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Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:21 pm
by Djinn
Yeah, should have mentioned this a while ago, but I got a temporary job which is pretty tie consuming so I'll be in communicado for a couple of weeks.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:21 am
by madroswellfan
Okay going on tour in three days so if my characters need to be temped Storm, Faith, Karen and Fehr'sBear have permission to do so. I should get time to post for them on the 8th and 9th before going away again,. but no promises.


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:05 pm
by StormWolfstone
Okay... this isn't directed at any specific person or anything... I just want everyone to know that I'm REALLY SORRY THAT I HAVEN"T BEEN ABOUT...

What I'm pasting here is something that is also in my live journal. I am going to try my best to CATCH UP everywhere that I owe asap... but as you'll see I have a great deal to do...

okay, so I am hearing on a regular basis other people saying... "I can't do this, I can't handle this. I have too much to do...." well Damn it I say BUCK THE F*** up!

I'm getting sick of it. People give these small lists of things they have to do and I'm like... well let's see I can think of three people who have more then they do to get done. I may say that I'm swamped or going crazy ready to pull my hair out, but I'm not complaining as much as so many other people do.

So... I decided just so that people are aware of why I'm not always online or available... and why I'm not able to post regularly or up to date my nice little itinerary which seems to grow each damned day along with what I'm going through at the moment.

First: Reg life issues
1) The man I love is in a situation where he is stuck being with someone that is mentally unstable in order to keep a roof over his bleeding head until I can get a job and a place of my own.

2) I have no job and it seems like everything I bleeding try to do to get one falls flat.

3) Unemployment denied me and I'm having to file a damned appeal.

4) I have been having chest pains, the same type of pains that when I had them about five years ago turned out to be the result of mini-strokes.

5) I have no money and several things that need to be done.

6) I don't yet have my wheelchair from Florida and am scared to death that I won't have it by the time Dragon*Con comes around and will end up falling flat on my ass because of my damned Fibromyalgia flaring up.

7) In 11 days time it will be the birthday of my first love... this is the sixth year after he died that I have been effected by it and seem to be drawing into a depression. (So forgive me if I'm short with you.)

8) Because of the situation my boyfriend is in, I barely get to talk to him and worry constantly.

9) Nightmares wake me when I do sleep, rather often. I rarely have a night in the last three weeks that I haven't relived a specific nightmare where Dustin gets killed. These sorts of dreams in the manner that I'm having them often lead to become more like visions.

10) My oldest nephew is going through HELL with his father to the extent that he was handed back to the man after the man admitted to the judge, right to her blasted face that he has hit my nephew several times.

11) I learn that my 8 year old niece… who shouldn’t be by now, is wetting the bed. If something wasn’t going on in that house, she wouldn’t be doing that (because she has no physical diagnosis for such a thing).

12) My grandfather’s health isn’t all that great at the moment.

13) One of my friends is stuck in situation where she loves one person and is in love with another, but the person she’s involved with (the one she loves) is also kind of dangerous and she’s afraid of what he’ll do if she leaves him either to himself or others.

Okay… now that the personal life stuff is kind of taken care of… the things I need to do before August 25th.

1) Make certain Business Plan for DMI is completed.
2) Make certain that Articles of Incorporation is done properly.
3) Make certain Bylaws are written correctly.
4) Get Policies written.
5) Get larger based financial projections done.
6) Make flyers/business cards/brochures for DMI
7) Write investors proposal.
8) Send all the above items when completed to GA to someone who is going in front of a board to see about gaining the investors
9) Make certain Wolvie gets bus ticket.
10) Get myself to a doctor so I can try to get some sort of medication to aid with pain relief (would help a great deal for D*C)
11) Find a way to get to my sisters who now has my w/c with her.
12) Get a job
13) Contact states where fundraising will be done to start and get registration fees and applications listings.
14) Make certain that cast is caught up on things that are necessary.
15) Make certain that Assistants are set.
16) Make certain that panelists are still interested.
17) Make certain staff is all taken care of and no last minute issues have come up.
18) Print up any necessary information.
19) Make up medical cards for staff/assistants/panelists/cast

20) Find buzzers for jeopardy (still looking for those)
21) Make certain all panels necessities are set.
22) Find a way to the final Directors meeting.
23) Find a way to catch up on all my RP’s
24) Set up fanfiction awards categories on my fanfic board.
25) Finish my part of jeopardy.
26) Get with people on the Costume Contest to make certain things are in order as needed.
27) Get some clothing that I can fit into.
28) Get my hair cut professionally for once.
29) Fight the appeal I made for unemployment.
30) Put together client paperwork files.
31) Write a full business plan for a profit business.
32) Write another non profit business report
33) Write two more Articles of Incorporation.
34) Write two more Bylaws
35) Write company policies.
36) Financial projections for these two as well.
37) Begin grant writing process for all three.
38) Get aquainted with Powerpoint, Photodraw, Excel (all over again), Front Page, Access, Publisher.
39) Set things up on all of my boards.
40) Make certain several files on comp are backed up. Music, writing, pics etc.
41) Defrag comp
42) Draft charity contact proposal.
43) Complete forms for larger clientele
44) Get some real SLEEP
45) Assist with TRD move
46) Plan things out with my Tribe Kindred Wolf
47) Find some way… or some time to de-stress. (If anyone wants to see what happens when I’m stressed, I can show a pic of how my skin ends up looking. Most get rashes or hives… I have neurodermatitis, which means I get nice little sores.)
48) Contact the Chamber of Commerce
49) Contact the State Secretary
50) Contact public relations in diff charities.
51) Speak to local SBA
52) Contact local college
53) Prepare things for the slumber party at D*C
54) And the list GOES ON............

There may be about.... ten items on the above list that I can put off if necessary... like My Health!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:48 am
by Fehr'sBear
Yeesh, I feel bad posting this after look at your list Storm. Sorry that you have so much to do, and hopefully life will turn around for the better. I'm just posting to say that I haven't had internet access for like three weeks, but it's up and running now. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:19 am
by KarenEvans
Welcome back Fehr.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:25 pm
by madroswellfan

Hello all! Man, its good to be back.

With that said...
The next three days I have FINALLY got a semi-job babysitting. I'm doing that all day tommorrow and friday (yawns)

And on thursday its my big results day for my A-levels.

In short...
Im going to be knackered so I will try and get caught up with posting asap, and will hopefully have everything done by the weekend :)

Thanks for understanding, and just so you all know, I missed you all very much :P


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:28 am
by aliensister
Hey everyone I just wanted to apologise with all my being for being MIA for the last couple of months....Life has been kicking me pretty hard but theres always someone worse off,!
I'm working harder to make sure all the RPG's that Im in get the proper amount of attention they deserve from me.
Again...Sorry for being Absent

Hugs Mellie aka Aliensister

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:30 am
by KarenEvans
Welcome back Melissa :D

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:52 am
by Zanssoulmate08
Okay ladies and gentledudes, here's the deal...

I'M BACK!!!!! :D YAY! While computer access is but a dream back home, I've just started school and should be able to post Mon-Fri.


Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:09 pm
by StormWolfstone
I know I'm still lacking in posts and I'm certain many of you are tiring of me being absent from the boards.... however I'm deeply hoping that by the weekend after Sept 4th I'll be back in action.... because much of the list I'd previously posted should be done by then and the event I've also been doing a great deal of planning for will be over then as well.

I'm going to try to post some before I leave next Wed for a week. I'll be going to Atlanta without net access :cry: