Alternate Universe Challenges

Have a challenge you'd like to see written? Have an idea that just won't get out of your head? Want to talk anything and everything fanfic or writer related? This is the place.

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Post by elodie »


Better Dead than Red

The year is 1947. Jeffery Parker is a state representative (D-NM) heavily involved in HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee). His daughter, Liz, is sick of being stuck under his controlling thumb and runs away. Her life is threatened in some way (you choose!) and Max Evans, a young playwrite, saves her life.

There is an immediate connection between the two, and sensing that she needs someplace to go, he brings her back to his own apartment, shared with Isabel and Michael. They are all Communists. Isabel and Michael help to write a pro-communism pamphlet that is widely circulated throughout the country. Max is less involved but still believes in the ideals. However, as he has gained success as a writer, he is in more of the public spotlight and is singled-out as a red.

Of course, he is called in front of the committee and has to face Rep. Parker, the father of the girl he has just fallen in love with.

You decide his fate, whether he is blacklisted or worse.

*Max and Liz must get it on. :wink: You decide how explicit.
*Michael meets Maria, Liz's cousin who is a staunch capitalist, and they butt heads, resulting in them gettin' it on. :wink:
*A cameo from Milton, who is an informant. He must be hilarious and absurd, although he must not be too out of place in the mostly tense and somber plot.
*A happy ending of course!
Last edited by elodie on Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by elodie »

TAKEN by Dreamerlaure


It's the winter of 1941 and London in in flames. Liz Parker is caught outside during the bombing and is critically wounded. Max Evans, a boy she'd known only from school, heals her and helps her to safety in the Underground. She then loses him in the chaos.

This should be about her search for both the physical boy and the reason he was able to heal her, backdropped against a dangerous, apocalyptic city.

They meet again during another night of bombing. Liz is separated from her parents and is panicking, until Max stumbles upon her and again leads her to safety in the Underground. This time, he stays with her. They fall in luuurve of course.

You make up the rest.

*Someone has to die. Whether it be Maria, Alex, Michael, parents, anyone. There has to be a death.
*NC-17 is preferable, just because I'm a goner for smut. :wink:
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Post by elodie »


The year is 1912. Philip Evans, his wife Diane and his two children, Max, 21, and Isabel, 18, are embarking on a holiday to the US on the finest ship in the world, the Titanic. They are looking to find Isabel a proper husband.

Liz Parker, 17, and her family are emigrating to the US in search of better opportunities. They are poor and can only afford third class tickets. Liz befriends Maria Deluca, 18, a world wise girl who's been on her own for awhile. Maria meets Michael Guerin, 24, a handsome but bitter crew member. Max sees Michael and realizes that this was his childhood friend that his father had forbid him from seeing so many years before.

Max sees Liz on the deck and wants to talk to her, but the class barrier prevents that. He manages to speak with her one day, but she is startled by him and accuses him of slumming. He doesn't get to talk to her again until the early morning of April 15th as the ship is going down. He and Michael save Liz and Maria and then fight for their own lives.

They all discover each other on the Carpathia, the boat that rescued the Titanic passengers. Liz has lost her parents, Max his father and his mother's spirit. Liz, Maria and Michael rent rooms at a boarding house in Queens, while Max helps his mother and sister to cope at their large townhouse.

The four lovers are drawn together and must help each other cope with the aftermath of the disaster.

*The sinking is more of a prelude to the rest of the story. It must do mostly with the way they cope after the disaster. Nightmares, flashbacks galore.
*Lots of love.
*Isabel falls for Alex, a friend of Michael's who may or may not have been a criminal.
*Diane disapproves of both her children's choices in mates. Her mental health slowly declines.
*There is an unplanned pregnancy. Whose it is, you may decide.

(Can you tell I like AU period fics? :D )

A Hint: Use the Encyclopedia Titanica. It's a fabulous resource.
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Post by xmag »

Elodie, nice challenges, especially the number 73 and 75. I hope someone will take them :D .

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Post by Lolita »

#76 Taken by LairaBehr4 and Lorastar

Challenge moved: viewtopic.php?p=552787#552787
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Post by Lorastar »

Reading challenges is a BAD idea. Umm...if no one claims Lolita's challenge in the next week, I'll take it.
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Post by Shiesty23 »

<center>#77 has been
TAKEN ! :D </center>

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Post by Zygote »

<center>Challenge # 78

Alterative Universe with Aliens and Conventional Coupling
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Location: In my own little head where Roswell is still on and Max and Liz were never apart.

Post by Bubblegal »

Challenge: #79 Time Of The Month - Convential Couples with Aliens

Liz is in big trouble with Tess, Maria and Isabel, reason is up to you - not a too serious reason.

The three girls also have their time of the month so they are really angry, Liz had already had hers.

Must be a funny story, not alot of angst.

must have: Liz hiding behind Max when one of the girls walks past them, she must make a little 'eek' sound.

Michael and kyle find someway to annoy the girls, causing them to rip into them.

Michael must be completely parnoid about the girls plotting something against him because every time he leaves or go near the girls, they are whispering to each other while sneaking looks at him.

Max must be trying to find out what Liz did to upset the girls while Alex is making up excuses to stay away from the girls, especially Maria.

Just have fun.

Challenge: #80 -Bringing Down The House - Alternate Realities Without Aliens

I watched this film and it was good and it got me thinking of a fanfiction.

The Main male is Phillip Evans and Max Evans.

Phillip is seperated from his wife, too busy with his work, neglecting his children ect.

Liz Parker is a jailbird, she was arrested when she was 16, reason is up to you why she was arrested. She was released when 18 years old. She has been in contact with Phillip via e-mails.

She arrives at his house asking him to help her to clear her name of the arresting charge as she didn't do it.

Phillip's children are Max and Isabel Evans. Max is the older brother, more serious. He doesn't have a girlfriend as he is too busy with his school education and college applications. When he and Liz meets, there is an attraction. Isabel more of a popular queen, she doesn't care about her grades and has a habit of dating the wrong men. When she and Liz meets, she dislikes Liz yet envys her too.

Liz must be carefree about life, even though she was in jail, she is more tougher but still the life of the party. She does her best to loosen Phillip up, she knows that he and Diane are still in love with each other and tries to help Phillip but Diane gets the wrong end of the stick about Liz. Liz also loosens Max up by showing him that the world has more to offer than education.

Liz's friend, Maria is helping Liz find out who framed her, she has been collecting evidence over the years but hasn't found anything hard to give to the police or laywers so Phillip helps her.

Liz is a virgin as she was sent to jail early and she never had a boyfriend, perfering single life, Max is a virgin too because he never had a serious girlfriend and didn't want to sleep with the first girl he got together with, so these two sleep together and eventually get together in the end.

Tess is Max's best friend and she likes Liz because she brings out the best side of Max, she can be with Kyle if you want her to.

The person who framed Liz can be anyone you want, Pam, Serena, her mother if you want, just give a good reason to why they would do that.

Phillip and Diane gets together in the end, Max and Liz is happy together.

Isabel has to get into trouble when it comes to a guy, it can be anyone, Nicholas (the guy from Roswell book 2), Khivar, Trevor (Roswell books), Sean whoever and Liz has to help her.

Not too angst, i prefer it if there wasn't alot of angst, just make it humours as possible.

Challenge: #81 - Species - Alternate Realities with Aliens

Okay, I really hope someone can take this up because I would love someone to take this up!

Liz Parker lives in Boston (she is still a virgin) and she is not what she seems, she is an alien who was sent to Earth but had been seperated from the other aliens. She doesn't get involve with anyone because she isn't sure about her alieness wouldn't kill anyone.

One day, she goes into the heat so she seeks out the guys to see if anyone can help her and bumps into another alien, one that's like her and also in the heat.

Max Evans is an alien like Liz, (He's also a virgin because of his alieness) he is part of Liz's group and he knows that while she doesn't and they both end up getting together.

Now here's the tricky bit, Max wants children to take over the earth as revenge for what had been done to him in the past (PM for this details as i don't want to give it away) while Liz wants children because she wants to be a mother.

Liz has to convince Max to realise that not all Humans are bad but the question is, can she convince him before she gets pregnant or will she be too caught up in the heat that Earth will be doomed.

Dreamer insured though and try and not make it too angsty, flashbacks of Max's life will be nessacary and maybe get them to realise the truth about their life and what they are.

If you are totally sure that you want to take up one of them, please let me know. For Challenge 81: PM me for details about Flashes.
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Post by Yuuki »

Challenge #82 Taken by sprayadhesive

Challenge moved: ... 775#559775
Last edited by Yuuki on Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back. Love is more than a candle. Love can ignite the stars. SW:Rots
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