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Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:03 am
by SnowyOwl-17
LizNdAlec4eva wrote:#64
Rating:Adult ANGEL/LIZ

Seasons: Roswell:2

--Max and Tess aren't actually together, they are only pretending to go out to mak Liz and Kyle jealous.
--Angel and Darla didn't sleep together.
--Angel and Buffy weren't together, they were just friends but everybody thought they were more.
--Buffy and Joyce died at the same time in BTVS.
--Buffy and Liz are twins, Joyce got pregnant by Jeff, but once they were born Jeff and Joyce split up 1 year later, both of them re-married. Jeff to Nancy and Joyce to Hank (who then supposedly 'gave birth to' Dawn). Then the twins were split up Liz went with Jeff and Nancy to Roswell and Buffy went with Joyce to L.A
--Liz knows all about slaying, vamps and Angel. Buffy knows all about the aliens, Max and Tess. Only Giles, Angel, Alex (alive), Maria, Kyle and Isabel know about the twins.
--So, Buffy and Joyce die and everybody from L.A and Sunnydale go to Roswell for the funeral (many of them want to know why the funeral is in Roswell.
--When they arrive its only about lunch time and Angel decides to go and get Liz, so he puts on the ring of Omara (he didnt destroy it) goes into the school goes straight up to Liz and kisses her in front of everybody.
--So, everybody goes to the funeral. Then they all find out that Liz is the new slayer.
--Max, Micheal, Tess, the A.I team and the Scoobie gang all find out the truth about Liz & Buffy, that Liz and Angel have been dating for 6mnths, that they meet up in a house every weekend that Angel bought 4mnths ago, that they have slept together but Angel always wear the ring.
--Max gets mad, he and Angel fight (Angel wins of course).

Happy Angel/Liz ending...
I love writing Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff...and I think this one is really interesting and right up my alley...I would like to attempt this challenge as well.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:08 am
by SnowyOwl-17
LizNdAlec4eva wrote:#65

Rating:Adult Liz/Alec

Seasons: Roswell~3
Dark Angel~2

--Takes place at Departure Alex is alive, but Tess is still evil.
--Liz and Alex are X5's who were in the escape.
--Basicly all the same happens as in Departure, except Alex is there.
--After Max lets Tess go, Liz exlains that she and Alex are leaving and that they are not to try and find them.
--Eventually they get on the road after all their fights with Max and the others about leaving. When they arrive in Seattle their brother Zack (didn't go crazy), sister Maxie, fellow X5's Alec and Cece and their friends Original Cindy and Logan.
--With the help of the girls, Liz changes her look (think Darklight) and attitude.
--Alex and Liz get jobs at Jam Pony, they become friends with Sketchy and Herbal, thy meet Joshua and Mole, they get motorcycles.Alex gets a blue one and Liz gets a yellow one.
--Over the weeks Liz and Alec get close and when they sleep together, they take each other as mates.
--After 4 months of being in Seattle, the pod squad and co. show up, going against Liz and Alex's wish to be left alone.
--Max E. turns into an ass saying all of the ' we're soulmates and you belong to me' crap ending up with Liz punching him.
--The Seattle group and the pod squad all say their peace and all of the secrets come out.
--All of them fight against White.
--At the end its Liz that says the speech to the other transgenics instead of Max.
--Happy X-tremer ending.
This one sounds like loads of fun to be able to take on, and I would really like to. I know that I am asking to take on a lot, what with all the challenges I have made inquestions to, however, It's more of a precaution for me. It allows my brain and muse to know that I can take my time and formulate and outline and all that good stuff on the stories I know that I will be takeling. I don't plan on taking these challenges and then just coming up with anything and posting it just to post it. I really want to be able to put thought into all of my inquestions and do them justice. Hope you guys don't mind about all of my inquestions about taking on so many challenges, but my muse would not allow me to pass up the chance to ask. :) :oops: :)

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:58 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
LizNdAlec4eva has let me take on challenges 64 and 65.

Challenge #64 TAKEN!
Challenge #65 TAKEN!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:35 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
Jezebel Jinx has agreed to let me take on challenge #'s 11, 15, 17 and 34.

Challenge #11 TAKEN!
Challenge #15 TAKEN!
Challenge #17 TAKEN!
Challenge #34 TAKEN!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:42 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
behrstars has let me take on challenge #50.

Challenge #50 TAKEN!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:13 pm
by vaifeal

Roswell/ Labyrinth (movie)

- Pairing/rating could be whatever author wants
- Liz has to have at least the powers she had by the end of the show
- Jareth doesn't know what Liz can do

Saw it as either an older Liz wishes away a child (maybe Zan?) and has to run the labyrinth.

Or have Liz as Sarah, she runs and defeats the labyrinth (at this point she wouldn't have pwrs) later Max heals her etc, some years later something/one calls her back to the labyrinth.

was watching the movie and it popped into my head, take it and run with it just pm to let me know cause I'd like to read it.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:46 am
by xmag
# 67 Crossover Roswell/Lois & Clark, the new adventures of Superman

Pairing : Michael and Maria, Lois and Clark

: Takes place post-Graduation for Roswell, and in season 1 for Lois and Clark.

After hearing of Superman's exploits, Michael becomes very interested with him. He drags Maria to Metropolis to "investigate" Superman, who could be a relative, who knows ? Unknowingly, they rent a flat next to Clark Kent's flat. Michael turns into a fan, collecting articles, pics, toys, tee-shirts, and Maria is quite pissed off that her boyfriend is more interested... IN A GUY !!!

Michael and Superman will meet. Imagine their discussion.

Note : this shouldn't be a serious fic, but something light, funny. Not very long, maybe 8-10 parts.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:30 pm
by behrstars
#68 Crossover Roswell/Supernatural


Liz leaves Roswell after she finds out that Max and Tess are together.
She just drifts from place to place working odd jobs.

Liz and Kyle develop powers.
Alex is still alive.

Liz bumps into the Winchester brothers. Their between hunts and that gives Liz and Sam a chance to know each other. They like each other but they can't be together for obvious reasons. They sleep together, then go their seperate ways.

A little over a year later Alex gets a call from Liz telling him that shes in trouble and she needs the Roswell gangs help. Sam gets a message on his cell phone from Liz that shes being hunted by something unnatural and needs his help.

Sam and Dean get there first. Turns out Liz had Sams baby and he's six months old. The yellow eyed demon is after their baby.

They all have to fight together to destroy the demon.
Sam and Liz have to have a happily ever after.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:18 pm
by evilprincess90

X-men Xover


I really can't find any on here at all. If you know of any can you tell me please? Ta x


Liz leaves Roswell sometime after future Max came and the whole Tess/Max thing happened. She goes someplace and there's a big fight between mutants and humans. [btw this can be anytime after the end of the first movie of x-men], she doesn't know she's a mutant because she has had no signs of any powers yet.
She somehow gets caught up in the battle and her power emerges-but she is injured. She is taken to the school to be healed.
She develops a friendship will Logan and it carries on from there.

The Pod Squad have to come looking for her, and Max has realised his mistake with choosing Tess over Liz. Liz says ts too late and Max and Logan come to blows.

Anything can happen from that point, I just really really want one of these ficcy's!

Thanks, can you PM me if you're going to take the challenge? Thanks again, x

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:12 pm
by behrstars
#70 Roswell/Smallville Crossover


Musts for Roswell
- Alex didn't die
-Tess still gets pregnant
-Liz and Kyle develop powers

Liz finds out that Max and Tess are expecting. Max comes to tell her about the baby and Liz and him fight. They end up having sex. They use a condom. Liz is pissed at herself for letting it happen. Things are strained between Liz and the podsquad.

Later Liz finds out shes pregnant and wonders how since they used protection. In order to process everything she cleans every inch of her room and comes across the condom wrapper from her and Maxs night together. When she picks it up she gets a flash, she sees Tess poking holes in the condom hoping to get pregnant. Liz decides to leave town. She dosen't tell anyone. She ends up in Smallville. She ends up at the Kents home, how is up to you. When she delivers she tells them her secret.

Everything in Smallville is up to you.

must have
-Liz has identical twin boys (Maxs) born a few weeks early(so her first born is the heir).

Liz and Clark get together and eventually get married.

Forward years later.

Liz and Clark have a couple of kids(how many up to you).

The twins meet up with Michael and Maria's two daughters they can be twins or be a year or two apart. About the same age as Max and Lizs twins.
Antarian birthrights are drawn upon. Meaning that the oldest twin of Max's falls in love with one of the girls and accidently chooses her to be is future queen. When Michael finds out that his little girl is with someone he goes after him. They fight and Michael gets thrown through the air by the boy. It comes out who he is.
I would like for confrontations. Everything brought out in the open about where Liz has been, the paternity of the boys. Of course Tess had to be pissed because Lizs son is the heir and not hers.

All I ask is for a happily ever after for everyone.
and whoever else

Any questions just PM me.