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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 96 8/3/16 p. 81

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
Damn the interruption! Well Maria seems to be holding it together for now. Hurry back with more!

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 96 8/3/16 p. 81

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:44 pm
by keepsmiling7
Max had such great respect, he hated to have their lovemaking in that place.
But Liz just wanted to ignore the interruption.
Hope they will soon get to practice the connection and that warm lover will return.

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 96 8/3/16 p. 81

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:26 pm
by Twilighteyes
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed this story!!!!!!! Can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 96 8/3/16 p. 81

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:33 am
by begonia9508
Roswelllostcause wrote:

(Damn the interruption! Well Maria seems to be holding it together for now. Hurry back with more!)

I must admit that I am also a Little bit lost, not remembering really well in Details the Story but after a few parts, I will be able to get it toogether again!

Thanks EVE :roll: :wink:

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 96 8/3/16 p. 81

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:00 am
by Natalie36
poor max and liz


Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:23 am
by max and liz believer
Hi everyone!

Just letting you know that I've finished the next chapter and it's right now with my beta. So I'll have an update for you soon <3

Have a great weekend!


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) A/N 8/13/16 p. 82

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:17 pm
by Natalie36
:D :D :D :D :D


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:37 am
by max and liz believer
Ashley (Morning Dreamgirl) - Thank you :D :D

Helen (Roswelllostcause)
Damn the interruption!
:wink: :roll:
Well Maria seems to be holding it together for now.
She actually is, yes.

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Hopefully they'll have time to practice their connection soon. Thank you so much for the feedback! :D

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed this story!!!!!!! Can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!
Hihi, thank you so much :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Eve (begonia9508)
I must admit that I am also a Little bit lost, not remembering really well in Details the Story but after a few parts, I will be able to get it toogether again!
Yes, I'm sorry about that :oops: Hopefully the updates will be more frequent from now on, considering that the summer is closing in on its end. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Natalie36 - Thank you :D


But before he reached for the door, he waited for me to get fully dressed then pulled me in for a soft and slow kiss. A kiss that told me everything I needed to know about the magnitude and details of his love for me.

His next words put a chill on the aftereffect of that kiss and signaled for anxiety to painfully squeeze its cold long fingers around my heart. ”Tomorrow, we’re going to practice using the connection. Because we’re gonna need it if we are going to survive this.”

His eyes flew over my face with scrutiny while I felt my heart rate pick up with impending adrenaline, but left with nothing to say to soothe my fear, he placed a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose and opened the door.

Dresden stood in the light, eyes quickly moving into the room and finding mine, before looking at Max towering up in front of him. Max’s voice was bitter and resolute as he bit out, ”Let’s do this.”

Dresden’s eyes narrowed slightly before he gave me another fleeting look and acknowledged with politeness, ”Elizabeth.”

I swallowed and stated, ”Dresden.”

With that, Dresden disappeared from the doorway. Max turned his head to look at me over his shoulder. The light from the hallway created a silhouette around his broad shoulders and I swallowed again. The hard expression on his face made him look dangerous. Intimidating.

One minute ago I had been looking at a warm lover. Now I was seeing a warrior. A soldier.

”I’ll find you later,” Max promised, his voice dark and flat.

Mutely, I nodded.

There were no words when the world as I knew it was about to drastically change.


”Who’s that?”

Mom turned her head to follow the discreet aim of my pointed finger. I narrowed my eyes and tried to focus my eyesight. Why was the man so blurry?

Mom’s eyes were burning with darkness as she looked back at me. ”He’s dangerous. Don’t trust him.”

”Isn’t he fighting on our side?” I don’t know why I said that, since I couldn’t even really see the person, but I had a feeling he was with us. Another rebel.

The fire burnt brightly in her eyes even when the hard expression in the lines of her face softened with a modest curving to her mouth. She placed her palm against my cheek and the comforting and familiar warmth from her hand went straight into my heart.

”Not all can be trusted,” she said slowly and tenderly. As if she was telling me how much she loved me rather than giving me a warning.

I looked into her large blue eyes, traced the redness of her hair, the fine short strands of hair that curled along her hairline. I took in the character of her nose, the blush in her cheeks. She looked well. Filled with life.

I nodded in the clasp of her palm, not daring to blink. I had this aching feeling in my chest that she would disappear if I did.


Reluctantly, I looked away from my mom towards that voice.

A girl I had never seen before was looking at me silently. She had a pretty face. A very young face. The blonde loose curls surrounding her fawn skin and the blueness of her eyes made her look even younger than she probably was. Almost doll-like.

She was short - my height - but that’s where our physical similarities ended.

She had curves. Lots of them. They were sensually arranged along her body, in just the right spots, and something about her was telling me that she was very well aware of the characteristics of her body.

But even with long dark eyelashes framing those baby blue eyes - which should have reminded me of a child and reached into my heart for my need to care for her - a chill went through my soul. The chill was only further accentuated by the sudden loss of my mom’s touch against my cheek.

I whipped my head away from the blonde to where my mom had just been.

She was gone.

”No,” the word whispered brokenly across my lips while acute grief and loss exploded in my heart. ”Mom?”

”She’s dead.”

The blonde’s voice was cold. Impassive. It made the coldness in my body intensify, preventing me from taking proper breaths.

”She’s been dead for weeks,” she continued, her voice being darker than that of a general girl, but at the same time scratching against the insides of my ears. As if it was in dissonance. Whiny. ”You can’t have forgotten that already, have you?”

I was still staring at the spot where my mom had been just a moment ago, when the evil doll’s voice came closer and I felt her breath against my ear. My whole body tensed. It had the same reaction as if a rattle snake had snuck up next to me. The reaction was primal. Instinctive. Necessary for survival.

Her voice was slow and almost seductive as she added, ”Her weak human body couldn’t handle the pressure from an alien mind, remember? She was useless. A weak, useless human.”

Heat was building from the center of my body and goosebumps spread across my skin. My fists tightened and a suffocating anger spread up my throat, constricting it painfully.

But instead of screaming, instead of hitting her, instead of at least shoving her away, I could do nothing. I was immobilized.

Her lips brushed against the shell of my ear, causing the acidic byproduct of nausea to fight with the anger for a spot in my constricted throat, as she added, ”A weak, useless human. Just like you.”

”Who are you?” I whispered, my voice colder than I had ever heard it, translating every dark feeling I had right then.

”My brother was weak too,” she continued slowly, her voice barely a whisper. ”Too many emotions. Too…” I felt wetness in the shell of my ear and realized with a nauseating cringe that she had just licked me, ”…uncontrolled.”


”Do I know you?”

”You will,” she promised and I could hear the satisfied smile in her voice. She was loving this. She was taunting me, like a cat would a small mouse. Like the cat would pounce on the mouse one second and then sit back and see if it would move. If it did, there might be claws, there might be a nick of those sharp teeth.

Point being, once the cat got tired of the game, it would eat the mouse. No hesitation. No remorse.

”What’s your name?” I demanded.

”Sweet dreams,” she whispered and I regained the ability to move my body. I quickly turned my head to look at her, raising my arm as I did. Wanting to protect myself. Wanting to let her know that she couldn't talk to me like that. Whoever she might be.

But she was gone. As gone as my mother.

I jumped in fear as someone touched my hand. My free arm, still raised, flew through the air before I had a chance to discover who had touched me. My hand was caught by another hand just seconds before my eyes connected with a chestnut gaze.

”Tess,” he said, slowly changing his grip around my hand so that his fingers enveloped my fingers warmly.

I shivered at the name. I had no idea why.

”Is this a dream?”

He nodded, looking uncomfortable and… worried. ”Yes, but…” He frowned, looking down at my hands which he was holding in his. ”But it was not a simple dream.”

My heart was pounding so wildly in my chest that I was starting to feel dizzy.

Max looked up at me with a faraway look in his eyes. He was thinking about something. Trying to sort information out. All I could make out from his thought processes was that face - that blonde-haired head - over and over again. She was smiling. Running well-manicured fingers down Max’s arm. Brushing her lipstick-covered lips against his skin.

Discomfort mixed with disgust moved through me and I ripped my hands out of Max’s grip and took a quick step backwards. Putting distance between us.

I had never been jealous before. But I had a feeling that’s what this was. The sense of betrayal made my heart ache and my stomach churn with nausea.

Unfortunately, placing physical distance between dream versions of Max and I - when he was obviously in my dream because of the connection - wouldn’t stop the insight I had into his thoughts.

Maybe not just thoughts. Memories?

Judging by the guilty expression on Max’s face, he couldn’t block me from it either. I was hoping that the guilt was only because of that and not because of something else.

Prompted by my thoughts, Max’s mind lit up with images of that girl’s half-naked body.

I inhaled sharply, squeezed my eyes closed and pressed my hands to my head. ”Get out. Get out get out get out.”

With my screaming, it would have been impossible for me to hear him. But his voice was inside my head. His regretful and guilty pleading through the repetition of my name to calm me down was loud and clear inside my consciousness.


I awoke with a start, propelling my upper body upwards into an impromptu seated position. I blinked in the bright light (we had been forced to sleep with the lights on, considering we were under the constant threat of being attacked) and tried to still my rapid breathing.

”What’s wrong?”

Maria’s voice next to me was frightened and muddled.

I flickered my eyes to her, fell into her sleepy widened eyes, and heard myself mumbling, ”It’s fine. I’m fine.” Even though nothing was fine.

My dream had just been haunted - hijacked - by Max’s ex. Or something. I had no idea how it was possible or what Max’s history with that girl actually was, but right now I felt like throwing up. Right now I needed to get out of here.

All eyes were on me. We were all bunked up in the same room. Maria on my left. Max on my right. Alex next to Maria and Michael next to Max. Dresden was in charge of protecting my father, Mr. Evans was looking after his wife and Isabel.

They were all here. Staring.

Then his hand wrapped around my wrist.

”No,” I screamed and tugged my hand violently out of his grip.

I didn’t want to look behind me to see what kind of reaction my action had done to Max. I didn’t even have to.

I could feel it in my whole body. I could feel his sadness, the guilt, the anguish, the regret, the shame, and - underneath it all - the brewing anger at needing to explain himself.

But I wouldn’t let him. Not now.

I scrambled to my feet and almost tripped as the thin blanket got tangled around my feet.

”You are not allowed to leave this room,” Dresden announced. His voice was level and authoritative. A don’t-mess-with-the-rules-missy kind of tone.

For the fraction of a second, I considered bailing anyway. I considered getting out of this room, walk down the corridors, and just continue walking. Even if I would be endangering my life.

But reason quickly returned to me. That would be stupid. I shouldn’t leave.

Instead I turned towards Dresden. He was seated with his back pressed up against the wall. His eyes were alert and awake. It was probably his turn to keep a watch on us while we slept. The shift schedule had been made up during the meeting earlier. It didn’t involve any of us humans, though.

Weak, useless humans.

Her voice echoed in my mind and I grabbed a hold of Dresden’s gaze. ”Who’s Tess?”

The mood changed in the room. From confusion and fear to… Something else. I frowned. It was the feeling of having tripped on a secret that everyone else was aware of.

Dresden’s reaction further emphasized that I had touched on something well-known. There was not a flicker on his face. Not even a blink. Almost as if he had expected that question.

”Tess Carter,” he answered and ice cold needles pierced their way down my spine.

Carter? As in Sean Carter? Sgt. Steven Carter?

My voice was barely there when I asked, ”Who is she?”

”The daughter of Steven and Patricia Carter. The sister of Sean Carter.”

”No,” I frowned. ”No. Sean didn’t have a sister.”

Or maybe she was older. Maybe she was a lot older and never went to school at the same time as I. But that wouldn’t make sense. She seemed to be my age in the dream. Besides, ”There were no records of her. I looked up the Carter family and they only had one child. Sean.”

”She’s not in any records,” Dresden replied. ”Neither am I. On paper, we don’t exist.”

When I turned my head to search out Max, I noticed that I was shaking. My instinct to search him out when I needed safety and comfort was so natural that I hadn’t even realized I’d done it, until I locked eyes with him.

He was standing. Keeping his distance. There was distance and control in his body, giving me space, but his eyes were flooded with emotions. He was trying to block them from me, but with our heightened connection it was no longer possible. I still got them. They were just dimmed. Turned down.

”How do you know her?” I asked Max and tried desperately to ignore the images of her I had received through our shared dream.

Max took a deep breath, as if to steel himself, licked his lips and said slowly, ”She means nothing-”

”She’s Max’s lifemate,” Dresden interrupted and I swayed on the spot.

Lifemate. What the hell did that mean?

But I knew what that meant. Just like I had been betrothed to Sean at a young age, Max had been promised to someone else. Probably when he was no more than a boy himself.

My mind was figuring it all out with such speed that it almost felt unnatural. Or maybe too natural. Max’s everyday life with lies and deception was become second nature to me.

All of the sudden, it all seemed very clear. Max would have been promised to someone that could carry on the healing trait. An alien that would provide him with the ’appropriate’ children.

Oh yes. That foreign feeling of jealousy was certainly rearing its ugly head. Once it had been invited to the party, it would try its hardest to drink all the liquor, trash the house and throw up on your parents’ most expensive rug.

Max’s face darkened, his mouth turning into a hard line, as he looked over at Dresden.

If looks could kill…

But Dresden didn’t seem affected by the animosity of that glare. ”I thought you would have told Liz by now. Or at least, that she would have seen it for herself in your mind.”

”Tess has not exactly been on my mind,” Max bit out through clenched teeth.

I swallowed back threatening tears. My throat was tightening from the dryness of my pharynx.

I couldn’t compete with this. Once again, I couldn’t compete with this. Just like when Sean was meant for me. Was decided for me. Alien decisions seemed to be set in stone.

Now, Sean was dead. Which fortunately made it difficult for me to be with him.

But this Tess person might just be very much alive. Which, theoretically, meant that she might just walk through the door at any second and put a claim on Max.

”Was it your dream?” I asked Max, my voice unrecognizable, wet with sadness and repressed hurt. ”Did I end up in your dream?”

How else would I be dreaming about someone I had never met, who I didn’t know?

Max returned his dark eyes to me and took a determined step towards my shaking frame. He stopped as soon as he saw me flinch.

His fists tightened alongside his body and I could feel the thin control he had over his emotions. He was so close to breaking. So close.

”It was your dream,” he answered.

”But I don’t know her-” I started to object, but Max interrupted.

”Tess did this to you.”

When I thought I couldn’t feel any worse, he brings alien powers into the mix.

”Tess has dreamwalking abilities,” Dresden explained.

”Meaning?” I whispered shakily.

”She can access people’s minds when they are sleeping,” Dresden explained calmly. ”If she’s standing close enough to a person, preferably with physical contact, she can access people’s minds even when they’re awake.”

”Like Sean.” My lips were dry, my voice cracking with the effort of forming sounds to deliver words.

”Not exactly,” Dresden corrected. ”They both specialize in abilities that affect the mind, but Tess does not control minds the same way Sean did. She plants things into your head. Makes you see things that are not really there. To create misunderstandings and false impressions. To trick you. And the more vulnerable you are, the more easily she’ll be able to manipulate you.”

I narrowed my eyes slightly at him. I didn’t appreciate the jab, if there was one, that I was more vulnerable. Maybe even more exposed now than before because of my relationship with Max.

I turned to Max, with black anger swelling up inside my chest, and accused, ”You’ve been with her.”

His face turned even darker, right before my eyes. ”Not here.”

I almost laughed at his ridiculous answer. ”Of course not. You’ve never been here before. You-”

”I meant-”, Max interrupted, ”we should discuss this in private.”

Oh God… This is bad. If he can’t even talk about it in front of the others… Oh God.

”Don’t,” Max said quietly, the anger flowing out of his being, making him slump his shoulders.

My heart squeezed tighter, my stomach felt like it was on its way up my esophagus. I didn’t like his reaction one bit. He was already asking for forgiveness.

What had he let that girl with the eerie voice and the cold eyes do to him? What had he agreed to? What could she do to our relationship? To us?

Why haven’t you told me about her?

He blinked at my telepathic question. Because she’s not important.

Anger swept through me. She obviously is, considering that she just broke into my dream!

He visibly winced, before he strode right up to me. His impressive broad-shouldered chest towered over me and his dark gaze stared into the center of my being.

Before I had a chance to react, he had grabbed me by the upper arm and started to guide me out of the room.

”Max, I don’t think that’s such a good idea-” Dresden started to protest.

Max bit out over his shoulder, ”Haven’t you done enough already?”, while he continued to guide me - or more accurately drag me - towards the door.

”Listen to him, Max,” Mr. Evans warned in that tone of voice that always made me feel cold inside.

”Fuck you, Dad,” Max mumbled under his breath, ripped the door opened and pulled me through.

I was too caught up in the discussions moving over my head to put up much of a resistance to Max’s removal of me from the room.

But then the door slammed closed behind us and Max let go of my arm.

My breaths were shallow as I looked up at him in the glare from the artificial lights in the ceiling. He was standing close enough for me to feel the heat vibrate off his body, but not close enough for him to be touching me.

It felt weird. To want to push him away at the same time as I wanted him to hold me.

”Tess Carter is a manipulative bitch,” Max announced next without preamble. Looking down at me, anger and sadness making his pupils dilate, he added, ”And yes, she’s my lifemate, the woman I’m supposed to wed. The woman who is supposed to bear my children.”


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:28 am
by Morning Dreamgirl

I didn't finish my feedback yet!

Double the pleasure then after this, eh? :wink:

Off to read - happy dance in bed for a new part! :mrgreen:

:oops: Not like that! Omg. I'm shutting up now. :oops:

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:40 am
by Morning Dreamgirl
Holy moly!



You're putting us through cliffhangers again?

Note to self: reading in the middle of the night maybe not a good thing in regards to going back to sleep. :roll: :wink: