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Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:28 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Buffsteraddict wrote:
Anyway's, can't wait to read the 7th book, anyone know when it'll be coming out?
Ditto to that....

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:37 am
by killjoy
This whole Harry Potter thing cracks me up. Not knocking the books or movies or anything. If you like them more power to you. I personally haven't read any of the books or seen any of the movies. Just not my thing. But the whole rift it's caused in my church is funny.

Of course you have the big fundamentalist who believe since the whole Harry Potter universe deals with 'magic' or *gasp* witches and wizards than it's The Devils Work! While others love it because it got their children away from the tv and actually reading a book. So like I said there's a big divide in my church over Harry Potter.

Oh by the way since I haven't read any books can someone tell me what's up with the whole He Who Cannot Be Named. I'm guessing that's the V guy who's the main bad guy I hear about from time to time. Why do they call him that and why can't his name be mentioned?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:32 am
by isabelle
yes, the baddie's name is Voldemort and he is "he who can't be named'.

It's just a superstitious thing about saying a name and making that person appear. Much like the phrase, "speak of the devil." -- It's not something that actually works, even in HP universe. Harry uses his name all the time, 'cause as Dumbledor says, fear of the name only increases fear of the person. (which of course makes old Voldemort very happy that the wizardling world doesn't even want to say his name. ;) )

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:26 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
*Gasps* You don't know about Voldy? I cannot comprehend this!

Ha, just kidding. A friend of mine called him Voldedore a few days ago. I had a giggle over that one.

Basically, like isabelle said, he's the main bad guy in the Harry Potter books. He killed Harry's parents and gave Harry the infamous scar.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:55 pm
by Fehr'sBear
Buffsteraddict wrote: Oh and I had a question, what do you guy's like better, the book's or the movies? I personaly have to answer the books. I've always liked reading the book way better than watching the movies. When I watch the movies it just kind of...ruins this image that I had formed about the book and I don't like that.
Oh my god, I agree with you totally. I mean, sure, the movies are okay, but the books are amazing! I have characters images in my head, and when they cast people, it ruins it. Like Sirius for example. I expected a dark haired, good looking man in his early thirties, not a blond grizzly-haired man who looks to be forty five. Anyone else think this wasn't well cast? not that the actor is bad, which he isn't.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 4:06 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
I love the books, by far they are my favorite, BUT I also loved the movies... and to me when I read the books I picture Harry and the gang from the movies... also gotta agree that Sirius wasnt what I had envisoned.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:14 pm
by SagiBecca
I sooo prefer the books. like the movie the goblet of fire made me so angry. There's so much stuff that i didn't see from the movie and i was just like man.... this sucks. Not the movie, the things they didn't show. I always prefer the books to the movie just cause i like visualize the people and it's so much better. Like from the first time i read about snape i had his picture in my head, I think that actor fits him fine. For sirius i was pretty mad too. I was expecting a really handsome man that acts all cool and make you crush on him. They ruined my Image of him, he looked so old.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:03 pm
by killjoy
Well I actually watched my first Harry Potter movie today.

I know I know I'm a few years behind everyone :lol:

I caught it on my dish when I was bored and watched it......I'm not sure which one it was but Harry had to compete in a tournament against three other wizards/witches.

It was good.The nasty looking guy cutting his hand off was something I wasn't expecting :shock: :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:53 am
by Zanssoulmate08
The "nasty looking guy"...*snicker snicker* :lol: , I love you killjoy, you always crack me up! I haven't really liked where the movies have been going with the new director...he leaves too much of the story plot out of the movies that is an intregal part of Harry's life! :x

Can't wait for the new HP book, though! :D


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:00 pm
by killjoy
You going to make me blush here telling me you love me like that :oops: ....or get me all excited...I don't know which :lol: .

And besides he was nasty looking.He looked like the poster child for inbreeding