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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 25 1/22/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:22 am
by L-J-L 76
Max needs to stop being a jerk to Zan. Zan thought he was kissing Ava not Liz. It seems more things are coming to light. Don't know what to think about Ava and Max kissing. So glad Serena told Michael and the others the truth. Hopefully what Serena told them will be helpful. So now Michael and friends are going to look for Max and Liz. Hope Michael and friends get to Max, Liz, Zan, Ava first.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 25 1/22/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:55 am
by keepsmiling7
These doubles have been causing problems, in the past and present......
Interesting.....Serena is the backup plan.
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 25 1/22/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:11 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Well let's hope that Max can get over Zan kissing Liz. I agree that none of the gang should be left alone with Rath and Lonnie on the loose.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 26 1/24/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:51 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Twenty-Six
<Evans Cabin>
Ava statement sent the room into chaos. Zan was the first object.

“My bonded wife will not be kissing anyone.”

“Bonding didn’t stop you from kissing my wife. Besides I have no intentions of kissing anyone but Liz.” Liz finally found her voice she could see the logic in Ava’s proposal. “I think it is a good idea. Max, you will not understand that it didn’t mean anything to me or Zan unless you experience it yourself. I agree with Ava. We have enough enemies, you and Zan need to be able to trust each other.”

“Okay, but how will we going to do this. If I kiss her right now, I will already know it’s Ava, so it will not be the same.”

“Liz and I need to talk, I have an idea. Both of you boys need to behave while we are gone. Try to get to know each other.” Liz and Ava headed to the bathroom where they could have some privacy. The two women went over their plan and prepared.

“I’m sorry I’m a little possessive of Liz. This is the second time in in two months I have found another man in her bed. Nothing happened that time either. She had some bad advice from a future version of me. He thought I needed to be with Tess and not Liz. He had no clue Liz was my true mate.”

“Did this other guy live? I don’t think I would have survived if I lost Ava to another guy.”

“Yes, he survived. It took all my self-control, but I didn’t blast him to the next town. He dated Liz before we dated.”

“She dated someone before you?”

“Liz grew up thinking she was hundred percent human. The first time I saw her, I was drawn to her. I knew I was different. I watched her from afar never thinking we could be together. She was working in her family’s diner and was shot. I couldn’t let her die. I didn’t care about myself at that moment. I healed her in the middle of the restaurant. She then knew my secret but never ran from me. She wanted a relationship even though I was worried about her safety. Eventually Liz broke through my stubborn shell and we started dating. Everything was great until Tess and Nasado arrived in town. Tess told us I was her mate and former wife. I started getting visions of Tess. She had a book that had our faces etched in it. I kissed Tess. Liz still didn’t give up on me.

Then we found and activated the orbs. We thought that Tess was my Ava. Liz is a very noble person. She didn’t want to stand in the way of my destiny. She wanted me to focus on our people and do what was necessary to save our planet even if that meant we couldn’t be together.”

“She sounds so much like my Ava. She has quiet power like Liz. She can be very determined when she sets her mind to something. They are taking way too long. I don’t think we are going to like what they have planned.”

If as on cue, Liz and Ava emerged from the bathroom wearing identical outfits, hair and makeup.

“I hope you two behaved,” one of the women said to them.

“Ava?” Zan questioned.

“That is for Max to find out,” the other female responded. “This is what is going to happen. We are going to blindfold Max and Zan. Then Max is going to join us on the bed. Liz will start kissing you. She is going to stop and start several times and move from the bed. At some point, Ava is going to take Liz’s place and kiss you. We promise you will be able to tell the difference.”

“Why do I have to wear a blindfold?” Zan asked.

“Because you don’t need to see Ava kiss Max. We both decided that once experiment is over, we will both get some alone time with our mates.”

“Okay, ladies let’s get this over with.”

Max sat on the bed. The blindfolds were placed on Max and Zan. Max was pushed to the center of the bed. Liz was on the right side and Ava on the left. Liz climbed up on Max’s torso and started kissing him. Liz could feel his arousal growing. She continued to stoke his fire. Liz was lost in her Max world and forgot Ava and Zan were in the room. Ava nudged her to stop. Liz waited five minutes for her body to stop racing. Both her and Ava left the bed for a few minutes before returning.

Liz picked up where she left off. She started kissing Max again. In a few minutes she found herself rolled over onto her back and Max on top of her. Ava tapped Max on the shoulder to get him to stop. Liz and Ava disappeared to the bathroom. They decided Max had been tortured enough. Ava assumed Liz’s position on the bed. “Max, I love you,” Ava told him before kissing him. Max had an immediate reaction. His heart rate returned to normal and so did the rest of his body. Max pushed her away.

“Enough!” Max roared as he pushed Ava away. “You made your point. I was ready to make love with my wife once again, but the moment she kissed me I knew she wasn’t Liz. I’m sorry I went nuts on you Zan and I’m sorry I ever had a moment of doubt Liz. Please forgive me.”

“You are forgiven Max. I love you and you will be the only man I will ever want or need.”

“It’s okay bro. The thought of you kissing my Ava was driving me crazy. I know what you were feeling when you found me with Liz. I think we are both pretty damn lucky that we have these two women that love us despite our flaws.”

The two brothers shook hands to mend their new relationship. The sisters shared a hug and a knowing smile.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 26 1/24/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:09 am
by Roswelllostcause
Well at least that is over with.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 26 1/24/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:15 am
by keepsmiling7
Let the games begin.......hope that proved the point.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 26 1/24/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:49 pm
by L-J-L 76
Love how Liz and Ava made a point to Max and Zan. Now they need to be with their wives for a few then hopefully come up with a plan to handle Rath, Lonnie, Tess. Fingers crossed that whatever they have planned will end them for once in for all.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 27 1/28/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:02 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Twenty-Seven

<Trans Am heading north toward the cabin>

“According to Mapquest, it should take us about an hour to get to the Evans cabin,” Lonnie told Rath.

“Well, I have a Trans Am I can make in under an hour babe.”

“Hopefully, Ava hasn’t found him and told him about Zan.”

<Evans Cabin – Master Bedroom>

“I love you so much, baby. You look hot with your black leather mini skirt, purple and silver streaked hair, halter top, 3-inch heels, and tramp stamp baby. Do you know how much you turned me on? I didn’t care that Zan and Ava were in the room. I wanted you. I needed you so much. Do you really forgive me for doubting you?”

“Max, you are forgiven. Now shut up and let’s make love.”

<Evans Cabin – Isabel’s bedroom>

“Angel, I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad soon. You don’t know how happy this news is to me. You are carrying our child. A product of the love we share. I look forward to being here every step along the way. I thought I was happy just be reunited with you but to learn we are going to parents makes this the best day of my life.”

“Zan, it still hard for me to believe that you are alive and well. I was devastated when I thought I lost you for good. Helping Max became my only purpose. When I found out about the baby last night, I was beyond thrilled with the idea that I would be able have a part of you with me. This is the happiest day of my life knowing that we will be able to raise our child together.”

<Master Bedroom>

Max and Liz foreplay was escalating quickly. Liz’s halter top had already been removed. Liz had removed Max’s shirt. She was working on his jeans. They shared a deep kiss. Liz immediately froze.

“Liz sweetie is something wrong?”

“They are coming. I could see Rath and Lonnie. I think Tess and Nasado are coming as well.”

“We better tell Ava and Zan, so we can prepare.”

“We have to get dressed first.” Max and Liz quickly restored their clothing and headed down to the stairs to the bedroom.

<Isabel’s bedroom>

Just moments before, Ava froze as her and Zan were in a deep kiss.
“Ava, you had a premonition?”

“Yes, we need to get dressed and get Max and Liz.” Both where dressing themselves when they heard the knock on the door.

“Ava, Zan. We need to talk. I wouldn’t interrupt you unless it was important.” Liz sounded worried. She hated to interrupt Ava when she just got Zan back.

“No worries, Liz. I have an idea want you want to talk about. We will be out in less than a minute.” Ava replied.

“Liz, you had your first premonition, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Lonnie and Rath are definitely on their way. I think that Tess and Nasado could becoming as well.”

“My premonition was similar, but it was of Kyvra and Toano along with the remainder of your group. There was another girl with Michael and Isabel. I don’t have a clue who she is though.”

“Tess and Nasado are Kyvra and Toano?”

“I have every reason to believe it. Everything you have told me about Tess makes sounds so much like Kyvra.”

“Who is Toano?” Max asked.

“He is Kyvra’s uncle on her mother’s side of the family. He was her closest adviser. More than likely he was the one that got her to earth to protect her from Kivar. It was probably his idea to make you think she was the real Ava from your group. She would have easily agreed. She was always in love with Zan. She didn’t take his rejection well.”

“Damn, we are being caught in the middle again between Kyvra and Kivar. You know that Lonnie is most likely doing Kivar’s bidding.” Zan expressed his frustration with his so-called sister.

“This time we will be prepared. There will be no surprise attack. They are in for a rude awakening if they think they can separate me and Liz again.”

“I right with you bro. My sister and so-called brother are in for payback.”

“I’m going to try to call Maria to give her the heads up. They need to be aware what is going on.”

“Maria, it’s Liz. We need to make this quick. Are you headed to the Evans’ cabin?”

“Yes, Michael, Isabel and a new friend named Serena are in the Jetta. Valenti has rest of us minus Tess in his SUV.”

“Great. Max and I have our duplicates from the New York set with us. They are not evil. The duplicates of Michael and Isabel are a different story. They tried to kill Max’s duplicate Zan. Tess and Nasado can’t be trusted. We believe they are all headed to the cabin. Listen Tess and Nasado and Lonnie and Rath are not on the same side. There was a power struggle between Tess and her brother, Kivar, for the throne. Lonnie was on Kivar’s side. Please take care and call Isabel’s phone and let Michael know. I have it on good authority that Serena can be trusted.”

“Take care, Liz. Remind Max that he promised to protect you with his life.”

“He knows Maria. I have a little fire power of my own these days.”

<Valenti’s SUV>

“What did Liz have to say?” Alex inquired.

“I have to call Isabel. Hey Isabel. Liz called. She confirmed everything. Max and Liz are with Ava and Zan. Rath and Lonnie are evil. They tried to kill Max’s double Zan. Tess and Nasado can’t be trusted. They believe that the evil groups are headed to the cabin. There was a power struggle between Tess and her brother on Antar. Lonnie appears to be on Kivar’s side. She made a comment that she has her own firepower now. She said that Serena could be trusted.”

“Thanks Maria. I will let Michael and Serena know.”

“Did you get all of that?” Maria asked the occupants of the SUV.

“Liz is one of them and she has firepower. Serena can be trusted. Lonnie, Rath, Tess and Nasado are evil and can’t be trusted. Lonnie and Rath and Tess and Nasado are on different sides in the war. Our little Lizzie has her own alien powers.” Alex summarized.

“So now Liz is an ass kicking alien. We all know the first person she will blast if she gets a chance.” Kyle said with a chuckle in his voice.

“You better believe it and the bad part is we won’t get to see it. The alien home wrecking hussy is going to pay, and we will be safely away from the action." Maria pouted.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 27 1/28/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:02 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Oh I can't wait for Liz to blast that trampy homewreaker to kingdom come!

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 27 1/28/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:16 am
by keepsmiling7
Can't wait for this big reunion at the Evans cabin!