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Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 26 4/15/18

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:39 am
by L-J-L 76
Hope you are coming back for more really soon.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 27 4/17/18

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:16 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Don't worry Lisa will be taken care of. Max and Liz aren't going to rush things right now.

Carolyn It is easy to confuse fic charters. So no harm done. I am reading the one where "Tommy" is a villain too. Lisa isn't going to stop doing everything she can to get what she wants. Just wait until you find out what she has done to Liz!

Part 27

Liz clocked out grabbed her coat and headed out the back after telling Maria and Emily she was leaving. Liz started to walk to the bus stop a block from the restaurant when a Jeep pulled to a stop next to her.

"Liz get in I will give you a ride." Called Max through the open window.
"I'm fine Max."
"Liz, please. We are friends now. I want to give you a ride."

Liz sighed and climbed in. She put on her seatbelt and Max headed for their houses.

"You ok?" Asked Max
"My mother showed up."
"She upset you?"
"She still is insisting I marry Bobby. She doesn't care that he could have killed me. That if you hadn't found me I could have died that night."
"Did Serena tell you I was the one that found you?"
"No. I was just barely conscious when you found me. I heard your voice. That was when I slipped fully unconscious."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I was too weak. Max, it took all the energy I had left to stay awake. I knew if I didn't fight to stay conscious until someone found me, I might not wake up again."
"Liz, what are you studying in school?"
"I'm a biology major with a minor in education. Why?"
"You seem to have a good grip on how the body works."
"What about you Max? What do you want to be?"
"I am pre med. I want to be a pediatrician. I like kids."
"That is cool. You and Serena have a lot of the same classes don't you? I know she is pre med too."
"Some, that is why we study together. Kyle is studying education and sports medicine. He plans to be a teacher and athletic trainer at a high school."
"I can see him doing that."
"Did Bobby have any plans if football didn't work out?"
"No. All he cares about football. His father encouraged him in only doing well enough in school to stay eligible to play and get in a good school. University of Texas is a good school for football I guess."
"Yeah. Liz, I maybe out of line asking this. But if you have no feelings for Bobby why did you have sex with him?"

Liz sighed. Why did she give up her virginity to someone that she knew she would never love and most likely would never love her.

"I don't know. Max, my dad and Serena are the only ones that I can remember telling me they love me. My mom doesn't believe in love. She only believes in money. All I know is after sex with Bobby, I always felt dirty and used. I will be going to therapy soon. Until I figure out who I am and why I let myself be controlled for so long, I really can't move on with my life."
"Are you going to have the surgery on your wrist?"
"Eventually, I can't while I am pregnant. Max, if we do end up going through with the marriage thing to keep me from Bobby, I want you to know if it comes to my life or this baby's, I want you to save the baby."
"Liz, I don't know if I could make that choice."
"Max, I know it is a lot to ask. But an innocent life shouldn't be cut off before it has a chance to live just because some of it's DNA came from a bastard."
"I will honor your wishes if I have to make the choice. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."
"Thank you."

Liz closed her eyes and prayed that Max would never have to make a choice like that. It wasn't like she wanted to die. She just didn't want the innocent life growing inside of her to die either. She knew if this baby was a girl that Bobby wouldn't care about it.

"Liz, were home." Said Max pulling her from her thoughts.
"Thanks for the ride Max."

Liz got out of the car and headed I to her dad's house to go lay down. Max watched her knowing that it was going to be hard to head back to school in a few days.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 27 4/17/18

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:35 pm
by keepsmiling7
Max asked Liz a fair question regarding sex with Bobby.
They are beginning to know each other, and find out what their future looks like.
Liz is already attached to the baby.......and I hope it is a girl because Bobby wouldn't be interested at all.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 27 4/17/18

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:14 pm
by L-J-L 76
So very glad that Max and Liz are getting to know each other. Wow Max asked a good question. Hopefully Max and Liz will be able to know each other before Lisa and Bobby do something to Liz. Hopefully Max and Liz will be married before Lisa, Bobby do something.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 27 4/17/18

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:26 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Max and Liz are getting to know each other. Liz is already attached to her baby.

L-J-L 76 Yes Max and Liz are getting to know each other.

Part 28

Liz was laying on her bed trying to rest when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Said Liz

Michael opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Hey Liz. I know you are resting but there is a police officer here that wants to talk to you. He said he is Kyle's dad." Said Michael
"I'm coming."

Liz got off the bed and followed Michael down the stairs. She saw her dad talking with the officer.

"Sorry to wake you Lizzie." Said Jeff
"It's ok dad. What can I do for you officer?" Asked Liz
"Actually it's Captain Valenti Miss Parker." Said Jim
"Sorry. What can I do for you?"
"What can you tell me about Bobby Jackman?" Asked Jim
"Bobby is very controlling and doesn't like to take no for answer." Said Liz
"Would you say he is capable of rape?"
"More then capable. Captain, Bobby was taught by his father that women are to be owned. That what a man wants is all that matters. He took me to a party, he went off with his friends to drink. He ignored me until he saw me talking to another guy. He dragged me out of the party broke my arm told me he owned me and forced me to have sex before leaving me at the hospital."
"Did he rape you?"
"I guess it could be seen that. But I never said no. But I never agreed to it either."
"Miss Parker, Kyle told me he put you into the hospital."
"A little over a month ago. I told him that I didn't want to be with him. That is when I was told that my mother made a contract for me to marry Bobby and she would get half a million dollars."
"A contract to marry? Surely when he beat you into the hospital she cancelled it."
"No she didn't. My ex wife only cares about money. She disowned Serena as a small child. She took Liz in the divorce in hopes that she get her to see things her way. That money is the most important thing. Love is nothing." Said Jeff
"Thank you for your time Miss Parker." Said Jim


Serena paced in the baggage claim area for the flight that her grandmother was coming in on. She hated that this was as close to the gate she could get. But she also understood after what had happened on September 11th 2001. She broke into a big smile when she saw her grandmother coming up to her.

"Gummy bear!" Said Grandma Claudia wrapping her in a hug.
"Hi grandma."
"How is your sister?"
"Not to good grandma. Between Lisa and Bobby she is very lost."
"I never did like your mother. I have no idea what your father saw in her. Then for that woman to take and keep your sister from all of us"
"Well, Liz is an adult now. She decided to come home for the holidays with me."
"From what your father told me Liz will be staying with him for a while."
"Yeah. She needs to pull her life together."
"I understand that. By the way I though your father was picking me up."
"The police came by to talk to Liz. Dad wanted to be there in case he needed to call her a lawyer."
"Is your sister in trouble?"
"From what I heard it sounds more like that jerk she had been dating might be. She was being asked if Bobby was capable of rape."
"Well let's get to the house so I can see my other granddaughter."

Serena smiled and took her grandma's bag.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 28 4/19/18

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:11 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz told Jim everything. Well it seems Bobby is in major trouble. Maybe he will go to prison for Life. Love the way Grandma Claudia and Serena re with each other. Can't wait for Grandma Claudia to see Liz. And can't wait to find out for what Max and Liz will do.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 28 4/19/18

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:41 pm
by keepsmiling7
Yes, Captain......Bobby is more than capable of rape!
Jim got an earful regarding Liz's experience with Bobby.......and learned about Liza's contract.
Still hard to believe anyone would do something like that.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 28 4/19/18

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:45 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 It is good that Liz told Jim what she knows. But right now they Don't have e tough evidences to send Bobby to prison. But that will come.

Carolyn Yes Jim got an earful. If you think the contract that Lisa made is bad. Here you learn what those papers Pam took were.

Part 29

Philip read the documents that his wife got from her new client. He really needed to take these to the district attorney. If he was reading this right then Lisa Parker belonged in prison. He couldn't believe that a parent could do something like this to their own child. That instead of protecting her daughter this woman sold her out.

"Philip are you ok?" Asked Diane
"Right now I want to go after that so called mother of Serena and Liz and find out what is wrong with her."
"So it is as bad as I thought?"
"Diane, that woman sold her daughter's virginity for ten thousand dollars. She gets another five thousand for every month that boy sleeps with Liz."
"Philip that is prostitution!"
"I have to turn this over to the district attorney. They then can take it to a judge and supeana both Lisa Parker's and Raymond Jackman's bank records."
"Is that enough for them to do that?"
"Yes, Liz was only fifteen at the time these documents were drawn up. If that woman didn't tell the IRS about this money which I doubt she did then she could face charges of tax evasion as well. But I am not an expert on that."
"Liz has suffered so much."
"There is more. Liz is pregnant, and unless I can find another legal way out of that nightmare contract our son has agreed to marry her to keep her from having to marry that boy."
"Max hardly knows here!"
"I know. But he makes Liz feel safe. That is something she needs."
"Does he know about the baby?"
"Yes and if Liz's chooses to keep the baby he plans to be a father to it."
"We raised a good man."
"Yes we did."


Liz had gone back to laying in her room after captain Valenti left. She knew Serena would be back soon with Grandma Claudia. It had been a long time since she had seen her father's mother. She never knew her mother's parents. Her mom had cut ties with them before she was even born. There was a knock on her door and Liz sat up on the bed before calling out.

"Come in."

The door opened and a woman with gray hair came in and wrapped her in a warm hug.

"Oh honey bear! It is so good to see you again!"
"I missed you grandma." Said Liz softly
"Stand up and let me get a good look at you."

Liz stood up and Claudia looked over her granddaughter. The spark that had been in Liz's eyes as a little girl was gone and replaced with the look of someone that was lost.

"Liz, darling everything will be ok. You are with your family."
"Grandma, my life is a mess."
"Honey bear, things will get better. Your dad and Nancy love you and will help you anyway that they can."
"I know, but unless Mr. Evans can find another way the only way to get out of that contract my mom made is to get married before Bobby gets drafted, unless he goes to prison."
"Is there a young man you like? That maybe willing to marry you?"
"Max Evans, is a friend and said he would. But I know he wants more then friendship from me. He understands that I need time before anything more then friendship between us."
"Max is a good young man. He will wait until you are ready for that kind of relationship."
"I know."

Claudia placed a kiss on Liz's head and just held her granddaughter.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 29 4/20/18

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:52 pm
by L-J-L 76
Finally Philip and Jeff are going to be able to get Liz out of the contract. Hopefully the district attorney will be able to help Jeff and Phillip get Liz out of the contract. Love how Grandma Claudia is there for Liz. Will district attorney be able to help Philip? How will Philip get the district attorney to help Philip? Will Liz get out of the contract? Will Liz and Max get married? Will Lisa, Bobby or Richard try to stop Liz from breaking the contract? Will Max and Liz get married before Bobby, Lisa and Richard do something? Will Max and Liz spend time together and get to know each other? Will Max, Micheal, family and friends protect Liz from Lisa and Bobby? Will Max and Liz fall in love with each other? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 29 4/20/18

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:09 pm
by keepsmiling7
Good news about involving the District Attorney, and especially the IRS!
The Evans did raise a nice young man, and a caring individual.
Grandma Claudia is a real blessing to this family......along with Jeff, Nancy and Serena.