuts to you in a minute,” she said and shook her head as he winced in pain.

“I don’t want a damn donut now.” He thumped one crutch against the floor impatiently. “Why’re you goin’ to see Sean?”

“Because he called me and asked if we could meet, Max. He sounded kind of upset and I want to make sure he’s okay.”

Neither of them noticed when Kyle reached around Liz to grab a chocolate covered donut and then confiscated the newspaper Max had discarded before making his exit.

“Uh-huh,” he muttered. “So, the two of you still talk?” He was pretty sure he had no reason to worry, but they had a lot of history and his knee was hurting like a son of a bitch and it was making him cranky.

She frowned. “Of course we still talk.”

He gaped at her when she answered and continued with what she was doing. “Well... why?”

She leaned over the counter and looked at him. “Why were you talking to... what was her name? Jordyn?”

He opened his mouth to protest, but what was he supposed to say? He couldn’t exactly argue with her reasoning. But he could argue a different point, he realized. “Our history doesn’t go back to when we were both in diapers.”

“Exactly, Max. And that’s why I can’t just pretend that Sean never existed. He’s still my friend.”

He gritted his teeth. He couldn’t just ask her to pretend Sean never existed... could he? He quickly shook that thought off. No, he couldn’t, no matter how much he wanted to. He shifted on the crutches and followed her when she left the kitchen to walk back to his room. “What’re you doin’?” he asked when she started looking through her overnight bag.

“I’m looking for something to wear,” she answered. “And you shouldn’t be walkin’ around here if it’s not necessary, Max. You’ll just make your knee worse.”

“Why d’you have to change to go see him? What’s wrong with what you’re wearin’ now?”

She glanced down at herself and the old, ratty jeans she wore when she was at home. “Okay, maybe this’s good enough for running out to get donuts, Max, but I’m not gonna walk around campus like this.”

He sat on his bed and rested the crutches against the wall next to him. Yes, he knew girls had a different opinion of what was and wasn’t acceptable for going out for a quick donut run versus meeting someone out in public... but it was just Sean. He shifted around to lie down and placed his injured leg right over her bag. “Oops.”

Liz placed her hands on her hips. “Not funny, Max.”

“Fine,” he grumbled and eased his leg to the side. “Y’know, you could just stay here an’ I could introduce you to an entirely new experience with those crème-filled donuts.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully even though he knew it was a long shot at best.

She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him quickly. “You’re not changing my mind, Max.”

“Alright, but it won’t be nearly as fun by myself,” he teased. He knew Sean was her past and if he had anything to say about it, he was her future, but he wasn’t sure he really wanted the two of them to remain friends. Which was stupid, he conceded silently, because as Liz had pointed out, he and Jordyn were still friends.

“I’ll pick up some Chinese food for lunch on my way back,” she offered.

“Okay, but we’re eatin’ in bed.”

She laughed. “Okay.”

“Shirtless,” he added when she gave in.

Liz crawled up on the bed next to him. “What about your pants?”

His eyes darkened and he felt his breathing turn shallow. “I’m all for naked,” he rasped, trying not to sound too eager.

She grinned and swung one leg over him to sit in his lap. “You know you don’t have to worry about Sean, right?”

Sean who? his mind babbled uselessly. “So, was that a vote for naked?”

“Maybe,” she teased.

“You’re not just sayin’ that so I’ll get off the subject of your ex, right? ‘Cause that’d just be cruel.”

“I thought we had a rule about talkin’ about exes in bed?” Liz snorted. “I’ll be back at lunchtime, hun, and then we can do whatever ya want.” She thought twice about that. “Well, almost.”

Max caught her hand when she started to get off of him and he tugged her down until she was resting against his chest. He linked his hands at the small of her back and stared into her eyes for several long moments. “I’ll see ya at lunchtime then,” he said and kissed her.

Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back intensely. No, there was absolutely nothing he had to worry about, she thought when the simple touch of his hands on her back made her hot.

He growled low in his throat when she deepened the kiss and he wished his knee would cooperate because he really wanted to move. His right hand came up to brush against her cheek when she eased back and he smiled. “Don’t be gone long,” he whispered.

She bit her lip and nodded. “No longer than necessary.”

“Alright, go and get this over with before I come to my senses.”


Maria had taken Michael’s car to drive over to Luke’s place. As she had suspected, Brooke was there; Luke had admitted it right away when she had called. The door was opened before she could knock.

Luke cleared his throat nervously as he glanced over her shoulder, expecting one or more of Brooke’s brothers to jump out of the bushes and make him disappear from the face of the earth.

“I’m alone, don’t worry,” Maria said.

“Right, well, just checkin’,” he said, standing up straighter.

“So, where is she?” She glanced around, looking for some sign of the girl.

“Look, I know she’s probably in trouble, but she was really upset – “

“I know she was, Luke.”

“Well, you just seem kinda like you’re pissed and I don’t think she’s ready to deal with that.”

“I’m not pissed Luke, just upset.”

“Okay, but still... I think she needs to be handled very carefully – “

“I’ll be careful.”

“She’s on the back deck.”

“Okay, I need a few minutes alone with her.”

“Yeah, okay... I’ll just wait in the kitchen. She knows where it is,” he said as he led her through the house and motioned to the patio doors.

Maria stepped out on the deck and neared the girl who was sitting with her back to her.

Brooke’s shoulders were hunched defensively and she tensed when she heard the door slide open and then closed again.

“Hey,” Maria greeted her

“What d’you want?” she asked, her tone filled with attitude.

“I’m here to take you home.”

“I don’t have a home.”

Maria sighed and sat down on the railing to face Brooke. “Come on, Brooke, you know that’s bullshit”

“Do I? The twins aren’t my brothers, not that it matters because Michael’s got you and Brendan’s going after Karen, and Alex and Iz are gonna have a baby...”

When did they tell her about the baby? she wondered.

“They didn’t even tell me... why wouldn’t they tell me if I wasn’t in the way?”

“They planned to tell you on Alex’s birthday.”

“I don’t belong there.”

“It’s that simple for you, huh?”

“It is that simple!” she shouted.

“No, it’s not!” Maria said loudly.

“Yes, it is. You can say it’s not, but it is. They’ve been keeping it a secret and apparently everyone was told but me... if it’s not simple, then why wasn’t I included?”

“I don’t know, Brooke, you have to ask Alex, but they love you and they’re not gonna replace you.”

“I’ve already been replaced,” she grumbled. She knew how self-pitying she sounded, but right at that moment she didn’t care.

Maria paced around the deck. “Why would you think that?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” she snapped.

“Okay, Brooke, don’t talk to me like that!”

“Like what? You’re not my mother!”

“Like I’ve done something to you. You’ve done your best to push your brothers away, so go ahead and try to push me away too.”

Brooke just barely caught herself before she accused Maria of taking Michael away from her. “Why don’t you just go home to Michael?”

Maria suddenly realized why Brooke was mad at her; she thought she was separating her from Michael. “That’s the real problem, huh?”


“Me and Michael.”

Brooke shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

Maria snorted. “Yeah.”

“I’ve got stuff to do... are you finished?”

“Yeah, I can call one of your brothers. Hmm... who should I call. Alex? I think he’d be very happy to come over here and pick you up.”

Brooke wanted to crawl under her chair at Maria’s tone. “Call him if you want to,” she said, trying to sound as if she didn’t care.

“Okay.” Maria flipped her cell open and dialed Alex’s number.

“I don’t know why you’re callin’ him... he’s got his own family now.” She hated the hurtful words but she couldn’t seem to control her mouth.

“Yeah, I’m just gonna tell him that it was a big mistake to petition for custody of you so you would be free of your parents. Oh, did you realize that he did that after he already knew about the baby?” She closed her phone again.

“How would you know?”

“Isabel is one of my best friends, remember?”

“So, you knew, too... I thought you were my friend, Maria.”

“I am your friend, Brooke, and I’m trying to tell you that they are still your brothers and they still love you.”

Brooke bit the inside of her cheek as she stared at the trees in Luke’s backyard. “How’s Michael?” she asked in a small voice.

“Fine, considering what you said to him yesterday,” Maria answered ironically.

She should’ve known that he would talk to Maria about that. “I told him to leave me alone... and he kept pushing.”

“Listen, Brooke, I don’t wanna act like the furious girlfriend here, but I’m asking you… no I’m expecting you to stop hurting him.” She shook her head. “He pushed you? So you decided to hurt him? I haven’t talked to Alex for more than a few minutes and I haven’t talked to Brendan since yesterday so I don’t know how they’re doin’, but I know exactly how Michael’s doin’ and last night, it wasn’t so good.”

Brooke hung her head, ashamed of her behavior. “I didn’t... I shouldn’t...” Tears filled her eyes and clogged her throat.

Maria walked over to the girl and crouched down in front of her. She took the girl’s hands in hers. “Brooke, I’m not gonna take him away from you and he is still your brother, no matter which father you have. He loves you and you need to tell him that you love him, too. He was devastated after what you said to him yesterday and you’re not the only one who needs reassurance.”

“I know I hurt him, Maria...” She shook her head. “He’s not gonna...”

“Don’t worry, he’s gonna talk to you.”

Brooke chewed on her thumbnail as she looked at Maria. “I’ve never said anything like that to him.”

“Well, you’ve never been in a situation like this either. Not that it excuses what you said to him.”

“No... don’t really wanna be in it now either.”

“I know it’s hard, Brooke, but it will get better and the four of you will figure it out.”

“I just feel like I don’t belong anywhere...”

“You do belong! Ask them and they’ll tell you.”

“I want them to be happy, Maria... I just don’t wanna be forgotten.”

Maria smirked and lifted the girl’s chin up, “Who could forget you, Brooke Guerin?”

“It’s kinda hard to compete with a baby.”

“Hmmm I’ll bet Michael will prefer you over a baby, trust me”


“Well, you won’t cry all the time and there’s always that diaper issue.”

Brooke snorted at that. “You might have a point there.”

“See?” Maria squeezed the girl’s hand. “You know you can’t just stay here, right?”

“I don’t know... I kinda like it here.” She hid a smirk. “I think I make Luke nervous though.”

“Uh-huh, he’s got it bad for you, but I don’t think he’s figured out how to deal with your brother’s just yet.”

“Well, they can be difficult... and he’s always expecting them to just jump out and come after him. He was sooo cute last night though,” she admitted, with an eye roll. “He was so nervous about sleepin’ in the same bed.”

“Uh-huh, I’d hope so.”

“He slept on the floor.” She wrinkled her nose. “I couldn’t convince him to sleep in the bed.”

“Alex would be so proud of him.”

“Michael would still kill him.”

“You could be right about that.”


Maria slid into the driver’s seat after she had thanked Luke for taking her of Brooke the night before. “Okay, you little troublemaker, who do you wanna see first? Alex or Michael?”

Brooke cleared her throat as she thought about both options. Neither of them really sounded good. Alex would ground her for sure, but Michael... she had hurt him. “Michael,” she mumbled finally.

Maria nodded and grabbed her cell. “Let me just call Alex; he’s been goin’ crazy.” She dialed his number and waited for him to pick up the phone.

Alex snatched up his cell phone when it rang and he hurried to answer when he saw Maria’s number show up on the screen. “Have you got her?”

“Uh-huh, got her.” She glanced at Brooke and gave her an encouraging smile.

“She’s okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine. Is it okay if I take her to my place first?”

“To talk to Michael?”


“Yeah, okay, but then she comes straight home.”

“Of course, we’ll make sure of it.”

“Alright, and you’re sure she’s fine?”

“Well, I think she needs you to talk to her about the baby.”

Alex sighed. “Yeah, we’ll take care of that.”

“Okay, talk to ya later, Alex.” She hung up the phone and dropped it in the cup holder. “Okay, let’s go then,” she said to Brooke as she started the engine.

Brooke slouched down in her seat, not excited about facing Michael after what she had said to him.

They drove in silence back to the girl’s apartment and she could see Brooke’s nervousness when they pulled into the parking lot. They got out of the car and climbed the stairs to reach the front door. “Okay, he’s probably still asleep, so just have a seat in the living room or kitchen and I’ll go check on him.”

Maria glanced around the apartment as she opened the door. It was all silent, so she knew she was right; he was still in bed. She gestured in the direction of the kitchen for Brooke and then walked down the hallway to her bedroom.

She entered the room quietly and found him in the same position he had been in when she had left him over two hours ago. After pulling off her shoes she climbed on the bed and lay down next to him, staying on top of the blanket.

He looked so peaceful in his sleep. It was probably the first time he had slept without the nightmares in a long time. “Hey baby,” she whispered softly, caressing his cheek.

Michael shifted in his sleep, making a sound between a growl and a word of some sort when something unidentified disturbed him.

She leaned forward to brush her lips against his temple. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she teased him quietly.

Michael grumbled and his right hand came up to brush the interruption away, his movements sleepy and uncoordinated.

Maria ducked before his hand could make with contact with her face and then grabbed his wrist before brushing another kiss against his cheek.

“M’ria...” he mumbled in protest.

“Uh-huh.” She nipped his neck playfully to get his attention.


“I’m sorry, baby, but you need to wake up.”

“Wha’ for?”

“There’s someone waitin’ for ya in the kitchen.”

He forced his eyes open and turned his head to look at her. “What?”

She propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at him. “Brooke’s in the kitchen. She wants to talk to you.”

“So much for startin’ the day off feelin’ good.” He pulled the blankets up over his head and burrowed back into the pillows. “No.”

“Well,” she swung herself over him, placing one leg on each side of his body and pressed against his cock, “we could also start the day with a quickie,” she joked.

“It’s cruel to tease a man with a mornin’ hard-on, woman,” he growled, jerking the blanket from over his head and lifting himself up on his elbows, unaware that the blanket had pushed his hair up into a dozen different directions.

Maria laughed when she saw his wild hair and she tried to rearrange it with her fingers. “I know you’re not looking forward to talking to anyone, but you know it has to be done, so why not right now. She’s feeling really bad about what she said to you.”

“Let’s go back to that part where you were talkin’ about startin’ the day with a quickie.”

“Uh-huh, you don’t expect me to have sex with you while your little sister’s right in the next room.”

“Well, you just killed the mood for Mike Jr.,” he grumbled.

She leaned forward to wrap her arms around his neck. “I’m sure he’ll come out to play later.”

“Maybe... I’m not so sure now.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that.”

Michael slumped back against the pillows, accepting that there wasn’t going to be any form of sex to start his day and he reached out to link his fingers through hers, staring at their hands for several long seconds before he finally looked up at her. “When did she get here?”

“Just when I came in and woke you up. The rest, I think, she should tell you herself.”

“Alright, well, lemme shower first... can you cover for me while I do that?”

“Yeah, of course”

“And just for comin’ in here an’ wakin’ me up and then teasin’ me about mornin’ sex...”


He grabbed her around the waist and quickly reversed their positions, pinning her beneath him while he kissed her fast and hard.

Maria moaned into his mouth. How could he always have this effect on her?

“Hmm... only one of us is minty fresh,” he teased, pulling back and cupping his hand over his mouth so he could breathe into it. “Um-hmm... it’s not me.” He scrambled out of bed before she could get her hands on him.

“That’s not fair,” she complained.

“Neither was killin’ a perfectly good hard-on... but you did it anyway.”

She glanced down on him, noticing the bulge in his boxer. “Uh-huh.”

He grinned and held his arms out at his sides. “Hey, I can’t help it if Mike Jr.’s got a mind of his own. Go tell my sister to make breakfast and this could be all for you.”

She snorted. “It’d better only be for me,” she warned playfully, knowing that it was. She rolled out of bed and started to walk out of the room. “Mike Jr. just loves me, baby. Now go and take your shower.”

Michael glanced down at his rapidly tenting boxers when she left him alone. “Guess it’s just you an’ me, buddy... just not as much fun as Maria, huh?” He rolled his eyes and shook his head as he walked into the bathroom and started the shower.


Liz parked in the student parking lot at the campus library and got out of her car, walking up to the large building when she noticed Sean sitting on the front steps. He was staring at the ground and his shoulders were slumped as she approached him. He had sounded upset, but she hadn’t wanted to badger him for answers over the phone so she had agreed to meet him when he had asked if she could get away for a while to talk.

“Hey, Sean,” she called out when she was just a few feet away.

He lifted his head and looked at her, smiling what felt like the first real smile he’d given anyone in days. “Liz, I’m glad you could get away for a while.”

She just shook her head at him. “You said you needed to talk.” She sat down next to him. “What’s up?”

He bit his bottom lip before nodding to himself. “You mind if we walk?”

“No, of course not.” She was silent as they walked around campus, waiting for him to talk. His behavior was a bit odd and she glanced at him when he shoved his hands in his pockets and pulled them out seconds later. He seemed nervous and uncomfortable and she wondered what was wrong with him. “Sean, are you alright?”

He nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay, I guess. There’s just somethin’... about me, that you should know,” he started.

“Okay,” she said slowly.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “God, this’s really weird for me.”

She stopped walking and reached out to touch his arm. “Sean, whatever it is, it’ll be okay.”

He stopped as well and turned to face her slowly. “There’s a reason why we never... ya know... did anything.”

“A reason beyond our agreement to wait until marriage?” she asked, studying his expression.

He nodded. “I think so. Did you ever... I don’t know, wonder why I agreed to wait when it came to us doin’ anything sexual?”

Liz shook her head. “No, not really. I’ve recently realized that I should’ve wondered why neither of us was interested in movin’ our relationship forward sexually, but at the time I didn’t question it.”

“Alright, there’s no way to tell you this in a good way, so here goes.” He took her hands and looked directly into her eyes. “I’m gay.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock and she hurried to control her expression. What was she supposed to say to that? “Are you sure? I mean, just because we weren’t attracted to each other that way...” She trailed off when he started shaking his head.

“I’ve known it for a long time, Liz. But I was too scared to admit it and I was hopin’ that it would change someday, ya know?” He shook his head. “I know it was stupid and when you broke up with me I knew what I needed to do.”

“Are you seeing someone?” she asked curiously.

He chuckled. “No.”

“So... not to sound stupid or anything, but how do you know you’re gay?”

He shrugged. “I just know. I’ve never been attracted to a woman, Liz.”

“But you’ve been attracted to guys?” she asked, not sure if she felt relieved or hurt by this information.

He looked to the ground. “Yeah.”

“Really?” She mentally went over a list of the guys they both knew and only one name really seemed to stick out. “Brendan?”

Sean groaned slightly. Of course she would just pick the guy out of thousands. “Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Does he... like you, too?” she asked. In all the time she had known Brendan he had never talked about girls that she could remember.

“He’s not... like me, Liz.”

“So he doesn’t know you like him? I’m not sure that situation’s very healthy for you, Sean.”

“Well, he kinda knows I’m gay and that’s all he needs to know.”

“Are you sure? I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I’m sure,” he nodded.

“Okay,” she said agreeably. “So, what’s next for you?”

“I honestly don’t know, Liz. I guess I’ll avoid tellin’ my parents as long as possible. I can already imagine what they’re gonna think.”

She grimaced. His mother would love him and support him no matter what, but his father wouldn’t take the news well. “I thought about that myself, but I’ve decided I’m not gonna hide my relationship with Max from them. Well, at least I’ve decided that for now... actually facing them is a different story.”

“You goin’ home for Christmas?”

“Well, we’re goin’ home before Christmas so I can introduce Max to my parents, but we’ll actually be spendin’ the holiday up at Lake Tahoe. The guys have rented a cabin there and we’re all gonna be together. What about you?”

“Sounds cool. I’ll be goin’ home, too. Probably not as much fun, my parents are still mad at me.”

Liz snorted. “My parents still aren’t talkin’ to me either, but Max feels very strongly about talkin’ to them face to face and who am I to deprive him of that experience?”

Sean laughed. “I’m really glad you found someone, Liz. He’s treating you good, right?”

She nodded. “Better than good, Sean.”

“Okay.” He knew the reputation of Max and his friends, but he hadn’t heard anything the last few weeks, so Liz was probably telling the truth.

She smiled when she noticed the look on his face. “Don’t believe everything you hear on campus, Sean. Max would never do anything to hurt me; he’s very caring, protective, and respectful. I hope you find someone who makes you feel this way ‘cause it’s amazing.”


“He’ll be out in a few minutes,” Maria told Brooke when she came back to join her in the kitchen. The girl was sitting on one of the barstools in front of the counter and looked almost scared. “He’s not gonna kill you, Brooke, so try to relax a little.”

“Is he mad that I’m here?”

“No, he’s not mad.”

She rested her elbows on the counter and propped her chin in her hands. “Are you sure?”

“He will be when you tell him where you were last night.”

Brooke shook her head in denial. “I’m not tellin’ him that I spent the night in Luke’s bed.”

“Brooke,” Maria placed her hands on her hips, “he’s gonna find out about it anyway. Every time I’ve kept a secret from your brother something bad has happened, so I’m not gonna keep it from him. Either you tell him or I do.”

“You can’t tell him! Do you have any idea what he would do to Luke if he knew I had slept at his – “

“You did what?” Michael demanded, entering the room.

Brooke winced when Michael suddenly appeared in the kitchen, his face shocked and angry.

“I think I’ll leave you two alone,” Maria said and started to walk back to her room.

“You don’t have to go,” Brooke said quickly.

“No, it’s okay. Just um... don’t start throwin’ things at each other, okay?”

“There won’t be anything bein’ thrown,” Michael insisted. “There will be a fuckin’ explanation for you spendin’ the night at that little dick’s house. Were his parents there? Did Alex know where you were?”

Maria walked into her bedroom, glad that she wasn’t the one he was yelling at this time.

Brooke tried to find the right words, but his anger intimidated her. “No,” she whispered.

“No? To which question, Brooke?”

“The last one. I don’t know to the other one. I mean, I’m sure they were there, but they were gone when I got up.”

“You slept at that boy’s house? Where?”

“In his bed,” she admitted. “But he slept on the floor,” she added quickly.

“You slept in his bed? Girl, you are in so much trouble.” He shook his head and started to pace. “You do not sleep in any boy’s bed, I don’t care if he slept on the floor or on the fuckin’ roof, do you hear me?”

Brooke just nodded and stared at the ground.

“You know you’re grounded, right?”

“You don’t have to tell me that, I think Alex will do that later anyway,” she mumbled, not looking forward to that either.

“Oh, I can damn well assure you that he’s gonna ground you.” He paused a moment. “How’d you get here?”

“Maria came and got me from Luke’s house.”

Michael paused and decided he would deal with that later. “When did you take off from home?”

“Last night. I overheard a conversation between Alex and Brendan; they were talking about a baby. Did you know Isabel is pregnant?”

Oh, boy, he hadn’t expected that. “I do know, but only because there was a misunderstanding between me an’ Maria that was inadvertently connected to Isabel bein’ pregnant.”

“See,” Brooke said lifting her hands up in the air, “everyone knew except me.”

“They were plannin’ to tell you, Brooke; they just wanted to wait for the right time.”

She shook her head. “I live in the same house and they didn’t tell me... why?” She snorted. “There’s never a right or a wrong time for somethin’ like that.”

“It’s gotta be difficult for them, kid; this’ll be their first baby and they’re still figurin’ things out.”

The girl nodded. “I just don’t wanna be alone,” she admitted and a sob escaped her throat.

Michael felt the anger drain out of him when he heard the break in her voice and just like he had all those years ago when he had stood beside her crib, he took her in his arms and held her against his chest.

“You’re never gonna be alone, kid,” he muttered gruffly, stroking her hair. “Alex an’ Iz, they wanna be there for you, don’t you understand that? Brendan, yeah, he’s gonna go look for Karen and if he’s lucky, he’ll find her and they’ll work things out. And me? Yeah, me an’ Maria, we’re together and I don’t intend for that to change anytime soon.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “So, me an’ Bren have a different father... so fuckin’ what? Am I glad about that? Yeah, I can’t deny it and I won’t lie to make you feel better about it... I do intend to look for him, Brooke, and despite all of that stuff... none of us are ever gonna leave you alone. You’ve gotta have more faith in us than what you’re showin’.”

Brooke hugged her favored brother tightly and pressed her face against his chest. “I’m so sorry for what I said to you yesterday. I know you’ll always be my brother and I shouldn’t have said that to you.” Her tears were soaking through his tee shirt, but she couldn’t stop crying.

“Ah, hell, Brooke, I know you didn’t mean it... fuckin’ hurt, but I do know that you would never mean anything like that.” He held her tighter, rocking her gently as she cried in his arms. “I love ya, kid, that’s never gonna change.”

“I love you, too, big brother.” She leaned back to look up at him. “Sorry, I’m such a crybaby, I know.”

“You are a big crybaby,” he teased.

She smiled at him and leaned her head against his chest again.

Maria walked into the kitchen silently. The yelling had stopped a while ago and she wanted to make sure that they were both still alive. She chuckled softly when she saw them wrapped up in a big hug.

Michael held his hand out to Maria when he noticed her standing nearby.

Maria reached out to take it. “Everything okay with you two?”

He chuckled and pulled her into the hug. “Everything’s okay.”

“Good.” She stood on her tiptoes to brush a kiss against his lips.

“Well, it’s okay on our end... I’d hate to be the one goin’ to face Alex after this.”

Brooke pinched him in the side. “Hey, I heard that.”

“You were supposed to hear it, brat. What you did last night was stupid and I don’t care how nice and thoughtful he was or is... he’s a sixteen-year-old boy and that means he wants to get his hands... and other things... on you, so, you don’t ever do that again.”

Brooke decided to leave that alone and changed the subject. “Will you two come home with me?”

Michael glanced at Maria, his right eyebrow quirked in question.

She nodded silently. “Yeah, we’ll come with you.”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 85 - 1/14/10

Post by Double Trouble »

begonia9508: Yeah, she probably won’t tell anyone since Sean has only really told her.

She’s quite persuasive, isn’t she?

It’s quite possible that Maria may be playing the go-between for the siblings in the future.

Cardinal: It was time for a little bit of light and sweet.

Hmm… she probably won’t say anything.

This group’s lucky to have Maria to mediate when it becomes necessary. And Brooke was smart enough to stop and listen.

Michael and Brooke… they’ll never be able to stay mad at each other for very long and they’ll never be able to hurt each other and then ignore it.

Earth2Mama: He has his moments! And when he does its hard not to love him even more!

That talk was coming – from both Michael and Maria. They make quite a pair and they have a good balance between them.

So, you like jealous Max, huh? Well, he may just make another appearance.

Nah, Sean doesn’t have feelings for Brendan. He’s attracted to him, but quite possibly because he’s ‘safe’. He knows that Brendan is planning to look for his ex and that he still has feelings for her, so chances of Bren ever reciprocating are pretty nonexistent. Does Brendan suspect? LOL, it’s doubtful.

80s_UnLove_Child: LOL, one or both could potentially happen.

Well, we may see a crankier Guerin.

Oh, yeah… sooo spoiled!

Natalie36: Well, most of the readers knew, lol.

Alien_Friend: Things couldn’t be left the way they were between Michael and Brooke. They’re too close and their relationship is too important to risk. Luke… he may be facing the Guerin boys sooner than he thinks.

Enjoyed jealous Max, huh? Liz probably won’t say anything to Max about what she and Sean discussed since she’s the only person he’s really talked to.

Hmm… there’s just no telling what we’ve got up our sleeves, lol!

Here’s hoping you got good news about your laptop.

We’re pretty sure you’ll enjoy Christmas at the cabin. Matter of fact, the trip to Roswell… yeah, you’ll like that too.

mary mary: We try!

“Glue”, huh? We like that and it’s so fitting.

Maiqu: Maria and Brooke worked that out pretty well, huh? Max will be happy… when he finally finds out, lol.

Eva: The brother/sister relationship is complex and simple at the same time. Some siblings are lucky enough to have that closeness and despite the issues and fights that arise from time to time, nothing can ever truly come between them.

Oh, he’ll find out about Sean… eventually.

We’ll see the meeting between Max and Liz’s parents.

sarammlover: We think you’re right. Alex will be the most difficult simply because of his position – raising a younger sibling is difficult and finding a balance between the role of sibling and parent is not easy.

destinyc: LOL, yeah, it really didn’t go the way they thought it would go. Maria definitely had her hands full with those two!

Max… well, he’ll find out later on. Liz… you just never know.

kismet: Well, we’re finally getting to see more of his character and how he interacts with others, so we’re bound to see a few flaws appear, lol!

It’s a good thing because chances are good it won’t be the last time she needs to handle things with this group.

Part 85 – Mending Bridges

Alex was prowling around the house under Isabel’s watchful eye and she was relieved when she heard Michael’s car turn into the driveway.

As soon as she walked into the house Brooke was pulled into a tight hug and after several moments he stepped back to look her over, making sure she was okay. “Michael, Maria, you two are welcome to stay, but you can go out back with Brendan while Isabel and I talk to Brooke.”

Michael started to protest, but Maria took his hand and pulled him towards the doors that led out to the back deck.

“First thing I want you to know is we’re glad you're safe and the second is that you are grounded for the next couple of weeks,” he said as he faced her.

“Brooke, do you have any idea how worried we were when we woke up this morning and you weren’t here?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah, I know,” Brooke said, glancing at the floor in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, especially not now that I know you’re pregnant.”

“Do you know what could’ve happened to you runnin’ around at night like that?” Alex could feel his temper flaring, fueled by his fear. “What if somethin’ had happened?”

“I’m sorry, Alex. I just felt so left out.” Brooke nodded. “It wasn’t just that. It was everything together. You guys are having a baby, Brendan’s gonna go find Karen, the twins have another father and Michael’s got Maria. I know you still love me, it’s just than I don’t really have anything like the rest of you have.”

“We never meant for you to feel like that, Brooke,” Isabel said, hoping that Alex would take the hint and calm down. “We just thought it would be better to let you adjust to things after that fiasco with your father.”

“Let’s talk about where you spent the night.” Alex knew what his girlfriend was doing, but he had no intention of letting the conversation get away from him.

“I suppose you already know where I was, right?” Brooke asked carefully.

“Don’t play guessing games with me, girl,” Alex snapped. “I asked you a direct question and I expect a straight answer.”

“I was at Luke’s house.”

This was one of those times when he had to keep the lines between brother and guardian carefully separated. “You are not allowed to spend the night at any boy’s house.”

“I know, I just... I just needed to get outta here to clear my head.”

“Good, that brings us to my next point... you left this house without so much as a word to Isabel or me... I realize you’re 16 and that does give you some privileges, but it is common courtesy to let one of us know where you’ll be. That has been a rule since day one and it hasn’t changed.”

“I’m sorry.” What else could she say? She knew that there was no way to explain it. She had made a big mistake and this was what she got for it.

Alex turned to look at Isabel to see if she had anything to add.

“You can talk to us about anything, Brooke. That won’t change when the baby gets here. We might be a little stressed now and then, I won’t deny that ‘cause a baby is a lot of work, but I think we’re gonna figure it out together, whatcha think?”

Brooke pondered Isabel’s words and nodded. “You’re sure I’m not in the way?” she asked uncertainly.

“Of course you’re not. Actually I think we’re gonna need your help.”

“My help?”

“Yeah. We have to do some shopping for the baby and it’s not gonna be long before I start showing, so I’ll need some clothes as well. I was hoping you could help me with that?”

Brooke brightened up at the thought of being included and she glanced at Alex, seeking his approval and finding it. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“Okay.” Alex nodded when Isabel looked at him, letting him know that he needed to let it go. He stretched before looking between them. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m kinda hungry. Late breakfast for everyone?”

“I’m hungry,” Brooke agreed.


Brendan was out on the deck, leaning over the railing to look out at the ocean when Maria and Michael joined him.

“What’s goin’ on, Bren?” Michael asked.

“Hey,” he said, surprised. He hadn’t heard them coming. “I’m waitin’ for them to feed me.”

“Definitely one of the highlights of comin’ over to Alex’s place,” he agreed.

“And I thought you were coming here to be with your family,” Maria said, smiling.

“I am... and my family comes with breakfast.” He grinned and pulled her into his arms as he nuzzled her neck. “Besides, it was the only perk for getting outta bed this mornin’.”

“Greedy pig,” Maria teased.

“Can’t deny that.” Michael snorted in her ear, making her laugh.

“How’s Brooke?” Brendan asked.

“Brooke is in the process of getting her ass ripped by Alex.”

“Good,” Brendan said, wandering over to one of the chairs and sitting down on one. “Any news today? Is our mother still our mother? Are we some freaky genetic clones or maybe somethin’ else?” It was supposed to sound like a joke, but it came out a little too sarcastic.

Maria glanced at Brendan, surprised. Since the twins had started getting along and hanging out together their behavior had started to become more similar with each passing day. “Brendan, sweetie, you’ve been spendin’ too much time with Michael... his sarcasm is rubbing off on you.”

“Twins, Maria,” was his explanation to that.

“Um-hmm, and yet this sarcastic side of your personality wasn’t quite so pronounced when we first met.”

“Okay, can we not talk about how you met?” Michael begged. The fact that his brother had kissed his girlfriend first wasn’t something he really wanted to think about.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Maria asked, leaning against him. She knew why he was protesting the topic, but she couldn’t resist teasing him about it.

“Oh, look, Isabel’s makin’ breakfast, why don’t you go help her?” he replied with a grin.

“Like the image of your woman in the kitchen, Michael?” Her tone warned him that he’d do well to tread carefully when he answered.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Only if you’re dressed in a short skirt and bent over to get somethin’ out of the oven.”

“You are such a horny bastard,” she said, laughing.

“And you love it,” he stated, glancing over at Brendan who was staring out at the ocean. He crowded her to the railing and kissed her intensely.

“I do love it,” she murmured against his lips. And I love you. She could feel the words, but she still couldn’t quite vocalize them.

“I have a game this afternoon, but ya think we can stop at your apartment for a quickie before I have to leave?” He bit her lower lip teasingly.

“We could... but, isn’t that like, against some sports rule or somethin’? I thought you weren’t supposed to have sex before a game because it lowers your testosterone and reduces the level of aggression you have on the field?”

“You’re probably right about that, but I don’t care.” He turned to look at Brendan again, who was still occupied. “I want you,” he rasped into her ear.

Maria smiled as she leaned in and nipped his throat before looking up at him. “So, take me,” she challenged.

“You didn’t just say that, did you?” he asked hoarsely. Damn, why was Brendan around right now?

“I did say it... and I meant every word of it.”

“Did you notice that my brother is here too?”

“And here I thought you were a genius,” she teased.

“Little beast,” he growled, kissing her again.

“Um, should I leave you two alone?” Brendan asked. He had pretended to be occupied for long enough now.

“No,” Maria denied despite wanting to be alone with Michael.

Michael looked at her surprised. No? he mouthed.

She pinched his side in warning and winked at Brendan when she caught his eye.

Brendan just grinned at her and shook his head. “I think I’m gonna go check on breakfast before the two of you completely ruin my appetite,” he said as he went inside.


Brooke was slouched down on the couch when Brendan came in from the kitchen and she shook her head at him when saw that he was already eating. “Couldn’t wait for breakfast?”

“Bacon’s perfect,” he mumbled around a mouthful of food. He had stolen a piece of bacon when no one was looking and wrapped it in a piece of bread before making his escape. “You an’ Michael okay?”

“We’re fine.” She played with the tags on Spike’s collar for a minute. “I’m sorry, Brendan… I didn’t mean what I said to you last night.”

He waved her apology off. “It’ll be okay, Brooke.”

“No, don’t do that, Bren; what I said was cruel an’ mean… I shouldn’t have said it. I know I hurt you.”

He shrugged one shoulder as he sat down beside her. “Look, I appreciate the apology… and I’m not gonna bother tellin’ you it’s not necessary ‘cause… well, it actually is.” He shoved her with his elbow. “I know you an’ Michael have always had the closer relationship, but what you said last night did hurt… ‘cause it’s just not true. What the hell does it matter whether or not we share a father?”

“I don’t know,” she mumbled. “I guess it doesn’t really matter.”

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is how we handle it and whether or not we let it pull us apart.” He draped his right arm over her shoulders and pulled her against his side. “I’m kinda likin’ this family thing we’ve finally got goin’ with the four of us… and the others, too. We’re like a big, extended family. It’s kinda nice, huh?”

“Yeah.” She smiled and hugged him. “You forgive me?”

“You gonna believe that no matter what happens with Karen I’m not gonna jump ship on you?”

“I’m sorry, Bren, I didn’t mean it; I know you’re not gonna leave me alone.” She looked up at him. “You’re nervous about seein’ her again, aren’t you?”

“Terrified,” he answered honestly.


Michael glanced at his girl hotly once Brendan had left the deck. “What now?” This time his voice was teasing and he lifted her up to sit on the railing, pulling her against him.

“Well, considering this whole side of the house is glass we could get ourselves in trouble with your brother.”

“Scared?” He started to place hot kisses on her neck and bit her flesh softly. She was just so gorgeous and he couldn’t help himself, he had to have a taste.

Maria moaned when his teeth grazed her flesh and she shifted against him restlessly. “Never,” she insisted.

“Baby, you should’ve worn a skirt this mornin’,” Michael said as he let his fingers trail up her legs and under her shorts.

“Be creative,” she panted, excited by the feel of his rough hands on her skin.

Easier said the done, he thought. Her shorts were damn tight, how was he supposed to be creative with them? He reached between them and started to stroke her through the fabric, while his other arm was wrapped around her, holding her safely so she wouldn’t fall from the railing.

“Oh, God,” she groaned as she pulled him closer and kissed him as deeply as possible. She trailed one hand down over his chest, raking her fingernails over his nipples before moving to the unmistakable bulge in his jeans.

He reached down to grab the hand that was busy stroking his length, brushing it away so he could pull her lower body against him. He started to move against her, the knowledge that there was still so much fabric between them driving him crazy.

“You two do realize that the back of my house is all glass, don’t you? And that I have a nosy neighbor next door who likes to sit by her upstairs window and watch to see what’s goin’ on?” Alex asked, his tone amused. “Yep, I’m guessin’ if you look up to your right you’re gonna see old Mrs. Kellogg with her nose mashed against the window watchin’ the show you’re puttin’ on.”

Michael glanced up and froze when he saw that Alex was right. “Better than TV, I guess,” he said, smirking at Maria.

“And just how do you know about your peeping Tom neighbor, Alex?” Maria asked.

He snorted and shook his head. “Go talk to Isabel about that.”

She laughed and glanced at her boyfriend. “I hate to say it, but I guess we should stop.”

“Yeah, well... the thought of old Mrs. Kellogg getting off watchin’ us just creeps me out.”


“You guys gonna go to the game this afternoon?” Michael asked as he turned and waved to the old woman. He laughed when she had the nerve to look surprised and then huffed and hurried away from her window.

“Yeah, we might go,” Alex replied. “Come on inside for breakfast now.”

“Since the kid’s grounded, you gonna let her go?”

“Well, if we go, I think we’ll take her with us. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

“I think she’s learned her lesson, Alex... I doubt she’s gonna run off again.”

“Yeah, hopefully not.” He sighed. “It’s been a long week, huh?”

Michael looked down at Maria as he mused over his brother’s question. “Yeah... but in some ways it’s also been a good week.”

Maria leaned into Michael. “Yeah,” she whispered.

“You think you can manage to make it through the game without goin’ to the hospital?” Alex asked.

“Well, never say never, but I’m not plannin’ to.” Michael wasn’t looking forward to the game or dealing with Lance again.

“What he means is that he’s not gonna get hurt this game because he’s gonna be in trouble with me if he does,” Maria interjected.

“I am?” Michael asked, amused.

“Oh, yeah... so much trouble, buddy.” Maria shot a quick glance at Alex before turning her attention back to her boyfriend. “Yeah, I’ve kinda got some plans for this big, muscular, hot body after the game.”

“Can’t wait,” Michael growled. “Come on, let’s go eat.” He lifted her up from the railing and set her on her feet.

Alex didn’t even bother commenting, leaving them alone and going back inside to his own girlfriend.

Maria and Michael joined the others in the kitchen. “Hey, what’re you guys gonna do on Christmas?” Michael asked, taking a seat next to his twin, who was already eating.

Alex turned to lean against the counter next to Isabel, looking up when she motioned to the juicer. He nodded and went to get the oranges so he could get to work on making fresh orange juice. “Well, no big plans for the holiday itself. We’re goin’ to Roswell to visit with Isabel’s family the week before, but nothin’ planned after that.”

Isabel glanced at Michael. “Have you got something in mind?” she asked.

“What would you say about a cabin up in the mountains with lots of snow?”

“Who’s gonna stay up in the mountains?” Brooke asked, joining them with her dogs.

“Well, so far it’s just Maria and me, Kyle and Tess, and probably Max and Liz, too.”

“Are we goin’?” Her voice was excited as she turned to look at her oldest brother.

“I don’t know. Iz?” He looked to his girlfriend.

“I think that sounds wonderful,” she enthused. “It’ll be relaxing before this pregnancy really takes off.”

“You mean before you get really... huge,” Michael joked.

“Michael!” Maria and Brooke both yelled at the same time and he ducked when his arms got slapped from two sides.

“What? It’s true, isn’t it?”

“That is not the point!” Maria hissed.

“Fine,” he took a bite of his pancake to be quiet.

“What about you, Brendan?” Maria asked.

“Um...” He glanced around at the others who were all waiting for his answer. “You want me to go? It’s just couples, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s not,” Maria said, “so, c’mon and go with us.”

“Well, if you guys are goin’, and these two are goin’,” he said, motioning to Alex and Isabel, “Kyle an’ Tess, and Max an’ Liz...” His expression turned teasing when he looked at his sister. “Looks like that just leaves us, kid.”

Brooke rolled her eyes. “How special for us,” she muttered, rolling her eyes.

“Well, we can leave all these couples hibernating in the cabin and we’ll hit the slopes.”

“Uh…” Alex’s tone was doubtful. “We’ll talk about that later.”

“Aw, c’mon, Alex,” she complained. “What’s gonna happen to me if I go skiing?”

“Hmmm, let me think; you could break your leg, break your neck, hit your head...”

“Oh, good grief, Alex, leave the kid alone.” Michael shook his head at his brother. “If you don’t watch it you’re gonna lock her in her room to protect her from everything. Brendan’s amazingly... coordinated when it comes to skiing, and hell, it’s probably safer than me teachin’ her to snowboard.”

Alex shook his head at Michael for even mentioning snowboarding.

“You have a snowboard?” Maria asked, surprised.

“Oh, yeah, like you’re even gonna surface from the bedroom,” Brooke grumbled.

“I do have a snowboard, yeah.” Michael looked at his sister. “And I will surface eventually... I’ll have to eat... snowboard... open Christmas presents...”

“What makes you think you’re getting any?” Brooke teased.

“Because I’ve been a very good boy this year and Santa knows that.”

His little sister rolled her eyes. “Doubtful.”


“You’ve never been a good boy, Michael,” Brooke said with a grin.

“Yeah, I have... you just don’t know about it.”

“You have been a good boy,” Maria said, leaning her head on his shoulder.

“See?” he asked with a smug grin. “I’ve been a good boy. And that means that Santa will be flyin’ by to drop off presents for me.”

“Got any special wishes?” Maria wanted to know.

“Nothin’ I can say with all of them around,” he growled.

“You two... it’s like livin’ in a porn,” Alex complained.

“Just be glad we’re not givin’ you a visual aid,” Michael said as he leaned in to give Maria a quick kiss.

“Yeah and what was that on the deck?”

Brendan rolled his eyes. “Uh-huh, don’t let Alex fool you,” he muttered. “I know for a fact all that noise last night wasn’t the wind... sounded more like somebody’s headboard bangin’ against the wall.”

“Ewww, so much for breakfast,” Brooke complained.

“Y’do know how babies get made, right?” Michael teased.

“Thank you, Bren,” Alex growled.

“What a nice talk over breakfast,” Isabel said, grinning.

“See, I told you they were trouble,” Alex grumbled, doing his best to hide a grin of his own.

Michael glanced at his watch. “I need to leave soon. Bren, can I talk to you for a sec?”

Brendan looked down at his plate. “Um, yeah.”

“Don’t worry, you can finish that soon enough.” He wondered how his brother could eat so much without gaining weight. Brendan didn’t even do any sports.

Brendan looked at his sister and shook his head. “Do not give any of my food to your dogs,” he warned as he got up to follow Michael out of the room.

“I need to talk to you about our father.”

Brendan looked down at the floor as the subject he wasn’t ready to deal with came up again. “What about him?”

Michael ran his hand through his hair. “I wanted to know if it’s okay with you if we wait until after Christmas before we look for him.”

“Why? I mean, yeah, it’s definitely okay, but, I thought you wanted to start lookin’ pretty quickly.”

He sighed. “Yeah, but we wanna go Roswell pretty soon and it’s important for Maria to be there with her family.” He paced around the room nervously. “And Brooke needs some time without any problems.”

Brendan was no longer surprised that his twin was putting Maria’s needs first. “And then Christmas with the family, so... yeah, I definitely have no problem with that.”

Michael nodded. “I think I need some time out as well.”

“That’s a good idea. Besides, now that all this has come up, I’m startin’ to wonder if maybe I should move my plans up and head to Boston sooner.”

“To find Karen? What about your classes?”

“I’ve actually gotten far enough ahead that I can take a few days off and be back in time for finals.”

“Well, I think you should go then; get a clear head before Christmas and we can work on the rest of it afterwards.”

“I’m not really ready to deal with this biological father issue, Michael... I hope you can understand that.”

“Better than you might think,” Michael answered. “I guess Maria’s helping me deal with it,” he admitted.

Brendan felt guilty for the momentary stab of jealousy and he quickly shook it off. He missed having that connection with a woman who understood him and he hoped he could get that back.

“You’re gonna find her, Brendan, and I’m sure she still has feelings for you.”

“I’m scared of what I’m gonna find,” he admitted quietly.

“I know, but it’s okay to be scared.”

“I keep goin’ over it in my head and I just don’t understand what happened.”

“You’re gonna find out soon and even if it’s somethin’ bad, it’s better than this uncertainty.”

“Yeah, I guess.” He looked up at his brother and shrugged one shoulder. “Did she give you any hints about whether or not she wanted to get back together with me when you ran into her?”

Michael thought back. “No, but she was acting really weird. Kinda like she had something to hide.”

“Well, obviously,” he snorted. “There’s more behind her breaking up with me than the excuse she used.”

Michael scratched his eyebrow. “And she looked kinda different.”

“Different how?”

“I don’t know. She looked really tired and she was wearin’ clothes that’re way too big for her; she never did that before, did she?”

Brendan shook his head, confused. “No, she was a sharp dresser, she never wore anything... oversized.” Well, maybe his sweatshirts, but never out in public. “She’s probably havin’ to work a lot and between that an’ school she’s gotta be exhausted.”

“I think she changed a lot after you guys broke up.”

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I guess I’ll find out though, huh?”

“Yeah. Alright, I need to hurry out to the field.”

“Game’s at three?”

“Yeah. You’ll be there?”

Brendan nodded. “Try not to get hurt this time.”

“I don’t get hurt every time, Bren.”

“Well, the last couple of games haven’t been good for you.”

“This time we’re not playin’ against a team where somebody really hates me.”

“Just be careful.”

“Okay. Hopefully Lance won’t start any shit.”

“We could double team him after the game,” Brendan offered.

Michael smirked. “I don’t think that’s necessary. Got in a little fight with him the other night.”

“Over Maria?”


He nodded. “Good. Alright, get movin’; you’ve got food coolin’ in the kitchen and I’ve gotta get to the team meetin’.” Michael walked back into the kitchen and stopped behind Maria. “I need to go, baby.”

Maria’s hand came up to rest against his neck. “Time to suit up and become my sexy boy toy?”

“You know it. You’ll be at the game, too, right?”

“Would I miss a chance to watch you on the field?”

“Just makin’ sure you’ve got nothing else to do.”

“Um, no.”

“Okay. Want me to drop you off at home or you wanna stay here?”

Maria glanced over at Brendan. “Hey, can I catch a ride with you?”

“Sure,” he mumbled as he shoved a forkful of pancakes in his mouth.

“All we’re missing are the sound effects of a bunch of pigs at the trough,” Brooke muttered, shaking her head.

“Alright.” Michael bent down to give his girlfriend a quick kiss, trying to not getting lost in it again.

Alex didn’t bother saying anything, just leaving the two of them alone.

Isabel smiled at him, knowing that the only reason he ever got onto Michael about making out with Maria was because he was trying to make sure Brooke wasn’t influenced in any way. It was a thin rope he walked, trying to balance the brother, friend and guardian, and she knew he was always worried about making the right decisions where the teenager was concerned.

“See you guys soon.” Michael walked through the house and pulled the front door open, frowning when he saw his mother standing on the other side. “What the…” he hissed.

Maureen hesitated when she came face to face with Michael again. She hadn’t expected to see him so soon. “Michael... hello.”

“Mother,” he greeted her coldly.

She swallowed hard when he didn’t give so much as an inch. “I was hoping to speak with Alex.”

“Alex,” he shouted.

Alex rolled his eyes and set the orange he had just finished pulverizing in an attempt to squeeze every inch of juice out of it. He wiped his hands off on a dishtowel and walked out of the kitchen, following the sound of Michael’s big mouth. “Michael, what’s...” He trailed off when he saw his mother standing on the other side of the open door. “Mom, what’re you doin’ here?”

“I was hoping that I could talk to you”

“Got another father for one of us?” Michael asked sarcastically.

Alex saw the mixture of hurt and acceptance on her face and despite the situation his heart went out to her. Every step he took from this point forward had the potential for disaster, but her suffering was just as palpable as that of his brothers and sister. He placed a hand on Michael’s shoulder, squeezing it for a moment before he nodded to the side, indicating that he should step aside.

“I’d better go.” Michael left them alone and walked to his car.

Alex squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, hoping that Michael would be able to understand. “Why don’t you come inside, Mom; we’re just havin’ breakfast.”

“Um, yeah, thanks.” Maureen was glad that her oldest son wasn’t just sending her away.

Alex closed the door behind her and he started to cross his arms over his chest before changing his mind and shoving his hands in his pockets instead. “We all know that Michael and Bren have a different father, and just so you know, that information wasn’t received well. They’re all havin’ a hard time with it, so you can probably expect hostility from them. I’m just warnin’ you so you don’t walk in there blindly and get ambushed when they’re less than welcoming.”

“I really don’t expect them to be welcoming,” Maureen admitted.

He nodded and led the way to the kitchen. “Looks like we’ve got some company,” he said as they entered the room.

“What? No! Why did you let her in?” Brooke jumped up from the table.

Alex had expected her reaction so he was prepared for it. “You can stay here and try to deal with this or not, Brooke, but I think this family’s suffered enough and hurtin’ each other is only gonna prolong it... we need to move past that.”

“What do you want?” the girl growled at her mother.

Maria was surprised to see the woman again and could only imagine Michael’s reaction to her.

“I... I...” Maureen looked around at her children and she didn’t know what to say to them. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “If you want me to leave…”

Brendan pushed his plate back, ignoring the fresh stack of pancakes he had just buttered and covered with syrup. “I think I’m gonna go, so you can catch that ride with me if you want to, Maria.”

“Sorry for what, Mom?” Brooke asked furiously. “That you decided to have four children?”

“I’ve never been sorry for that!” Maureen denied swiftly. “I may no longer have parental rights where you’re concerned, but I will not stand here and be accused of regretting the birth of any of my children.”

“Brendan, maybe you should stay for a while,” Alex suggested.

“Why didn’t you protect us from him?” Brooke cried.

“Anything I might have done to defy him would have...” Her voice cracked, but she forced herself to continue. “He would’ve taken you all away from me if I had stood up to him.”

Brendan sat down again when Isabel placed a hand on his arm but he just stared at his plate. His appetite had flown out the window the moment he had seen his mother and now the food he had eaten felt like lead in his stomach.

Brooke fell silent and stared at her plate in front of her.

“What’re you gonna do now?” Alex asked. They didn’t need to hear the whole story again.

“I’ve already contacted a lawyer; the fact that your father hasn’t filed for divorce yet tells me that he didn’t take my threat seriously, so I’ve taken steps to begin proceedings.”

“And then? Where will you go?”

“I don’t know. I had thought about New York, but I think I’ll just be going there to get my things together.” She wanted to live somewhere close to her children but faced with their hostility she wasn’t sure she should mention it.

“Maybe you should stay somewhere near Long Beach,” Alex suggested and earned glares from Brendan and Brooke. “Just in case Hank decides to come after you,” he added. He was worried about what could happen if his father refused to just let her go.

Maureen looked at her oldest son, surprised by the suggestion. “I’d like that... so much.”

Maria doubted that Michael really wanted to know that.

Alex nodded. “You can call me when you get your things together in New York.”

“Sure,” Isabel said, picking up where Alex had left off. She was proud of him for making the suggestion and she loved him even more for looking for a way to mend his broken family. “We can even help you find a place.”

“Are you insane?” Brooke demanded, standing up and stomping her feet angrily. The dogs reacted to her mood, showing their agitation by running around, barking and growling.

“Brooke, let’s go down to the beach, okay?” Maria asked the younger girl.

“Anything to get away from this fuckin’ bullshit,” the girl growled.

“Brooke,” Alex warned.

“What? You invited her to come in... I don’t have to like it.”

Maria and Brooke went out onto the deck and walked down to the beach.

Alex sighed. “She’s not taking this very well.”

“You blame her, Alex?” Brendan asked.

“No, of course not.”

“It’s not gonna be easy, Bren,” Isabel said as she rubbed his shoulders. “But we have each other and we’re not goin’ anywhere. We’re a family,” she assured him, leaning down to press a kiss to his head. “No one can take that away from us. No one can take you or Michael away from us... you understand?”

He just nodded. “I think I’m gonna need some air, too,” he said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

“I should go,” Maureen said, regretting the pain her children were going through because of her. “I never wanted to hurt any of you, Alex.”

“But it happened and we can’t change it now. I can’t promise you anything, but maybe it’ll get better as time passes.”

She nodded. “I’m planning to fly back to New York in the next few days. I’ve already spoken to my lawyer and he’s assured me that there are measures that can be taken to make sure your trust funds are safe from any action that Hank might take against you as retaliation against me.”

“Well, I don’t care about the money, but we’re probably gonna need it,” Alex said, glancing at Isabel with a soft smile.

Maureen glanced between the couple, seeing the silent conversation and she wondered what was being said.

Isabel nodded slightly when she saw the question in his eyes. “There is another reason why you might wanna stay around, mom.” He glanced at her and couldn’t hide his excitement.

Maureen’s eyes widened in shock and they dropped to the young woman’s stomach. “You’re expecting?”

Isabel placed a hand on her belly and rubbed it. “Yeah.”

Her hand moved to her throat and she felt tears fill her eyes. “Oh, my goodness,” she whispered, “and you must’ve been under such stress over Thanksgiving and after... I’m sorry.”

“Everything’s alright with me and the baby, don’t worry.”

“But we don’t need anymore stress,” Alex said, his tone serious.

Maureen nodded. “I’m sure you all have plans for the holidays, so perhaps I’ll just call you after the first of the year.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Brendan walked back in and took a deep breath as he sensed that her exit was coming soon. “What’d he do to convince Karen to break up with me?”

Maureen shook her head. “I can’t tell you that, Brendan. Hank never said anything to me about it.”

“Convenient,” he muttered.

“I wish I could tell you more, I’m sorry. But I do know that girl loved you.”

“Yes, I know she loved me,” Brendan grated out in irritation.

“I’d better leave now. Call me if you have any other questions, but I think I’ve said it all.”

Isabel watched Brendan as Alex walked their mother to the door and she waited patiently to see if he would say anything.

“Hopefully there are no other secrets left now.”

“I hope you find what you’re lookin’ for when you go to Boston, Brendan.”

“Yeah, at least the truth if nothin’ else. Whether or not I like it remains to be seen.”

Isabel nodded, hoping that he could deal with the truth when he finally found it. He deserved to be happy and she wanted that for him.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 86 - 1/17/10

Post by Double Trouble »

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

80s_UnLove_Child: You’ll get no arguments from us on that one! Definitely not the kind of publicity that Hank would want… if that’s what was going on.

LOL, Michael, Maria, and horny just go together!

Yup, she deserves the chance to act her age once in a while.

kismet: Think so? I suppose we’ll find out if you’re right eventually.

Alex is trying and while it’s difficult at times, he’s doing his best.

LOL, what else can they do?

Uh-oh, don’t be angry.

mary mary: Yup, they’ll all be going to the cabin… at different times, but they will all be there together at some point. The game will be uneventful, but we’re afraid the best Max is gonna be able to do on game day is hop up and down on the sidelines, watching the game and shouting encouragement to his teammates or hurling obscenities at the opposing teams.

destinyc: Hmm… could be… we’ll see…

It will take time before they can see that Maureen suffered abuse in her own way.

We’re pretty sure Max was less than pleased about missing the game.

sarammlover: Maureen has suffered as well and it’s possible that in time they will see that and they will find a way to close the distance between them. Oh, Brendan is much closer to getting on that plane to Boston!

Earth2Mama: We’ll find out eventually if she’s hiding a baby secret… it won’t be too terribly long before the truth about Karen is revealed.

Chances are she’s already figured out that no one’s going to answer her calls.

LOL, well, Michael couldn’t just let that one go without some form of acknowledgement.

Lance is in no shape to do much of anything right now… he’ll behave. Brendan’s trip to Boston and everyone else’s trip to Roswell is coming up soon. Maureen has her work cut out for her with those three!

Here’s hoping you took that migraine out and gave it a good beating!

April: Whew, are ya tired yet?

LOL, you just never know what rabbit we’re gonna pull outta our hat next!

C’mon, if their lives were boring… would we really be following them?

Alien_Friend: We probably won’t see her for a while now. The Christmas holiday will be pretty packed with the gang and their trip to Roswell and then on to Lake Tahoe. Alex is the only one who is willing to step in and it’s a difficult position for him to be between his brothers and sister and his mother. Yup, everyone knows but Hank… we’re not gonna tell him.

It’s very confusing for Brooke and right now she’s angry that Alex let their mother into the house.

Oh, it’s gonna be a busy Christmas! Lots of couple stuff for all of our couples and even some group stuff.

We sooo understand! Still hopin’ for good news about your lappy!!

Part 86 – Confrontations and Hanging Out

Isabel winced when Brooke climbed out of the car and hurried up to the house ahead of them, barreling through the front door and hurrying upstairs. The teenager had made it a point to ignore Alex during the football game and when he had tried to talk to her she had moved to sit next to Brendan. After the game she had gone down to talk to Michael and her gestures and expression had been enough to indicate that she was less than happy.

Alex stalked into the house behind his girlfriend, irritated with his sister’s behavior and quickly reaching the end of his rope. He stopped at the foot of the stairs when he saw Brooke coming down with her dogs, the look on her face telling him that she wasn’t going to talk or listen to him.

“I’m takin’ the dogs for a walk.”

“Let ‘em out in the backyard,” he said, teeth gritted.


He was sure he was going to develop a migraine over her defiant mood and he followed her into the kitchen, placing his keys on the hook by the door as he walked into the room. “I’m getting tired of this attitude you’ve had for the past – “

She dropped her hand from the doorknob and jerked around to look at him. “You’re tired of my attitude?” she shouted.

Alex actually took a step back, not understanding where her anger was coming from. “This would be a helluva lot simpler if you’d just talk to me! I can’t read minds and you’ve been coppin’ this attitude with me all afternoon.”

“Yeah, ‘cause it’d take a genius to figure this one out,” she bit out sarcastically. “You just let her walk in here like she belongs with us!”

He stared at her for several seconds before his expression shifted into one of understanding. “Mom,” he said slowly.

“Oh, ya think?” She opened the back door and let the dogs out, watching them for a few minutes before she shut the door again and leaned back against it. “You just let her walk in here… and then you took her fuckin’ side!”

“I didn’t take her side, Brooke. It’s not even about choosin’ sides!”

“Gotta admit, sounded like you were choosin’ sides,” another voice added in.

Alex turned to look at Michael, surprised to see him standing in the hall with Brendan not far behind.

“How did I choose sides?” He was genuinely confused. He was just trying to find a way to stop all of the hurt so they could begin to move forward.

“They said you asked Mom to move here,” Michael said uncertainly. He frowned when his older brother didn’t deny it. “What the fuck were you thinkin’?”

“You should’ve at least asked us how we felt about that before you made the offer.” Brendan’s voice was accusing and he crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

“How can you want her involved in our lives?” Brooke was furious and the words started to spill out of her without censor. “She stood by and let Hank treat us like shit, never once standin’ up to him or protectin’ us, and you’re gonna just let her back into our lives?! He beat Michael, manipulated Bren an’ destroyed his relationship with Karen, and treated me like I was insignificant… how do you just ignore all of that and tell her it’s okay to be part of our lives? What if we don’t want her in our lives? I can’t speak for Michael or Bren, but I’m not ready for that… I might never be ready for it! And then you just bust out with the baby news to her, but you couldn’t be bothered to tell us? What kinda shit is that?”

Alex wasn’t sure which question to tackle first but before he could formulate a response one of his brothers spoke up.

“The kid’s right, Alex,” Michael agreed, his pose mirroring his twins’ as he leaned against the opposite doorframe. “You’re Brooke’s legal guardian and you’ve gotta watch out for her an’ make sure she’s safe… she should feel safer here in this house than anywhere else. I know it’s your house, but you shouldn’t have invited our mother past the front door.”

“You’re the oldest and you’ve probably got the best relationship with Mom,” Brendan said, shaking his head, “but that doesn’t give you the right to make the decision to allow her back into our lives.”

“It was never my intention to force a relationship with her on your guys – “

“Then what exactly was your intention, Alex?” Brooke interrupted. “You let her back in! You opened the door for her, figuratively and literally!”

Alex leaned back against the counter and sighed as he ran a hand over his face. “I know you guys don’t remember it because you were too little, but there was a time when Mom was a lot different from the woman she is now. I don’t know what Hank did to her and neither do you guys. Inviting her in was not intended to belittle what any of you have been through and it was not intended to take anything away from you. I should’ve stopped to think an’ I should’ve talked to her outside; I never want you to feel anything less than safe in this house, Brooke. As for tellin’ her about the baby… now that you guys all know it doesn’t matter who else finds out.”

“So, what now?” Brendan asked when the others remained silent.

“Now I tell you guys I’m sorry for jumpin’ the gun and then tell you that whether you choose to let Mom back into your lives is your decision. If you choose not to let ‘er back in I’ll respect that decision.”

“And you won’t let her back in our house?” Brooke asked.

“She won’t step one foot past the front door unless you ask her to,” he promised. “Look, I know you guys probably don’t understand this or maybe you do and you’re not really interested, but I can’t in good conscience just let ‘er go knowin’ that Hank could retaliate against her for walkin’ out on him.”

Michael shrugged one shoulder, unconcerned. “Should’ve walked out years ago,” he muttered.

“There’s no way to change the past, but maybe we can finally let it go.”

“What exactly do you have to let go?” Brandon asked sharply.

Alex simply shook his head and held his hands up. Nothing he had dealt with measured up to what the three of them had been put through with their parents and he didn’t want them to think that he was trying to make his past more important than theirs. “I’m just sayin’ we need to move forward and not make the mistake of getting stuck in the past.”

In the living room Isabel and Maria exchanged a look as the voices began to calm down and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

“That had the potential of getting very ugly,” Maria commented, glad that things hadn’t taken that direction. After a quick shower Michael had left the locker room and insisted on going straight to his brother’s house; he had been worried about Brooke and annoyed with what she had told him. They had found Brendan waiting for them in the parking lot and after a quick conversation he had agreed to follow them.

“Alex just wants his family to heal, Maria; he wasn’t trying to force their mother on them.”

“No, but I can see how they would think that.”

Isabel nodded absently, lost in her own thoughts. She had heard Alex pause when he had been asked what he had to let go of and she wished she knew. Alex talked about his childhood, but only so far as things he had done and the time he had spent with the couple he had looked up to and followed around when he was little. He talked about his mother on rare occasions but he never talked about his father, and she hadn’t wanted to push him on the subject. She had a feeling there was more to his own story as it related to Hank and she hoped that one day he would be able to tell her about it.


Max rested his weight on the crutches and carefully maneuvered through the door the doctor was holding open. He glanced around the waiting area and his eyes quickly settled on Liz when he heard her laugh. She looked up from the magazine she had been flipping through, not really doing much more than glancing at the pictures as she talked to the girl on the other end of the phone.

“I’d better let you go, Katy. Looks like the doctor’s finished with Max.” She laughed at something the other girl said before agreeing to catch up later in the week and disconnecting the call. She grabbed her bag and hurried to join Max. They had been at the hospital for the better part of the day, having tests and scans run on his leg to determine if he had damaged it and if he had, how badly. “You’re not wearin’ the brace… that’s good, right?”

“Yeah, now that the swelling’s gone down they were able to get a better reading.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Looks like it’s just a sprain but I’ve still gotta stay off of it for a couple more weeks; he won’t clear me for practice until then.”

“You can spend more time with me then.” She smirked at him.

He bit back his frustration with the limitations his injury was causing and smiled at her. “Already makin’ plans?”

“What about naked dinner at your apartment?” She waggled her eyebrows playfully. She knew he was upset about his knee and needed some distraction.

“I’m good with that. I like naked an’ I like dinner.” He signed off on a couple of forms when the woman behind the counter returned. He slid his insurance card back in his wallet while Liz gathered up his copies of the paperwork and they left the office.

“So, did they say anything else? Your knee’s gonna be fine, right?” she asked as they walked to the car and she opened the door for him.

“Yeah, the sprain’s healin’ fine. I understand keepin’ the weight off of the knee, but two weeks just seems overly cautious.” He eased into the passengers’ seat and turned to put the crutches in the back.

“Well, if ya wanna have fun in the snow over Christmas you’d better do what the doctor said.”

Max couldn’t argue with her logic and he had no intention of spending the holiday with his girl in a cabin surrounded with snow while his leg kept him from having any fun. “Alright, fine, what’s for dinner?”

“I think there’s still enough left in the refrigerator at your apartment. We could cook some pasta or something?” She slipped into the drivers’ seat and started the engine so they could head back home.

“Pasta could get messy.” He grinned and shrugged when she glanced at him. I’m good with that.”

“Hey, there’s Sean,” she suddenly said and pressed the horn to greet him as they drove past him.

Max tried to keep his expression neutral, but he felt his features shift into a grimace when the other guy waved and shot a grin at Liz. “So, you never really said what he wanted the other day. What’d he want?” He leaned forward to fuss with the CD player, trying to act like he wasn’t worried about her answer.

Liz sighed slightly. She had hoped Max wouldn’t ask about it because she had promised Sean that she wouldn’t say anything to anyone. “I can’t tell you, Max, sorry. I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“I think the couple rule applies here; boyfriends are excluded from that type of promise.”

“Uh-huh, would you tell me something Michael told you if he had asked you not to tell anyone?”

“Well, yeah,” he answered quickly. He paused a moment as he slid a new CD in and leaned back. “Okay, maybe it depends on what it was. I guess if it was somethin’ really personal maybe I would feel like I was breakin’ a confidence.”

“See. It’s a personal thing with Sean as well. And you don’t have to worry; it’s nothing bad or anything, okay?”

He slouched down in his seat and turned his head to look at her. “Let’s talk about dinner again.”


Max maneuvered between the cars lined up in front of the building to get to his apartment. His mood had taken a slight downturn when they had pulled into the parking lot and realized that both Michael and Kyle were home. Tess’ car was parked next to Kyle’s car and chances were good that if Michael was home that Maria was with him.

He was several feet behind Liz as she unlocked and opened the front door and he heard her call out a greeting over the music, talking, and laughter. Uh-huh, just as he had suspected, they were all there and they had just blown his plans out of the water.

“Yo, Evans, looks like you’re still broken,” Kyle yelled over the racket.

“You’re a genius,” Max called back, turning to hook the bottom of his crutch on the door so he could close it.

They were all in the kitchen, making what he assumed was dinner. It actually smelled pretty good, he admitted silently as he hopped over to the bar and sat on one of the stools. “Looks like y’all are stayin’ in tonight,” he said, hoping they were going to say his assumption was wrong and they were going out after dinner.

“We’re stayin’ in,” Michael confirmed, ducking out of the way when Maria flicked water at him.

“Pasta’s almost ready. We have enough for you guys, too, and we’re gonna watch a movie together. Interested?” Maria asked and dipped the spoon in the tomato sauce to taste it.

“What movie did you get?” Liz asked as she grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator and opened it before handing it to Max. She hadn’t quite developed a taste for the bitter drink.

Terminator: Revolution,” Michael said and waggled his eyebrows.

Liz wrinkled her nose. She preferred romantic movies and that just sounded scary. “Okay.”

“Two good looking guys in it,” Maria promised her with a wink.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Michael interrupted. “If you’re intendin’ to drool over some guy I may have to spend the movie remindin’ you who you’re with.”

Maris snorted. “Last time we watched Transformers you drooled over Megan Fox like a dog.”

He shrugged. “Not my fault if you didn’t find a way to keep me otherwise occupied.” He pinned her to the counter and kissed her. “Besides, didn’t you benefit from it later on?”

“Ungh, TMI,” Kyle complained, shoving them out of the way so he could get to the stove.

“I’d better get back to my sauce or it’s gonna burn,” Maria said and pushed Michael away with a gentle shove. It felt good to do something normal with their friends for once. The last few weeks had been way too exciting in her opinion.

“Is there anything you guys want me to do?” Liz asked. At home she had no problem elbowing in and getting involved but she hadn’t really spent much time with Kyle and Michael and she wasn’t used to working around them yet.

“Yeah, you can get the plates out and set the table,” Tess said.

Liz nodded and started grabbing the dishes out of the cabinet and setting them on the counter. Max leaned one of his crutches against the bar and stood, using one crutch as he carried the stack of plates over to the table.

“The noodles are ready,” Tess announced and started to carry the pot to the sink so she could pour them into the sieve.

“Good thing you announced that, Harding,” Michael muttered, nudging her shoulder as he passed her. “How d’you actually know they’re ready?” He shot a glance at Kyle. “Did she do the stick test?”

“Huh-uh,” Kyle said, taking a drink from his beer.

Tess turned to look between them. “I’ve never heard of a stick test.” She looked at Maria. “What the fuck is a stick test?”

Maria shrugged. “I’ve never heard of it either.”

“It’s the only way to know if spaghetti noodles are really done,” Michael explained as if he were talking to someone very young. He reached over Tess’ shoulder and grabbed a noodle before flinging it against the wall at the back of the stove.

Kyle motioned to the noodle that was clinging to the wall and grinned at his girlfriend. “You’ll notice that the noodle sticks to the wall... it’s passed the stick test.”

Both girls rolled their eyes. “That is disgusting. Don’t ever do that at our place,” Maria said.

“It’s not disgusting,” Michael disagreed. “It’s a proven method of testing noodle readiness.”

“Or you could just taste one,” Tess said and took one of the noodles and shoved it into Kyle’s mouth.

“Stick test works fine,” he mumbled as he nipped at her fingers.

“Sauce is ready, too,” Maria said and glanced at the guys. “No stick test.”

“Well, that’d just be goofy,” Michael said, shaking his head at her. “Why would you use a stick test for sauce?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know what you guys are capable of.”

He grabbed her around the waist and leaned in to nip her neck. “Want me to show you?” he growled.

“Hey, no makin’ out over dinner,” Max complained, poking him in the back with the end of his crutch.

“Yeah,” Kyle agreed, “is there any chance you two can keep your hands off each other for a while?”

“No,” they both answered at the same time.

Liz leaned against Max’s shoulder. “Looks like we have to change our plans for tonight, huh?” she whispered in his ear.

He snorted quietly. “Maybe alter them a bit. I know they can be a bit over the top, so if you’re not comfortable...”

She shook her head. “No, they’re my best friends’ boyfriends, so I should get used to being around them, huh?”

“Alright, let’s go eat then ‘cause I’m starvin’.”

The group settled around the table and Tess started to divide the spaghetti on each plate while Maria followed her and poured sauce over it.

“I kinda like this,” Michael said, slouching down in his chair and grinning at Kyle.

Kyle nodded, knowing where Michael was going with his comment. “Told ya man, bein’ served by your girlfriend... havin’ ‘em wait on ya... it’s nice, huh?”

Maria shook her head. “You two don’t really know when it’s time to shut up, huh?” she asked, spilling some sauce over her own noodles and leaving Michael out.

Michael frowned. “Hey, I’m not the one who said it, why didn’t I get any sauce?”

She shrugged. “You started it.”

“Well... but...” He glared at Kyle. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He looked around the table before standing up and leaning over to exchange his plate for the one in front of Max.

Maria snatched his hand away quickly. “Don’t you dare.”

“Maria,” he whined. “He’s busy makin’ cow eyes at Liz anyway, so what’s it matter?”

“The matter is that you have own two hands so get your own sauce,” she replied sweetly.

“Evans has two hands, too.” He continued to grumble as he served himself. “Only got one good knee, but there’s nothin’ wrong with his hands.”

“Nothin’ wrong with yours either.”

“I don’t think you’re gonna win this one,” Kyle laughed.

“You’d better be quiet too,” Tess said, tapping his thigh with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes but gave in to her prompting. “So, what’s the story with the knee? When’s the doc gonna clear you to play again?”

Max sighed. “Not for another two weeks. No practice until then.”

“So, you think you’re gonna be able to play the New Years’ Eve game?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, sure, I should be back in training shortly before we leave for Roswell.”

“Good, wouldn’t be the same without you for the biggest game of the year.”

“You better not get hurt again. I don’t wanna spend New Years’ Eve in the hospital,” Maria warned.

“Hey, I do not make it a habit of getting hurt when I play,” he complained.

“Just sayin’ you should watch yourself, baby.”

“I’m not gonna get hurt. Lance has been sufficiently beaten into submission an’ we’re not playin’ a team with any of my rivals, so things should be good.”

“Same for you and Max,” Tess said. “Who the hell came up with the idea of playin’ a game around New Years’ Eve?”

The guys rolled their eyes. “Biggest game of the year,” they all said at the same time.

“Bullshit,” Maria muttered.

Silence fell over the table and they all stared at her.

She rolled here eyes. “C’mon, we can never go somewhere else for New Years’ Eve ‘cause there will always be a game.”

“Not true,” Max denied. “Besides, we can party all night now and not have to worry ‘bout getting up early the next mornin’.”

“What’re we gonna do on New Years’ Eve anyway?” Liz asked.

“Party, darlin’,” Max answered with a grin.

“And where?” Tess asked.

“That has yet to be decided,” Kyle said. “Wherever it is it’ll be a party to remember.”

“Where’d ya go last year?” Maria wanted to know and glanced at Michael.

“Last year...” He grunted and shook his head. “Last year was a string of parties and I don’t even remember how many of them we hit before I was so drunk I couldn’t see straight.”

“Uh-huh. I hope you don’t plan to do that again this year.”

He turned his head to look at her, studying her for several long moments. “Nope, think I might wanna remember it this year.” He hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Gonna grab a beer, you want one?”

Maria nodded and let the conversation go, watching him as he made his escape. It was one of those times when it was best to let him go and not push; it would only make him uncomfortable in front of his friends and that was the last thing she wanted to do.


It was two weeks later and Maria was hurrying to get her stuff together when she heard Michael’s car pulling up in the parking lot below. “Tess, you wanna come with us?” she called to her friend who was still in the bathroom. Liz and Max had spent the whole day together at his place, so they would go to Alex’ party from there.

“No, I’ll wait for Kyle,” Tess replied through the half open door, while Maria tried to put her shoes on.

“Don’t have sex on the couch again,” she warned. Who knew what Kyle and Tess would do while no one was around?

“Okay,” the other girl sang and Maria rolled her eyes.

“I’m serious, Tess!”

“Come on, I don’t even wanna know where you and Michael have had sex in this place.”

“Whatever, I’m out.” Maria decided to avoid going into any details about that. She knew that she and Michael had maybe broken some of those ‘don’t have sex here’ rules the last week, too.
She closed the front door behind her and smiled when she saw Michael leaning against his car and waiting for her. Her heartbeat still got faster every time she saw him and she couldn’t wait to be close to him.

Michael felt a smile tugging at his lips when Maria appeared at the railing on the second floor. He still wasn’t used to the feelings that hit him every time he saw her, but he had no interest in running from them anymore. He forced himself to stay where he was when she came down the stairs, a bounce in her step and a smile that was all for him on her lips.

“Hey, baby, how was practice?” she asked when she had finally reached him. They hadn’t seen each other since the day before because she had to study for a test and he had to go to a special out of town training session with his team. Her arms came around him automatically and she breathed in deeply, taking in his familiar scent.

“Not bad,” he muttered as he dipped his head down to kiss her, taking his time and drawing it out. “Missed ya though.”

“I hope you did,” she replied with a grin.

“Not to mention, bunkin’ with the guys is nowhere near as much fun.”

“Do you have to leave again?”

“Not that I know of.” His hands came up to cradle her face as he studied her expression. “Why? You got plans for me?”

“Just wanna make sure that you’re gonna be there tonight to keep me warm.”

“I’ll be there.” He brushed her hair back over her shoulder and smiled affectionately. “What’d you do last night while I was gone?”

“Studied for my test and missed ya.”

“We’ll see if we can avoid any studyin’ tonight.”

“Are we spending the night at your brother’s house or you wanna leave later and come back here?”

He shrugged. “I’m good either way. Doesn’t matter as long as you’re there.”

“We can decide later, let’s just get there first. I promised Isabel I’d help her with the salad.”

“Salad?” He wrinkled his nose. “I thought it was a barbeque? I want meat, woman, not rabbit food.”

She rolled her eyes. “You wanna eat meat with nothing else? No! See, that’s why there’s also gonna be salad.”

“Men do not need salad, Maria.”

“Fine, but women do. And unless you have a preference for a fat girlfriend then you shouldn’t complain about salad.”

Michael snorted, wisely deciding to leave that one alone. “C’mon, let’s go.”

They got into the car and started to drive in the direction of Alex’ house. They passed the house where Lucas lived and Maria remembered the last time she had been there to pick up Brooke after she’d run away. Fortunately, the girl had calmed down by now and was slowly accepting that her brothers where still her brothers, no matter what father they had.

“Hey,” Maria said thoughtfully, “you think we should surprise your sister and ask Luke to come to the party, too?”

“What? Why would I encourage that little dick to hang around my sister?”

“Come on, Michael. He hasn’t done anything that would make you think badly of him. And your sister likes him. She needs some friends her own age and she needs some trust from her brothers, too.”

“I do trust her... I don’t trust him.” He smacked the steering wheel with his hand. “Do you know what he’s thinkin’ when he’s with her? I’m a guy, Maria, so trust me when I tell you that he’s not thinkin’ that he’d like to just hold her hand and take long romantic walks with her.”

“She’s 16, Michael! What do you expect?”

He slouched down in his seat and glared out through the windshield as they came to a stop at a traffic light. “I’m bein’ unreasonable, right? That’s what you’re sayin’?”

“You forget that she’s a teenager and that she came here without any friends. And you guys are so overprotective of her that she can’t really make any new ones. You know that we were going out at her age.”

“I don’t know about you, but I was doin’ a hell of a lot more than just goin’ out at 16.”

She shrugged. “I didn’t have sex until I was 17.”

Michael huffed impatiently. She was not making this any easier for him. “I know she’s gonna do it sooner or later...” He grimaced. “If she hasn’t done it yet...” He sighed. “Okay, fine, you’re right.”

“And you have to trust that she’ll know when it’s the right time for her.” She placed her hand on his thigh. “Baby, I know you just wanna protect her and that’s understandable, especially with your family history. But if you just tell her no, than she’s just gonna do it behind your back.”

He turned his head slowly as he realized that she was right. “I hadn’t really thought of it that way, but you’re right about that.”

She smiled when he finally gave in. “So, wanna stop and see if he’s home?”

“Not really, but since you’re right I suppose we could see if the kid’s got plans for the afternoon.” Michael grumbled under his breath all the way from his car to the kid’s front door. Maria had no idea what she was asking him to do. Logically, he knew she was right, but the part of him that had been watching over his baby sister her whole life was nervous about turning a hormonal teenager loose around her.

He glanced at the doorbell and contemplated just pretending to push it, waiting a few seconds and then going back to the car and telling Maria that the kid wasn’t home. “And she’d see right through it, too,” he muttered. He took a deep breath and reached out to push the doorbell, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest when he heard footsteps from the other side.

Luke walked to the front door, wiping sweat off of his face, wondering who was interrupting his workout in the fitness room at the back of the house. He opened the door and his whole body tensed up when he saw who was standing there. “She’s not here,” he said quickly.

“That’s good... for you.”

Luke looked at Michael, startled. What the hell did he want? To tell him to stop seeing his sister? Yeah, that was it!

“You busy?”

“Um, no, not really.”

“We’re both guys here, Luke, so I’m gonna give it to you straight.”

Luke took a deep breath, preparing for the words he knew the other guy was gonna say: Don’t ever talk to my sister again!

Maria winced as she watched the guys. She knew Michael would enjoy Luke’s reaction to him first, before he finally got around to inviting him to the party.

“First, I’m only here because my girlfriend seems to think you’re good enough to spend time with my sister and I while I have my reservations, I trust her judgment. And second, my little sister is very important to me so if you ever hurt her I’ll hunt you down and make sure you don’t live long enough to see your next birthday.” He grinned and reached out to place his hand on the kid’s shoulder. “So, anyway, my brother’s birthday is today and his girlfriend’s havin’ a barbeque for him, so...” His grin widened. “Wanna go?”

Luke didn’t know what to say. His mouth opened and closed several times without a sound. Had he heard right? He thought he heard Michael asking if he wanted to go to a party at his brother’s house. “Um... yeah, I mean, of course.”

Oh, yeah, he had seriously rattled the kid’s cage. “You might wanna shower first ‘cause you’re not getting in my car like that.”

Luke glanced down at his sweaty clothes. “Of course. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready.” He disappeared into the house, still shocked by the whole situation.

Michael carefully schooled his expression as he turned and walked back to his car.

“You let him dangle,” Maria stated.


“I saw the desperate look on his face.” She got out of the car and walked over to lean against the hood next to him.

“That wasn’t desperation,” he denied. “That was two guys comin’ to an agreement.”

“Uh-huh, I think it was more like if-you-ever-hurt-my-sister-I’ll-kill-you.”

Michael shrugged. “Same thing.”

She glanced at him for several long minutes, wondering how she had managed to get through to him over the last few months. It felt like they had known each other for a lifetime now and sometimes it was really scary when she thought about how much she trusted him with everything after such a short time.

Michael glanced at her when he felt the weight of her stare. “What’s on your mind?”

She shook her head. “Nothing.”

“Uh-huh,” he said, his tone clearly stating that he didn’t believe that. “Somehow I doubt that.”

She smiled. “It was nothing bad.”

“Okay.” He draped his arm across her shoulders and pulled her up against his side.

She sighed and leaned against him. “I can’t wait to go home.”

“Gotta make it through the barbeque first.”

She shook her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I love to be around your family. It’s just that I miss home... I miss my mom.”

“She know you’re plannin’ to bring me?”

“Yeah, I already told her.”

Michael reached up to scratch his eyebrow with his thumb. “So, she’s okay with it?”

Maria looked at him, surprised. “Of course she was. She asked me first if you would come too, before I even had a chance to tell her.”

He shrugged at her questioning tone. “Still not used to the fact that your mom seems to like me.”

“Well, you behaved really well when she was here for a visit. She saw us in bed practically making out and it didn’t shock her at all. Luckily. It was probably a good thing that we weren’t having sex at that time.”

“So, are we stayin’ with your mom while we’re there?”

“Yeah, our house is big enough.”

“I don’t wanna sleep in separate rooms, Maria.”

“Oh come on, Michael, after what my mother saw, you really think she would suggest two rooms?”

“Well... I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know how real families work.” He shrugged and looked away.

Damn, she hadn’t meant to hurt him. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. “Don’t worry about that. Someday you’ll have your own family and I’m sure you’ll do fine. For now you just have to be a boyfriend and you’re doin’ very good so far.”

Michael just smiled and held her tightly. He wasn’t ready to admit it aloud yet, but he was beginning to realize that one day he really did want a family of his own.

She loved him so much that it hurt sometimes, but there was something that was holding her back and keeping her from admitting it to him. She didn’t know what it was, but those three words refused to pass her lips.

He glanced up when the front door to the house opened and Luke stepped out on the porch. “Here we go,” he muttered.

“Hey, Luke,” Maria greeted the younger boy while she let go of Michael.

“Hi,” he mumbled, sending a wary glance at Brooke’s older brother. He was just glad Maria was there to provide a buffer between them.

“Okay, let’s go. Isabel is probably already wondering where we are.”

At Alex’ house they walked into the kitchen after looking around and finding no one in the living room or anywhere else.

“Hey, Izzy,” Maria greeted her friend, “where’s everyone at?”

“I’m so glad you guys are here! They’re all out in the backyard... one of the guys Alex works with introduced him to the great game of horseshoes so he had to go out and get his own stuff to set up a game.” She rolled her eyes. “Max also loves the game and Brendan’s already managed to toss a horseshoe through one of the windows.” She sighed and shook her head as she finally noticed that Luke was with them. “Luke, I’m so glad to see you again.”

He nodded. “Hi. Thanks, I was happy to be invited.”

Maria waited until the boys walked out of the room to join the others on the back deck and she rolled her eyes. “It took a lot of work to convince Michael that we should pick him up.”

Isabel shook her head as she pulled out the ingredients for her homemade salad dressing. “The guys need to relax and ease up on the reins or she’s gonna go out and do something just to show them that she’s old enough to do what she wants. And they’re all gonna regret that.”

Maria snapped her fingers. “That’s exactly what I told him. And guess what? He admitted that I’m right.”

“Really?” She was impressed. “Alex hasn’t quite got to that point yet.”

“He will, eventually. Okay, I’m gonna say hi to everyone and congratulate your boy and then I’ll be back to help you.”

Isabel waved her off as she moved back to the refrigerator to glance over the list of things she still needed to do.


Author´s Note: We have a new fic coming up. Posting will start next Sunday. Here is the trailer:
Last edited by Double Trouble on Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 87 - 1/21/10

Post by Double Trouble »

NotYourChick: Thanks for reading!

Earth2Mama: Nah, not gonna go down without getting a reaction. Alex is stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. It’s difficult when you’re trying to do the right thing for everyone concerned. The others haven’t stopped to think that Alex was around before Maureen became the woman she is today – they only know her as she is now.

Max is getting better and he’s about to shake those crutches. It just wouldn’t be much fun if we had to keep him on crutches while everyone else is having fun. Not to mention Liz probably wouldn’t care for that. Interesting developments… yeah, we think so too.

This group has definitely become their own little family.

80s_UnLove_Child: He’s awesome at it!

We’re pretty sure this vacation’s gonna be interesting for everyone.

Max’ luck will eventually start getting better.

mary mary: Michael’s learning, it’s taking time, but he’s learning. He enjoys messing with Luke, but he’s gotta make sure the kid’s got what it takes… and that he’s sufficiently afraid of what will happen to him if he ever hurts Brooke, lol. The new “book”, lol…

Alien_Friend: This group gets along well, don’t they? We enjoy the group scenes too.

It’s a good thing that the Guerin siblings can talk and get things out between them. That’s an important thing if they’re gonna maintain their relationships.

Michael just wants to protect his little sister and, well… if that means he gets to threaten poor Luke… let’s just say he does enjoy it, lol. But, we’re pretty sure that Luke knows better than to hurt the Guerin boys’ little sister.

Max is getting better by the chapter! Liz is getting so much more comfortable in the “couple arena”. In spite of everything, she and Sean are still friends and she isn’t gonna break that confidence.

Cardinal: We’re pretty sure Alex has no intention of forcing Brooke to accept their mother as part of her life. But you’re right, his role as her guardian is going to mean that he’ll have to consider needs over wants at times. They may have been too forceful, but it’s better to get those feelings out and deal with them rather than letting them just build up into resentment. Although, we agree, Alex and Isabel have put a lot on the line to make this thing work for their family.

There has to be something… but that will come later.

Michael does intimidation well. Maria knows how to push and pull at just the right times to turn him in the right direction. That would be hilarious!

sarammlover: He’s following her lead rather well, isn’t he? Luke’s a good guy and the Guerin boys just need to lighten up a bit. We’ll find out more about Alex later on.

begonia9508: Anyone who messes with Brooke will always have the Guerin boys to deal with, but they had better look out for Michael!

Natalie36: Thanks! Mountains So High is another fic we’ve really enjoyed writing!

Eva: Things are going well.

They’re still learning and growing into the family dynamic. It’s better that they just get things out instead of holding them in and letting them build.

Maiqu: You think so, huh? This could be the one time you’re not right, lol.

So true, and we’re pretty sure Michael and Maria make no apologies for it.

Hopefully, Luke will focus on Brooke and enjoying himself and forget all about those threatening Guerin boys. Roswell is coming soon… and the cabin isn’t far behind.

destinyc: Hmm… we’ll see…

Alex does have every right and he’s certainly earned it. He does his best to do the right thing for his brothers and sister, but there are times when he’s gonna have to do what’s best for him too.

sunrise102: Of course! We can’t have the holiday vacation being ruined by crutches and a brace! The Guerins are going to get past this issue – instead of bottling their feelings up, they’re dealing with them and that’s the healthiest way to put those issues to rest.

Part 87 – You + Me = We

Liz looked up when Maria stepped out on the back deck. “Hey, look who finally got here.”

“Hey, girl, do you even live in our apartment anymore?” Maria teased, knowing that Liz was enjoying her time with Max.

The younger girl just grinned and shrugged one shoulder. “Sometimes.”

Maria smirked and glanced around. “Hey, birthday-boy,” she called to get Alex’ attention.

Alex glanced up from his game and waved. “Hey, Maria, glad you guys could make it.”

Maria waved back and shook her head when she noticed that Michael was already down there with the rest of them. The Guerin boys would get into any sport.

Brooke stepped out onto the back deck. “Hey, Maria, you finally made it.” She hugged the other girl and glanced down at the beach where her brothers where playing some sport or other. She couldn’t tell what sport it was, but it looked incredibly boring. Suddenly she froze in place. “Is that... Luke?”

Right at that moment he glanced up at her and waved.

“Um-hmm, we stopped by his place so Michael could invite him over.”

Brooke turned to look at Maria, her face shocked. “Michael? My brother Michael?”

Maria laughed at the girl’s reaction. “One and the same.”

“Okay, who are you and what did you do to my brother?”

“What? He’s learning something new this week... how to be a little more tolerant with Luke.”

“Oh, I definitely like that one. You’re my favorite sister-in-law.”

“Just don’t give him any reason to regret this new step he’s takin’.”

Brooke made a face. “Think I’m at least allowed to talk to Luke?”

“Yeah, just give it a little time before you do anything more serious around your brother.” Maria winked. “He doesn’t always adjust well to change.”

“Try to keep him occupied,” Brooke said, grinning.

She smiled and shook her head. “That won’t be hard.” She rolled her eyes and motioned to the heated discussion going on between the guys. They were loud enough that their voices were carrying and it only took a few moments to decipher that the argument had to do with where the players were supposed to stand. “Nope, not hard at all.”

Liz rolled her eyes and glanced up at Maria. “Guys argue over the most ridiculous things, don’t they?”

“Uh-huh, especially when it comes to sports, women or beer.”

“It’s a backyard game... is it really that important?”

“For them,” Maria pointed to the guys on the beach, “it is.”

Liz smiled. “I can get at least one of them to stop arguing right now.”

“Really?” Maria said with a smile, wondering what had happened to shy Liz.

She started to chew on her thumbnail and quickly forced the nervous habit back down. “What?”

Maria shrugged. “Nothing.” She walked over to squeeze her friend’s hand. “I’m just proud of you, Liz.”

“The feelings that I have for Max... the feelings that I get when he looks at me or touches me... it’s indescribable, Maria.” She turned back to look at the man they were talking about. “I may have waited my whole life... but he was sooo worth the wait.”

“I’m sure he feels the same way about you.” She sat down next to Liz and glanced out at the boys again.

“You and Michael seem to be really happy.”

Maria couldn’t hide her smile. “We are!”

“I’m so glad. You guys really complement each other.”

“Yeah. Took us a while to figure it out.”

“Is he going with you to visit your mom before Christmas?”

“Yeah, we’re leavin’ in few days.”

Liz bit her bottom lip as she watched her boyfriend step back and balance the horseshoe in his hand before tossing it. He had been given the all clear from his doctor the day before and after almost two weeks he was finally off of the crutches. He hadn’t been happy about missing two games, but he hadn’t had much choice. “My parents called and asked me to come back for a few days at Christmas and Max thinks we should go.” She wrinkled her nose. “He thought we should go before and now he really thinks it’s important.”

Maria’s eyes widened. “They know about Max?”

“No... I haven’t really talked to them since Thanksgiving; they called a couple of days ago and took me by surprise.”

“Hmmm, then a trip to Roswell with Max could be fun.”

Liz took a deep breath. “Is it right to put him through that, though? My dad won’t really be a problem, but my mom... I just don’t know if it’s fair to Max.”

“Well, you’re gonna have to introduce him sooner or later anyway, so... better now than later, don’t ya think?”

“My parents are just so different from his, Maria. I’m not ashamed of him – I’m proud of him and I’d be happy to tell the whole world that he’s mine. He just doesn’t deserve to be treated badly by them.”

“I’m sure he’s okay with that. He wants you, not your parents.”

“He really wants to be there for me.” She smiled and waved when he turned and held his arms up in the air, indicating that he had just scored… or whatever it was you did in a game of horseshoes. “I would do the same if our positions were reversed, so I guess I should let him go with me, huh?”

“Right. And, hey, Michael and I are going to the cabin a day or two before Christmas; you can join us if ya want.”

“We may take you up on that offer. I’ve always wanted to learn to ski.”

Brendan walked up onto the deck and flopped down in one of the chairs. “I was told to keep you guys company because I’m too dangerous with the horseshoes.”

“Well, why don’t you get started with the barbecue then? I’m starving.” That reminded her that she was supposed to help Isabel. “Oh, right! I need to go to the kitchen, Liz. Let’s talk later, okay?”

Liz nodded and stood up, deciding to wander down to the horseshoe pit and see if she could distract Max.

Brendan looked around when the girls walked off leaving him alone and he held his hands up in question. “Where’s everyone goin’?” He huffed in indignation and followed Maria inside so he could ask Isabel what she wanted him to do first.


“So, when’re we all leavin’ for the holidays?” Brooke asked after dinner when they were all sitting on the back deck. She was trying to change the subject, anything to make her brothers stop with asking Luke weird questions.

Michael leaned back in his chair when Maria sat down in his lap and handed him a fresh beer. She covered his mouth with her hand to prevent him from continuing with his less than subtle interrogation and he fell silent at her bidding.

“We’re leavin’ right after finals next week,” Maria answered for him. “Ungh, Michael,” she growled when he ran his tongue over her palm. She jerked her hand away and wiped it on his shirt. “That’s disgusting.”

He gave her a shocked looked. “What? My tongue on your palm is disgusting, but my tongue anywhere else isn’t?”

She squirmed around in his lap at the reminder of what his tongue could do. “That is not the point.”

“Ewww,” Brooke grimaced, “you two are disgusting.”

“That’s right,” Michael agreed. “And you’d better remember that.” He shot a glare at Luke before allowing Maria to distract him as she slid a couple of fingers between the buttons on his shirt to stroke his stomach.

“We’re leavin’ after finals, too,” Max said, glad that Liz had decided to let him go with her for the holiday to meet her parents.

“We are, too,” Tess said after she had swallowed a sip of her drink. Kyle and Tess had just arrived at the party and Maria could very well imagine what they had been doing and why they were so late.

“So, if everyone’s leavin’ at the same time are we all goin’ together?” Brooke asked.

“We’re all leavin’ together, brat,” Michael answered, reaching out to pinch her side.

Brooke jumped up to dodge his hand, tripped over the dogs that were lying on the deck in front of her, and gracelessly landed in Luke’s lap when he reached out to keep her from falling.

Luke’s head shot up when the girls started laughing and he turned red when he realized that he was the focus of every other guy there. “Uh... She was uh... she was...”

“You are just sooo cute,” Brooke enthused as she leaned in to kiss him.

Luke was certain it was the only chance he would ever get to kiss her because he just knew he was about to die.

Alex sighed and glanced at Michael. “Brooke, would you mind takin’ your own seat again?” he hissed, trying to sound calm. Hanging out with Luke was one thing; Brooke in his lap with her lips stuck to his was something altogether different.

“Nope, I’m perfectly comfortable right where I am,” she answered as she met his gaze evenly. She waited to see what he would do when she challenged him.

“Alright, that’s it,” Michael decided. He shifted Maria to the side so he could get up and walk over to lift Brooke up from Luke’s lap and he threw her over his shoulder. “We’ll just have a little talk now,” he growled.

Luke stood up directly in the path of the man he considered the most dangerous of Brooke’s brothers. “I think maybe you and I need to have a talk,” he said, hoping his voice wasn’t shaking the way he suspected it was.

Michael glanced at him in surprise. He didn’t know if he should laugh out loud or yell. Was it a good thing that Luke was standing up for his little sister? “You think so?” he snarled. He placed Brooke down on the ground without taking his eyes off of him.

Okay, he’s gonna try to intimidate you, Luke thought. You knew he’d do that, so don’t back down. He took a deep breath. “Look, I know you guys are just protectin’ your sister and I can respect that, but...” Damn, he didn’t wanna talk about his feelings in front of all these people! “But, I care about her and I’m not gonna hurt her...” He swallowed hard. “She hasn’t done anything to make you question her judgment and she deserves to be given the chance to make her own mistakes.” He held his hands up quickly. “Not that I’m a mistake, but I’ve been waitin’ to ask her out because she’s so worried about your reactions and the last thing I wanted her to do was say yes just to defy you...” He looked around at her other brothers as he waited to see if he was going to live long enough to see the next morning.

“Michael,” Alex said, nodding in the direction of his original seat.

Michael took a step, bringing him in closer to Luke and invading his space. “Askin’ her out’s one thing... takin’ it any further isn’t an option, so you’d better keep your dick in your pants,” he growled.

Alex waited for him to sit down again before he glanced at Brooke. “So, you wanna go out with him?” he asked her seriously.

Brooke couldn’t believe this was happening; her brothers threatening Luke was bad enough, but now they were gonna ask her about this right in front of everyone? God, they were so stupid sometimes! “Yes, Alex, I would like to go out with him.” She smiled sweetly. “I would also like to be there when you and Isabel tell her parents that she’s pregnant.”

“That’s not the point, so don’t try to change subject.” He ran his hand over his face. “Fine, you can go out with him, but you tell me when you’re goin’ out and where you’re gonna go.”

“Uh-huh, would you like a minute by minute accounting of our time?” she asked, her tone sarcastic.

“Maybe,” he replied just as sarcastically.

Maria leaned against Michael’s shoulder when he sat down again, her hand gripping his forearm in warning when he started to open his mouth and get involved in the conversation again.

He glanced to the side to meet her gaze and shrugged. “I can’t help it.”

“I know, but the tighter you guys try to hold the reins, the more she’ll do to rebel.”

He suddenly started to grin when her shorts slid further up her thighs as she shifted in her seat. “Maybe you can distract me.”

Maria slapped his arm, but couldn’t stop the grin from sliding across her face. “Yeah, divert Alex from his current conversation by turning all of that brotherly advice on us.” She paused. “We could go down to the beach...” she suggested.

“Let’s go,” he said, standing up and taking her hand to pull her to her feet.

“Where’re you goin’?” Kyle asked, puzzled by their sudden hurry.

“Why?” Michael growled, knowing if he and Maria showed the least bit of interest in sharing information they’d end up with company.

“They’re just horny, Kyle,” Tess explained.

“No one asked you.” Michael glared at her as he walked past them.

Maria rolled her eyes and shook her head at her best friend as she pulled Michael along behind her. They walked down the few steps that led to the path that would take them down to the beach. “Wait,” she said and placed one hand on his chest while she reached down with her other hand to pull her shoes off. “Okay.” She bent down to pick her sandals up. “Where do you wanna go?”

“Doesn’t matter as long as you’re with me.”

She wrapped one arm around him and rested her head against the right side of his chest. She inhaled his scent deeply and sighed.

Michael’s arm draped around her shoulders and he held her close as they walked down the path that led to the beach.

“We could walk over there to those rocks,” she said, pointing to an outcropping of rocks nearby.

“We could,” he agreed. “No waterfall there though.”

“You know a place with a waterfall?”

“Not over here on this beach, no.”

“Well, I guess the rocks will have to do for now,” she decided, leading him in that direction.

“Um-hmm... got somethin’ in mind for us to do over by those rocks?” he asked, his tone teasing.

“Maybe,” she replied and smiled secretively at him.

“Don’t keep me in suspense, Maria,” he whined.

“Don’t be so impatient.”

“Keep that in mind for later,” he growled.

“See, we’re already here,” she said and leaned against one of the bigger rocks as she glanced back at Alex’s house to make sure they were out of sight of the others. “C’mere.” She pulled him closer to her.

Michael willingly followed when she tugged on his shirt, bracing his hands on the boulder behind her. “I’m here... what’re you gonna do with me now?”

“Kiss you,” she replied simply and let her hands trail up his chest. “I’ve missed you, but I already said that, right?” she asked quietly before her lips brushed against his.

“S’okay,” he whispered against her lips, “you can say it again.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Don’t get tired of hearin’ it.”

“You know, this’s something I won’t get tired of,” she mumbled, her hands running down his sides gently.

“Yeah, me either.” Six months ago he wouldn’t have thought such a thing was even possible.

She leaned back slightly to look into his eyes. “I hope that won’t ever change.” She couldn’t imagine her life without him in it anymore and that scared her sometimes.

“This is all still new to me, Maria, and I don’t know that anything can last a lifetime... but...” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow before he met her gaze. “I do know that I don’t wanna lose this.”

She nodded slightly and bit her bottom lip. “Me neither.”

“So, maybe we shouldn’t over-think it or anything... just let it go and see where it takes us?”

She smiled at him. “You think that spendin’ time out here today will lead us to hot sex on the beach later on?”

His right eyebrow quirked as he grinned smugly. “It will if I have anything to say about it.”

She pressed her lower body further against him. “Ya think we can start now?”

“Well, since Mike Jr. tends to be hyper-aware where you’re concerned, I think it’s safe to say we can get started any time you’re ready.”

She smirked. “I’m ready.”

Michael smiled at her response. “You’re always ready,” he teased.

“Anything wrong with me wanting my man anytime and anywhere?”

“Nope, not a thing.” He leaned in to nuzzle her neck as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Thought so,” she groaned when he started to touch her.

“Not sure it’s a good thing that you’re almost as much of a know-it-all as I am,” he mumbled against her skin.

She chuckled. “Well, I doubt that we’ll ever get our relationship to a place where we don’t have any fights because we’re both too stubborn sometimes, but I guess we just have to remind ourselves over and over again that we are so good together because we are who we are.”

“There’s one good thing about fightin’,” he said with a smile.

“That would be?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“Make up sex.”

“Uh-huh,” she breathed as her hands trailed up to his neck to keep him close.

Michael knew this part of the beach was private, but he glanced around just to make sure that none of his brother’s neighbors had decided to go for a walk. Once he was satisfied that they were alone he tugged her shirt free of her waistband and eased his hands up to rest against her skin.

Maria grabbed a handful of his tee shirt and pulled him with her against the rock again. She needed something to lean against because her knees felt too weak to hold her in an upright position. She closed her eyes, secretly thinking how lucky she was to call Michael her boyfriend.

Michael groaned when he settled against her body, loving the way they fit so perfectly together. His hands were inching upwards when he heard Kyle calling his name and he cursed under his breath. “What the fuck does he want?”

“Guerin, get your hands off of your woman,” Kyle called again when he didn’t get a response from his friend after calling him the first time.

“I’m gonna hurt him,” he threatened, his voice a low growl.

Maria sighed. “Let’s see what he wants; he’s not gonna give up anyway.”

He turned his head to look at his best friend, but his expression was anything but welcoming. “What the hell do you want, Valenti?”

“We need to go. Emergency meeting with the coach, somethin’ about the game tomorrow.”

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?”

Kyle held his hands out at his sides helplessly. “Wasn’t my idea, man.”

Michael looked back at Maria. “Can’t really ditch a team meetin’,” he said apologetically.

She tried to hide her disappointment, knowing that he had to go and that it wasn’t fair to be mad at him about it. “Will ya be back?”

He studied her as he tried to put what he was feeling into words and after several moments he reached up to stroke her cheek. “I’ll always come back.”

Her heart leapt at his statement, well aware of what he was trying to tell her. She smiled softly. “I’ll always be there waitin’ for ya.”

A genuine smile found its way onto his face and he leaned in to kiss her. “Coach Stevens has a way of draggin’ these meetings out... think you’ll still be here or should I just swing by your place?”

She shrugged. “I guess I’ll still be here. I’ll send you a text message if not.”

“Alright, c’mon, let me walk ya back up to the house. Alex lives in a safe area, but I don’t want you hangin’ around down here by yourself.”

“Okay, and tell your coach I said to stop dragging my boyfriend away from me. I need my Michael time.” She winked and followed him.

Kyle snickered as he shook his head. “Yeah, Michael, make sure you tell the coach that because I’d love to see his face when he hears that his team meeting interrupted your girlfriend’s ‘Michael time’.”

Maria sat down next to Tess and Liz again, still a little disappointed that Michael had to leave. She knew it was totally unnecessary because they could see each other every day, but she couldn’t help it.

“I really don’t understand why they had to call a team meeting,” Liz grumbled as she slouched down and folded her arms over her chest.

“Yeah, it’s already…” Maria glanced at her watch, “after six.”

“Doesn’t that coach understand that the guys do have lives outside of football?” Liz was annoyed with the interruption.

Tess rolled her eyes at her friends. “Stop complaining you two. You should be proud of your men because they get those lovely, sexy bodies from all that training.” She licked her lips and grinned at Kyle.

Max couldn’t help but smile when Liz just rolled her eyes and it was only a matter of seconds before that sexy little pout that turned his insides to mush settled on her face. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a minute,” he said, thumping Kyle’s shoulder as he brushed past him.

“Bye bye, babe,” Tess almost sang to Kyle, mouthing the words I love you to him.

“I’ll pick you up as soon as the meeting’s over, babe.” He winked at her. “Love you, too.”

“I hope you’ll be back soon,” Maria said as she tipped her head back to look up at Michael where he was standing behind her. She saw from the corner of her eyes that Tess was rolling her eyes at her, but she didn’t care.

“I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to move it along.”

She nodded and grinned. “I’ll have a few beers until then.”

Michael leaned down over her chair to kiss her. “Just don’t have too many... I’ve got plans for you tonight.”

“What plans?” she asked innocently.

“Nothin’ I’m gonna talk about while you’re sittin’ next to a virgin,” he whispered in her ear. “I’d hate to shock her and send her into hiding.”

She grabbed his collar to steal another kiss from him. “How can you say that and leave?” she complained.

“It’s not easy, woman, and you’re only makin’ it harder.” He gave her a teasing grin before dropping a kiss on the tip of her nose and backing away.

“You think you guys will make it back here?” Alex asked.

“Oh, yeah. No clue what’s got the coach callin’ a team meetin’, but he wouldn’t keep us out too late the night before a big game.”

Alex nodded. “You guys can stay here overnight if you wanna hang out and have a few drinks later.”

Michael snorted. “Uh-huh, ‘cause I’m gonna stay over here where you’re gonna expect me to sleep without my girl next to me? Sorry, bro, my love for you does not extend that far.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “I’m not expecting you to sleep in separate beds, Michael.”

“Um, Maria and I do not have a platonic relationship, Alex.”

His big brother lifted his hands up in the air. “I know that and I don’t expect it either.”

“Uh-huh... how much have you had to drink tonight?” Michael asked skeptically.

Alex shook his head with a smile. “I know you’re old enough to have sex, Michael.”

He frowned in confusion and glanced at Isabel as he pointed at his older brother. “Keep an eye on him, he’s not actin’ right.”

Isabel laughed. “I think he’s doin’ fine.”

Michael was completely at a loss for words. Alex was normally on his ass about what he was doing and where he was doing it... this was... he didn’t know what this was.

Alex knew his brother was confused because normally he wouldn’t have allowed him to have sex in his house. But the difference was that normally Michael had random hook ups and his only objective was to have wild, meaningless sex. Maria, on the other hand, was his girlfriend and he knew that his brother had strong feelings for her.

“Right, well...” Michael shot another strange look at Alex. “We’ll be back after the meetin’.”

“Soooo, what’re we gonna do now?” Maria asked after the boys had left.

Tess’ blue eyes sparkled mischievously as she looked at Alex. “I think we should give the birthday boy his spanking.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at Tess. “Of course that would come from you.”

“What?” Tess asked, pretending to be offended. “There is nothin’ wrong with a little bit of kinky.”

Isabel just shook her head at her friend. “Uh-huh, well, get kinky with Kyle all you want, but hands off of my man.”

“Can we please change the subject,” Brendan begged.

“Aww, are you feelin’ left out, Bren?” Brooke teased him.

“I just don’t wanna hear anything about Alex getting spanked.”

Tess slid down in her seat as her gaze slid over him, smiling inside when he backed away a couple of steps. “So, Brendan, when is your birthday?”

“Uh-uh, not gonna tell you.”

“When’s his birthday, Alex?”

“Huh-uh.” Alex sat back and watched his brother as the younger man eyed Tess warily. “And you can threaten all you want to, but since Isabel’s guarding my ass I feel confident sayin’ that I’m not givin’ that information up.”

Liz wondered when Max’ birthday was; she hadn’t asked him yet.

Maria suddenly realized that she had no idea when Michael’s birthday was and she made a mental note to ask him when he came back.


Michael led the way around the side of the house, ignoring the gate and jumping over the short fence that separated the front yard from the back. “Your girl laughs like a damn hyena,” he muttered when Kyle landed next to him.

Kyle rolled his eyes. “Y’know, after tellin’ her she’s shaped like a Buddha a while back, I don’t think you should tell her she laughs like a hyena.”

Max snorted as he joined them. “She does kinda look like a Buddha statue, doesn’t she? Never thought about it before now, but I think Michael’s right.”

Tess lifted her head when she heard the very last of Max’ comment. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about over there, but we don’t ever end a sentence with the words ‘Michael’s right’.” She stuck her tongue out at Michael when he lifted his right hand and saluted her with his middle finger.

“What took you so long?” Liz glanced at her watch, it was already after midnight.

Max dropped down in the deck chair beside Liz and slumped against her. “Coach decided to run a late practice since a couple of the guys showed up late.”

“That’s just cruel.” She took him in her arms and placed a kiss on his hair. “How’s your knee?”

“It held up fine. Think I’ll soak in a hot bath when we get home though.”

Kyle sat down next to Tess and leaned in for a kiss before flopping back and sighing tiredly.

Michael shook his head at his best friends and braced his hands on the arms of the chaise lounge Maria had claimed. “Miss me?” he growled.

“Hmmm...” she teased, glancing between her drink and him.

“You gotta think about it?” He shook his head and took her drink, careful not to spill it as he turned and sat down. He shifted backwards to lean back against her when she made room for him between her legs. He took a long drink from the bottle in his hand and settled closer into her embrace when her arms came around him. He stroked her right thigh, happy that she was wearing shorts that gave him access to her skin.

“Coach shouldn’t be allowed to let you guys practice at this time,” she said and snatched her drink out of his hand again.

“C’mon, baby, gimme a break,” he whined as he made a half-hearted grab for the drink and she held it out of his reach.

She took a sip from the bottle before she gave in and handed it back to him. Maria placed her hands on his stomach while nuzzling his neck playfully.

“I can’t believe Coach put us through that workout when we’ve got a game tomorrow,” he grumbled.

“What time tomorrow?”


“I’m really considering goin’ and talkin’ to your coach. He’s stealin’ all my boyfriend time from me.”

He chuckled tiredly. “I wish you would ‘cause he just about wore my ass out tonight.”

“Well, that’s the majority of my original complaint.” She let one hand travel through his hair that was still a little damp from the shower. “Wanna go home and go to bed? You look like you need some sleep.”

He shifted his upper body to the right so he could look up at her. He brought his free hand up to cradle her cheek as he ran his thumb over her lips. “Sounds good, but tired and sleepy aren’t the same thing,” he rasped with a grin.

She placed a kiss on the tip of his thumb. “Wanna stay here or go home?”

“I’m ready to go if you are.”

She nodded. “Sure.”

“Cool, let’s get outta here.” He set the bottle on the table next to them and got to his feet. He held a hand out to her and smiled when she took it and pulled herself up. “We’re headin’ home,” he said to no one in particular.

“Ya know you could also stay here, right?” Isabel said.

“Yeah, but...” he shrugged and grinned wickedly as he hooked his thumb over his shoulder and motioned to Maria, “... she likes to scream the roof down.”

Maria rolled her eyes and smacked his back. “You’d better shut up or your apartment will be scary silent tonight.”

“So anyway, we’re gonna go before I lose naked privileges for the night.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “Good night.”

“Roll your eyes all you want, big brother, but rumor has it that your girl makes you howl at the moon, so you can get off my ass.” He grinned and waved when Maria gave him a shove from behind. “G’night and happy birthday, Alex.”

They went through the house this time, so Maria could grab her jacket and bag from the inside. “Your place or mine?” she asked when they reached his car.

“Mine,” he answered as they settled in the car. “You’ve got enough stuff there to get you through the night without stoppin’ by your place first, right?” He had noticed some of her stuff beginning to mix in with his and he was sure that there was more girls’ stuff in the bathroom he shared with Max than there had ever been before.

“Yeah, I’m good,” she replied, wondering if he had any problems with the fact that she had kinda made herself at home in his bathroom. It was just so nerve wracking having to pack all the stuff she needed every night, depending on where they were sleeping.

“Cool.” Despite his denial he was exhausted and the thought of an extra stop was just too much to contemplate.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 88 - 1/24/10

Post by Double Trouble »

80s_UnLove_Child: Let’s hope not!

She’s spreading her wings!

LOL, now that’d be a scene, wouldn’t it? “Hey, Coach, we need a word with you…” Um-hmm.

It’s their turn… and it looks like those overprotective older brothers might just be ready to finally accept it.

Coming soon!

Earth2Mama: Uh-oh, we’ll have a few words with him right away!

Luke did well once he finally got his nerve up.

Brooke’s already decided how that relationship’s gonna play out, lol!

You just never know… maybe it’s that impending meeting with Isabel’s parents.

Yup, Max is going with Liz and that will be an interesting scene with her parents. Hmm… Maria’s ex make an appearance? Would we do that?

mary mary: LOL!

New “Book” will be posted right behind DT and ITCOAL.

begonia9508: He was very brave!

Think Alex is ready for this meeting?

keepsmiling7: Oh, it promises to be interesting!

kismet: They’ve grown a lot, haven’t they?

Believe it or not, that might just happen!

Yeah, the poor guy didn’t have a chance, lol.

Liz’ mom might have some accusations, but Max will be there to help her through it.

Thanks! It’ll be posting today, right after DT and ITCOAL!

sarammlover: We’ve got more group scenes coming up! We’re pretty sure Brooke and Luke are gonna be great together, too. Liz probably doesn’t enjoy them as much as the rest of us do, lol. Alex is a sweetheart. How do you think he’ll do with Isabel’s parents?

Maiqu: We’ll see if it does, LOL!

They’re cute together, huh?

Brooke and Maria do have some great conversations – they understand each other.

pandas2001: The holidays will be interesting for all of them!

Alien_Friend: LOL, everyone seems to think that… the coach had better watch out!

Not exactly the optimal setting for revealing your feelings, lol! Especially for a couple of teenagers!

Yay, we’re glad to hear lappy made it back to ya alive and well, lol!

Part 88 – Meeting the Parents

They drove to Michael’s place in silence. Maria knew he was tired as hell and looking forward to some sleep. She had been looking forward to this night since they hadn’t spent the last night together, but she wanted him to rest as well.

Michael pulled into his usual parking spot, glad to see that the new guy who had moved into the building a week or so back hadn’t taken his spot again. He climbed out of the car and popped the trunk, going around to grab his bag when he saw that Maria was already getting out.

“Hey, I think I’m gonna make me a sandwich before comin’ to bed,” he said as he dropped his gear on the floor behind the front door. “You want anything?”

“No, I think I’m gonna take a quick shower since you already showered.”

He nodded. “Okay, I won’t be long.”

She went straight through to the bathroom and turned the shower on while she started to drop her clothes to the floor. Maria could hear Michael in the other room, walking around in the kitchen to make his sandwich. That man could eat all day, she thought.

After only a few minutes under the hot water, she wrapped herself in one of the big towels she pulled out of the linen closet and made her way to his bedroom. He wasn’t there, which meant he was probably still eating.

Maria sat down on his bed and accidently swiped the towel over his nightstand so that a few things landed on the ground. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the silver ring he sometimes wore roll under the bed. “Great,” she muttered and crouched down on the ground to pick everything up again. “Where are you?” She felt around under the bed, but couldn’t find the damn thing. Despite that her hand made contact with something else, a paper.

She pulled it out from under the bed to see if it was just trash or anything important. Her eyes widened when she saw what she held in her hands.

Michael was pulling his shirt over his head as he walked through his bedroom and into his bathroom, just barely noticing that Maria was busy staring at something as she sat on the floor next to the bed. He tossed his shirt out of the bathroom as he grabbed his toothbrush and the toothpaste.

He was in the process of brushing his teeth when his brain suddenly decided to shift into a functioning mode and he frowned as he walked back out into his room. “Maria, what’re you doin’?” he mumbled around his toothbrush and a mouthful of foamy toothpaste.

She just lifted her head and stared at him, unable to formulate a clear sentence. “Um, I just... and the... I didn’t mean to…”

“Mean to what, baby?”

“Find this!” she finally said and turned the letter she was holding in her hand out to him.

Michael was so shocked he swallowed the mouthful of toothpaste and then nearly choked on the disgusting feeling. He hurried into the bathroom and grabbed a cup, filling it with water and rinsing his mouth out before spitting in the sink. She had found the acceptance letter, he thought as he met his own gaze in the mirror.

Maria didn’t know what to do so she just sat there on the floor, shocked by what she had just found out.

Now what? No one knew about it... he had never told another living soul that he had been accepted to one of the top colleges of architecture. He walked out of the bathroom and looked at her, wishing he had the ability to read minds at that moment. “Maria...”

She looked up at him. “I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s not a big deal,” he started, holding his hands up. “Yes, I got accepted by University of Toronto, but... I decided to go here, to Long Beach instead.”

She shook her head. “Toronto is like THE college for architecture, Michael. Every aspiring architect dreams of getting accepted there. Hell, I dreamed about it.”

He reached for the letter she held in her hands. Yes, he had dreamed of going there, but how could he explain that he had decided against it, chosen something different, for reasons that he hadn’t even fully understood himself until recently. It would probably seem like such a slap in the face to her now that he knew she had wanted so badly to go there. Especially since her attendance at their college would indicate that she hadn’t been accepted at Toronto.

Maria got to her feet again. “Why didn’t you take the chance?”

Michael took a step back, suddenly unsure of himself. “I couldn’t.”

She knew he probably felt like she was attacking him and she backed off. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it came out. It’s just...”

“I wanted to get away from my parents and yeah, Toronto has one of the best architecture programs, but... I wasn’t close to either one of my brothers back then, Maria, I was only close to Brooke, but I knew I had to get away from my parents.”

“So you chose Long Beach because of Brendan and Alex?” she asked, not understanding.

He shook his head and reached up to scratch his eyebrow as he started to pace. “In high school, Kyle’s the one who picked up the pieces without even knowin’ it a lot of times; he never asked questions, he was just always there. When he decided he was goin’ to college here I chose to do the same... I don’t really know how to explain it...”

She placed one hand on his upper arm to stop him from walking around. “You didn’t want to be alone,” she said quietly.

He nodded, unable to vocalize an agreement. “Kyle’s never made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be his friend, not even when I’ve been a total dick, and I know that’s happened on too many occasions to count. There’re times when I’ve wondered if he chose the university here because Alex was goin’ here and Brendan had already decided to go here...” He shrugged.

“You think Kyle chose Long Beach ‘cause he knew you would go wherever he went?”

“I don’t know... maybe... is that stupid?”

Maria shook her head. “No, I... I guess I just never realized that you and Kyle are THAT close.”

He shifted back to lean against his dresser as he looked at the acceptance letter. “Maybe he didn’t, I could be wrong about that.”

Maria walked over to him slowly. “Did you ever talk about that with Kyle?”

“No.” He turned and pulled the top drawer open, shoving the letter inside and shutting the drawer again. “Guys don’t talk about that kinda stuff, Maria.”

She smirked. “Yeah, probably not.”

“No probably about it.”

“Guess I’ll have to thank Kyle for bringin’ my man to Cali,” she said, trying to lighten the mood.

“No, don’t do that,” he said quickly. “I mean, no one knows about me bein’ accepted an’ I don't want it to be a big deal.”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized again, “I didn’t mean to... ya know, snoop around.”

He shook his head, dismissing her apology. “S’okay, it’s not like you went lookin’ for it. I was lookin’ through some old papers a while back an’ I must’ve dropped it.”

She smiled. “I’m proud of you, you know that? Only the best get accepted to that college, so that means I’ve got a very clever boyfriend.”

He bit his bottom lip uncertainly. “I didn’t go there though.”

“If you had we wouldn’t have met – “

He nodded. “Guess that’s true.”

“And I doubt that there’s a woman like me up there in Canada,” she teased.

“I doubt there’s a woman like you anywhere in the world,” he said as he reached out to take her hands and tug her up against his body.

“Um-hmm,” she mumbled against his chest, “you could be right about that.”

“I am.”

“You’re just sayin’ that,” she denied.

“Nope, I honestly believe it.”

“Took you long enough,” she said with a grin and came up on her tiptoes to press a kiss against his lips.

“Whatever.” He scratched his right eyebrow with his thumb as he tried to fight back a yawn. “Probably oughta get some sleep.”

“Yeah, okay. We’re goin’ to bed then.”

“You won’t tell anyone about the letter, right?”

“No, I won’t.”

He nodded. “Okay, ‘cause it’d just be weird an’...” He shrugged.

“Yeah, don’t worry.”

“Alright, lemme finish getting ready for bed so we can get some sleep.”

“Okay, guess I’m gonna lie down then.” She let go of him and walked over to the bed to drop the towel and grab the shirt she always slept in when stayed over at his place.

Michael watched her for several seconds before he remembered that he was supposed to be getting ready for bed too. “So, you’re gonna be at the game, right?”

“Yeah, think so. Why?” She pulled his oversized tee shirt over her head and sat down on the bed.

“Just makin’ sure my girl’s gonna be there.” He grinned as he walked back to the bathroom.

“You’d better not get hurt tomorrow, Michael.”

“Why? Got plans for me after the game?”

“Uh-huh, you DO remember that we wanna go to Roswell, right?” She couldn’t wait for it.

“Well, yeah, but we’re not leavin’ tomorrow night.”

“I have to wait for sex until tomorrow night? I was hoping for morning at least,” she pouted.

He grinned at his reflection. “Hell, baby, y’know Mike Jr. just loves mornin’ sex.” He slapped the light switch as he walked back into his room. “Actually,” he said as he pounced on the bed and crouched over her, “we’re pretty much on board with sex at any time.” He winked. “We’re both very fond of you.”

“Thought you were tired,” she mumbled and shifted under him.

“I am,” he admitted as he kissed her gently. “I wish like hell I wasn’t.”

She smiled and lifted her arms up to him. “C’mere.”

He slowly lowered himself over her, settling into her embrace as Maria reached out to turn off the little light on his nightstand.


Joe Whitman unlocked the front door and held it open, letting his wife, daughter, and their guests enter before following them inside. His eyes followed the man his daughter had fallen in love with and his hand clenched on the doorknob when Alex’ hand strayed to settle on Isabel’s hip.

His wife Katherine had already instructed him to behave and treat their daughter and her boyfriend as the adults that they were, but she had obviously overlooked the fact that the man was a cradle-robber! He was in his mid-twenties and Isabel was barely 18, how could she not see that?

“Joey, she’s a grown woman, and you will treat them both with respect,” Katherine warned quietly as she moved past him under the guise of closing the front door.

“You’re sure it’s okay that I brought my dogs?” Brooke asked uncertainly. “They won’t be any trouble or anything?”

Joe looked at the younger girl and his heart melted at her worried expression. “No, sweetheart, not at all. I take it Isabel didn’t tell you about Socrates?”

The teenager shook her head. “Who’s Socrates?” Before anyone could answer the sound of claws on the floor and a deep, loud bark announced the arrival of the largest dog she had ever seen.

Alex’ eyes widened when the Great Dane singled him out and jumped up on his hind legs, front paws resting on the man’s shoulders as he stared at him, nose to nose. “Um, Isabel?”

Isabel laughed when she saw Alex’ face. “Don’t worry, he’s a very nice dog who wouldn’t hurt anyone.” She rubbed the dog’s head. “Would you, Socs? You can put Buffy and Spike down, Brooke.”

Brooke looked down at her pets; the Great Dane’s paws alone were the size of her Chihuahuas! “Well, I don’t know... what if he steps on them?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Brooke,” Katherine assured her. “Socs is very gentle.”

“So... Socs... he’s your dog, Mr. Whitman?” Alex asked, wondering why the animal was still staring at him.

“No, actually Socrates belongs to Isabel. Perhaps you have a yard large enough for him,” Joe suggested.

“Well, we do, but we live on the beach so we don’t really have a fence large enough to keep this big guy there. There’s a picket fence that works perfectly for Brooke’s dogs, but uh, Socrates could step over my fence. Anything larger would ruin the view of the ocean.” And I’m not gonna have a dog this size around my baby, he added silently.

“Too bad. He’s a wonderful protector.” Joe nodded at the dog. “Much cheaper than installing a security alarm, too.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet he is,” Alex said and was glad when Socrates suddenly left him alone.

Brooke stiffened up when the big dog ambled over to her and gave her tiny pets a sniff. Buffy licked his muzzle while Spike growled low in his throat.

“It’s really okay to put them down, Brooke,” Isabel said. “He won’t hurt them.”

“Okay,” Brooke said doubtfully, but she trusted Isabel so she put them both down.

Katherine smiled when the teenager nervously set the tiny dogs on the floor and a moment later Socrates barked loudly and flopped on the floor while Buffy and Spike ran around him.

“Joey, why don’t you show Brooke to the guestroom while Isabel and Alex get settled in her room?”

He bit back the automatic protest when she sent him a warning look and he dutifully picked up the teenager’s luggage. “Brook, what’s your opinion on video games?” he asked as they walked towards the stairs. “Isabel never really got into them and I’d be interested in some competition.”

“What games do you have?” Brooke asked, excited. “I play a lot with my other brothers.”

“You name it and I’ve probably got it. You have, what, two other brothers, right?”

Katherine smiled as their voices faded and she turned to look at her daughter, hugging her again. “I’m so glad you were able to come home for Christmas.” She glanced at the man beside Isabel. “And we’re so glad you and Brooke could join us as well.”

“We’re glad to be here, too, Mrs. Whitman.”

“Oh, call me Katherine, dear. And don’t worry about Joey; he’ll get used to you before long.”

“Well, I guess I can understand his worries. As I’m sure Isabel’s told you, I’m kind of both brother and father for Brooke.”

“Isabel was telling me about that; it’s a very brave thing you’re doing, taking on your sister.” She smiled. “Especially a teenager. Has she discovered boys yet?”

Alex sighed heavily. “Don’t even ask.”

She chuckled. “Um-hmm, you think it’s bad now? Wait until she turns 17.” She turned back to her daughter. “Izzy, why don’t you take your young man upstairs so the two of you can get settled in before dinner,” she suggested.

“Okay, my bedroom hasn’t changed since I left home, so if you laugh at all, you’re sleepin’ with Socs,” Isabel warned as they walked upstairs.

“Uh-huh, I’ll keep my mouth shut then,” he promised.

She shook her head as she laughed at his response. “You’re not afraid of my dog, are you?”

“No,” he denied, “he’s just… huge.”

She turned around and kept her face neutral as she let the tip of her finger trail down the center of his chest. “I like things that’re huge,” she mocked and then spoiled it by grinning.

“And there’s somethin’ else that’s gonna be huge soon,” he teased, rubbing her belly.

“I think there must be some connection between the two things... whatcha think?”

“In more than one way, huh?” He smiled and glanced around her room when they finally reached it.

Isabel turned to look at him, biting her bottom lip as she waited for him to say something. “Okay, what?”

He shrugged. “Nothing to laugh about. It’s a nice room.”

She was relieved. “Really?”

“Yeah, I like it. Very comfortable.”

She relaxed and sat down on the bed. “Okay then.”


Michael fought the nervousness he could feel turning his stomach into knots as they drove through Maria’s hometown. He had never been in this position before and while he had been assured that Amy liked him, he didn’t really believe it. He followed his girlfriend’s directions and they pulled up in front of a modest house in a quiet neighborhood.

“You’re sure your mom’s cool with me stayin’ here?” he asked, trying to keep the worry out of his voice.

Maria had sensed his nervousness during their trip to Roswell and she felt a little sorry for him. He probably thought that it was impossible for him to make a good impression since his own parents had never made him feel like he was a good son. She turned to look at him before they got into the house. “Don’t worry, she’s cool with it. Just be yourself, baby.”

“I’m not sure bein’ myself is gonna make much of an impression... not a good one, anyway. I just... maybe it’d be better if I just stayed at a hotel or somethin’, Maria.”

She rested the bag she was carrying on the ground and wrapped her arms around him to kiss him softly. “You impressed me, didn’t you?” she whispered against his lips.

“Yeah, but I had some help from Mike Jr.” He shrugged. “Not exactly an advantage with your mom.”

“True,” she admitted, “but Mike Jr. isn’t the reason why I’m with you, Michael.” She smirked, trying to lighten the moment. “At least not the only reason.”

“Must be my winning personality,” he muttered under his breath. He looked up at the house as she opened the front door. It was nothing like the place where he had grown up and the entire thing would’ve fit in their foyer, but the feeling of warmth that enveloped him as he followed her inside was something he had never experienced in his childhood home.

“Don’t worry about it anymore, okay? Everything will be fine,” she said again, pulling him into the house.

He nodded, but remained silent. He turned to look around, trying to find something that would calm him down before her mother joined them.

“Maria? Is that you?” Amy called from the second floor when she had heard the door.

Michael winced when his girlfriend emitted a high-pitched shriek and ran halfway up the stairs to meet her mother.

“Mom!” She threw herself into her mother’s arms. “I’ve missed you.”

“Oh, you’re finally here!” Amy hugged her daughter tightly. “I expected you to be a little bit later.”

“The plane arrived a little bit earlier and we had the car reserved, so we were able to leave the airport pretty quickly.”

“We? Does this mean you convinced Michael to join you?” She had almost expected him to back out at the last minute.

Standing out of sight on the first floor, Michael just barely controlled the urge to bolt.

“Uh-huh,” she said as they walked downstairs and Michael came into sight.

He swallowed hard when Amy approached him and he wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but he wasn’t expecting to be wrapped in her arms as she hugged him and welcomed him into her home.

Maria saw the puzzled look in his eyes when her mother hugged him and she smiled.

Amy felt the tension in his body, felt him try to force himself to relax, and she quickly concluded that he wasn’t used to such affectionate gestures. She patted his arm as she leaned back and looked up at him. “Have you already eaten?”

He shook his head. “We just had breakfast this mornin’.”

“You must be hungry then. Why don’t you let Maria show you around, put your things away, and when you’re ready come into the kitchen and we’ll all have dinner together before I go in for my shift.”

“Sounds great,” he answered honestly.

Amy literally saw him relax when her daughter took his hand and tugged on it, motioning for him to walk upstairs with her.

“Welcome to my little room,” Maria said when they entered it. She glanced around to make sure everything was just as she had left it, then smiled and threw herself onto the bed.

Michael walked around the room, taking in the odd assortment of things she had collected during her life and he glanced at the door as he waited to see if her mother was going to look in on them.

She chuckled and motioned for him to come over to the bed. “She won’t come upstairs now, trust me.”

“How do you know?” Jealousy seared into him hard and fast. “Have you had other guys up here?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “No.”

Michael took a deep breath and moved to close her door before he turned to look at her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. I’m just a little rattled; I’m not totally comfortable and I tend to get irritable when...” He shrugged at her knowing look. “Which, you already know, so I’ll just shut up for now.”

“Look, Michael, from what my mother saw when she came to California she already knows that we’re not just holding hands. She knows that I have sex and she’s okay with it ‘cause she knows I’m responsible.”

“It’s just different now... I can’t explain it, Maria.” He studied the floor between his feet as he spoke again. “I don’t know how to make her think I’m worth your time.”

Maria suddenly felt her heart clench at his words and she got up to stand in front of him. “Baby, you don’t have to prove anything here.” She cupped his cheek in her small hand. “I know it’s hard for you to believe it, but trust me when I tell you that you’re more than worth my time for so many reasons.”

He was still learning to accept it when she said things like that. He no longer questioned whether or not she meant them, but he still wasn’t completely comfortable with it.


Tess slid further down in the warm water, stopping when she felt it hit her chin. “There’s just nothin’ like a good soak in the hot tub in December.” Her blue eyes sparkled playfully as she turned her head to look at her boyfriend. “Well, there is somethin’ better, but since we have company...”

Max rolled his eyes at her teasing tone and cast a quick glance at Liz, not surprised when she remained silent. “Yeah, well, y’all feel free to save that for later,” he tossed back with a grin.

Kyle laughed and shook his head. “You’re safe, Evans; I don’t like to share.” He nodded at Tess. “You’ve seen about all you’re allowed to see when it comes to my girl.”

“Hate to be the one to break it to ya, but I’m not really interested in seein’ more of your girl.”

Tess snorted when the two guys talked about her like she wasn't even there. “Keep it up, you two.”

Liz listened to the teasing banter and wished she could get in on it, but her stomach was a mass of nervous knots. She wished there was some way to avoid the meeting between her parents and Max, but his damn code of honor wouldn’t allow him to leave it alone.

Max stretched his arms out along the rim of the hot tub, feeling completely relaxed as he kept an eye on Liz. He didn’t want to say anything while they were with their friends, but he knew he was going to have to bring it up before long.

They all looked up when they heard muffled sounds coming from the house and a few seconds later a tall man stepped out on the back deck. “Hey, Tessie, how’s my favorite daughter?” he asked and grinned brightly.

Tess rolled her eyes but smiled as she got out of the hot tub again. “I’m your only daughter as you very well know,” she replied and hugged her father carefully with one arm as she tried to keep from getting him too wet.

Ed Harding rolled his eyes at his daughter’s attempt to keep from soaking him and he pulled her into a bear hug. “What’s a little water?” he murmured with a smile. “Okay, I recognize little Lizzie Parker, but who are these two young men you’ve dragged home with you?”

They walked over to the sunken hot tub. “Dad, this is Liz’ boyfriend Max and this,” she pointed at Kyle and her smile grew even bigger, “is my boyfriend Kyle.”

“This would be the young man you spent the Thanksgiving holiday with?”

“Yes, we were in New York with his family.”

“And you’ve been seeing him exclusively since what, September?”

“Um-hmm, which you already know because we just talked about it recently.”

“Well, congratulations, Kyle.” He crouched down so he could shake the younger man’s hand. “I wasn’t sure I’d live to see the day when my daughter actually got serious about one man.”

Kyle laughed. “Well, my father kinda told me the same thing when we went to New York a few weeks ago.”

Ed leaned back and narrowed his eyes. “Your father had better have been talkin’ about you and not my daughter.”

“Oh, no, he was talking about me of course,” Kyle told him in a hurry.

Max snorted when he saw the surprised look on his friend’s face.

“Um-hmm,” Ed said as he slowly turned his head to look at the other young man. “So, Max, is it? I haven’t heard much about you, but since you’re here with Liz I can only assume that you’re the reason Sean is no longer in the picture.”

Tess’ eyes widened at her father’s lack of subtlety. “Dad!”

“Well, I guess you’re right about that,” Max said, admitting the truth.

Ed nodded and offered his hand. “Good, never liked the way Nancy and Jeff pushed so hard to marry the two of them off.” He smiled gently at Liz. “There’s nothin’ wrong with making your own path in life, young lady.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “Don’t you have to make dinner or something, Dad?” she asked and smiled at him innocently.

“You obviously got that lack of subtlety from me,” he said with an amused grin. “No, Lisa’s makin’ dinner, but thanks for tryin’ to get rid of me.”

“Lisa’s here, too?”

Ed nodded. He was glad that his only daughter got along so well with his girlfriend. “Yeah, she would’ve come out to greet everyone, but it’s a bit cold out and she tries to avoid the cold as much as possible.”

Tess stepped back into the tub next to Kyle. “It’s okay. Just tell her we’ll be inside in a few minutes.”

He smiled at her obvious dismissal and just shook his head as he went back inside.

“What exactly did you tell your dad?” Liz asked.

“Huh? I just told him the truth, Liz.”

Max draped his right arm over her shoulders and tugged Liz in closer to his side. “Relax,” he whispered as he nipped her earlobe gently.


Michael wandered down to the kitchen while Maria was in the shower, following the scents and sounds of dinner cooking. He leaned one shoulder against the doorframe as he watched her mother moving around the kitchen.

Amy turned around when she realized she was being watched and she smiled at the silent young man. “I hope you like roast.”

“I like just about anything,” he admitted with a shrug. “Can I give you a hand?”

“You can just relax,” she said. “How’re things going with you and Maria?”

“Things are going great,” he answered simply.

Amy glanced at him when he didn’t elaborate any further. “So, Maria was telling me that you’re going up to Lake Tahoe for Christmas?”

“Yeah, we rented a cabin up in the mountains and the others are gonna join us the day after Christmas. Well, Max and Liz will be goin’ up same time as us and the others will follow. Kyle and me used to snowboard every winter, so we wanted to go somewhere with a lot of snow.”

“Oh, so you won’t be spending any time with your family?”

Damn, the last thing he wanted to talk about was his family. He shrugged. “My brothers and sister will be there.”

“Your parents must miss you.” She smiled sadly as she turned to check the roast and missed his reaction to her words. “It’s difficult for parents when the holidays come around and their children are elsewhere.”

He bit his inner cheek before he could make any harsh comment about that. Luckily, Maria came into the kitchen just in time. She realized what her mother was talking about and managed to change the subject without that her mother really noticing it. “Mmm, this smells so good, Mom! I always miss your food.” She glanced at the clock over the stove. “So, when do you have to leave for work?” She saw the relief on Michael’s face and nodded slightly.

“Oh, in a couple of hours. I’m working a 12-hour shift, the seven to seven.”

Maria made a face. “Ungh, I still don’t know how you manage those hours, Mom.”

“Well, at one time getting used to these hours was a pain, but now... it’s normal.”

“Do you have to work on New Years Eve too?”

“That’s still up in the air right now, but there’s a good chance that I may be ringing in the New Year at the hospital.”

“That sucks,” she said, sitting down in one of the chairs and motioning to Michael to join her.

Amy watched them, trying to decipher their relationship. It was like Michael was holding back and she wasn’t why. During her visit to Long Beach, she had been so sure that there was something real between them, but now she had to wonder if it was just a sexual relationship, lacking any real depth.


Max watched Liz as she prowled around the bedroom Tess had offered to let them use while they were there. He was lounging on the bed, hands linked behind his head as he took in every nuance of her nervous pacing. She hadn’t been calm since the night before and she had been restless and edgy as she slept; on the plane and then throughout the car ride from the airport she had been fidgety and silent. Earlier in the hot tub and during dinner she had tried to join in the conversation, but her heart hadn’t been in it.

“You wanna talk about it?” he asked quietly.

“We shouldn’t have come here, Max… you shouldn’t have come here.”

He shifted the toothpick in his mouth from one side to the other as he debated the best way to counter her statements and finally settled for a question instead. “Why?”

“You still have time to go home so you can be with your family for Christmas.”

He sat up and tossed the toothpick in the small wastebasket next to the nightstand as he reached out to take her hand and pull her to stand between his knees. “I’ve already explained to my family that I’m spendin’ the holidays with you and they were very understanding. We’re here for a couple of days and then we’re headin’ to Lake Tahoe to spend a white Christmas in the mountains.” He lifted her hands up to press a kiss to her knuckles before raising his gaze to hers again. “Darlin’, I know your parents haven’t responded well to your breakup with Sean, but it’s only right that I meet them and let them know my intentions toward their only daughter.”

Liz moved her hands to rest on his shoulders and she bit her lip as she met his gaze. “My parents aren’t like yours, Max.”

“Um-hmm, I kinda already gathered that.” He looped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against his body. “Tell me what you’re so worried about, darlin’.”

“I just wish they could be happy for me because I’m happy.” She cradled his face in her hands and her thumbs stroked over his goatee. “You make me happy, Max, and… and it won’t matter to them because I’m not doin’ what they want me to do.”

“I’m not gonna sit here an’ lie to you, Liz, because that’s not gonna get us anywhere. Based on what I’ve learned about your parents there’s a very good chance that meetin’ them won’t change anything, and I know better than to think that they’re just gonna change their minds overnight, but I also think it’s important that we do the right thing.”

Liz sighed. “They won’t agree to going out because they won’t want a public scene. They’ll want to have dinner at home.”

Max shrugged, unconcerned. “I’m fine with that, darlin’.” He leaned back and reached up to take her hands again. “Listen to me, Liz, it doesn’t matter whether your parents like me or not; do I want them to like me? Sure, nobody just wants to be disliked, but my world isn’t gonna end if they don’t like me.”

She swallowed hard. “So, I should probably call them and let them know we’re here.”

“Why don’t you let me handle the dinner invitations?” He held a hand up to stop her before she could protest. “I know you said they’ll wanna have dinner at their place, but at least let me extend the invitation to take them out to dinner.”

Liz studied him. “Max, my mom… she’s… she doesn’t hold back when she’s got somethin’ to say.”

“Trust me, Liz, that’s all I’m askin’.”

She nodded and motioned to her cell phone where it was lying on the nightstand. “It’s under ‘Mom and Dad’.”

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him as he fell back on the bed. “I’ll call ‘em in the mornin’. For now I think my girl needs to be distracted… and I know just how to do that.” He rolled over and rested his weight on his elbows as he lowered his head to kiss her.

Link To Our New Fic – Mountains So High: ... 36&t=21184
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 88 - 1/24/10

Post by Double Trouble »

keepsmiling7: We’re pretty sure Max has a good idea about how to distract Liz.

destinyc: So is Liz, lol!

Amy’s just having a moment of doubt because of Michael’s unwillingness to talk about his family. It’ll pass soon.

Brooke was not about to let that little opportunity pass her by! And we’ll see how that little bit of news goes over with Joe and Katherine.

kismet: Most of the girls have a good relationship with their parents.

Danes are amazing dogs! We’re so sorry for your loss. They’re just gentle giants and they are some of the sweetest-natured dogs around.

Max may be in for a shock when he meets the Parkers.

Tess’ dad will be a good ally for Kyle, lol.

Michael will get there; he’s just a little unnerved by Amy and her acceptance. And Amy will have a conversation soon that will open her eyes where her daughter and Michael are concerned.

Earth2Mama: No worries, Amy’s gonna be reassured that what Maria and Michael have is sooo much more than just sex!

Most of us wish we had that kind of an open relationship with our parents!

Max is very good at providing distractions!

Eva: Thanks!

It does get a bit confusing, lol, but since Max and Isabel aren’t brother/sister here, we didn’t want to use the same last name.

Ah, Joe’s gonna come around. It wouldn’t matter if Alex was just a day older than Isabel, Joe would still be convinced that the guy was robbing the cradle and running off with his baby girl. The pregnancy news… well, we’ll see.

Tess’ dad is pretty cool and he and his daughter have a great relationship.

Nope, no doubt whatsoever that Amy and Maria are mother and daughter!

begonia9508: Thanks!

Oh, we’ll get the chance to see how the Parkers react to Max.

Growing up without a father isn’t easy, but Amy is a loving and dedicated mother and she did her best with Maria… and she turned out pretty well!

80s_UnLove_Child: Any of these guys would be a good distraction!

**gasp!!** Joe is sooo not in the same category as Nancy, lol!

Well… we can’t give away any details for the big dinner, lol… but, it’ll be good.

Yup, Amy has the night shift… leaving a certain couple home alone.

Natalie36: Oh, we’re pretty sure you’re right about that! Danes are awesome, aren’t they?

mary mary: Thanks! Well, we can all hope for that to happen. But, no matter which way it goes, we know that Max will be there to support Liz. Maria won’t give up on Michael and one of these days he’s gonna honestly believe that he is lovable. Isabel’s parents are great and Ed, well, you can certainly see that he and Tess are related, lol!

Alien_Friend: Max will do his best to keep her calm and he’ll make sure she survives this meeting.

Wow, very cool! You’re not studying to be an architect by any chance are ya? It’s quite possible that Kyle was aware of that information and it played a role in influencing his decision. You just never know!

Amy’s great, and we’ll see a couple of conversations between her and Michael during this little visit.

Isabel’s folks… we’ll get to see that scene, too. Definitely not what Joe and Katherine were expecting, but we’re pretty sure that Alex will make a good impression on them.

It’s only fair since the girls have met the guys’ parents.

sarammlover: There was never a doubt, was there? LOL. Ah, she’s just having a moment of doubt, that’s all. It won’t take long before she realizes that her initial instinct regarding the two of them was right.

Maiqu: The meeting between Max, Liz and her parents will be a little later in the week (fic-time), but it´s worth the wait, lol.

Danes are great dogs! A Chihuahua complex, seriously?

Yeah, Amy is a little bit worried right now, because Michael refuses to talk about is family. But the problem will be dealt with and solved in no time.

lilah: Yay, we brought you out of your lurking position again, lol. **DT girls doing a little happy dance**

The adventure of our characters is not over yet. We still have a few more surprises for everyone.

How Isabel´s parents will react to her pregnancy is still the question. We just have to wait a few more parts for an answer.

RiceKripsy: Lol thanks, we won´t make you bald. Promised!

Max and Liz will face the parents no matter what´s gonna happen. We will know how that turns out soon.

Author´s Note: We want to thank you for all your votes for us during the nomination and voting during the awards here on RF! That was really amazing! You guys rock! Thanks!

Part 89 – Reassuring Amy

Tess was the last to take her seat at the big table in the dining room. She had introduced Kyle and Max to Lisa earlier and then everyone had helped to set the table.

“This looks really great, Lisa,” Kyle admitted and when he glanced at the food and his stomach growled in response.

Tess rolled her eyes and glanced at Lisa. “I don’t think Kyle’s ever met food he didn’t like.”

“That’s not true. I don’t like the food Michael cooks, for example,” he complained.

“Michael,” Ed mused. “That would be the fella Maria’s dating now?”

Kyle nodded. “The one and only.”

“And you’re friends?”

“Yeah, we grew up together in New York.”

“Oh, we just came back from New York... had business up there.”

“What part of New York?”


“My family lives in the city. Did you get a chance to catch a Knicks game while you were there?”

“No, I couldn’t get tickets for it.” He shook his head and made a face. “I had intentions of goin’, but it didn’t happen.”

Tess glanced between Kyle and her father, glad that they found a common topic to talk about.

“Next time you’re gonna be up there you should let us know; my dad’s got season tickets for the Knicks, Giants, Yankees, and the Rangers... so, whatever sport you’re into, my dad’s got seats for it.”

Ed nodded, excited. “Sounds great.”

Max glanced at Kyle and shook his head. “No, Mavericks, Cowboys, Rangers, and Stars, if you wanna watch real teams compete.”

Kyle snorted at that.

“Let’s talk about Christmas plans,” Lisa said, knowing that they were seconds away from being sucked into the sports abyss.

“We’re going to a cabin at Lake Tahoe,” Tess said excited.

“Skiing,” Max said as he took a drink of his water.

“Huh-uh,” Kyle denied. “Snowboarding.”

“And here we go again,” Tess muttered.

“White Christmas,” Liz said quietly.

“Fireplace and hot chocolate,” Tess continued.

Kyle grinned, refusing to be sidetracked. “Kickin’ Max’s ass on the slopes.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Max shook his head and reached over to take Liz’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Like you’ve got a chance.”

Tess rolled her eyes and glanced at Lisa. “Can you imagine that there’s another one of these guys and we have to deal with them day after day.”

“Aw, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, babe,” Kyle said as he shook his head. “Wait until I get Guerin out on the slopes and then you’re gonna see some real competition. Evans here, he’s a Texas boy, complete novice... me and Michael grew up skiing and snowboarding.”

“Of course, it’ll help that Guerin’s gonna be distracted by a certain woman,” Max added helpfully.

Kyle snorted. “His loss if he gets distracted.”

“So, you’re sayin’ I’m not enough of a distraction to keep you off the slopes?” Tess asked, her tone dangerously low.

“Tessie, can you discuss that in private please?” her father asked, amused.

“No, I will not... he just implied that Maria is more of a distraction than I am!”

“Babe, you know I’d stay in bed with you all day if ya wanted me to,” Kyle said, hoping that he would get out of this mess without getting kicked out of the bedroom for the night.

“No, that’s alright... you can spend the entire holiday skiing, snowboarding, hiking, skydiving, and anything else that ends with in ‘ing’… it just won’t be with me.”

“Tess,” Kyle groaned, not willing to get into a fight about this.

“Nope, no forgiveness for you.” She let her gaze linger on him so he could see that she was just teasing and that the show was mostly for her father’s benefit.

“Uh-huh, we’ll see,” he said, glad when he caught her gaze and realized that she wasn’t really serious.

“You bet your ass we’ll see.” Tess loved the back and forth banter, it was like verbal foreplay.


Maria placed her plate into the sink. “That was really tasty, Mom.”

“Thanks. You seem to be happy, Maria,” Amy said as she reached for the plate her daughter had just set down and started to wash it. “How are things with you and Michael?”

“They’re great,” Maria said with a smile on her lips.

“He doesn’t talk much about his family.”

Maria nodded. “Yeah, I know.” And she couldn’t blame him after everything she had learned about his family.

“Um-hmm, well, I was wondering why.”

Maria sighed. She knew that Michael wouldn’t want her to talk about his family situation with anyone, even if it was her mother. “He just doesn’t, Mom,” she tried, hoping her mother would leave it alone.

Amy could see that Maria was trying to avoid answering the question so she dropped it for now. “So, what about your relationship? You two are moving forward?”

“What do you mean by that?” Maria asked, irritated by all the questions. Was her mom up to something?

“I’m just concerned, Maria... Michael seems like he really cares about you, but there are a few things that bother me. Like his refusal to talk about his family, or the way he’s so reserved, and the fact that you’re not answering my question throws up a red flag or two, as well.”

“So you think it’s just about sex between us.” It wasn’t a question, more a fact that her mother was thinking.

“Tell me it’s more than that, Maria. Has he told you he loves you?”

“No, he hasn’t,” Maria admitted, “but I haven’t said it to him either. I don’t need him to tell me he loves me to know that he cares about me.” She really wanted to talk about all the things they had been through lately, but she stayed quiet.

Amy nodded and let the subject drop completely. “You’re gonna be home for a couple of days... do you guys have plans while you’re here?”

“Nothing special, I think. We wanna catch up with Tony though.”

Maria was glad that her mother didn’t ask anymore questions about Michael even if she could tell that Amy wasn’t convinced that everything was just fine.

Standing in the hallway outside the kitchen entrance, Michael listened to the conversation between mother and daughter and he sighed. He knew Maria wouldn’t reveal anything about his family without his permission and she had no way to defend their relationship to her mother. Hmm, he needed to think about that.


Isabel placed her elbow on Alex’s chest and shifted so she could prop her chin in her hand as she met his gaze in the moonlight. He was lying back against the pillows, his right arm bent at the elbow and resting under his head.

“My dad just loves Brooke,” she said with a smile. “Even though she beat him at some video game earlier tonight.”

“No wonder, she’s had a lot of practice with Brendan,” Alex said and kissed the tip of his girlfriend’s nose. “Your family’s really nice, honey.”

“They are pretty great and they’re gonna be such wonderful grandparents.”

“No doubt.” He nodded. “Are you nervous about telling them?”

“A little,” she admitted. “I think they’ll be okay once they get past the initial shock though.”

“Yeah, that was my opinion, too.” He placed one hand on her belly and rubbed it softly. “Some days I still can’t believe it myself.” He looked up and smiled. “I can’t wait for this little boy or girl to be here with us.”

“Can you believe at this time next year we’ll have a five-month-old baby in the house?”

“My first Christmas with my very own family,” he said quietly.

“It’s gonna be a crazy year, Alex.” She smiled and leaned in to kiss him.

“True, but crazy in a good way,” he whispered against her lips.

“You think Brooke’s gonna be okay with the baby, right?”

“Of course. Once the baby’s here, I’m sure she’ll be glad that she won’t be the youngest in the family anymore.”

“I just don’t want her to feel like she doesn’t belong. The last month hasn’t been easy for anyone, but I just hate that Hank was able to make her question whether or not we want her to be with us.”

He just wished that Hank was the only one responsible for making Brooke feel like that. “It didn’t help that we didn’t tell her about the baby, but she’s stronger than we think she is, honey. It was a hard time, but I’m convinced that it’s over now and we can start to be a real family. A happy family.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Me too.”

“Are you sure you and Brooke don’t mind spending Christmas Day here? I’d understand if you wanted to be with your sister and the twins.”

He shook his head. “No, it’s okay. You have a family, too, Iz. We’ll stay here and after that, there’s still plenty of time for my crazy brothers.”


Maria walked up the stairs to her room after her Mom had left for work. Michael wasn’t anywhere in sight, so she assumed he was probably still showering. She sat down on the edge of her bed and sighed. She had wanted to tell her mother every small detail of her relationship with Michael but that would have also included his past and she knew he wasn’t comfortable with that.

She opened her nightstand to look and see if her favorite book was still there, but instead her fingers brushed against a picture of Tess, Anna and her, and she lifted it out of the drawer. She smiled sadly as she lay the photo down on her knees. It had been taken at a party during summer break. She couldn’t remember who had taken the photo, but she remembered the night very well. The three of them had decided to go out and have fun without any guys around.

Maria’s index finger trailed over the edge of the picture and she took a deep, shaky breath. Why had Anna been taken so early? She couldn’t count how many times she had asked herself that question.

Michael paused in the doorway and watched Maria as her fingers skimmed over the photograph and he watched her for several minutes, trying to read her expression.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she tried to brush them away with the back of her hand.

It was a tell-tale gesture and he quickly dropped his clothes on a nearby chair and moved to sit beside her, gathering her up in his arms and holding her close. He glanced over the photo that shook with the fine tremors running through her body, and he knew without confirmation that the unknown girl in the picture was her friend who had died.

“Wanna talk about it?” he asked gruffly.

“I miss her so much sometimes,” she sobbed against his chest.

Michael rubbed her back as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. He didn’t really know what to say to her, but he wanted to make her feel better somehow.

With his arm around her, it didn’t take long until she started to calm down again. “I wish I could introduce you to her. She would’ve liked you.”

“Did you ever say goodbye to her?”

“Me and Tess went to her grave after the funeral and we stayed there for a long time, just stood there in silence. I guess that was our way of sayin’ goodbye.”

“Did you ever... I don’t know, talk to her?”

“No, not really. I’ve never been to her grave again since then. I... I just couldn’t.”

“You wanna go out there now? While you’re feelin’ all these emotions and stuff?” God, this was an uncomfortable topic, he thought. “It’s just... I know it’s different for everybody, but, Max told me it helped him... y’know, goin’ to visit his brother’s grave.”

“Maybe we can go out there tomorrow? Together.”

He nodded. “Yeah, we can do that. You wanna call Tess, see if she wants to go, too?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask her about it.”

“We could go out afterwards and you guys could show us around Roswell.”

“Yeah, even if there isn’t much to see here.” Maria rubbed her hands over her face and Michael slowly released her. She leaned back on the bed a little and shoved the waistband of her jeans down a little until her tat came into sight. “Did I ever tell you that this is dedicated to her?”

“No, you just said that it was... what was it you said? The result of too much tequila, I think that’s what you said.”

“Well, that was a lie.”

“So, no tequila involved?”

She shook her head and laughed slightly. “Tess and I decided to get tats in memory of her. This,” she ran her fingertip over the few small roman numerals, “is the date of her death and the tiger is the mascot at our high school.”

Michael leaned over to press his lips to the tat, gently kissing the mark of remembrance she had gotten inked into her flesh. “If she was worthy of your friendship, then I know she was a good person.”

Maria let her back rest flat on the bed. “She was.” A soft smile escaped her lips when she remembered her mother’s reaction to the tattoo. “Mom totally flipped out when she saw the tat.”

“Why? It’s small, it’s tastefully done, and to be perfectly selfish, it’s in a place where no one but me gets to see it,” he teased, hoping to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, that’s what I told her. Well, except that part about you, of course. And you know what’s even more ridiculous? That she has a tat, too! And hers actually is the result of too much tequila.”

Michael laughed at that. “Y’know, somehow, that does not surprise me about your mom. Bet it’s in a place she doesn’t show to just anyone, too.”

Maria glanced around as if she were making sure nobody could hear her. “It’s on her ass,” she hissed, grinning. “Most of the time she’s pretty cool. Sorry that she was so insistent about asking questions about your family. She just wants to get to know you better, I guess.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “No, it’s okay. I know she’s just curious about my background and stuff, which she has every right to be considering we’re involved, but I’m still not comfortable with the questions.” He gave himself a mental pat on the back. We’re involved... he had managed to get the two words out without choking.

“Involved, huh?” she asked, grinning as she moved up and straddled his lap. “How involved you wanna get right now?”

“All the way,” he said, waggling his eyebrows playfully.

“Right answer,” she said, satisfied as she pressed her body further against him.

Michael grinned. “I think we should get naked... quick.”

“Michael,” Maria purred as she crawled up over his big body, forcing him to lie back.

“Um-hmm?” he groaned when she purposefully and seductively rubbed against him.
“I wanna play.”

“Hell, I’m all for that.” He lifted his hips in an effort to move her and his eyebrows lifted in question when she smiled and shook her head. “Be a lot easier for me to get naked if you let me get up for a minute.”

She sat back and ran her hands over his bare chest. “You get naked when I say you get naked.”

Michael reached behind him and grabbed the brass rails on her headboard. He didn’t know what she had in mind but judging from the look on her face she was feeling adventurous and he knew well enough to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

She came up on all fours as she stared into his dark eyes. “How much do you trust me, Michael?”

“More than I ever thought I could trust anyone,” he answered honestly.

“Enough to let me tie you up?”

“You wanna tie me up?” he asked curiously. “I’ve never done that before… you gonna let me tie you up later?”

“I’ll let you do anything you want, baby.”

“Alright,” he agreed with a shrug, “tell me what to do.”

“Just put those big hands back on the headboard.” She leaned down to kiss him. “I’ll be right back.”

He sat up and stacked a couple of pillows behind him, leaning back against them as he watched her dig around in her closet for several minutes before stepping back and waving a purple scarf around victoriously. “No handcuffs, huh?”

“I wasn’t exactly planning this, but a scarf would have to be more comfortable than handcuffs.”

“Well, I’m all about comfort.” Not to mention how easy it’d be to get out of the restraints if they were in the form of a scarf. He made a face when she climbed on top of him again, placing the hand with the scarf in the middle of his chest. “Although, if you ever tell anyone you tied me to your bed with a purple scarf…” He shook his head. “Nevermind. I was about to say I’d deny it, but…” he grinned, “that’d be a lie.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Let me know when they’re tight enough, okay?”

Michael tipped his head back to watch her bind his wrists to the headboard. “Make ‘em snug.”

“Why? You gonna try to get out of ‘em?”

“Y’know how much I enjoy bein’ dominant in bed.” He growled low in his throat when she leaned back, looking pleased with herself. He pulled on the restraint, hiding the smile when he felt the give in the material. Oh, yeah, when the time was right, he’d be able to pull free of them.

“Hmm… what should I do next?” Maria muttered quietly as she edged backwards.

“Get naked,” he suggested thickly.

“Oh, good idea.” She laughed at his smug expression as she quickly stood and stripped. She knew he was counting on freeing himself when he couldn’t take it anymore, but it wasn’t gonna happen, she thought gleefully.

Michael wished he had just wrapped a towel around his waist after getting out of the shower, but he hadn’t wanted to risk running into her mother dressed like that so he’d pulled on a pair of jeans instead. He felt his heart rate pick up, felt his breathing increase, and his body tensed in anticipation when she straddled him again. “I know you’re in the drivers’ seat and all, but I promise it’ll be a lot more fun if we’re both naked.

“Um-hmm.” She ignored his suggestion as she focused her attention on his chest and stomach, licking, nipping, and sucking on his flesh and making him squirm around. She could feel how hard he was and every time he shifted, trying to find friction, she moved just out of his reach, further frustrating him.

Michael’s eyes traced over her flushed skin and his hands clenched as he fought against his instinct to free himself and take control of their lovemaking. She was taking her sweet time moving down his body and he made a guttural sound low in his throat when she suddenly sat up and he could feel how wet she was against his abdomen.

“I know you’re pretty good about improvising, but you think you can go down on me from this position?”

“Genius here, baby, you’re just gonna have to handle the mechanics since you’ve got me at your mercy.”

Maria smiled at him as she slowly made her way up his body, rubbing herself against his chin and biting her bottom lip when he used his chin to nudge her, directing her without a sound. His big hands were clenched into fists, white-knuckled, and he was trying hard to stay still. Her hands shot out to latch onto the headboard when his tongue dipped between her folds, seeking her clit and finding it within moments.

She rocked against him, quickly falling into a rhythm and enjoying the feelings and sensations as he created havoc in her body. “Just take me to the edge,” she whispered raggedly.

She reached that point all too soon and Michael snarled a curse out when she pulled away. “I think you should let me finish you off like this.”

Maria slid back down his body, lying against him as she kissed him slowly, taking her time and not rushing it. “And I think that would technically put you in control, wouldn’t it?” she teased as she pulled away again.

“You ready to turn me loose yet?”

She smiled and nodded, enjoying his confused frown when she got up and moved to the foot of the bed. She reached up to unfasten his jeans and then grasped the hem near his feet and started tugging on them.

“Not exactly what I meant,” he grumbled as he shifted around to help her.

“Hoping for some action tonight, Michael?” she asked when she realized he had gone commando.

“Still hopin’ for some action, but it’d be nice if you could get with the program before I end up with a hard-on that’s hurtin’ for all the wrong reasons. Maybe you’ve noticed that Mike Jr. looks like he’s about ready to blow?” He hissed when she wrapped her hand around his dick, slowly stroking and applying the perfect pressure.

She climbed up on the bed between his legs, giving Mike Jr. plenty of loving attention before bracing her hands on his thighs and looking into his nearly black eyes for several seconds. She smiled suddenly and moved, settling herself over his body and holding his gaze as she slowly lowered herself, taking him inside.

Michael struggled against his bonds when he was fully sheathed inside of her and she remained still, head thrown back and eyes closed.

“You’re not tryin’ to get free, are you?” she asked, her tone amused.

He grunted when she started to move, keeping the pace slow and steady, and the entire headboard jerked with his efforts to free himself. He couldn’t take it anymore; he wanted to touch her and tease her, and he couldn’t do that while he was all tied up. “M’ria, turn me loose,” he begged hoarsely. “I can’t take anymore.”

Maria leaned forward with one hand braced on his chest as she reached out to tug on the end of the scarf. Her eyes rolled back in her head when Michael took advantage of her position to suck on the nipple closest to him as he rolled his hips and hit her G-spot with perfect precision. “Oh, fuck,” she groaned.

“I know,” he growled.

“No… no, Michael, you’ve pulled the knots too tight.” She dropped her forehead against his as she started to laugh uncontrollably at his muffled curses.

Michael suddenly realized just how absurd the situation was and he started to laugh. “This shouldn’t be funny,” he said after a few minutes. He lifted his head to kiss her when he saw the way her green eyes were sparkling. “I guess you’re stayin’ in the drivers’ seat for now because I’ll be damned if we’re gonna stop so you can go find somethin’ to get me outta this mess.”

She chuckled as she leaned back and quickly resumed moving against him. “You’re right, it shouldn’t be funny, but it is.” It didn’t take long for them to fall into a rhythm that worked for both of them and Michael nearly snapped the rails in two when he wrapped his hands around them as she reached her peak and he thrust up against her repeatedly before his muscles locked up and he came hard.

Maria collapsed against his chest, both of them struggling to draw in air to fill their straining lungs. “I’m gonna go find somethin’… in just a minute,” she promised, gasping.

“Take your time,” he mumbled, feeling generous now that he had come and they had taken the edge off of their need.


Michael blinked a few times when he felt Maria moving in the bed next to him. From what he could tell she wasn’t awake, just shifting in her sleep. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand and groaned slightly when he saw that it was already 8am.

He leaned back again and closed his eyes, but he already knew that he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. He thought about what he had overheard during the conversation between Amy and Maria the evening before. He had to talk to her mother, tell her something that would make her believe that he wasn’t just using her daughter for sex.

“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. What was he supposed to do? Sighing deeply he rolled onto his side and placed a soft kiss on Maria’s cheek. She smiled slightly but didn’t wake up.

He got up from the bed and walked out of the room to go to the bathroom at the other end of the hallway. He could hear the tinkling of dishes downstairs in the kitchen when he got back and he glanced at his reflection in the mirror over the dresser. “Alright,” he muttered to himself, “time to face the inevitable.”

After he dressed in a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt, he walked down to find Amy already setting the table for breakfast.

He leaned in the doorframe and watched her for several seconds, preparing for the upcoming conversation before he let her know that he was there.

“Mornin’,” he said, walking further into the room.

“Good morning, Michael,” she greeted with a smile. “I wasn’t sure what time the two of you get up, but if I don’t make breakfast as soon as I get home chances are good that I won’t do it.”

“You don’t have to do this,” he assured her. “I can only imagine how tired you must be, so if ya wanna lay down...”

“Tired, yes, but it’ll take a couple of hours to unwind before I can get any sleep.”

He nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets as he tried to decide how to go on from there. “Maria’s still asleep and knowin’ her she won’t be up anytime soon.”

Amy laughed and shook her head. “My daughter has never been a morning person, Michael.”

“Yeah,” he smiled a little as well, “I’ve already figured that out.”

“Well, you’ve certainly been together long enough to be familiar with her habits.”

He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess we started to see each other right after she started at college,” he admitted, wondering if Maria had ever told her mother about how their relationship had started.

“Do you mind if I ask what drew you to Maria?”

Oh man, what a question. It had been her hot body and her cool attitude that had kept him interested. But was that something he could tell Amy?

She bit her lips to avoid laughing at his trapped expression. “I may be a mother, but I’m also a woman, Michael. I know that people are attracted to each other for some pretty basic reasons before they actually get to know that person.”

Her comment allowed him to relax a little and he decided to go with the truth. “Well, she was dating my brother when I met her the first time. And she had no clue that Brendan had a twin.”

“She met you while dating Brendan?”

Michael nodded. “Yeah, I guess she wanted to date someone... um... decent. But my brother didn’t tell her that he had a twin and that’s how things kinda started...” He took the plates from her and placed them on the table. A little bit of a distraction was good.

Amy shook her head, amused. “I’ll bet she wasn’t happy when she found out that she had thought the two of you were the same guy.”

Michael had to laugh. “No, and at first she thought Brendan was kinda schizo; our personalities aren’t exactly identical.”

“It had to be a relief to discover that there were two of you.”

“Uh-huh, but she was also mad because neither or us had told her; it was kind of an accident that we both showed up at the same time.”

“And how exactly did she end up with you?”

Michael scratched his eyebrow nervously. “Well, I guess Maria realized that Brendan could never be the right guy for her. We started to hang out, which happened pretty often because our best friends were a couple.” He lifted his gaze to meet Amy’s. “It was just a casual thing between us at first,” he admitted.

Amy paused and turned to look at him. “Are you implying that your relationship is more than... casual now?”

He nodded. “Yeah, definitely.”

“Can you tell me more?”

He leaned against the counter and curled his hands over the edge on either side of him while he considered his next words. “Well, we got to know each other over time and at some point we realized that it was more then just making out.” Even if it had been a painful ride till then, he added silently.

“You make her happy, you know,” Amy said, relieved to learn that her original instinct had been right and he did care deeply for Maria.

“Well, that’s mutual.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.” She could’ve gone on, but she could see that he wasn’t comfortable with the conversation or talking about his feelings. “Why don’t you go see if you can get her up while I finish this? Oh, and, Michael?”

He turned around again. “Yeah?”

“I don’t know what your family situation is, but I can only imagine it isn’t good considering that you don’t talk about it... I just want you to know that you’ll always be welcome in my home.”

He nodded slightly and swallowed hard a few times. “Thanks.”


Brendan stepped out of the taxi after paying the fare, hooking the strap of his bag over his shoulder as he stared up at the brick apartment building. The entire time he and Karen had been dating she had lived there with her mother and if his suspicions were correct, it was where he would find her now.

He was exhausted after an early morning flight and then spending the entire morning on a wild goose chase; Karen wasn’t enrolled at college in Boston and the address she had given Michael had turned out to be bogus. After learning that he had booked a ticket on the first flight to New York City and now he was realizing that he was taking a huge risk by showing up unannounced.

He walked into the lobby and crossed the scarred tile floor to punch the button to call the elevator. How many times had he been in this building as a teenager? The doors opened and he stepped inside, pushing the button for the fourth floor and looking around as he leaned back against one wall of the car.

His heart started to race as the numbers above the door lit up, one after the other, to indicate the floors. The number four lit up and stayed solid as the doors slid open and he stared at the hall that stretched out before him. He stood rooted to the spot for so long that the doors began to close and he had to rush to get out.

Apartment 424 loomed ahead and he had to wipe the sweat from his palms before making a fist to reach up and knock on the door. He stepped to the side, afraid that if she looked out through the little peephole and saw him that she wouldn’t open the door and he had to wipe his palms again when he heard the numerous locks being unlocked.

The door was pulled open and his heart leapt up in his throat when he came face to face with the woman who meant so much to him even after all their time apart. Surprise flashed in her deep blue eyes and then something else that was so fleeting that he couldn’t define it before it was replaced by shock.

“Brendan, what… what’re you doin’ here?”

He surprised himself when he responded without faltering. “I could ask you the same thing.” His gaze dropped to his hands for a moment. “Why’d you tell Michael you were in Boston? Why not tell him the truth? Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out?”

“What’d you figure out?”

“That you didn’t go to college, that you’re still livin’ here with your mom…” His voice was starting to rise. “That you lied to me; you told me you were breakin’ up with me so you could chase your own dreams… this was your dream? To live here with your mom? What’re you doin’, Karen? Workin’ all day, watchin’ kids half the night like she did just to make ends meet?”

“Don’t judge me, Brendan; you have no idea – “

“No, I don’t, but I’ll be damned if I’ll take the blame for that. I begged you to tell me why you were breakin’ up with me… the truth, not that bullshit story you gave me, and you wouldn’t tell me what it was.”

Karen sighed when a cry came from inside the apartment.

“I was right, wasn’t I? You’re doin’ the exact same thing your mom did… why? Was the prospect of goin’ to college with me and us livin’ together that bad?”

“Just come inside; I don’t suppose it matters since you’ve already woken her up.”

“Sorry,” he apologized, abashed. “Is your mom home?”

“No, she’s workin’ a double today. And just for your information, I do attend college; I take classes at night.”

He followed her through the apartment to her bedroom and old memories assailed him, making him grip the doorframe for a moment to steady himself. “How many kids does your mom watch now?” he asked, glancing around at the baby stuff that was everywhere. It had to be a lot if the stuff was spilling over into Karen’s room.

“Just the one,” she answered softly as she leaned over the side of the crib to pick the baby up.

Brendan watched her as she placed the baby on the changing table and he averted his gaze when she started to unsnap the sleeper.

“Problem, Bren?” she teased.

“You’re about to expose all of her…” He waved his right hand futilely. “You know, all of her girl parts.”

He wandered around her bedroom while she changed the baby and as soon as she was finished she picked the baby up and turned to face him. “Would you hold her while I go get her bottle?”

“Well, alright, but only if you’re gonna talk to me seriously about what happened. I can’t take much more of this not knowing; it’s makin’ me crazy.”

Karen bit her bottom lip as she met his dark gaze, seeing the confusion and hurt that he didn’t try to hide. “Where’s your father, Brendan?”

“Hopefully someplace where he’ll never bother me or my brothers and sister again. Why?”

“I’m just surprised that he doesn’t know you’re here.”

“What does my father have to do with anything?”

She shrugged one shoulder and transferred the baby into his arms, leaving him alone while she went to get a bottle.

Brendan shook his head at her odd line of questioning and he looked down at the baby, staring into the deep brown eyes that were locked on him. “What’re you starin’ at?” he asked, unable to stop the grin when the baby gurgled and reached up to grab his nose. He shifted her so that she was reclining in the crook of his arm as he reached for one of the little stuffed animals on a shelf nearby.

He laughed when she made a squealing sound and kicked her feet and she happily settled for gnawing on the toy as she kicked her feet out. He caught one of her feet in his hand, stilling its movement, and his eyes locked on the birthmark on her ankle. It was small but it was shaped like the state of Florida, which was just odd… and familiar.

“Well, it looks like you’ve found a way to occupy her,” Karen said as she came back with the bottle. She froze when she saw what had captured his attention and she wondered how she could have forgotten.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Brendan asked hoarsely.

He knew. She should’ve known he would figure it out; Brendan may have had a tendency to be absent-minded and clueless at times, but he was far from being stupid. “Your father would’ve disowned you, destroyed your future, and eventually it would’ve destroyed us.”

“How can you say that?” he demanded. “Didn’t you have any faith in me? In us?” His gaze dropped to the baby… his daughter, he thought incredulously.

“I had faith, Brendan, but I was also scared out of my mind. We were plannin’ to leave for college, we were talkin’ about the rest of our lives, and I found out I was pregnant. I was still reeling from that little shock when your father showed up at my front door.”

“Wait, he came here?”

“He was having me followed, Brendan! Your father never approved of our relationship.” She swallowed hard and shook her head. “You had no idea how much of your life he controlled; have you conveniently forgotten that he was the only thing we ever really fought about? He had your entire life mapped out for you and he knew he had the leverage he needed when I got pregnant.”

Brendan felt like everything was moving too fast and he latched onto the first thing that came to mind. “I thought you said you couldn’t get pregnant?”

“No, what I said was that the chances were very slim and that if I did chances were that I wouldn’t carry the baby to term.”

“And yet, here you are,” he said quietly, the words directed at the baby. He quickly did the calculations in his head and he looked at Karen. “She’s what, 16 months old?”

“Just turned 18 months,” she said with a slight shake of her head. “She refused to follow the doctor’s timetable; she was premature.” She smiled as she looked at the little girl. “She’s got your sense of timing and she just couldn’t wait.”

“I, um… I need to go, Karen.” He shook his head as he transferred the baby back into her arms. “I can’t do this right now… I need to… I’ve gotta go.”

He turned and ran out of the apartment, ignoring the elevator in favor of taking the stairwell and he made it down two flights before his legs gave out and he dropped down to sit on the steps. He felt the familiar tightness in his chest, the dizziness, and the shaking that always accompanied a panic attack. His heart was racing like a freight train and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He knew what to do to bring it under control but his mind refused to cooperate with him and focus on the relaxation techniques.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 90

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Yes, he is.

We would, too. Those were factors that contributed, but there was an underlying condition that made carrying a baby to term next to impossible for Karen. We’ll find out more about the baby soon. Brendan will get a chance to bond with his daughter – he won’t let this opportunity just pass him by. It’s gonna be a shock for the rest of the family!

Michael just couldn’t let Amy go on believing that it was just sex between him and Maria. He just had to get his nerve up to go and talk to her. We won’t tell Michael that he reminded you of Liz… we’re not sure he’d appreciate the compliment, lol.

Ed isn’t interested in hearing those details. Getting along with the stepmom or potential stepmom makes life so much easier!

Joe may overreact initially, but he’ll deal with it.

Isabel’s parents are gonna be great for Brooke.

Dinner with the Parkers should be… interesting.

They are an adventurous duo… but, yeah, gotta love ‘em!

kismet: Thanks!

Ed’s so easy to get along with that he didn’t even think twice, lol.

Michael continues to grow.

Brendan will be okay and he’ll get some help calming down.

Hmm… not this Sunday, no. We’ve got some group scenes before we get around to dinner with the Parkers.

A wedding, huh? We’ve wondered about that, too. And after much discussion we have an answer… but we can’t reveal it just yet.

sarammlover: No arguments from us. Brendan and Karen will work things out. It’s taking time, but Michael’s learning to take the initiative where things like this are concerned.

keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading!

Eva: The beginning is always a good place to start.

Glad you enjoyed the banter over dinner.

Michael has changed so much since the beginning of this fic and he’s still growing.

Alex and Isabel have a great future ahead of them.

Karen had a difficult time and Brendan’s reaction does seem to mirror his twin at the moment, but we assure you he’s just having a panic attack.

80s_UnLove_Child: We think he will be, too. LOL, we’ll see.

Thank you!
My dad would have leapt across the table and killed him with a fork.
This made us laugh sooo hard! And it’s so true for us, too!

Umm, nope, not the next chappie.

April: LOL, it does seem that way, but they haven’t. Brendan’s just having a panic attack and thankfully, Karen knows how to deal with him like this. We’ll be seeing just how different Brendan’s personality is from his twins’ soon.

Ravenous sperm, huh? Greatness!

Natalie36: He hasn’t left Karen. We’ll see more about that very soon.

mary mary: You’re never too old to act like that!

Amy’s very intuitive and we wanted Michael to have a good relationship with her.

Karen knows and she will.

Alien_Friend: Definitely not what Brendan was expecting, but we’re pretty sure he and Karen will find a way to work things out. Hmm, suppose someone would have to move, huh? We’ll see.

Michael couldn’t just let Amy think he and Maria’s relationship was so shallow. He just had to get his nerve up first, lol.

Well, that’s good, ‘cause we’ve got some more twists and turns coming!

They certainly know how to unwind don’t they?

Specialist in Philosophy… how ‘bout a WOW of our own! Philosophy as an elective was confusing enough! Good luck!

begonia9508: It’s big news but he didn’t leave to be mean, promise. He just had a panic attack and had to get away for a few minutes.

Maiqu: Kinda the opposite of having a Chihuahua with a Great Dane complex, lol!

They can switch tracks at the speed of lightening, can’t they?

You were right, lol! Don’t worry, Brendan and Karen are gonna talk and soon.

Ouch! Impressive 5-minute feedback for a wounded Southpaw!

Part 90 – Meeting The Ex(es)

“Can you hand me that lip gloss you always use?” Maria asked Tess. They were getting ready at Tess’ house for a night out in Roswell after spending the evening hanging out at her house loading up on pizza.

Tess reached for the tube and tossed it to the other girl as she leaned back against the countertop and pointed at Maria. “What’d you do last night?”

“We just had dinner with my mom and stayed at home.” She glanced at her friend, unsure if she should mention her breakdown when she had found the photo of them with Anna. She sighed. “Originally I had planned to show Michael a little bit of Roswell, but then I found a pic of Anna, you and me and I kinda lost it.”

“Oh, sweetie,” Tess murmured as she hurried to hug Maria, “is that why you wanted to go out to the gravesite today?”

Maria shrugged. “Michael suggested that it might help since I hadn’t been there since the funeral.”

“Did it help?”

“I think it did. Can’t really explain it though.”

“It was weird bein’ back there after so long... I never did go back to visit after the funeral.”

Maria nodded. “Yeah, me neither. I really miss her.”

“Me too.” They were silent for a few moments and then Tess suddenly shook her head. “Okay, we’re goin’ out and havin’ a good time tonight. Anna wouldn’t want us bein’ sad, or thinkin’ about this so much, so let’s finish getting ready.”

“You’re probably right.” Maria started to grin. “Can I borrow your sexy black dress?”

“Somebody’s getting lucky tonight,” Tess sang as she walked over to her closet.

“Like I need a little black dress to get lucky,” Maria snorted and then grinned when Tess pulled it out. “Thanks, I really like that one and girl, I was so envious when you showed it to me the first time.”

“It helps when I go shopping and Daddy’s credit card doesn’t have a limit.”

“Oh, Tony’s meeting us at the bar, he called me earlier.”

“Perfect. I can’t wait to start takin’ bets on who he’s hookin’ up with tonight.” They laughed about what had become a sport between the four girls.

“I wonder if he’ll ever change.”

“After the past four months I believe anyone can change.”

Maria thought about it for a minute. “You’re probably right. Our boyfriends weren’t that different from Tony before we got a hold of them.”

“Tony just has to find the right girl. Once that happens, she’ll straighten his ass right out.”

Maria glanced at a photo tucked into the frame of Tess’ mirror; it showed all four girls shortly before they had left for California. “It’s weird how much things have changed the last couple months, huh?”

Tess followed her friend’s gaze and she nodded. “I know. Can you believe that Isabel’s practically married and Liz caught a seriously hot guy?”

Maria laughed out loud. “Yeah. Who would’ve thought that she’d finally decide that Sean wasn’t the right one for her? And Isabel... she’s gonna be a mommy soon. It’s still hard to believe.”

“It’s crazy!” She paused, thinking. “You think it’s any crazier than the two of us actually bein’ in relationships that we really want to work out?”

“Well, maybe for you,” she answered grinning.

Tess rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine... I didn’t exactly do the relationship thing before Kyle. But at least I wasn’t trying to make a relationship work with the village idiot.”

“Whatever. You and Kyle, you’re great together, chica. I’m really glad you found him. He’s the perfect match for you.”

“Uh-huh, totally ignore what I said,” she said with a grin and happily shifted to her favorite topic. “Kyle is perfect for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally aware of his flaws, but... damn, girl, I didn’t think it was really possible to feel like this about a guy!”

“Uh-huh, I remember how you flipped out when he asked you to visit his parents.”

“Well... that’s a big thing, especially for someone like me, Maria!”

“I know and you made the right choice.”

Tess nodded as she glanced over her reflection in the mirror. “I did, didn’t I?”


“Did I tell you that Liz and Max are sharin’ a room? I didn’t think she’d agree since my dad’s there.”

“They are, huh? I wonder how far they’ve gone.”

“I don’t know, but I’d say she’s really re-thinking her decision to wait until marriage.” She snorted. “She’s so nervous about facing her parents... I wish we could just trade them in for a new mom and dad for her.”

“Yeah. It’s unbelievable that they expect her to marry someone she doesn’t love. My mom would never force me to marry just because of some financial advantages or something.”

“Right? I just hope Max can deal with them. Liz said he called and invited them to dinner this morning.”

She shook her head as she checked her makeup one more time. “Texas has no idea what he’s getting into.”

“Yeah. But I think it’s important to him. And it shows how much he cares about Liz.”

“He must... she gets to drink his coffee without havin’ to pay for it, and she doesn’t even like it! Me? Nope, he makes me pay for half of it if I wanna drink it.”

“Yeah, Michael told me about his coffee kink.”

“The man has a major issue with his coffee, Maria! He totally went off on me when he found out I was drinking it.” She grinned and shrugged. “He’s fun to piss off though... he’s so damn calm all the time!”

“I guess you’d have to be to share an apartment with Kyle and Michael.”

“True, but it’s like us, I guess. Rooming together wouldn’t work if we were all alike. God, we’d kill each other.”

“Oh, yeah. I wonder how long we’ll still live together. I mean, Isabel’s practically living with Alex now. Do you think if we stay with these guys that we’ll all be in our own places next year at this time?” She leaned back against the counter and chewed on her thumbnail unconsciously. “How weird would that be?”

“Yeah. I love livin’ with you guys. Maybe we could get a big house down by the beach, that’d be cool.”

“Uh-huh, that’d be the perfect havoc.”

Tess tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I love chaos!”

“Well, I guess we’ll see where we are next year, huh?”

“Yeah. It’s been a wild ride so far, so I can’t wait to see where it goes next.”

“Hopefully things will be little less wild in the near future,” Maria mumbled.

“Things have kinda settled down for you and Michael, haven’t they?”

“I really hope so.”

“He’s seemed more... I don’t know, comfortable, maybe, with your relationship since Thanksgiving.”

“That’s when we were honest with each other for the first time.”

“Well, it’s been good for you guys.”

“That’s true.” Maria glanced at her reflection in the mirror and nodded. “I think I’m ready to leave, what about you?”

“Been ready, just enjoying the chance to catch up with you.”

Maria smiled. “Anything else you wanna know?”

“Yeah, if everyone else is ready to go because I’m ready to get this party started!”


Karen hurried out of her room when she heard the front door open and she felt relief wash over her when she saw her mother shrugging out of her coat. “Mom, I know you just walked in, but can you watch her for me?”

Rosanne Johnson took her granddaughter as she studied her daughter’s expression. “Karen? Is everything alright?”

“Brendan was just here…”

“Oh, my,” the older woman whispered. “Does he know she’s his?”

“Yeah, it took him all of 15 seconds to realize it.”

“Where’d he go?”

Karen grabbed her jacket off of the coat rack next to the front door as she pulled the door open. “Knowing Brendan he’s in the middle of a major panic attack.”

Rosanne watched her daughter as she rushed out of the apartment and she smiled as she looked down at the baby in her arms. “Haven’t I been telling you all along that your daddy would eventually come for you? Looks like we might need to make something a little special for dinner, huh?” She pressed a kiss to the little girl’s blond hair before putting her down and walking into the kitchen.


Maria and Tess led the way into the club, looking around at their old stomping grounds. They had spent so much time hanging out there during and right after high school. Not much had changed, which was kind of comforting, and they sent the guys to find a table while they moved through the crowd.

When they got up to the bar they leaned on the counter, waiting for the bartender to notice them. After several minutes he finally turned around and grinned as he shook his head at them.

“I heard trouble was back in town,” he said loudly to be heard over the music. He was around six feet tall, bald with a goatee and mustache, and a small gold earring in his left ear.

“Oh, c’mon, Duke, we weren’t that bad,” Tess said.

He snorted. “Tell that lie to someone who doesn’t know you.”

“Hey, babe, we got a table,” Kyle said as he came up behind his girlfriend.

“Okay. Duke this is Kyle, and Kyle, this is Roswell’s best bartender, Duke.”

Duke held his hand out to the younger man, hiding a grin when the kid sized him up. “You seein’ the Roswell princess?”

“Yeah,” Kyle said simply and nodded.

“Congratulations are in order then... your first round’s on me.”

“Hey, what’s takin’ so long?” Michael asked as he joined them.

“Hey, baby, whatcha want to drink?” Maria asked, ignoring his question.

“Just beer for now.”

Kyle nodded. “Same for Max and Alex, too.”

“I love this song,” Tess suddenly shrieked and jumped. “C’mon, Maria, let’s dance. Guys, you get the drinks!”

Behind the bar Duke smirked and shook his head. “You boys must be from California.”

Michael nodded. “Obvious?”

“Well, the girls all went to college together and you boys definitely aren’t from around here.”

Michael glanced at the dance floor, trying to control his jealousy when he saw that Maria and Tess were being checked out by a group of guys at a nearby table.

“Hey,” Kyle said, noticing the direction of his best friend’s gaze, “don’t start anything.”

“As long as they keep their hands to themselves,” Michael growled.

“You boys want one of the waitresses to bring your drinks out to your table?” Duke asked when Kyle started shoving several of the bottles into Michael’s hands.

“Nah, man, we’re cool.” He had to focus Michael’s attention on something besides the guys hanging around the edge of the dance floor watching the girls.

“It’s so good to be here again,” Tess screamed to be heard, while she swung her hips to the rhythm of the music. “I didn’t know how much I really missed good old Roswell.”

“I know,” Maria shouted right back, “it’s like we never left!”

“Uh-huh, and apparently we’re just as sexy as ever,” Tess grinned, nodding in the direction of a group of guys who were watching them intensely.

“God, I hope Michael doesn’t notice them.”

“Think he’d get jealous?”

Maria snorted and rolled her eyes. “Do I think? No, I don’t think, I know!”

“He should be proud to have a girl who’s wanted.”

“Uh-huh, try tellin’ him that.” She shrugged. “It’s not even that, really, it’s just the fact that Michael’s like the ultimate Alpha male.”

“Let’s hope then for these poor guys that no one has the courage to come and talk to us.”

“What would Kyle do if some guy came over here and started hittin’ on you?”

“Hmmm, depends on how far the guy went, I guess.”

“Not Michael... all it’ll take will be some guy lookin’ at me the wrong way.”

Tess suddenly grabbed her friend’s arm and dragged her in the direction of their table. “We’d better go then ‘cause one of them is on his way over here.”

As soon as they got to their table Maria noticed that Michael’s gaze was locked on the guy Tess had just pointed out and she quickly sat in his lap to prevent him from getting up.

“What’re you doin’?” Michael asked even though he knew perfectly well that she was trying to distract him.
“Don’t you want me to sit in you lap?” she asked innocently.

He forgot about the ass across the room when she lowered her voice and squirmed around in his lap. “Huh?”
“You’re the only one I want,” she whispered in his ear.

Okay, that was more like it, he thought as he started to relax. He cradled her chin in his hand, tipping her head back as he leaned in to kiss her. “I’m tryin’, Maria,” he muttered gruffly.

She turned in her seat just enough to lay one arm around his shoulders and deepened the kiss for a while. “I know,” she mumbled against his lips.

“So, this’s fun,” Kyle said, rolling his eyes.

“Yo, DeLuca, get your tongue out of that low-down, dirty dog’s mouth,” a new voice shouted from behind them.

Michael glanced up, ready to blast whoever had interrupted them, but he grinned when he recognized Tony. The guy’s high-fived and Tony jumped back out of the way when Maria turned and smacked the back of her hand against his stomach.

“Oh, I missed you so much,” Maria said drolly, but grinned and got up out of Michael’s lap to hug her cousin.

Tony hugged her and then made the rounds, hugging all of his girls. When he reached Isabel he held her at arms length and let his gaze move over her, looking for any new changes. “How’s Mama doin’?”

“Well, once I get over the morning sickness everything will be fine.”

“Aw, my poor little Isabel,” he said sympathetically as he hugged her again. “And, Liz... the changes look good on you, girl.”

“Changes?” Liz asked, puzzled as she glanced down at herself.

“Uh-huh, you’re happy, Parker.”

Liz smiled and automatically her hand searched for Max’s. “I am.”

“That’s good... my girls are all happy.” He clapped his hands and turned around to grab a chair, flipping it around and straddling it. “Okay, I love the girl talk, but guys, seriously, we’ve gotta go out while you’re here.” He held his hands up as he glanced at the girls. “Y’all know I love you, but us guys, we need our time, too.” He looked around the table when none of the guys moved to speak up. “Um, guys, it’s okay to leave the girls at home for a night.”

Michael shrugged. “I’m in.”

“Me too,” Kyle jumped in.

Tony glanced at Alex and Max questioningly.

“I’ll go,” Max said. “But it’s gonna have to be tomorrow night because we’ve got dinner with Liz’s parents Wednesday night, and we’re leavin’ the next day.”

“No problem with that,” Tony replied. “Sooo, it’s down to you, Alex.”

Michael kicked his brother under the table. “C'mon, Alex, whatcha say?”

“Yeah, I’m in, too.”

“So, girls, what’re we gonna do tomorrow night then?” Maria asked waggling her eyebrows.

Michael’s right eyebrow lifted as he waited to see what the girls would decide to do while they had a night with no guys around.

“We can go to the other bar at the end of town,” Tess suggested.

“Don’t you guys wanna just hang out at home and talk about girl stuff?” he asked, not liking the thought of Maria hanging out at a bar without him.

“Are you kidding? We’re not spending our few days in Roswell at home!” Tess said.

“Yeah, man, the girls need to get out, too,” Kyle said supportively.

Michael just glared at him. “Okay, well, don’t start bitchin’ to me when some guy hits on her while you’re not around.”

“Someone needs a drink,” Tony said, winking at Maria. “C’mon, Guerin, let’s hit the bar.”

“Like I’m worried about some other guy,” Kyle muttered when Maria’s cousin left with Michael in tow and the girls hit the dance floor again. “I don’t have any reason to worry.”

“You talkin’ to yourself over there, Valenti?” Max asked.

“Should I be worried when my girlfriend goes out alone?” he asked, wondering if Michael was right in any way.

Max rolled his eyes. “Do you trust her?”

“Of course,” he answered without a doubt.

He shrugged. “Then you don’t have anything to worry about.”


“Tequila, Duke,” Tony said and took one of the bar stools next to Michael. He followed the other man’s gaze, realizing that he was checking on Maria on the dance floor. “You need to relax, man.”

“I’m relaxed,” Michael growled.

Tony snorted and handed him one of the shots. “Yeah, I can see that.”

“Look, we’re both guys... so, we both know what the guys out there watchin’ them are thinkin’.”

“But most of them don’t have enough courage to actually hit on them. And even if one of them did, don’t you think Maria is capable of sendin’ them away on her own?”

Michael tossed his second shot back as soon as Duke placed it on the counter. Tony obviously didn’t understand. “I realize that this is a foreign subject for you, but I’m not questioning her ability to say no, I’m questioning the intent of the asshole hittin’ on her.”

Tony lifted his hands up in defeat. “I’m just saying that this could end up in a fight between you two.”

“Lots of things end up in a fight between us.” He shrugged and grinned. “But the makin’ up always makes it worth it.”

“Well, at least you’re together this time, right?” Tony said with a smirk as he remembered how fucked up their situation had been when he had visited his cousin in California.

“Yeah, we’re together now.” He shrugged. “Would’ve been then, but we had some stuff to work through.”

“Shit,” Tony hissed quietly and turned around to face the bar after seeing who had just entered the club.

Michael turned to look for whatever had caught Tony’s attention and he frowned when nothing seemed to stand out. Well, other than the guy standing just inside the entrance, arrogantly checking out the local... His eyes narrowed when the guy’s eyes settled on Maria and a slow smile slid over his predatory features. “You know him?”

“Just someone I don’t like,” Tony muttered and ordered more Tequila.

“You don’t like him... why?”

“Because he’s a jerk, that’s why.”

That made no sense; Tony probably knew more than his fair share of jerks since he was most likely the town’s biggest flirt. He straightened up when the new guy took a few steps in Maria’s direction. “That’s him, isn’t it?” He was right, he could feel it.

Tony nodded slowly.

He tensed up when Maria’s ex moved closer to her, making his way out onto the dance floor. Ungh, the guy had no class, he thought as he watched him grab some random girl by the hips and start bumping and grinding to the music. The girl’s date didn’t seem to appreciate it any more than she did but after taunting the other guy for several long seconds Billy moved on.

“This is the guy Maria was with before me?” he asked, certain that Tony must be mistaken. If the guy was the type she was used to he was pretty sure he was insulted that she thought they were the same in any possible way.

“That’s him,” Tony said and handed Michael another shot. “But he did look different while they were together.”

“Uh-huh, looks aside... tell me he wasn’t so sleazy while they were together.”

“Wish I could. He wasn’t quite this sleazy until after Maria broke up with him though.”

Michael really didn’t feel any better about that and he took a couple of steps away from the bar when Billy reached out to touch her arm in a bid for her attention.

Tony shot a warning glance in Michael’s direction. “He hasn’t done anything yet.”

“Maybe not, but he will; I know his type, it’s only a matter of time.”

Maria turned around when someone touched her arm to get her attention. She almost choked when she saw Billy standing in front of her.

“Finally realize what you’ve been missin’ for the past few months?” he asked arrogantly as his eyes slid over her heatedly.

She snorted. “More like glad to know what I’ve spared myself.”

He reached out and wrapped his hand around her arm, tugging her up against his body. “Y’know you missed me.”

“You’d better take your hands off of me,” she growled.

“That’s good fuckin’ advice,” Michael snarled as he reached them and shoved the guy away from his girl. He had been on the move as soon as he had seen Billy reaching out to touch her.

Billy actually froze in place for a moment as he stared at the intruder. He didn’t know the guy, but he could easily see the territorial look on his face. “You two know each other?” he asked slowly, glancing at Maria for confirmation.

Maria rolled her eyes at his stupid question. “Looks like it, huh?”

Michael grinned when her sarcastic tone registered and he waited to see what the ex did or said next.

Billy watched them for several seconds, wondering why she wasn’t complaining about the guy’s possessive behavior. She had never liked it when he had acted like that and they had fought about it on more than one occasion. “You let this guy decide who you can and can’t talk to?”

“He knows very well who I don’t wanna talk to,” she replied even if she didn’t really appreciate Michael’s behavior. She could handle Billy alone. But in another way it was also kind of arousing that Michael was being territorial again.

“Just in case you’re a little slow on the uptake... she meant she doesn’t wanna talk to you,” Michael said as he crowded into Billy’s space.

Billy glanced in Maria’s direction then at Michael again. He was about to say something when one of his friends suddenly appeared next to him and dragged him away.

Maria saw how his friend pointed at Kyle, Tony and Max, who all stood nearby, ready to help Michael out.

“I think I’m insulted,” Michael muttered as he looked at Maria.

She looked at him, puzzled. “What?”

“I know you said you’re attracted to bad boys, but if he’s your idea of a bad boy... I’m nothin’ like him, Maria.”

She rolled her eyes. “I never said that you’re like him.”

“You think we’re both in the bad boy category?”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean you’re similar in any way.”

“I sure as fuck hope not.”

She placed her hands on her hips and looked at him with one raised eyebrow. “What? Are you mad at me now because of him?”

“No.” A slow grin slid over his features. “Just can’t see you with that loser.”

“Then close your eyes, Guerin,” Tess said when she showed up next to Maria and winked at him. “C’mon, amiga, let’s dance again.”

Michael hurried back to the bar when he realized that he was standing in the middle of the dance floor and at any moment Maria might decide that he should humiliate himself by actually trying to dance.

“Couldn’t leave it alone, huh?” Tony said with a smirk when Michael joined him again. Kyle and Max had come to the bar as well while the girls where dancing.

“Y’know what? Let’s talk about this again when you actually have a girlfriend,” Michael grumbled. He looked at his friends. “You guys understand... you don’t just let some guy, especially an ex, talk your girl up.”

Max and Kyle both glanced at each other and shrugged.

“Uh-huh, play it cool, boys.” He motioned for the bartender and ordered a beer as he glanced back at the dance floor. “Don’t look now, Max, but it looks like your girl’s about to have company.”

Max looked surprised and turned around to see if Michael was just screwing with him. He tried not to wince when he saw her talking to Sean. They were standing a little ways away from everyone on the dance floor and she was laughing at something he said.

Kyle tossed a shot back and set his glass down as Alex joined them.

“What’s with the girls dancin’ without us?” he asked no one in particular. “Do any of you find that just the slightest bit odd?”

“You’re not gonna get any complaints outta me,” Michael said.

“Me neither,” Kyle agreed.

Max couldn’t say the same; Liz had assured him that there was nothing romantic between her and Sean, but he didn’t understand why they talked all the time. He was trying to be cool about it, but if he were completely honest it made him jealous anytime they paired off to talk.

“You guys are no fun,” Tony complained when he noticed Max’s expression.

Alex rolled his eyes as the others all turned to look at Tony, their expressions offended.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Kyle asked.

Michael watched Tony as he ignored them in favor of scoping the room out, looking for someone to go home with. Damn, a few months ago, that had been him and he wouldn’t go back to being that way for anything.

“Hope you boys know you’re all gonna be dealin’ with the girl’s ex’s,” Tony said when he recognized another guy coming through the door.

“Tess or Isabel?” Kyle asked, alarmed.

Tony snorted. “You can relax for now, Kyle. Mr. Calm down there at the end can prepare to meet Logan... ex-boyfriend of one Isabel Whitman.” He hid a smirk when Alex turned his head so fast that it had to hurt.

“The one in the green tee shirt?”

Tony bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling when Alex picked the ex out on the first try. “That’d be the one. Huh, and look at that... looks like he’s headin’ for your girl.”

“You’re enjoyin’ this, aren’t you?” Michael asked with a smirk.

“Your brother’s about to come unglued... I kinda got the feelin’ that he's normally pretty calm and rational. What’s not to enjoy?”

Michael glanced at Alex. “Could be interesting.”

Max ignored the conversation going on around him, his eyes focused on Liz and Sean. What could be so interesting that she had to talk to him tonight? And why did she have to dance while talking to him?
Okay, to be fair, it wasn’t like she was dancing with him, they weren’t even on the dance floor anymore; she was just kinda moving to the music. Maybe he should just go check it out... make sure Sean wasn’t trying to get anything started.

Maria made her way through the crowd to go to the restroom when she accidently picked up a conversation between a few girls she didn’t know. They probably weren’t from Roswell since they seemed to be around her age and she didn’t recognize them.

“You can’t wimp out of this, Joy. You lost the bet and the wager was to give a guy a lap dance. So... choose somebody.”

The girl who had to be Joy made a face and glanced around the club.

“What’s with the guys over there at the bar? They’re very cute,” one of them suggested.

Maria tensed up when she realized that they were talking about the men belonging to her and her friends.

“Yeah,” another girl nodded.

“What about the guy in the black shirt? He’s hot.”

Maria’s eyes widened in shock when one of them suggested Michael. She stepped right into the conversation, facing Joy. “You’re not givin’ that man a lap dance; make a move towards him and we’re gonna take it outside.”

Joy quickly took a step back when a girl she didn’t know got in her face. “I guess that means he’s already taken?” she asked cautiously.

Maria nodded, her expression serious.

She held her hands up in a placating gesture. “Point taken.”

“Okay, so not him. What’s with the others?” one of the other girls asked, nodding in the direction of the guys. “Are they all taken?”

“All but the one on the end,” Maria confirmed. Tony could hold his own with some girl who had lost a bet, but the other guys? Oh, no, they had girlfriends who wouldn’t appreciate some other girl giving their guy a lap dance.

Kyle leaned back on the counter, enjoying the opportunity to watch Tess while she cut loose with her friends out on the floor. He had no problem with her being out there without him because he knew she was going home with him when they left the bar and he was secure enough that he wasn’t worried about a few appreciative glances being thrown her way.

Next to him Alex was watching Isabel’s ex like a hawk and he knew it was only a matter of time before the guy made his way out to his girlfriend. He nodded to himself when seconds later Alex pushed away from the bar and started weaving his way through the crowd. He leaned back and reached for his beer as he turned his head to look at Michael. “You guys got an early flight on Thursday?”

“Yeah, I think around nine in the mornin’.”

“Ungh, too early.” Kyle shook his head when Max finally gave up resisting and got up to go find out what Liz and Sean were talking about.

Sitting at the opposite end Tony shook his head at the conversation going on around him. “You guys have got to loosen up,” he complained. “If you’re like this for a guys’ night out I’m gonna be kickin’ your asses all night long.”

Kyle was just about to respond when a girl he didn’t know or recognize suddenly stepped in front of him and placed her hands on his shoulders.

“Hi, I’m Joy. Uh... I kinda lost a bet, okay? Just in case you’re wonderin’ why I’m about to do this,” she said with a smirk before she started to dance.

“Uh... no, you can’t...” Kyle was tripping over his tongue and stumbling on his words as he desperately tried to figure out how to get out of this situation before Tess saw what was going on. “Look, uh... Joy, is it? You can’t do this...” His hands settled on her hips with the intention of moving her backwards and he gritted his teeth when her body started to grind against his. “I’ve got a girlfriend and she’s not gonna have a sense of humor about this...”

“Look, it’s just a couple of minutes, okay? If I back out now, I lose.”

“You’re about to lose the ability to breathe,” Tess snapped from behind the girl and Kyle winced. He was in so much trouble and it wasn’t even his fault.

Michael was trying to control himself and not laugh out loud when he saw his friend’s terrified face.

“Uh, babe, I can explain this,” Kyle started only to realize that he really had no explanation.

Tess slapped his hands away from the girl and then forcefully removed the skank grinding all over her boyfriend before she crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot impatiently. “I’m waiting.”

“Look, she was rambling about some bet she’d lost, I didn’t have a chance to...”

“Your hands were on her body and you weren’t pushing her away, Kyle.” She was furious that he had been touching someone else.

“My hands were on her hips to push her backwards, Tess.”

“Then why was she practically mounting you right here in front of every-damn-body?!” she yelled, uncaring of who heard her.

“I don’t know. I just know I didn’t want her to do it,” Kyle answered desperately.

“Oh, yeah, you looked like you were really suffering.”

“What happened?” Maria asked, puzzled when she joined her friends and heard Kyle and Tess arguing about something.

“Some chick came over here and started to give our boy Kyle a lap dance,” Michael said, shaking his head in amusement. “As you can see, Tess isn’t takin’ it too well.”

“What? But I told her he’s taken. Bitch!”

“You know that girl? Tony asked. He hadn’t recognized her and he was pretty sure he knew all the girls in Roswell who were worth a second look... and she had definitely been worth a second look.

“No, but I accidently overheard a conversation where they were considering givin’ my man a lap dance and I told her I’d hurt her if she dared to touch Michael.”

“I like it when you get all territorial, baby,” Michael teased as he pulled her into his arms and lowered his head to kiss her.

“Uh-huh. You wouldn’t have enjoyed it, would you?” Maria asked doubtfully.

“Only if you were the one doin’ the dancin’,” he answered with a quiet smirk.

“Good thing I didn’t have to find out if you’re tellin’ the truth,” she said with a warning look.

“Yeah? What would you have done if you had caught me in Kyle’s position?”

“Um, pretty much the same thing Tess’s doin’,” she answered honestly.

“Even though it wasn’t his fault?”

She shrugged. “Depends on how close you would’ve let her get.”

He smirked. “Well, see, Kyle’s a lot more polite than I am... me, I would’ve just told her to fuck off and then removed her.”

She smiled and leaned against his strong body. “It feels good to be your only one.”

Beside them Tony rolled his eyes. He was gonna have one hell of a time getting these boys out for the night. “You guys had better not spend tomorrow night bitchin’ about not havin’ the girls with you,” he grumbled.

Maria rolled her eyes at her cousin and walked over to Tess. “Hey, try to calm down, okay? It really isn’t his fault. I told that girl that all the guys except Tony are taken and I think she just misunderstood which guy I meant when I said the guy at the end was single.”

“That is not the point,” Tess hissed. “That mistake may have been hers, but did you see his hands on her hips? That was his mistake.”

Kyle finally decided it was time to speak up in his defense. “Tess, ya know I love you, but I’m not gonna argue with you about this. I didn’t do anything wrong, so if you wanna pitch a fit about it, go ahead, but I’m not apologizing for it.”

“Fine! Then welcome to the couch in the living room,” Tess ground out.

He shrugged to let her know that her threat didn’t bother him. “Fine. At least I won’t have to listen to you bitchin’ at me for somethin’ that wasn’t my fault to begin with.”

“I’m not kidding about the couch, Kyle.”

“Wasn’t kidding about not listening to you bitch all night, Tess.” He crossed his arms over his chest and met her angry gaze head on as they stared each other down.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas