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Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:38 pm
by Tears_of_Mercury
Do you like AU or Regular fics?

Cannon has its nasty hooks in me because, unfortunately, as a relative newcomer to Roswell the magic of season one and the general angst and plot hole-i-ness that followed have me intrigued. There are so many possibilities, and I'm constantly scrounging to find fics that answer those possibilities realistically.

Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Max and Liz >>>>>> all, of course. :) But aside from that, I DO have a rather nasty UC fetish. I mean, I'll read M/M, K/T, and I/A, but usually just as a perifery couple. I'm obsessed with the idea of Michael/Tess and Michael/Isabel, as well as the possibilities in the much underexplored friendships between Alex and Maria and even Kyle and Maria (nothing like horny parents to make you present a united front, huh? :lol: )

Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

Eh, here's the thing: in theory I have no problem with crossovers. However, as stated above, I have serious reservations with reading anything but M/L, only occasionally stepping aside for Polar (and that is very rarely). And since almost all crossovers seem to pair Liz with someone from the other show, crossovers and I don't seem to get along too well generally. A few weeks ago I stumbled across a wonderful author who might be even more of a UC whore than myself and read some truly great, very emotionally focused femmeslash, both Tess/Liz and Isabel/Liz. It really hit me hard, and for some reason I've been contemplating both pairings ever since.

If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Generally I love reading Mature, because it seems to me that the writers who use that rating are very much focused on the themes that go along with mature; nothing that's gonna get too intense, but hopefully something that serves up a meaty storyline chock full of angst or, at the very least, depth.

What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

The first fic I ever read was something in the One Tree Hill fandom, and it was an awful, predicatably Mary Sue about some girl who fell in love with Lucas but had cancer and died, blah blah, blah blah blah... my first Roswell fic was Soaring With Angels, on this board, and I believe that it was by RoswellOracle. It was M/L, and my limited knowledge of the rating system didn't clue me in that there was going to be scads of smut. Boy was I in for a surprise! ;)

Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I'm in the process of writing my very first Roswell fic, Trick of the Light. It's in the alien abyss and it's been rather slow going because I'm just awful and blocked like that, but I'm in love with writing it. I put a one-shot in for the fall Avante Gard challenge at Roswell Heaven called The Protector, and although it deserved much more energy than I had to give it I was actually rather pleased with the results.

Who's your favorite character and why?

Pfft, that's almost too easy. Grandma Claudia, hands down. Nah, I actually love all the characters, and with the exception of Isabel and Tess, I really relate to all the mains. But the minor characters of this series are the ones that I find endear themselves to me - Courtney, Laurie DuPree, Ava, Jesse Ramirez, and River Dog to name a few. I don't understand it, except maybe they all seem to be rather sympathetic, but they're not so involving that they become completely cannon. This is especially nice when writing them.

What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Ahhh! I have no idea. Reading this question makes me remember bowling over laughing at things I've read in so many different fics, but I can't for the life of me remember one right now.

What's your favorite fic and why?

I'm going to say Pilgrim Souls by EmilyluvsRoswell. Yeah, she killed off Isabel. But the return was so sweet and rewarding. Plus the writing is just plain ethereal at times. It's everything I loved about Revelations but angstier.

How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

Since last spring, I think. How often I come depends on what's going on in RL and other fandoms - I was hardly here at all during August when we were in the middle of a move to the other end of the East Coast and I was churning out a 25,000 word story for the Degrassi fandom. Now I'm on every day, scavenging hungrily for new fics to feed my obsession.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:26 am
by MetallicaGeek
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
AU, but actually anything that is well-written, without Grammatical and spelling errors, and with a great plot.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Normally CC, but I don't mind exceptions for a well-written UC fic. M/L

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I usually don't read them, but like I've said earlier, I don't mind exceptions for a well-written Crossover or Slash Fics and it has to be intriguing.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
Hehe, I don't think I'm old enough :roll: (well, I'm 15 only...) for Adult nor Mature, but I don't mind both. I enjoy reading Teen, as Teen focuses more on the Friendship/Relationship, plot and other stuffs. I think those are the points that make a good Fic, not just the hot and steamy stuffs. But there are lots of Adult Fics that manages to balance everything and it'd be what I call well-written and I really love them. To me Fics are rated Mature because of the gory stuffs and it's actually the descriptions make the Fic a better piece. So, no preference then. :wink:

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Aftermath by Breathless. I'm not sure where though. It's Adult and M/L. It was a link from somewhere that led me here. And after reading that, I was, well, you could say, hooked onto this site and Breathless. It has no grammatical mistakes nor spelling errors! I have great admiration for those authors. :D

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I only read Fanfics. I don't have the commitment to start a Fic and finish it. xD And no offense, but I can't stand authors who can't finish what they've started. It gets me frustrated, so I won't start anything I can't finish. :|

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
This question actually depends on the Fic that I read. There are some Fics out there that depicts Tess in a good light, and I really love the way those Fics make me change my POV of her. My Favourite Character will be either Michael or Max. I think their personalities are really great.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Quotes uh? A lot, I might have to say. But I'm so not gonna dig through my favorites to look for them. It's kinda tiring. :(

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I still believe the very first fic I read is the best, which is Aftermath by Breathless. There are a couple of them out there that are great, but not yet done. :(

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
6 months? I'm a newbie. Almost everyday without fail, unless I overseas. I read a lot and recently I'm too beat to go to the library to borrow any books, so, well, RoswellFanatics has became the place where I get my Romance stories. :)

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:43 pm
by LysCat
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I usually tend to lean more towards AU. Every so often though, I get in the mood for a good post episode fic, and then I turn to the winner's realm or head to the archives.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
My favorite couple is Max/Liz. I can't stand reading them paired with other people, what can I say? I have a weak dreamer heart. As for the other couples, I can read both CC and UC. I don't have a preference to the CC. I find that the majority of my stories I make as CC, but that's mostly for the people that read it. I love the idea of A/T and Mi/I, though.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I'm not so big on crossovers, only because most of them that I've read have Liz paired with someone else. As for slash, not too much. I've read Watcher Tara's series and then there's been a L/Ma/Mi series that I've read.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I don't have a preference to rating. As long as the title looks appealing or I know and like the author, I give it a chance.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
There were two stories that I remember reading when I first discovered Roswell stories. The first was Fire and Fairytales written by Jen007. I found it on RF once, but I ended up finding the completed version at I Shall Believe. It's an AU, no aliens. Pretty much Max and his brother, Michael, own a law firm. Liz is Michael's secretary and secretly in love with him. She can't stand Max, and the feeling is mutual. Of course Max and Liz get together and live happily ever after. It's one of my all time favorites. The other story that sticks out for me is 'A Special Bond' it was written by three different authors. Everytime I go back and read it, I get teary eyed. It's an AU with aliens. It's a sweet little story.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I read and write. Although I haven't finished a story in a long time. 'Down To You' was the first medium length story that I've finished without abandoning. Other than that, I've written a few one parters. I've also written two stories that I haven't finished. 'My Favorite Brunette', which I work on whenever I am inspired. The other is 'A Tale of Two Bodies', which I am currently finishing up. Though I'll wait until it's completed before I ask the mods to move it out of D & B.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
I usually tend to favor Liz, no matter what sort of story I read. Maybe it's because she was my favorite character on the show, I never really liked the other lead female characters too much. When it comes to stories, I certainly take liberties with the other female characters. I make Isabel and Tess more likeable, and vent my frustrations about Maria by making her less than...well, Candy fans hate what I did to her in ATWTHB.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
He pulled away slightly, his hands flanking the sides of her face. “Don’t do what? Love you? Fight for you?.......You’re my wife Liz. How can I not do this?”

Her lower lip trembled as she looked away from his gaze. “I wouldn’t even be your wife today if Tess was still alive. I’m just a poor substitute for the real thing.”

Max grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her a little. “DON’T YOU EVER SAY THAT!”

He sobbed, his grip on her weakening. “Why are you punishing me?”

His voice sounded so defeated, so hurt. Liz looked up at him, her vision still blurred by her tears. “I’m not punishing you, I just, I hate this whole situation.” She threw her arms in the air. “Seeing McKenzie today, it made me realize that there used to be a time that you and Noah didn’t belong to me. That if Tess was still here, she would be your wife. She would be the one giving you your second child.....not me.”

Okay, so it was more than just a quote...sorry, I had a difficult time deciding which quote I liked most, so I posted them all. It's from Jasper's 'Our Story'.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I can't narrow it down to just one, so I'll list a few.
-Fire and Fairytales because I love the interactions between Max and Liz. Their moments together were so cute and I love how their relationship evolved.
-Borrowed Heaven because I love that even though they didn't work out the first time, that Max and Liz were able to find themselves back together.
-Roommates if I have an inkling for smut, that's the first story I read. Max and Liz certainly had chemistry in that story.
-What's So Great About Normal. Loved the direction that Allie went with that. Man, I wish that was completed. Liz is new to Roswell, the aliens are aliens. Liz and Max are into each other but can't be together, Tess is evil, Liz kicks the crap out of someone.
-Strong, Dangerous and Undeniable, it was a great twist and I loved the interactions between Michael and Liz, after finding out that they were related. Another story I wish was completed.
I'm going to stop myself before I ramble on too much though. There are plenty of others that I also adore.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I've been reading fan fiction on this site since at least 2001, but I believe I lurked before I made an account. I come every other day, depends on how busy my week is.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:46 pm
by ken_r
I'd like to know:

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I like either. Canon takes more skill to me, to be good. You have to keep your take on the story in some sort of line. Canon has two types, there is after Graduation where you fill in what happens after the series has stopped and canon where you correct some point in the story and rewrite it the way it should go. I like either.

Alternate Universe is good if the writer keeps the characters close to the character in the story. Every character has some things that must be shown. Kyle must be an athlete and he doesn’t have to be dumb but he is more physical than intellectual. Maria isn’t stupid, she is loyal and some times she gets a little wild. Michael is a wild card. He is not dumb either but he has a little trouble with relations. For me AU has to be character driven.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Conventional couples, if the couples mix up there has to be good reasons. I think fates could couple anyone with anyone else but the author has to work hard to find reasons for the pairing. I have only written one UC and it is probably the only one to this time that I like.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I do not know enough about other stories to make crossovers. If I bring in different characters I want them to be the original of the author. I have read slash because I have a friend who writes slash. I am sort of like the dog looking at the cat in heat. I do not know what to make of it.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I like all ratings and I both read and write all ratings but I am not young enough to be really racy. I prefer younger writers not to stray too far from the level of relationships that they have experience emotionally them selves. Too much writing at adult level by young writers is empty of the real thing.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I can not remember the first fic read. I cruised the “Crashdown” site for a long time but so many of them were never completed. The first fic that made an impression was “Score Book” By candycane14 oe cinderella27 depending on what board she was writing for. It is located on RF as well as RoswellHeaven. The other that I remembered was “Love Me Tender” by erina. It is located, I think on RF The writers were both young but I liked their spirit.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I have written 22 fics so far. My index is at: Stories by Ken. Except for a series I am working on I try to make every story different as to plot and character interaction.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

My favorite is Liz. I like to write all of the characters. I have tried to star each major character in one fic or the other.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

I am sorry I am just terrible on quotes.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

I have read the “Score Book” several times because I chatted with the author long ago. Now I start reading fics because of the author. I sometimes try to try new authors, at least new to me. i like My Darling One Last Valentine it is by SER and i think it is one of her best.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I read or write fic almost every day because of bad health. I have been reading for about 3 years.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:57 am
by hauntedd
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I prefer stories that begin in canon or with elements of canon. I'll read AU with Aliens, and I've even written a bunch of stories that are that way, but it's a real struggle to read all human stories. I think my favorite stories tend to have elements of "in the background" to them that usually build off of moments in the show or its mythos. And of course my favorite AU w/ Aliens stories tend to take the show's mythos and do it in a new way.

Pretty much the general rule is that if my friends wrote them, I'll read AU w/o aliens, but otherwise? No thank you.

Also -- if it's dark, I love it. I don't need sunshine and moonbeams, haha!

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

I'm pretty much exclusively a UC shipper. My favorite ships are Michael and Tess and Michael and Liz (oh my beloved OTPs), Tess/Khivar and Alex/Maria (where is the groupie fic??), but if I had to pick, Michael/Tess for the win. I can't stand Max/Liz and Max in general (or Isabel -- ugh worst 2 siblings everrr) and though I understand the appeal of M&M more, especially since I'm writing them, I still like them better with other people :lol:

If I had to pick a CC ship that I like, it'd be K/T, which isn't necessarily CC.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

Not really... I don't mind F/F slash but M/M slash isn't my thing.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I don't. If it's good, it's good. My thing is, if you're going to write smut, it has to be believable and not there just because you feel you need it.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I've been reading/writing in this fandom since I was 15 or 16, I have no idea. After Vegas by Gaudy, Say Goodbye by Etolie1, Polar Novel by whiteotter, Us 6 Against the World by LindaCrazy4Jason -- those are some that I remember from way back.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I've probably put in like 40-50 roswell stories total (+ a few gossip girl, heroes and lost ones), and there's a definite progression from shitty to decent. Right now I'm working on In Media Vita, which is CC and AU w/ Aliens (mostly Candy, with some K/T) and Scion's Metamorphosis, which is UC and AU w/ Aliens (mostly Polar, with some K/T).

The fic I'm most proud of though is Analecta, which is Michael/Tess, and the darkest fic I've written is probably Prostration.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Tess. There's just so much there and it's fun to write her. I like being able to take a character who isn't a favorite and make people see a different side of her, and I just think she got a raw deal, you know?

I even have an essay up at PA on how to write for Tess and make her more three dimensional than just that slutty ho bag who killed Alex and stole Max!! :roll:

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Oh, shit. I have no idea. Probably the whole honeybear scene from Memory of Her

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

We'd be here all day and I'm kind of lucky in that my favorite fics are mostly by friends of mine, soo... I'll just say that anything by Dimensia (especially Fumbling Toward Ecstasy), Ladygloria (especially Phoenix Rising), Muse (especially Obsidian), Sablaine (especially Rightful King), Polar Thestral (especially When You Were Mine), Peachykin (especially Selling the Drama), Dark Vixen (especially Consequences of Being), Scooby1978 (especially Fallen Angel), and Cinder (especially Pledge of Honor) is excellent. I'm also enjoying Whimsicality's When Dreams Change.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

a really long time and like every other week or whenever i've got an update.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:12 pm
by Michelle17
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics? I love to read Au with and without Alien
2. Are you into CC or UC? I love CC and my favorite couple is Max and Liz.Tell me your favorite couple.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics? I like slash when it ends in CC and I would to read crossovers like that.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it? Mature Adult. But really for me it's all about the storyline.
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? I have tried to write a couple of fics. I'm still working on them If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned? I love to write and learn more about my self as I write.
7. Who's your favorite character and why? Liz is my favorite Female charactor and Max is my favorite male Max
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic? I don't have one
9. What's your favorite fic and why? Without a Trace By Dia think. This was the first fic started reading on the board. I'm sad the story was never finished.
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come? I have been on the board site the start.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:31 pm
by syikana
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I prefer Regular. I'm not sure why, In the past I admittedly enjoyed AU but to be honest we love the characters for a simple reason: The Show.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

CC. I do like a couple of UC's particarly fifthwheeler because they did have the potiential, polar (I do like anything Liz/Michael. Friendship. Brother/Sister) also I like Trueblue. Don't ask why it's just Alex/Liz click to me.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

There are a couple of crossovers I like. But only if they a) stick to both shows and b) are cc I'm not sure why that's a nessary.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I don't particularly like Adult fics but other than that I'll read anything.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I'm pretty sure the first fanfiction was Kath7's Homecoming. It included one of my favorite movies (Sweet Home Alabama) and Roswell. Another one of my first was actually a crossover fanfic which I got hooked on which was by Jess and Lori over at called Secret Lives this was the first fanfic that managed to introduce me to the Michael/Liz friendship. There was also another one which I have no idea what it was called... but I loved the plot.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned? I'm writing my first one here in a long time (I used to write as another user name but I decided I wanted a fresh start) Without You is basically looking into Jennifer Colemen and the life of the pod squad after graduation. A lot of my fanfic ideas have been resolving around Alex.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

My favorite character is Alex. I absloutly adored him and was almost heartbroken when I realised that Colin was leaving the show. My second was Liz then Michael.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Okay so it's a paragraph but it's sweet and I think it cemented the Michael/Liz friendship aspect:

"And it would keep her out of our hair for a while." Liz added. "Hey aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Would you believe I already know the material?"

Liz merely raised an eyebrow at him.

"Didn't think so," he muttered.

"What's wrong Michael?"

"Actually," Michael paused, "Pathetic as this sounds... I was trying to find a gift for you and your parents. I can't find anything good enough!"

"A gift? Why are you looking for a gift?" Liz asked.

Michael shrugged uncomfortably, "To thank you..."

"For what? Adopting you? Michael, God don't you know? You're gift enough."

Michael blushed and looked perplexed. "Why would you want me? I am nothing special," he protested. He honestly didn't see why they would want him as part of their family.

Liz shook her head. "You are so wrong. You became a permanent part of my life at the worst possible time and even though it nearly got you killed you stuck around. You may say you did it for Max but you also did it because you cared. You give my dad something he's always wanted, a son to talk to about 'guy' things. You help Mom with every single household chore. You make my best friend so happy it's disgusting at times and when I need you you're always there to tickle me till I smile or hold me while I calm down from some prophecy dream. Nothing special? You couldn't be further from the truth if you tried."

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

It's impossible to have a favorite. I think for me.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
Geeze how long have I been reading on this site particularly? On and off since 2003...