If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by Luvya »


"Yeah I saved his Life, can you just forget about us and think about how Max is feeling Michael? The world does NOT revovle around you, no matter how much you think of it." I burst out finally. I can't take much more of his hounding. I start heading for the door.
"Where are you going?" Michael asks me.
"Out" I say simply heading out the door. I got into our jeep and started to drive.
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Post by isabelle »


I stare after Serena for a moment, unsure what to think. In one breath, she says she's just tutoring the guy. In the next, she says she thinks he's nice. The tutoring actually makes sense. Tom isn't as strong a student as Kyle is.

And I can't say that there's any reason for Serena not to date Kyle's brother, but I still want to look out for her.

She goes into the livingroom, and I decide not to follow her. Instead, I dash upstairs and go into my room. I close the door behind me, stand in front of the mirror and take off my shirt.

It's still there. I knew I hadn't imagined it. How could I have?

I stare at it, and touch it again. The silver handprint. The missing bullet wound. It feels so normal. With my eyes shut, I can't determine any difference. But it's there. It's really there.

At length, I put my shirt back on and flop onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. My thoughts are stuck on Liz. She healed me. She did something and fixed my chest, and left her mark on me. Can she take the mark away? Do I want her to?

Well, yeah. Of course I do. It'll be way weird to have a handprint on my chest for the rest of my life. But I actually kinda like having a memory of her right here.
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Post by Luvya »


My driving lead me to his house. I sigh, I may aswell face him now. Really it would be good for me... But what if he freaks? What can I do then?

I knock on the door, Serena opens it after one knock. I clam up.


"Is Max there?" I finally get out. Serena sighs and yells out loud.
"Max there's someone here to see you" I here a door open and Max caustiously comes down the stairs.
"We need to talk" I say firmly, knowing I can't back out now no matter how much I want to
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Post by Luvya »

OOC- Don't forget Liz_Parker Serena's an alien too


My minds on other things.
What did Liz Parker do to my best friend?
Is she like Me?
What about her brother?
What was Tom doing at Max's?- Well that one I can ask now.

"What where you doing at Max's?" I ask Tom, he stops walking for a second and then starts up again.

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Post by isabelle »


"Liz!" I shout after my sister as she disappears out the back door of the cafe. I can't even go after her. I got potatoes and onion rings in the deep-fryer. Burgers and chicken on the grill. The restaurant's nearly completely full, and now there's only Maria to handle the floor. Mom's gone out, and dad is on the register.

I spin around and glare at Maria. I'm not mad at her, but I can't help it. "How could she say that?" I ask through clenched teeth. I want to shout, but there are too many ears nearby. "Who the hell cares about Maxwell's feelings? This could mean our lives!"
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Post by isabelle »


My mind seems to have become stuck. I'm aware that I need to get off this bed and finish up my homework but I can't seem to move.

"Max there's someone here to see you!" Serena calls.

Kyle, I think. He said he was going to call later, but he's come back in person instead. I thought I'd have more time. How long has it been, anyway?

"Coming!" I call back and then head downstairs, trying to think of a new way to get Kyle to stop asking.

When I get to the doorway, I'm surprised to see Liz Parker there. She's still in her Crashdown uniform and smells faintly of burgers and french fries. My heart nearly stops when I see her. It's worse than when I see her in school, or at the Crashdown. She's actually come to see me. I didn't even know that she knew where I lived.

"We need to talk," she says.

"Yeah, sure." I nod, feeling incredibly stupid. There's plenty to ask her about, but at the moment, all I can think is how beautiful she looks. "You wanna come in?"

Liz nods and steps inside.

"Uh, let's go upstairs," I tell her. I know we're gonna need privacy for this. I glance around, hoping Serena isn't watching. I don't see her, but she might be listening from the next room. I hope not.

"Okay," she says and follows me to my room. I close the door behind us, wondering how we're going to start this conversation.

"So... You gonna tell me what really happened today? I mean, it wasn't really ketchup."
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Post by Luvya »


I start pacing around the room, I can't help it- I do that when I get nervous or I'm about to do something big. Like let someone else into our secret. That's what it is our secret.

"Can I ask you a quesiton Max?" Max nods probably wondering what the hell is going on- not that I can blame him or anything.

"Can you keep a secret?"
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Post by isabelle »


"Yeah. Of course," I tell Liz sincerely, thinking it's a little late for her to be asking if I can keep a secret. Especially after the way Kyle's been badgering me since it happened. But this is Liz. Liz Parker. The most amazing girl anywhere. I could never do anything to hurt her.

I assure her, "I haven't told anyone."
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Post by Luvya »


I breath a sigh of relief as Max says this. At least Michael will be happy.

"Okay Let's just start by saying I'm not from around here." Max looks confused for a moment and I wait quietly for his reply.
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Post by isabelle »


Not from around here?

"I don't understand," I tell her. I want to take off my shirt and ask her to explain this mark, but she's obviously very nervous. I'll try and let her tell this her way. "Your family's been running the Crashdown for 40 years. Where-else are you from?"