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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:53 am
by Natalie36
ouch :shock:

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:10 am
by L-J-L 76
Oh hell no Tess the mega bitch is in this story. Great now she is messing with Liz. That is so wrong. Max has a lot to explain to Liz. Max also needs to get his act together and be protective.

L-J-L 76

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:55 am
by Roswelllostcause
Fucking hell no! Not that trampy mind game playing mega whore of a bitch! Get back here and get rid of the bitch right now!


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:56 pm
by Twilighteyes
Tess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x Please! Please! Come back. I can't wait to hear what Max has to say... Plus I'm waiting for Maria to bust out the door and give Max and who ever else stands in her way a good tongue lashing!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks!!!! :D :D

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 97 8/15/16 p. 82

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:27 pm
by keepsmiling7, Tess is really not what you think she is.
Please explain everything to Liz.


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 1:49 am
by max and liz believer
Ashley (Morning Dreamgirl)

I didn't finish my feedback yet!
That's okay, hun :D I know I'll be ecstatic to receive your feedback, whenever it gets here :D :D
Holy moly!



You're putting us through cliffhangers again?
Umm...yes? I guess it comes and goes :roll: Like a disease or something :mrgreen:

Natalie36 - Thank you :D

L-J-L 76 - There you are! I've missed you :D
Oh hell no Tess the mega bitch is in this story.
Yeah... I guess she is :? :oops:

Thank you for the feedback!

Helen (roswelllostcause)
Oh hell no Tess the mega bitch is in this story.
That about sums her up (in any story), I guess :roll:

Thank you for the feedback!

Tess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x Please! Please! Come back. I can't wait to hear what Max has to say...
You'll be getting some answers in this next chapter.

Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7), Tess is really not what you think she is.
Please explain everything to Liz.
Tess has not been in this story until now. Not a single mention. So we don't know (yet) who Max thinks or doesn't think that Tess is. But we'll get some insight into what Max knows in this next chapter.

Thank you for the feedback!


He visibly winced, before he strode right up to me. His impressive broad-shouldered chest towered over me and his dark gaze stared into the center of my being.

Before I had a chance to react, he had grabbed me by the upper arm and started to guide me out of the room.

”Max, I don’t think that’s such a good idea-” Dresden started to protest.

Max bit out over his shoulder, ”Haven’t you done enough already?”, while he continued to guide me - or more accurately
drag me - towards the door.

”Listen to him, Max,” Mr. Evans warned in that tone of voice that always made me feel cold inside.

”Fuck you, Dad,” Max mumbled under his breath, ripped the door opened and pulled me through.

I was too caught up in the discussions moving over my head to put up much of a resistance to Max’s removal of me from the room.

But then the door slammed closed behind us and Max let go of my arm.

My breaths were shallow as I looked up at him in the glare from the artificial lights in the ceiling. He was standing close enough for me to feel the heat vibrate off his body, but not close enough for him to be touching me.

It felt weird. To want to push him away at the same time as I wanted him to hold me.

”Tess Carter is a manipulative bitch,” Max announced next without preamble. Looking down at me, anger and sadness making his pupils dilate, he added, ”And yes, she’s my lifemate, the woman I’m supposed to wed. The woman who is supposed to bear my children.”


I stared at him. I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. Couldn’t feel my arms. My heart must have stopped. My brain must have gone into hibernation.

I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Empty. I felt empty.

And I wanted this all to stop. I wanted the surprises to stop. I wanted the bombs of shock to stop exploding around me. I wanted to be happy again. Relaxed. Safe.

”She’s the one I’m supposed to love.” Max was spitting the words out as if they had a disgusting flavor.

”No one has ever talked about her,” I said slowly, my voice as detached as my body. ”No one. No one has ever hinted to her existence. Not in all of that time I spent at the hands of Steven Carter.”

I shook my head, frowning. ”I don’t understand. It would be an excellent way to taunt me, to upset me, when I was in captivity. To really emphasize that the two of us could never be together. Why wouldn’t they use that information?”

Max sighed. ”I would presume that Sarge didn’t want too many to know about her. That’s why she’s been kept a secret.”

”Why is she such a secret?” I asked, feeling increasingly unimportant. Compared to this amazing Tess, who everyone was so adapt at keeping a secret, I was nothing.

”Stop that right now,” Max said forcibly.

”Why, Max?” The first tear escaped my eye and tumbled down my pale cheek. ”Why is she so protected?”

”Because she’s crazy,” Max replied.

That was not reason enough, according to me. But before I could protest against his lame explanation, Max filled in, ”I mean, certifiable. She’s actually insane. Even by alien standards.”

I was getting more and more confused. Why would they set Max up with a lunatic?

”Remember the Institute where I was being held?”

I nodded mutely.

”Tess was there too.” He paused to close the distance between our bodies and gently wrap his long fingers around my shivering upper arm. ”She just never left.”

A crazy alien?

What in the world had gone wrong with the Carter family?

For a brief moment I found myself wondering what Sean’s mother was like before I refocused on the subject. ”What’s wrong with her?”

Max brought his free hand up to my face, hesitated for a second while reading my face to see if I were to protest. When I didn’t, he fluttered his fingers over my flushed cheek and bent his face down to mine, close enough for me to feel the warmth of his breath against the line of my nose.

”She has absolutely no empathy.”

I opened my mouth to protest and inform him that this seemed to be a common ailment amongst the Antarians - according to Max himself - but Max spread his fingers against my cheek to softly press his thumb against my lips, softly silencing my protest.

”The people who looked after her and tried to treat her at the Institute, believed her affliction to be a result of her special ability.”

My mind searched for the new word Max had mentioned and with a wobbly questioning tone, I asked, ”Dreamwalking?”

”Dreamwalking is just a small part of her special ability. It falls under her ability to make up things in her own head and project it into other people’s minds and in that way affect what they are seeing. Apparently, she did it so much when she was a child that it broke her mind.”

I shivered.

Even though I had gotten very bad vibes from the girl in my dream, and even though the description I was getting right now wasn't exactly making me less afraid of her, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for the girl. I remembered what it felt like to fight Sean in my head. How much it hurt my mind. The headaches and the throbbing. If Max hadn’t bonded with me, my mind might very well had become broken.

”She’s confused, ruled by many small parts of her mind which are pulling her in different directions. The parts of her mind are not working together towards a common goal, like in normal individuals, but working on their own.”

”Multiple personalities?”

”I guess that’s the closest you can get to explain it, although she doesn’t exactly exhibit multiple personalities. It’s just different parts of the same person. She also has strong schizophrenic tendencies in that she doesn’t have an anchor to reality.”

”And healers can’t cure her? You’ve told me before that you heal mental illnesses as well.”

He rested his forehead against the top of my forehead and flushed the fronts of our bodies together. The action calmed me, making my eyes drift closed.

”I can alleviate it. Momentarily. But there’s no cure. The problem is that they could never quite make her stop using her special ability. If she had stopped using it, she might have been able to heal.” Max’s voice became tight as he added, ”But she’s having too much fun tricking people. She won’t stop.”

”So that’s why no one talks about her? They’re ashamed of her?”

”Not exactly the Sergeant’s pride and joy,” Max said grimly.

”Why pair her up with you? She doesn’t sound like she would be a good candidate for someone’s partner, especially not to start a family with, have children with. Why risk taking down one of their few healers? I mean, you might go insane from just being around a person like that for too long.”

Max took a step back and I looked up to see the veil move over his eyes.

”Two reasons,” he said, not meeting my gaze. ”She has the genetics to carry on the healing trait.”

”I figured as much,” I mumbled bitterly.

Max looked at me briefly with a nod, before inhaling deeply and taking another step back from me while he pushed his hands through his hair. I remembered that I had cut his hair not many hours ago. It already seemed like another time.

”Every female alien born - pure and hybrid - are tested for the ability to carry on the healing trait. They are also tested for other genes, but that’s beside the point. There are not many that have the gene compatible with a healer to produce offspring with healing abilities. First, there aren’t many healers at all. But also, it’s very rare for female aliens to carry the gene. Which is why there were so few healers on Antar. This is the main reason why my father searched for a mate amongst humans. Apparently, it’s easier to find one in the human population.”

”Right,” I whispered and couldn’t help but wonder if I had that gene.

Even though Max must have heard my musing, he didn’t comment, rather returned to the matter at hand. ”The other reason would be my ability to alleviate her madness through repeated healings. I would be able to control her. Keep the world safe from her. Maybe make her feel better.”

”You would be sacrificing your life to care for her,” I said slowly, tracing the tense lines of his face. ”What kind of life would that give you?”

”Not a good one,” Max said darkly.

I slowly shook my head, realizing now that Max and I shared this as well. We both wanted to get out of our arranged ’marriages’.

A sting of bad conscience struck me. I was reminded of all the times when I had had breakdowns about having to be forced into a bond with Sean, when all that time Max’s situation had been the same. But he had never said a word. I guessed the reason for that being that Max had always known and maybe - in a way - he had accepted it.

Still, when I thought I couldn’t possibly love the man standing in front of me any more than I already did, I find out that his concern has always only been about me. Not a thread of bitching and moaning about him having to bond with a psychopath in the close future.

”Does she visit your dreams?” I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

”She did. When I was living at the Institute. She was not as crazy then, but messed up enough to give me nightmares.”

I swallowed back my anger. ”That’s sick.”

”She’s a sick girl,” Max said in a tone as hard as stone, but with a resignation of someone that knew that the problem couldn’t be fixed.

”Is it really that important to produce healers that you would risk producing crazy healers?”

I realized that I was getting myself worked up. I just found the idea ludicrous. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me at this point. Those aliens truly were messed up.

”If the only female alien with the gene happens to be psycho, isn’t that reason enough to choose a human? Do they detest humans so much that they would rather jeopardize something as rare as the healer group by having a schizophrenic psychopath procreate?”

Max shrugged and tried to appear unaffected. But the subject was bothering him more than he wanted to admit. ”I’ve never claimed to understand the workings of the Antarians in charge.”

The air left me. My momentum of anger was halted by his deference. By old habit, I started worrying my bottom lip.

Something was troubling me. Well, excluding the quite obvious blaring details about this disturbed Tess girl.

Jealousy. I was bothered by my bout of jealousy earlier.

”Those images I saw in your head. Of her being…” I cringed at the memory, ”half-naked and kissing you.” My heart physically ached as I forcibly pushed out the words between my dry lips, ”And doing other stuff.”

”Some of it is true, others were images she projected into my head.”

Odd how that answer didn’t comfort me one bit.

”Huh,” I harrumphed. I barely got the words out, ”Which of it was true?”

He looked clearly uncomfortable as he shifted his weight slowly from one foot to the other. ”I was 14. They locked us in a room for 20 hours to see if we would gain a natural liking to each other. Since Tess did not attend school, there was no way we could ’hang out’ under any normal circumstances.”

”Wait,” I frowned and held up my hand to stop him. ”Wait. You… They locked you up in a room?”

Max shrugged. ”Everything’s allowed.”

I wanted to roll my eyes at that piece of information, but frankly I was too upset by that notion to manage such a gesture.

”So were there sparks?” I hadn’t meant for it to sound as bitter and sarcastic as it did, but that touch of jealousy had returned. This time my treacherous mind was playing up scenarios of what teenagers alone in the same room for 20 hours could be up to.

”Not of the kind you are referring to,” Max said slowly, his face expressionless. ”But she did attempt to blast me-” My eyes widened in horror and Max added, ”Just for fun, of course.”

”She’s dangerous,” I realized gravely.

Max nodded. ”She might not be all there, but don’t underestimate her. She’s still cunning and manipulative. Although highly unpredictable. Think of her as Joker in Batman.”

”Raving mad,” I mumbled under my breath while I tried to process this information.

Max’s voice was gentle and relatively tentative, ”We did kiss.”

I froze and held my breath while waiting for him to continue.

”It was nothing. Not even to a pubertal teenage boy who had barely touch a girl before that day did she do anything to my system. No sparks. No tingles. Not even a sensation. It was just wet and cold and-”

I quickly put my hands up, ”Okay okay okay,” to stop him from saying anything more.

Max wrapped his hands around my protesting hands and pressed them against his chest. Leaning forward, he brought our mouths within an inch of each other. ”I wish it had never happened. At the time, I was relieved to have made it out of there alive.”

I swallowed heavily. ”Tell me. How did she end up in my dream? Has she gotten stronger? Can she access me through you somehow?”

Max slowly shook his head, his eyes going black with crippling worry. ”No. That wouldn’t be possible. Her room at the Institute was built to stop her from accessing people even just outside of the facility.”

”Then how-?” I stuttered.

Tenderly, he brushed his lips with mine, instantly spreading tingles (and sparks) through my body. The kiss was slow, gentle, heavy with emotion while the touch was as light as a feather.

He pulled back just enough so that he could form words, which meant that his soft lips still brushed mine with every paralyzing word. ”I think they let her out.”


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 98 8/22/16 p. 83

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:35 am
by Morning Dreamgirl

Another update already??

*Squeal! Happy dance, happy dance*

Off to read.

I'm going to have to set aside time (and electronic space) to write up my FBs soon at this point.

Definitely worth it. :)


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 98 8/22/16 p. 83

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:05 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Oh no Tess is lose and is trying to find Max. Max and others better figure out what to do now. Glad Max told Liz about Tess. Poor Max and Liz now they got a crazy person after them. Max, Liz and others better think of something to beat Tess and others.

L-J-L 76

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 98 8/22/16 p. 83

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:42 am
by Roswelllostcause
Hell no! Someone better find that phyco bitch!


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 98 8/22/16 p. 83

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:57 am
by Natalie36
THEY DID WHAT??!!!!???? :shock: :x