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Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 27 8/3/17

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:47 pm
by Nz_Roswell
Cannot wait for more !

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 27 8/3/17

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:21 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Practice is always good.

Carolyn Max really doesn't want to piss Michaeloff

Nz_Roswell Thanks!

Part 28

After dinner Liz finished her homework and went to bed. Practice was hard. But she and the others were slowly improving. Liz was just drifting off to sleep when she felt someone grab her.

"Don't try to fight little Queen. Yes I know who you are. Not all of us are as dumb as Tess." Said a male voice.

Liz looked to see what appeared to be a thirteen year old kid standing in front of her.

"Nicholas." Said Liz
"You were always a smart one Elexa. Or do you prefer Liz these days?"
"From scum like you it's your Highness."
"Ah still have the same charm as you did before you died."
"And you are still an arragnt asshole. So what you do to piss off Khivar? I mean you had to have fucked up some how to end up in that body Nicky."

Nicholas grabbed Liz's head.

"Shut up. All Khivar said was you have to be alive when you reach Antar. He never said you couldn't be roughed up a little."

Liz tried to send a shock at Nicholas but failed.

"Oh yeah forgot to tell you. I injected you with a power blocking agent."

The next thing Liz knew the world went black.


Serena woke in a sweat. She had just felt like part of her was pulled away from her. She got out of bed and ran to Liz's room to find her bed empty. She noticed a shiny disk on the floor by the window. She picked it up and knew what it was. It was and it was bad news.


The adults came running.

"What's wrong Serena?" Asked Natasha
"I felt like part of me was being ripped away, so I came to check on Liz. I found her gone and this on the floor." Said Serena

Nancy took the disk and felt her heart drop.

"What is it Nancy?" Asked Jeff
"It is a holo disk. Most likely a message from who took Liz. We need to get the others here." Said Nancy
"We should question Tess. She has to know something." Said Serena


Liz woke with a groan. She looked around to find that she was not in her bedroom. She was in a room she had never seen before. She heard the door open and a young woman walked in. Liz looked at her and felt like she should know her.

"Good you are awake." Said the woman
"Who are you? Where am I?" Asked Liz
"You are on Antar. In the Royal palace. This use to be your home."
"Still haven't told me who you are."
"Sorry. It's just been so long since I have seen any of my family."
"You're Kira aren't you?"
"Yes your Highness I am. I doubt that you are using Elexa these days. So what do you go by?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"Yes. You are my cousin. You also might be a traitor."
"I am not traitor. Khivar had Java control my mind. Forced me to help him."

Liz looked at Kira trying to tell if she was speaking the truth.

"I want to believe you. But I don't know you."
"What does your heart tell you?"
"It tells me that you would never betray your family."
"Once you and the King reclaim the throne if I must pay for my past crimes I will, all I ask is that you spare my children."
"Yes my six year old son Braydon and four year old daughter Delexa. I had to put my daughter in hiding with the underground."
"Because Khivar tried to kill her. He only wants a daughter that has strong mental powers like Elexa. He really wants one with the possibility of foresight."
"The visions of the future that Elexa had. I haven't had a vision like that. All I have had are flashes of memories."
"It is in you. Liz, weather you like it or not you are the rightful Queen of Antar. If I can I will help you to escape. But I can't risk it right away."
"I understand. No matter what I will make sure that your children are taken care of."
"Thank you."

Liz watched as Kira left she hoped that she was doing the right thing by trusting her.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 28 8/4/17

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:32 am
by L-J-L 76
Oh no Nicholas and Kivar have Liz. That is not a good thing. Serena should have stayed with Liz. So Kira and Liz finally meet. glad Kira is going to try and help Liz escape kivar. Hopefully it will be before Kivar tries anything.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 28 8/4/17

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:12 am
by keepsmiling7
Wow.......Liz is on Antar.
Can she really trust Kira??

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 28 8/4/17

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 5:44 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 It is not good that Khivar now has Liz. Don't be upset at Serena, she does need to sleep!

Carolyn You will have to wait and see if Kira can really be trusted.

Part 29

Max paced angrily in the Crashdown. He glared at Nancy. Once everyone had arrived Max spoke.

"How could you let someone take Liz!" Said Max
"Max, I know you are upset. But in my defence I had put in messerse to kept her safe. Some how Nicholas got past them." Said Nancy
"Why the hell would this Nicholas take my sister!" Yelled Michael
"Nicholas is the leader of Khivar's army on Earth. He must know who Liz really is." Said Courtney walking in.
"What do you want?" Asked Maria
"If the offer is still good I want to help you." Said Courtney
"You help us get Liz back and defeat Khivar then you will be given your pardon." Said Max
"I talked to a couple of the others that are part of my group. They will not help but won't stand in your way either." Said Courtney
"Where would Nicholas take her?" Asked Alex
"Antar. He has a way to get in touch with Khivar. Khivar has a way to open a portal between Earth and Antar." Said Courtney
"Will he hurt Liz?" Asked Kyle
"He won't kill her. But it won't stop him from roughing her up." Said Courtney
"Do we have away to go after her?" Asked Max
"The Granilth should have the power we need to open a portal. But we need the key." Said Michelle
"What does this key look like?" Asked Isabel
"It is a crystal about a foot or so long with a gold wire around one end." Said Amy

Kyle grabbed a piece of paper and pencil and made a quick drawing.

"Something like this?" Asked Kyle

Nancy took the paper and looked at it. She them passed it on to the other protectors.

"That is it. Kyle have you seen it?" Asked Michelle
"Yeah. Tess had it in some of her stuff." Said Kyle
"Where is Tess now?" Asked Max
"She left with her some of her stuff earlier tonight." Said Jim
"Michael, you and Serena should go and check out the house she lived in with Nasado. Nothing was ever done with it." Said Max
"Come on shorty. Let's see if we can find the little bitch." Said Michael

They watched Serena and Michael leave. Max then turned to Isabel.

"Isabel think you can try and dreamwalk Liz? You know just in case they haven't left Earth yet." Asked Max
"Sure. Come on Alex." Said Isabel
"Now do any of you have a way to reach our people on Antar undetected?" Max asked the protectors
"Yes. I will get in touch with former Queen Darva. She may have a spy in the palace that can look out for Liz." Said Charles

Max nodded and tried not to go crazy about the fact that the only woman he would ever love was in danger.


Michael led the way up to the door of the house that Tess and Nasado had lived in from the time they showed up in town until Nasado had died. If in fact he was really dead.

"We will get our sister back right Mike?" Asked Serena
"Yeah. Nothing will stop us from finding our sister."
"Mike, we really need to find her before Khivar tries anything."
"What do you know that you aren't telling us?"
"Max and Liz haven't completed the bond between them. So it is in danger of being destroyed forever. If Khivar were to bond himself to her and get her pregnant then no matter what that child would be considered the heir to the throne. Liz has the Queen's seal. Max has the King's seal. But it only takes one seal to have claim to the throne."
"Liz would never be with that basterd willingly."
"Mike, when I connected with Liz, it was much deeper than even with you. I know Liz nearly as well as myself. There is one way she would be with Khivar willingly. That is if she could save someone she loves."
"What do you know about Kira?"
"Kira is Alex's younger sister and our cousin. She is an amplifier. She can increase the power of anyone she is touching."
"Nancy said she betrayed us."
"Not willingly. I have a faint memory of the night we died. She was under a mind warp that controlled her."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Kira loved us and Alex so much. She was really upset that she had to marry Khivar. It was her father's idea."
"If she can will she help Liz?"
"OK let's get the key from this bitch."

Michael pounded on the front door. Tess opened it and was surprised that Michael and Serena were there.

"Michael what are you doing here?" Asked Tess
"We need to talk Java." Said Serena with fire in her eyes.

Tess saw the lookin the other girl's eyes and knew she was in deep shit.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 29 8/5/17

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:18 pm
by Natalie36
tess better give them the damn key :x

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 29 8/5/17

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:44 pm
by keepsmiling7
yes, Tess is in big trouble and she needs to co-operate!

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 29 8/5/17

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:42 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 I don't think that Tess is going to have much of a choice once Serena and Michael get through with her.

Carolyn Tess will be lucky to get out of this alive if Serena has her way!

Part 30

Liz woke when she heard heavy footsteps coming through the door. She looked at the man and just knew who he was. He stood nearly six feet five inches tall. Had dark blond hair and blue eyes nearly as dark as a stormy sea. He smiled at her sending a shiver down her spine.

"Ah Elexa, so nice to see you again little Queen."
"I could have gone a million lifetimes never to have seen you again Khivar." Said Liz
"Let me guess my pain in the ass of a wife told you who I am."
"No. But it's that hard to figure out. I have never been stupid."
"That is true your Highness. Sometimes I think you were too smart for your own good."
"Yet that never stopped you from wanting me. Which I will never understand because you like control. I am not someone you would ever be able to control."
"Oh I think that you will be controlled or I will find your dear cousin's little girl and kill her. Kira must have forgotten that mind warping is not a strong skill for her. Not like Java."
"You won't get away with this."
"I already have. I have you. Well not that it really matters. You can hardly use your powers, and with the exception of your twin, the rest of the court either can't or hardly have tapped into their powers."
"You will never win."
"That is where you are wrong. But you can relax it will be a while before I will make you mine."
"I hope you burn in hell."

Khivar slapped Liz across the face.

"If I didn't need that seal inside your head I would kill you."

Liz felt tears fall down her face. Khivar stormed out of the room leaving Liz alone.


"Damn! It's no use Alex! I can't find Liz anywhere." Said Isabel
"Too bad Kira isn't here. I mean with her help you might be able to find Liz." Said Alex
"Do you remember her?"
"Not really. But I know that her special power was that she could boost others. I know that she was upset to marry Khivar."
"Why would she marry him then?"
"I think my father forced her to. It's not very clear."
"Do you think she will help Liz?"
"Yeah I do."
"I hope you are right Liz is going to need it."


Liz laid on the bed crying. She didn't notice the door open. She only noticed she wasn't alone when she felt a tiny hand on her. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at the little boy who couldn't be more then six.

"Hi sweetie. What are you doing here?" Asked Liz
"Hiding from mommy."
"What is your name?"
"Braydon, you are Queen Elexa right?"
"Yeah. But you can call me Liz."
"Mommy didn't betray you. The scary lady was in her head."
"How do you know? Did your mommy tell you?"
"No. I just know. Like I know you love the real King."

Liz looked up when she heard the door open. Kira walked in and looked at her son.

"Bray, you shouldn't be here." Said Kira
"Mommy, we need to get her out of here soon. If not daddy will really hurt her." Said Braydon
"Kira, do you understand what he is saying?" Asked Liz
"I think so. Bray, do you see pictures in your head?" Asked Kira
"Uh uh. I'm sorry mommy. I know I shouldn't of said nothing." Said Bray
"Oh sweetie! It's OK. How do you know what you are seeing is real?" Asked Kira
"Just do." Said Bray
"Kira could he have the same power as me?" Asked Liz
"It would be unusual. Normally women have the strong mental abilities while men have physical. You know men are better at things like healing and blasting. While women are better at dream walking and mind warping. Though we all can do everything to some degree."
"How will we get out of here? I mean if this guy here is right?" Asked Liz
"I can get us out. But I will not leave Bray here."
"I would never ask you too."
"Mommy daddy will know about the twins soon. We got to leave tonight." Said Bray
"Twins?" Asked Kira
"Twin girls. They will only be second in power to Liz and her sister." Said Bray

Liz raised an eyebrow at Kira.

"Yes I am pregnant. I didn't know it would be twins or girls. We know when we conceive. Just not all the details." Said Kira

Liz could see the fear in the other girl's eyes.

"So tell me cuz how do we get out of here?" Asked Liz

Kira just smiled and walked over to a panel on the wall and it slid open. Liz raised an eyebrow and followed Kira and Braydon into the dark passageway.


Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30 8/6/17

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:35 am
by L-J-L 76
Kivar is Major asshole. Can't wait till he is dead. Love the little boy. He is so cute and loveable. So the little boy has powers like Liz. That has to so cool and come handy. Finally Liz, Kira and her son are getting away from Kivar.

L-J-L 76

Re: Real Destiny (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30 8/6/17

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:29 am
by keepsmiling7
Twins for that's interesting.....
Brayden is a precious little boy!